S. L. Allen


Geuda Springs.


Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1882.

GEUDA’S BOOM. The Coming Health Resort of the South West, Its Business and General Prospects.

On Wednesday of last week, in company with J. W. Scott, of Cadiz, Ohio, and his son, C. M. Scott, we made a flying visit to this new and prosperous burg, which is fast becoming one of the most popular health resorts of the West. Driving along on the east side of the Arkansas River, through a magnificent farming country, now adorned with waving fields of golden grain, in some instances already bending before the harvester, we could not help but feel how glorious a country this was of ours. About four miles up the river, from Arkansas City, as Geuda looms into view, one can hardly realize that a few short months ago the present thriving town did not exist; not even on paper. Crossing the river on the ferry, run by W. V. McCormick, we climbed the river bank and came in full view of the town of Geuda, glistening in the sunshine of a bright June day, about one mile distant. Upon arriving at our destination, and having turned our team over to the care of D. A. McIntire, formerly one of Arkansas City’s liverymen, we looked around with a view to dinner, and were directed to the Hotel run by J. A. Notestine, where we partook of as good a meal as one could wish, but totally unlike the bill of fare we indulged in, on nearly the same spot, ten years since. 

After refreshing the inner man, we took in the town, and an idea of its goaheadativeness will be inferred from the following list of its places of business.

There are two carpenter shops, one of Allen & Son, and the other is run by M. B. Wilson.

Cowley County Courant, June 29, 1882.

The following charter was filed in the office of secretary of state yesterday: Geuda Spring Hotel Company, Capital stock $50,000. The following named persons are the directors for the first year: J. R. Musgrove, W. N. Hubbell, O. M. Bieles, C. R. Mitchell, S. L. Allen, F. L. Davis, and Geo. A. Cutler, all of Geuda Springs, Kansas.

[Note: The above item was the last that I found on S. L. Allen. MAW]