W. M. Allison


Newspaper Man.
Tisdale, Winfield, Wellington.
Number 1, volume 1, of the Telegram, was published at Tisdale on the 12th day of September, 1872, by W. M. Allison. Five numbers were issued at Tisdale, and on the 28th of November No. 6 was published at Winfield by Allison. In the month of January, 1873, Allison associated with him A. H. Hane, under the firm name of Allison & Hane, who published the paper until the 20th of March, when Hane was succeeded by A. B. Steinberger (now of the Howard City Courant). Allison & Steinberger dissolved July 3, 1873, since which time Allison has published the Telegram. The press on which the Telegram is now published is of the same manufacture and age of the Meeker press. Allison has edited the paper since it started.
The Cowley County Telegram was started at Tisdale September 12th, 1872, by Will M. Allison, to fill the great want of a newspaper at the “geographical center.” After issuing five weekly numbers at Tisdale, the office was moved to Winfield. In January 1873 Allison associated Arthur H. Hane with him, in its publication, and March 20th, Hane was succeeded by Abe B. Steinberger. Steinberger retired July 3, 1873, and Allison continued the publication alone, until 1878, when Bret Crapster was associated with him, and a Daily Telegram was started in connection with the weekly. In 1880 Crapster retired, and Charles C. Black was associated with Allison, a few weeks after which Black became the sole proprietor. He built a fine, large stone building for the Telegram office, and made the office one of the most complete in the state. On November 1, 1881, the Telegram, Daily and Weekly, ceased to exist. The Telegram was in its first years independent or granger in politics, but in its last years it was democratic.
Winfield Courier, January 13, 1881.
W. M. Allison has purchased the Sumner County Democrat and will take possession on the first of February. So says the Telegram. Mr. Allison graduated in a printing office in Illinois, we believe, a mere boy with a handful of type and a cheap press, commenced the publication of the Cowley County Telegram at Tisdale in 1872 with a dozen or two of subscribers and very little patronage. It  was then a time when the settlers were scarce and poor, and it was a struggle to make a living at anything, much more to build up a great newspaper from such small beginnings. After working there a few months he removed to Winfield, the county seat, and here began work in earnest. He encountered a thousand difficulties and discouragements, but he had faith in the future of this county and indomitable pluck. Year by year he increased his subscription list, his printing material, his presses, and the size of his paper, until his paper was one of the largest county weeklies in the State, his office was well stocked, and his circulation and patronage large for any Kansas county. In addition to his weekly he had been publishing a daily for some time, when last summer he sold out his office, made valuable by years of hard work, to C. C. Black. Mr. Allison is a newspaper man of much talent, and perseverance; and if he has his faults, cowardice is not one of them. We wish him every success in his new field of labor.
Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.
We have received the first number of “The Wellingtonian,” the successor of the Sumner County Democrat. It is a bright sheet and set up in the best style. W. M. Allison in his salutatory talks sense. He says he starts in on purely business principles, he does not owe the people anything, and he has no claim upon them. He shall not beg for favors, but expects to give full value for everything received. He offers his paper and his work to the people just as a man in any other legitimate business should do, and solicits patronage on the merits of his paper and his work. 
Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.
Vale, Courant.
The Cowley County Courant, Daily and Weekly, is dead. The Daily died on July 1st after eight months of fitful existence. The Weekly lingered until last week and died at the age of eight months and a week. The remains were taken in hand by George Rembaugh and Sam E. Davis, and from its ashes a “thoroughbred” democratic weekly will be raised up. It will assume the name of Telegram, and once more the old condition of things is resumed, and the Courier and Telegram, as in days of yore, will represent the principles of the two great political parties. And it is better for all that this is the case. The interests of the county, the state, and the nation demand that there be two active, belligerent parties. There is a good, strong democratic minority in this county, and it needs an organ. Now that it has one, we hope to see it well supported. Messrs. Rembaugh and Davis are live, energetic young men and can do the work as well or better than anyone we know of. Mr. Davis is a life-long democrat, by birth and education, and should have the full confidence and support of his party. The suspension of the Courant but illustrates what we have all along known to be a fact—that it is impossible to bore a three inch hole with a two inch augur. Mr. Allison tried it and was bruised. Mr. Black got all he wanted and let go. But to Mr. Steinberger belongs the honor of mashing the old thing all to pieces.
W. M. Allison, 25. No spouse listed.
Kansas 1875 Census, Winfield Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Nameage sex colorPlace/birth Where from
Wm. Allison [Editor]27  m wIndianaIndiana
W. M. Allison, 29. No spouse listed.
Winfield Messenger, August 16, 1872.
Mr. Allison, editor of the embryo Cowley County Telegram, soon to be started at Tisdale, called on us last Monday. He informed us that Tisdale proposes to contest the bond election, and see if Missouri apple peddlers have a right to vote in Cowley County. Next.
Winfield Messenger, Friday, October 11, 1872. Front Page.
Convention called to order by A. N. Deming, Chairman of Central Committee. Committee on organization was appointed and reported Judge McIntire as chairman and W. M. Allison as secre­tary. Committee on resolutions was appointed: Judge R. B. Saffold; C. P. Spaulding, H. H. Constant. Short speeches made by A. N. Deming, A. Walton, Mr. Chase, and others.
Results of informal ballot for representatives.
A. N. Deming, 26; C. P. Spaulding, 6; J. G. Young, 2. Mr. Spaulding withdrew; on his motion, A. V. Deming was nominated by acclamation.
Results of informal ballot for District Clerk: J. E. Dunn received 19, Mr. Boutwell 10, Kerns 2. A formal ballot was then taken, which gave 22 for Dunn and 13 for Boutwell. On motion of Mr. Boutwell, J. E. Dunn was nominated by acclamation.
PROBATE JUDGE: Formal ballot, T. J. Johnson received 24, A. A. Jackson 5, Boutwell 2. Johnson was declared the nominee.
COUNTY ATTORNEY: Judge R. B. Saffold was nominated by acclamation.
SUPT. PUBLIC INSTRUCTION. Dr. D. N. Egbert was nominated by acclamation.
The following Delegates and alternates were appointed to attend the Senatorial and Judicial conventions to be held at Wichita the 12th inst.: Judge R. C. Saffold, Judge McIntire, J. F. Paul, and C. P. Spaulding. Alternates: T. H. Benning, Dr. Wilkins, A. Walton, and W. M. Allison.
After the election of R. B. Saffold, J. F. Paul, and A. A. Jackson, as County Executive Committee, the convention adjourned. W. M. ALLISON, Secretary.
[The Winfield Courier was established at Winfield, Kansas, on January 1, 1873, by R. S. Waddell & Co., with R. S. Waddell being the editor. The presses, type, and material were entirely new, and in good condition. On March 27, 1873, the paper was sold to James Kelly, who became the editor. On November 11, 1875, E. C. Manning succeeded Kelly as editor. On August 16, 1877, the Winfield Courier went into the hands of D. A. Millington and A. B. Lemmon, with the former as principal editor. In January 1879 Lemmon retired, having sold his interest to Mr. Millington.]
Winfield Courier, Saturday, January 11, 1873.
Board of County Commissioners met in County Clerk’s Office, January 6th, 1873.
Present, Frank Cox and J. D. Maurer.
Bills allowed:
W. M. Allison, printing: $17.75.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 13, 1873.
TISDALE, March 11th, 1873.
I have been watching with no small degree of interest, the movement in the political horizon of Cowley County.
Ever since our Greeley friends, Messrs. Allison, Saffold & Co. first began to cry “corruption,” I have been at a loss to know, what in the world induced them to discover such a mass of corruption; and to become so suddenly virtuous and spotless, and to disclaim so valiantly against the fraudulent manner in which the county is being run by the “ring.” But I think I can now begin to see through the mill-stone.
If Messrs. Allison & Co. can just manage these Farmers’ Meetings skillfully, and work them up to a point of “indignation,” that will induce said farmers leagues to put a ticket in the field, regardless of political parties, a peoples ticket, if you please, it will be a good thing for our Greeley brethren. Because amidst the eternal clatter of their cry of fraud, corrup­tion, stop thief, etc., they think it will be an easy matter to furnish the lion’s share of candidates for said “peoples ticket” among their number. . . . CONSISTENT.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 13, 1873.
We learn that Allison will change the name of his “indigna­tion meetings,” and hereafter call them “Love Feasts.” To add tone to the occasion, either Alec. or the silent-editor will pass the hat around. The widow’s mite accepted without grief.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 13, 1873.
“The new lamp of the Walnut Valley Billiard Saloon, is quite attractive. Of a dark night the invitation to “call and see Manse,” stands out in bold relief. And we are told that those who do call are served in good style and with a good article of stimulants for the inner man.” Telegram, March 6th.
“For ways that are dark and tricks that are vain,” the “China doll” of the Telegram is an accomplished hand. The above notice appeared in Allison’s paper the morning before city election, and we inquire again as we did at first sight of it, “Did he think that a nice little local like the above would win what he denominated to be the “whiskey ring” in support of the city ticket?” It is too thin, W. M., and we would not have thought that you would stoop so low from your high (?) moral and temperate standing as to give a saloon a complimentary local notice—just upon eve of election, at that. Try again.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 13, 1873.
Police Judge of Winfield.
Six Drunken Loafers.
Several members of Whiskey Ring on sidewalk.
Scene: Main street, Winfield, Kansas.
Time: March 12, 1873, at 4 p.m.
Police Judge: “I say, chappies, better go a little slow: this is a City now.”
First Loafer: “So you’re the Police Judge, are ye? Well, just go to h__l, go to h__l, G__d d__n ye!”
Second Loafer: “We’re running this institution now!”
Third Loafer: “Hurrah!”
Fourth Loafer: “Whoop-ee.”
Members of Whiskey Ring (In chorus). “Ha! Ha!”
(Exit Police Judge, leaving drunken men masters of the situation.)
Will His Honor, the Mayor, and the Council “rise to ex­plain,” why it is that they allow such proceedings as the above, after the piteous howl they made about electing a “temperance ticket.” CITIZEN.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 13, 1873.
MARCH 9TH, 1873.
Board met in county clerk’s office. Present: Frank Cox, O. C. Smith, and J. D. Maurer.
Action on bills against the county as follows:
Bill of Allison & Hane for county printing.
Claimed: $36.40; Allowed: $30.60.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 10, 1873.
I regret to learn from your local columns that two of our fellow citizens sold out an immense stock of beads, leggins, tomahawks, moccasins, and other warlike gear at your town the other day, and were compelled to borrow clothing to wear home. There is no reason in the world why you fellows should don savage attire. You are sufficiently “on your ear” among yourselves already; no need of war-paint or scarlet breech-clouts. I propose that Waddell, Allison, “mr. jackson,” “mr. bliss,” “mr. saffold” and all the rest, including the sheriff and deputies, don this sanguinary garb and have it out on the fair ground. It is likely that they would handle each other worse than “Oakes’s cat” was treated. (You see jokes do travel!)
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 8, 1873.
[From the Atchison Champion.]
WINFIELD, KAS., April 24, 1873.
Two newspapers are very well sus­tained, viz, the Winfield Courier and the Cowley County Telegram. The former has just removed into more convenient quarters—over the “Old Log Store”—and has a very fine office. This office does the county printing for L. J. Webb, to whom it was awarded. Jas. Kelly is the editor and proprietor. Allison & Steinberger are editors and proprietors of the Telegram, which is a well printed, seven-column weekly, and has a good circulation. R. A. H.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 15, 1873.
[Skipped: A long editorial attacking Allison of the Telegram.]
Answers to Correspondents.
JOHN MAC: Yes. It is generally understood that Allison, of the Telegram, did try to get a hundred dollars out of Major Durrow, by promising to support the railroad bond proposition.
EDITOR COURIER: I have heard it rumored that the editor of the Telegram offered to sell to Maj. Durrow for “one hundred dollars” the support and influence of his paper in the recent railroad bond election. I live in Winfield Township, am a farmer, and my name is not E. C. Manning, L. J. Webb, etc.; therefore, I do not want Mr. Allison to accuse any of those gentlemen of writing this inquiry. I simply make the inquiry in self-defense, as I always believed Mr. Allison to be the friend of my interest as well as of other farmers in the county. I did support the bonds and I know he did not through his paper, therefore if the compromise of principle was offered at a price to Maj. Durrow, I and many other readers of the COURIER and Telegram would be pleased to know it. T. M.
Winfield Township, May 10, 1873.
[T. M.:—Alas, for poor, weak humanity, and Mr. Allison of the Telegram in particular! We are afraid that it is too true. There can be no doubt that Mr. Allison did promise to support the bond proposition for a consideration, and that consideration was “one hundred dollars.” Major Durrow refused to pay him his price, and he then threatened to oppose the bonds.—EDITOR.]
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 22, 1873.
W. M. Allison has gone to Atchison to attend the editorial convention.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 22, 1873.
The coolest thing we know of is Allison & Steinberger attempting to get the City Council to allow their bill of $5.00 for printing tickets for the last city election. But thanks to the good sense of our city fathers, for not allowing the “little bill.”
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 27, 1873.
Skipped: Editorials re Telegram (Allison/Steinberger) getting city printing, trying to get $10 from railroad representative, trying to get $5 for printing from city that was denied.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 10, 1873.
RECAP. Thanks are given to the efficient officers and various committees appointed to carry out the programme on the Fourth. Col. J. T. Quarles was Marshal of the day, assisted by James Kelly, Esq., and W. M. Allison.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 7, 1873.
C. P. Spalding vs. Will M. Allison: continued.
Winfield Courier, August 28, 1873. Editorial Page.
“They had their posters printed at St. Louis, and announced in flaming type the most noted speakers of our state to be present, without, to our certain knowledge, previously inviting them. They held a meeting composed almost entirely of Copper­heads and Liberal Republicans. A few straight Republicans being in the meeting secured for C. M. Scott, of the Traveler and the Editor of this paper, a place on the committee on Resolutions.
“There was not a single person present at that meeting engaged in agricultural pursuits for a livelihood that we can think of just now, with one solitary exception. We know of a good many substantial farmers in and about town who were not there. We enumerate: J. D. Cochran, A. T. Stewart, John Lowery; C. M. Wood, A. Meanor, J. H. Land, Mr. Roberts, and several others whose names we cannot now recall, farmers in about town, of all political groups, that were not present and had no voice in the meeting at all.
“Who did manage it? Farmer Allison and Farmer Paul, gentlemen who perhaps never turned an acre of ground in all their lives, and who are certainly not now for years past been engaged in agriculture. . . .”
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 28, 1873.
At a meeting held by the children of Winfield on Wednesday of last week in the Methodist Church it was decided to have a picnic in Mr. Andrew’s grove on Friday Sept. 5th. The following committees were appointed.
To obtain the grove: E. Freeland and Cora Andrews.
To invite Brass Band: Callie Blandin and Nettie Quarles.
To attend to the dinner: Mrs. Tousey, Mrs. Wm. Maris, McClellan, Blandin, McMaster, Hill, Mrs. M. W. Palmer, Miss M. Bryant.
To attend to the refreshments: Messrs. Quarles, Hill, Baldwin, Ellis, Kelly, Allison, Torrance, Freeland, and Newlin.
To arrange seats, stand, etc.: J. Swain, Jas. Hill, Dever, Saint, Ray, and Smiley.
To arrange the swing, croquet, etc.: J. D. Cochran, Spencer Bliss, Mrs. Flint, Miss Mary Stewart, Rev. Lowry, and T. A. Rice.
Committee to see that the trees are not injured in any way: A. T. Shenneman, Sheriff Parker, M. L. Robinson.
On invitation: Mrs. E. P. Hickok, O. Lowry, M. Dever, Laura McMillen.
Chief Marshal: E. P. Hickok.
The children of the town and vicinity will meet in the Methodist church on that morning so as to start for the grove at 9 A.M. Outside districts are cordially invited to come and join with us in enjoying the day. Per order of the committee.
Winfield, August 27, 1873.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 28, 1873.
The closing scene of the political farce enacted by Allison, Paul & Co., on the 23rd inst. occurred in front of M. L. Read’s Bank Building. The hardy tillers of the soil who were in atten­dance upon the mass meeting through the day had departed, and with faces turned toward their personal benefit, were far beyond the sight and hearing of the Editor of the Telegram although still meditating upon the strange and remarkable texts furnished by him in his manifesto for their perusal. Mr. Allison exhausted with the prodigious labors of the day, and filled with chagrin on account of the terrible exposure of the frauds which he and his little political clique in Winfield had attempted to perpetrate upon the good farmers of the county walked to and fro on the shady side of Main Street. When lo! his little heart all swollen, he meets his old friend (?) the sheriff of Cowley County engaged in conversation with others upon the probable results of the day. From the drift of the conversation Mr. Allison gathers the fact that in the Sheriff’s opinion, the whole affair was characterized by a thinness which every farmer was likely to see through. Mr. Allison, a firm advocate of a Free Press, but not of Free Speech to others, resists the seeming imputation of failure in his day’s labors, and gives the Sheriff the lie, prefaced by a series of profane epithets. The Sheriff with appalling presumption returns the lie.
“O, death where is thy sting!” Allison searches for his sting. Forgetting its locality, he thrusts his hand into his bosom, but finds nothing but his fluttering heart. Memory returns, and with fiendish expectation he slaps his hand upon, that is, into his pocket; but there, alas! he finds nothing but his empty pocket book—Judge Adams had the contents. O, Parker, Parker! blessed by thy stars! Allison has left his stinger altogether behind. “Shall this miscreant live? No! I will be a lion in the heart of Parker, if not in the hearts of the people!” And so our little lion pounces upon Parker with claws and teeth. But unpropitious fate, in the shape of the arm of a bystander, stays the murderous work, and in saving a human life cheats the world of a modern hero. “I go, but I return.” Allison retires from the scene of the conflict, but in a few moments returns, whether with stinger or not, we know not. He finds his adversary in quiet conversation with a minister of the Gospel. Suddenly interrupting the conversation, and with stinging emphasis, he denounces a remark of the Sheriff’s as a d___d lie. The remark referred to was to the effect that Allison claimed to be the Farmer’s Friend. The Editor of the Telegram perceiving his mistake, and that he for once had been guilty of a contradiction, instantly withdrew to consider how he could reconcile the contradiction in the next issue of his paper.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 28, 1873.
The result of having work executed away from home is plainly visible in the Premium list for the coming fair. The mechanical part of the work looks very well, but the typographical errors, and misspelled names are amusing. We don’t wonder that the office that turned out the books was ashamed to acknowledge the work and printed Cowley County Telegram on the title page to convey the impression that they were printed at that “shop.”
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 4, 1873.
On Saturday morning we went to Winfield expecting to meet our brother farmers and spend the day socially with them, compar­ing notes of crops, profits, losses, experiments, etc. We hoped to take by the hand our friend, Renfro, and inquire after his horses and colts; to ask Mr. Cochran as to his corn crops in the valley and on the uplands; to congratulate Mr. Stewart and Capt. Lowery on their fine improvements and with them much happiness in their new residences; to obtain from Mr. Clingman some valuable information in regard to growing hedge; to inquire of Mr. Andrews of his brick making enterprise, and learn whether brick can be furnished so as to take the place of wood as a building material thus saving money in the county rather than sending it to the lumber men of Wisconsin and Michigan; to ask Mr. Davis and Mr. Holcomb of their fine Swine; to obtain some valuable information from Mr. Foos in regard to the management of the dairy, etc.
We reached the place of meeting through clouds of dust, and found about three hundred people present, but not our friends: Cochran, Renfro, Stewart, Lowery, Clingman, Andrews, Foos, Holcomb, etc. A few farmers were present, but they wore either a dissatisfied look, as though they had been sold, or a hungry look as though they would give their farms for a county office.
The farmers were called to order by J. F. Paul, CIVIL ENGINEER and OFFICE-HOLDER, who was then chosen president of the day, by previous arrangement, as would seem from the set speech he delivered upon assuming the chair. Mr. Allison, EDITOR, was chosen Secretary at the meeting. . . .
The next thing on the programme was the reading by the ENGINEER from the distinguished HOTEL KEEPER, I. S. Kalloch, explaining why neither himself nor his friend, Sidney Clarke, the LIGHTNING ROD PEDDLER, could be present. . . .
We have learned from our neighbors that after dinner the train ran off the track. The public generally blame the engineer and fireman for this catastrophe. They endeavor to lay the blame upon the switchman and brakeman from Arkansas City, who certain­ly, if report be true, used the switch most mercilessly, and neglected to apply the brake in time to save the concern from total wreck.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 11, 1873.
Let Allison tell if the COURIER has the ablest editorial corps of any paper in the Southwest: J. B. Fairbanks, E. C. Manning, T. H. Johnson, and until recently, L. J. Webb. We expect before long to add two or three more to our staff. And, by the way, it accounts for the Telegram’s editorial being so thin. Allison’s friends have all forsaken him, and he tries to write them himself.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 2, 1873.
Next Tuesday the farmers of Cowley County meet at Tisdale to nominate a Farmers’ Ticket, whereon none but the names of farmers and laboring men shall have a place, which leaves farmers Allison and Paul out in the cold.
Note: Following items show “Spaulding” instead of “Spalding.”...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 16, 1873.
The following cases will stand for trial at the October term of the District Court of Cowley County and have been placed upon the trial docket in the following order.
C. P. Spaulding vs. Will M. Allison.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 30, 1873.
Proceedings of the Cowley County District Court, to Oct. 29th, 1873, the Following Causes having Been Disposed of.
C. P. Spaulding vs. Will M. Allison, continued.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 13, 1873.
Mr. Allison, the editor of the Telegram, was arrested last week, on complaint of J. W. Hamilton, upon the charge of disturb­ing the peace (hearty peace). Upon a hearing before Squire Millington, he was acquitted.
Winfield Courier, November 20, 1873.
Since it became known that the senior editor of the COURIER signed Allison’s bond to keep him from going to jail last week, all the criminals and scalawags in the county have applied to him as surety. He desires to give notice that he is not doing a general bail business and only consents to bail such fellows as are of more use to him outside than inside the walls of a cell.
Winfield Courier, December 4, 1873.
Allison is up to Topeka making preparations for the meeting of the legislature. He expects to have things ready for it to meet by the middle of next month. He has not yet decided how long the session shall be this winter.
Winfield Courier, Friday, December 19, 1873.
Manning says that since the Telegram charges him with trying to get away with $150,000 of the county bonds, it is also report­ed that he is to pay Allison the one hundred dollars that Maj. Durrow owes him for supporting the bonds, as soon as the bonds are cashed and that consequently Allison’s landlord, washerwoman, barber, and other creditors have asked that he retain enough of the one hundred dollars in his hands to satisfy their claims.
Winfield Courier, Friday, December 26, 1873.
Last Tuesday evening a party of the very elite of the city met at the residence of Squire Millington to the number of about fifteen couples and until sometime after midnight made the Squire’s splendid double parlor floor ring with the heel and toe. A splendid impromptu supper was served at 12 o’clock to which the guests did ample justice, especially those hungry spongers Allison, of the Telegram, and the Editor of the celebrated COURIER. No better place than Squire Millington’s can be found to chase a few hours with flying feet. As hostess Mrs. Millington and her four charming daughters cannot be surpassed. Everyone who had the good fortune to be present came away highly pleased with the evening’s past time.
Winfield Courier, January 9, 1874.
Allison came to grief by having his pony come out behind in a race with Kimble’s horse last New Year’s day, a bad beginning for 1874 for Allison.
Winfield Courier, January 9, 1874.
We regret to notice that Mr. L. B. Paul has packed up his goods and removed with his family to Independence. Mr. Paul was a good citizen and an enterprising merchant, and his loss is deeply felt by our citizens.
Winfield Courier, January 9, 1874.
Every person in Cowley County who can raise enough money to pay half fare is going to Topeka as a delegate to the third house. Our worthy legislator, Hon. Wm. Martin, and his noon-day shadow, Allison, have already taken their departure and they will be followed in due time by W. W. Walton, R. L. Walker, E. B. Kager, James McDermott, James Kelly, and others too numerous to mention.
Winfield Courier, January 16, 1874.
The Telegram comes to us this week on time and looking better than usual, neither does it contain the usual amount of insults and dirt. W. E. Doud is now connected with the paper as publisher and editor, and bids fair to improve its character.
Winfield Courier, January 23, 1874.
Nate Robinson has moved his harness shop into the building formerly occupied by the Telegram office.
Winfield Courier, January 23, 1874.
Owing to the “stringency of the times,” the Telegram has been compelled to move out of its former office to cheaper quarters.
Winfield Courier, January 23, 1874.
He Refuses to Give Up His Railroad Passes.
He Renounces the Republican Party.
And now we have a word to say about Rev. Wm. Martin, the reformers’ representative from Cowley County. He made haste to get to Topeka four or five days before the Legislature met to join in a grand rally of the forces organizing to break up the Republican party under the head of what was called “opposition.” He signed a pledge to ignore party and adhere only to reform. Railroads and railroad monopolies were the special object of their hate. In the meantime they had all received and accepted passes from the railroad companies. Anthony, who is a Republi­can, in order to test the mettle of the reformers, introduced a resolution requiring every member to deliver his railroad pass to the Clerk of the House to be returned to the railroad companies. Rev. Martin and seventy-five others voted against allowing the resolution to be considered, thus keeping his passes and acknowl­edging his obligations to the hated monopolies.
On Monday last, there was a caucus of the Republican members of the Legislature at which there were present seventy-seven out of one hundred and thirty-nine members of both Houses, including Speaker McEckron. This number declared their fealty to the Republican party and pledged themselves to stand by it. Rev. Martin, of Cowley, went into the caucus but formally withdrew from it saying that he belonged to no party. How does this tally with the editorial of his manager, Mr. Allison, published in the Telegram immediately after the election, in which it was said that Martin’s election was not an anti-Republican victory, but an anti-Manning and McDermott victory? Martin seems intent upon “busting” the Republican party by abandoning it, and to “bust” the railroads by riding on them free.
Winfield Courier, January 23, 1874.
Allison, instead of staying at Topeka all winter as was his intention when he left here, has notified his partner that he will be home in a week or so.
Winfield Courier, January 23, 1874.
Our fellow townsman, W. W. Walton, was defeated in his race for assistant Chief Clerk of the House. He received ten votes and Mr. Allison of the Telegramreceived ten votes for the same place, but they were both beaten. Representative Martin support­ed Allison very warmly, so that it appears that a man can get just as many votes who is a candidate for a position from Cowley County without Martin’s assistance as with it. Before the result of the vote was announced, several men had changed their votes, thus making the record show that Allison received six votes and Walton only two.
Winfield Courier, February 20, 1874.
A Card.
ED. COURIER: Some pigheaded galoot whom I dare say pretends to belong to the genius homo, but one who, if he has a right to claim a place among the “species” certainly obtained that right through the latitude of the Darwinian theory, has seen fit to abuse me this week through the columns of the Telegram. Now the facts are these. This man with more initials than brains em­ployed me to make, and acknowledge a deed, for all of which service I charged him two dollars—which, I believe, is the usual price for such service. Now I have no objection to this many initialed individual employing some other attorney to do his business, but I don’t want him to assert through the public prints that I have charged illegal fees for service as County Clerk, or I shall certainly have him verify his statements.
Now in conclusion I have this to say to Mr. W. F. M. Lacy: I hope to do the business of my office in an efficient manner, and expect to charge the legal fees for my services. In the meantime if Mr. Lacy or anyone else gets me to make a deed, or any other legal paper, I shall expect to charge the fees that any other attorney would charge for the same services.
Yours, M. G. TROUP.
Winfield Courier, February 20, 1874.
Iron Point, in his items to the Traveler, alludes to the “side editor” of the COURIER. For what we will say to you here, sir, Iron Point, you need not go around the bush to find the “side editor” to lay the blame upon. What appeared in the COURIER last week, in reference to the records of the county, seemed to us then (and we have nothing to take back) to be justified by the facts.
We think so still. There is nothing in that article that could compromise you, if you could make a satisfactory explana­tion (which you had better have done than occupy your time attacking an imaginary “side editor” of this paper.). While the defunct Allison talked the way you do, we had nothing to say. But when such chat comes from an official of the county, a person from whom we might expect, at least, fair dealing, the matter changes; hence this article.
Winfield Courier, February 27, 1874.
District Court Docket.
The following are the cases which stand for trial at the March term A. D. 1874, of the Cowley County District Court, and have been placed on the docket in the following order.
7. Chauncy P. Spaulding vs. Will M. Allison.
 48. Will M. Allison vs. John N. Yerger.
Winfield Courier, April 10, 1874.
Spaulding vs. Allison, Compromised.
Winfield Courier, April 24, 1874. Editorial.
The editor of the Telegram is howling at the COURIER, charging it with having so much influence with the granges of Cowley County, and Representative Martin, as to prevent the bonding of the county indebtedness. Among other idiotic state­ments he asserts that it would take a direct tax of, from seven to ten, percent to pay the county indebtedness, which he asserts is $28,000. This modern Euclid don’t know that a tax of one and one-half percent upon the taxable property of the county would raise $30,000. The valuation of the property of the county last year was $1,260,963.33½. There were entered, prior to March 1st, 1873, 1,240 tracts of land, which were taxable last year; since which time, there has been entered and placed on the county clerk’s books 722 other tracts. Now, it is safe to estimate that the value of all property will have risen in the same proportion, or seven-twelfths more property for the purposes of taxation, then last year. This would give us a total valuation of $1,902,823. Then, including what mortgages can be taxed, and we have an aggregate in round numbers of $2,000,000. Then on a valuation of $2,000,000, a levy of one and one-half (1½) percent, instead of 7 or 10, as the Telegram has it, would wipe out the debt. Pick your flint and try it again, brother Allison, or come over and take lessons in Arithmetic of our devil. But we do not propose to make any extra levy this year, to pay off the entire debt. If we can pay one-half this year, and the remaining half, next, we can do so, and scarcely feel it.
We were not aware that the COURIER had so much influence with Mr. Martin, last winter, as to deter that gentleman from putting an enabling act through the Legislature. Had we then but known, the COURIER’s most potent influence, we would have cer­tainly used it to prevent the passage of some of the outrageous measures that were enacted last winter. And, perhaps, had we been employed by certain scrip holders to go and stay in Topeka all winter, to run the Representative from Cowley, and see that he put a bond bill through, and then failed, after all our peculiar efforts, we might howl too.
[Note: This issue had two articles relative to stupidity on the part of the County Board in giving county printing to Allison. It worked! Kelly got printing soon after.]
Winfield Courier, April 24, 1874.
We wish to call the attention of our readers to the fact that the county printing, which Allison, of the Telegram, says is worth $1,500 a year is actually worth less than $500 all told. A table which we are preparing, and which we hope to have ready for publication next week, shows just what the county has paid out for printing both at home and abroad for the past twelve months.
Winfield Courier, May 1, 1874. Editorial.
As we promised our readers last week, we now lay before them a statement of the cost of Stationery, Printing, etc., since the 1st day of January, 1873. This includes books that have ben ordered for the County Clerk and Treasurer’s offices, and proba­bly some others.
R. S. Waddell & Co.$125.12
W. M. Allison 76.08
C. M. Scott295.00
James Kelly$238.81
Total: $740.01
Brayden & Burford, Indianapolis, Ind.: $  77.65
Dodsworth & Co., Leavenworth, Kansas: $594.40
Crane & Byron, Topeka, Kansas: $1,013.90 Grand Total: $1,688.95
It must now be borne in mind that included in the county printing is the item $229.25, for advertising the delinquent tax list, every dollar of which the county gets back. Several other items included in the printer’s bill which the county does not lose, as, for instance, in the case of rejected road petitions, etc., where the principal petitioner has the cost to pay.
  We are inclined to take the most liberal view of the amount that went out of the county in that time and allow two thirds of the amount for books, legal cap, ink, pens, pencils, etc., which could not be had here, and that leaves us the sum of $562.98½ that should have been paid to some printer in Cowley County. Now, we do not mean to say that the above sum has been thrown away, by no means; but on the other hand we suppose the county has got value received for its money. But, we do say that the work can be done in Cowley County just as well and for the same price. Then, why not have it done here? Echo, please answer. As we said last week, no agency in a county does so much to settle up that county as its newspapers. Then why not give them all the encouragement possible and the crumbs which will fall from the county table, anyway? We hope that those who have charge of county affairs, will, in the future, look at the subject in a higher, broader sense than they have heretofore.
Winfield Courier, May 22, 1874.
The County Commissioners met last Monday and continued in session three days. After mature deliberations they came to the very wise conclusion that the county printing was in good hands and that the county was getting the worth of its money. Some little changes were made in the old contract, but the COURIER and Traveler are still the official papers of the county, and Allison is displeased about something.
Winfield Courier, May 22, 1874.
County Commissioners Proceedings.
The following is a list of the bills allowed by the board of County Commissioners at their meeting commencing on the 18th day of May A. D. 1874.
James Kelly, county printing: $242.65; $17.00; $2.50; $34.00.
C. M. Scott, county printing: $242.65; $20.26.
W. M. Allison, county printing: $2.00.
Winfield Courier, June 19, 1874.
Citizens met Monday evening, June 15th, at Curns & Manser’s office, pursuant to adjournment.
Finance committee reported that the committee had received subscriptions to the amount of $180.50.
Committee on invitations reported that they have extended invitations to the several granges of the county and to the soldier’s society, and that the latter had accepted the invitation.
Committee to procure speakers reported progress.
Same report from committees on grounds and music. Prof. Wilkinson, of the latter, requested to be excused from serving on the committee on account of a previous engagement, and was excused.
L. J. Webb, L. T. Michener, J. B. Fairbanks, W. M. Allison, and J. E. Allen were appointed committee on Toasts.
G. S. Manser, C. M. Wood, and J. P. McMillen were appointed committee on programme.
Mayor Smith, Dr. Mansfield, and D. A. Millington were appointed reception committee.
T. K. Johnson, H. S. Silver, and W. W. Andrews were appoint­ed committee on fireworks.
On motion of H. B. Lacy, resolved that the ladies be invited to attend the next meeting.
Adjourned to meet Monday evening, June 22, at 8 o’clock p.m.
G. S. MANSER, Chairman.
L. J. Webb, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, June 19, 1874.
The Council met at the courthouse June 2nd in pursuance of adjournment. Present: S. C. Smith, Mayor, and councilmen McMillen, Silver, and Darrah, J. W. Curns, Clerk.
Bill of Wm. Allison of $6 for printing was presented and referred to finance committee, and severally allowed and ordered paid.
Winfield Courier, July 10, 1874.
Two runaways occurred on the 4th. Charley Harter’s horse ran away and broke his buggy all to smash, and Allison had a team run away with him, which tore things end ways.
Winfield Courier, July 17, 1874.
WINFIELD, July 15, 1874.
EDITOR COURIER: Dear Sir, In the last week’s Telegram, I find that my dog is blamed with causing the unfortunate run-away of Mrs. Darrah’s team, and further, that the dog was not to blame because he had been so trained by his master. Please allow me to say that Allison is altogether mistaken as my dog is not a worthless, contemptible, cur— as he would have his readers be­lieve—and bark at him, as my dog never barks at such people. Neither was it my dog that startled Mrs. Darrah’s team, because I have no dog, and never owned one in Winfield. Very Respectfully, JAMES L. M. HILL.
Winfield Courier, July 31, 1874.
To Our Patrons.
In order to simplify our business, and make it more agree­able to publisher and patron, we have agreed, from and after this date, to charge the uniform price of ten cents per line for each and every insertion for local or special advertising.
(Signed)W. M. ALLISON, Cowley Co. Telegram.
Winfield Courier, July 31, 1874.
J. C. Lillie has obtained a situation as foreman of the Telegram.
Winfield Courier, July 31, 1874.
Item from the Traveler.
Last week’s Telegram incontestably proves that the bad temper is not running short if the grammar is.
Winfield Courier, August 7, 1874.
The Telegram can’t stay a great while in one place. The last move took it clear down—cellar, under Read’s bank.
Winfield Courier, August 28, 1874.
“The gentleman from Tisdale,” (W. M. Allison) has bought the stone house lately occupied by T. H. Suits. He expects to bring his family here, and will make this place his permanent resi­dence. He has intimated to a few of his intimate friends that he was tired of the worthless life he is now living, and that he would be willing to go into some kind of business if an opportu­nity should present itself. He has already had a number of schemes on foot but has given them all up. At first he con­cluded that he would construct a railroad from New Orleans up the Arkansas River and continue it to San Francisco, but he couldn’t bear the idea of becoming a monopoly, so he dropped that grand scheme which would have been a blessing to thousands of people. Next he was about to purchase two or three corner lots of Manning upon which to erect a five story brick hotel with a marble front and mahogany finish, when the idea suddenly occurred to him that by so doing he would necessarily become a capitalist, which was entirely at variance with his principles, so that had to be given up like the first. Then he thought of becoming a Moses to the unfortunate farmers in this county by buying their corn at one dollar and a half per bushel, their wheat at three dollars per bushel, and their hogs at ten dollars per hundred, and then give them their groceries and dry goods, besides offering a reward of fifty cents for every grasshopper scalp that should be brought him, but he was afraid the grangers would snub him on account of his being a middleman, so that philanthropic idea was cast to the winds. He is now in doubt as to what use to put his capital.
LATER. Just before going to press we learn that Mr. Allison has concluded to start a newspaper, and run it in the interest of Col. Alexander for Congress, hoping thereby to win the Colonel’s favor so that immediately upon his election, he will revive the old Thomasville post office and appoint Allison to the genteel, honorable, and highly lucrative position of postmaster.
Winfield Courier, September 4, 1874.
Allison says that A. H. Green isn’t fit to be general of the Militia of the southwest. Mr. Green was a captain during the rebellion, and carries recommendations signed by six or eight generals, among whom is the name of Gen. Sherman. Whether Green is capacitated for commanding the Militia is only a difference of opinion between Allison and Gen. Sherman.
Winfield Courier, September 4, 1874.
Six townships were represented at the Farmers’, alias, Independent County Central Committee, meeting which was held in this city last Saturday. Including the spectators there were twenty-five persons present at one time but that number in a short time dwindled down to being from fifteen to eighteen.
The committee, after some talking, found that there was not enough brains among the members to carry on the convention, so the views of the spectators were solicited, whereupon the said spectators took things into their own hands and ran matters to suit themselves.
In the delegates to the Congressional and Senatorial Conven­tions, the farmer element is sadly lacking, and the members of the committee are anything but satisfied with the results of Saturday’s meeting.
The following persons were chosen delegates to the Congressional Convention that met at Emporia on the 4th inst.: Amos Walton and W. M. Allison; R. B. Saffold, alternate. To the Senatorial Convention: A. T. Stewart, T. H. Henderson, C. A. McClung, H. D. Gans, E. Millard.
Winfield Courier, September 18, 1874.
The following is a list of cases that will stand for trial at the September term of the District Court, Cowley County, Kansas, to be held on and from the 28th, inst., and have been placed upon the Trial Docket in the following order.
Sophia P. Hane vs. Will M. Allison.
E. S. Bedilion, Deputy.
Winfield Courier, September 25, 1874. [Editorial by James Kelly.]
The Men Who Control the Opposition.
Chapter of Sound Reading.
The readers of the COURIER will bear witness to our patience under the slanderous misrepresentations of the Telegram and its allies, for two years past. We have hoped in forbearance to avoid a conflict with the “ring” that keeps that paper on its legs. Long since the people of the county withdrew their support from it on account of its personal abuse and unreliability. For more than a year it has been kept running by desperate make­shifts, by moving from room to room, and from garret to cellar about town because it could not pay rent. By paying its employ­ees with promises, by borrowing material, by taking continuances in court against creditors who were trying to compel it, or its editor, to pay their honest debts, and with the aid of all the subterfuges, practiced only by scoundrels, backed by a ring that we hereafter describe in detail, it has succeeded in maintaining a sickly existence.
The ostensible purpose of its being is reform in politics and abuse of Manning. The real purpose of its being is the maintenance of the “Post Office ring” in Winfield. This ring has no influence in the country whatever except through it organ, the Telegram.
If a democrat in Pleasant Valley wants an office, he knows he must get it without the aid of the republican party—hence he comes to town, joins the post office ring in the abuse of the republican party, and says that Manning runs it. This is report­ed to the Telegram and at once Mr. Democrat is called a hardy son of toil, and a good man for some office. No questions are asked about his qualifications in reading, writing, or spelling, nor is his past character looked into. It is enough to know that he is opposed to Manning.
If a bull-head from Tisdale Township wants an office, whose ignorance and stupidity makes him a failure as a farmer, and who cannot get an endorsement from any intelligent man in the county, he at once seeks the P. O. ring, puts in some heavy anathemas against the Republican party in general and Manning in particu­lar, and he is at once reported to the Telegram as a good man from Tisdale to work up the reform ticket in that locality.
If a bummer of Arkansas City, who has been kicked out of the Republican party for incompetency, ignorance, and rascality, wants an office, he writes an abusive article about Manning specially, and the Republican party generally, signs himself “Republican” or “farmer,” sends it to the Telegram for publica­tion, whereupon the P. O. ring set him down as one of the “good, noble, and true,” men of Creswell Township who are disgusted with conventions and party lines, and who will make a good candidate on the “reform” ticket for some office.
Now and then a man who has voted for the Republican ticket for years from principle, is proposed for some office, and is beaten in convention because some other man is thought to be better, and he in a fit of passion and disappointment will fall to berating the Republican party or some of its members, whereupon the P. O. ring and Telegram fall to besliming him and convincing him that he was beaten by a trick, and that merit has no show in the Republican organization, and his only hope is to be a “reformer.”
When the creditors of Allison or the Telegram press too hard upon the concern for pay, postmaster Johnston, or M. L. Read, step in with either cash or security and give relief. They can’t afford to have the thing go down. Thus the P. O. “ring,” by management, and the Telegram by blowing, have made and are making perpetual war on:
1st. The Republican party of Cowley County.
2nd. On the financial interests of Cowley County.
3rd. On the material development of Cowley County.
4th. On the business prosperity of Winfield.
Now we propose to show how it is done, and to show up the men who are doing it.
As to the first charge: the Republican party of Cowley County is or should be composed of men who adhere to the princi­ple and policy of the national party, and carrying its principles and policy into Cowley County affairs, they demand that honest, competent, and honorable men be put in office, and that the public money be economically used, and strictly accounted for. That manufactories be fostered and markets for produce be estab­lished. To this end has the COURIER labored. To this end have the active members of the party devoted their energies political­ly. We challenge from anyone a successful contradiction of this statement.
The P. O. ring and the Telegram, have done for two years, and are still doing their best, to destroy the Republican party, and to defeat its noble mission. Two years ago this fall the
P. O. ring opposed the Republican nominees and worked up the liberal ticket and supported it. Capt. McDermott, the Republican nominee, was elected to the House in spite of them. As a member of the legislature from Cowley County he sent forty copies of the Commonwealth every week during the session, to the Winfield post office for distribution among the people here that they might know what the action of their representative was. Postmaster Johnston did not distribute those papers, but destroyed them, and Capt. McDermott knew nothing of it until his return. Not one word of reproach can be raised against Capt. McDermott while a member of the legislature.
Nor can one word of reproach be truthfully said against any of the county officers elected by the Republican party two years ago, save it be some acts of the county board.
Now we declare that neither the Republican party nor any of its active members were responsible for the actions of the board which were subject to criticism. The county board was composed of two men, Messrs. Cox and Maurer, who were elected by the Republican party, and Mr. Smith, the other, was elected on the liberal ticket. There are but one or two acts of that board that can by any stretch of the imagination be subjected to justifiable censure. One is the erection of the courthouse, without authori­ty from the people, another was extravagance in purchasing books and blanks for the county officers.
For the first act, Col. J. M. Alexander and the P. O. ring are responsible. They are the parties who more than anyone persuaded Mr. Cox to make the contract with the city of Winfield to build a courthouse and jail.
Mr. Maurer, one of the Republican commissioners of the county, never consented to the movement. This action of the board was taken, too, in the face of a protest against it, signed by several prominent Republicans of Cowley County, E. C. Manning among the number.
The Telegram at the time endorsed the action of the board, and ridiculed the protest. This action of the P. O. ring cost the county $12,500.
For the second act A. A. Jackson, a Democrat, elected on the “people’s” ticket, is responsible. He was familiar with the wants of the various county officers, and ordered books and blanks at pleasure. He obtained the confidence of the board and either recommended all the books and blanks that were ordered or else ordered them himself, and afterwards obtained the sanction of the board by stating that they were necessary. Jackson made a certain percent on all the books and blanks ordered by him by special arrangement with the various firms from which he ordered them. Jackson was one of the Telegram’s pets at that time and a howler against the Republican party, and of course that paper had no word of censure for him. By this arrangement the county lost several thousand dollars.
The two acts above mentioned are all that could in any fairness be censured, unless it be claimed that the salaries allowed some of the county officers be considered too high. This may be true, but no party is to blame for that. Col. Alexander and other pets of the Telegram told the board that the salaries allowed the County Attorney and Probate Judge ought to be al­lowed, and several Republicans, among the number, E. C. Manning, discountenanced all these propositions, and Col. Manning de­clined to accept one half of the salary of the Probate Judge, notwithstanding he was entitled to it under the terms of his partnership association with Judge Johnson. He told Judge Johnson at the time that the salary was too large and he would not have a cent of any such money. So much for Colonel Manning, who we think deserves this mention at our hands, in passing, as he has been accused by the Telegram and its snuffers with being at the head, or bottom, of all the rascality ever perpetrated in the county.
An examination of County Clerk Jackson’s books, which was demanded by the COURIER and Mr. Troup, the Republican County Clerk, who succeeded Mr. Jackson, developed the fact that Jackson’s books, through incompetency, criminality, or both, were in a scandalously incorrect condition, and that J. P. Short, Deputy County Treasurer, had embezzled several thousand dollars of public money. Short was not a Republican elect, but was a member of the P. O. “Ring,” a pet of the Telegram, and a howler against the Republican party.
An investigating committee of three, two of whom, the Chairman and one other member, opposed the Republican party last fall, has thus far failed to find anything wrong with the affairs of the Republican county officers although they have been in session several months.
The Telegram is for anybody or anything that will keep T. K. Johnston in the Post Office at Winfield, and serve the interests of its masters, Read & Robinson, and Alexander & Saffold.
When the COURIER expressed the sense of the Republicans of Cowley County, by reproaching Judge Lowe, our member of Congress, for his vote in favor of the salary gain  bill, the Telegram made haste to endorse Judge Lowe, and the P. O. Ring sent Lowe a marked copy of each paper. About that time there was an effort made to put Johnston out and put in somebody else, but it failed through Lowe’s influence. Lowe was told that all the Republicans wanted was a man in harmony with the party, no one was particular about the individual. But the COURIER had incurred Mr. Lowe’s displeasure for denouncing him in common with the other salary grabbers. This coupled with the “Ring” endorsement of him saved T. K. At the present hour, after abusing the Republican adminis­tration, national, state,  and county, for two years, the Telegram hoists the Republican State ticket because it knows it will be elected anyway. This is done to get Governor Osborn’s endorse­ment to keep Johnston in the Post Office. It then hoists J. K. Hudson’s name, a newspaper publisher, as a candidate for Congress because he is a “farmer,” and hoists R. B. Saffold’s name for State Senator because he is a “reformer,” and opposed to the Republican party; while H. C. St. Clair, the Republican nominee, is a practical farmer and a patron of husbandry.
Now the Telegram and the “ring” are moving everything to organize an opposition to the Republican party of Cowley County this fall. Why? Because the Republican party won’t endorse Johnston, a man bitterly obnoxious to the public, and notoriously dishonest, as postmaster; won’t give the carpet-bagger from Leavenworth, Alexander, an office; won’t favor the bonding of the County debt so as to enable Read & Robinson, and a few non-residents, to convert the several thousands of dollars of Co. scrip that they hold, into cash. These are the real reasons, no matter what their pretended reasons are. This disposes of charge No. 1.
Now for charge No. 2.
“War on the financial interests of Cowley County.”
At the time the County Board let the Courthouse contract, Read & Robinson, bankers, were behind the scenes with the money bags. No one would take the contract unless the scrip could be cashed. Read & Robinson, bankers (known as M. L. Read), took the scrip at 65 cents on the dollar. They got it all. In August of last year, the Telegram “Ring” tried to hold a “farmers” politi­cal meeting at Winfield. They partially failed of their purpose. Rev. William Martin was one of the speakers of the occasion. The “ring” saw that Martin was the kind of stuff to make an available candidate out of, for the Legislature. He was just about stupid enough to be “above suspicion.” So T. K. Johnston went out to the old man’s home shortly after the meeting to interview him. He found the old man “sound,” found him possessed of that quali­fication without which no “reformer” in Cowley County is consid­ered sound, that is, he was opposed to Manning (that he didn’t know why he should be, doesn’t matter), and were he not a Reverend, might be induced to curse him, which would make him the more desirable. Anyway, he would oppose him and that was a good start in the right direction (although Manning was an invalid in the state of New York at that time and had been all summer, but at last accounts he was alive and consequently dangerous); then he would keep T. K. in the Post Office, and favor bonding Read & Robinson’s scrip, and besides was “above suspicion.” But the old man didn’t want to be the representative, or said he didn’t, nor would he consent to run. T. K. came back gloomy. The horizon about the Post office was beginning to get somewhat cloudy. By a little strategy, however, by representing to the old man that the people considered him “above suspicion,” and demanded that he make the sacrifice, the old man yielded. “Reform” delegates were worked up in Martin’s interest, and he was nominated. By Tele­gram falsehoods he was elected, and almost the first thing he did was to try to bond the scrip. The Telegram, backed by Read & Robinson, at home, and Allison at his elbow at Topeka, helped him. But the COURIER and the people opposed the measure and he failed.
Last week the Legislature met in extra session to relieve the destitute. Martin went to Topeka. Just before he went to take his seat, he had an interesting interview with members of the “ring.” We understand they went in a carriage to his resi­dence in the country and what took place at that interview, of course we can’t tell, except by what the Hon. William did when he reached Topeka. The second bill introduced into the House was “House bill No. 2 by William Martin to bond the debt of Cowley County.” It is no measure of relief, no stay of  law, no postpone­ment of taxes, no appropriation for the needy, no act of any kind for the relief of the poverty stricken of Cowley County, but an act to convert the scrip of Read & Robinson, Geo. L. Thompson, J. C. Horton, et al, into Cowley County bonds. This, too, in the face of the well known opposition of the taxpayers of Cowley County to bonds of any kind.
Charge No. 3: they make “war on the material inter­ests of Cowley County.” To this we say, that by stirring up strife, by seeking to promote personal ends, by detracting from the influence of those who would work unselfishly for the welfare of the whole county, they prevent that material development that awaits us if our people would work and counsel together.
The one overshadowing interest to Cowley County, after the distress of the present hard times is provided for, is the building of a railroad through the Indian Territory. The Republican party is turning its attention to this question.
The P. O. ring and the Telegram are too busy looking after county bonds and “available men” who are “above suspicion” to pay any attention to it. The “ring” delegates to the “reform” congressional conven­tion (Allison and A. Walton) did not go to Emporia and demand a recognition of the interests of Cowley County in that convention. They remained at home still looking for available men who were “above suspicion,” and to help Johnston watch the post office for fear Manning might steal it in their absence.
Cowley was not represented in the convention that nominated J. K. Hudson. What did these fellows care about a market for the farmer’s produce so long as they could get their votes? On the other hand, the Republicans sent active, able men to represent them, in the Republican convention at Emporia. Those delegates demanded that the candidates should be pledged to a railroad direct to Galveston, through the Indian Territory. The majority of the delegates in that convention lived on railroads that already lead to Galveston, and defeated the Cowley County resolu­tions offered by Col. Manning.
Now the Telegram jeers those delegates for their failure. The Telegram and the P. O. ring sneers at the efforts made to wake the people of Cowley up to the importance of this question.
As to the fourth charge, “war on the business prosperity of Winfield.”
The P. O. ring, and the Telegram, in order to divert atten­tion from their real designs, must abuse and malign someone, and these are generally the best men in town and county. A. T. Stewart, J. B. Fairbanks, C. M. Wood, Rev. Parmelee, C. A. Bliss, W. M. Boyer, and others, together with all the county officers it could not control, have suffered calumny at its hand. The people of the county are taught that the citizens of Winfield are thieves and cutthroats. This drives people away from the town. This divides our people among themselves. It prevents a coopera­tion among the citizens of the place in any laudable endeavor, either charitable, educational, religious, moral, or social, or for the general prosperity of the place. No one can deny this.
The COURIER has endeavored to establish good feeling among our own people, and to show to the people of the county that there was no cause for bad blood between town and country. It and its friends have received nothing but abuse in return.
The cabal that backs the Telegram in its baseness has its head and front in Alexander & Saffold, Read & Robinson, and T. K. Johnston. This “ring” is what Alexander calls the “respectable faction in the Republican party.”
We have written what we have written in calmness, after carefully considering the whole subject. We have no desire to make personal assaults on any man. But we have come to the conclusion that longer submission to the assaults of this “ring” upon us, through their mouth-piece, would be cowardly. And in the interests of the people of Cowley County, who have so long been mislead by the misrepresentations of this “ring,” we here­with fire our first shot.
Winfield Courier, September 25, 1874.
Astronomers tell us that the planet Jupiter has four satellites, whose apparent motion is oscillatory. That is, they weave first one way from Jupiter, and his attraction being so great as to force them to return, they fly back with such veloci­ty as to carry them beyond when they are compelled to return again, and so continue. All but one are represented as being larger than Jupiter. Singular as it may appear we have an imitation of this wonder in the animal kingdom. Jupiter and his satellites—Manning and his delegates: Walton, Boyer, Kelly, and Webb. Telegram of Sept. 18th.
The curious orthography of the word “satellites” in two places in the above extract and the remarkable discovery that three of Jupiter’s satellites are each larger than Jupiter, are earmarks of such ample proportions as to convince us that none other than the celebrated “God bless the Grangers” Alexander could be its author. As that would-be candidate for Congress and the State Senate has a hankering for the office of County Attorney, we suppose that Webb must be the smaller satellite referred to.
Winfield Courier, September 25, 1874.
Col. Alexander is out in the Telegram this week with a long endorsement of R. B. Saffold for State Senator. Of course, Alec. would endorse his law partner.
Winfield Courier, September 25, 1874.
The man who “shook the dust” off his feet last fall and went off to Leavenworth cursing Cowley County, Winfield, and everybody in it, is now carpet-bagging in Winfield again, doing the heavy chin music on the Telegram, abusing everybody and trying to elect himself and partner to office. We predict that after the elec­tion, he will shoulder his carpet-bag and go back.
Winfield Courier, September 25, 1874.
Our Editor has gone from the midst of his bachelor friends and become a quiet, steady going benedict. On the 15th inst. he was married to M. E. Arnold of Iowa and with his wife returned home last Friday. We might have given him some highfalutin sendoff if the Telegram hadn’t slopped over in such a sickish manner, but under the circumstances, we don’t think it necessary, so we will say that Mr. Kelly was fortunate in his selection, and we wish them both a long and pleasant life.
Winfield Courier, October 2, 1874.
J. M. Alexander, Saffold’s law partner, says of that gentle­man, in the Telegram last week; that he is a “farmer.” True, he don’t do the work himself as his republican opponent Col. St. Clair does. “But ‘tis because his health is not good.”
The statement that Judge Saffold’s health is not good will be news to his friends. Judge Saffold is a man about 38 years of age, over six feet high, and weighs 175 or 180 pounds, and is one of the healthiest looking men in Kansas. We have known the Judge for some years and don’t remember ever hearing of his being sick but once, and that was during the past summer.
Judge Saffold is one of the few, fortunate young men who was raised in the state of Georgia, who perhaps never did a day’s work in his life, whose daily employment was going to school, and highest enjoyment to larrup a “nigger.” On Coming of age he chose the law profession which we believe he has practiced ever since.
When the war broke out, Alec. further tells us, Judge Saffold was forced into the army against his wishes and in order that he might do the Union as little damage as possible, he chose the least conspicu­ous position in it. “So much so,” continues Alec., “that he was often in imminent danger of his life.”
Now we appeal to every soldier, on either side, if the least conspicuous position in the army wasn’t also the least dangerous. The fact is that Mr. Saffold was a Commissary Sergeant during the war and of course it was not conspicuous. But of course, also, it wasn’t dangerous, as Alec. would have us believe.
Another funny thing is, that Saffold being forced into the army, i.e., conscripted, that he could choose where and how he would serve. Had Alexander left that part of his record out entirely, it would have been better for Judge Saffold.
Or if he had owned up manfully to his having been a rebel and volunteering in the army, no one would have found any fault with him on that ground. But the pitiful excuse made for him by his law partner ought to snow him under worse than ever. Now he has no claim on those who served in the Southern Army and he certainly never had any on Union men. Of course, Alexander thought that we would show up Mr. Saffold’s war record so he thought he would be out first.
The truth is, Alec., we would have done no such thing. For besides having considerable personal regard for Judge Saffold, we have no ill will against a man for having served his time manful­ly in the rebel army. But for such a soldier as described by Alexander, we have the most profound contempt.
Winfield Courier, October 2, 1874.
Gathered at P. O. headquarters No. 2, last Wednesday night, were as nice a knot of “reformers” as ever (dis)graced the State of Kansas. In the center, Nelson Abbott, whose record during and since the war brand him as no better than any other murderer and thief. Around him such shining lights as J. M. Alexander, R. B. Saffold, Will. M. Allison, H. B. Lacy, not to mention Judge Ross. We noticed a few vacant chairs, which to have made the circle complete, should have been filled by the fisherman of the P. O. “Charley,” Alexander’s former partner, and one or two others we could name. No doubt they had a good time “fighting their battles o’er again.” Certainly if each was not benefitted, neither could he be contaminated by contact with the others.
Winfield Courier, October 2, 1874.
The Cowley County Telegram, in speaking of Judge Saffold as a candidate, says:
“His election is a foregone conclusion. Sedgwick County will give him a majority of 800, Sumner, the home of the opposi­tion nominee, will give him 300, and Harvey will also give him a heavy vote, while Butler and Howard will go strongly in his favor.”
It is our opinion, Brother Allison, that it will wrestle your man to get twelve hundred votes in the whole district. Eagle.
Winfield Courier, October 2, 1874.
Nelson Abbott Comes and Goes
How He Didn’t Do It.
Nelson Abbott came to Winfield the day that September left. Wednesday night the courtroom filled with voters to hear Nelson speak. Besides some things that Nelson isn’t, he is a candidate on the “reform” ticket for Secretary of State. Nelson is some things, but he isn’t a good many things. He is the publisher of a democratic paper in Atchison, he is an awkward public speaker, is doing the republican ticket much good, and is a fair specimen of the “reform” genius. He isn’t an honest man, he isn’t doing his cause any good, he isn’t paying off those lottery tickets, isn’t telling the truth one-third of the time when he talks, isn’t fooling anybody with his lies, isn’t going to be elected secretary of state.
He opened his remarks by saying that last fall the reform party had only county organizations throughout the state, and that said reformers were successful in electing their candidates in a majority of the counties. This being true the reformers had a majority in the Legislature. He then charged this same legislature with authorizing Barbour and Harper counties to issue large amounts of bonds, fraudulently. That was the work of the reform legislature, Nelson, and not chargeable to the republican party. He then charged the republican party with robbing the school fund of 500,000 acres of land and giving it to railroads, but forgot to tell us that Sam Crawford, who is now a noisy reformer, was governor at the time and signed the bill, and that F. W. Potter and dozens of other blatant reformers were then members of the legislature and voted for the bill and held the law to be constitutional.
But the wind was badly let out of Nelson when Mr. Kelly, the senior editor of this paper, who knew Abbott in Macomb, Illinois, took the floor and told the audience that Abbott published a scandalous, copperhead paper in Macomb during the war, and only saved his press by taking the oath of allegiance. He stated that Abbott’s paper counseled resistance to the draft, advised deser­tion, and so incensed and encouraged the copperheads at home as to cause the murder of W. H. Randolph, the deputy provost mar­shal. He also accused Abbott of selling lottery tickets to dispose of his own property in Macomb, and then sold the property at private sale and left the country with his ticket money in his pocket.
Abbott denied all these charges, but Mr. E. P. Kinne of Arkansas City, who also knew Abbott and his history, happened to be present and at once arose and verified Mr. Kelly’s statement.
Great applause followed Mr. Kelly’s exposure of Abbott. From this time on the meeting became boisterous but good natured. Judge Ross, the chairman, got “on his ear” and defended the old time democracy in eloquent terms, and urged the people to disre­gard party lines and unite on honest men for office. The Judge’s enthusiasm and rough hewn sentences, frequently brought down the house.
R. B. Saffold, democrat, and Allison’s candidate for the state senate, made a few remarks.
Capt. Jas. Christian, of Lawrence, happened to be present, and was called out. His speech was humorous and well put, its criticisms being divided not equally between the republican and reform parties. He was a democrat and took no stock in either. He admitted that Abbott might have been a bad man, but if he was trying to reform himself now and live an honest life hereaf­ter, he should be allowed to do so.
The Winfield band discoursed sweet music for the occasion. Taken altogether the meeting was cold comfort to Abbott and his followers, and it were far better for Nelson and his cause if he had never seen Winfield.
Winfield Courier, October 2, 1874.
Alexander, the Leavenworth carpetbagger, Johnston, the fisherman, and the other members of the P. O. “ring,” which the “COURIER” showed up so effectually last week, have joined in an article covering one whole side of the Telegram, all devoted to the abuse of Manning.
Winfield Courier, October 9, 1874.
  WINFIELD, KAN., Sept. 28, 1874.
Editor Traveler: Dear Sir: In looking over a copy of the COURIER of last week, I see there are certain charges made against myself and others. Which charges, in so far as they relate to myself, I pronounce untrue from beginning to end; except one, and that is that I offered a bill in the special session of the Legislature providing for the funding of our county debt. And if this was criminal, I have only to say to the COURIER that I did so after consulting with prominent Republicans in reference to such a bill, and being encouraged by them to make such a move, I call upon the COURIER man to make goods his charges. Very respectfully, WM. MARTIN.
The Courier response:
The above we take from the Traveler. Why send your denial to the Traveler, Mr. Martin? Why not send it to the paper which made the charges you complain of. The fact that you sent it to any other paper than the COURIER, shows either that you do not understand the common courtesies, or that you are a moral coward. No doubt it would have been just what you wished if your card in the Traveler should by some chance have escaped notice. It would have left you with a challenge out, of which we knew nothing, which might materially assist you in securing another nomination.
You start out by saying that the COURIER’s charges in so far as they relate to you “are untrue from beginning to end, except one, etc.” Now, Mr. Martin, what are the charges made against you by the COURIER? As you have not the manliness to say what they are, we shall make them specific.
1st. “That you are but the pliant tool of T. K. Johnston and the P. O. ‘Ring.’” Do you deny that you were consulted by them as to your being a candidate last fall?
2nd. “That you were just stupid enough to be above suspi­cion.” Do you deny that? True it is rather a hard personal charge to make against you. But you are a public man, Mr. Martin, and have to put up with the criticisms of the public, whether you will or no.
3rd. “That you went to Topeka last winter cocked and primed, with Allison, your adviser, at your elbow, to pass a bill funding the county debt.” Do you deny that?
4th. “That you accepted a pass from the A. T. & S. F. railroad, and drew your mileage besides.” Do you deny that?
Now allow the COURIER to propound to you a few pertinent questions which you can answer by yes, or no.
Did you accept a pass on the railroad to Topeka and return, during the extra session?
Did you draw mileage to the amount of $67.50?
And did you not know that the condition of that pass was that you were not to draw mileage from the state?
Haven’t you consulted T. K. Johnston and other members of the Winfield P. O. Scrip “Ring,” as to your being a candidate again this fall?
You are welcome to the columns of the COURIER, Mr. Martin, in which to answer all their queries. At the request of a mutual friend, Mr. Martin, we had intended to let you drop into that obscurity from which, for the good of yourself and certainly for that of Cowley County, you should never have been called. But your card in the Traveler, releases us from any promise we made to let you alone in the future, and we are now ready to deal with you the same as we would with any other public man.
We have no desire to accuse you of dishonesty, Mr. Martin. What we do accuse you of, is that you allow yourself to be made the tool of a few renegade republicans and democrats, such as constitute the P. O. “Ring” here in Winfield.
Winfield Courier, October 9, 1874. Editorial by James Kelly.
Col. E. C. Manning had Allison of the Telegram arrested last Saturday on charge of libel. The ground for the charge was an article in the Telegram of the 2nd inst. We are sorry that Col. Manning saw fit to take the course he has in the matter. We advised him otherwise, but he thought different.
We were satisfied that that was just what the “ring” in their desperate strait wanted. Something that would create sympathy for their champion. We understand that they (the ring) justified Allison on the ground that Col. Manning wrote the “ring” expose for the COURIER, and that he is in the habit of writing our articles for us.
Now while we take it as quite complimentary to have writers of such well known ability as Col. Manning, Maj. Fairbanks, and D. A. Millington credited with the authorship of our articles, yet we will say once more, that no man writes our editorials for us (except when we may be absent, and our local attends to that) and nobody knows this better than the P. O. “ring.” If they are not satisfied that we have the ability to show them up, we invite T. K. Johnston, J. M. Alexander, or any other members of the “ring” to call on us any week, and we will give them permission to look over our shoulder while we tell the public of their many rascalities. 
So far as the article which appeared in the COURIER two weeks ago is concerned, we never dreamed of claiming any merit save that of telling the truth in a straight forward manner. In that article was nothing disrespectful of anyone. Nothing libel­ous. The “ring,” instead of denying the charges we made, piled all the abuse they could think of on Manning, of course. The “reformer” boor of the P. O., who would today be a pauper were it not for the Government pap furnished him by the republican party, has vilified and abused for the last three years, knew that what we said about him was too true for him to risk a denial, and consequently, the article is devoted to the abuse of Manning.
In the suit now pending between Manning and Allison, we have no part or interest. Col. Manning is perfectly able to take care of himself and fight his own battles. But we do think that he, as a private citizen, is entitled to the protection of the law he has invoked. Were he before the public for an office, or even the editor of a country newspaper, there might be some excuse for this wholesale abuse and calumny. But without any public good to be attained, there can be no excuse.
Winfield Courier, October 9, 1874.
Sheriff Walker now carries the keys of the Telegram office.
Winfield Courier, October 9, 1874.
Col. Manning has sued Allison of the Telegram for libel.
Winfield Courier, October 15, 1874.
J. M. Alexander has purchased the Oxford Enterprise office, and removed it to this place where a new paper will be started. As we understand it, Allison is to have nothing to do with this new enterprise, as the friends (?) who should have stuck by him in his adversity have gone clear back on him. We hope this new venture will succeed.
Republican County Convention.
A Splendid Ticket Nominated.
The County Good for the Whole Ticket by a Large Majority.
Judge Brown Heartily Endorsed.
The Commonwealth, Wednesday Morning, October 21, 1874.
WINFIELD, Oct. 15.
To the Editor of the Commonwealth.
The republican convention met today. It was the best gathering of representative men that ever assembled in the county. Sixty delegates were present, representing eighteen out of twenty-one townships. This was in marked contrast to the “independent” convention that met at Tisdale last Monday, in which only nine townships were represented by twenty-seven delegates, and of which twenty-seven, thirteen were from Winfield, which contains the head, bowels, and feet of the “independent” movement.
The republican nominations are as follows. For representative, T. R. Bryan, of Dexter; for probate judge, S. S. Moore, of Tisdale; for county attorney, L. J. Webb, of Winfield; for superintendent of public instruction, T. A. Wilkinson, of Bolton; and for clerk of district court, E. S. Bedilion, of Winfield; all excellent nominations. A very earnest interest in the election is manifested by republicans all over the county, and anything but lukewarmness and disaffection is apparent.
One of the resolutions adopted by the convention endorses the whole republican state ticket and pledges the party to its support; another especially endorses Judge Brown, the republican nominee for congress, and congratulates the people of the county upon the fact that he has everywhere during the campaign pledged himself to an earnest effort to open railway communications direct between this portion of his district and Texas.
The Telegram, the organ of the “piebalds,” having been closed by a libel suit, the opposition to the republican party is without a mouthpiece. The postoffice ring, however, are about to import the material of the late Oxford Press, and so, thereby have about two issues before the election. You may expect a good majority in the county for the whole republican ticket. XX.
The Commonwealth, Thursday Morning, October 22, 1874.
Libel suits have been brought against W. M. Allison, editor of the Cowley County Telegram, and his paper has been discontinued by reason of them.
Winfield Courier, October 22, 1874.
A new paper is soon, if ever, to be started here by Lillie, Smith, Alexander & Co. As we have not been taken into the confidence of the managers, we of course cannot tell just to a “brilliant em,” how many feet wide by yards long the new paper is going to be. We suppose, however, that it will be something near a 19 column paper, and will contain about 700 pages nonpareil. It is to be issued regularly when started, once in two years, or as Alexander gets run out of Leavenworth and carpet bags back to Winfield. It will be perfectly independent in politics, having no interests to serve, save that of the P. O. “Ring,” and other peculiar interests of its managers. As its name indicates it will be ready at all times to pack up its carpet bag and go back to Leavenworth.
Its motto is to be taken from Alexander’s celebrated 4th of July oration:
“God Bless the Grangers!”
As near as we can find out the editorial staff stands about as follows:
J. C. Lillie, editor in chief.
J. M. Alexander, agricultural editor.
S. C. Smith, financial editor, with occasional contributions from T. K. Johnston, Dr. Dobson, and others.
As a ready writer Mr. Lillie has few superiors, as witness his “My say so,” something over a year ago. On the subject of agriculture, Alexander is well posted, having practiced skinning the farmers for thirty odd years, he knows a thing or two on that subject. On finances S. C. is up with the times, having probably loaned as much or more money than anybody in Cowley County. 
As to the honesty of the management, we have nothing to say. What if they did try to steal Allison’s subscription books, and start their paper on his ruins. That was but a clever coup de plume which will better stand excuse than investigation.
True, the new paper will be called a bastard by some igno­rant people; but suppose it has not been blessed with either father or mother, its foster-mother, Alexander, is an experienced wet nurse, who will no doubt raise the bantling to a respectable standing in society. Of course, we write this “prospectus” without our host, as the Carpetbagger may never make any more of an appearance than it now does behind Read’s bank. But as we always hate to be behind in this matter, we give it the benefit of this advertisement.
Winfield Courier, October 22, 1874.
The Telegram is in running order again, and we expect to see it this week sometime.
Winfield Courier, October 22, 1874.
Last week J. C. Lillie, editor in chief of the Carpet-bagger, tried to crowd Allison and his office from their quarters under the bank, and install the Carpet-Baggerinstead. Lillie had part of the office in the building before Allison discovered what he was up to when Mr. Allison went around and quietly told J. C. that he should just leave the rest of his baggage out of doors or find some other rooms.
As Lillie didn’t like to comply with this very mild request, he commenced abusing Mr. Allison, and telling him how quick he was going to whip him, but failing to do it, however, his anger subsided as it always does when Allison told him not to come any nearer. Mr. Allison then told Mr. Lillie a few things and called him some pet names such as thief, liar, and gambler, and telling how a number of times he had found him and his family nearly starving and helped them out by furnishing J. C. with work in his office. At this point Mrs. Lillie struck up and kept singing her song to the loudest key during the rest of the controversy.
In the meantime Geo. Walker, deputy sheriff, in whose hands the Telegram office then was, told Mr. Lillie that if he put any more of that Carpet-Bagger office into that cellar, that daylight would shine through him in about a minute. The Carpet-Bagger office still occupies a position on the outside of the building.
Winfield Courier, November 12, 1874.
The Telegram has moved once more. This time it has located on the corner of Main Street and Tenth Avenue.
Winfield Courier, November 26, 1874.
The last issue of the Telegram hews pretty close to the line, and makes the chips fall thick and fast around the head of the editor of the Plow and Anvil.
Winfield Courier, November 26, 1874.
The agricultural implements of the hole-in-the-wall enter­prise received a terrible electric shock from the Telegram last week, which twisted the beam and knocked the point and handles off the plow, the nose off the anvil, and left nothing but a second hand hoser a coarse and nasty rake on the premises in running order.
Winfield Courier, November 26, 1874. Editorial. James Kelly.
Alexander’s Salutatory, with running Comments
By the Courier.
“We have been a citizen of Cowley County for upwards of four years.”
How about the time you spent in Leavenworth, when you left here cursing the country, the town, and everybody in it?
“We have intended for a long time to start a newspaper in Winfield. . . . This intention has been accomplished sooner than we expected.”
Yes. Allison was down with a libel suit on his hands, his paper attached, so he couldn’t run. That was your favorable opportunity to start a paper on the ruins of the Telegram.
“We have never intended to build up by tearing someone else down.”
You didn’t intend it when you tried to throw Allison out and get your carpetbag paper installed in its place? And why was it necessary for Mr. Allison to replevin his subscription books from your clutches?
“When a newspaper has outlived its usefulness, its best service to humanity is to die. And when it is dead, a decent respect for its memory leaves nothing to be done but to bury it out of sight.”
The above is aimed directly at the Telegram. Everybody familiar with the facts know full well that Alexander as much as any man alive helped to kill theTelegram. In fact, Alexander is so far gone in sin, that his connection even with a newspaper, would be sure to kill it.
“We cannot consent to support a bad man for an office because he belongs to a certain party.”
Then you will never support yourself for an office.
“Capacity and integrity in a candidate, should govern the people’s support of him.”
Alexander just fills half that bill. He has the capacity (of stomach) without the integrity.
“We cannot descend to the muddy pools of blackguardism through this journal, nor can we condescend to loan its columns to others for such a purpose.”
Of course a man who has never been above the “muddy pools of blackguardism,” couldn’t descend to it. Alexander did not hesitate to enter the “dirty pool of blackguardism” when he could shift the odium and responsibility on somebody else. He could take advantage of Allison’s absence to fill the Telegram with dirty blackguardism, and then forge Allison’s signature to it. Descend, indeed!
“It requires both heart and brains to print a newspaper that a decent man or woman can read without a blush.”
So it does. That is the very reason we do not believe that you can run a decent paper. It is much harder for a man like you, whose mouth is daily filled with oaths, imprecations, and blasphemy—to say nothing of course vulgarity—to conduct a paper free from blackguardism.
Winfield Courier, December 10, 1874.
The stone building so long expected to be filled with goods as a general store, belonging to C. P. Spaulding, is a failure. A family from Michigan moved into it the other day. Store business fizzled out.
John McGuire has sued the notorious C. P. Spaulding on a note of $200, given McGuire as security in the Spaulding and Allison case. Will be tried before J. R. Smith Saturday next.
Winfield Courier, February 18, 1875.
There is no truth in the report that Allison was drowned in a barrel of swill in the rear of the Valley House one night last week.
Winfield Courier, February 25, 1875.
W. M. Allison, of the Telegram, is making preparations to start a paper at Wellington, Sumner County. We certainly wish Mr. Allison success in his new field.
Winfield Courier, March 18, 1875.
State of Kansas versus—Will. M. Allison.
No. 437. Edwin C. Manning, vs. Will. M. Allison.
Will. M. Allison marries Annie Braidwood...
Winfield Courier, April 1, 1875.
MARRIED. In another column will be found the marriage notice of Will. M. Allison to Miss Annie Braidwood. Did we have the time we might write ecstatically on the subject; but as we have not, the “happy pair” must be content with our best wishes for their future happiness and prosperity.
ALLISON - BRAIDWOOD. At the residence of Charles Black, Esq., Winfield, March 31st, 1875, by Rev. N. L. Rigby, Mr. W. M. Allison and Miss Annie Braidwood.
Winfield Courier, April 8, 1875.
List of Marriage Licenses issued during the month of March, 1875.
W. M. Allison and Annie Braidwood.
Winfield Courier, April 15, 1875.
TISDALE, April 12th, 1875.
The old printing office, which caused so much trouble in the town company for some time, and also a lawsuit between Allison, of the Telegram, and C. P. Spaulding, was put on trucks to be moved out of town, but true to its litigating principle, refused to move. As the teams made a move to start, the building began to crack and fell to pieces on the ground. 
Winfield Courier, April 29, 1875.
City Council Proceedings.
The Council met at Council room, April 26th, 1875. A quorum being present, and there being no fire in said room, on motion adjourned to meet immediately at the office of Curns & Manser.
The Council met at the office of Curns & Manser in pursuance of adjournment.
Present: D. A. Millington, Mayor; J. M. Dever, M. G. Troup, C. C. Black, N. M. Powers, Councilmen; J. W. Curns, Clerk.
W. M. Allison presented a bill of $4.60 for printing; Z. T. Swigart presented a bill of $40.00 for marshal; John Austin presented a bill of $1.50 for removing dead dogs; all of which were referred to the finance committee.
Winfield Courier, May 6, 1875.
City Council Proceedings.
The Council met at council room, May 1st, in pursuance of adjournment. Present: D. A. Millington, Mayor; N. M. Powers, M. G. Troup, C. C. Black, Councilmen; J. W. Curns, City Clerk.
The minutes of the last meeting read and approved.
The bill of John Austin of $1.50 for removing dead dogs, bill of Z. T. Swigart of $40.00, services as Marshal for the month ending April 24th, 1875, bill of W. M. Allison of $4.60 for publishing election proclamation, were reported favorably on by the finance committee and duly allowed and ordered paid.
Winfield Courier, July 29, 1875. Editorial. James Kelly.
Farmer Will Allison sends us in a giant stalk of Japan wheat raised on his farm three miles southeast of town. It is over six feet high, has ten joints, and the head is thirteen inches. He only sowed a small amount to see what it would do and is so well pleased that he intends sowing more next year. It very much resembles Hungarian grass and like it, is only good for feed.
Winfield Courier, September 16, 1875.
Cowley County District Court.
The following is a list of cases that will stand for trial at the September term of the District Court, to be holden on and from the 27th, and have been placed on the Trial Docket in the following order.
Edwin C. Manning vs. Will. M. Allison.
Winfield Courier, November 25, 1875.
Will Allison advertises for ten cords of wood. Wonder if  he expects to warm those feet through with only ten cords!
W. M. Allison has a son...
Winfield Courier, December 23, 1875.
BORN. To Mr. and Mrs. Will Allison, on Friday, the 17th inst., a son; weight, 8 pounds.
Winfield Courier, January 27, 1876.
The undersigned, residents of Cowley County, cordially unite in inviting the citizens of said county to meet in mass meeting at Winfield, on Saturday at 2 P. M.,
to take such action as shall seem advisable upon consultation to secure the construction of a railroad into Cowley County. We desire each paper in said county to publish this call, and we hope that every township will be fully represented at said meeting.
Dated January 25, 1876.
WINFIELD: M. L. Read, S. D. Pryor, N. M. Powers, N. W. Holmes, N. L. Rigby, Thomas McMillen, L. J. Webb, Charles C. Black, J. S. Hunt, W. M. Boyer, John W. Curns, G. S. Manser, B. F. Baldwin, J. H. Land, A. H. Green, W. Q. Mansfield, E. C. Manning, S. H. Myton, J. C. Fuller, A. B. Lemmon, James Kelly, W. H. H. Maris, T. H. Henderson, A. N. Deming, H. S. Silver, J. M. Alexander, Amos Walton, D. A. Millington, J. E. Platter, W. M. Allison, And one hundred others.
Winfield Courier, March 16, 1876. Front Page.
The Railroad Law.
ED. COURIER: The Telegram is uproariously jubilant over the failure of our Legislature to enact a law allowing counties and other municipalities to vote aid to railroads by a majority vote.
I readily admit that the two thirds clause inserted in both laws lately passed practically defeats the friends of a railroad in this county, and while the Telegram is jubilant over a victo­ry, I for one feel depressed and discouraged under our defeat.
Though I do not doubt that a proposition to aid some rail­road might be placed upon the voters of this county so well guarded and of such a nature so generally satisfactory, that two-thirds of the voters would support it, yet, this would not be sufficient to give us a road.
Before reaching us the road must pass through other coun­ties, Butler, Greenwood, Elk, Chautauqua, Sedgwick, or Sumner, in our immediate vicinity, and other counties more remote.
. . . “But,” says some imbecile, “some company will build a road to us anyway, whether we aid them or not.”
We have been waiting five years for “some company” to build us a road. We have held in our hands $150,000 in Cowley County bonds and offered them for a road. Cowley, Butler, Marion, Dickinson, and Davis have offered three-quarters of a million of dollars in subsidies for a road from Junction City down this valley 140 miles. Only one company has in five years had the grace to offer to build a road to us at any price, and when its offer was accepted, all along the line it failed to come to time because the subsidies were insufficient to induce them to build the road. . . .
The A. T. & S. F. road alone has continued to build up to the present time, but though its franchises are enormous in lands and bonds, yet it is evident that the day is not far distant when it will be in the hands of a receiver.
The writer and others have freely expended their energies, time, and money in the attempt to make it possible to get a R. R. to this county this year. It is not strange that we should feel sore over our defeat.
Yet we will not despair. Let every thinking man who wants a railroad put his best thoughts to work and be seen ready to cooperate on the plan which the majority of such men should determine is the best. Let us do what we can this year and if we fail, try the next Legislature for a change in the laws. D. A. M.
Winfield Courier, March 23, 1876.
Edwin C. Manning vs. Will M. Allison.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 12, 1876.
The jury awarded E. C. Manning one cent as damages to his character, which leaves Mr. Allison to foot a bill of $300 or more of costs and attorney’s fees.
Winfield Courier, April 13, 1876. Editorial Page. E. C. Manning, Editor.
For more than four years past the public and private ear of Cowley County has been filled with slanders against E. C. Man­ning. Many good men in the county who were not personally acquainted with him believed the scandals. The Cowley County Telegram had, for about two years previous to October 2, 1874, freely and wantonly circulated these slanders. Mr. Manning did not chase down the rumors nor prosecute the authors. On the 2nd day of October, 1874, the Telegram published an article containing a series of serious charges against Mr. Manning that could not well be passed unnoticed. Mr. Manning decided to appeal to the law and a jury of his county for a vindication. He brought two suits at once against Mr. Allison, the publisher. At the instance of Mr. Allison, they were delayed for one year, until October 1875. At that time the criminal suit was tried, and a jury said Mr. Allison need not go to prison, although nothing was proven against Mr. Manning. The civil suit was then postponed by the Court until this spring. On Thursday of last week a jury of twelve men, mostly from distant parts of this county, and nine of whom were strangers to and none of whom were personal friends of Mr. Manning was impaneled to hear the civil suit. Mr. Allison had been one year and a half collecting evidence to prove the charges against Mr. Manning. Depositions and publications from Washington City to the Rocky Mountains were brought in. Able counsel was employed by the defendant.
Three days were occupied in the trial of the case. Witness­es were brought from all parts of the county. Several hundred dollars in costs had accumulated. Five attorneys were employed by the defendant, Allison. And with all this effort, time, and opportunity, not one single dishonest or corrupt act was proven against E. C. Manning. The jury of twelve good men finds for the plaintiff in a county where the popular ear had been poisoned by calumnies against him.
And this is the judgment: 1st, that the charges made against Mr. Manning are not true; 2nd, that the defendant must pay the costs of this suit, amounting to about two hundred dollars; 3rd, that the defendant shall not prosecute Mr. Manning for damages for having attached and closed the Telegram office in order to secure the judgment, and 4th, that in Cowley County LAW REIGNS, and men need not resort to violence to obtain justice.
This tardy recognition of the law’s majesty and power is of untold value to the good name and fair fame of Cowley County. Mr. Manning only sought a vindication of his character; that vindication is complete and manifold.
Cowley County Democrat, Thursday, April 13, 1876 - Page 2.
One of the most exciting and interesting cases ever brought before a court in Cowley County, was decided by the verdict of a jury on Tuesday last. We refer to the case of E. C. Manning against W. M. Allison. The array of legal talent on both sides was very heavy, and the law and evidence were fully brought out, defining the rights of the press in making publications, and the guards necessary to protect citizens. 
The verdict was for one cent damage to go to Mr. Manning for his grievance, and it was also a declaration that the matter was libelous, and was not justified by the proof of the defendant. It places Mr. Allison in the light that if he had made the publication against certain parties, he might have had to pay a large sum, that having made it against Mr. Manning, only one cent was due. It shows too, that the public will hold newspapers to account, and also that there must be something to damage before any damage can be done. The matters brought out will probably be matters of controversy hereafter, and we prefer to leave them for the present.
Cowley County Democrat, May 18, 1876.
Amos Walton sold his interest in the newspaper to C. M. McIntire.
Winfield Courier, June 1, 1876.
Last Saturday, pursuant to call, the citizens of Winfield met at the Courthouse and organized a meeting by calling D. A. Millington to the chair and electing C. M. McIntire secretary.
After deliberation as to what steps should be taken to appropriately celebrate the 4th of July of the Centennial year, the following committee was appointed to draft a plan of procedure and report to a meeting of citizens last night: James Kelly, J. P. Short, C. M. McIntire, W. B. Gibbs, and W. C. Robinson.
At the appointed hour, Wednesday evening, the meeting assembled at the Courthouse and organized by selecting C. A. Bliss, chairman, and J. E. Allen as secretary. The committee made a report which, after some amendments made by the meeting, was finally adopted. 
General Superintendent: Prof. A. B. Lemmon.
County Historian: W. W. Walton.
Committee of Arrangements: C. M. Wood, M. L. Bangs, B. B. Vandeventer, John Lowry, J. D. Cochran.
Committee on Programme: H. D. Gans, E. P. Kinne, James Kelly, B. F. Baldwin, W. M. Allison.
Committee on Speakers: E. C. Manning, L. J. Webb, Chas. McIntire.
Committee on Finance: W. C. Robinson, W. P. Hackney, O. F. Boyle, M. G. Troup, J. C. Fuller.
Committee on Music: J. D. Pryor, Mrs. W. D. Roberts, Miss Mollie Bryant.
Committee on Toasts: A. J. Pyburn, J. E. Allen, J. P. Short, Dr. J. Hedrick.
Committee on Stand: W. E. Tansey, T. B. Myers, W. B. Gibbs.
Committee on Decoration: Frank Gallotti, John Swain, I. Randall, Mary Stewart, Jennie Greenlee, Ada Millington, Mrs. Rigby, Mrs. Mansfield.
Committee on Invitation: D. A. Millington, L. C. Harter, J. B. Lynn, C. A. Bliss, J. P. McMillen, H. S. Silver, A. H. Green, S. S. Majors, C. M. Scott, T. B. McIntire, R. C. Haywood, J. L. Abbott, John Blevins, T. R. Bryan, H. C. McDorman, Mc. D. Stapleton, S. M. Fall, J. Stalter, Wm. White, S. S. Moore, Jno. McGuire, H. P. Heath, J. O. Van Orsdol, G. B. Green, W. B. Skinner, J. W. Millspaugh.
Committee on Fireworks: G. S. Manser, T. K. Johnson, C. C. Haskins.
Meeting adjourned to meet at the call of the General Superintendent.
Winfield Courier, June 22, 1876.
The editor of the Telegram don’t own any property in Winfield and never paid any taxes, but when those who do pay the taxes want to use some of the city money for railroad purposes, he rushes around with a remonstrance against it, merely because Mr. Manning is in favor of it.
Winfield Courier, June 22, 1876.
On Monday evening last Mr. Manning presented to the City Council a petition signed by over sixty citizens, including the heaviest tax-payers of Winfield, asking that an appropriation of some amount, not exceeding three hundred dollars, be made by the city to defray the expense of making a view of the several railroad routes from here to the east and northeast and to secure a report showing which would be the most feasible enterprise for the people of our county to enter into. On the presentation of the petition, Mr. T. K. Johnston presented a remonstrance signed by twenty-five persons opposing the appropriation. On examina­tion it was found that the law gave no direct authority for such an appropriation, and so long as anyone objected, the council did not feel at liberty to make the appropriation. The opposition to the appropriation was gotten up by W. M. Allison, T. K. Johnston, and H. S. Silver. They pretended that they opposed it because the law did not authorize it, but the real cause was evidently through spite towards those who favored it. There is over six hundred dollars lying idle in the city treasury subject to the order of the council. It might far better be used for this purpose than as one of these remonstrators suggested in a recent speech, be appropriated to buy fire-crackers with. “Consistency (?) thou art a jewel.”
Winfield Courier, June 29, 1876. Editorial. E. C. Manning, Editor.
Winfield is cursed by a few stump-tailed politicians. It is doubly cursed in being the home of some very foolish men. Blessed as it is in natural resources, it should be the leading town of the Southwest. The fair fields of Cowley should no longer bear tribute to distant cities. The present state of our dependence would not have been but for dissensions in Winfield town and Cowley County. Had unity of effort for the public good characterized the action of its citizens in the past, we would not be as now—an outlying province in the Kingdom of Wichita.
But personal jealousies, unmanly hatreds, political ambitions, and unscrupulous demagogues have conspired to maintain strife and discord, cross-purposes, and failures among its people, and prevent that full development of material progress which a different course would have insured.
To a large extent the follies of the past are being shunned by our people. But for three or four malicious tongues, jealous hearts, and unreasonable heads in Winfield, the people of the town could be gotten together in harmonious accord. A united town means a united county; a united county means success in any given enterprise.
In no period of our history as a county has any necessity pressed itself so earnestly upon the attention of our people as our present need of a railroad. At no time was it ever so important that good will, confidence, and harmony should prevail among our citizens in an effort to secure the construction of a railroad into the county. There are enough foes and obstacles outside the county to overcome. There should be no division inside.
It is now plain to be seen that such harmony cannot prevail as will insure success while the counsels of two or three per­sons, whom we will hereafter name, are listened to. Ever since the county was organized, there has been railroad talk in Winfield. During the last six months that talk has spread from the town to the county. The grain growers are getting in earnest on the subject. They believe that something ought and could be done. They look to see the people in town, who have more time and money than they have, to put the railroad question in such shape that the voters can also help. During these last six months three railroad enterprises pointing towards Winfield have been courted. They have all failed. An effort was made last winter to pass a law under which a railroad could be built to Cowley County, but it failed. It is barely possible to do something under the law as it is. How little or how much can only be determined by trying. But, without unity of action among our citizens, it will be difficult to succeed.
Recognizing the situation and the necessities of forbearance and harmony, the COURIER, its editors, and their friends have been careful to encourage every movement towards constructing a railroad. They have encouraged by word and deed even when their judgment said the project was not feasible. The various projects have substantially flattened out. We are no nearer a railroad than we were four years ago.
These adversities and necessities ought to have mellowed the passions and asperities of personal animosities. But it is not so. A few individuals in Winfield had rather the town would sink and the county become a barren waste than have any good come from the efforts of certain persons. During the past few months a few persons in town have spent several hundred dollars in chasing after railroad projects. Not one dollar of the money was con­tributed by the persons to be hereafter named.
At last as a plan whereby the burden of the effort might be born by all, or nearly all in town, the City Council was asked to appropriate a necessary sum, not exceeding three hundred dollars, to pay the expense of a thorough observation preparatory to a railroad effort to the east or northeast. The question of asking the Council to make the appropriation was before the citizens for two weeks. On the last day before the Council met these same men, who so long have led in a quarrel in Winfield, circulated a remonstrance against making any appropriation out of the city funds for the purpose stated. In circulating the remonstrance, many falsehoods were told for the purpose of obtaining names thereto. The pretended excuse of the leading remonstrators was that such an appropriation was illegal; their real opposition to the appropriation sprung from the fear that something would be accomplished and the parties who inaugurated the movement would have the credit of having put it on foot.
Men might honestly disagree upon the question of making such an appropriation for such a purpose. But they should propose and support a better plan in case they were in favor of a railroad. When men wilfully lie about the purpose of an appropriation in an effort to get up a remonstrance, they do not honestly differ upon the propriety of making it. And several names were upon the remonstrance that would not have been had the parties heard the purpose fairly stated.
If the people of Winfield would sustain the Council, it would undoubtedly make the appropriation, or would pay the Mayor a salary as Mayor, which would enable him to do the necessary work.
To prove the animus of the opposition to the appropriation, a subscription paper was presented to the leading remonstrators, the next day after they had defeated the appropriation, and they were asked to give something towards the preliminary work for a railroad, but they also refused to give anything. Thus we find them opposing the appropriation of public money and refusing to subscribe private funds to the much needed enterprise.
Although the matter of donating funds out of the city treasury, where there is between six and seven hundred dollars, was spoken favorably of by several persons, it so happened that Mr. Manning, of the COURIER, circulated the petition asking that the appropriation be made; and he urged the Council to make the appropriation. As a reward for his efforts, the organ of the quarrelsome faction, the Telegram, of last week, accuses Mr. Manning of attempting to steal the money for electioneering purposes, and accuses Manning of many misdeeds.
It may be that Manning’s bad character and evil deeds are interesting reading to the Telegram readers. We know it is to three or four fellows who have for three years actively manufac­tured lies about Manning for the Telegram, to retail.
But what Manning’s character has to do with the construction of a railroad into the county, ordinary readers and voters cannot see. We are aware that the Telegram and a few of its backers pretend to believe that Manning is a very bad man; and they are very anxious that everybody else should believe he is such. In fact, they have no use for anybody that don’t believe it. And as the editors of the COURIER don’t believe it, they have but little use for them or the COURIER. TheTelegram and its backers have spent three years of vigorous endeavor to hold Manning’s head under water, but their frantic efforts have resulted in keeping their own heads below the surface, while a better looking but unmentionable portion of their bodies has been frequently exposed to the air.
If anybody believes or is disposed to believe the charges made against Manning by the Telegram, and is anxious to know whether they are true or false, they can find plenty of evidence to prove that they are false by making inquiry of those who ought to know.
The COURIER is not published for the purpose of destroying or developing the personal character of anyone. But it is intent upon securing to Cowley County whatever is of public benefit. The fact that certain persons either support or oppose any such measure will not change its course. The men who for personal motives do oppose such measures must expect to be hit by the COURIER. The Telegram, being their organ, of course, it must do their squealing. It and its faction can and do make mischief. But, as its motives become better understood, its power to do mischief is lessened.
The COURIER and its friends will persevere in the effort to secure a railroad into the county. We have seconded every effort. We ask that our efforts be now seconded. Nor will we let up until a railroad comes. The foolish and unjustifiable opposition to the enterprise in our town is growing less potent. The railroad will, as it must, come in spite of them. The county is becoming more united every day. If any cattle get upon the track, they will be butted off.
Do we more fully need to name the cattle?
[Note: No names were detailed in editorial.]
Winfield Courier, June 29, 1876.
In reply to our locals, in reference to James Jordan and a few other similar taxpayers (?), of last week, the Telegram, as usual, gathers a dung fork and hurls its armaments of compost at Mr. Manning, accusing him of an attempt to steal the city funds. Why not accuse Rev. Platter, and sixty-four others, who signed the petition, of an attempt to steal? Will, you had better save that dung fork for a tooth pick for your backers.
Winfield Courier, August 10, 1876. Editorial Page.
Driven into their Holes and Smoked out.
A Chapter of History Worth Preserving.
Recap: Involved Winfield Township: Republican local hierarchy versus local Democrats and Independents (self-styled Reformers).
At meeting in Courthouse 45 “Reformers” tried to control the organization of meeting called to obtain candidate for State Senator nomination from 88th representative district.
“Suddenly A. H. Green, a ‘leading Reformer,’ took the floor and called the meeting to order and nominated as chairman one of his followers. . . . James Kelly, chairman of the Republican Township Committee, called the meeting to order and L. J. Webb nominated Capt. J. S. Hunt as chairman. A rising vote was called for, resulting in 39 for, 12 against Hunt, a few not voting. J. P. Short was chosen secretary. . . . The balloting commenced and a large number of names had been registered, all of which voted for what were known as the Manning delegates, whereupon ‘the Reformers’ discovered that they were in the wrong conven­tion. . . . Subsequently, and after nearly 100 ballots had been cast, and many voters had retired from the hall, W. P. Hackney and two or three others returned to the meeting and complained that the call for the meeting was irregular and he thereupon gave notice that on next Tuesday Aug. 8th at 4 o’clock p.m., the Republicans would hold another meeting. He and Tansey denounced the resolutions [made voters pledge themselves to support Hayes & Wheeler] as a gag and the meeting untimely, etc. Aligned against them: Prof. A. B. Lemmon, E. S. Torrance, L. J. Webb, Samuel Burger, and S. W. Greer.
The Cowley County Telegram dated August 4, issued on Monday morning, August 8, had the following article.
Within the past few days Cowley County has been the scene of more of that contemptible trickery and political intrigue and corrupt practices which has made the leaders of the Republican party, in the county, so odious in the sight of an honest people. And especially was Winfield the ground on which one of the dirtiest of these jobs was put up. Knowing that if the masses of the party were present at the primary convention, called for the purpose of electing 10 delegates to the county and district conventions, to be held on the 12th of the present month, the delegates selected by them, and who would, without question, vote for their men, no matter how odious they were, or what their records were, would stand no show for election. So they hit upon a plan whereby their friends would be sure to be present while the opposition would be busily at work on their farms and in their shops.
The day set by the county central committee was the 8th—the call so read—the Republican organ so stated in an editorial, and urged that upon that day every voter should turn out. Right in the face of this they quietly send out their strikers to tell the “faithful” that they must come in four days earlier, as the convention would be held then and their presence was needed. On the morning of the earlier day determined upon, a few posters were posted up in out-of-the-way places calling a primary for that afternoon. So far their little plan worked well, but when the Republicans who were opposed to this way of transacting business saw this, they went to work and gathered together a force suffi­cient to scoop them, which they would undoubtedly have done, had not one of the ring-leaders of the corrupt gang rushed through a resolution requiring that each man who voted should subscribe a pledge to support the nominees on the National, State, and county ticket. The “gag” a hundred or more Republi­cans refused to swallow, and they had it all their own way, electing their ticket by a majority equal to the number of their friends present. The whole proceedings were corrupt, illegal, and scandalous, and engineered by a set of political tricksters of whom the people of the whole county entertain feelings of the greatest disgust. It is only a continuation of the corrupt practices they have been foisting upon the people as Republican­ism for years past—and such a job as will cause the honest voters of the county to repudiate their entire outfit at the polls next November.
The men who managed the affair are respectively candidates for State Senator, County Superintendent, Probate Judge, Repre­sentative, District Judge, and County Attorney. Let the voters spot them. . . .

On Tuesday, August 8, before 4 o’clock, Cliff Wood, A. H. Green, T. K. Johnston, John D. Pryor, N. M. Powers, Joe Mack, and 5 or 6 others who do not desire to have their names published, because they do not approve of the action taken, slipped over to the courthouse one at a time by different routes and pretended to hold a meeting. . . . A few minutes before 4 p.m., Mr. Manning went to the courthouse to have the bell rung and upon entering the courthouse found that C. M. Wood was occupying a chair at the table as chairman and John D. Pryor occupying another chair in the capacity of secretary. Mr. Manning took the floor and inquired if the meeting was organized, and to what style of proceedings it had arrived whereupon a “reformer” at once moved an adjournment, which was at once put and carried, and ten of the purifiers of Cowley County politics fled the room in such haste as to leave three or four others who had not fully comprehended the trick, sitting in wonder at the unseemly haste of those present, and expecting to have a chance to vote for delegates.
As soon as Mr. Manning entered the room a bystander rang the bell, whereupon nearly one hundred voters poured over to the courthouse. A meeting was organized by electing S. D. Klingman as chairman and B. F. Baldwin secretary. The action of the “reformers” was related to the meeting. A committee on resolu­tions was appointed, which soon reported the following, which was adopted by sections, with but one dissenting voice to the first resolution.
They passed more resolutions, which endorsed the previous action taken.
Manning and his group won again!
Howard B. Allison, son of W. M. and Annie J. Allison, dies...
Winfield Courier, August 17, 1876.
DIED. On Thursday morning, August 10th, of cholera infan­tum, Howard B., infant son and only child of Mr. W. M. and Annie J. Allison. The funeral services at the M. E. Church, conducted by Rev. Croco, were largely attended. After which a beautiful casket, containing the remains of the light and joy of another household, was tenderly laid away by sympathizing friends in the city cemetery.
Allison buys material from McIntire’s office. McIntire had newspaper called the Cowley County Democrat...
Arkansas City Traveler, August 30, 1876.
Chas. McIntire sold the entire office of the Cowley County Democrat to Wm. Allison last week. Mr. Allison is to fulfill all unexpired subscriptions and advertising contracts. The publishing of the Democrat was an experiment from the first, and has now proven that the fourth paper cannot live in Cowley County. Mr. McIntire conducted the paper honorably and thoroughly, and would have made it a good journal had he re­ceived suffi­cient support and encouragement.
Winfield Courier, August 31, 1876.
The Cowley County Democrat is a thing of the past. Mr. McIntire will go east for his health. Mr. Allison has purchased the material of the office.
Winfield Courier, August 31, 1876.
The following very flattering notice of the Republican Senatorial candidate in this, the 27th district, is taken from the Atchison Champion. The COURIER will not wait to see it appear in the Traveler or Telegram, but gives its readers the benefit of the opinion of a disinterested journalist.
“Col. E. C. Manning, editor of the Winfield Courier, has been nominated for State Senator by the Republicans of Cowley County. He has served in both the Senate and the House, and has also been Secretary of the Senate. He is a vigorous writer and an energetic, influential, and industrious legislator, and has as wide an acquaintanceship throughout the State as any man within its borders. He has, we think, been a resident of Kansas for fully twenty years, and has been in the newspaper business in Marshall, Riley, and Cowley counties. He will make a valuable member of the Senate.”
Winfield Courier, September 7, 1876.
The editor of the Telegram, late nominee for Secretary of State on the Independent ticket, is totally deranged. The removal of his name from the ticket by the committee has entirely upset his flighty brain. He is constantly watched by his friends, and is not accountable for what he says or does. None feel more sadly over his misfortune than we.
Winfield Courier, September 14, 1876. Editorial Page.
From Tisdale.
TISDALE, Sept. 11, 1876.
DEAR COURIER: Tisdale is not only the center of the county, but it appears to be the center of attraction just now. Politics are all the rage with an occasional sensation of slander. Hardly had the pen of “Beecher” been laid away to rest after describing the late Newton scandal, until his better-half, from some cause, to us unknown, left his bed and board, and, at this writing, still refuses to return, and Beecher now has the sympathy of those who but a week ago were sympathizing with Hedges and Mrs. Newton.
“Scalper No. 2" was right in his prediction that the Tisdale Democrats would not want any more discussions. They are free to confess that their champion of Democracy was badly cleaned out by the gallant Captain of the Grouse. They are so badly demoral­ized, that in an attempt to hold a Democratic caucus, last Saturday, but three men were present, and one of them declared his intention to vote for Hayes and Wheeler. The Hayes and Wheeler club is doing good work, the false statement of the Telegram to the contrary, notwithstanding. Already those who were talking Cooper are coming up manfully and joining the Hayes and Wheeler club, bound to stick to the party of freedom and true reform. The true Republicans of Tisdale cannot be persuaded from the party by petty spite or personal ill will.
I see by the last issue of the Telegram that the statement of the COURIER that the editor of the Telegram was totally deranged is fully corroborated. Will has already begun to imagine that there are ghosts in Winfield. I am not the least surprised that he should imagine strange sights and sounds in his immediate vicinity. The old adage that, “those whom the gods would destroy they first make mad,” may prove true in his case. We know he has been mad for sometime, and that he is about to be destroyed wholly, we can easily foresee.
Winfield Courier, September 14, 1876.
That Telegram ghost story is thin. Jim Hill says there is no haunted house in  town.
Winfield Courier, September 14, 1876.
ED. COURIER: In last week’s Telegram appeared a local in regard to some words that, it is said, were uttered by one of the members of the Hayes and Wheeler Club. In the article referred to, the person says that a member of the club yelled out, as the club was starting for Tisdale, “Hurrah for hell!” in front of the M. E. church while a prayer meeting was in progress. We beg leave to say that the assertion is a base lie, told for political capital and through copperhead venom. One of the members did say the above, which he does not approve of, but did not say it anywhere near a place of worship, nor did he say it to slander anyone. If it had been a copperhead outfit, nothing would ever have been said about it. But we consider the source.
Concerning the other local, in regard to the “enthusers” and “strikers,” who are said to have gone along with the Scalpers for the purpose of cheering the Republican speaker. We can only say that it is another copperhead “cud,” chawed up by the enemies of true Democracy and given to the Telegram to be swallowed and then spit out broadcast over the county. Those who were “mostly boys” will turn out to be Hayes and Wheeler men in November. HALF TWAIN.
N. B. I have since learned that the individual who was most annoyed by the lively demonstration of the Hayes and Wheeler Club, a week ago last (Wednesday) night, was a rebel officer at Andersonville Prison. “So mote it be.” We knew there must be something wrong. H. T.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 20, 1876.
The parties at Cedar Vale did not make satisfactory arrangements with Charles McIntire to start a paper at that place. Mr. Blevins, of Oxford, had some idea of giving them one, but we learn the contract has been made with Wm. Allison, of Winfield, who promises the first edition soon.
Excerpts: Lengthy article. Concentrating on Allison only...
Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876. “Personals” Page.
Having been named by the Republicans of this, the 27th senatorial district, as the candidate for State Senator, I feel it to be a duty I owe the party to which I belong and to the men who have placed me in nomination to contradict the lies that have been in circulation about me for five years. So long as I was a private citizen, it was not worthwhile to confront the liars or chase down the lies that have cursed the earth and poisoned the air of Cowley. To this end on Monday, Sept. 11th, I sent the card which appears below to the editor of the Traveler.
Instead of publishing the notice and then attending the meeting in person, or having someone do so, to face me with the falsehoods which he publishes, he takes the dishonorable course of refusing to meet me in open field, but puts the following stuff into his paper and sends it to hundreds of readers whom I can never meet. He further refuses to publish my reply. Could a man be more unfair? Could a pretended Republican be more dishonorable?
[From the Traveler, Sept. 13th.]
We received from E. C. Manning, and by his request, publish the following notice:
“I will address the voters of Silverdale Township at Lippmann’s Mill, Saturday evening, Sept. 23, 1876. At that time I respectfully challenge all persons who have aught to say against me to be present, and make their charges publicly, that I may answer them
[Charge No. 2 by Scott followed by answer of E. C. Manning]...
2. We charge him with being interested in and connected with the bridge swindle at Winfield, as published in the Telegram of Oct. 2nd, 1873.
The second charge is not true. I refer to D. A. Millington, J. P. Short, and O. P. Boyle, who were the township officers of Winfield Township at the time for proof of my denial.
Winfield Courier, September 28, 1876.
DIED: In Winfield, Sept. 23rd, 1876, of Cerebro-not-enough-money-in-it, Greenback Party, aged 5 months and a few days.
The remains will probably be interred near those of it’s father, W. M. Allison.
Excerpts from a lengthy article...
Arkansas City Traveler, October 4, 1876. Front Page.
“Reform within the Republican Party.”
In an issue of September 13, 1876, we published an answer to a card of E. C. Manning, challenging his opponents to meet him on the stump and make their charges, among other charges, the following:
9. We repeat the charge of his having demanded $1,000 of Sid. Clarke for his vote for him as United States Senator.
Now, in answer to this, Col. Manning grows indignant and demands the proof. In order to accommodate the gentleman, we propose to give him the proof, and before doing so, we desire to call the attention of our readers to the fact that in 1870 Manning was defeated by the people for Representative, as we have fully shown by reference to a communication in last week’s issue, over the signature of W. P. Hackney, in reply to a letter of inquiry from us.
We know personally that the statement of Mr. Hackney is true, and we know further that Mr. Hackney at that time was a citizen of this county, taking a prominent part in the politics of that day, and knows fully whereof he speaks—and at that date the name of E. C. Manning was synonymous with political trickery and personal rascality. He was defeated in a fair election by the people, and by fraud and trickery he went to Topeka as the representative of Cowley County against the expressed wishes of our people as shown by their ballots.
At that time money was plenty in Cowley County—far more so than at any time since—and at that date money could be had at 12 percent, with good security to an unlimited amount. In fact, Kansas was at that date far more prosperous than at any time before or since. The war was over; emigration was pouring into the State from every quarter of the globe; railroads were being constructed in every direction; peace and prosperity reigned everywhere.
These are facts that all the old settlers will bear us out in, and of the fact that money could be had at 12 percent, all over Kansas, the reader can satisfy himself by going to the District Clerk’s office in Winfield and reading the deposition of ex-Gov. Thomas Carney in his testimony in the case of E. C. Manning against Will. M. Allison.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 11, 1876.
The editor of the Cowley County Telegram, has withdrawn his name from the Independent State ticket, taken down the flag of that party, and hoists in its stead the banner of pure Democracy.
[Above concerns Wm. M. Allison of Cowley County, who is shown in another column of paper as a candidate for Secretary of State on the “National and State Independent Ticket.”]
Winfield Courier, October 26, 1876.
Up to the present time we have not uttered one disparaging word against any candidate on the Democratic ticket in this county.
We thought from the high position the candidate for State Senator occupied in this county, that he at least, would not conduct the campaign in the usual “bush-whacking” style. We have learned that in the remote townships, instead of making speeches and coming out squarely on his own merits, he is circu­lating copies of the Telegram and Traveler containing the false and venomous charges of their editors against Col. Manning, his opponent.
These papers, it is said, he puts in the hands of little children on their way from school and tells them to give them to their parents. We hope this is not true.
We have always entertained a good opinion of Mr. Pyburn and we are loth to believe that he would stoop to such little, unprincipled tricks to gain an advantage over his opponent. It is a very poor recommend for a candidate to be compelled to vilify and traduce the character of his opponent in order to draw attention from his own. We might expect such banditti warfare from a man who, in correspondence, speaks of himself as “Judge Christian,” but certainly not from the dignified and gentlemanly Mr. Pyburn.
Winfield Courier, November 2, 1876.
The Traveler comes out this week and denies that its editor stole a suit of clothes and an over-coat from the firm of Topliff & French, of Emporia, in 1870.
Mr. Nixon, in his letter as published in last week’s COURIER, did not charge that Scott stole a suit of clothes and an over-coat, but he did say that “Scott stole goods from the clothing store of Topliff & French.” It matters not to us whether it was a full suit, a half-suit, or simply a cap, as explained by the Telegram. The principle is just the same. A man who would steal a cap would steal an entire suit, if he had the chance. Mr. Topliff, in his letter, says that their firm did not keep clothing. Very well, they kept boots, shoes, hats, and caps, though; and Mr. Topliff will remember that, about two years ago, he told a citizen of this place, who was then a resident of Arkansas City, and a particular friend of his, that he (Scott) did steal a cap from their store, as set forth in Nixon’s letter. If Mr. Topliff or Mr. Scott want the authority for this state­ment, they can have it. If he had stolen all the goods in Emporia, it wouldn’t have altered the character of the offense. The principle of the thing is what the “vagabonds” are looking at, and they do not want Mr. Scott to crawl out of it by hiding himself behind his charges against Mr. Manning. The “vagabonds” have a right to know the character of the prosecuting witness in this continued assault upon them and their friends. His attempt to prove that Nixon is unreliable, simply because he gambles—won’t work. That’s a knife that cuts both ways. We know of several prominent politicians of the Traveler stripe that gamble and race horses, and are still held in high esteem by the “pure and better element of the party.” It’s too thin, Scott, it won’t wash. Bring in another horse.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1876.
ORDER. While Wm. Allison, of the Telegram, was speaking at Thomasville one evening this week, one man persisted in inter­rupting him, and we are informed, made some threats. Mr. Allison asked the Chairman to preserve order and not have the assembly as well as himself disturbed by the unruly one; but the Chairman’s voice was very weak, and the man continued to interrupt the speaker, until he said: “I guess we’ll have order here, and I will appoint that rowdy a committee of one to keep it.” As Mr. Allison said this, he deliberately stepped to his overcoat and took therefrom “a friend,” which he placed on the table beside him, and order was preserved.
Winfield Courier, November 9, 1876.
We learn this (Thursday) morning that the “blood thirsty” Sioux will camp on Sand Creek, twelve miles north of here, tonight. Where is that “blood curdling war whoop” that Allison predicted would resound through the valley?
Winfield Courier, November 9, 1876.
Allison got on his ear at some remark one of his auditors chanced to make while he was speaking in Silver Creek Township, the other night, and drew his “stinger,” after the regular Hamburg style, expecting to intimidate his victim. The old man rose up and told him that if he ever shot him with that thing, pointing to a little pocket revolver he was flourishing, that he would spank him so his folks wouldn’t know him. He didn’t shoot.
Winfield Courier, November 9, 1876.
ORDER. While Wm. Allison, of the Telegram, was speaking at Thomasville one evening this week, one man persisted in inter­rupting him, and we are informed, made some threats. Mr. Allison asked the chairman to preserve order and not have the assembly as well as himself disturbed by the unruly one, but the chairman’s voice was very weak and the man continued to interrupt the speaker, until he said, “I guess we’ll have order here, and I will appoint that rowdy a committee of one to keep it.” As he said this he deliberately stepped to his overcoat and took therefrom “a friend,” which he laid on the table beside him, and order was preserved. Traveler.
That is another lie, and can be so proven by every man who was present at that meeting, regardless of his political complexion.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1876.
The defeat of the Republican candidate for the State Senate, in this county, gave all true Republicans therein a shock of dismay. It seems to say that personal hate is stronger than love of principle; that men can be destroyed by falsehoods; that money can carry elections in Cowley; that local strifes threaten the future welfare of the county; that a man who has no sympathy with the money shylocks, and who is in sympathy with the farmers has been set aside for one who has no sympathy of any kind; that a man who is working for railroads is dropped for one who takes no thought of railroads; that one who is striving for markets, progress, and material development in the county is cast down, while one who manifests no zeal in these things is set up; that a representative of Republican principles is repudiated, while a representative of Democratic principles is endorsed.
The defeat of Mr. Manning as the Republican candidate for Senator is an unfortunate blow to the best interests of Cowley County. The method of his defeat has created a bitterness in the county that will last for years. A very large majority of the Republican farmers of the county desired his election. He could not have refused to run as their Senatorial candidate and re­tained their confidence and respect. It was plainly the duty of the minority of Republicans to second their choice.
In the effort to secure his election, no dishonorable methods were adopted. Mr. Manning even offered to withdraw from the ticket if his adversaries could prove that any of the wicked charges of dishonorable conduct made against him were true. He could not withdraw from the canvass without cause. He was desirous that Cowley should be represented in the State Senate by a Republican and was willing to put forward another candidate if good cause could be given for so doing.
The canvass in Cowley County became a personal controversy. All interest in the National and State ticket was lost in the war made upon Mr. Manning by his enemies and the defense made by his friends. The “robber’s roost” in Winfield furnished money to defeat him. Two newspapers in the county poured out column after column of lies about him. A flood of liars were turned loose in every township and in nearly every schoolhouse to defame him, and finally on election day the Traveler and Telegram offices fur­nished bogus Republican tickets at every voting place with Mr. Pyburn’s name printed thereon as the Republican candidate for State Senator.
As a culminating effort the opposition secured the services of pretended Republicans at every precinct, either volunteers or hired tools, to brow beat every man who intended to vote for Mr. Manning.
This combination of agencies, aided by a nearly solid Democratic vote, backed by the almost solid vote of Creswell Township (Arkansas City), caused the defeat of the Republican nominee. 
Such disreputable means as those employed show who the “reformers” are in Cowley County. They are “spotted.”
We have a few words to say to a class of citizens in Winfield and a still smaller class in the county. The COURIER is not published for the benefit or destruction of one man or many men, nor for the purpose of rewarding the friends or punishing the enemies of its editor or publisher. Its first hope is to be a self-sustaining enterprise, paying something for the capital, time, and labor spent thereon. Its next ambition is to promote the welfare of its readers and the prosperity of Cowley County. Both of these objects are largely frustrated by the personal enmity shown by certain individuals towards the friends of the COURIER. Several persons in Winfield contribute freely towards supporting a disreputable sheet, called the Telegram. If they sustain a paper that persists in lying about the COURIER force, then will the COURIER tell some unwholesome truths about them.
Peace of mind and a decent reputation is as dear to the COURIER’S folks as to the men who support and endorse the Telegram in its villainy. A hint to the wise is sufficient.
On last election day the “reform” element of Cowley County caused five or six kinds of bogus tickets to be printed and circulated. One variety had the following heading.
Following this heading were the Democratic electors and the whole Democratic ticket. Thus the Peter Cooper voter, not being posted on the names of the electors, really voted for Sam J. Tilden & Co. “Reform,” is the watchword of the demagogues who fathered that ticket.
The branch railroad that the A. T. & S. F. Co. was to have built to Eldorado is for the present frustrated. The townships along the line were to have voted bonds in aid of the enterprise, but owing to the two-thirds rule, the bonds failed to carry in one or more townships. That law must be changed.
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1876.
An Advertisement.
I do not advertise my goods in anybody’s “oral Bugle,” in the Telegram, or in any organ that sells its columns to advertis­ers for the sole purpose of abusing a rival jeweler. I am running a first class jewelry store, buy my goods of first class dealers, and I pay for them. I warrant all my work. I came here before there was any Winfield or any junk-shop jewelers in this section—I came here to stay. You will not find me moving from place to place every month, or abusing those who chose to come after me. Call and see me and you will find the above statements substantially correct. Very respectfully, W. M. HUDSON.
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1876.
Allison lives over in Winfield. He is making an effort to “run” a paper in Cedar Vale, in this county. He calls his paper “Independent,” but the truth is that Allison and his paper were purchased with Democratic money. The same men who bought Allison tried for eight months to secure the Journal, and fail­ing, got a cheaper paper, Allison and his little “Blade.” Had their efforts to secure the “Journal” been successful, Allison and his little Blade would never have been known to Chautauqua County. Chautauqua Journal.
Allison: editor of two newspapers: Cowley County Telegram; Cedar Vale Blade...
Arkansas City Traveler, December 20, 1876.
CALLED. Wm. M. Allison, editor of the Cowley County Telegram and Cedar Vale Blade, made us a short call on Thursday last. Mr. Allison is one of Winfield’s representative men, and although he has assumed the difficult task of conducting two newspapers at one time, proves himself thoroughly competent to successfully operate both.
Winfield Courier, December 28, 1876.
From Beaver.
MR. EDITOR COURIER: Who is this Bill Hackney that wants to put Tilden in the Presidency with bayonets? Is he the man that represented Cowley County last winter? Is he the man that Republicans elected one year ago, after Col. Manning withdrew from the ticket? Is it the same man that Col. Manning worked so hard in this township to get a unanimous vote for? If it is, the vote of little Beaver shows that we knew him better than the Winfield politicians did. If he is dying for fight, or, as the COURIER has it, for “wah,” he needn’t leave Cowley County to get enough to settle him. I expect to see the Democratic Telegram defending his seditious talk. He says that he does not owe the Republican party anything. Well, I think that it is about a “stand off” then, for I am sure the Republican party does not owe him anything, so its all right; he can call it square so far as the Republicans of Beaver are concerned. Just such squirts as Bill Hackney is what keeps up all the trouble; so, Mr. Editor, give him fits—and all like him. B.
Beaver Township, Dec. 24th, 1876.
Winfield Courier, February 22, 1877.
The next regular meeting of the Philomatic society of Winfield will be held at the Courthouse, on Friday evening, March 2nd, 1877.

  1. Music by Miss Newman.
  2. Select Reading; by Mrs. J. D. Pryor.
  3. Weekly Paper, by Rev. J. L. Rushbridge.
  4. Music, by Miss Gowen.
  5. Answers to scientific questions.
  6. Essay by F. S. Jennings.
  7. Discussion. Resolved, “That the practice of the law elevates the profession.” Affirmative—Jas. McDermott, W. M. Allison. Negative—C. M. Wood, J. E. Allen.
  8. Scientific questions by the audience.
  9. Adjournment.

Exercises to begin at 7½ o’clock, p.m. All are invited to attend.
J. F. JENNINGS, President.
O. M. SEWARD, Secretary.
S. M. Jarvis purchases Cedar Vale Blade from W. M. Allison...
Arkansas City Traveler, February 28, 1877.
S. M. JARVIS has purchased the Cedar Vale Blade of W. M. Allison. Mr. Jarvis was formerly of Tisdale, this county, and while he is a new hand at the wheel, we know him to possess the required energy and tact that will make the Blade an interesting and readable county paper.
Winfield Courier, March 8, 1877. Editorial Page.
Democratic Correspondence.
EDITOR OF COURIER: Will you allow me, through the COURIER, to correct some errors that are prevalent among the Republicans. It appears that your party has an idea that the Democrats are opposed to everything in the shape of improvement, especially that we don’t want a railroad. All this arises from a want of information, and this want, by your permission I will supply.
To begin with, I want it understood that the Wah Hoss that you have been harping about through your columns is not a Demo­crat, never was one, and we are not responsible for anything that Bill Hackney says or does. We rode the mule last fall for electioneering purposes, but he did us more harm than good, and just because we patted and petted him to make a cat’s paw to worry the Republicans, many of them concluded he had changed his politics. Sir, if he were a Democrat, we would read him out of the party. Such men would kill any party that would patronize him. As soon as the election was over we turned him out to pasture, and we shall not take him up again unless we get another dirty job on hand that no Democrat will touch and then we may give him another call, as such work is adapted to his nature, and we can get him cheaper than anyone else.
I hope these explanations will satisfy your readers and that they will cease pointing the finger of scorn at every Democrat they pass and say, “There is a Hackney man, and he opposes railroads.” I do not know one Democrat that is opposed to a railroad coming to Cowley County, and further, I do not know of one but who will vote for bonds to build it. We are not talking politics now, we mean business.
We will drop Hackney for the present and take up another sprig not quite so large, the editor of the Telegram. Many of your readers are trying to palm him off on us, but you can’t come it. He is no more a Democrat than Hackney. But, say you, if he is not a Democrat, why do you patronize him? You take his paper. Not quite so fast, if you please. Hold on till I tell you how that is. There are a few men that pay Allison for doing their dirty work for them, and he sends the paper to any person the joint stock company orders, and that’s how we take his paper. We would not pay a cent for such a dirty sheet. The St. Louis department is all that is worth reading, and that is foreign to our interests. I hope this explanation will satisfy you that he is not one of us and that you will cease trying to palm off on us all the trundle-bed trash there is in the country.
We are just much as ashamed at the conduct of these men opposing our interests as any Republican can be. Such men are like grasshoppers, the more we have of them the worse we are off. They are splendid eaters for little fellows, but are death on supplies.
If we never had been disgusted with Bill Hackney before, his conduct at that railroad meeting on the 17th, ult., would be sufficient cause to stamp him with eternal infamy. He had no more business sticking in his gab there than your bread and butter preacher, and neither of them received any thanks for their false representations from the Democrats. They both got pay for their small talk but not from us. The Democrats enjoyed the drubbing Bill got from that old farmer as well as any Repub­lican and were equally as proud of him for telling the usurper to his teeth that the meeting was not called for jackleg lawyers who pay no taxes but for producers, merchants, and mechanics; men that were a benefit to the county and not a curse, like the small men that sell their birthright for a mess of pottage. An old farmer and a Democrat from Pleasant Valley on leaving the Court­house on that occasion remarked to his neighbor: “Hackney ought to have a rope around his neck and it tied to a good stout limb.”
A gentleman of Winfield (a Democrat) said to me, “I would not give this stump of a cigar for Bill Hackney,” and another gentleman remarked “that was the best thing ever happened to Bill, he is always sticking his nose where he has no business.” I must now turn my attention to the slang that is being published by Allison against that farmer for daring to assert his rights as a taxpayer against these gabby politicians that pay no taxes. The Democrats in his neighborhood say that farmer is a man that tends to his own business, that he is a good neighbor and law abiding citizen, a man of learning, and that he is putting forth more efforts to elevate the rising generation than any other, and that his efforts are appreciated by the community; and they denounce Allison as a calumniator, a braggart, and a liar, and like other intelligent Democrats, they deny that he belongs to the party.
In conclusion let me say to your readers that I will defend the Democratic party now as I did in the rebellion. The Republi­cans at that time threatened my life for defending the party, but I will live to throw back your buzzard bait in your own teeth. We can’t swallow your Hackney; you must masticate him yourselves. As for Allison, a big toad could swallow him at one bite, but no Democrat will bite.
As soon as we can get a man of sense and a true Democrat to do our publishing, one that will be a credit instead of disgrace, we will turn Allison out to pasture with Hackney.
Winfield Courier, March 22, 1877.
The following were the officers elected at the Philomatic society on last Friday evening, for the ensuing term: C. M. Wood, President; M. G. Troup, Vice President; Miss Emma Saint, Secretary; J. M. Bair, Treasurer; W. M. Allison, J. E. Platter, and T. A. Wilkinson, Committee on Programme.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1877. 
A committee composed of Wm. Allison, Cliff. Wood, Frank Williams, Rev. Platter, E. C. Manning, and Dr. Mansfield from Winfield visited this place Tuesday, March 27, for the purpose of combining an east and west railroad proposition with the Walnut Valley project. A meeting was held in Pearson’s Hall in the afternoon, and a committee of seven elected to meet and confer with them, composed of Amos Walton, James Benedict, Frank Lorry, S. P. Channell, C. R. Mitchell, J. C. McMullen, and C. M. Scott.
The committee from this place agreed to unite the two propositions if they could be voted on at the same time on the same ballot, and if it was not legal to vote for both on the same ballot, then they wanted the Winfield people to vote for the Walnut Valley project first, and our people would give them every reasonable assurance and pledges that they would support the proposition offered, or any definite project from the east.
No positive agreement could be made and the matter was adjourned.
Winfield Courier, April 5, 1877.
The Railroad Meeting.
On Tuesday evening a red hot railroad meeting was held at the Courthouse. The house was full. S. C. Smith was chosen chairman and W. M. Allison, secretary. A report of what had been done to secure an east and west railroad was made, and the steps thus far taken cordially endorsed. Enthusiastic speeches were made by several gentlemen. Perfect unanimity prevailed. Canvassing and Finance committees were raised and the following resolutions were adopted.
Resolved, That we, as citizens of Winfield, hereby pledge our confidence, sympathy, and assistance to each of the commit­tees appointed by this meeting for the prosecution of this canvass.
Resolved, That we, as citizens of Cowley County, will each put forth our utmost endeavors to carry out and complete the M., P. & E., W. B. railroad enterprise now before us.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 16, 1877.
[For the Traveler.]
From Winfield.
WINFIELD, May 9th, 1877.
FRIEND SCOTT. The east and west proposition is a fair one, and one that you need not be afraid of. The above is the lan­guage of the Telegram. Mr. Allison speaks truly when he says we need not be afraid of it, but forgets to add—of it being built.
Now we all know too well the financial condition of this road to be humbugged and led to believe that if the bonds are carried at the coming election, the road will be built.
We want an east and west road, but we cannot afford to vote bonds in aid of such a project as this, it is simply tying our hands against our own interests, and keeping us from procuring a proposition from a company that we know is reliable.
I believe that if we had a proposition from the east that was reliable, it would receive the hearty support of the entire county, but the one we have now will surely not. Consider well before you cast your vote. The time is close at hand when you will be called upon to decide this matter, and cast your vote either for or against the bonds. It is a serious matter, and one that should be well considered.
If you are not posted in regard to the financial condition of this road and its ability to comply with its contract to build a road across the flint hills of Elk County, and through the roughest portion of Cowley, for the small sum of four thousand dollars per mile, you should by some means be enlightened, and have the matter placed before you as it is, not as it is placed before you by the bulldozers of Winfield.
I do not wish to call anyone of the gentlemen who have been canvassing the county in behalf of the east and west proposition a thief, liar, or cut-throat, as does the Courier speak of some of your citizens, but I do know they have told some pretty slimy stories. They have even went so far as to make some of the good citizens of lower Grouse believe that there would be a branch road from Lazette to the mouth of the Grouse. Now a man that will tell such an absurd falsehood as this does it for some purpose; he probably owns a few corner lots in the city of Winfield, and thinks by lying and deceiving the people, he will be able to make a stake. We hope the people will look to their own interests before it is too late, and trample underfoot the serpent that is about to sting them.
Court makes it lively for the hotels. Sid and Robert have all they can do.
Winfield has more doctors and lawyers than any other town in the Southwest.
The Honorable Col. E. C. Manning says: “If Arkansas City defeats the east and west proposition, the citizens of Winfield will be so enraged that they will sink it to the very bottom of hell.” The Colonel, no doubt, would like to have company, as he went there last fall, according to his own saying (to the Senate or to hell). M.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 18, 1877.
[Note: Gather that someone communicated the following to Editor Scott. Name not given. Very last line of article was practically cut off! MAW]
Winfield vs. Railroads.
Friend Scott:
Has the attitude or action of Winfield, our county seat, in regard to railroad matters, been a credit or disgrace? And will it not tend to make our county second when it might have been first in everything that tends to its development?
They say to us: “We are the county seat of Cowley, and unless we can have all the railroads terminate here, Cowley may sink; for we will not allow a railroad to run through our town and terminate at Arkansas City.” Why? Because a few politicians who intend to run this county were snubbed down here at the election last fall, and they would sink the county rather than let us have anything.
They say: “Yes, we believe the K. C., E. & S. road is backed by a substantial company, and will be built if the aid is voted; but it runs to Arkansas City, and that won’t do; so we will get up a humbug in the Memphis & Parsons road to defeat it.”
Some of the anti-Manning clique said they knew the Parsons road was a humbug, and would do nothing to help it along. But where do we find these same men at and some weeks before the election? Why, working for dear life for this same Parsons road, under their General, E. C. Manning, W. P. Hackney, first, and Allison, second Lieutenant, with a host of county officials and lawyers as Corporals—all jumping at the slightest nod of their little General, E. C.
Now, will this kind of business pay? This is a pertinent question for us, who are out of the political ring to ask. Let us review. In the first place, a company of capitalists propose to build a railroad through the most populous portion of the county, making Winfield a point. Winfield says No; that it will build up another locality, and make two lively towns, while they want and will have but one. Therefore, until assured of the success of a road which will terminate at Winfield, “we cannot consider your proposition.” Winfield then, at an expense of several hundred dollars to the county, put a proposition before the people, commencing at the tail end (unless it was all tail end, as many believed), and tied up the county to the amount of $120,000—and then discovered that there was a gap in the fran­chises which they could not fill up. And thus the grand scheme of building a railroad from Memphis to Winfield vanishes into thin air.
Then, again, gentlemen who have secured franchises to the line of Cowley County propose to certain townships that they will build a road through them, and through a portion of the county.
Winfield again takes the field, and in a canvass remarkable for lying and misrepresentation, again succeeds in preventing a portion of the county from giving aid to an honorable company that would build them a road. So far as they rate it, their success has been good: they have given aid to a wishy-washy concern and defeated a solid, reliable one.
Now comes their Waterloo. Having attached a franchise to the tail end of their Parsons road, they see the necessity of instructing the people of Elk County. How should they know, in the benighted regions east of us, what they want in the railroad line? So over to Elk they go, under their indomitable leader, who so fitly represents them, but whose pluck beats his judgment, and sometimes takes him in when he should have stayed out. They went in with flying colors, but alas! the people of Elk refused to be instructed. They called the great Pasha of the Walnut Valley a fool, and said he had better go home and mind his own business, and they came home like barnyard roosters that had sought the wrong dung hill—their combs badly torn and their tail feathers dangling in the dirt. So fearful an inroad did this last battle make on the little man’s constitution, that he had to take a trip to the mountains and sip cold tea for a week. But he came home hungry, and determined to find a project to kill; and looking over west toward Sumner County, they found a proposition set before that people which did not suit the people of Winfield.
Why should Sumner County vote bonds without consulting them? They had come to the conclusion that if they were not good at building railroads, they were splendid on keeping them out of the country. They went, they saw, but they didn’t conquer.
Hard-hearted Sumner said: “What you have unceremoniously kicked out of the way, we will take. You have with unsurpassed ability succeeded in preventing your own people from securing cheaper transportation. We can attend to our own business.”
Sumner voted the bonds, and it was settled that a road might possibly be run southwest without the aid of Winfield, and even against her opposition.
Now comes the crowning and most infamous act of the drama. Not content with interfering with and dictating to other coun­ties, the city which would rule the Walnut Valley calls in the lawyers. Sumner County is not to be permitted to settle the question of the legality of her own votes, but Winfield men and Winfield money must still be used to defeat an election held in another county and among another people. The matter, however, must be nicely covered up.
Somebody must come over from Sumner, and get the attorneys; somebody from Sumner must carry on the negotiations, but looking closely, you can see the cloven foot, and “he that runs may read.” By their fruits ye shall know them, and if the people of Winfield have, by determined and persistent effort, succeeded in beating themselves, who shall ___. [Last line cut off.]
Arkansas City Traveler, July 25, 1877.
The Wichita Eagle says W. P. Hackney, Leland J. Webb, Hon. E. C. Manning, and W. M. Allison were all up at Wichita last week “and got it.”
Arkansas City Traveler, July 25, 1877.
The prominent dignitaries of the city of Winfield were all up this week. W. P. Hackney, Esq., was after an injunction against the issue of railroad bonds in Cowley County. He got it. Leland J. Webb, Esq., wanted a writ of habeas corpus for a client. He got it. Hon. E. C. Manning was up for a taste of city life. He got it. Will Allison, editor of the Telegram, was up for money. From his looks, we guess he secured an abundance.
Winfield Courier, July 26, 1877.
This from the Arkansas Traveler is the most unkindest cut of all. [NOTE: MANNING LOVES TO LEAVE OFF “City” WHEN REFERRING TO THE TRAVELER.]
“Some of the anti-Manning clique said they knew the Parsons road was a humbug, and would do nothing to help it along. But where do we find these same men at, and some weeks before, the election? Why, working for dear life for this same Parsons road, under their General, E. C. Manning, W. P. Hackney, first, and Allison, second Lieutenant, with a host of county officials and lawyers as Corporals—all jumping at the slightest nod of their little General, E. C.”
And still we have no railroad.
Died. Robert T. Allison, son of Wm. M. and Annie J. Allison...
Arkansas City Traveler, August 15, 1877.
DIED. On Saturday morning, August 4, 1877, Robert T., only child of Wm. M. and Annie J. Allison: aged one month and twenty days.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 5, 1877.
FOR SALE CHEAP! I have five yoke of good work cattle—yokes, chains, plows, and wagons—which I will sell very low for cash, or will take part trade and balance cash.
W. M. ALLISON, Winfield.
Winfield Courier, September 6, 1877.
Allison has oxen and nursery stock for sale.
Winfield Courier, September 13, 1877.
C. C. Harris has traded his patent, back acting, quadruple spring, buggy to W. M. Allison for his prairie breaking long and short horned oxen.
Winfield Courier, November 1, 1877.
Who will attend to repairing the sidewalk between the residences of Will Allison and Mrs. Bruner?
Winfield Courier, November 1, 1877.
Somewhere between Harter & Hill’s Livery Stable, in Winfield, and the Thomasville schoolhouse on Friday evening of last week, a pocket-book, containing something like $15.00 in money, 1,000 mile ticket, issued by the A., T. & S. F. R. R., a Stage ticket and pass, Discharge from the U. S. army, and other papers issued to W. M. Allison—of no value whatever to anyone but the owner. The finder can keep the money if he will return the book and papers. Drop them in the post office, addressed to W. M. Allison, Winfield, or leave at the Telegram office.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 7, 1877.
L. J. Webb, M. G. Troup, Capt. Hunt, W. M. Allison, and J. P. Short, all attended the Republican meeting last Monday evening, at this place. Speeches were made by all the gentlemen except Mr. Short, and a general talk engaged in.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 7, 1877.
WILL ALLISON claims to have lost a pocket book containing $15 in money, a 1,000 mile railway ticket, a stage pass, and a discharge from the U. S. army. We believe it all except the $15 in money. He meant a $15 due bill he had made out for some bible association.
Lew. Carr, cousin of W. M. Allison...
Winfield Courier, November 29, 1877.
Mr. Lew. Carr, cousin of W. M. Allison, formerly of Chetopa, this state, is at present clerking for Harter Bro.’s Co.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 19, 1877.
The Telegram publishes the largest advertisement ever published in any newspaper of this county, being that of Lynn & Gillelen’s closing out sale of dry goods. Allison will make a good thing out of it, Lynn & Gillelen will do better, and the people, by all buying when the opportunity offers, will do better still.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 16, 1878.
The Board of Commissioners met last Monday and Tuesday. After organizing, they announced they were ready to receive sealed bids to do the county printing for the next year, and the bids were handed in by W. M. Allison, C. M. Scott, and Millington & Lemmon. The latter named gentlemen agreed to print the delinquent tax list, and school land sales at legal rates, and all other county printing without further remuneration. 
C. M. Scott bid to do all the county printing at one-fourth the legal rates prescribed by law, and publish the proceedings of the Board of Commissioners free of charge.
W. M. Allison bid to do all the county printing at one-twentieth the legal rates prescribed by law, and the award was made to him, and the Telegram designated the official paper of the county.
This is a lucky bid for the county as it will cost the gentleman about $200 to fulfill it.
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1878.
Capt. D. Northup is in negotiations about his one hundred and sixty acre aquarium and Allison’s house and Telegram outfit. Success, Captain.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1878.
Interesting to the Squatters in the Indian Territory.
  [From the Cowley County Telegram.]
For some weeks there has been strong evidences of a stampede from the counties of Cowley, Sumner, and others, not very remote from the south line of the State, to the lands just south of this and Sumner county and in the Indian Territory. Many have gone down there and staked off their claims. Some have stayed there and others are only waiting for spring to come, before permanent­ly removing to that locality. To all who have come to us for an opinion on the matter, we have said, “Don’t go—the lands are Indian lands, and not open for settlement, and you will just get comfortably settled when the military will drive you out.”
Some have taken our advice and others laughed at our warn­ing, while still others requested us to write to Washington and find just the status of the lands.
This we consented to do, and a few days since wrote to Hon. T. R. Ryan, the Representative in Congress from this district. The following is the letter we received in reply, which we hope will convince all those who are wild on this question, that they are entirely on the wrong track, and be satisfied to stay quietly at home and improve the lands they already have in Cowley.
Washington, D. C., Feb. 6, 1878.
W. M. ALLISON, My Dear Sir: In reply to your letter, I will state that I had an inter­view this morning with the Secretary of the Interior, upon the subject of the right of persons to enter upon and occupy lands in the Indian Territory in the vicinity of the Kansas border south of Cowley and Sumner, etc. He expressed the opinion that such right does not exist, but on the contrary, such occupancy would be a violation of treaty obligations, and if his attention was called to the fact that persons were occupying such lands, he should regard it his duty to remove them promptly, if needs be, by military force. I therefore think you would do a kindness to all persons who contemplate going upon these lands for settle­ment, to advise them not to do so. Very Respectfully, THOMAS RYAN.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 27, 1878.
The following was the cast of characters for the drama of “Ten Nights in a Bar Room,” presented in Winfield on last Monday night.
Chas. McGinnis, James Kelly, W. M. Allison, E. E. Bacon, Geo. Walker, Will Stivers, Sam Davis, Mrs. Chas. McGinnis, Miss Minnie Bacon, Miss J. Millington, and Miss Carrie Olds.
Winfield Courier, April 4, 1878.
Real Estate Transfers.
Newton Crow and wife to W. M. Allison, part of sw. 27, 32, 4; 1 acre, $350.00.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 10, 1878.
W. M. Allison’s claim of $16 against Samuel Hodges, de­ceased, was allowed.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
Real Estate Transfers.
W. M. Allison to J. R. Cochran, lot 3, blk 95, Winfield, $100.00.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
The following bills were allowed.
W. M. Allison, county printing.
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878.
Pursuant to a call for a county convention, the Presidents of the various Greenback clubs in the county and two delegates from each, convened in convention at Winfield, April 28, 1878, for the purpose of effecting a county organization.
The convention then proceeded to elect the officers of the executive committee which resulted as follows: President, J. B. Callison; Secretary, W. M. Allison; Treasurer, T. A. Blanchard.
All clubs not represented in the convention were invited to name one of their members to serve on this committee—the name to be sent to the secretary, W. M. Allison, at Winfield.
Winfield Courier, May 9, 1878.
Mr. Will. Allison has purchased some property one-half mile east of town. He is making some improvements on it and intends to move out in two or three weeks.
Winfield Courier, May 16, 1878.
Since giving the dimensions of M. L. Robinson’s flagstone, we have doubted the correctness of the dimensions we had given of the one belonging to Mr. Allison. We have therefore sent a young lady, with an accurate eye, to view the latter. She reports it is 11 feet wide, 18 feet long, and 9 inches thick.
Agricultural Society.
Minutes of the Organization.
Winfield Courier, May 16, 1878.
Pursuant to a call heretofore issued, a large assembly of representative men from different portions of Cowley County congregated at the courthouse in Winfield at 2 p.m., Saturday.
S. M. Fall, of Windsor, was chosen temporary chairman of the meeting and W. M. Allison, of Winfield, was chosen temporary secretary.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 12, 1878.
EDITOR TRAVELER: Seeing a small item of abuse of me in a little paper printed by a little man at the county seat, as one of your citizens, after due reflection, I thought it best, small as the game is, to say something in reply. It has become a common thing for strutting popinjays who hold a quill and think a common, plain man has no defense, to gather a lot of epithets and slang and fling them in a cowardly manner; and they commit these offenses so often with impunity, that as they strut and foam around among larger men they swell out until, though only inflat­ed with their own gas, they imagine themselves large. When he takes the trouble to strike at me and my business, because I don’t want his nasty little sheet, why don’t he air that little bit he made over at Tisdale? Why don’t he tell how it happened for a year or two that he didn’t pay any bill—not even wash bills—but was a poacher on every man he could get in debt to? Tell how he sold himself out to the Democrats, then sold himself to the Greenbackers, and then got to be an organ of one of the factions—the whole way through selling always for what he could get. Now, Mr. Allison, I leave you to puff and swell, and if there should be a combustion, it will bring you into notice through the different papers published in the surrounding coun­try—but oh, my! What an offensive smell there will be for all time to come on the spot where the explosion takes place. Come again. I am
Special Meeting Winfield City Council.
Winfield Courier, June 13, 1878.
J. B. Lynn, mayor, and all councilmen present.
Millington & Lemmon, and W. M. Allison, presented bids for the City printing. On motion the contract was ordered to the former and the Winfield COURIER made the official paper for the coming year. On motion the clerk was ordered to furnish official paper with proceedings of council.
A Threatened Famine.
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
C. A. Bliss, G. S. Manser, A. B. Lemmon, E. P. Kinne, J. C. Fuller, M. L. Read, T. R. Bryan, W. M. Allison, J. W. Curns, C. C. Black, D. A. Millington, E. S. Bliss, E. S. Torrance, A. E. Baird, J. B. Lynn, M. G. Troup, M. L. Robinson, J. C. McMullen, E. C. Manning, and probably many others, all with their wives, will make a raid upon Arkansas City, the steam boats, and Newman’s dam on the Fourth. They will seize all the provisions they can find in the city, capture both the “Aunt Sally” and the—the—well, Amos’ steamship, will rip out Newman’s dam, and steam up the Walnut to Winfield, driving a large herd of catfish. Bliss and Harter & Harris will load the steamers with flour at their mills. The party will start at about 9 o’clock a.m.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 10, 1878.
The Telegram last week spoke handsomely of our steamboat and of the benefits which river navigation would give to the entire county. Allison is always foremost in speaking for the good of Cowley. Now we would like to hear from the Courier man.
Winfield Courier, July 25, 1878.
WINFIELD, July 22, 1878.
WHEREAS, The grim tyrant, Death, has invaded the family circle of our brother, A. G. Wilson, and taken their little daughter, Olive May; therefore,
Resolved, That we tender our sympathies to our brother, his wife, and family in this their hour of affliction, hoping the Supreme Dictator of the Universe will bestow upon them the needed consolation in their bereavement.
Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions, under the seal of the Lodge, be handed our brother, and that a copy be furnished the city papers with a request that they be published.
Committee: W. G. GRAHAM, W. M. ALLISON, T. R. BRYAN.
Third child born to Allison, a son. The other two children died very young...
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
BIRTH. Born on Thursday to Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Allison, a son.
Winfield Courier, August 22, 1878.
The Greenback Executive Committee.
Committee met August 17, J. R. Callison presiding, W. M. Allison, secretary. The committee chose N. C. Coldwell, J. R. Callison, F. W. Schwantes, and D. Elliott as delegates to the Congressional Convention at Florence August 20. The chairman and secretary were instructed to call a county convention to put a full county ticket in the field when they think best.
The following were appointed a committee to see after unorganized territory: F. W. Schwantes, T. A. Blanchard, D. Elliott, J. R. Callison, J. W. Searle, A. S. Williams, B. H. Clover, N. C. Coldwell, Wm. Morrow, S. B. Hunt, C. C. Krow, O. C. Brubaker, and W. M. Allison.
[Not certain about initials for Callison: paper had J. B. Callison as well as J. R. Callison.]
Winfield Courier, September 12, 1878. Editorial Page.
The magnates of the Kansas City, Burlington & Santa Fe railroad arrived sooner than was expected. They came in on Wednesday evening of last week. The party consisted of Mr. Joseph P. Hale, capitalist of New York, Gen. Wm. H. Schofield, of Burlington, president of the road, James Hueston, engineer, and Orson Kent, treasurer. Messrs. Schofield and Kent were accompanied by their wives. The next morning the citizens of Winfield procured teams and took the gentlemen of the party and the gentlemen from Sedan out to several surrounding elevations to view the broad and beautiful valleys of the Walnut and Arkansas. The citizens then met in Manning’s new building, chose R. F. Burden, chairman, and W. M. Allison, Secretary, and were addressed at length by Gen. Schofield. He recounted the many difficulties that he had encountered and overcome in his struggles to build the road, succeeding in completing and putting in operation 44 miles and putting the company in such a condition in which it can now move the work along rapidly. He said they had now arrived at a point that they could promise to build the road to us within a reasonable short time if we shall secure to them the necessary aid, and desired an expression from our citizens.
E. C. Manning, J. E. Platter, D. A. Millington, S. P. Strong, C. Coldwell, J. B. Holmes, and A. B. Lemmon being called upon made short addresses, and the meeting appointed a committee of nine persons consisting of R. F. Burden, of Windsor, E. C. Manning, J. E. Platter, D. A. Millington, of Winfield, S. P. Strong, of Rock, C. R. Mitchell, of Arkansas City, O. P. Darst, of Dexter, W. A. Metcalf, of Cedar, and C. W. Roseberry, of Beaver, to confer with the officers of the railroad in relation to the terms which will be required of this county to secure the building of the road. The meeting adjourned, and committee met and organized by the election of D. A. Millington, chairman, and J. E. Platter, secretary. Gen. Schofield promises to return here within two weeks ready to submit a proposition and will notify the chairman of the committee of the exact time a few days beforehand, when the chairman will notify the balance of the committee by postal card. The distinguished visitors left in the afternoon to return; Messrs. Hale, Schofield, and Hueston went with Mr. Lemmon via Wichita. Anything further that may be developed in relation to this road will be given to our readers as early as possible. We need a railroad and want this if we can get it on reasonable terms in a reasonably short time.
Winfield Courier, October 10, 1878.
Mr. Will Allison has been laid up for a few days with a sprained ankle. He caught it in trying to organize a Greenback club in Rock to beat the Republicans with. He may break both ankles, both arms, and his neck in his efforts in that direction and then fail.
Winfield Courier, October 17, 1878.
Sold Out by a Ring—The Way It Was Done.
During Thursday and Friday of last week, Allison, A. A. Jackson, J. E. Allen, and two or three other greenbackers of this city were apparently very industrious and busy with the Democrats fixing up something. It seems that they arranged who should be chairman of the greenback convention, what he should do, who should be the committees, what they should do, who should be nominated by the convention, and how it should be done. They had their tickets printed and everything well cut and dried. At least the developments of Saturday show such a state of facts.
The National Greenback Labor Convention met on Saturday at 11 o’clock a.m. J. B. Callison was chosen chairman and A. J. Pickering secretary. A committee on credentials and permanent organization was appointed and then Allison moved that a committee be appointed by the chair to confer with a similar committee to be appointed by the Democratic convention, then in session, to agree upon terms, and candidates for a fusion of the two parties. This motion was opposed by several delegates. When one of them commenced to speak against the motion, Allison would boisterously call him to order and the chairman would help choke the speaker down. Then Allison would make a speech for the motion abusing the opposers. In this way they choked down several delegates and finally crowded the motion to a vote taken standing. Fourteen delegates voted for and sixteen against the motion. The chairman looked beat and at a loss what to do, but Allison was equal to the occasion. He said, “It is carried, Mr. Chairman,” and then the chairman said, “it is carried,” and took up a paper from his table and read from it the names of the pre-arranged committee, of which Allison was made chairman. The convention then adjourned to 2 o’clock p.m.
At the hour named the convention again met and the committee on credentials and permanent organization reported the names of delegates entitled to vote, and in favor of J. B. Callison for chairman, A. J. Pickering for secretary, and T. J. Floyd for assistant secretary. The report was accepted but was not adopted or otherwise disposed of.
Allison then sprang to the floor and in a loud, hurried, and excited manner read without leave the report of his fusion committee nominating M. G. Troup for representative 88th district, M. R. Leonard for 89th district, H. D. Gans for Probate Judge, John E. Allen for County Attorney, J. S. Allen for District Clerk, J. S. Baker for Superintendent, and A. G. Wilson for commissioner first district. He said that the Democrats would nominate this ticket and moved that his report be accepted. This immediately raised a storm. The anti-fusionists were in a majority and a number of speakers arose to oppose, among whom were Douglas and Tansey and Crum, who would not be choked down, as their speakers had been in the morning. A standing vote was taken on the motion to accept, which resulted 17 for and 20 against. This did not trouble Allison much. He pronounced his motion carried and so did the chairman, but Tansey demanded in a motion a call for the ayes and noes. Allison made several speeches and Alexander and Jackson spoke. Seeing they were in a minority they changed their tactics to entreaty, said a vote to accept was not a vote to adopt, that it was necessary to vote to accept in order that the convention might get to work, that after they had voted to accept, they could kill the report by laying it on the table or in any other way they chose and that it would be a terrible insult to the committee to refuse to accept. After an hour of choking down speakers who opposed, of entreaty, bulldozing and confusion that would have put Babel or the gold room into the shade, some of the anti-fusionists yielded and the vote to accept was carried. A part of the anti-fusionists announced their withdrawal from the convention. Allison then decided that the report was adopted so far that the convention must vote for or against the nominees of the report. The anti-fusionists not having the matter cut and dried as had the fusionists, were taken at a disadvantage and were caught and beaten by the trick. In order to make the trick sure to win a motion was made that the candidates having the highest number of votes should be the nominees and was carried before the anti-fusionists had time to see the drift of it. The balloting then commenced and of course the fusion nominees got a plurality and were declared the nominees of the convention. By some blunder some of the fusionists voted for Millard instead of Baker which was the only flaw in the execution of the program.
A cold deck had been prepared, the cards were stocked carefully, the deal and cut were in the hands of the fusionists and the moment a few anti-fusionists consented to play with them they were beaten. It was perfectly clear to any unprejudiced observer that the anti-fusionists were in a majority but were beaten by the cut and dried tactics of Allison and his ring. This ring had completely sold out the convention to the Democrats. They did not even adopt a platform but adjourned hastily. This omission of the platform was evidently not accidental, but was probably a part of the pre-arranged program. The Democrats furnish the platform as they dictate the candidates for the new fusion party. The Democratic snake has swallowed the tail end of the National party but we imagine that the head end will separate and go for principles rather than for fusion with the democrats. After the adjournment of the Nationals the Democrats accepted their blunder and nominated Millard, Allison, Jackson, Allen, and perhaps a few others composing the ring that has done the business.
Winfield Courier, October 17, 1878.
Ever since John E. Allen has been in this county he has been a Republican of the ultra stripe and a probable candidate of that party for county attorney. He tells us that he never was a hard money Republican. We don’t know what he calls a hard money man, but he was but recently opposing the greenback movement and offering to discuss before the people the finance questions against Payson and Coldwell. Now, so far as we have been able to discover, Payson and Coldwell are not fiat greenbackers, nor in favor of issuing enough greenbacks to pay off the national debt, so that any Republican who wishes to take issue with their greenback doctrine could not be a very soft money man. He has made many speeches and the “bloody shirt” has always been his stock argument. But shortly before the Republican convention, it became apparent that Torrance, and not Allen, would get the Republican nomination for county attorney and from that time it became apparent that Allen was under conviction. He was immediately converted to the fiat extreme of the finance question, became very hostile to the “bloody shirt” argument, and joined the greenback club. He suddenly became a bitter opponent of the Republican party, discovering that it was rotten and corrupt, the Democrats had never done anything wrong, and became a full fledged fiatist. Here was Chas. H. Payson, an attorney every way his equal, and in many ways his superior, a young man of bright promise. Industrious and honorable, but not like Allen a capitalist or bloated bondholder, who is loaning money at 26 percent; a man who had spent his energies, time, and money for most of the past year in traveling over the country making greenback speeches and organizing the National party, working in storm and shine, and laying on the prairie of nights; a man whom the young party, the Nationals who are such for principle and not for spoils, would have delighted to honor with the nomination of county attorney; such a man is rudely assaulted in convention of his friends, called a dead beat by Allison and set aside by a corrupt ring with a cut and dried ticket sprung upon the convention and carried by a trick of such unblushing effrontery as would put to blush the heathen Chinee with his twenty-four jacks. Will the real greenbackers at the clubs that Payson and Coldwell have helped to form under adverse circumstances, support this ring by voting for Allen while he is now hurrying into the Democratic camp?
Winfield Courier, October 17, 1878.
Democratic Ticket for 1879.
Winfield Courier, October 24, 1878.
Office of the Secretary of the Walnut Valley Fair Association.
WINFIELD, KANS., Oct. 18, 1878.
To the officers, stockholders, and patrons of the above named association: I have the honor to submit herewith a detailed statement of the receipts and disbursements of the association from its organization to the present time, as per order of the Executive Board dated Oct. 17th, 1878.
Received from sale of stock: $57.40
Received from sales of tickets: $567.25
Received from entry fees: $42.00
Eugene E. Bacon, Secretary.
[Interesting with regard to people named under disbursements.]
A. Brown, work on grounds; F. M. Freeland, work on grounds; J. Mentch, work on grounds; H. Whistler, work on grounds; W. C. Hayden, work on grounds; P. Gardner, work on grounds; M. W. Brown, work; Mrs. Andrews, rent of ground; Sam’l. Trowbridge, race track; Jas. Benson, race track; Jas. M. Riser, police; Isaac Davis, police; J. W. Beal, police; C. C. Cruck, police; W. R. Sears, police work; J. E. Bates, police; A. W. Jones, police; Geo. Klaus; J. C. McCollum, police;  Cyrus Walker, police; E. S. Eades, police; Perry Martin, police; J. W. Beal, work on track; J. F. Force, gate keeper; John Snyder, police; H. Grommes, police; Bert Crapster, chief police; D. A. Millington, printing; J. H. Raney, clerk; W. O. Lipscomb, clerk; Baird Bros., merchandise; S. M. Jarvis, asst. marshal; H. Jochems, nails, etc.; J. VanDoren, police; Brown & Glass, stationery; S. H. Myton, hardware; F. M. Freeland, hay; D. F. Jones, premium; Jas. Benson, premium; A. Brown, premium; S. G. Miles [? Mills ?], premium; Wm. Allison, premium; W. Ensign, entrance money forfeited; W. C. Hayden, police; McCommon & Harter, books; W. C. Hayden, work on grounds; Ed. Nicholson, police; Wallis & Wallis, goods; L. C. Hyde, carpenter work; John Reynolds, hauling; W. C. Hayden, work on grounds; Lynn & Gillelen, goods; John Moffitt, lumber; Geo. H. Crippen use of band; John Moffitt, fencing; Will Allison, diploma.
Excerpt from a lengthy article...
Winfield Courier, October 24, 1878.
Allison and other speakers in the interest of Troup, in their violent efforts to charge some evil against E. C. Manning, are making the statement that Manning stole the townsite of Winfield, and that it is from the money that he got for lots belonging to others, which has erected his magnificent building.
Now, some of the men who most strenuously insisted on Manning’s candidacy at this time, and who are among his most earnest supporters, are men who fought him all through this townsite contest and know, if anyone does, of any wrong that he did in relation to that matter. If they do not know of any, no one does.
But when such a charge is made, it is not against Manning alone, but becomes a personal charge against the senior editor of this paper and others associated with Manning in the town site enterprise, and we now propose to answer it by stating the facts which all who are familiar with the past history of this city know to be true, for the information of such voters as were not here, and know these matters only by hearsay.
Winfield Courier, October 31, 1878.
Allison expects Wilson to help him get the county printing at legal rates for his any-thing-for-five-dollars, infamous, blackmailing sheet. If you are not willing to help him in his scheme, see that Gale’s and not Wilson’s name is on your ticket for commissioner from this district.
Winfield Courier, October 31, 1878.
We have just heard that Allison and his friends are circulating the story in some portions of the county that, when Mr. Torrance procured a writ of mandamus from Judge Campbell directing the county treasurer to issue personal property tax warrants against delinquent tax-payers, he was employed by Sheriff Parker for that purpose. This is not true. The facts are these: Complaint was made to Mr. Torrance by a number of tax-payers who had paid their personal property tax that many of the delinquent tax-payers were leaving the county with their property, so that the county was thereby losing their tax. The statute required the county treasurer to issue the tax warrants on or before the 10th day of January. Mr. Kager had neglected to issue them, and although Mr. Torrance informed him that the county was losing hundreds of dollars of tax on that account, he said he would not issue them until the next spring. This was not fair to those who had paid their taxes, and by such a course the county would have lost a large amount of taxes. Mr. Torrance then applied to Judge Campbell for a writ of mandamus, as it was his bounden duty to do, and he issued one compelling Mr. Kager to issue the tax warrants. In so doing Mr. Torrance acted purely for the interests of the county.
Winfield Courier, October 31, 1878.
Having been informed that Will M. Allison has been making charges against E. S. Torrance, the Republican candidate for county attorney of Cowley County, in reference to his connection while formerly county attorney of Cowley County with the allowance of a salary of $500 to T. H. Johnson, then probate judge of said county, and the allowance of damages to said Johnson on account of the laying out of a road on his premises, I desire to make the following statement.
At the time the salary and damages were allowed to Mr. Johnson, O. C. Smith, Frank Cox, and myself constituted the Board of County Commissioners of said county. Mr. Smith has since died and Mr. Cox has removed from this state. I was present at the sessions of the county board at which the salary and damages aforesaid were allowed. In relation to the salary, Mr. Torrance advised the board that, under the law, it was in their discretion whether they should allow a salary to Mr. Johnson for his services as probate judge, and that if they saw fit to allow such salary, it could in no event exceed $500. Mr. Torrance had nothing to do with the allowance of his salary, and if any blame is to be attached to anyone on account of the allowance of the salary, it should fall on the board and not on Mr. Torrance.

In relation to the road damages, the board allowed Mr. Johnson what they thought was right, and Mr. Torrance had nothing to do with the matter whatever, except to advise the board that, under the law, they should allow such damages as in their judgment they thought just and reasonable. J. D. MAURER.
Winfield Courier, October 31, 1878.
WINFIELD, October 28, 1878.
EDITOR COURIER: Allison, in his paper of last week, devotes some space to me as the Republican candidate for county attorney, and closes by asking me five questions. I have furnished him brief answers to these questions for his paper this week, but lest he may adhere to the tactics he has started out on, and not publish my answers, I ask the privilege of a hearing through your columns.
Allison’s hostility toward me has been of long standing, growing out of the fact that he failed to get the county printing from the county board when I was county attorney. He claimed that my advice to the board concerning the law was what defeated him. When he says that he made attacks upon me through his paper before he made a bid for the county printing, he states an untruth.
Every unprejudiced person who attended the late Greenback county convention and heard Allison’s harangues there in relation to whom he wanted for county attorney will be satisfied that his grudge toward me arose out of the matter of county printing. His imputation that I have been trying to patch up my official record in advance of his charges is a fitting innuendo from his libelous pen, since, from the moment of my nomination, he has been busy retailing false charges against me.
The first three questions he asks he puts in the form of charges against me at a meeting at New Salem, and when Mr. Asp, who was present, asked him if he had any more charges to make against me, and if so, to make them then so that I could reply before the election, Allison said he had, but did not propose to exhibit his powder and shot in advance. He closes the article in his paper with the statement that when these questions are answered he shall propound more in next week’s issue, well knowing that it will be impossible for me to reply to them before the election.
Unless Allison is a true exponent of his party, which I do not believe, his manner of conducting the campaign against me will not be approved by his party, and will be considered worse than bush-whacking by every fair minded person.
And now I will answer his questions in their order.
1st. I was not guilty of a back salary grab in 1872 or in any other year, nor did I ever receive a cent from the county that I was not justly and legally entitled to. I was county attorney from January 1871 to January 1875. Under the law the county board had to fix the salary of county attorney, the amount depending upon the population of the county on the first of March of each year, to be ascertained by the returns of the township assessors, to be made by July 1st, and the board could not legally determine the population until their July session. The board at their July session in July, 1871, fixed the salary of county attorney for that year at $450, and I received that amount in the scrip of the county. At the July session for 1872 the population was such that the county board legally fixed the salary for that year at $1,000, and I received that amount in county scrip worth sixty to seventy cents on the dollar.
2nd. The only part which I had in the allowance of a salary to T. H. Johnson, Probate Judge, was to advise the board that it was in their discretion whether to allow him a salary at all or not, and that in any extent it could not exceed $500. That opinion was correct. The board did allow $500, and this violated no law.
3rd. In relation to the road damages allowed Mr. Johnson, all I had to do with it was to advise the board that it should allow such damages as were just and reasonable.
4th. I never advised the Board of County Commissioners in 1873, or at any other time, that it had a right to grant a whiskey license on the same petition upon which a license had been granted the year before, and, having never given such advice, I of course never received any money on account of such advice; nor did I ever receive, nor was I ever offered, a cent, or any sum of money or valuable thing, to do or forbear to do any official act during the four years that I was county attorney.
5th. John B. Fairbanks, A. H. Green, and myself at one time were associated together in the civil practice of the law only. During that time I prosecuted a man by the name of James Stewart on the charge of being implicated in the shooting of a deputy U. S. Marshal on Grouse Creek. Stewart was defended in court by W. P. Hackney and Messrs. Putman & Case, of Topeka, and Mr. Green was in some way connected with the defense, but did not take any active part in the trial of the case. Whether Mr. Green offered Stewart any such inducement to secure his employment as Mr. Allison insinuates, I have no personal knowledge, nor do I care. Mr. Green says he did not, which settles the question in my mind that Mr. Allison lies on that score. This much I do know, that, although Stewart was defended by as good lawyers as the State afforded, the only favor I showed him was to procure his conviction and have him sentenced to the state penitentiary.
I have been informed that Mr. Allison, at a meeting at Beck’s schoolhouse, in Ninnescah Township, on last Saturday night, said that I had been given a yoke of cattle for loosely prosecuting a case in Beaver Township in which two men had been arrested on a charge of bringing Texas cattle into that township. That charge is absolutely false. 
Mr. E. B. Johnson was the prosecuting witness in that case. I told Mr. Johnson after he had these men arrested and before the commencement of the trial before the justice of the peace that I believed the statute under which they were held was in contravention of the constitution of the United States, and that they would finally be discharged on that account. Mr. Johnson insisted however on testing that question, and as the county could in no event be liable for the costs, I proceeded with the trial before the justice and a jury. One of the defendants was acquitted because proof could not be obtained that he had any connection with bringing the cattle into the county. The other was convicted and he appealed to the district court, and was there discharged on the ground that the statute was unconstitutional.
It is perhaps a matter of general information that a short time ago the Supreme Court of the United States decided that a similar statute of the State of Missouri conflicted with the constitution of the United States, and on that account was null and void.
These comprise the batch of lies that Mr. Allison, so far as I am advised, has thus far charged against me in this campaign. If he didn’t lie in the last week’s issue of his paper, he intends to publish a new string of falsehoods in the last issue of his paper before the day of election.
In conclusion I have to say that any charges he may make affecting my honesty or integrity as county attorney of this county will be absolutely false; that whatever my ability may have been when acting as county attorney, I honestly and conscientiously endeavored to discharge the duties that the office devolved upon me. E. S. TORRANCE.
Winfield Courier, November 7, 1878. Editorial Page.
The Fusion Busted.
Manning Goes to Topeka!
The Allison Jackson Ring Split Wide Open—Torrance County Attorney!
Gale, Bedilion, and Story are to Continue to Serve the People!
The Republican State Ticket Gets a Large Majority Over all Opposition!
The Fiat Goose is Dead—Never to be Resurrected!

Returns have not come in as was expected and as we go to press we are only able to announce the vote of this county as stated in the accompanying table. [SKIPPED TABLE.]  Manning is elected by 108 majority over the fusion candidate, and the whole Republican ticket, with the exception of Millspaugh, and possibly Wiley, are elected over the fusion nominees by good majorities. SKIPPED THE REST!
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Allison...
Winfield Courier, December 5, 1878.
Wooden Wedding.
On Friday of last week invitations were issued by Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Holloway to their many friends requesting their company on Monday evening, Dec. 2nd, to assist in celebrating the fifth anniversary of their marriage. Accordingly at the appointed time about 25 couples of our bravest and best assembled at their residence on the corner of 11th Avenue and Wood Street, and proceeded to make merry. The evening was spent in dancing and other amusements which enabled the guests to do justice to the ample refreshments provided by their kind hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Holloway, assisted by Miss W. Thomas, spared no pains to make the evening an enjoyable one. The party broke up at a late hour and all expressed themselves satisfied with their evenings entertainment. Some very pretty, elegant, and useful presents were received (although none were expected) of which the following is a partial list: Carved cigar holder, Geo. and Will Robinson; fancy table for flowers, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Allison; pair brackets, Mrs. Bruner and Mrs. Kate Holloway; brackets and match safe, Wilbur and Maggie Dever; card basket, Mr. and Mrs. Buckman; wooden sugar scoops, Dr. and Mrs. Emerson; moulding board and match safe, Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Randall; wooden jewelry, Miss Minnie Bacon; spool box, J. F. Holloway; jumping jack, Justin Porter; tooth pick, O. M. Seward; child’s rocking chair, Mr. John Moffitt; large rocking chair, Messrs. Speed, Clisbee, Harris, Seward, Suss, Root, and Baldwin. Mr. Holloway presented his wife with a handsome eight day clock and she returned the compliment by presenting him with an elegant clock shelf.
Winfield Courier, December 12, 1878.
Opening Benefit.
The citizens of Winfield and vicinity purpose giving an entertainment benefit on
at Manning’s Opera House, to show their appreciation of the enterprise of a citizen who has erected a magnificent hall in our city.
Winfield Courier, January 23, 1879.
The Winfield Amateur Dramatic Association, which was orga­nized last winter, had a meeting on last Saturday evening to attend to the election of officers and other business. The following were elected officers.
W. M. Allison, president.
George Walker, vice president.
Will R. Stivers, secretary.
E. E. Bacon, treasurer.
T. A. Wilkinson, manager.
Several new members were taken in, and it was decided that the company give a dramatic entertainment in a short time.
Winfield Courier, February 13, 1879.
Winfield Amateur Dramatic Association.
The Winfield Amateur Dramatic Association gave one of their best entertainments on Monday evening, which was well attended. The play was the “Streets of New York.”
The cast was as follows.
Badger: W. M. Allison.
Gideon Bloodgood: Geo. Walker.
Adam Fairweather: Geo. W. Robinson.
Paul: Fred Hunt.
Mark Livingston: W. R. Stivers.
Puffy: T. A. Wilkinson.
Dan: W. J. Wilson.
Edward: Bret Crapster.
Mrs. Fairweather: Miss Jessie Millington.
Mrs. Puffy: Miss Clara Brass.
Lucy: Miss Minnie Bacon.
Alida: Miss Kate Millington.
The play was one of peculiar interest and the characters were well sustained, the sufferings of the poor in our large cities being well depicted.
Cowley County Telegram: now under W. M. Allison and Bret Crapster...
Winfield Courier, May 8, 1879.
Bills of Conklin Bros. of $53.76, and Allison & Crapster of $54.75, for city printing, presented and referred to committee on Finance.
Winfield Courier, May 22, 1879.
The Cowley County Telegram came out last week in a new dress throughout and enlarged to a thirty-six column paper. It is now the size of the largest Wichita papers, beautiful in appearance and almost faultless in mechanical execution. It is printed on a new cylinder press, which seems to work admirably. The number last week was largely filled with a description and history of Cowley County and notices of the businessmen of Winfield, and was issued in an extra large edition. We congratulate our neighbors Allison & Crapster on their evident prosperity.
With such a competitor the COURIER will have to “look to its laurels.”
Winfield Courier, June 5, 1879.
The meeting to devise ways and means for celebrating the “Glorious Fourth,” met at the office of Chas. Payson and orga­nized by electing J. Conklin, chairman, and E. P. Greer, secre­tary. The following committees were appointed.
Arrangements: Messrs. Rogers, Manning, and Wm. Robinson.
Programme: Messrs. Kinne, Troup, and Jennings.
Invitations: Messrs. Allison, Conklin, and Millington.
Music: Messrs. Buckman, Crippen, and Wilkinson.
Let the different committees go to work and let us have a grand, old-fashioned time.
Excerpts from a very lengthy article...
Winfield Courier, October 23, 1879.
A Grand Scheme
To Elect Harter Sheriff by Foul Means
Embracing Several Hundred Fraudulent Votes.
200 to be Fraudulently Registered in Winfield,
The Balance to be Voted in the Townships.
Lies to be Made and Circulated Against Shenneman.
Votes to be Bought for Whiskey and Money.
  Stapleton, Benedict, and Story to be Sold Out for Harter.
A Deputy U. S. Marshal, a City Clerk, and
  City Marshal Among the Schemers
To Share the Spoils of the Forced Election of the
Most Inefficient, Timid, and Avaricious
Sheriff Cowley County Ever Had.
We are reliably informed that one of the boldest and most vicious schemes is organized for the purpose of electing C. L. Harter to the office of sheriff by fraud, bribery, slander, and rascality.—The scheme embraces the buying up by whiskey and even money the hundreds of transients now in the county at work on the railroad or looking at the country, and voting them for Harter. 
It is thought that most of them have democratic proclivi­ties, and would readily vote for a democrat, if well supplied with whiskey, even to swearing in their votes, if need be, and thus some three hundred illegal votes are expected in the town­ships, while in this city we are told that near two hundred persons have regis­tered illegally with a registering officer who is a member of this Harter ring. We are told that a City Marshal and a U. S. Deputy Marshal are members of this ring; that a pretended repub­lican, who never voted a republican ticket, named Ebert, a saloonist, brags that he has taken up and registered sixty-four of these frauds.
The next thing in their program is to fabricate and circu­late a large batch of lies against Shenneman. This was shadowed forth a week ago in the Telegram, which asked a dozen questions, like “Did not Shenneman steal a sheep?” etc. Each question containing a mean insinuation against Shenneman. Now we have to answer each and every question in that list with a distinct and emphatic No, and we boldly assert that there is not a fact in existence which is the slightest reason why Shenneman should not be elected sheriff. But the plan of the ring is to make lies and tell them, and they will be told.
We are informed that business has been so good the past year that Harter has a “bar!” and is to use it in buying up votes and setting up the whiskey.
The program includes every kind of a trade which will make a vote for Harter. His colleagues on the ticket are to be sold out. Stapleton, Benedict and Story are to be slaughtered to get votes for Harter. No stone is to be left unturned, no means however foul are to be neglected, all to make votes against a man eminently qualified and for a man totally unfitted for it in every particular.
We have liked Harter and neglected to speak the truths which ought to be spoken of him when he is a candidate for the office of sheriff, but since we know, by his own statement, that he made a bargain and sale with Allison, two years ago, we doubt not that such a bargain exists now, and such an attack on Shenneman would not have been made without Harter’s approval. Neither can we think he is not in a ring which aims at illegal means to secure his election.
So it becomes our duty to tell the following truths, which everyone who has noticed and examined the matter, knows to be true: that Harter is grossly inefficient as a sheriff, the most so of any we ever had, that he is deficient in moral and physical courage, and is by many called a coward, that he has never attacked and overcome resistance, but has backed down when resistance was threatened, that he has never run into danger, that he has been avaricious and made more money out of the office than any other sheriff ever made in the same time, that he has constantly charged and collected constructive mile­age, that he charges full mileage from Winfield to the home of the taxpayer on each tax-warrant put into his hands, on one warrant for fourteen cents collecting six dollars, and sending down to Arkansas City, to another officer, a large batch of warrants, ordering that $2.80 be collected on each for his mileage though he did not travel a mile, and that a hundred other incidents illustrate the same fact. He is believed by the people here to be grossly immoral, among the other things that unfit him for the office of sheriff.
Now these things are not yarns got up for the occasion, but are susceptible of proof. We append a few affidavits, all we have room for, bearing on some of these statements, and there are plenty more to be had, even from the personal friends of Mr. Harter.
We appeal to the honest voters of this county to vote for Shenneman, a capable and honest man, instead of one whose unfit­ness requires the aid of fraud to give him any chance. We appeal to them that they see that all attempts at fraud in the coming election be detected and punished.
Winfield Courier, October 23, 1879.
ARKANSAS CITY, Oct. 17, 1879.
ED. COURIER: By a late Telegram I see that Allison is paying his respects to Shenneman. Bill is at his old game, trying to make Democratic capital at the expense of the Republi­can nominees. Well, here is a conundrum for him and all other Democrats to wrestle with. When the Arkansas City bank was robbed, a general rush was made by all who could go to capture the robbers. “Where was Charles L. Harter, Sheriff of Cowley county, at that time?” Did he spend a nickel, or move a hoof to aid in the pursuit of these bandits? Not that anybody ever heard of.
One great, leading duty belongs to the office of Sheriff, to keep the peace, and to arrest violators of law, horse thieves and robbers. Has Sheriff Harter a record in this respect that any law abiding citizen can take pleasure in? Not that anybody knows of. CRESSWELL.
Winfield Courier, October 30, 1879.
VERNON TP., Oct. 28, 1879.
ED. COURIER: Since the combined energies of the Democratic party have been concentrated to beat Mr. Shenneman, I have several reasons why I think Mr. Shenneman should be elected.
In the first place, the office belongs to the Republican party, and in justice to itself it can’t afford to let the patronage of the office go to the help of the Democratic party in the future as it has for the past two years.
Secondly, Mr. Shenneman was almost the unanimous choice of the Republican convention, a fact in connection with his peculiar fitness for the office, his experi­ence in duties that especially belong to the office and his record in the discharge of those duties, should bring to him the hearty support of every Republi­can in Cowley County, assured as they must be that they vote for one who will be thorough and faithful in his duties, true to his own party, and gentlemanly to the people of the whole county.
Thirdly, his election will be a fitting rebuke to the lying spirit manifested in this county: a spirit that has sunk in shameful defeat some of the best men of the county, and show Allison & Co., that the reward for lying is in a warmer country than Cowley County.
Fourthly, it will put the patronage of the office in the hands of one who will disburse to the strengthening of sound patriotic principles and not to the help of discord, disunion, and diabolism.
I was for Mr. Waite before the convention, but influenced by the foregoing reasons, and many others, am for Shenneman as heartily as I could have been for Mr. Waite had he been the nominee. I know the bottom of every charge made against Shenneman. I knew them before the convention. If they would hold water, I would have used them; but convinced that there was no truth in them then, I would not belittle Mr. Shenneman, the Republican party, and myself, by stooping to answer them now. They have fallen into the hands of an unscrupulous defamer of character, who for his own mercenary gains would caricature the Savior on the cross, and perfect his sermon on the mount into a batch of vicious lies, would such touch a chord in the popular heart and bring him bread and butter in the end.
Allison would as soon publish a lie as the truth if it would answer his selfish purposes as well. I wonder that gentlemen, in the face of these facts, sustain in any way, Allison’s slander-mill, the Telegram. I have but little patience with such a man as Allison in such a course, and hope ‘ere long to say “thank God, the dog is (politically) dead.”
I have no word to say against Mr. Harter nor any other gentle­man on the democratic ticket because I know nothing against them. If others do, it may be their duty to say so. I shall vote the straight Republican ticket for mainly these two reasons, viz: First, I am a Republican. Second, The Republican ticket loses nothing in comparison with the democratic ticket either as a whole or individually to say the least. I know that Shenneman is a terror to other criminals beside Allison. The records show the many arrested and brought to justice by him, some of whom are today safe in the penitentiary. Perhaps Mr. Harter has done as well, or better. I don’t know. One thing I do know, the Repub­li­can party has been good to Charlie at the expense of its own children. Republicans of Cowley county: is it not time to stop this. We can stop it today; we may not be able to stop it two years hence. Victory now gives strength and prestige then. Think of these things, Republicans of Cowley, and you will  have no regrets for your action next Tuesday, as many now regret their action in the past.
Yours respectfully, BOOTHE.
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Allison...
Winfield Courier, December 4, 1879.
On last Monday evening, Dec. 1st, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Hollo­way entertained their many friends at their pleasant residence in South Winfield, the occasion being the birthday of Mrs. Holloway. A most delightful evening was spent in dancing, social converse, and in partaking of the various good things prepared by their kind hostess. Among those present were Dr. and Mrs. Emerson, Mr. and Mrs. Jo. Harter, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Allison, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Black, Mr. and Mrs. Root, Mrs. C. J. Adams; Misses Coldw­ell, Meech, Holmes, McCoy and Millington; Messrs. Harris, Robin­son, Goldsmith, Seward, Bahntge, and Suss. All united in wishing Mrs. Holloway many happy returns of this most pleasant birthday.
Telegram office moved to rooms over Read’s Bank; printing shop put in basement...
Winfield Courier, December 18, 1879.
Will Allison is bound to have more room. The Telegram is in a crowded condition, and he proposes to move his office into the rooms now occupied by Pryor & Pryor, over Read’s Bank; take out the partitions and vault foundation in the basement, and convert the whole room into a printing shop. This will be an improve­ment. TELEGRAM
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1880.
An editor in Winfield has been so long without a square meal that he howls piteously for the people of Arkansas City to get up a railroad excursion and invite him down to the terminus. Come down, Bro. Allison, we will stuff your belly, and then you will feel friendly, won’t you?
Winfield Courier, February 19, 1880.
Quite a colony of Indianians, friends of Mr. Allison, came in on the S. K. & W. last week. They will locate in Cowley.
Winfield Courier, March 4, 1880.
W. M. Allison left for Topeka, Wednesday morning. He goes to attend the meeting of the State Democratic Central Committee.
Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.
We clip the following from the Topeka Commonwealth. It is from the pen of Cliff Baker, who accompanied the Board of Asses­sors on their recent visit here.
“The rest of us went to the Central Hotel after supper on the car and secured rooms and went out to see Winfield by night. We visited the offices of the Winfield Daily Telegram, published by Mr. W. M. Allison, and the COURIER, published by Mr. Millington. They are each well fitted and well supplied offices. Mr. Allison is doing a good thing for Winfield, in the publica­tion of his morning daily with the Associated Press dispatches, and it must be at great cost to himself. 
Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.
About forty members were present at the Arkansas Valley Press Association meeting held in Winfield April 17th along with a large number of visitors from different parts of the state.
“During the afternoon all who wished were given a steamboat excursion on the river, which proved very enjoyable. At the close of the afternoon session, carriages were provided and a pleasant ride around the city given to all who desired. The evening session was held at the sanctum of Bro. Millington, of the Courier,after which all repaired to the dress ball, complementaries to which had been given by Bro. Conklin during the afternoon. The ‘beauty and the chivalry’ of Winfield were out in force, about one hundred participants taking part. It was one of the most enjoyable events of the kind it was ever our good fortune to attend. Previous to the ball Bro. Allison, of the Telegram, distributed with a lavish hand complementaries to the banquet, and at low twelve all repaired to the Central, where long lines of tables, loaded with every delicacy, awaited the throng. Prof. Lemmon was master of ceremonies, and in a very happy manner did he conduct them. Maj. Anderson ‘carved dat possum’ as he only can.”
“We would be glad to give a more extended notice of Winfield and her big-hearted generous citizens, but time forbids. We cannot, however, close without returning thanks to W. M. Allison, of the Telegram, and his family, and General Green, for particu­lar favors shown us.”
“We availed ourselves of a kind invitation to attend the meeting of the Arkansas Valley Editorial Association at Winfield, Kansas, on the 17th inst. It was a large gathering of the editorial fraternity of the Southwest. We there met the old veteran editors of the Kansas press: F. P. Baker, Geo. W. Martin, C. G. Courant, J. H. Folkes, Judge Muse, A. J. Hoisington, Mr. Millington, and younger members of the craft with a great deal of pleasure. It was an assemblage of unusually fine looking men. To the editors of Winfield, Messrs. Millington, Allison, and Conklin, the members of the convention, and invited guests, our obligations for their personal attention. Saturday night there was a ball in Manning’s hall, and the beauty of Winfield was there in matchless loveliness, and at midnight the assemblage sat down to a splendid banquet at the Central House, the introduction to which was given by Tom. Anderson, of Topeka, with the song of “Carve dat Possum,” and then full justice was done to the magnificent supper.”
“We arrived at Winfield about noon and were met by a commit­tee of citizens, with half a dozen busses and full a score of carriages in waiting, and were escorted to hotels and private residences, according as the guests had been assigned by the deputation that met us on the train. It was my good fortune to become the guest of Brettun Crapster at the Central Hotel. Messrs. Millington, Conklin, and Allison, the three publishers of the town, as committee, were assiduous in their devotion to the guests. In the afternoon the busses and carriages took us about the city to see the sights.”
“The entertainment of the association by the citizens of Winfield was elaborate. No expense, time, or trouble was spared to make the occasion the happiest and most enjoyable since the inauguration of their quarterly meetings. The work of entertain­ing was not left alone to the committees, but each citizen appeared to make the day a pleasant one for visitors. Winfield is a city of 3,000 or 3,500 inhabitants, beautifully located in the Walnut valley, surrounded on the north, west, and south by timber and on the east by a range of hills and mounds. The town is built on a slight elevation, just enough to make the drainage good. It has two railroads, the A., T. & S. F., and the K. C., L. & S.; three newspapers, the Daily Telegram, W. M. Allison, editor; the Monitor, J. E. Conklin, editor, and the COURIER, D. A. Millington, editor.”
Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.
Allison is awful smart. His head will surely “bust” if he does not quit doing so much thinking and investigating about how political slates are made up. He has discovered a dreadful mare’s nest in this city, and has got almost everybody into it. He sat up seven nights to study up a history of how the Monitor came to name three or four persons for certain offices and how the COURIER came to name three other persons for three other offices. The result of his moonlight researches appeared in an editorial yesterday morning. He has since suffered an excruciat­ing headache and has not been expected to live.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 19, 1880.
The District Court met at Winfield on Monday and Tuesday and adjourned on the latter day. We learn that Allison, of the Telegram, and Millington, of the Courier, were brought before the Court to answer for contempt.
Winfield Courier, May 20, 1880.
Last Monday morning an attachment for contempt of court was issued by Judge Campbell against W. M. Allison, of the Telegram, and D. A. Millington and Ed. P. Greer, of the COURIER.  A fine of two hundred dollars each was assessed against Messrs. Allison and Millington, and one dollar against Mr. Greer, parties to stand committed until paid. A stay of execution, without bond, for ten days was granted to allow the defendants to make a case for the Supreme Court. The alleged contempt was the publication of certain articles relating to a criminal case tried last week.
Winfield Courier, May 27, 1880.
Judge Campbell, of the 13th Judicial District, should have ascertained whether the Howard Courant was loaded before he tackled its senior editor. If all, or even half the charges preferred by that paper against his honor are well-founded, we think the press of the southwest will find no trouble in making it so warm for him that he will realize a large measure of comfort by doffing the judicial ermine. Messrs. Millington, of the Winfield Courier, and Allison, of the Telegram, will doubt­less take flush hands in the laudable enterprise of bouncing from the bench a man who is apparently so unworthy to occupy such a signified and responsible position. Emporia News.
Winfield Courier, May 27, 1880.
W. M. Allison and family left for Topeka and Leavenworth Sunday evening.
Winfield Courier, June 3, 1880.
Hon. W. C. Webb does not believe in muzzling the press. The following dispatch shows where he stands.
Such services as I can render you on your appeal in the contempt cases are freely offered. Command me at your pleasure. W. C. WEBB.
Winfield Courier, June 3, 1880.
It appears that Judge Campbell adjourned court at Winfield to go to Topeka to take part in a play. The papers criticized him for it, thinking that it was not the proper thing to do, to draw a big salary and make a show of himself, and so intimated.
He caused W. M. Allison, of the Telegram, D. A. Millington, and Ed. Greer of the Courier, to be arrested and brought before his honor, for contempt. I believe it is not denied that he went to Topeka as charged, the crime is in letting the people know what a fool he made of himself.
The Judge has good talent as an actor, it runs in the family, some of his relations have acted on the stage, he should be encouraged, he will do less harm on the stage than anywhere else, his salary is the least part of the loss to the country. Eldorado Press.
Winfield Courier, June 3, 1880.
Oxford Reflex: Judge Campbell’s District Court has been in session at Winfield during the past two weeks. One Payson was arraigned before the jury under the charge of obtaining property under false pretenses, and the court found him guilty and sen­tenced him to five years imprisonment in the penitentiary.
Allison and Millington, in commenting upon the case, implied that Judge Campbell was over-zealous and took a great deal of the County Attorney’s work upon his own hands. The opinions ex­pressed by the people after the trial were also published and Campbell took it as a little “game” to injure his political standing, and on last Monday morning issued an attachment for contempt of court against Allison of the Telegram, and Millington and Greer of the COURIER. A fine of $200 each was assessed against Allison and Millington, and one dollar against Greer.
A stay of execution for ten days was granted to allow defendants to prepare a case for the Supreme Court. The articles published contain nothing of a libelous character, and are opinions that in this free country would be considered mild. The trouble with Campbell is that he wants to be District Judge again, but is beginning to realize that the people don’t want him any longer; and every little joke, slur, or insinuation cuts him to the quick, hence his action in arraigning the editors for contempt of court. “Billy,” your “goose is cooked,” and you might as well hang up your harp. The people of the 13th judicial district will heap contempt upon you this fall but you won’t be able to fine them for it. You will take your stand among the “common horde” and will not again be allowed to abuse the power placed in your hands.
Winfield Courier, June 3, 1880.
Grenola Argus: D. A. Millington, of the Winfield Courier, and W. M. Allison of the Telegram, were each fined $200 for contempt of Campbell’s court. It has come to a pretty pass when the editors of two such influential papers cannot publish simple court news without being fined. The whole proceeding was an outrage. Better muzzle the press.
Winfield Courier, June 3, 1880.
Newton Republican: Judge Campbell of the 13th Judicial District is on the rampage. He directed bench warrants issued against our contempo­raries, Millington of the Winfield Courier, and Allison of the Telegram, and fined them $200 each for making certain comments on a case recently tried before his honor, which the Judge consid­ered a contempt of court. The case will be taken up on appeal and from what we can learn the end is not yet.
Winfield Courier, June 3, 1880.
The contempt cases against Mr. Allison and ourself have been set for hearing in the Supreme Court on July 6th, the day when the court next convenes.
Allison forced to give up associate press dispatches for Winfield Daily Telegram...
Winfield Courier, June 3, 1880.
The Daily Telegram announces that it can no longer afford to pay for the associate press dispatches, that the increase of expense was near a hundred dollars a week, while the increase of city receipts was only twenty-five dollars a week, and the foreign patronage cost for working it up all it brought in. The result is that the Telegram is out six hundred dollars as the result of the experiment. It will now run as an evening daily, get its telegraph news from the Commonwealth, which arrives here at noon on its day of publication, and do its work in the daytime instead of the night. While we regard this as a wise move on the part of Mr. Allison, we shall miss our early morning news sadly, as will many others.
Winfield Courier, June 3, 1880.
Commonwealth: Hon. Charles C. Black, one of Winfield’s brightest attorneys, has been in the city for two or three days. He is associated with Messrs. Webb and Brush in the Allison-Millington contempt case before the Supreme Court. The Winfield editors seem to be sustained by the Winfield bar in their contest with Judge Campbell.
Winfield Courier, June 10, 1880.
The Republican papers in the 13th Judicial District refuse to publish any more of “Bill” Campbell’s letters, and his only comfort now is in writing long-winded articles to the Commonwealth of Topeka. His last effusion is a defense of himself in the “contempt” suit against Millington and Allison. In the whole 13th District, but two papers support Campbell. The Wichita Eagle, because Campbell is a Wichita man, and the Cowley County Monitor, because its editor is a new-comer and doesn’t know any better. “Bill,” like the man about to be drowned, catches at every straw, but he is now so far gone that a stern wheel steamer couldn’t save him. Oxford Reflex.
[But the Eagle claims to be for Adams and the Monitor to be for Torrance. How is this?]
C. C. Black buys Crapster’s interest in Telegram, now run by Allison & Black...
Winfield Courier, June 10, 1880.
Bert [Bret] Crapster has sold his interest in the Telegram to Chas. C. Black; and that paper will hereafter be conducted by Messrs. Allison & Black. Mr. Black is one of our best citizens, and will materially strengthen the Telegram both editorially and financially.
Winfield Courier, June 17, 1880.
In relation to this case the Arkansas City Traveler says:
“It may be that the publications in the COURIER referred to by Judge Campbell were calculated to embarrass or obstruct the administration of justice, or to reflect upon the integrity of the court. But few conversant with the facts, however, will look at it in such a light. The friends of Payson were as loud in their denunciations of his prosecutors as they well could be, even before the COURIER was published; and we are inclined to believe with Brother Millington, that if he had published the half that was said on the street, Judge Campbell would have been somewhat puzzled as to what course to take. Mr. Millington was in favor of the law taking its course, and believing the jury had returned an honest verdict, he took the pains to say so in his paper, while at the same time he thought there were some others who were not above reproach.”
It is possible that on Thursday, when the publication complained of was just issued, Campbell did not know the extent and intensity of the sentiment against him and his court on account of conduct in the Payson trial, but it is not probable even then that he believed the publication had any tendency to aggravate the public excitement against him. But on the follow­ing Monday, when he issued the attachment against us, he knew that the excitement against him and others connected with the Payson trial, was at the time of our publication not half told therein, and that what we did say was intended to allay that excitement, by stating that a minority of the people held that the trial had been fair and impartial, by stating that the jury had rendered a verdict in accordance with the law and the evi­dence, and by turning off with an anecdote and joke his conduct in cross-examining a witness for an hour to entangle him, one of the very things that had raised the popular indignation against him to so high a pitch. He knew then that our publication did have the effect to allay that excitement, and yet in his stump speech against us from the bench, he had the brazen mendacity to say that it did embarrass and hinder the court in the discharge of its duties by stirring up and exciting a drunken rabble against the court. This was the only pretense to hold our language a contempt of court in law. There could have been no other, and W. P. Campbell knew when he uttered it that it was false and a libel on us.
This contempt case goes to the Supreme Court with none of these surrounding circumstances, nothing to show the public feeling here, nothing to show whether our statements were false or true, nothing to show that Campbell did question that witness an hour, nothing but the language complained of, our admission as a witness on the case, and Campbell’s stump speech against us in which he decided the case; yet, believing that in this unfavorable light our language could not have been construed into a legal offense even if we had started the worst criticisms that were made on him and his court, we feel the utmost confidence in our justification by the highest court.
There was not a word in that paper that Campbell would have objected to if we had been supporting him for re-election. The crime we had committed was opposing his reelection. We had been doing it for some time and there was a little of it in our words he complained of, which he said were meaner than anything else that had been said, even by Allison.
Winfield Courier, June 17, 1880.
Judge Campbell fined the editors of the COURIER and Tele­gram, at Winfield, $200 each for commenting upon a case while the trial was in progress. The editors of those papers carried their case to the Supreme Court, and now Campbell rushes into print and publishes a long letter in the Commonwealth, where his views will likely reach the justices of that court. He is doing exactly what he fined the Winfield men for doing. It would now be in order for those men to each fine him $200, and enforce their judgment by preventing his re-election. Augusta Gazette.
Winfield Courier, June 17, 1880.
A Black man has gone in partnership with our friend Allison, of the Winfield Telegram. The paper will continue to be one of the liveliest and best democratic dailies in the west, although it cannot draw the color line. Parsons Republican.
Chas. C. Black buys lots to erect a new office for Telegram...
Winfield Courier, July 1, 1880.
Chas. C. Black has purchased lots on which to erect a new office for the Telegram.
Winfield Courier, July 1, 1880.
Charley Black has commenced breaking the ground for the new Telegram building.
Winfield Courier, July 15, 1880.
The Caldwell Commercial, in the interest of Judge M. S. Adams in a late number, has made a low attack on Mr. Torrance, and its article has been copied into the Daily Telegram. We think there is no other paper in the district so unfair as to have published that article. We are surprised beyond measure that C. C. Black, who has been treated with so much courtesy by his neighbors, should permit an article so untrue and discourte­ous toward one of those same neighbors to appear in his paper.
We have several reasons for believing that the article in question was inspired by Judge Adams himself. He has been promising to conduct an honorable campaign, but he has at the same time been dealing out insinuations against Torrance. His own record as a judge and a lawyer is such that if it was known to the people of this district, he could not get the vote of a single delegate; but the friends of Torrance have preferred to conduct the canvass on the merits of their candidate rather than on the demerits of Judge Adams. . . .
E. S. Torrance is a man of high character and standing in this community, where he is best known. He has been well and prominently known here for ten years, and there is not a stain upon his record. Ten years ago he came to this county, a thor­oughly well educated young man just entered upon the practice of his chosen profession, the law. Of course, he was not then a great lawyer, but he was bright, industrious, and ambitious. Each year he added largely to his knowledge of the law, of human nature, and of a wide range of practical subjects. Each year strengthened his judgment and cleared his intellect, until now he is one of the best, soundest, and clearest headed lawyers in this district, already famous for so many able attorneys which taken together perhaps constitute the ablest bar in the state.
For six years he has held the office of County Attorney of this county and has acquitted himself therein with signal abili­ty. Here he has exhibited a clear judicial mind, great re­search, and conscientious independence.
The Commercial says he is the pet of Judge Campbell and that Campbell is playing into Torrance’s hands. We have no doubt that Campbell respects Torrance as an able and honorable attorney, that he knows Torrance is far more fit for the office of judge than his opponent. but Torrance has never been his pet in any sense.
Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.
The contract for the stone work of the new Telegram office is let to Mr. Chas. Smith.
Mr. Coulter printed the “Winfield City Directory” in 1880 via Telegram office...
Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.
Mr. Coulter’s Winfield City Directory has appeared and is an excellent and valuable work. Considering the many changes of people and residences, the errors are few and unavoidable. It is a good job of printing, for which the Telegram office is entitled to the credit. Mr. Coulter has been very industrious in prepar­ing this work, which is a credit to his skill, and has made many friends in this city.
Winfield Courier, August 5, 1880.
W. M. Allison has gone on a visit to Iowa.
Winfield Courier, August 19, 1880.
One of Lafe Pence’s old Democratic friends brought him yesterday a big watermelon, two feet long. Lafe left it on the table in his office and went out to invite his friends to a treat. Jennings and other rats about the building got the melon, cleaned out the inside, and then fastened it together again, so it looked as good as new. Lafe returned with his friends, and with his big knife slashed open the melon, when lo! it was as vacant as Allison’s skull. The friends did not like the joke, so they stood Lafe on his head and poured ice water down his
Winfield Courier, August 19, 1880.
The Telegram has compiled a history of the M. E. Church of this city, which will be read with interest by all the old settlers, the M. E.’s, and many others. We reckon it has got the facts substantially correct.
Excerpts: Allison referred to...
Winfield Courier, September 2, 1880.
“From my soul I pity Mr. Millington. I know that his better nature revolts at the dirty work required of him. I pity the sorrows of a poor old man who is trembling for his postoffice.” Judge C. Coldwell in the Telegram.
The venerable Judge has a very “sore head,” sore all over, so sore that he forgets his dignity and steals and fires at us some of the wit and low slang that Allison invented and has already discharged at us two or three times. If the judge would do no dirtier work than to support Republican nominees, if he could get his head cured, if he suffered no more from sensibili­ty than we, and if the danger of a change in the post office did not worry him more than it does us, he would be infinitely happier than he appears to be at present.
Winfield Courier, September 9, 1880.
John E. Allen presented us with a large “watermillion” last Monday, and here is the puff to which it entitles him. Of course, he slipped in afterwards, stole the melon, and presented it to Allison, securing another puff; then stole it again and presented it to Conklin, got another puff; then stole it again and ate it himself. We expect he stole it at first from some farmer’s wagon.
Excerpts: Black referred to...
Arkansas City Traveler, September 15, 1880. Editorial Page.
The Democracy evidently weakens before the contest fairly began. Mr. Pyburn, the Democratic nominee, surprised the people of Cowley last Friday by withdrawing his name from the ticket, urging he could spare neither the time nor money to make the canvass necessary. The Democratic central committee met in Winfield to select a new candidate for State Senator, and the lightning struck C. C. Black, editor of the Telegram. Mr. Hackney’s victory is now an assured and easy one, as Mr. Pyburn is the acknowledged leader of Democracy in this county, and by all odds the most available man in their party. Many leading Democrats of Winfield, we understand, have now declared them­selves for Hackney, and none of them have any hope for success with Mr. Black. We feel good all over.
Black, Allison & Company ring referred to...
Winfield Courier, September 16, 1880.
And now the democratic Black, Allison & Company ring has succeeded in driving Mr. Pyburn from their ticket so that the ambitious “Charles” might secure the very doubtful compliment. During the canvass he will “rattle around” in the place recently filled by Mr. Pyburn.
[EARLIER: Hon. A. J. Pyburn, the best timber that the Democrats had for State Senator, placed his withdrawal from the candidacy in the hands of the Democratic committee last week, and that committee met last Saturday and placed C. C. Black in nomination.
Charley Black does not stand half the chance Pyburn did, but he has got the money to run the machine with, and lots more of it coming in as interest on his notes and mortgages. He can afford it.]
Winfield Courier, September 23, 1880.
The Supreme Court Reverses the Decision of
Judge Campbell.
Allison and ourself are discharged. Will try to give the full text of the decision next week.
Winfield Courier, September 23, 1880.
WINFIELD, KS., Sept. 20, 1880.
To Charles C. Black, Democratic Candidate for the State Senate;
DEAR SIR: Having sent your trusted agent and kinsman, W. M. Allison to assault my private character in your behalf, at the meeting at Rose Valley on last Saturday night, and preferring at all times, when convenient to conduct such matters with the principals rather than with their agents, I respectfully invite you to join me in a joint discussion of the political issues of the day, and such other issue as you may desire to introduce into the canvass whether political or personal. If you accept I would respectfully suggest that we arrange the canvass so as to speak at least once in each township, that the chairman and secretaries of the respective Central Committee arrange the details at once.
Respectfully, W. P. HACKNEY.
Winfield Courier, September 30, 1880.
Col. Temple is here and preparing the cast for the “Union Spy.” The cast will be a duplicate of the old one with the exception of the “Spy”, which part will be taken by Will Allison and “Nellie Morton”, which will be splendidly filled by Mrs. Landers.
Winfield Courier, October 7, 1880.
Our old friend, Aaron Hess, has deserted his bachelor friends. He was married last week to Miss Lizzie Howard; who will be remembered by Winfield society, having spent last summer here visiting W. M. Allison’s family.
Winfield Courier, October 14, 1880.
Allison was once fined one cent in the district court. Four years afterward he was fined two hundred dollars in the same court. If such a creature as Allison has risen from one cent to two hundred in four years, we think there is a chance for us yet, with ninety-nine times the start of him.
Winfield Courier, October 14, 1880.
The second rendition of the Union Spy last week by the Winfield Rifles was much better than the first, although not a success financially. Mr. Allison covered himself all over with glory in the character of The Spy. Mrs. Landers filled the character of Nellie Morton to perfection. On the second and third nights Col. Temple recited a poem, “The Dying Soldier,” which was pronounced by all to be the finest thing ever heard in Winfield. The Rifles have worked hard to build up their organi­zation, and we are sorry to see so little interest manifested by our citi­zens in the matter. Such an organization would be of great benefit to the town.
Winfield Courier, October 28, 1880.
The drama of Ten nights in a bar room will be given at the Opera House on Friday evening of this week, with Allison as Tom Morgan. The proceeds will be given to the Library.
D. L. Kretsinger resumes place on locals at Telegram office [under both Allison and C. C. Black, I believe]...
Winfield Courier, December 16, 1880.
D. L. Kretsinger has resumed his place on the local columns of the Telegram.
Winfield Courier, December 16, 1880.
We object to the articles in a late Telegram on the value of water for cows. So long as the milk is well watered, who cares a nickel whether or not the cows get water! Then water is so scarce! Give the cows a rest, the milk-men will look after the water.
Winfield Courier, January 13, 1881.
W. M. Allison has purchased the Sumner County Democrat and will take possession on the first of February. So says the Telegram. Mr. Allison graduated in a printing office in Illinois, we believe, a mere boy with a handful of type and a cheap press, commenced the publication of the Cowley County Telegram at Tisdale in 1872 with a dozen or two of subscribers and very little patronage. It  was then a time when the settlers were scarce and poor, and it was a struggle to make a living at anything, much more to build up a great newspaper from such small beginnings. After working there a few months he removed to Winfield, the county seat, and here began work in earnest. He encountered a thousand difficulties and discouragements, but he had faith in the future of this county and indomitable pluck. Year by year he increased his subscription list, his printing material, his presses, and the size of his paper, until his paper was one of the largest county weeklies in the State, his office was well stocked, and his circulation and patronage large for any Kansas county. In addition to his weekly he had been publishing a daily for some time, when last summer he sold out his office, made valuable by years of hard work, to C. C. Black. Mr. Allison is a newspaper man of much talent, and perseverance; and if he has his faults, cowardice is not one of them. We wish him every success in his new field of labor.
Winfield Courier, January 13, 1881.
The new Board met on Monday, Messrs. Gale and Bullington present, and organized by electing G. L. Gale chairman for the coming year. The proprietors of the Telegram, Monitor, and Courier, then presented propositions for the county printing. After some discussion the matter was laid over till the next morning, when, the commissioners failing to agree, action was postponed until the first Tuesday in February, when Commissioner Harbaugh will be present.
Winfield Courier, January 20, 1881.
W. M. Allison has purchased the Sumner County Democrat at Wellington, and he is now at Topeka. While the Telegram under Mr. Allison’s management gave us many head rubs, yet it was always within the proper sphere of journalism, and we respect him for his boldness and independence. He has proved himself to be one of the best newspaper men in the state, and we wish him success in his new venture.
Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.
We have received the first number of “The Wellingtonian,” the successor of the Sumner County Democrat. It is a bright sheet and set up in the best style. W. M. Allison in his salutatory talks sense. He says he starts in on purely business principles, he does not owe the people anything, and he has no claim upon them. He shall not beg for favors, but expects to give full value for everything received. He offers his paper and his work to the people just as a man in any other legitimate business should do, and solicits patronage on the merits of his paper and his work. 
Arkansas City Traveler, August 31, 1881.
The case of libel, in which Will Allison, of the Wellingtonian, was defended, was dismissed for want of evidence.
Cowley County Courant, January 5, 1882.
W. M. Allison is now happy. He has succeeded in having himself arrested for criminal libel by Wilsie, the County Attorney of Sumner County. Will promises to make Wilsie awful sick if he brings the case to trial.
Winfield Courier, January 5, 1882.
The attachment on Allison’s office and advertising accounts was dissolved today by Judge Torrance in the petition being insufficient.
Winfield Courier, January 5, 1882.
W. M. Allison was over Monday. He has another libel suit on hand, and is happy. Allison never could be happy without a libel suit. Wilsie, county attorney of Sumner County, is the ferocious being who has thus sought to squelch the meek and gentle William. Other men have done the same thing, but it is a matter of history that William still lives and we doubt not that he will wield the faber long after his tormentors have been relegated to the shades of private life. Wilsie has attached the office and even enjoined the payment of the monthly advertising accounts. He seems to be working on the old theory of “damaging the fountain and the stream will run dry,” but it won’t work on Allison. As long as there is a hat-full of type and a lead pencil in town, he will come out with his little piece, giving full details well padded with cockle-burs.
Cowley County Courant, January 12, 1882.
The libel suit, brought against W. M. Allison, of the Wellingtonian,  by the County Attorney of Sumner County, was heard before Judge Torrance at Chambers yesterday. Mr. Allison’s attorney moved to dissolve the attachment on the ground of the insufficiency of the plaintiff’s affidavits, which motion the Judge sustained. Mr. Wilsie, the plaintiff, will now have to commence a new action of attachment.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 8, 1882.
The meeting of the Stockmen on the Cherokee Strip, held at Caldwell last week, was largely attended, and most of the stock owners were represented. They decided to have a brand book published, and will set the time for the spring “round-up.” The following newspapermen were present:
W. P. Brush, of the Kansas City Indicator; Tell W. Walton, Caldwell Post; W. B. Hutchison, Caldwell Commercial; T. A. McNeal, Medicine Lodge Cresset; Will Eaton, Cheyenne Transporter; J. H. Carter, Hunnewell Independent; W. M. Allison, Wellingtonian; J. C. Richards, Wellington Press; W. P. Tomlinson, Topeka Commonwealth; Tom Richardson, correspondent, Leavenworth Times; and Halsey Lane, correspondent, Texas Live Stock Journal.
Mrs. Will Allison and mother, Mrs. Thomas Braidwood, visit Mrs. C. C. Black...
Winfield Courier, March 2, 1882.
Mrs. Will Allison, of Wellington, with her mother, Mrs. Thomas Braidwood of Leavenworth, spent two days of last week with Mrs. Chas. C. Black at the Brettun.
Cowley County Courant, March 2, 1882.
The mother and sister of Mrs. C. C. Black are visiting her in this city. Many of our people are acquainted with Mrs. Braidwood and Mrs. Allison and will be glad to meet them.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 19, 1882.
The prosecution for libel by County Attorney Wilsie against Wm. Allison, editor of the Wellingtonian, resulted in a verdict of not guilty, and the acquittal of Mr. Allison. Five days were consumed in hearing the case, and great interest was manifested in the proceedings. The charge made by the Wellingtonian against Mr. Wilsie, upon which action was based, was official crooked­ness and a general failure to do his duty as regards the enforce­ment of the prohibitory law. The verdict gives general satisfac­tion to the best citizens of Sumner County, who consider it a victory of the law and order element over the law breakers and dishonesty in office.
Cowley County Courant, April 20, 1882.
It looks very much as though Allison was going to make his mark and redeem Sumner County. He has cleaned out the County Attorney, fixed out old De Banard, and is now after the Mayor, the Marshal, and the prostitutes of Wellington.
Cowley County Courant, April 20, 1882.
We presume Bill Allison is the happiest man in Sumner County. The libel suit brought against him by Wilsie, the County Attorney, for Allison having charged him with taking money from the several saloon keepers in Sumner County, in monthly install­ments, as a bribe to not prosecute them, has been decided in Allison’s favor, and Wilsie is stuck with the costs. If things are as they seem, Wilsie ought to be at once prosecuted for bribery and punished to the fullest extent of the law. It is said that Allison made a good case against Wilsie, fully estab­lishing his charges. We surely congratulate Allison upon his acquittal.
Winfield Courier, April 20, 1882.
Will Allison is in shape to crow long and loud. He beat his opponent, County Attorney Wilsie, in the suit for libel. This leaves Mr. Wilsie in a very unenviable light before the people of Sumner County. He will certainly regret the day he tackled William.
Cowley County Courant, May 25, 1882.
Charles C. Black has been ordered by the Probate Judge to compromise a claim against W. M. Allison, in favor of the estate of S. L. Brettun, deceased.
Cowley County Courant, June 8, 1882.
Mrs. W. M. Allison and children, of Wellington, are rusti­cating at Geuda Springs.
Cowley County Courant, June 29, 1882.
Mr. Samuel Lowe, formerly of Illinois, has purchased from W. M. Allison the dwelling in the northeast part of the City formerly owned by W. H. H. Maris. The consideration was two thou­sand dollars. Mr. Lowe is a gentleman in comfortable circum­stances, and intends making Winfield his future home. We are glad to gain such citizens.
George Rembaugh and Sam E. Davis take over paper and change the name to Telegram. It is noted that when it restarted it was a weekly publication.
Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.
Vale, Courant.
The Cowley County Courant, Daily and Weekly, is dead. The Daily died on July 1st after eight months of fitful existence. The Weekly lingered until last week and died at the age of eight months and a week. The remains were taken in hand by George Rembaugh and Sam E. Davis, and from its ashes a “thoroughbred” democratic weekly will be raised up. It will assume the name of Telegram, and once more the old condition of things is resumed, and the Courier and Telegram, as in days of yore, will represent the principles of the two great political parties. And it is better for all that this is the case. The interests of the county, the state, and the nation demand that there be two active, belligerent parties. There is a good, strong democratic minority in this county, and it needs an organ. Now that it has one, we hope to see it well supported. Messrs. Rembaugh and Davis are live, energetic young men and can do the work as well or better than anyone we know of. Mr. Davis is a life-long democrat, by birth and education, and should have the full confidence and support of his party. The suspension of the Courant but illustrates what we have all along known to be a fact—that it is impossible to bore a three inch hole with a two inch augur. Mr. Allison tried it and was bruised. Mr. Black got all he wanted and let go. But to Mr. Steinberger belongs the honor of mashing the old thing all to pieces.
A newspaper is grown, not made. All the money one wants cannot make a ten-year-old newspaper in six months. To be a success it must be built up from a solid foundation and its growth nurtured, and watched and cared for, until it is finally established in the homes and hearts of the people—a citadel from which only the grossest mismanagement can dislodge it. So long as its power is for good it will flourish—when for evil its ruin and downfall are rapid and complete.
The Daily is dead, very dead, and will sleep sweetly until some venturesome and misguided Gabriel imagines that his mission is to resurrect it. He will afterwards discover that he is a badly fooled Gabriel.
Mr. and Mrs. Allison lose another child...
Winfield Courier, August 10, 1882.
DIED. Mr. and Mrs. Will Allison had the misfortune to lose one of their little ones last week, by disease. The remains were brought here for interment on Tuesday.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
W. M. Allison came over Saturday, looking exceedingly sour. William is one of the most unlucky individuals, politically, in the state. He ought to have held onto his democracy while he had it.
Winfield Courier, December 21, 1882.
The Wellingtonian has been enlarged and is now a nine column paper. Allison seems to be as enterprising as ever. A new roller would add tone and interest to the paper—at least the devil needs a lecture on the subject of ink distribution.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 18, 1883.
The Wellingtonian has been accorded the county printing of Sumner County at legal rates, and W. M. Allison consequently rejoiceth.
Winfield Courier, April 19, 1883.
Will Allison has been appointed county printer of Sumner County.
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Allison...
Winfield Courier, May 10, 1883.
The following persons have been assigned berths in sleeping cars on the editorial excursion, which leaves Winfield Thursday night at 11 p.m., on a special train for Chihuahua, Old Mexico.
  W. M. Allison and wife, Wellingtonian.
Winfield Courier, May 17, 1883.
Notes of the Convention.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Black entertained W. M. Allison and Mrs. Allison of the Wellingtonian.
Winfield Courier, May 31, 1883.
  A Day in Chihuahua.
CHIHUAHUA, MEXICO, May 15th, 1883.
I should utterly fail in an attempt to describe Chihuahua did I not mention the “Alameda” or public drive. It is a wide street circling the city on the south and west. Along each side flows a small stream of clear water brought down through a stone aqueduct from a mountain spring. Along these little streams grow heavy foliaged cottonwoods under which stone seats are placed. In the evening everyone who can muster a horse or vehicle drives on this street, and those who can’t, sit on the stone seats and watch the more fortunate ones go by. I rode on the Alameda in the early morning, and all along were women washing dishes in the little stream or scooping up water in earthen vessels. An old Mexican was leading a hog down to water. It was the first hog I had seen (outside of several which accompanied the party) since leaving Colorado, and had it not been for the grunt, I certainly would not have entertained a suspicion of its belonging to that useful family. I feel sure that even Prentis, hailing from Atchison though he does, would have canvassed the subject thoroughly before pronouncing it really a hog. It was of the style known as “razor back,” or “rail-splitter.” A long chain was fastened to its neck and it darted here and there picking up every kind of trash. Its color was mottled gray with stripes on its legs like a zebra, and its nose was a tariff discussion, slightly abbreviated. Its tail was spiral but could unfold and spread around like a land grant. As I came up the animal raised its nose high in the air, curved its spine, and made off in a very hoggish manner. I am sorry Will Allison did not see it. He would have bought it as a companion for his burros.
At eight o’clock in the evening the train carried us away from Chihuahua, with most pleasant recollections of the place and the wonderful hospitality of its people. The sights and incidents of the visit were strange, quaint, and long-to-be-remembered. Should any of our friends desire to spend a vacation pleasantly, among sights and scenes equally interesting and instructive, they should visit this wonderful old city. E. P. G.
Winfield Courier, June 7, 1883.
We have received a copy of the Chihuahua Mail, published at that place, in Mexico. We haven’t the time to give the Mail the extended notice it deserves, but can’t let the opportunity pass to reproduce what it has to say regarding the capers of the junior editor of the Winfield COURIER, while at that place on the late editorial excursion. We knew Ed. was capable of such tricks, but that he should have so far forgotten himself as to be guilty of what is charged in the Mail is somewhat astonishing. But here it is: “Salon a la monda. El mas elegate salon en Chihuahua. Los mejores licores y vinos, villares y casino adjunto.” Wellingtonian.
Had Mr. Allison read farther on down the column, he would have doubtless never have alluded to the above. It breaks our heart to reproduce it, and for the credit of the party we ought not to, but in self-defense we must. Here it is:
“Senor Billum Allisonsonem, los mejores villaros y adjunto, drungernanowi en salon a la monda, el mas Elegate salon en Chihuahua.”
Winfield Courier, June 7, 1883. [Editorial by Greer.]
The Two Albuquerques.
Albuquerque comprises two towns—the old and new. The new town is one of the prodigies of western growth. A little over two years ago it was a barren waste of mesa and sage brush. Today it is a fine city of five thousand population, with wide streets, lined with magnificent brick blocks, has three daily papers, water works, gas, and street cars. It is the best town on the Santa Fe road from Topeka to Chihuahua, and displays more hustle, life, and business activity than all the towns we passed through in New Mexico put together. We account for its remarkable growth and prosperity by the fact that it is a “Kansas town,” settled and largely populated by “formerly of Kansas” men. They hold the offices and do the business, and it is popularly supposed that the Justices of the Peace have to take an oath to support the Constitution of the State of Kansas.
It was a good deal like getting home when the train rolled into the depot and found a hundred carriages manned by two hundred Kansas fellows waiting to meet the excursionists. Everyone had friends there and in a few minutes were whirled away, leaving the Pullman coaches deserted, for the first time during the trip. We had hardly touched the platform before we were seized by Ex-Saint, taken to a carriage, and, together with W. M. Allison and wife, conveyed to his residence, where a splendid dinner was awaiting us. After eight days out, part of the time subsisting on the Mexican diet of red pepper and olive oil, it was like dropping into paradise as we feasted on strawberries and cream and all the delicacies provided. And last, but not least, were bright little golden haired Irene and Louise, the former questioning sorrowfully, “Why didn’t ’ou bwing my gwanpa?” Our short stay with Mr. and Mrs. Saint was one of the pleasantest events of the trip.
After dinner we were conducted through the wholesale and retail establishment of J. E. Saint & Co. It is a big institution and the firm does business on a scale that would lay most of our brag Kansas stores way in the shade. In the hour we were there, the senior member of the firm purchased two car loads of goods from a St. Louis drummer, loaded a lot of truck for shipment to Arizona, took in two car loads of potatoes, and had ten men buying and selling when we left. It takes life, energy, and business ability to keep at the head of the procession in Albuquerque, and Ex seems to have a surplus of all.
In the evening a grand ball and banquet was given in honor of the visitors, and here the youth and beauty of the city congregated. It was a delightful party and settled the question in our mind that Albuquerque, socially, is distinctively Kansas.
Winfield Courier, June 28, 1883.
We have to thank W. M. Allison of the Wellingtonian for the following kind notice of  our “children” at Albuquerque.
“Ninety-four miles run from Socorro brought us to Albuquerque, where was found the platform filled with formerly Kansas people, who were looking for acquaintances in the party whom they hoped to entertain. It was the lot of the writer and wife along with E. P. Greer, of Winfield, to be taken under the protecting care of Mr. J. E. Saint, an old Winfield boy, who was waiting with the carriage ready to convey us to his pleasant little home where his wife—daughter of Father Millington of the Winfield Courier—greeted us with hospitality beaming all over her face. Mr. Saint is engaged in the wholesale grocery business and has a large thriving trade. They carry a large stock and cash every pound of their goods every twenty days. They have been engaged in the business only some nine months and yet their sales had amounted to something like one hundred and eighty thousand dollars. And all the Kansans reported they were doing an excellent business in the various lines in which they are engaged, and we believe them because Albuquerque shows more ‘git up and git’ than any other town in the territory. It showed more stir and enterprise and was livelier than any other town we visited in the territory. Its growth has been marvelous.”
Allison sells Wellingtonian to S. L. Hamilton and C. W. Morse...
Caldwell Journal, July 12, 1883.
W. M. Allison has sold the Wellingtonian to Samuel L. Hamilton & Chas. W. Morse. What the latter gentlemen expect to do with the concern is one of those mysteries the future alone can develop. Allison has made a good thing out of the transaction, which fact one might rejoice over were it not for the fact that a portion of his financial success is due to a sacrifice of principle.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, July 18, 1883.
The Wellingtonian has changed hands. Mr. W. M. Allison has sold the office and business to Messrs. Sam L. Hamilton and Chas. W. Morse, the former a newspaper man of considerable experience, while the latter is well known in Wellington, having served in an official capacity in that city for four years. While we are sorry to see Mr. Allison retire from the good work he had commenced, we welcome the new proprietors and hope they will be as successful as the former editor. The paper will be conducted in the future, as in the past, in the interests of Republicanism and prohibition.
Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.
Mr. W. M. Allison has sold the Wellingtonian to Messrs. S. L. Hamilton and Chas. W. Morse, and retires this week. He has been unusually successful and has made the Wellingtonian the leading Republican paper in Sumner, over an old and well established sheet. We do not know what his future plans may be, but our best wishes go with him.
Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.
W. M. Allison came over Wednesday and will loaf around his old haunts for a few weeks. He talks some of going west.
Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.
W. M. Allison spent the week here. He starts Saturday for Albuquerque, New Mexico, where he will take charge of the telegraphic columns of the daily Journal, of that place.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 5, 1883.
W. M. Allison has accepted a place on the Albuquerque Daily Journal, as telegraph editor, and will remove his family to that city at once. Wellingtonian.
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1884.
Mr. E. S. Bliss has just returned from his second trip through New Mexico in the interest of The Winfield Roller Mills. He put Winfield Roller Flour in almost every railroad town in New Mexico. He met several Winfield people, among whom he mentions Mr. A. J. Rex, at Raton; J. E. Saint and W. M. Allison, at Albuquerque; and H. C. Robinson, at El Paso. All are in good health and prospering. Mr. Robinson seemed very much pleased to see anyone from Winfield and sends regards to his many friends here. He is in government service in the Custom House.
Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.
The Wellington Wellingtonian has reverted to Wm. M. Allison, the mortgage having been foreclosed in his favor.
Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.
Wm. M. Allison came in Saturday from Albuquerque, New Mexico, on a hurried business trip, looking as fat, sleek, and happy as ever. He has been editing the Albuquerque Daily Journal, since leaving this section.
Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.
Wm. M. Allison has taken possession of the Wellingtonian, will dispose of his Albuquerque, New Mexico, Journal, and again enter journalism at Wellington.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 5, 1884.
We understand W. M. Allison has closed out his newspaper business in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and will return to Wellington, resurrecting the Wellingtonian.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 19, 1884.
W. M. Allison has again taken charge of the Wellingtonian, and we understand will permanently locate in Wellington. We wish him success.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 16, 1885.
W. M. Allison, of the Wellingtonian, was over from Wellington last evening. He is turning out one of the prettiest little dailies in the West and making a success of it in every particular.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 7, 1885.
Mrs. Chas. C. Black spent Sunday with Mrs. W. M. Allison in Wellington.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 7, 1885.
The following are the real estate transfers for yesterday as taken from the Records of the Register’s office.
Wm. M. Allison and wife to Charles Roupe, pt of sw hf 27-32-4 e, 1 acre: $1,100.00.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 14, 1885.
Mr. Chas. Rempe, wife, and eight children arrived Friday from Noble County, Ohio. They have purchased the Allison property, southeast Winfield, and will locate permanently. Mr. Rempe is a man of means and will invest largely here.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 18, 1885.
Will M. Allison, of the Wellingtonian, spent Sunday in the Eli city. His paper is a sparkling, newsy sheet, and is getting a warm place in the esteem of Wellington.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 16, 1885.
Things are getting mighty sultry around the offices of the Wellington Press and Wellingtonian. Allison calls the Press “The Evening Diaper,” and Stotler retorts by calling the Wellingtonian “The Abortion.” Both should take a long, tearful sitting on the stool of repentance. It will never do to fire choel at each other like that. Bridge the bloody chasm; keep down thine ire! The weather itself is near enough like hades.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 6, 1885.
The Wellingtonian, among all the gush about Wellington’s greatness, gets in a little truth occasionally. It says: “The weeds have been allowed to grow up in Wellington in wild and picturesque confusion. Let us chop them down and cover up the dirty business and make the place look a little less like a candidate for the poor house.” Poor Wellington! The cows are very likely pasturing on Washington Avenue, the main street of the town. There hasn’t been any industrious feet tramping over that desert for many suns. Remember, brother Allison, that “git up and git” towns don’t give the weeds a chance to grow. In Winfield, a weed hardly peeps up before a hoof, at a 2:40 gait, bent on “biz,” comes down with a thud, and the weed is a corpse. Only deserted villages have weeds growing up among the cobble stones of the street. Don’t give yourself away, Wellingtonian. It makes us sad.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 12, 1885.
The editor of the Wellingtonian invited the REPUBLICAN household to come over and share the hospitality of his printing booth during the Sumner County Fair, which began Tuesday last. Many thanks, Bro. Allison, and if you ever visit the metropolis of Cowley County, pull the REPUBLICAN latch string, walk in, and take possession.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 24, 1885.
Will Allison, fighting editor of the Wellingtonian, was over last Saturday viewing the Queen City.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 15, 1885.
Wellington’s two dailies have been consolidated. Allison has sold his Wellingtonian to the Press Publishing Company, of which Jacob Stotler is president. The Daily Press will now be Wellington’s only daily. This is proper. Such towns are too small for two dailies, but will support one good one. Let the Press bristle up, run a first-class paper in every respect, and its success is assured—will soon be an established fact, as is the success of THE DAILY COURIER. W. M. Allison, though having an interest in the Press Company, is now out of active newspaper work, but says he will remain in Wellington in some other vocation. It will seem queer to see Billy doing anything but newspaper work.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 22, 1885.
W. M. Allison is the proprietor of a new newspaper, “The Guardian,” published at West Plains, Kansas. We looked the paper all over carefully to find in what part of Kansas West Plains is, but without success until our eye caught the words and figures, “Section 16, Township 32 , Range 30 West, in a descriptive article. Some may get the idea from this that it is 204 miles west of Winfield. It should name its county in the date line. It is a bright looking paper and will succeed if any paper can out there.
Winfield Courier, December 3, 1885.
Wm. M. Allison and Will T. Walker were over from Wellington Tuesday whiffing the air of a live city.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.
Billy Allison has moved his family over from Wellington and is occupying the Cole property, east 10th. The whole newspaper fraternity of the city, barring one lone printer, abide on the east side.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 18, 1886.
Dressie, the news man at the post office, in moving over to the east side, has made a passage into his inner sanctuary so narrow that only a slim man could get through. We asked him why he made it so narrow. He said it was to keep out the rascally editors, for he could not trust them. As all the other editors are slim enough to get through, we consider that remark of Dressie’s a vile slam on Allison.
From the next article it appears that W. M. Allison was involved with a Winfield newspaper once more, called the Winfield Visitor...
A Dose of Wormwood Followed the Taffy.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 25, 1886.
Of course the criticism in Friday’s Visitor on our article of Thursday headed “Organized Labor” was written by Cliff Wood, for Allison; however bad he may be, has too much sense and honor to misrepresent and lie about what the article contained, so grossly. The criticism sounds as though it had been written by one of those ignorant and cheap foreign laborers, whom we wrote against.
Cliff in many respects, clear cut good sense and judgment, but in the matter of literature, he is ignorant, unprincipled, and conceited beyond comparison.
The first that was heard of him in that direction was when we had prevailed on him to give for THE COURIER his personal recollections of the early settlement of this county. His articles came to us in very crude form, badly misspelled, punctuated worse, capitals used indiscriminately, and grammatically incorrect. As usual in such cases, we took considerable pains to make the corrections needed, so the articles appeared in good shape and were quite interesting. This success seemed to have ruined him. He took a place as local on the Visitor and suddenly blossomed out into the great literary critic of the age. The manner and style of the local of THE COURIER early got the benefits of his new born critical taste; then we were angrily reprimanded for changing his manuscript, and putting in errors that did not appear in the perfect copy. (We were tempted to print one of his articles verbatim et literatim but concluded not to be so mean as that.) Now comes his article attributing to us words and idea in relation to the Knights of Labor which we never uttered or entertained, treating us a mere school boy beginner while he is the great statesman, literateur, and critic. If it were not for his bloated conceit, he would be more honest and truthful and with a good proof reader, would be a very fair local editor.
We beg pardon of our readers for giving so long a personal notice, but we always like to acknowledge true merit.
We hope this will not hurt Mr. Wood’s chances of election as Justice of the Peace. He is well fitted for the place and will make a good officer. He needs the place, and we propose to vote for him and induce others to do the same. We hope and expect he will be elected and the above is written, partly, to discourage him from proceeding at once to reverse the decisions of Judge Torrance and the supreme court. We believe his decisions will be right and just, that he will be reliable for the enforcement of the prohibitory law as well as all others. He does not drink. He has sworn off and keeps on swearing; otherwise, his habits are good.
Arkansas City Republican, April 10, 1886.
The Winfield Visitor tells us that if there is a city in the state of Kansas cursed with an illy ventilated, miserable fire trap for an opera house, it is Winfield. When one goes into it to attend an entertainment, he risks his life. Let a fire break out in the old rookery some night, when a good sized audience is seated therein, and a third of the people will either be trampled to death, maimed for life, or probably meet that most horrible fate, that is ever an unfortunate man’s lot, to be burned to death. The people of the city have long enough put up with this “fire trap.”
Come down to Arkansas City, the metropolis of Cowley County, friend Allison, and you will see a first-class opera house. Our city has long since discarded her poor buildings.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 3, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
W. P. Hackney, W. M. Allison, and J. B. Lynn met on the Ninth street steps of the Farmer’s Bank Saturday evening and amused the by-standers greatly by calling each other funny names, each attributing to the other all the meanness they could lay their tongues to.
It amused the by-standers to hear them tell the truth.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 6, 1886.
In a political meeting last week, W. P. Hackney allowed his evil passions to rise, and his unruly tongue fell foul of W. M. Allison, editor of the Visitor. This brought about a collision between the two, which was promptly stopped by bystanders. The next morning Mr. Hackney interviewed the police justice, and condoned the offense by paying $12.25.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 2, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
Bill Hackney was arrested and fined $11 for the part he took in the caucus held in Winfield Monday night. A warrant is out for W. M. Allison. He espoused the cause on the opposite side. Allison has left town; when he returns, he will be arrested.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 20, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
J. E. Conklin, the Secretary of Winfield’s Board of Trade, says what Bill Allison has been saying in his Visitor is true. That he knows from experience. It is no use for the Courier and Telegram to deny the Visitor’s allegation when such a man as Joe Conklin says it is the truth and nothing but the truth.

Have no idea if the following applies to “W. M. Allison” or someone else...
Daily Calamity Howler, Tuesday, October 6, 1891.
Bill Allison came in last night and left again this morning. His family is visiting here at present. Wm. is Probate Judge of county A in the new country just being settled.