L. B. and C. H. Andrews
[Water Company.]
Arkansas City.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1886.
The laying of the water mains will finish up very shortly; and by Sept. 1st, Mr. Quigley and his assistant, Mr. Andrews, will leave town to attend to the fulfillment of contracts in other parts. The company has done its work handsomely laying several thousand feet more pipe than their contract called for, a good share of it of larger diameter than it engaged to supply. The company is willing to extend the service in any direction where six consumers to a block engage to take water.
Arkansas City Republican, June 5, 1886.
Per the courtesy of Mayor Schiffbauer and L. B. Andrews, a REPUBLICAN representative was shown the plans and specifications of the new water works now being put in in our city by the Inter State Gas Company, of St. Louis.
At their office at the residence purchased by the company from Chas. Hutchins, the plans were shown us. To our vision was first exhibited the drawings of the pump and boiler house. It is located at the spring. The building is to be 35 x 70 feet, the pump house being two stories high upon a basement wall of 12 feet. The boiler house will be only one story. The upstairs of the pump house is to be utilized by the company as offices, being divided into them, viz: drafting room, and general and private offices. The building is to be of stone and brick handsomely finished with coppered steel cornice and roofing.
From the pump house a 10 inch main will be laid to Summit street, and on that street 8 inch main will be used from 3rd Avenue north to 9th Avenue. On 9th Avenue from 5th Street to 11th Street six inch main will be laid. On 4th Avenue from 5th Street to Summit, the same sized main will be laid. On 5th, 6th, 8th, and 9th Streets from 3rd Avenue to 9th Avenue, four inch main will be laid. From 7th Avenue to 9th Avenue, four inch main will be put down on 11th Street. The mains are to be extended into Leonard’s addition on 4th, 5th, and 6th Avenues, and wherever else it may be desired. The company, until the works are completed, will put a hydrant into your residence for the cost of services. This is a very liberal offer and many of our citizens are taking advantage of it. The water rates will be published in a few days.
J. B. Quigley and L. B. Andrews have charge of the construction of the works here and they inform us work will be pushed rapidly until completion. The former gentleman will remove his family here and take up his residence.
A large force of hands are excavating at the spring for the boiler and pump house and in a few days, Mr. Andrews tells us, he will have the basement walls ready for the building.
Five plugs are to be located so as to afford the best protection to the city.
The Inter State Gas Company, so far, are more than carrying out their contract with the city. They are giving a much better system of water works than intended. Arkansas City has improved so rapidly that they find it necessary in order to keep up with our growth. Besides the western headquarters are located here. Don’t forget this. How we boom!
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 2, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
Last evening the Arkansas City Water Company was organized. J. B. Quigley was elected president; Maj. L. E. Woodin, vice-president; L. B. Andrews, secretary; and Theodore Plate, treasurer.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 1, 1886.
C. H. Andrews, assistant engineer to the Water Co., returned from St. Louis on Saturday. Mr. Quigley, who is on a visit to the same city, will delay his return for a week.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 5, 1887. From Monday’s Daily.
L. B. Andrews left for St. Louis yesterday morning. He is succeeded in the Arkansas City Water Co., by his brother.