Peter Barrett Andrews
The March 1, 1875, Kansas Census listed the following
P. B. Andrews 32 m bIndiana Mich.
M. M. Andrews30 fbIndiana Mich.
S. W. Mathews5m w MichiganMich.
D. B. Andrews 2fbKansas
E. Andrews1/12 fbKansas
Arkansas City Traveler, Monday, August 14, 1922.
P. B. Andrews, colored, of 703 North Fourth street, died at the family home early Sunday morning, following a several days illness. The cause of death is given as double pneumonia.
Mr. Andrews was one of the best known colored men in this city and he had resided in this vicinity since 1871, at which time he took up a claim in Bolton township. He and his family resided on this farm for many years and later moved to the city. He is survived by the wife, who is now ill, and three children, and one grandchild and one great-grandchild. The children are Mrs. Dora B. Hubbard, of Nowata, Okla., Mrs. Francis Fagan of this city, and Bert Andrews of Long Beach, California. The granddaughter is Mrs. Junita Martin, and the great grandchild is Imogene Martin.
Mr. Andrews was a veteran of the Civil War and was a well known member of the Negro Masons. He came to this city from Dawagiac, Michigan, where he was born in August, 1842. He was married to Mary M. Purcell, March 6, 1872, at that place. To this union five children were born, two of whom preceded him to the grave.
He was first sergeant in Company G, 42nd regiment, colored infantry, in the Civil War. Dora Hubbard, the oldest child of the family, was the first colored child born in Cowley County. Mr. Andrews was a member of the A. M. E. church of this city. All of the children are here except the son.
Funeral services will be held tomorrow afternoon at 3:30, at the A. M. E. church, in charge of Rev. W. E. Smith. Officials of the A. F. & A. M. lodge, No. 132, will have a part in the services; also the G. A. R.’s are asked to attend in a body and act as honorary pall bearers. They will meet at the house at 3 o’clock. Interment will be made in Mercer cemetery.
Arkansas City Traveler, Friday, August 18, 1922.
It was with sincere regret that P. B. Andrews’ West Bolton friends learned of his death. Mr. Andrews was one of West Bolton’s pioneers and exerted marked influence in making this country what it is. He came here long before the railroad reached the city; and in company with a friend, another colored man, walked all the way to this place from Howard, Kansas. To hear Mr. Andrews tell of early day life and experiences in West Bolton was more than interesting—it was like reading a romance. Mr. Andrews was a true friend, a good man, patriotic, a fine citizen, and rejoiced when his country, his state, and his friends enjoyed blessings of peace and prosperity. For many years Peter Andrews and his estimable family resided on their farm in West Bolton. His wife, two daughters, and a son mourn his departure. His remains were interred in Mercer cemetery Tuesday afternoon.
Arkansas City Traveler, Monday, August 21, 1922.
Sunday, August 13, 1922, marks the passing of one of the pioneer citizens of Arkansas City, in the death of Peter B. Andrews, 705 North Fourth Street. For some months it seemed that his aged wife would precede him to the Crossing of the Bar, but instead, due to the treacherous disease of pneumonia, he awaits her coming.
Mr. Andrews was one of the most highly respected men of the colored people of Arkansas City. Funeral services were held at the A. M. E. church, E. W. Smith, pastor, officiating. The Grand Army of the Republic and the ladies auxiliary paid their last respects to one of their members by attending in a body and acting as honorary pall bearers. The A. F. A. M. Masonic lodge No. 132 had charge of the services at the grave with Col. Austin, youngest Worshipful Master in the state of Kansas, in charge, who conducted the entire service without the aid of a ritual, which shows how efficient Col. Austin has made himself, and how devoted he is to this work, and Chaplain W. M. Hooker for his impressive prayers.
The casket was a very beautiful light steel silver grey broadcloth, placed at Mercer cemetery. ( Note - Mercer Cemetery was later named Hope Cemetery.)
More information from Kay relative to Andrews family...
Dora Bell Andrews Hubbard died Saturday, August 21, 1949, at her home at 705 North Fourth street after a long illness.
The Andrews family settled in Arkansas City in 1871, and Andrews was one of the leading Negro citizens of Arkansas City. He was a Civil War veteran and a founder of the St. James A. M. E. church in Arkansas City.
Dora Bell Hubbard was born Feb. 1, 1873, on her father’s farm five miles west of Arkansas City.
On Feb. 14, 1910, she married Robert Henry Hubbard at Vinita, Oklahoma, and they took up residence at his farm in Vinita.
Mrs. Hubbard returned to Arkansas City in 1920 to care for her parents. After the death of her parents, the Hubbard family all moved to Arkansas City where they have resided since.
Surviving relatives include the husband, of the home; one daughter, Mrs. Juaninta Williams, of Osawatomie, Kan.; four grandchildren, 1 great grandchild; one sister, Mrs. Frances Wills of Los Angeles and one brother, Bertram D. Andrews of Long Beach, Calif.; one grandson, Robert H. Williams has made his home here with his grandparents.
Newspaper items concerning P. B. Andrews...
Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1876.
BORN. Saturday, April 22, to Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Andrews, a 9 lb. girl.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 19, 1876.
Taken up, on the 15th of July, a red cow; on the left ear she has an under-bit; on the right ear a nick; good domestic stock. Owner can have the same by calling on P. B. Andrews, and paying charges.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 10, 1879.
DIED. On Sunday, September 7, of whooping cough, infant son of P. B. and M. M. Andrews; aged fifteen months.
Daughter of P. B. Andrews: Dora.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 19, 1879.
The following is the standing of the pupils of District 96 at the examination for the month ending Nov. 14, 1879. AM LISTING NAMES OF PUPILS ONLY...
A CLASS. Malinda Conaway, Lizzie Watts, Maria Marshall, Finley Marshall, Frank Donnelly, Willie Woolsey.
B CLASS. Maggie Grown, Theodore Matthews, Henry Donnelly, Sterling Marshall.
C CLASS. Mable Brown, Ollie Colwell, Gertie Colwell, Etta Colwell, Dora Andrews, Lora Guthrie, Charlie Geis, Willie Geis, Mary Bass, Adaline Bass.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 24, 1880. Editorial Page.
The following report of the Annual Love Feast of some of the Boltonites has found its way to the TRAVELER. We think it was written by some Peace of a Justice, as the first line gives evidence of legal lore.
“Know all men by these presents: Whereas, on the 14th day of February last, the citizens of Bolton Township met in mass, at the Bland schoolhouse in the open air, for the purpose of reviewing their past lives and preparing for the future. So after bustling around a while, W. C. Skinner was chosen chairman of the meeting. The chair arose and announced that the proceedings must be opened with prayer. So S. H. Deweese with the assistance of W. Mercer implored divine forgiveness for the folly of those who had spent many months in molding paper wads to be fired at the cattle drive and the wickedness of others who had buried, on the “trail,” the dreadful torpedoes of sulphur and snuff to hurl into the clouds the last hope of long horns. But Hank Holowell who sat near, with an ear that lopped like a limp leaf of Kraut, declared that the prayer did not go as high as the third plank on the fence.
“After reading the statute by John Linton, the Chair announced a recess of fifteen minutes. Whistling by Frank Lorry; tune Patsy won’t you drink some. The Chair then called the meeting from refreshments to labor.
“Now the various characters arose into prominence. The old Polar Bear, James McGuire, with that same old bed blanket on old Bob, rode up. Then came A. P. Lorry leading brother Frank while they stepped to the marshal music of old hundred. In fact, the drill was handsome.
“George Hagar made a speech on the wreck of man. Frank Reed, on the smart young man. G. Schnee presented facts to prove that the ground hog should be captured and cut into pork for spoiling a great deal of fine weather.
“Frank Lorry opened an argument in favor of the self made man, but his remarks were short, as the meeting gave him a unanimous vote for having more self-made worthlessness in one body than had ever before been found in Bolton Township.
“The chair announced that the hour had arrived for preparing ballots to elect some person of the township to the honorable position of attending to other people’s business. This called out a full and harmonious vote without distinction of race, color, or previous condition, and the judges of election, appointed and sworn in due form of law, consisting of Uncle Berry Banks and Peter Andrews, proceeded to count the ballots, resulting as follows: Frank Lorry received 69 votes, S. H. Deweese 19 votes, scattering 3 votes. The chair arose and amid the stillness of death announced that Lieut. Lorry having received a majority of the votes cast was duly elected.
“Hick Deweese now arose with cussedness in his eye, and charged the judges of election with fraud and favor; they grew pale as the speaker, warm with the smart of disappointment, accused them of stuffing the box in favor of another.
“John Brown called order, and said that a blind man could see that the best thing to do was to adjourn. So the Chair said the meeting was adjourned to meet St. Valentine one year from that date. EAST BOLTON.”
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, April 7, 1880.
An old paper that a tramp shook from around a dirty garment was picked up on the town site a day or two ago containing the correspondence of A. P. E. criticizing the course of the TRAVELER towards the people of Bolton Township, especially in publishing the report of that Love Feast a few weeks ago.
He has the egotism to think that many charge him as the author of the report, and, that if he can throw it on us he hopes to be able to show his petty spite by lying to the patrons of the TRAVELER. This is a game that he is well qualified by nature to play, as the people of both Cresswell and Bolton townships have reason to know.
That his sensitive nerves may feel no alarm for the welfare of the TRAVELER, the fact is fixed that several citizens of Bolton and three prominent men in town read the report of the Love Feast before we knew of its earthly existence.
We agree with our readers that the pen picture of the event was true to life except in the case of A. P. E., who carries a countenance for treachery that none but the wrath of the Almighty could mold, and hence the inability of man to give it even a shade of veracity. We have long been aware that this old fraud claimed to carry the vote of Bolton Township in his pocket, but at three elections he ran his hand into that pocket to deliver the vote of his township and invariably discovered that the pocket was out!
We rejoice to hear that, at last, he has climbed to the social importance of Rev. Banks and Brudder Andrews, but these notables declare it a slander, that they will never endure. Please go a little slow, A. P. E., or they may bring you into court. Finally, it would be a poor criterion of the intelligence of a people if they could be led by A. P. E., who has passed into dotage without being able to say that he ever did the first unselfish act for mortal man.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 15, 1880.
BOLTON, September 11, 1880.
Editor Traveler: According to call, the Republicans of Bolton met at the Bland schoolhouse on Thursday evening, September 9, and organized a rousing Garfield and Arthur club.
After the organization, in absence of expected speakers from abroad, the president, Mr. Buckner, asked some of the members to state their reasons for being Republicans. Mr. Marshall first responded, and concluded by quoting the forcible reasons given by Col. Ingersoll, which elicited great applause. Amos Walton, being present, was called on. He gave his reasons for having been such a consistent and life-long (?) Democrat, which was a weak argument, to say the least. Then followed Mr. John Brown, who gave us such a rousing speech as we seldom hear. He bled the gentleman (Mr. Walton) and the Democratic party at every thrust. In the course of his remarks he asked if anyone present ever knew a colored man to vote with the Democrats. Mr. Andrews being present said if any such had existed, they were dead.
Mr. Walton tried to reply, but his mind (or whatever he calls it) was so muddled that he could not say anything.
The next speaker was Mr. Clark, a Greenbacker, who scolded the Republicans and Democrats on the financial question about alike. Then referring to the Alabama election, and the manner in which they treated Messrs. Weaver and Randall down there, he came out in such bitter denunciation for the Democrats that those present—Walton, Turner, Gilbert, and Eaton—could not raise their heads “or sit low enough in their seats.” It was the most laughable sight I have witnessed for a long time. I venture they will not sigh for a similar experience in this campaign.
We had a good meeting, and when we come to the polls you can count on Bolton for a good Republican majority. The club meets again at the same place on Thursday evening, September 23, when we will have able speakers from abroad. ONE OF THE CLUB.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 14, 1881.
The color line came promptly to the front last week at the Brettun House in Winfield. Mr. P. B. Andrews (colored) was sent as a delegate from Bolton township to the (Old Soldiers) Convention, and, when with his delegation, he went to the Brettun House for dinner, the proprietor informed him he could not take dinner in the dining room but must go to the kitchen. Considerable feeling was manifested for awhile, but Mr. Andrews, with several friends, retired to seek more hospitable quarters. So far, Messrs. Harter & Black are following the example of Judge Hilton in this questionably exclusive proceeding.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 14, 1881.
Can it be, as claimed by the proprietors of the “Brettun” that two members of the Convention, on last Saturday, objected to Mr. Andrews going into the dining room with the other delegates? If so, God help such a Republican! Why should such a person presume to sit in a Republican Convention? Why should he forsooth presume to represent the grand old Republican principle that all men are created equal? This is not Republicanism. All Republicans repudiate such an act, and blush that such pusillanimity can be found in a Republican Convention.
Kay had the following to say about the “Brettun” incident...
(Note: The original complainant was a lawyer named Joseph D. Houston. Mr. Houston came from Kentucky to Arkansas City in 1880 and went into business with lawyer C. R. Mitchell. He left Arkansas City at the end of 1881 to move to Wichita and go into partnership with Judge W. P. Campbell.)
Joseph D. Houston...
Arkansas City Traveler, April 28, 1880.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 28, 1880.
A Bargain.
We have 160 acres of choice, well improved land for sale. MITCHELL & HOUSTON.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 16, 1880.
1. Giles Brothers & Co., Plaintiffs...$300.
2. J. L. Huey, Plaintiff...$26.51.
3. J. L. Huey, Plaintiff...$50.00.
4. Shepard & Maxwell, Plaintiffs...$48.00.
5. Houghton & Speers, Plaintiffs...$21.60
He was given until July 12, 1880, to settle.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 14, 1880.
The Republicans of Arkansas City held a crowded meeting in the council chambers last Wednesday evening, for the purpose of organizing a Garfield and Arthur club in this place and to generally promote the interests of the Republican party in the coming campaign. On motion J. S. Daniels was called to the chair and I. H. Bonsall was appointed secretary. The meeting was then addressed by C. R. Mitchell, Dr. A. J. Chapel, J. H. Phillips, Henry E. Asp, of Winfield, Houston, and several others. Altogether a most enthusiastic and inspiring time was had. The following committees were appointed.
On Procuring Pole: Messrs. Daniels, Parker, and Williams.
Music and Glee Club: W. D. Mowry and W. Griffith.
Permanent Organization: Messrs. J. H. Phillips, Bonsall, and Houston.
Pending the report of this committee, a temporary agreement was drawn up and signed by thirty-seven of those present, who thus pledged themselves to work in the interest of the Republican party and its nominees. Mr. Asp was requested to procure speakers for the next meeting. On motion the meeting then adjourned, to meet again this Wednesday evening, July 14, in the room lately occupied by the Tivoli on the west side of Summit street, opposite the City Hotel. Republicans one and all should turn out and make things lively.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1880.
At the temperance meeting last Sunday night, Mr. Henry E. Asp, of Winfield, spoke to a large congregation in the Methodist church, having been invited to supply the place of Mr. Houston, who had gone to Chicago. Mr. Hill also made some stirring remarks, which were well received.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1880.
Owing to the cheap rates of Saturday last, quite a crowd took advantage of them and started for Chicago or way points. As far as we could learn, the Arkansas City list comprised Mrs. Matlack and child, Mr. and Mrs. Searing, Mrs. Hendersohn, J. L. Huey and family, Will and Henry Mowry, Mrs. Coombs and two children, J. D. Houston, J. B. Walker, and Mr. McConn. Messrs. Huey and McConn will attend the Knights Templar conclave at Chicago, while the others took this occasion to visit various points in Iowa and Illinois. The fare was ten dollars from Winfield to Chicago and return.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 24, 1880.
Messrs. O. P. Houghton, S. Matlack, and Joe Houston returned from a two-weeks’ hunt in the Nation last Thursday. They are the banner sportsmen so far, bagging three deer, as well as a magnificent array of turkeys, chickens, and other small game.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 15, 1880.
The names of the various committees having in charge the Christmas tree festivities to be held at the Presbyterian church, were handed in last week, but were unavoidably crowded out, and are presented in this issue, as follows.
Committee on Procuring Tree: Messrs. John Walker, M. B. Vawter, S. B. Reed, A. Gardner, R. Hutchison, C. L. Swarts.
Committee on Receiving Presents: Misses Clara Finley, Alma Dixon, Kate Hawkins, May Roland, May Benedict, Lizzie Guthrie, Mary Thomas, and Messrs. F. W. Farrar, C. M. Swarts, Dr. Vawter, Robert Maxwell.
Decorating Committee: Mr. and Mrs. Searing, Mr. and Mrs. Matlack, Mrs. Haywood, Mrs. Shepard, Mrs. Cypher, Misses Mary Parker, Angie Mantor, Carrie Benedict, Annie Norton, Mattie Mitchell, Linnie Peed, Flora Finley, Albertine Maxwell, Sadie Thomas, Linda Christian, Annie Hutchison, Mary Theaker, Emma and Susie Hunt, Ada Easterday; Messrs. E. G. Gray, W. D. Mowry, John Kroenert, J. D. Houston, George Howard, D. Cunningham, James Leonard, Will Peed, J. C. Topliff, Dick Chamberlain, Irving French.
Distributing Committee: Mr. and Mrs. Standley, Mr. and Mrs. Bonsall, Mr. and Mrs. Gooch, Mr. and Mrs. Sleeth, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mantor.
Winfield Courier, December 16, 1880.
The reports from the boomers along the line of the Indian Territory were so conflicting all last week that on Saturday the COURIER sent a reporter to the field of operation to get the facts.
On Monday the boomers began to arrive and go into camp near Arkansas City. Capt. Dave Payne was on hand and in command. He impressed strangers as a large, good looking gentleman not very talkative, but evidently having a strong purpose, which he meant to carry out as effectively as possible without resisting the troops. Beside them were camped about thirty U. S. cavalrymen under Lieut. Mason. Gen. C. H. Smith, of Gen. Pope’s staff was also present. On Tuesday evening the boomers held a meeting with bonfires and illuminations, and Capt. Payne addressed the assembly in a moderate speech. Mayor W. W. Bloss, of the Chicago Times was present and made a few remarks. A petition to the president was read.
On Thursday the boomers had accumulated to the number of about eighty men and twenty-five wagons and they broke camp and started on their expedition. They moved on Westward and camped on Bitter Creek on the Kansas side of the line, the troops following in the wake.
It was given out that they would cross the line the next morning. Gen. Smith informed them that his orders were to arrest the “whole outfit” and take them to Fort Reno and there hold them prisoners until released by the government. Friday morning Capt. Payne did not move as was expected. He was inclined to avoid a collision with the troops. The boomers were hot and dissatisfied. They wanted to fight and called Capt. Payne a coward. They held a meeting and deposed Payne and elected Major Mains, of Wichita, as their general and leader.
On Saturday morning they took up their line of march, but instead of entering the territory they marched westward and camped at Shoo Fly creek near Hunnewell close to the state line. The troops camped close by, just across the line in the Territory. Col. Coppinger arrived and took command. Accessions to the boomers arrived from Caldwell and other points so that on Sunday there were in camp about fifty wagons and one hundred and eighty men. They are organized in eight military companies under eight captains with Mains at the head.
In a conversation with Col. Coppinger and Lt. Smith, Maj. Mains said they should disregard the president’s orders and enter the territory at every hazard unless forbidden by Congress. The horses of the troops are in good condition, but those of the boomers present a scrawny woe begone appearance.
Major Randall with two more companies of cavalry was expected to join Col. Mason on Monday the 13th. One company of cavalry is occupying the Oklahoma town site and picking up stragglers. Other companies are watching the threatened incursions from Texas and other points. It was told at Hunnewell that considerable numbers of boomers had already entered the territory from Caldwell and other points, probably for the purpose of stimulating those at Hunnewell to desperation. Statements of persons who should know show that these reports were not true. Our reporter found both opposing forces in camp at the place near Hunnewell, and first visited the boomer camp where was found about 180 rough but apparently earnest, hardworking men with about fifty wagons.
The reporter was escorted by a gay company of young people, consisting of a versatile reporter for the Monitor, who amused the company on the route with speeches and songs. Mr. Ed. Rolland, Mr. J. Houston, a young attorney, Miss Grace Scoville, and Miss May Roland, Mr. and Mrs. Lem Cook, and Miss Summers were down from Caldwell to see the battle. These visitors together first paid their respects to the boomer camp, and were invited to remain and attend their religious services.
The visitors attended and furnished a part of the music for the occasion. The congregation united in singing, “Hold the fort for we are coming, Oklahoma still. Waive the answer back to Kansas, By thy grace we will.” The sermon was delivered by the colony chaplain, supplemented by remarks from another boomer. The reporter forgets their names. A large flag was floating over the camp and the congregation sang, “Rally ‘round the flag.” Capt. Payne was called on and made a few remarks. The general and Lieutenant from the other camp attended the service by special invitation. After services the visitors were invited to partake of refreshments with the boomers, which they did with great relish, for camp life was new and interesting at least to the ladies.
Capt. Payne and others, including Major Bloss, treated the visitors with cordial courtesy, and made their visit very pleasant. They visited the camp of the troops where they were courteously received. There was found everything orderly and neat. There were a dozen tents looking trim, forty fine horses standing ready to be saddled and mounted on a moment’s notice, and forty well clad and equipped soldier boys ready for action on like notice. One of the saddlers was asked how they expected to cope with so many boomers. He answered that the boomers were not well equipped or disciplined, and that no serious difficulty was expected. He did not think they would attempt to cross the line; but if they did, they would be easily disposed of. Some of the soldiers were practicing shooting at a red handkerchief on a bush, but all were civil and quiet. The contrast between the two camps was very great.
Our reporter thought Hunnewell a hard place to get anything to eat and in other respects. At about 4 o’clock p.m. the visitors left for Arkansas City, where they arrived at 8 o’clock in the evening, returning to Winfield the next day. The conclusion arrived at, is that the stories and press reports afloat about the boom are grossly exaggerated.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 22, 1880.
Mitchell & Houston made an able and strenuous defense of Conaway in the “assault-with-intent-to-kill” case last week. Mr. Houston is a talented young attorney who will yet make his mark. Courier.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 22, 1880.
Young Conaway was sentenced to the penitentiary for six months. He owes the mildness of this sentence to the very able defense made by his attorneys, Mitchell & Houston, as the sentiment of the community is strongly against him. He was married but a few weeks before his trial, probably thinking he would be cleared.
Winfield Courier, December 23, 1880.
Criminal Calendar.
Parents look after your boys. Thieves keep out of Cowley County.
An Appeal for Conway.
When the curtain dropped last Saturday upon the last official act of Judge W. P. Campbell, so far as Cowley County is concerned, there was gladness in the hearts of some, and sorrow in those of others. It is not in my province to speak of the Judge as a jurist. I am incompetent, but to one not “learned in the law” he has been an honor to the Bench and the friend of the “Toilers” and the poor and from many of this class go with him their best wishes for the future, be his surroundings what they may. Perhaps the most painful causes in the court just closed were the large increase of divorce cases and crime. There seems to be something radically wrong somewhere. Men swear devotion to love’s most ardent desire and then send their wives into the divorce court to have a long list of domestic trouble and horrors laid before the public, while men look on and chuckle with devilish delight at the woes and sufferings of heart broken wives whose highest hopes have been strangled and their future clouded, perhaps forever; but to the criminals:
Thomas King, aged 20 years, well educated, temperate in his habits, arrested for stealing money from the Rev. Father Kelly, plead guilty and was sent up for one year.
Ernest Lewis, aged 16, robbed Mr. Kelly’s boot shop in Winfield, plead guilty. One year.
Clinton Grimes stole ten dollars from Mr. Venable of Richland Township by entering his house in the night time. One year.
Theodore Miller, aged twenty, charged with having stolen a buggy belonging to William Ausbrook of Winfield last February and brought back from Toledo, Ohio. Jury disagreed and in the very slightest manner he escaped a long term, probably, in the penitentiary.
Willie Fogg, aged fifteen, a smart, active, intelligent boy, for taking a horse from Mr. Bonnell, was sent to the county jail for six months. Is there not some good man who will interest himself in this boy’s welfare? He is from New Hampshire and probably tells the whole story when he says he has a stepfather and that he has not seen his mother for two years. He wants to go to school and learn a trade.
Alfred Conway Trial Awakened Strong Interest.
The trial that awakened the strongest interest was that of Alfred Conway of Bolton township, tried for assaulting Rialdo Blackman with a deadly weapon with intent to kill: prosecuted with the energy and skill for which Torrance and Asp are noted; defended by Houston and Mitchell with the same stubborn determination as the prosecutors. The jury returned a verdict of guilty. Guilty? Yes, horrid word! It fell like a funeral dirge on the ears of the Conway family and that of his young bride; to her it meant more than death; to her it meant the shutting out of the last ray of sunshine that makes this life worth living; to her it meant the snatching away by the iron arm of the law, the Idol of her soul; the sheet anchor of her hopes upon this side of eternity. To her vision, seen through her tears, may have arisen the towering walls of the state penitentiary that seemed more terrible than the grave. Possibly, for the first time Andrew Conway realized his true position and may have regretted the hot blood of anger that when aroused flowed through his veins. The court, moved, maybe, by pity and the extenuating circumstances that surround the case, sentenced Conway—for six months to the county jail and to pay the costs. He has resolved to enter upon a new life and henceforth will devote his attention to the care of his young wife who was so faithful to him, and thereby challenge the respect of his neighbors and by their aid build up what he has torn down. Will they help him? OCCASIONAL.
Winfield Courier, December 23, 1880.
Mr. Joseph Houston’s argument before the jury in the Conway case demonstrated the fact that he is a young man of more than ordinary ability. He moved to this county from Kentucky about a year ago, and has already won for himself a reputation that many an older man would be proud of.
The jury in the case of the State vs. Conway, which occupied the time of the court nearly all of last week, finally returned a verdict of guilty of the crime charged, under section 42 of the statutes. Sentence was deferred and Messrs. Mitchell and Houston, attorneys for defendant, have applied for a new trial.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1881.
The case of the State vs. Brash, for malicious trespass, tried before Judge Bonsall last week, resulted in a verdict for the plaintiff, leaving Mr. Brash in for $10 and costs, which probably made his little fun cost about $50. Messrs. Jennings and Houston were attorneys in the case.
Winfield Courier, April 14, 1881.
Joe Houston, one of Cowley’s bright young attorneys, was in the city Tuesday on legal business.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 20, 1881.
Notice is hereby given that on the 3rd day of May at 11 o’clock a.m., 1881, an application will be made to his excellency, Gov. John P. St. John, at Topeka, Kansas, for the pardon of Alfred Conway, convicted at the December term (A. D. 1880) of the Cowley County District Court, of an assault and wounding, under such circumstances, that, it would have been manslaughter if death had ensued. See sec. 42 chap. 31 “of crimes and punishments” act., and sentenced to six months, confinement in the Cowley County jail. Said sentence expires June 16th, 1881. MITCHELL & HOUSTON.
Winfield Courier, May 5, 1881.
Mr. Joe Houston is looking after the interest of his clients at court this week.
Winfield Courier, May 26, 1881.
Last Monday we paid Arkansas City a flying visit for the purpose of inspecting the “Canal,” and giving the readers of the COURIER a fair understanding of it and of other improvements going on in our sister city. On our arrival we were welcomed by Joe Houston, Captain Scott, Charlie McIntire, and other old friends, who made it seem almost like home. We were then turned over to Mr. John Walker, in company with whom we drove over the city and inspected the canal, water-works, and other general improvements.
was first visited. The contractors have a small army of men and teams at work, and find work for more laborers than they can get. They pay $1.25 for men, and $3.00 for teams. The canal starts at the Arkansas river, west and a little north of the city, runs southeast, bends around the south end of the town, and empties into the Walnut a little south of east of the city. The length is about three miles, and the width is about twenty or thirty feet at the bottom, and seventy at the top.
The excavation resembled a railroad cut. The liveliest place on the work was at the Arkansas river where they are putting in wing dams and the gates that admit the water to the canal. They have excavated about five feet below the water-level, and are driving piles down to bed-rock. The stone-work will be built on the piles. Dozens of men are at work, day and night, bailing the water out of the excavation, and are relieved every five minutes. Another lot of men work on the stone, getting them ready to lay up as soon as the foundation is ready. Con. Glenn, an old resident of the county, and one of the best stone-masons in it, has charge of the stone-work. We noticed many other Winfield men at work along the canal.
The canal is the principal topic of conversation in and around the city at present, and a person who would stand on Summit street and publicly denounce the practicability of the scheme would be “fired” out of town in short metre. But we have no such opinions to express. The people have faith in it, and are spending their money for it. The engineers say it is bound to succeed, and we see no reason why is should not, so far as water-power is concerned. Whether they will be able to get mills enough to utilize the power, and make the investment pay, is another thing. One gentleman has already contracted for the erection of a large flouring mill, with four run of burrs, and will pay the Canal Company fifteen hundred dollars for the water privilege. Other flouring mills will certainly be erected, and Cowley county needs a woolen mill, which will in time be built there, if the power is secured. If by the investment of $20,000, which is the amount the city has put in so far, they secure large manufacturing interests, it cannot help being of benefit to them.
This enterprise cost $2,000, and is well worth the money. The water doesn’t taste very good, but it keeps a fountain running in the post office and supplies several door-yards with water for trees, flowers, and fountains. Its practicability in case of fires we will not discuss, for we don’t know anything about it. They tell us that it will throw a stream over Matlack’s Block, which is about the largest building in the city. The works consist of a windmill and tank, similar to that in use at the Santa Fe Depot. The tank is raised on a high stone foundation, which gives the water a good head. It is conducted over town along Summit street.
We noticed many new buildings going up, and a general air of activity that speaks well for the future of the town. They are not dead, neither are they asleep, but are wide enough awake to get a government contract for a million pounds of flour, and the freighting thereof.
This draws more or less Territory business to the city, and Uncle Sam’s wards are lavish with their money—when they have any. Of course, in the appreciation of all this prosperity, the newspaper must not be behind, and so Stanley will enlarge his “Traveler” to a nine column, and Arkansas City can boast of a blanket sheet equal in size to the COURIER. Charley McIntire also shows evidences of prosperity. He shows forth in immaculate linen and sorrel neck-tie, and has rented a post-office box. Speaking of post offices reminds us that Postmaster Topliff has the neatest one we have ever seen. It is carved and varnished, and has “didoes” all over the front, like a circus wagon. It’s tasty, and a postmaster who can keep an office like that ought to get married. He can keep a wife.
In conclusion, we wish to congratulate Arkansas City on her evident prosperity, and her people on the grit and sand they exhibit in inaugurating and pushing to completion enterprises that tend to promote the interests of the town, and laugh at the risks accompanying them. We are glad to see them prosper, and always shall be. Arkansas City is a part of grand old Cowley, and the mission of the COURIER is to work for Cowley County, and to fairly represent all of her people. We are glad that the old days of strife and bitterness between Arkansas City and Winfield are past; and that we can once more clasp hands across the “bloody chasm” of many fierce local struggles, and try to promote rather than destroy each other’s prosperity.
Winfield Courier, August 11, 1881.
Joe Houston, of Arkansas City, has been retained as counsel for the defense in the Lennox forgery case. Mr. Houston is one of the brightest young lawyers in the state.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 14, 1881.
The farewell party, given by Miss Lillie Chamberlain at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schiffbauer, on Tuesday evening of last week, was one of the grandest events of the season. The full moon shown down like an immense headlight, viewing apparently, with the many Chinese lanterns that were pendant from the surrounding trees, making the scene resemble that of fairy land rather than reality.
After some time spent in promenading through the beautiful grove of fruit and forest trees, the party’s attention was directed to an immense platform prepared for the occasion, where Prof. Farringer, with the string band of Winfield, had taken position, and in a few moments it was filled with youth and beauty gliding through the graceful movements of the easy quadrille and mazy waltz. A gorgeous repast followed, then with spirits overjoyed, each of the party instituted all manner of fun and mirth, which had to be seen to be appreciated. Mr. Matlack produced a novel figure in the terpsichorean art that few ever witnessed before, while Cal. Swarts furnished the music. To say it was an enjoyable affair don’t half express it, and for one, we hope to have the pleasure of again meeting Miss Chamberlain and her many friends under like circumstances. The Cornet Band did their best and filled the night air with delightful sounds for which the hostess came forward, and in the most charming manner, expressed her appreciation and thanked them for their kindness.
The following ladies and gentlemen participated.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Schiffbauer.
Mr. and Mrs. James I. Huey.
Mr. and Mrs. Mead.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Matlack.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry P. Farrar.
Mr. and Mrs. Capt. O. Ingersoll.
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Houghton.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Sherburne.
Mr. and Mrs. Wyard E. Gooch.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Grubbs.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Speers.
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Miller.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Benedict.
Mr. and Mrs. James Benedict.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Schiffbauer.
Mrs. James Wilson.
Mrs. Alexander.
Mrs. C. R. Sipes.
Mary Parker.
Susie L. Hunt.
Anna Belle Cassell.
Lizzie Wyckoff.
Mattie F. Mitchell.
Julia Deming.
Lucy Walton.
May Benedict.
Kathleen Hawkins.
Annie Norton.
Grace Gardner.
Mabel Ayres.
M. B. Vawter.
Dr. Jamison Vawter.
J. D. C. O’Grady.
C. L. Swarts.
Charles M. Swarts.
Fred W. Farrar.
Joseph D. Houston.
John Kroenert.
Charles U. France.
Showman D. Longsdorff.
James C. Topliff.
William D. Mowry.
Cyrus M. Scott.
Winfield Courier, October 13, 1881.
Joe Houston spent several days of last week in the city. Joe’s defense of Theodore Miller, in which he secured the acquittal of his client, has been a big card for him.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 19, 1881.
From the Courier.
Mr. J. F. McMullen, a brother of the Colonel’s, has opened a law office on Ninth avenue. He moved an immense safe into it Saturday.
Joe Houston spent several days of last week in the city. Joe’s defense of Theodore Miller, in which he secured the acquittal of his client, has been a big card for him.
Winfield Courier, October 27, 1881 - Front Page.
McIntire’s Madam Rumor says:
That Doctor Hughes and Leonard have sold their property at Eureka Springs and intend moving to Texas.
That Prof. O. Phelps, formerly of this city, has gone to Texarkana, where he has been chosen principal of the public schools of that place.
That the law firm of Mitchell & Houston will soon be changed to Mitchell, Swarts & Bixler. Mitchell & Bixler will be located at Geuda Springs, and Swarts will remain here.
That J. H. Phillips, formerly of this city, but of late of Las Vegas, New Mexico, will return to this county next spring with 5,000 head of sheep.
That they have the small pox in the city of Caldwell.
Winfield Courier, November 10, 1881.
Court is in session: the lambs and the lions are mingling together in harmony under the soothing influence of Judge Torrance’s presence. Among the lions we notice Henry H. Asp,
T. H. Soward, Frank Jennings, G. H. Buckman, D. C. Beach, O. M. Seward, J. E. Allen, Jas. O’Hare, S. D. Pryor, James McDermott, A. P. Johnson, A. H. Green, W. P. Hackney, A. B. Taylor, Lovell H. Webb, C. R. Mitchell, Joe Houston, Cal. Swarts, Charlie Eagan, and others. The list of lambs can be found in our Court docket of last week.
Winfield Courier, November 17, 1881.
Arkansas City has almost taken the “hub” for the past week. Many of her citizens are here attending the Armstrong murder case. Among these we notice Charlie Holloway, Mayor Kellogg, Cal. Swarts, Joe Houston, the Farclon boys, liveryman McIntire, Solicitor Holland, and Mr. Adams, supported by a number of other prominent citizens.
Winfield Courier, November 17, 1881.
Our young attorneys are covering themselves all over with glory at this term of court. Henry E. Asp won golden opinions in his defense of Geis, in which he secured the acquittal of his client. Attorney Jennings and Mr. Asp on the one side and Mr. Hackney and Joe Houston on the other are fighting the Armstrong case step by step. The balance are impatiently waiting until their turn comes.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 23, 1881.
Henry Asp and Joe Houston got in some very fine work on the Haywood forgery case, and came very near pushing the County Attorney to the wall. Courant.
Cowley County Courant, November 24, 1881.
That Henry Asp and Joe Houston got in some fine work on the Haywood forgery case, and came very near pushing the County Attorney to the wall.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 7, 1881.
Joe Houston, of the hub, came down on Monday night’s train en route for the Geuda Springs to test the curative properties of the water.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 7, 1881.
Joe Houston sold his town lots, near Mr. A. Wilson’s residence, to H. P. Farrar yesterday. Mr. Farrar, we understand, will shortly build upon them.
Winfield Courier, December 8, 1881.
Joe Houston has gone over to Geuda Springs to bathe in mineral water and recuperate his wasted energies.
Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.
Joe Houston is talking of removing either to Wichita or Kansas City. During his stay in Arkansas City, Mr. Houston built up quite a lucrative practice.
Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.
Joe Houston has formed a co-partnership with Judge Campbell in the law business in Wichita.
Cowley County Courant, December 29, 1881.
Joe Houston, formerly of Arkansas City, has moved to Wichita and formed a law partnership with W. P. Campbell. Mr. Houston is a young man of excellent character and more than ordinary legal ability, and will no doubt, in the connection he has made, rapidly rise in his profession.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 4, 1882.
Joe Houston, formerly of Arkansas City, has removed to Wichita and has formed a law partnership with W. P. Campbell. Mr. Houston is a young man of excellent character and more than ordinary legal ability, and will, no doubt, in the connection he has made, rapidly rise in his profession. Joe has many friends here and in Arkansas City, who, though they will regret his departure, will rejoice in his advancement and tender their best wishes for his future success. Courant.
Cowley County Courant, March 16, 1882.
Joe Houston was down from Wichita today and made us a pleasant call. We are always glad to see Joe and are pleased to learn that he is prospering in his present situation. We have always predicted his success and we will always have a hearty interest in his welfare.
Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.
Mr. J. D. Houston came down from Wichita Saturday, and spent the afternoon shaking hands with his many friends here.
Back to P. B. Andrews directly...
Arkansas City Traveler, March 29, 1882. We are informed that several parties have been summoned before the Grand Jury of the State in reference to the matter of Mr. P. B. Andrews, a colored delegate to the Republican Nominating Convention, from Bolton township, being refused a seat in the dining room of the Brettun House at Winfield.
Cowley County Courant, April 6, 1882.
A number of the Creswell delegates to the Republican county convention held in this city last fall have been subpoenaed to appear before the United States grand jury at Topeka next week, to give evidence concerning a colored gentleman named Andrews being requested by the proprietors of the Brettun to not go into the dining room to eat when the room was filled with white people. Brother Harter says, “Let ‘em go in; that he is running his own shop and proposes to fire [missing words: torn from paper] he pleases.”
Arkansas City Traveler, August 9, 1882.
Bolton’s Delegates.
The delegates elected to attend the Nominating Convention of the 67th representative district to be held at Arkansas City, August 12, 1882, were: P. A. Lorry, A. C. Williams, and P. B. Andrews.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 16, 1882. Editorial Page.
Representative Convention.
Pursuant to call therefore the delegates to the 67th Representative District Convention met in McLaughlin’s Hall in Arkansas City, Kans. Convention was called to order by J. B. Nipp. On motion, J. R. Sumpter, of Beaver, and R. J. Maxwell, of Creswell, were elected respectively Chairman and Secretary.
On motion the following committees were appointed, to-wit.
ON CREDENTIALS: L. Darnell, J. B. Nipp, N. W. Dressie, and H. W. Marsh.
ON RESOLUTIONS: H. C. Williams, G. H. McIntire, and S. H. Sparks.
The committee on credentials reported that the following named delegates were entitled to seats in convention, viz.:
Bolton Township: P. A. Lorry, A. C. Williams, and P. B. Andrews.
Beaver Township: J. M. Jarvis, J. R. Sumpter, and H. W. Marsh.
Cedar Township: N. W. Dressie, Joseph Reid.
Creswell Township: G. H. McIntire, R. J. Maxwell, O. S. Rarick, J. A. Smally, S. J. Mantor, J. B. Nipp, and Jas. Ridenour.
Pleasant Valley Township: S. Johnson, W. A. Ela, S. Watts, S. H. Sparks.
Liberty Township: John Mark, J. A. Cochrane, and Joah Darnell.
Silverdale Township: L. J. Darnell, W. G. Herbert, and S. H. Splawn.
The committee reported further that as no delegates were present from Spring Creek township, Cyrus Wilson should be permitted to cast the vote of that township. The report was then adopted.
The committee on resolutions then reported resolution endorsing those passed by the State Convention at Topeka, also reported, and be it further resolved that we instruct our Representative to the Legislature of this State to use all honorable means to pass such laws as will more equally distribute the railroad taxes among the school districts of the State.
The Convention then, on motion, proceeded to nominate a candidate for Representative from this district. A motion prevailed that the manner of voting be: that the roll of delegates be called, and each respond orally naming his choice.
Mr. Samuel Caster, of Liberty, was then nominated by Mr. J. A. Cochrane, seconded by Mr. Herbert, of Silverdale. C. R. Mitchell, of Bolton, was placed on nomination by A. C. Williams, seconded by H. W. Marsh, of Beaver. The vote then proceeded and stood: Caster, 6; Mitchell, 21. The Chairman then declared Mr. Mitchell to be the nominee. On motion of J. A. Cochrane, of Liberty, the nomination was made unanimous.
Mr. Mitchell then addressed the meeting briefly, promising to speak in each of the townships in the district. Mr. Caster also made an interesting address, concisely stating his views on the political situation, and heartily endorsing the action of the Convention.
The following named delegates were selected as a Central Committee: Beaver, H. W. Marsh; Bolton, P. A. Lorry; Creswell, Jas. Ridenour; Cedar, N. W. Dressie; Pleasant Valley, M. S. Roseberry; Silverdale, J. P. Musselman; Liberty, J. A. Cochrane; Spring Creek, Cyrus Wilson.
On motion Convention adjourned. J. R. SUMPTER, Chairman
R. J. MAXWELL, Secretary.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 18, 1882. MARRIED. At the residence of P. B. Andrews, in West Bolton, on Thursday, Oct. 12th, at 8 o'clock, p.m., Mr. Amos Birch, of Cheyenne Agency, to Miss Lillie Purcell, of Bolton township, this county. Many valuable presents were received by the happy couple. Mr. Birch and his young bride returned to the Territory, where they will reside in the future.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 18, 1882.
Cal Swarts, G. H. McIntire, P. B. Andrews, S. J. Rice, and others are at Leavenworth attending court as witnesses.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 25, 1882. The case of the United States vs. C. Harter for excluding P. B. Andrews, a colored citizen, from the dining room of the Brettun, has been continued.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 7, 1883.
District 96.
Spring is coming and the wheat is growing nicely.
D. P. Marshal’s stone mansion is nearing completion and is a splendid structure.
Our friend, C. J. Beck, is feeding forty head of steers. A sight of them is a panacea for sore eyes.
Dug-outs, caves, and cyclone bom-proofs are the order of the day.
Four weeks more and the winter term of our school will close.
Our Lyceum is still in full blast, and, with our corps of able debaters, consisting of Messrs. Walton, Marshall, Conaway, Sumners, Wm. Clark, Andrews, A. H. Clark, Harkins, and a host of others, we feel able to compete with any Lyceum in the county and will accept a challenge to debate from any Lyceum in the county.
Address Pres. Lyceum, District 96, Bolton Township. J. R. C., March 3, 1883.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 4, 1883.
Communicated. Ed. Traveler: During the past winter the enterprising citizens of Dist. 96, Bolton Township, have conducted a Lyceum, greatly to the instruction and amusement of young and old, under the leadership of J. B. Guthrie, supported by Messrs. Walton, Marshall, Conway, Andrews, and others, not to mention the Clark brothers. The object has been to cultivate a taste for refining literature, as well as to develop the forensic art; and by way of parenthesis, let me say that this is one of the most profitable ways that the denizens of the rural districts can spend the long evenings of the winter months, as it furnishes not simply amusement and recreation, but is specially adapted to prepare the young people to acquit themselves with credit in after life.
On Tuesday evening, March 27th, the closing exercises were held in the Guthrie school-house, which was crowded to its utmost capacity. A special effort was made to entertain the public pleasantly and profitably, and great credit is due the managers for the success of the entertainment. Messrs. Dayton, Hahn, McGinnis, and Arnett furnished instrumental music, with violin, guitar, and organ, which was highly appreciated. Several pieces of vocal music by Mrs. Sheats and others was well rendered. Eph Mowry and W. Maxwell rendered “Carve that Possum” and another two other plantation melodies with good effect. It is not possible to enter into the merits of the literary part of the entertainment. The recitations and selections were in good taste, and well rendered, while the dialogues brought down the house. The reading of the Regulator displayed the usual amount of dry wit and local thrusts which amused all. Owing to the lateness of the hour, the debate, which has always been a prominent feature of the programme at the regular meetings, was set aside and doubtless Bolton Town-ship will never know what pent up bottles of eloquence Messrs. Conway and Clark will have for private use the coming summer. On the whole the entertainment was excellent and the zeal of these Boltonites is worthy of imitation in other places. OBSERVER.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 13, 1883.
Old Soldiers of Bolton.
The following list of our soldiers of Bolton Township were furnished us for publication by Gus Lorry, trustee of that township.
P. B. Andrews, 1st Sergt., Co. G, 42nd U S C Infantry.
Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.
Republican Convention.
The Cowley County Republican Convention met at the Opera House in Winfield on Saturday, September 1st, 1883, at 11 o’clock a.m.
Called to order by the chairman of the county committee, Millington, who read the call and asked for election of a temporary chairman.
On motion of Dan. Maher, Seth W. Chase of Tisdale was elected temporary chairman, who was introduced to the convention.
Cal Swarts of Creswell was elected temporary secretary. . . .
The chair appointed J. A. Cochran of Liberty, I. H. Bonsall of Creswell, and R. S. Strother of Omnia, a committee of credentials.
H. E. Asp, of Winfield, P. A. Lorry, of Bolton, and S. Johnson of Pleasant Valley, a committee on permanent organization.
Dan. Maher, of Richland, Z. B. Meyer, of Pleasant Valley, and H. McKibben, of Tisdale, a committee on order of business, and G. L. Gale of Rock, H. P. Wagner of Dexter, and R. J. Mead, of Spring Creek, committee on resolutions.
Committee on credentials reported the following named delegates and alternates for their respective townships.
BEAVER: L, K. Bonnewell, S. F. Johnson, L. P. King. Alternates: none.
BOLTON: P. A. Lorry, D. P. Marshall, A. J. Kimmel, P. B. Andrews, J. D. Guthrie.
Alternates: Mr. Taft, C. R. Mitchell, Wm. Trimble, W. A. Robins, Dr. Carlisle.
CEDAR: D. M. Patton, Thos. Sartin, Joseph Reed. Alternates: none.
CRESWELL: O. S. Rarick, C. G. Furry, C. L. Swarts, G. W. Ramage, Theo. Fairclo, F. M. Vaughn, I. H. Bonsall, A. B. Sankey, A. A. Wiley, James Ridenour.
Alternates: L. McLaughlin, John Smalley, Frank Schiffbauer, Dave Lewis, Frank Hess, C. W. Burt, R. J. Maxwell, R. L. Marshall, N. T. Snider, S. J. Rice.
DEXTER: Thos. McDonough, J. M. Reynolds, S. H. Wells, G. P. Wagner.
Alternates: H. M. Bronson, A. B. Elliott, Wm. Radcliff, L. C. Patterson.
HARVEY: R. S. Strother, T. J. Hickman.
Alternates: L. M. Burn, J. M. Hickman.
FAIRVIEW: J. M. Rarick, W. B. Weimer, M. C. Headrick, J. H. Curfman.
Alternates: A. J. McCann, J. W. Douglass, R. B. Corson, J. G. Anderson.
LIBERTY: J. A. Cochran, J. M. Mark, W. S. Williamson.
Alternates: D. Mounts, W. S. Miller, S. G. Castor.
MAPLE: W. R. Atkinson, E. R. Morse, Wm. Wise.
Alternates: Ansen Carr, Walter Jacobus, John Wise.
NINNESCAH: Leonard Stout, Jas. T. Dale, Geo. S. Cole.
Alternates, J. B. Zook, Wm.,.
OMNIA: Wm. Jenkins, A. Hattery.
Alternates: D. P. Baldwin, W. E. Johnson.
OTTER: T. H. Aley, A. A. Mills, John Stockdale.
Alternates: J. B. Groves, D. M. Barnes, Daniel Hempsey.
PLEASANT VALLEY: M. H. Markcum, Robt. Vermilye, S. J. Johnson, A. B. Meyer.
Alternates: T. E. Axtel, A. H. Broadwell, Daniel Groome, Sol. Becker.
RICHLAND: Lewis Stephens, H. H. Hooker, Danl. Maher, J. R. Thompson.
Alternates: J. R. Cottingham, S. W. Phoenix, A. Stephens, P. Robins.
ROCK: Geo. L. Gale, Chas. Holmes, W. H. Grow.
Alternates: Bryan Tuggle, Theo. Stevenson, Jack Martindale.
SHERIDAN: A. J. Crum, B. Shriver, Levi Quier.
Alternates: A. M. Treadway, Jerry Partridge, Geo. E. Sanders.
SILVER CREEK: Clark Walker, John Clover, Ed Pate, J. Chandler.
Alternates: Harvey Thomas, P. T. Walton, J. R. Tate, P. McCommon.
SPRING CREEK: R. J. Mead, J. H. Gilliland.
Alternates: J. B. Daniels, Charles Hale.
SILVER DALE: L. J. Darnell, Fred Heysinger, A. Moss, W. A. Smith.
Alternates: None.
TISDALE: H. McKibbin, S. W. Chase, H. C. Miller. Alternates: none.
VERNON: Wm. Bonnewell, P. Hill, W. [?] Homes, Capt. Tansey, Henry Bernard.
Alternates: none.
WALNUT: H. Bowman, S. Cure, F. H. Conkright, R. I. Hogue, Frank Weakley.
Alternates: ___ Tompkinson, J. H. Long, A. M. Chafey, John Mentch, Fred Arnold.
WINDSOR: S. B. Sherman, Capt. J. Shaw, J. C. Hendrickson, A. H. Baker.
Alternates: S. P. Martin, Joe Bunnells, J. M. Jackson, J. H. Phenis.
G. H. Buckman, J. W. Craine, T. J. Harris, J. A. McGuire, Daniel Mater, John W. Nichols, H. E. Asp, M. G. Troup.
Alternates: W. F. Bowen, W. B. Caton, Walter Denning, Quincy A. Glass, J. W. Arrowsmith, E. S. Bedilion, J. T. Hackney, G. F. Corwin.
H. Brotherton, M. L. Read, D. L. Kretsinger, I. W. Randall, Arthur Bangs, W. T. Madden.
Alternates: J. L. Horning, J. L. M. Hill, B. F. Wood, Will Hudson, W. J. Kennedy, E. C. Goodrich.
The committee on Credentials report that Winfield has not presented any credentials, but has placed the election returns in our hands, filed a ticket from each ward with the names of delegates elected. We also find that the 1st ward is entitled to 7-1/2 delegates, and 2nd ward 5 to 5-1/2 delegates, 13 in all, and your committee recommend that one name be stricken off said ticket. I. H. BONSALL, R. S. STROTHER, J. A. COCHRAN. . . .
Committee on permanent organization reported as follows:
For Permanent Chairman, A. A. Wiley, of Creswell.
For Permanent Secretary, T. H. Alley, of Otter.
For Assistant Secretary, Ed. Pate, of Silver Creek.
The report was adopted and the officers elected thereby took their places. . . .
[Two close nominations:]
For Register of Deeds, Dr. Wagner presented the name of H. C. McDorman; Mr. Gale presented S. P. Strong; J. M. Barrick presented Wm. White; W. E. Tansey presented Jacob Nixon; D. M. Patton presented N. W. Dressie; A. J. Crum presented S. S. Moore; Dr. Carlisle presented T. H. Soward, and J. S. Strother presented J. S. Rash. Twelve ballots were taken...Total vote 99. Necessary to a choice, 50. Soward having 50 votes on the 12th ballot, was declared nominated, and his nomination was made unanimous. Closest one in votes next to Soward: McDorman.
For sheriff, Chase presented H. H. Siverd; Mitchell presented Geo. H. McIntire; Tansey presented H. O. Wooley, and Cure presented G. W. Prater. Thirteen ballots taken. Siverd withdrew before taking the 13th ballot. The nomination of McIntire was made unanimous.
[On 12th ballot: Siverd 43, McIntire 44...again, very close!] SKIPPED THE REST.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 10, 1883. Cal Swarts is now in Leavenworth, in attendance as a witness before the United States court. This is the case that has grown out of the row raised by our very high toned Southern friend, Joseph Houston, at the Brettun house, in Winfield, some two years ago. Joseph’s intensely aristocratic, blue blood threatened to stop circulating through his delicate body at the prospect of his being compelled to eat in the dining room that sheltered a colored gentleman. We sincerely hope that Joe is satisfied with the result of his vigorous kick, and that his respectability is as yet uncompromised.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 26, 1883.
School District No. 96.
Following are the names enrolled in the above school district.
Lena Guthrie, Minnie Arnett, Gertie Coldwell, Ophelia Arnett, Lizzie Phelps, Estella McGinnis, Dora Andrews, Fannie Andrews, Maris Marshall, Maggie Brown, Eva Brown, Missie Phelps, Stella Sheats, Ettie Coldwell, Mabel Brown, Adaline Bass, Webb Hays, Albert Wright, Harry Beck, Frank Guthrie, Eddie Phelps, George English, Floyd Arnett, Frank Marshall, Pleasant Banks, Willard Banks, Bertie Andrews, Henry Donelly, Otis Coldwell, Sterling Marshall, Alexander Carr, John Carr, Willie Mathews, Ollie Coldwell, Willie Bass.
Number of pupils 35; average daily attendance, for two months ending December 21, 1883: 21. H. D. WALKER, Teacher.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 3, 1884.
The Representative Convention.
The district convention met in Highland Hall last Saturday, August 30, at 2 p.m., and was called to order by Dr. H. W. Marsh, chairman of the district committee, who was also elected temporary chairman. L. J. Darnell and Dr. P. Marshall were elected secretaries.
On motion of J. D. Guthrie the following committee on credentials was appointed: J. D. Guthrie, J. N. Fleharty, and M. Croco.
On motion of J. R. Sumpter, a committee of one from each township was appointed on resolutions as follows: J. R. Sumpter, R. L. Balyest, E. G. Gray, J. A. Cochran, A. H. Broadwell, H. N. Chancey, T. S. Parvin, and Robert Wamsley.
On motion of E. G. Gray, a committee on permanent organization and order of business was appointed as follows: Henry Harbaugh, F. M. Vaughn, and Joseph Reid.
The convention then adjourned for thirty minutes.
On reassembling the report of the committee on order of business and permanent organization was read, and adopted. The temporary organization was retained.
The committee on credentials reported the following delegates or proxies present and entitled to seats.
Beaver: H. W. Marsh, J. R. Sumpter, M. Croco.
Bolton: D. P. Marshall, J. D. Guthrie, P. B. Andrews, Al. Mowry, R. L. Balyeat.
Cedar: Louis Funk, J. Reid, R. Wamsley.
Creswell: A. E. Kirkpatrick, C. W. Burt, Bowen Lewis, S. C. Murphy, T. H. McLaughlin,
E. G. Gray, J. L. Huey, D. G. Lewis, F. M. Vaughn, J. W. Warren.
Liberty: J. A. Cochran, J. Fisher, J. Darnell.
Pleasant Valley: A. H. Broadwell, H. Harbaugh, M. Markcum.
[Note: This township is entitled to four votes.]
Silverdale: L. J. Darnell, H. V. Chancey, J. N. Fleharty.
Spring Creek: T. S. Parvin, H. Mead.
The committee on resolutions submitted the following, which were adopted.
We heartily endorse the three following resolutions, adopted by the county convention.
Resolved, That we hereby approve of both the national and the Kansas State Republican platforms and will give them our unqualified support.
Resolved, That the nomination of James G. Blaine and John A. Logan is the best and grandest ticket that could have been made, that we will give it our hearty support and expect to see it elected by the greatest majority since 1872.
Resolved, That the Republican state ticket, headed by John A. Martin, the noble soldier, statesman, and friend of Kansas and her people, meets and shall receive our unqualified support.
Resolved, That in Hon. John J. Ingalls we recognize the brightest intellect of Kansas, a senator of whom any state might well be proud; that we unanimously favor his reelection to the United States Senate, and that the nominee of this convention is hereby instructed to go into a Republican cause for the selection of such United States senator.
Resolved, That the Hon. C. R. Mitchell has for the past six years represented this district in the legislature with ability, fidelity, and success; has redeemed every pledge, and that he now retires from the office by his own choice, and with our hearty good will and approval.
WHEREAS, We feel that the railroad commissioners have failed to meet the entire wishes of the people, in regard to securing the required reduction of the railroad tariff; and
WHEREAS, We consider that the present tariff is oppressive to the people, and detrimental to the growth and development of Kansas; therefore be it
Resolved, That our representative to the legislature be instructed to do all in his power, as a legislator, to secure a reasonable freight tariff.
Nominations then being in order, J. R. Sumpter presented the name of L. P. King. On behalf of Bolton Township, R. L. Balyeat placed Dr. Z. Carlisle in nomination. Bowen Lewis, of Creswell, offered the name of J. R. Tucker, and J. A. Chran nominated S. G. Castor, of Liberty.
The first ballot resulted as follows: King, 7; Carlisle, 8; Tucker, 10; Castor, 8.
The balloting proceeded with little change until Tucker withdrew on the seventy-second ballot.
The seventy-third ballot stood: King 13; Carlisle, 14; Castor, 6.
Castor withdrew on the eighty-eighth ballot, and the eighty-ninth resulted in the nomination of King by a vote of 19 to 14. Mr. King’s nomination was then made unanimous.
The following district committee was then elected.
Adjourned. H. W. MARSH, Chairman.
L. J. DARNELL, D. P. MARSHALL, Secretaries.
Arkansas City Republican, November 22, 1884.
Wm. Krebs rides P. B. Andrews around town today at 2 p.m., in a wheelbarrow in order that he may be square with the world in election bets.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 19, 1884.
A Wheelbarrow Ride.
According to some agreement made between Mr. Wm. Krebs and P. B. Andrews in regard to the election, the former gentleman will give the latter a ride on a wheelbarrow. The ride will take place next Saturday at 2 o’clock p.m., starting from South Summit street, opposite the residence of Major Sleeth, and continue to Central Avenue and return.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 10, 1884.
The wheelbarrow ride to be given P. B. Andrews by Wm. Krebs in consequence of an election bet, and which should have come off some time since, is set for next Saturday at 2 p.m. The course will be on Summit Street from Central Avenue to Major Sleeth’s residence.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 17, 1884.
The wheelbarrow picnic to have come off last Saturday missed fire. P. B. Andrews was on hand at the appointed time, but the loser, Krebs, did not show up!
Next item may be incorrect! There was a J. L. Andrews who raised sheep at Maple City. Traveler may have goofed on name!
Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.
P. B. Andrews was over from Maple City Friday. He reports that he had no losses at all among his sheep. He is taking good care of them, and does not expect even a slight loss.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 4, 1885.
Notice! Help Needed!
To the citizens of Arkansas City. We, the members of the A. M. E. Church, desire to build a church at once for our people to worship in, and ask the aid of friends and supporters of the cause of religion to further us in this good and much-needed work.
REV. S. YOUNG, Pastor.
Secretary: P. B. ANDREWS.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 7, 1885.
Notice! Help Needed. To the citizens of Arkansas City, we the members of the A. M. E. Church, desire to build a church at once. We ask the aid of all friends and supporters of the cause to help us in this good and much needed work.
Trustees: P. B. Andrews, Berry Banks, Allen Spickard. [? Spickert]
Rev. J. YOUNG, Pastor. P. B. ANDREWS, Secretary.
Arkansas City Republican, March 26, 1887. [From Friday’s Daily.]
Johnson, the colored man, up for selling intoxicants, was convicted this morning on two accounts in Judge Kreamer’s court. He was sentenced to 60 days in jail and fined $200. The following are the names of jurymen: E. W. Vaughn (colored), A. Dodd, P. B. Andrews (colored), A. G. Lowe, Geo. W. Spruill, Bradford Beal, Geo. Allen, G. W. Herbert, P. Thompson, J. C. Pickering, C. Atwood, and S. J. Rice. There was talk of appealing, but at time of going to press the necessary bond had not been filed.