Dr. W. T. Arnold


Salt City.
Winfield Courier, June 21, 1877.
From Salt City.
SALT CITY, KAN., June 15, 1877.
EDITOR COURIER—Dear Sir: I send you a list of city officers for this city, who were duly elected yesterday.
Mayor: Robert Mills.
Marshal: W. E. Berry.
Council: Daniel Roof, O. J. Ward, D. T. Baker, Dr. W. T. Arnold, and Thos. Mills.
Trade good; two more stores came in here yesterday. W. M. BERKEY.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 27, 1877.
SALT CITY has elected city fathers. One of the principal amusements in a western city of the third class is to pass ordinances. Some western Legislatures are addicted to the same habit.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1877.
Frank Waldo is going to move his goods into Royal’s store building, the present building being not large enough. Dr. Arnold will remove his office to the building that Frank occupies at present. He has been located here for the last seven months, and has established a good practice throughout the surrounding country.
Winfield Courier, July 18, 1878.
Salt City. At Salt City is the best ferry on the Arkansas River, and it is on the shortest route from Winfield to South Haven and Caldwell. Salt City is fifteen miles southwest of Winfield, is a nice little town with one store, two hotels, one blacksmith shop, one large feed stable, and nine residences. Travelers can get good accommodations there. The people want the mail route opened up from Winfield via Salt City to South Haven and Caldwell, which shortens the distance eight miles. Dr. W. T. Arnold is a practicing physician at that place.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 4, 1878.
EDITOR TRAVELER: The ennui of Salt City was enlivened last Sunday evening by the excitement of a double wedding. Dr. Arnold, our highly respected physician, and Miss Becky Reynolds; and Mr. Edward Willard and Miss Jennie Reynolds, were married at the residence of the brides’ parents by Elder Broadbent, on Sunday evening at 4 o’clock. The wedding was a splendid affair. A READER.
Winfield Courier, February 6, 1879.
There has been quite a number of sick persons of late, but I believe all are better now. Dr. Arnold seems to have been very successful again with quite a number of severe cases.
Winfield Courier, February 13, 1879.
SALT CITY, KS., Feb. 11, 1879.
The Lyceum elected new officers on last Friday night, as follows: President, James Lobdell; Vice Pres., O. V. H. Acton; Sec., Jas. Wilson; Treasurer, Dr. Arnold.
Winfield Courier, May 1, 1879.
SALT CITY, April 25, 1879.
Many visitors to the springs, most all of whom go away satisfied that there are curative properties of great value in them, and that there is a great future before us, which tends to encourage us, and as a community we are indeed hopeful.
Since my last Dr. Arnold has put up a 1½ story frame 16 x 30 in which he will soon have a full line of drugs. Two new physicians have located within the past ten days.
Winfield Courier, June 12, 1879.
Dr. Allen’s horses ran away Sunday while out driving. He had a couple of young ladies from the entertainment in with him and the horses took the drop on him while he was busy holding one of the fair damsels in the buggy. They had not run far when the doctor was thrown out on his back and both of the girls on top of him. The doctor feels as though he had been run over by a one-horse street car. This morning sees him going towards the spring for relief. He was into Dr. Arnold’s to get some sticking plaster for the girls. How much danger there is in running around with a married man. The buggy is somewhat damaged, too.
[Thanks, Boz, come again and give us your name.—Ed.]
Winfield Courier, June 26, 1879 - Front Page.
[Item written by Topeka Commonwealth Correspondent.]
SALT CITY, KANS., JUNE 10, 1879.
This is the famous salt region of Sumner County. It was laid out by Messrs. Mills and Foster in 1874. It is situated in the southeastern part of the county near the Arkansas River. It is surrounded by some of the best lands of the valley. The farms show that their owners understand their business, as they are well improved and cultivated. The population at the present time is only about fifty. It has a weekly mail, which arrives on Friday. It is very unjust to the people, as it arrives just at the right time to prevent them from receiving the weekly papers until they are at least ten days old. If the date of arrival was on Monday or Tuesday, it would be a vast advantage to them. Something ought to be done for them by the postmaster officials.
The town contains one business house, a drug store, a large blacksmith shop, and two hotels. The great future of the town is in their salt and mineral springs. The salt marsh, as it is called, covers an area of at least ten acres. Salt Creek runs through this marsh, and is fed by hundreds of small springs. The banks of the streams are as white as snow, from salt which covers the ground from one to four or five inches, all along its banks.
The water contains a large percent of salt. A test of four gallons yielded four pounds of salt, and the method of testing was very crude.
D. H. Prouty & Co., have organized themselves into a company for the purpose of developing the springs and establishing works. Another company has been formed to prospect for coal. It is believed that a coal formation underlays the whole section of the country. The funds for the prospecting are being raised by subscription. The company have agreed to sink a shaft 600 feet for $800. If coal is found, the future of the salt company is assured. It is assured any way as soon as the railroad penetrates this county.
The large thing for this place is its mineral springs. There are a great many of them, and they are already known to contain medicinal properties of the highest order. I met Dr. S. A. Allen, of Rhode Island, late of Cincinnati, who was severely afflicted with diabetes. He has been troubled with it for four years in its most aggravated form. He has traveled far and wide, visiting in his tours nearly all localities in the United States for relief, but failed to find any until he came here, 4th of last April. At that time he was almost helpless. Now he is strong, and able to do more than for years before. He says that it is the first time that he has ever received any benefit in doctoring, and knows that it is the water that does it.
As nearly as he can judge, the properties of the water are chloride of potash, soda, zinc, sulphur, and iron. He is confi­dent that their medicinal properties will be vastly beneficial for ulcers, catarrh, kidney diseases, and all skin diseases. He could not be hired to leave here.
Messrs. Hackney & McDonald, of Winfield, own the largest of the springs. They have sent water out of the springs to two or three different parties for analysis. If I mistake not, these springs will become a favorite resort in the near future, for all who are suffering from any of the above named difficulties. Just so soon as they are known, the future of Salt City is assured.
It will only be a few miles from the railroad, just far enough to make it a pleasant drive. It is my sober opinion that it will only be a short time, till that event will occur. Dr. Allen is an educated gentleman, and knows whereof he speaks in stating the above. He is also a gentleman of considerable means, and means business in his statement.
I send you a specimen of the salt with this article, so that you may see that it is fine, and that these springs are no illusion.
I am under obligations to Drs. Allen and Arnold, and Messrs. Berkey, Resch, and Mills, for courtesies shown, for which I thank them.—W. G. H. in Commonwealth.
Winfield Courier, August 14, 1879.
Drs. Arnold & Allen have formed a co-partnership in the practice of medicine and also in the drug business; and have stocked up more fully, now having quite a complete stock of fresh drugs, and are ready to prescribe compound and issue at all hours and at reasonable rates.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 27, 1879.
Dr. W. T. Arnold, of Salt City, was in town Monday. The Doctor is just recovering from a severe attack of fever, and contemplates taking a trip East this winter to recuperate.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 12, 1880.
Dr. Arnold, of Salt City, visited our office yesterday.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 26, 1880.
SALT CITY, May 20, 1880.
Dr. Arnold has gone to Missouri on a visit. We have a new doctor who will attend to the wants of the suffering during Dr. Arnold’s absence. B. D.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 30, 1880.
Drs. Allen and Arnold, late of Salt City, have left for other climes. These gentlemen sold out their interest in the drug store to F. L. Davis, who is now running the same. Mr. Davis is well known, and may rest assured that his many friends will not fail to call upon him when sick, or visiting the far-famed Geuda Springs.