Ashland, Clark County


From Kansas, a Cyclopedia of State History, Embracing Events, Institutions, Industries, Counties, Cities, Towns, Prominent Persons, Etc.
Edited by FRANK W. BLACKMAR, A. M., Ph.D.
Copyright 1912 by Standard Publishing Company.
Pages 106-107.
Ashland, the county seat of Clark county and one of the growing towns of southwest Kansas, is located a little southeast of the geographical center of the county, on Beaver creek and the line of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe R. R. that runs from Wichita to Englewood. Ashland’s population almost doubled during the decade from 1900 to 1910. In the former year it was 493 and in the latter 910. The volume of business and shipping increased in even greater proportions than the population. The city has two banks, grain elevators, a weekly newspaper—the Clark County Clipper—several general stores, hardware, drug, and jewelry stores, confectioneries, etc., a good public school system, and the Catholics, Methodists, Christians, and Presbyterians all have neat church edifices. The Ashland post office is authorized to issue international money orders, express, telegraph, and telephone facilities are ample, and taken altogether, Ashland can be described as a wide-awake, progressive little city.
One can only speculate about the naming of Ashland, Kansas. It could well have been named by Capt. J. B. Nipp after his old Kentucky home. MAW
Arkansas City Traveler, October 12, 1881.
ASHLAND, Boyd Co., Ky., September 30th, 1881.
Ed. Traveler:
A trip to my old Kentucky home is one of pleasure and surprise.
Many changes have taken place since I left here eleven years ago. Little boys and girls have grown up to be men and women, and many other events have taken place, entirely changing the aspect of the town from what I remember it in the days gone by. Ashland, which was my old home, has grown and improved very much. Many large furnaces, rolling mills, smelters, and nail works have gone up since I left, making everything look strange to me. In fact, it is a live manufacturing town, and a railroad center. I have met with many friends and old acquaintances since I arrived here, who greet me with much kindness and make many enquiries regarding my western home, all of which I take pleasure in answering, at the same time giving them Horace Greeley’s advice—“go west and grow up with the country.” On my way here I saw many desolate looking corn crops. The southern portion of Illinois and Indiana are almost entirely a failure in corn, and their pastures are so badly dried up that their stock is all very poor, and look as though they had just went through a hard winter. Many miles of fence have been destroyed by fire through that country, owing to the terrible dry weather, and its catching from the sparks from the locomotives as they pass along. Kentucky also has very light crops, and stock of all kinds are very low in price.
Yours respectfully, J. B. NIPP.
Arkansas City Republican, October 25, 1884.
C. E. Ward and Chas. Holloway returned from Clark County Monday. They left Frank Gage and John Pritchard there. They have taken claims near a town to be started and called Ashland. Messrs. Ward and Holloway will return in a few days.
Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.
Mr. J. C. Roberts, of Walnut, with his daughter, Miss Iowa, got in Thursday last from Clark County, where they were improving a share of Uncle Sam’s real estate. Carrie Roberts, the son, is also holding down a “claim” near the young town of Ashland. Mr. Roberts is very enthusiastic over the prospects of that country.
Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.
J. H. Bullene, W. R. McDonald, A. Hughes, J. A. Howard, Theodore Nolf, and Francis Hall of Winfield are in the valley. They have laid off a town two miles south of here, which they call Ashland. They are making great strides in the way of improvements. Mr. McDonald is president of the company and is a very courteous cattleman. Mr. Bullene is their lumberman. Clark County Clipper.
Winfield Courier, November 13, 1884.
Jas. H. Bullene left yesterday for Dodge City, to remain several weeks with his new lumberyard at that place. He also has yards at Kingman, Ashland, and other places.
Winfield Courier, November 13, 1884.
McDonald & Miner of this city will start next week a general merchandise store at the new town of Ashland, Clark County. Spence Miner will have charge of it and try pioneer life during the next year. Mrs. Miner will remain here till spring, leaving Spencer a lonely “widdy.” There are great prospects in that county, and Spence is the man to assist ably in developing them. The only question is, how can we lose him? We will rest in the hope that he will soon tire of the festive coyote and prairie dog, and put some trusty fellow in charge of the store and hie himself back to the Queen City.
Winfield Courier, November 20, 1884.
Spence Miner left yesterday to put in a stock of general merchandise at the promising new town of Ashland, Clark County. It will be a branch of the establishment of McDonald & Miner, of this city, and receive the personal attention of Spence.
Winfield Courier, November 20, 1884.
The new town of Ashland, in Clark County, is getting to be one of the “Infant Wonders” of western growth. It was laid out by a party of Winfield gentlemen some four weeks ago. There are now thirty houses up and foundations being laid for others as rapidly as the lumber can be got on the ground. The town is on Bear Creek, at the intersection of the two great western trails. Already a newspaper is running in full blast. It has two hotels, restaurants, and almost every modern convenience. Every deed given by the Town Company provides that should intoxicating liquors be sold on the premises, the deed becomes null and void. It is to be emphatically a temperance town. Mr. W. R. McDonald, of this city, is President and Messrs. Nipp, Hughes, Cooper, Taylor, Averill, Gibson, Bullene, Kinnear, Hall, Berry, Gridley, Hudson Bros., Greer, and several others constitute the town company. It is located near the center of Clark County, and will be the county seat when the county is organized. Messrs. Hughes & Cooper are putting in a stock of hardware; also Mr. Kinnear, McDonald, and Miner are putting in a large stock of dry goods. The settlers are pouring into the county and claims are being taken rapidly. The land is good and the general lay of the country smooth. A very large number of Cowley County people have taken claims around the new town. Many other persons from this vicinity are going out to take claims or engage in business.
[Note: Some papers called it Clarke County; Some called it Clark County.]
Arkansas City Traveler, December 3, 1884.
As was mentioned in our columns some weeks ago, a new town by the name of Ashland was started in Clarke County by a stock company composed principally of Winfield men. Capt. Nipp was one of the incorporators. The principle of prohibition underlaid the whole foundation. No liquor could be sold or drank in the townsite on pain of forfeiture of property in which offense was committed. Ashland was just 2½ miles from Clay City, a new town started some months before Ashland. As soon as Ashland was incorporated, on account of its superior location, the majority of Clarke City’s inhabitants moved down. This created excessively hard feeling toward the leaders in the new town. Especially did the cowboys feel aggrieved as they could get no “bitters” there. This state of things has been growing for some time. It culminated last Saturday night in the cowboys taking the town; riding up and down the street, firing revolvers, shooting at everyone in sight, breaking windows, and raising Hades generally. During the melee one man had his ear shot off and a servant girl was seriously, if not fatally, wounded. The cowboys finally withdrew to Clarke City to load up with bad whiskey and hell’s fire. All was comparatively quiet next day. Just after dusk on Monday, Mr. Adams, a nephew of J. B. Nipp, and Mr. Boggs, a relative of Adams, were walking down the main street when suddenly two cowboys sprang from a ditch facing them and fired. Adams fell at the first shot, and before Boggs could move, he also was shot down in cold blood. The citizens turned out en masse in pursuit and after an exciting chase one man, or fiend, whose name is unknown, was captured and preparations were made to string him up. Just before he was strung up he asked permission to confess. His confession amounted to this. He and Andrews were hired by Clarke City men to “clean out” Ashland and especially to kill Adams, Boggs, Bullene, and Hall. After his confession he died game, with a curse on his lips against the “damned Prohibitionists.” By some means or other Major Bullene heard of the attempt to be made on their lives, and accompanied by Spencer Miner, he fled on foot east along the state road, never stopping until he had covered eighteen miles of prairie. The other man, Andrews, succeeded in escaping, and a large reward is offered for his capture.
Winfield Courier, December 4, 1884.
MURDERED BY COW-BOYS. Last Thursday Joseph Mitchell and Net S. Andrews, two cowboys, rode into the village of Ashland, in Ford County, about fifty miles from Dodge City, and in a drunken spree killed two men and wounded one woman. The sheriff of Dodge City left immediately for there and on his arrival captured Mitchell, the other getting away. A mob took the prisoner away from the sheriff and hung him.
Winfield Courier, December 4, 1884.
The young city of Ashland out west had a little excitement last week. Just above the town two miles a saloon was running. A couple of hard characters got drunk there, came down to Ashland each day and rode furiously through the streets firing their revolvers. Finally the citizens got together a few shot guns and made preparations to lay them out at the next foray. The roughs heard of this, so sneaked down and laid outside of town until two young men who were boarding at a dugout nearby came down to supper, when they crawled up and killed them. They then went up to the saloon for a fresh supply of whiskey. Soon a deputy sheriff came along and captured one of them, the other getting away. The captured murderer was taken to Ashland, and placed under strong guard while pursuit was made for the other one. During the night a party of armed men took him away from the officers and hung him. They then went up to hang the saloon keeper, but he had fled. A resolution was passed by the body of vigilantes that the first man who set up a saloon in Bear Creek Valley should be hung without further warning. In that country, where every man carries a big six-shooter, whiskey is the bane of civilization. Sober, they are pleasant, social gentlemen; but drunk, they shoot and tear up the earth. The settlers along those valleys are mostly from Cowley and Sumner counties, have gone there lawfully to make themselves homes, and they do not propose to be disturbed in the pursuits of peace by the illegal presence of a death-dealing whiskey shop. One of the young men killed was a cousin of Treasurer Nipp. They had both recently married in Kentucky, and leaving their wives behind, had come west to build up homes, when they would have brought them on. It was a cold-blooded whiskey murder. A reward of eight hundred dollars has been offered for the body of the escaped murderer, dead or alive, by the town company and citizens of Ashland. The people in the town have armed themselves with Winchesters and shot guns, and the next man who rides into the place and shows blood-thirsty symptoms, will die very quickly.
Winfield Courier, December 4, 1884.
The writer took a trip out to the new town of Ashland, in old Clark County, last week. It was by rail to Dodge City, thence south by team to Ashland. The road was over the famous trail from the Panhandle of Texas to Dodge. It is as hard as a turnpike and the finest natural road we have ever traveled over. It is skirted by a government telegraph line running from Fort Dodge to Fort Supply, in the Indian Territory. The trip from Dodge south is over a high rolling prairie covered with a mat of buffalo grass, as soft as velvet. However, the writer was disgusted with the country and felt like turning back until the head of Bluff Creek was reached. The valley stretching out below presented a most beautiful view. The city of Ashland could be seen down the valley, a distance of ten miles. As we got further into the valley, it widened out until we were forced to the conclusion that it was as pretty a piece of country as we had ever seen. At the point where Ashland is located, the valley is many miles in width, rising up on either side to low ranges of mounds, and beyond these on the west was Sand Creek Valley and on the east Day Creek Valley, equally as fine as the valley of Bear Creek. The whole country seems to be a succession of valleys broken only by low ranges of hills, all of which are fit for cultivation. The town site of Ashland is as smooth as if it had been made with a garden rake. It is laid out on the same plan as Winfield except the streets are a little wider. Upwards of thirty houses, many of them fine large store buildings, were up and persons were scattered over the town site laying foundations for others. Most of the claims in the immediate vicinity of the town are taken, but there is much desirable land in the neighborhood yet.
Winfield Courier, December 4, 1884.
Will H. McCartney leaves today to settle as an attorney at law in Ashland, Clark County. He has been retained by the town company and will look after its interests. Will has been engaged with Senator Hackney during the last fifteen months and in that time, aided by the Senator’s superior knowledge of law, has developed talents which will carry him successfully anywhere. He is studious and painstaking, with a keen insight, and never leaves anything until he has thoroughly mastered it. He will be a splendid acquisition to Ashland and promises to be the first county attorney of Clark County. He carries the best wishes of all and will be heard from in numerous successes.
Winfield Courier, December 11, 1884.
Ad. Powers came in from Ashland Tuesday, looking none the slimmer for pioneer life.
Winfield Courier, December 11, 1884.
Spence Miner writes from Ashland that business is booming and everything quiet. The murderer who escaped has been captured and is in jail at Medicine Lodge. Spence is pleased with the country, pleased with business, and more than satisfied with the outlook for the future.
Winfield Courier, December 11, 1884.
Mr. J. A. Lyon, of this city, has contracted for the erection of a two-story building, 20 x 40, in the new town of Ashland in Clark County.
Arkansas City Republican, December 13, 1884.
Spence Miner has opened a clothing store in the new Winfield town of Ashland, Clarke County.
Winfield Courier, December 18, 1884.
Mrs. Spence Miner will join her husband at Ashland the first of January.
Winfield Courier, December 18, 1884.
Will C. McCartney and Frank F. Leland got in from Ashland last Friday after two weeks’ pioneering. They report it a mistake that Nelson Mathews, one of the murderers of Adams and Boggs, has been captured. The five men who were arrested as the lynchers of Jno. Mitchell had a preliminary examination last week and were released. Mr. McCartney says Ashland now has upwards of two hundred inhabitants and people are flocking in from all quarters. He goes out the first of January to open a law office and remain.
Winfield Courier, December 18, 1884.
It is said that Joe Mitchell, the cowboy hung at Ashland for shooting a citizen there a few weeks since, was a son-in-law of the Mayor of Caldwell.
Winfield Courier, December 25, 1884.
Spence Miner left the wilds of Ashland to spend the holidays with folks at home. He is highly satisfied and sees great possibilities in that country. Mrs. Miner will return with him the first of January.
Winfield Courier, December 25, 1884.
MARRIED. Near Rome, Sumner County, on the evening of the 10th inst., Mr. H. E. Dunham, of Ashland, to Miss Ellen Hays. Mr. Dunham for some time has been on the frontier holding down his claim, where he will now take his bride to share the comforts of the “little old sod shanty on the claim.” May success and happiness attend them in their new home.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
The Ashland parties who were arrested for complicity in the hanging of Joe Mitchell, the cowboy assassin, have had their trial and been acquitted.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.
We learn that our old and much esteemed friend and neighbor, John Rohrick, is preparing to move to Ashland where he has built a hotel and proposes to adopt the role of “mine host.” Old John will make a “bully” landlord and Cowley County’s exiles will be fortunate in getting their hash at the Hotel De Rohrick.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.
Frank Hall, Spence Miner, R. S. Howard, C. W. Averill, M. L. Wortman, and other Winfieldites came in from Ashland to eat Christmas turkey with the folks at home.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.
Will A. McCartney, with his mother, sister, and brother, left Tuesday for Ashland, where they will reside. Will and his father have two of the best “claims” in that country, adjoining Ashland.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.
The Ashland Clipper says the wolves are digging into the graves at their grave yard.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.
Lou Zenor got in from Ashland Saturday, looking none the worse for his two weeks’ hugging of a buffalo “chip” fire; but he didn’t rest his future on Uncle Sam’s domain.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.
Will A. McCartney dropped in from Ashland Monday to attend to a few legal matters. His shingle is hung out permanently at Ashland and already he is getting a good business. He reports buildings going up numerously in that burg.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.
The Ashland Clipper tells of a prairie Eagle that Spence Miner brought down with his Winchester at a distance of one hundred and sixty-four rods. It measured five feet from tip to tip of its wings, and the skin was sent to Cleveland, Ohio, to be stuffed. Spence is getting to be the boss marksman of the Western plains.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.
Spence Miner came in from Ashland last week. He says that Friday week four cowboys rode into that place, began shooting off their “guns” and showing intentions to take the town that were mighty soon nipped in the bud. The exciting experience of Ashland’s earlier days had prepared everybody for the festive shooter of the Western plains. In a very short time the cowboys were covered with a dozen or two Winchesters and ordered to “hold up,” which they did without a moment’s hesitation. They were disarmed, locked up until sobered off, and sent on their way amid ignominious defeat. The manager of the old Clark City whiskey hole, a half mile above Ashland, where the cowboys got their liquor, was then visited by four citizens and given four days to “git up and git,” which orders were promptly obeyed, leaving nothing but the old shell in which the ardent had been dispensed. A saloon has recently been started seven miles up the valley and a committee has been appointed to give its managers a stated time in which to shake the dust of the valley from their feet. Without whiskey, the cowboys are as peaceable and citizen-like as anybody; but whiskey makes them hyenas, and Ashland is determined to have no liquor near its jurisdiction.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.
Spence Miner has sold his interest in the establishment of McDonald & Miner here, and bought Mr. McDonald’s interest in the Ashland store. Mrs. Miner will accompany him to Ashland for a permanent residence next week. Spence sees great possibilities in that infant wonder of the western plains.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.
A family consisting of husband, wife, and fourteen children, recently settled in that infant wonder of the western plains, Ashland. If that place keeps on receiving such accessions, she will soon be reaching out for water works, gas works, paregoric, and “sich.”
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.
Fred Barron got in from Ashland Tuesday, having left his “foundation” on one hundred and sixty acres of Uncle Sam’s domain.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.
The office of constable sought Spence Miner during his absence from Ashland, and overwhelmingly “sot” down on him. Spence got about every vote in the township and is prepared to bear the honor gracefully.
Arkansas City Republican, February 14, 1885.
Spence Miner, an ex-merchant from Winfield, but now of Ashland, Clark County, was elected constable while he was in Winfield visiting friends by the voters of his township at the general election a few days since.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.
Mr. A. F. Morey has purchased the drug stock of McCormick & Son, and will remove it to Ashland.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.
Mr. Jas. H. Bullene is looking after his lumber interests at Ashland, this week, accompanied by his brother, J. G.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.
Mr. J. Muret will return to Clark County in a few days. He is holding down a claim five miles from Ashland.
Arkansas City Republican, February 21, 1885.
Capt. Nipp, the big-hearted treasurer of Cowley County, came down from the muddy county seat Wednesday to enjoy the rare treat of going without his overshoes. Arkansas City is without mud.
Arkansas City Republican, February 21, 1885.
Capt. Nipp and other gentlemen composing the Ashland Town Company will start on a visit to that thriving county seat of Clark County Monday. Capt. is highly elated over the booming town of Ashland.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.
A family large enough to be a Cowley production passed through the city Monday for Ashland. It was composed of father, mother, eighteen children, and six dogs.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.
Spence Miner left for a permanent residence at Ashland, Monday. Mrs. Miner will join him about May first.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.
A. F. Morey and family left for their future home, Ashland, Tuesday. Mr. Morey has put in a drug stock there.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.
Mr. S. H. Rogers is looking over his town site interest at Ashland this week. That infant wonder is booming right along and will soon be a metropolis.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.
John Rohrick has departed for Ashland. Don’t forget Uncle John and his good wife should you wander into that thriving hamlet.
Arkansas City Republican, February 28, 1885.
Mr. and Mrs. Spence Miner and Mrs. Allie Bishop and son, came down from Winfield Saturday and remained over Sunday. They returned to Winfield Monday, from where Mr. Miner will go to Ashland, his new home. Mr. Miner showed his good will toward the REPUBLICAN by leaving the necessary collateral for one year’s subscription.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.
Mac. Peecher did not go west last week as was announced. He could not get ready. He will, however, go next week to locate permanently in Ashland, while his wife remains in Doniphan County, visiting her parents. Mac. is a first-class barber and we can heartily recommend him to his new associates.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.
Fred Barron left Monday for a permanent residence at Ashland.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.
R. S. Howard came in last week. He was appointed deputy sheriff for the purpose of assisting in running down Spencer, who committed the cold-blooded murder near Ashland last week, the particulars of which appear elsewhere. It was on this mission that he reached Winfield and Arkansas City, thinking perhaps the murderer would try to skip for Oklahoma with the boomers. Mr. Howard says Ashland is having a wonderful boom. Over thirty new houses have gone up since the break of winter and others are being built as fast as lumber and mechanics can be secured.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.
More Excitements at Ashland. Will A. McCartney sends us the following particulars of a tragedy near the new town of Ashland. “Ashland was thrown into a state of excitement on Tuesday night of last week, the 3rd inst., by a rumor brought here by a horseman to the effect that a shooting affray had taken place about twelve miles northwest of town. The facts as reported by him were that Spencer, the man who did the shooting, and Warrick, his victim, had been living together on a claim. After supper Tuesday night, Spencer told Warrick to wash the dishes, which the latter refused to do. Spencer took hold of him by the shoulder and told him that he had been playing off on the work and that he must wash the dishes. Warrick broke loose, when Spencer grabbed a bull-dog revolver and shot him twice, once through the head and once through the body. He then turned to two other boys that were in the dugout and demanded their money. Being satisfied by them that they had none, he took $10 from the pocket of his victim, armed himself with a long range gun, and left the scene of his bloody crime. One of the witnesses of the act went to the 76 Ranch and got one of the boys from the Ranch to come to town for the sheriff and a doctor. Dr. Parks in company with Sheriff Shugru started for the place of the shooting, but when within two miles of the place the team ran off, throwing Sheriff Shugru out and dislocating his shoulder. The Sheriff was brought to town and his shoulder replaced. It was found on reaching the place of the shooting that Warrick must have died almost instantly. A number of citizens and boys from the 76 ranch are out in search of the murderer and all hopes are entertained of his capture.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 14, 1885.
[From Clark County Clipper.]
Fred Spencer Shoots His Companion and Rifles the Pockets of His Dead Victim.
On Tuesday morning Ashland was the scene of much excitement, the report having gone abroad that a man had been shot over on Bluff Creek and that Deputy Sheriff Mike Sughrue had been seriously injured by being thrown from a buggy while on his way to the scene of the murder.
Monday night about 11 p.m., Alex Borland, of the 76 ranch, rode into Ashland and informed the sheriff that a man had been killed near the ranch. Sheriff Sughrue in company with Dr. Parks, left immediately, in a light rig, for the scene of the tragedy. They had proceeded to the junction of Dugout and Bluff Creek when they met with an accident. It appears that the double-tree broke loose from the tongue and slid down against the horses’ legs, which frightened them and they sprang suddenly forward. This caused the tongue to drop from the neck-yoke and the end ran into the ground about three feet. They were driving quite fast at the time and both occupants were thrown out. The sheriff was driving and attempted to hold to the lines, but was jerked forward, his shoulder striking the ground with terrible force and effect. He appeared to be quite seriously injured and was taken to the house of Joseph Weber, which was nearby.
Early Tuesday morning a team was sent from Ashland to bring the sheriff to town and also several horsemen who were prepared to pursue the murderer. Upon arriving at Weber’s house the sheriff was placed in the wagon and started for Ashland while the horsemen of the party continued their course. At the 76 ranch some of the men changed horses and then went up the creek about two miles to the house of J. H. Ames, where the shooting had taken place. The body of the victim lay in the center of the room, having already been dressed by the aid of the boys from the 76 ranch. Oscar Birdell was in charge and gave, in substance, the following account of the direful calamity.
He together with Jamus Hannaman, Fred Spencer, and George Warwick, were living at the house of Mr. Ames, who had gone to Harper County and is now on his way back.
On Monday afternoon Warwick and Hannaman left the house to get a buggy, which belonged to the Messing boys, who lived a few miles west, on Bluff Creek. Birdell and Spencer remained at the house and Spencer got the supper and left the dishes unwashed. At dusk Hannaman and Warwick returned and asked Spencer if he had supper ready for them. Spencer said “No,” that he supposed they would have supper over to Messings. They then wanted to know if he wasn’t going to wash up the dishes to which he answered “No.” Warwick said that that was a poor way to take care of the house. Spencer said that he was bossing that ranch. Warwick answered that Ames had told him (Warwick) to take care of the place while he was gone. Spencer called him a liar. A few like expressions passed between them and Warwick started towards Spencer, but Hannaman came between them at this point and the quarrel was apparently over. Warwick then went to the cupboard and took out a pan preparatory to making bread. While he was doing this, Spencer crossed the room to where his belt and pistol were hanging on the wall, and the first warning of the danger was the report of the revolver. Hannaman asked Warwick if he was hit, to which he replied “yes.” Spencer said, “Yes, G_d d___ you, and I’ll shoot you again,” at the same time advancing. He fired again while standing so close that the powder entered Warwick’s face. The first ball took effect in the left shoulder and the second between the nose and right eye. The second shot was fatal. Spencer drew down on the other two boys, who had started towards him. While he kept them off in this way he asked them how far it was to the Territory. Hannaman was near the door and went outside; he was followed by Spencer and then Birdell. Spencer asked Hannaman for some money and was told that he did not have any, having given it to Warwick. Spencer said he must have some and went into the house again. While there he took the pocket-book from the dead man’s person. He then left the house, going down the creek.
Fred Spencer is the stepson of Mr. Ames and from what can be learned was rather wild. He is only nineteen years old, slender, about 5 ft., 8 in. tall, and has a boyish appearance. He has a light complexion and two of his left upper front teeth are out. When he left he had on a new pair of No. 8 boots and a brown cap. The revolver was a 44 Bulldog for which he had about 50 cartridges.
George Warwick, the deceased, was 26 or 27 years old. He came to Clark County two or three months ago from Harper County. He had been in Kansas about a year and had worked for Mr. Ames near Anthony. His friends in Coldwater have been informed of his sad end, and arrangements made for his burial there; but as we go to press, it is reported that in inquest is to be held and the interment made here.
It was found upon examining the sheriff’s injuries after arriving at Ashland, that his shoulder was dislocated. It was soon brought back into place and he is getting along finely considering that it was not set till fifteen hours after the accident.
Deputy U. S. Marshal J. W. Ivey, R. S. Howard, and boys from the 76 ranch have been out searching for Spencer.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 18, 1885.
The job department of this paper turned out a complete set of job work for Berry Bros., of Ashland, Clark County, Kansas. They knew where to come for good work.
Arkansas City Republican, March 21, 1885.
King Berry, of Ashland, was in the city the first of the week. He left for Ashland Tuesday.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 2, 1885.
Frank Hall came in from Ashland last week. Ashland is having a wonderful boom and will soon be the official county seat of Clark.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 9, 1885.
CLARK COUNTY. It will be remembered that the great antediluvian legislature reestablished a county named Clark, lying along the Indian Territory and southeast of Dodge City, formerly belonging to Ford and Comanche counties. Near the center of this new county a town was located some six months ago called Ashland, near Bear creek, a beautiful, never-failing stream, skirted with a very scanty supply of cottonwood trees.
Ashland is on the government trail, between Forts Dodge and Supply, which points are connected by a telegraph line passing through the town. Although Ashland is scarcely half a year old, it already boasts two newspapers, a lumberyard, two livery stables, four hotels; and, in fact, every branch of industry is represented. There are some six houses erected, and the song of the hammer and saw may be heard in every direction. A bountiful supply of pure, sparkling water is obtained, at from thirty to forty feet. There are two public wells, and several private ones, none of which are over forty feet deep. Clark is in the Osage Diminished reserve; hence there are no timber claims or homestead land in the county. It is all subject to entry at $1.25 per acre, and although the tide of immigration is unparalleled, numbers of good claims may still be picked up in excellent localities.
The Governor has just appointed Thomas Berry, formerly of Winfield, enumerator, and he will immediately proceed to take the census, when the county will at once be organized.
Wichita Eagle.
Arkansas City Republican, April 11, 1885.
“Hank” Endicott, several days ago, purchased a team and wagon and went west. He spent fifteen days in rambling over that country, and finally traded his team for a house and lot in Ashland. He came home in time to vote.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 16, 1885.
Mr. A. Hughes got in today from Ashland, for a few days on business. Ashland has nearly five hundred inhabitants, and is having a wonderful boom. The citizens give a grand ball there tonight in honor of the cowboys, and the C.b’s will be there for a hundred miles around. Ladies are plenty out there now and “stag” dances have gone out of vogue.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 16, 1885.
Mrs. Spencer Miner left this afternoon to join her husband at Ashland.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 16, 1885.
The following notes from the Ashland Clipper regarding formerly of Winfield people will be of interest. “Messrs. Burt and Irwin, of Cowley County, have purchased lots in McCartney’s addition, and have let the contract for a 40 x 60 livery barn, which is to put up at once. A part of their stock is here, and Mr. Irwin has returned to Winfield for more. R. S. Howard started to Dodge on horseback one day last week, riding a valuable animal belonging to Mr. A. Hughes. When near Five Mile the horse began to show signs of illness, and dropped dead. A. Hughes went to Dodge Monday to meet his family from Winfield and his brother-in-law, Mr. McDowell, from Pennsylvania. They reached Ashland last evening and Mr. Hughes is happy.”
Arkansas City Republican, April 18, 1885.
Capt. J. B. Nipp will go to Ashland next week. A meeting of the board of directors of the Ashland Town Company requires his attendance there on the 22nd.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 23, 1885.
Treasurer Nipp and Mr. J. A. Cooper left this afternoon for Ashland, to attend a meeting of the directors and stockholders of the Ashland Town Company, which meets there Wednesday.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 23, 1885.
Mr. P. A. Huffman purchased, last week, twenty acres of land adjoining the town of Ashland, Clark County, for fifteen hundred dollars. Three months ago the whole quarter section off of which this was sold was purchased for fifteen hundred dollars, and the original owner thought he was getting a big price.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 23, 1885.
Mrs. Mattie Lane left for Ashland, Clark County, a few days ago.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 30, 1885.
A RARE BARGAIN. I will sell my one-twentieth interest in the town of Ashland, the county seat of the new county of Clark, together with one of the four principal corner lots in severalty, if application is made at once. A recent ruling of the company makes personal and immediate attention necessary on the part of every member. Business matters at home will not admit of my absence. Hence I am compelled to place this interest in the market, although reluctant to do so. For the person who can go out and attend to it there is a fortune within the next three years. No town in the west ever had brighter prospects, present and future.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 30, 1885.
Dr. Marsh received a letter at noon from Prof. R. B. Moore, stating that he was at Ashland, had taken a claim, and was putting up his “shanty.” The Doctor telegraphed Rev. P. B. Lee, who started this morning to resurrect the Professor from the debris of the Lodge flood, at Attica. He will return this evening.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 7, 1885.
James Cooper and Capt. J. B. Nipp got in today from two weeks at Ashland, and report things westward in a most prosperous condition. They are members of the Ashland Town Company.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 7, 1885.
Will McCartney and a young man named Gage settled a difference at Ashland last week by a regular pitched prize fight. Gage sent Will a challenge and they retired down under an embankment, agreeing not to bite or scratch and went at it. They fought for a half hour, until both were exhausted and retired with battered noses, broken fingers, many bruises, and a profusion of blood. The further understanding is that as soon as both recover, they will try it again. Both the boys exhibited lots of grit, and neither would call for quarter. Young Gage is a brother of Frank’s at Arkansas City.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 14, 1885.
The Governor has issued a proclamation organizing Clark County. The following officers were appointed: G. W. Epperby, Daniel Burkett, A. F. Horner, County Commissioners; J. S. Myers, County Clerk. Clark County claims 2,032 inhabitants and 854 voters, 481 children of school age, 4,319 acres of land under cultivation. The town of Ashland is named as the temporary county seat, agreeable to the expression of the voters of the county, having received 568 votes; Englewood received 13 votes, scattering 9.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 14, 1885.
CLARK COUNTY ORGANIZED. The Governor on Tuesday issued a proclamation organizing Clark County. The following officers were appointed: G. W. Epperby, Daniel Burkett, A. F. Horner, county commissioners; J. S. Myers, County Clerk. Clark County has 2,042 inhabitants and 854 voters, 481 children of school age, 4,319 acres of land under cultivation. The town of Ashland is named as the temporary county seat, agreeable to the voters of the county.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 14, 1885.
Frank Hall is in from Ashland, very jubilant over the permanent organization of Clark County, with Ashland as the County Seat.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 14, 1885.
Prof. R. B. Moore is home from the west. He has planted his cabin on a quarter of Uncle Sam’s domain, six miles from Ashland, and will return in a few weeks.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 21, 1885.
Mrs. Alice Bishop, local telephone manager, is with her sister in Ashland, and will spend the summer with her brother, Frank Berkey, at Greensburg, Kansas. Miss Mary Berkey has charge of our telephone exchange in her sister’s absence.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 28, 1885.
Capt. P. A. Huffman has purchased of Mr. Frank Hall, one of his shares in Ashland. The Captain will take his course westward and progress his interest. There’s millions in it.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 25, 1885.
ASHLAND GETS IT. The Clark County vote for the county seat came off Tuesday. 966 votes were cast, 577 for Ashland. Englewood and another village were in competition; Ashland getting 188 majority over all. This seems to insure Ashland’s boom. She will go up like a rocket—to stay.
Arkansas City Republican, June 27, 1885.
Frank Gage returned to his Ashland home yesterday.
Arkansas City Republican, June 27, 1885.
Frank Gage came in from Ashland Tuesday. He reports that that city is thriving and it is a settled fact that Ashland is the county seat of Clark County. The election which was held a few days ago resulted in a victory for Ashland. Frank is doing well, has a claim adjoining the townsite, and is engaged in the mercantile business.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 2, 1885.
Dennis Robertson returned from Clark County last week, where he has been for the past four or five months and where he just proved up on a claim two miles and a half east of Ashland. He says they have had plenty of rain, the crops are flourishing wonderful, and the herd law is in operation and works like a charm. Everybody seems confident and the country is enjoying a steady, healthy boom.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 4, 1885.
DIED. Saturday’s Santa Fe train for the south contained the remains of Julius Muret, on his way to Hackney, six miles below this city, the former home of the deceased.
The facts and circumstances relating to Muret’s death were told by Mrs. Muret, who was on the train together with her daughter, mother, and two brothers. Her story is as follows.
“Mr. Julius Muret, wife, and child moved from Veray, Indiana, about two years ago, to a farm near this city. Nearly a year ago he took a claim near Ashland, in Clark County, and moved there. Afterward Mrs. Lindley, mother of Mrs. Muret, and her two sons came on to Clark County. Near Mr. Muret’s claim was a claim which had been taken up by a man by the name of Clouch. Clouch had not been near the claim for three months, and with the advice of neighbors and friends, the old lady, Mrs. Lindley, decided to take the claim. Old Clouch, living near, had been claiming that this claim was taken with a view of holding it till his daughter should be of age to take it. Thursday, as Muret and his brother-in-law, the Lindley’s, were going to improve the claim for their mother, Muret arrived on the ground before the others and was at work with a spade, when old man Clouch and a young Kentuckian, Bill Churchill, who had been stopping with Clouch, came up, and fired two shots at Muret, one taking effect near the heart, and the second in the shoulder. By this time young Mahlin Lindley arrived, just in time to catch Muret as he fell forward, when Churchill fired one shot at Lindley, hitting him in the arm, and then they went off. Churchill was arrested, taken to Dodge City, and lodged in jail. There was strong talk of lynching him before the sheriff should get him away.” Winfield Telegram.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 9, 1885.
Dr. Layfield Killed in Cold Blood and Robbed of $800.
A Terrible Storm.
Clark County comes in for criminal notoriety with a vim. It has recently had two despicable and revolting murders. Like every new county, it has its “bad men,” though Ashland is a remarkably temperate, civil place for a border town. Last week Julius Muret was shot through the heart. He went with his wife and child from Pleasant Valley, this county, and took a claim near Ashland. Afterward Mrs. Lindley, mother of Mrs. Muret, and two sons came to Clark County. She took a claim near Muret that had not been occupied by the young man Clouch, who had taken it for three months. Old man Clouch had said his son was holding the claim till his daughter would be of age to take it. Muret and the Lindley boys were going out to dig a foundation for a shanty for their mother. Muret got there first and was spading, when old man Clouch and a young Kentuckian, Bill Churchill, came up. Muret had never seen either of them before. Without a word Churchill shot Muret through the heart. One of the Lindley’s arrived just in time to catch Muret as he fell, when Churchill fired another shot. It went through Muret’s shoulder and into Lindley’s arm. The murderer was arrested and placed in the bastille at Dodge City. Muret’s body was brought to this county for interment. Mr. D. Rodocker shows us a letter from Miss Rose Frederick, well known here, chronicling another terrible murder. Dr. Layfield, Ashland’s dentist, received $800 from the east a few days ago. That night, with it on his person, he was shot dead, and the money taken. The murder was for no other cause than robbery. Tobe Taylor, a drunken cowboy, was arrested for the crime, though there is no positive evidence against him. The same letter tells of a terrible storm that swept over that section the other day. Two storms met, one from the northwest and one from the northeast. Everything in their track was inundated and much property swept away. Dugouts by the dozen were filled with water and caved in, leaving the occupants homeless. And most of the wells, not yet being walled, caved in. It was very destructive and a hard blow on those trying to establish homes in the “wild west.”
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 9, 1885. Editorial by D. A. Millington.
“Postage on newspapers is now only one cent per pound, just half what it has been heretofore. Score one for the newspaper man. Clark Co. Clipper.”
The Clipper is a Hindoo glorifying the juggernaut which is about to crush him. Probably the Clipper has been paying twenty cents a week as postage on its exchanges and other papers sent out of its county. This will be reduced ten cents a week or $5.20 a year. Nine tenths or more of its circulation is in its own county on which it has paid on postage, but it has probably paid at least two cents a pound as freight on all its paper from the east, possibly a dollar a week or fifty dollars a year and as it does not receive this through the mails, it gets no reduction of freight below two cents per pound cost to get the paper into Clark County. His eastern competitors have been freighting their paper through the mails into Clark County at two cents a pound. Now the government has undertaken to freight their paper into Clark County for one cent a pound while the Clipper continues to pay two cents a pound and attempts to compete with them. Cannot you see the point? Mr. Clipper?
Suppose you are engaged in the manufacture of tin pans at Ashland, and suppose you buy your sheet tin in New York and pay two cents a pound freight to Ashland. Then suppose that Dobbs is a rival tinner beside you for whom Uncle Sam has been in the habit of carrying tin pans manufactured in New York, through the mails to Ashland at two cents per pound, or the same rate of freight that you pay on the sheet tin; so if you could manufacture in Ashland as cheaply as Dobbs could manufacture in New York, you have had an even chance to compete with him in the Ashland market. Now suppose Uncle Sam should reduce his rate of freight on tin pans from New York to Ashland to one cent a pound, but refuses to carry your sheet tin at less than a cent an ounce, 16 cents a pound, and then only in bundles not exceeding four pounds each; would you be crowing about “scoring one for the tin pan maker who makes his pans in Ashland?”
The law reducing the rate of postage on newspapers was engineered through by eastern monopoly papers on purpose to crush out all such newspapers as the Clipper and all newspapers whose circulation is chiefly local in their own counties. Will this poor, innocent lamb continue to “lick the hand upraised to shed its blood?” Uncle Sam is giving some of these eastern monopolists hundreds of thousands of dollars a year to enable them to crush you out and such as you. Suppose they cannot crush you out, they can and will reduce your profits wonderfully and enrich themselves thereby. You will save your $5.20 a year. Uncle Sam takes from you $525.20 a year and gives back to you $5.20 of it, giving the balance of $520 to the eastern monopolists and still you are happy.
We do not believe there is a newspaper printed in Kansas that will not be damaged by this reduction ten times as much as benefitted; and there is no reason, sense, or justice in charging letters thirty-two cents a pound and books eight cents, in order to enable the government to carry the publications of eastern monopolists at a cent a pound.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 11, 1885.
Tannehill Things. [Received July 4, 1885.]
DIED. A young man who was killed near Ashland, Clark County, was brought in and buried on the 27th of June. We did not learn the particulars.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 16, 1885.
Captain Nipp is out west looking after the red men and his Ashland interests.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 16, 1885.
Henry E. Asp got in Saturday from three weeks on the line of the K. C. & S. W., looking after the legal matters of the line. He looks like a veritable granger; and to complete his misery, he found his wife had left him, gone to visit at Ashland.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 16, 1885.
Formerly of Winfield. The Doctor Layfield, of whose murder last week at Ashland we gave an account, was several years ago a resident of Winfield. He was a relative by marriage of J. E. Conklin, and erected for the Conklin Brothers the Monitor building. His death was a cold blooded murder committed to secure $800, the proceeds of the sale of property in Champaign, Illinois. His wife was to join him today at Ashland, and was ready to start for Kansas when she received the awful intelligence of his murder. He was buried by the Odd Fellows of Champaign, of which lodge he was a member, and from the house whose grounds he had beautified with trees and flowers. The life of a good man has been sacrificed for money, and suffering and despair brought to those who were dependent upon him. Is it not a duty that Kansas owes to society to promptly inflict the death penalty for murder so foul?
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 16, 1885.
Geo. Wilson and wife came in from Ashland last Friday to wait for the Indian scare to subside a little. Mrs. Wilson was not very badly frightened, but Geo. was so awfully scared that he came off without a coat.
The refugees from the Indian scare began to come in last week, with Mrs. C. H. Eagin in the lead, Charles coming two days later in company with Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson. Charles H. Eagin and family returned to their home in Pratt Center last Monday, while Mr. and Mrs. Wilson will remain a few days longer, visiting friends and relatives.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 23, 1885.
Mrs. Henry E. Asp came in Thursday from a week at Ashland, and Henry is again happy.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 23, 1885.
Capt. J. B. Nipp, S. H. Rodgers, and James H. Bullene, all of Winfield, have spent most of the past week in the city. They all express themselves agreeably surprised at the rapid substantial growth of Ashland. Clipper.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 30, 1885.
Cal. Ferguson came in Saturday from the west, where he has been looking after his stage lines. He reports an immense immigration to Ashland, Meade Center, Fowler City, and other “wild west” towns.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 1, 1885.
Englewood. A correspondent of the Emporia Republican, in writing up the new counties says: Englewood, Clark County, is three miles from the territory, on section 36, range 34, township 25. It was laid out by Wichita people, boomed by the Eagle, and is bolstered by Wichita capital. Mr. G. T. Mickals has just finished and furnished the finest hotel west of Medicine Lodge, and will run in metropolitan style. The population is about 200. The buildings being erected are of a better class than is usual and the town is improving. 
During the Indian scare, not yet quite subsided, the men got fifty rifles and ammunition from Dodge, threw up rifle pits, and determined to “fight it out on this line if it took all summer.”
The Fourth was celebrated in style; but at the ball that evening, two cowboys, Kinney and West, shot a young man named Sanders, in cold blood, without cause, and he is nearly dead.
Ashland, the county seat of Clark, is booming, many new buildings being erected, and it will be a good town. The merchants are selling stacks of goods and are making money.
Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.
The Ashland base ball club has challenged the Border club for a match game during the month of August.
Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.
The Ashland base ball club plays the Border club Monday.
Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.
Our base ballists visited Winfield Monday and played the Ashland club. Our boys only added another defeat to their already long list. The score was 24 to 4 in favor of Ashland.
Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.
Tuesday a match game of base ball was played at Winfield between the Olathe nine and the Ashland club. The former were victorious by a score of 22 to 8. Some splendid playing was done by both clubs.
Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.
Frank Gage came down from Winfield and remained over Sunday with friends. Frank was with the Ashland B. B. Club.
Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.
Dr. J. A. Mitchell and A. D. Hawk drove up to Winfield Tuesday to witness the match game of base ball of the Olathe club vs. the Ashland nine.
Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.
The Killing of West. This week’s record includes another killing: this time at the hands of the officers, and while the subject was resisting and shooting at them. It will be remembered that on the evening of the 4th of July that McKinney and West capped the climax of a reckless career by firing several shots in a mixed crowd of men and women, on the veranda of the hotel at Englewood, apparently with the brutal design of killing anyone they might chance to hit. They dangerously wounded young Sanders, at the time supposed to be fatally. Since then the sheriff and deputies have been wanting and diligently looking for said parties, but without success, till Saturday, the 25th of July, when Sheriff Shugru and deputies surrounded Wm. West at the L C Ranch and notified him to surrender. He escaped into a ravine over a mile away and was found by his firing on the sheriff’s party when they came near him. The firing was kept up about ten minutes by both parties when it was found that West was shot. He fired about 27 shots, one of which grazed one man’s shoulder. He was moved back to L C ranch and had every attention till he died about 3 o’clock. He was brought to town about 4 o’clock and was buried about 12 m. 27th. Wm. West is said to have been an intelligent, educated young man, and might have been a worthy member of society but for the reckless bloodthirsty character he seems to have acquired. Ashland Clipper.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 6, 1885.
Sam Kirkwood, son of Dr. and Mrs. W. R. Kirkwood, gets this handsome send off from the Clark County News on leaving Ashland. “Mr. S. M. Kirkwood, who has been for several months manager of the Ashland lumber yard, of James H. Bullene, will start Monday for Minneapolis, Minnesota, to enter McAlister College, where he will take a thorough literary course. Mr. Kirkwood’s business habits and moral ways made everybody here his friend, and we know of no one within the circle of our acquaintances that we wish more good fortune. May success be his at McAlister and his co-workers appreciate real merit is the wish of the News and his many friends here in Ashland.”
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 13, 1885.
The Borders and Ashlands had a little practice game at the Fair Grounds. Walk-a-way for the Ashlands. Score twenty-three to four. A hundred spectators, with gate money.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 20, 1885.
J. O. Taylor is in from several weeks’ rambles in the western counties, and is imbued with the flattering prospects. Sod corn, in many places, will make forty and fifty bushels per acre. He says Ashland and Clark County are developing magically, as are counties farther west, where one hundred and fifty claims a day are being taken. He mentions, as a small sandwich, the killing of one Peck at Englewood the other night. The Peck brothers were at a dance with their Dulcianas. They started to go, a cowboy persisted in their staying, followed the party out to the wagon, where a fracas took place. One of the Pecks was shot dead and the cowboy is in the toils.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 27, 1885.
A new hotel now being built in Ashland, Clark County, Kansas. Will be completed September 15, 1885; contains twenty rooms conveniently planned. Will rent unfurnished for one or more years. Inquire of Brown & Coffman, Anthony, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 17, 1885.
Mrs. E. S. Miner got in Thursday from Ashland to visit her folks for a couple of months.
Arkansas City Republican, September 19, 1885.
Mrs. Spence Miner was in the city visiting friends, Wednesday, from Ashland.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 24, 1885.
Spence Miner came in from Ashland Saturday. He says Ashland is the best town west of Medicine Lodge, in the southern tier of counties.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 24, 1885.
Addison Powers came in yesterday from Ashland to take in the Fair and visit with his parents for several days. Ad is in partnership with Will McCartney in the real estate and law business.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 24, 1885.
Henry Phoenix and wife and D. F. Burt came in overland yesterday from Ashland. They are loud in their praises of Clark County. Mr. Burt is running a livery stable and Henry is on his claim. He left some sod corn with THE COURIER raised on his new claim that would do credit to lots of the older counties in the state.
Arkansas City Republican, September 26, 1885.
Spence Miner, of Ashland, and Frank Berkey, of Lakin, Kearney County, were in the city between trains Tuesday seeing friends.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 21, 1885.
Fatal Accident. DIED. An extremely sad accident occurred on the farm of Wm. Bell, the old Stubblefield place, in Sheridan Township, yesterday afternoon. Charley Bell, the twelve-year-old son of Wm. Bell, hitched up the team and with three of Joe Dunham’s boys, went to Silver Creek after a barrel of water. They drove into the creek, filled the barrel, and started back. As they came up the bank and out of the timber, one of the horses scared, made a sudden spring, throwing Charley Bell out at the back end of the wagon, which had no tail gate, against a stump. The water barrel followed with great force, the edge striking him on the left side of the head, just above the temple. The skull was crushed in horribly. He was picked up totally unconscious and died in half an hour. Before he died, his brains oozed from his mouth and nose and several pieces of skull were taken out of his mouth. It was a terrible death, and set the family wild with grief. The father is out at Ashland, where he went last Tuesday, and was telegraphed today. Charley was a bright boy, the pride and joy of his parents, and his tragic death has produced a shock whose effect will never be shaken off.
Winfield Courier.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 29, 1885.
Prof. R. B. Moore, principal of the Burden schools, returned from Clark County Monday after proving up his claim near Ashland. The Prof. is now one of the bloated landholders.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 19, 1885.
The Clark County News, of Ashland, says: “Mr. E. S. Miner has sold out his stock of dry goods to Thomas E. Berry, who will hereafter conduct the business at the same place. We are sorry to see Spence go out of business. He has been a pillar of strength to our town, and we hope he will yet conclude to remain with us.”
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 19, 1885.
Mrs. Spence Miner is in from Ashland. Spence will be over in two weeks.
Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.
Spence Miner has sold his dry goods store at Ashland.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 25, 1885.
Mrs. C. Berger, who has been sojourning for the past six months at Ashland, returned to the city last week.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 26, 1885.
Capt. J. B. Nipp left yesterday for a week at Ashland, Veteran, and Richfield.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 10, 1885.
R. I. Hogue, formerly of the Winfield nursery, has gone into the nursery business at Ashland.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 10, 1885.
The Ashland Herald says the wife of R. B. Pratt, well known as a Cowley pioneer, is lying at the point of death with paralysis at their home four miles east of Ashland.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 10, 1885.
Capt. J. B. Nipp, treasurer of Cowley County, came in Thursday evening on the coach from Dodge. He is here on a visit to his son-in-law, King Berry, and will remain with us a week or ten days. Ashland Herald.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 17, 1885.
Capt. Nipp got in last night from a two weeks visit with his daughter, Mrs. I. K. Berry, at Ashland. The Captain says Ashland has made a wonderful growth and is now a sprightly little city of six hundred inhabitants, with three newspapers and a metropolitan air most creditable. Ashland has many formerly of Winfield folks, whom the Captain reports as prospering finely. The approaching winter has lessened the western influx, but great things are expected with the opening of spring. Veteran and Richfield, the latest results of Winfield enterprise in developing the new west, are also flourishing finely and have bright futures.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 24, 1885.
George Reed has returned from Ashland, having proved up on his claim, and is back at his old place with Hendricks & Wilson.
[Note: Nipp had much to do with the founding of “Ashland” by Winfield people. The following tells about the original owner of Ashland. MAW]
Arkansas City Traveler, January 27, 1886.
On January 21, Chas. H. Robey, the original owner of the town site of Ashland, was shot and killed at that place. Several persons were congregated in Wade’s restaurant, when some of the parties stepped outside, and with six-shooters opened a fusillade, during which a pistol in the hands of W. E. Foster, who stood in the doorway, was accidentally discharged, the ball striking Mr. Robey in the chest, causing almost instant death. An inquest was held and Foster held for manslaughter. Winfield Tribune.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 11, 1886.
Will A. McCartney is in from Ashland, circulating around among his many warm friends. He is the same Will as of old, barring a few more stray hairs on his upper lip. He’s doing a good law and real estate business at Ashland. His fine claim, right up against the town, is rapidly growing into a gold mine.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 11, 1886.
J. W. Cottingham, of Richland, says with all its faults, he cannot do without THE COURIER because it keeps him posted on all the mean things he and his neighbors do, so he renews his subscription one year and sends another copy to his son at Ashland to keep him posted. J. W. Cottingham, with all his faults (we don’t know of any), is one of the best men in the county and has plenty of sterling good sense.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 18, 1886.
Will McCartney left on the S. K. this morning for Ashland. He says he will not be here again until he comes through direct from Ashland by cars.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 18, 1886.
Spence Miner, the first dry goods merchant in Ashland, but now traveling salesman for McDonald & Co., of St. Joseph, Missouri, came in Saturday night. Spence is the same jolly, wholesome cuss and during the past three days has rounded up all the boys and had a repetition of the good times of old. He went to Appleton yesterday, but will make Ashland his headquarters until he works Englewood, Protection, and Coldwater. Ashland Clipper.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 25, 1886.
There is a man in town so stingy that he won’t even trust his own memory. Exchange.
His brother lives in Ashland, who boiled a greasy soap bucket to get the grease for soap fat. Ashland Exchange.
Another brother lives here in Winfield. We met him on the street the other day with an old bung-hole, going to see how cheap he could have a new barrel put to it.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 11, 1886.
Engineer Wingate has returned from his trip to Comanche County, to view the R. R. route. Messrs. Latham and Asp will wade on as far as Ashland.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 18, 1886.
Our C. C. Harris and O. C. Ewart, now at Medicine Lodge, will establish a loan agency at Ashland, Clark County.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 1, 1886.
C. C. Harris, after a tour of the western counties, is home again. He will open a loan office with O. C. Ewart at Ashland.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 1, 1886.
M. G. Trout is off for Ashland, for a few days, on business.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 28, 1886.
The publishers of the Republican Herald, of Ashland, Clark County, have a libel suit on their hands. The plaintiff is a justice of the peace, and sues for $10,000 damage on account of an article reflecting upon his official character which appeared in the said newspaper.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 3, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Mrs. Henry Endicott is visiting in the city from Ashland.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 3, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
Uriah Spray, who went west some days ago accompanied by Chas. Parker and others, writes under date of June 28: “In camp, 42 miles from Ashland. Will reach there on the fourth day; it is a hard tedious trip. No pie, no milk. Mr. Parker says he thinks we are a mile higher here than Arkansas City. Lots of dugouts in the sides of hills, and prairie dogs by the thousands. The weather is nice. The nights are quite cool.”
Arkansas City Traveler, September 8, 1886.
Hank Endicott has been spending a few days in town to renew acquaintances with his many friends. He is now living near Ashland, which he describes as a fine country, but he misses the stir and elan of his former dwelling place.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 16, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
Spence Miner has located at Ashland again. He will enter the dry goods business there, he having already purchased his stock for that purpose. Ashland, since she has a chance of getting a railroad, is booming.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, November 24, 1886.
ASHLAND HERALD: Word came that John Hurst was shot today at Deep Hole, whether accidental or otherwise we cannot ascertain. Hurst is a brother-in-law to James Sawtel, the proprietor of the Deep Hole store. After Hurst was shot, Sawtel went to get his pony to come to town for a physician, when he fell behind the pony and it kicked him in the face, breaking his jaw and mashing his whole face and seriously injuring him.
Daily Calamity Howler, Saturday, October 17, 1891.
Mrs. Pyne, a niece of Geo. Drury, left for her home in Ashland, Kansas, last Thursday evening. She has been visiting her uncle and family for several weeks.
Daily Calamity Howler, Wednesday, October 21, 1891.
S. J. Pugh, an attorney of Vanceburg, Kentucky, has been visiting his brother, Dr. C. E. Ferguson, for a few days. He leaves this evening for Ashland to visit another brother.