Samuel Axley


Bolton Township, Salt City and Geuda Springs.
Kansas 1875 Census Bolton Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Nameage sex color Place/birth Where from
Samuel Axley29 m w IllinoisIllinois
Frances Axley 21 f w OhioIllinois
Alzerda? Axley 5m f w Kansas
Bolton Township 1876: Samuel Axley, 30; spouse, Frances, 21.
NOTE: Also covered Near (or Neer), who was a partner of Axley.
Next item indicates that there were two men by the name of Axley: Sam and John.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 12, 1877.
We must announce the arrival of two young Axley’s last week, both Sam and John, are happy.
Samuel Axley, constable, Salt City...
Arkansas City Traveler, February 6, 1878.
Last Saturday night William Skinner and Hugh Steiner, aged about eighteen years, met in Frank Waldo’s store and engaged in some bitter words against each other. The bystanders knew that an ill feeling had existed between the two since the 4th of July, at which time the boys had a quarrel at a picnic, and thinking there would be trouble, sent for A. H. Acton, Justice of the Peace. Mr. Acton soon came and separated the two, took the pocket knife from young Skinner, and handing it to his son, asked Skinner to go home with him.
As they were turning to go, the knife was handed back to Skinner by Acton’s son. As soon as Skinner got the knife, he made a rush at Steiner and stuck him between the lower ribs, at the same time exclaiming: “There, d__n you, take that!” Steiner than ran out of the store accompanied by Acton’s son.
From the store they went to a hay loft, and hid by crawling under the hay. The matter was talked over, and it was concluded that it would not do to let it pass unnoticed, and a warrant was issued for the arrest of the avenger. After some searching, they were heard talking in the hay loft, and constable Sam Axley ordered them to come out. Young Acton did so, but declared that Skinner was not there. A lantern was procured, and the constable went into the mow and Skinner came out and gave himself up.
It was a very unfortunate affair, and the parents of both parties feel deeply aggrieved. There is too much of a desperate spirit manifested among men, and generally indulged in by boys to shoot or use a knife on the slightest provocation, that should be discouraged by all law-abiding citizens.
Another Axley is mentioned: James Axley...
Arkansas City Traveler, October 13, 1880.
Last Wednesday, about 2 o’clock in the morning, the people of Salt City were aroused to the fact that the house of Mr. James Axley was in flames. It was a new house, and its owner was just finishing it up ready for occupancy. Before anything could be done, the flames had gained too great a headway, and the building burned to the ground. Fortunately there was nothing in it but the workmen’s tools, which, however, is quite a severe loss to them. This is the second loss sustained by Mr. Axley by fire, his stable and horses burning last spring.
Messrs. Axley??? [Samuel, James, John???]...
Arkansas City Traveler, November 30, 1881.
The Messrs. Axley are putting up a structure 50 x 60 feet to be used for a livery and feed stable.

NOTE: Next item refers to “Neer” instead of “Near.”
Most of the items relative to Near do not give enough information to create a file on him inasmuch as he evidently was a resident of Sumner County. Furthermore, there is some confusion over the spelling of his name.
First item on NEAR follows.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 12, 1881.
SALT CITY, Jan. 9, 1881.
Some Indiana men have rented Mr. Near’s place west of town, and Mr. Near will move to town.
Margaret Russell Stallard’s book, Remembering Geuda Springs, shows the following information on both Axley and NEER.
Geuda Springs Area 1882-1883.
Township 33 S R 2E
J. M. Axley, Salt City, Farmer & Butcher. Settled in 1879. Came from Illinois.
Township 34 S R 2E
T. A. Neer, Salt City, Farmer & Butcher. Settled in 1877. Came from Virginia.
Near (Neer?) & Axley: Livery Stable...
Arkansas City Traveler, January 11, 1882.
Geuda Gossip.
Near & Axley have completed their Livery Stable, which, with the additions soon to be put on, will be about 45 x 60 feet.

Samuel Axley...
Cowley County Courant, January 12, 1882.
We clip the following from the Salt City correspondent to the Arkansas Valley Democrat, which is good.
And in those days came Warner, the “Jockey” saying unto the “Moss-backs and Hoosiers,” (the citizens of Salt City). Bet ye! bet ye! for the race is now at hand, and the “Moss-backs” did hear, and many wondered at the words spake by the man of the turf, and they did get sore afraid, except Samuel, of Salt City, who is a descendant of the house of Axley, a man of much knowl­edge. He sayeth unto the stranger, “I’m your huckleberry.”
There also came John, of the house of Berkey, whom the people round about call the wise, and he calls unto them that he had shekels of gold and of silver, and also greenbacks, even five dollars, to bet on the horse; and then there came unto John a Moss-back saying unto him,  “Beware ye, you will lose your substance.” Straightway did John, the wise, make answer, saying “The court knows herself,” and John did bet his money on the horse, and forthwith the race came off, and the horse got left. Then did John go down to the city saying, “Woe unto Warner, he played me false.” I bet my money for a sham, and the disciple of the turf refuses to give me my ducats,” and then he straightway took a deadly weapon, and every Mossback was struck with fear, even so much they dare not hinder “John the wise” from his deadly intent, and they did follow from afar off with fear and trem­bling, lest in his wrath he would tear things to a fuzz.
John did go down unto the camp of the wicked man of the turf, and he then did discover the man of the turf armed with bows and spears and swords, and there came a great fear over John the wise, yea, even so much that his knees smote together, and then says he unto him, “Give me back my hard earned shekels, yea, my greenbacks, which I did earn by the sweat of my brow, my hard earned ducats which I had saved for my poor widowed mother.” Then spoke the man of the turf, “Depart, ye worker of shams, go and get it out of the Moss-backs;” and John did return to the city much cast down, and with mourning, and refuses to be comforted.
Note that Axley and “Neer” are mentioned in next item...
Cowley County Courant, April 6, 1882.
A Geuda correspondent of the Arkansas City Democrat ventilates himself to no small extent, and winds up his letter with the information
That Hall, Axley, Neer, and Walker have taken a trip to the Cherokee Nation, for the purpose of buying ponies.
NOTE: Above was the last item found relative to Near (or Neer) and Axley. MAW