Baden Family


J. P. Baden.
Winfield Courier, May 15, 1879.
We were pleased to meet Mr. John Howe, of Independence, last Saturday evening. Mr. Howe represents the well-known firm of Baden Bros., of Independence, and came here to locate a branch house. He came in Saturday afternoon, was taken in hand by our enterprising land and loan agents, Messrs. Gilbert & Jarvis, and before supper he had rented a building, the lease was drawn up, all the business transacted, and he was ready to start back for goods. The firm which Mr. Howe represents is one of the largest wholesale and retail houses in the Southwest, and supply most of the retail firms throughout Montgomery, Elk, and Chautauqua counties. They will open out in the Martin building, on South Main street, sometime during next week.
Winfield Courier, June 5, 1879.
Mr. P. Baden, of Baden Bros., Independence, was in town last week looking after the interests of the firm at this place. He says they are grading on the L., L. & G. this side of Elk City.
Winfield Courier, June 12, 1879.
Mr. P. Baden left for home last Thursday morning, having rented the Bahntge building, of which he gets possession the first of August. This is one of the finest store rooms in the city, being 25 x 120, with a basement under the whole building.
Winfield Courier, June 12, 1879.
Messrs. Baden Bros., the big merchants of Independence, have rented the first floor and basement of the Bahntge building and will open up here about the first of July. They will probably keep a branch store at Independence for some time yet, as that burg still has a few sparks of vitality left. Men of enterprise always want to be where things are “booming.”
Winfield Courier, July 10, 1879.
Mr. D. L. Kretsinger has been engaged by J. P. Baden to assist him in the grocery business. Kretsinger is known far and wide and will make an efficient salesman.
Winfield Courier, July 10, 1879.
J. P. Baden took charge of the Bahntge store last Friday and expects to move his dry goods stock into the front part about the first of August. Mr. Baden has been connected with the firm of Baden Bros., Independence, and is one of the most successful businessmen in the southwest. His long experience with the people of Elk, Chautauqua, and eastern Cowley has made him acquainted with their wants; and we commend him as a gentleman of integrity and one who will do just what he advertises.
Winfield Courier, July 31, 1879.
J. P. Baden moves his dry goods stock into the Bahntge building next Friday. He intends putting in a complete stock and keep everything wanted by the people.
Winfield Courier, July 31, 1879.
Mr. J. P. Baden started east last Monday to buy goods for his store. Mr. John Howe, who is by the way, one of the most popular and energetic businessmen in town, has charge of the stock during his absence.
Winfield Courier, July 31, 1879.
MOVED. J. P. Baden has moved his stock of dry goods, notions, boots, and shoes into the Bahntge building. It will be remem­bered that a short time ago he purchased the Bahntge stock of groceries, at the same time renting the front part for his dry goods department. He is now in the east buying a large stock, and before many weeks will treat the people to some rare bargains.
Winfield Courier, August 28, 1879.
J. P. Baden has returned from his eastern trip with piles and piles of new goods, which fill his large store room to overflowing. He is making some changes in his store room to make room for his immense stock. He proposes to have his share of the trade if good goods, low prices, and liberal advertising will get it.
Winfield Courier, November 27, 1879.
Mr. John Howe returned from his visit east last week, and has resumed his old place as head clerk at Baden’s.
Winfield Courier, May 6, 1880.
WANTED! 20,000 BUS. CORN, 30,000 DOZEN EGGS! For which I will pay the Highest Market Price in Trade or Cash. J. P. BADEN.
Winfield Courier, June 24, 1880.
Tuesday evening Mr. J. P. Baden and Ed. Goodrich were arrested for the crime of mahem. They have their preliminary trial this (Wednesday) afternoon at 3 o’clock.
Winfield Courier, August 5, 1880.
They say Leadville is unhealthy, but Baden is not satisfied. He has shipped a car load of cucumbers to that delightful burg. That will finish them.
Winfield Courier, September 23, 1880.
Baden is making a great display of new goods.
Winfield Courier, September 30, 1880.
We are after the prairie chickens. Will pay the highest market price in cash. J. P. Baden.
Winfield Courier, September 30, 1880.
New Sorghum barrels at J. P. Baden’s.
Winfield Courier, November 25, 1880.
Trial docket for December term, commencing on the first Monday (6th day) of December, A. D. 1880:
John P. Baden el al.
James F. Miller vs. John P. Baden.
Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.
Baden shipped eighteen hundred and ninety dozen eggs Tuesday afternoon. He pays the highest price and offers a market for all that are brought in.
Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.
The egg business is assuming gigantic proportions in Winfield. J. P. Baden, the largest shipper, keeps from five to eight hands packing continually. He shipped last week 74,520 eggs, for which he paid in cash and trade upwards of nine hundred dollars. These are large figures, but they can be verified. Mr. Baden is always prepared to pay the highest price for produce of any kind, and his large shipments and constantly increasing market enables him to do so. If you have butter, eggs, or produce for sale, take it to Baden.
Winfield Courier, March 31, 1881.
J. P. Baden is removing into the building vacated by Lynn & Loose.
Winfield Courier, March 31, 1881.
J. P. Baden made the boss shipment of produce on Monday. It was the largest ever sent out at one time by any Winfield dealer. The shipment consisted of twenty-six hundred and seventy dozen eggs, six boxes of butter, and one basket of poultry. Mr. Baden has worked up a splendid business in produce and is now reaping the benefits of his labors.
Winfield Courier, April 7, 1881.
See Frank Manny File starting with Page 17 for the letter from him relative to Prohibition in Kansas and the response by Winfield businessmen and citizens. MAW
Am only putting in response of J. P. Baden relative to effect prohibition had on his business. MAW
Winfield Courier, May 5, 1881.
Prohibition in Kansas.
How It Has Killed Winfield and Cowley County!
Statements of Businessmen of Winfield and Leading Citizens of Cowley County,
 Kansas, in Relation to the Situation.
We have received many letters from Iowa and other states containing a letter written by Frank Manny, of this city, clipped from one newspaper or another, with the inquiry if the statements therein contained are true. We answered one of these briefly last week, but subsequently we learn that the Manny letter is being published widely in other states, not only as an argument against prohibitory liquor laws, but against emigrating to Kansas, and particularly against this city and county.
Below is the statement of J. P. Baden...
General merchandise. Our trade is about the same as it was a year ago. Then we had a great amount of orders from men engaged in building the railroads, which we have not got now. Our trade in butter, eggs, chickens, etc., is immense. This city is shipping more of these kinds of produce than any other city in Kansas, and we will undertake to show it from our books if anyone doubts it. Most of our shipments are to Colorado and New Mexico. This is the best county in the West.
Winfield Courier, May 26, 1881.
Before the Santa Fe railroad was opened up to Colorado and New Mexico, every spring our farmers were compelled to sell eggs at four or five cents a dozen, butter at seven or eight cents a pound, and chickens, lettuce, radishes, rhubarb, peas, potatoes, and other kinds of garden vegetables for almost nothing, and take pay in groceries at much higher prices than are asked now, because they could not get one cent of cash for their produce. Now mark the difference.
All fresh butter that is brought into Winfield finds a ready market at not less than 12-1/2 cents cash, eggs not less than 8-1/2 cents per dozen. Chickens, $2.60 per dozen; peas in pod, $1.75 per bushel, turkeys, dressed poultry, rhubarb, gooseberries, strawberries, onions, potatoes, radishes, lettuce, and other vegetables find ready market at high prices, and a large amount of money is being distributed among the farmers for truck that was formerly comparatively valueless.
A single firm in the city, Snyder & Spotswood, have shipped to Colorado and New Mexico within the last two months, 24,275 dozen eggs. 7,043 pounds of fresh butter, 250 dozen chickens, and quantities of all the other kinds of produce above mentioned.
J. P. Baden & Co., have shipped similar amounts, and others have shipped more or less. 
During the summer large quantities of peaches, melons, cherries, grapes, blackberries, etc., will be shipped.
The Santa Fe railroad has created this market for us besides making a new and valuable market for hundreds of carloads of flour, corn, bacon, lard, and hay. This road is the principal factor in making Cowley and other counties rich and independent. It is a nice thing to have money coming in all the year round for all these things for which our county is so peculiarly adapted.
It is in some quarters the style to grumble at this road, to want to “kill the goose that lays these golden eggs,” but when we consider the value of this road to us, the liberality with which it deals with us, the obliging spirit it manifests, the courteous treatment we always receive at the hands of all its officers and employees and the grandeur of its enterprise and its achieve­ments, we feel that we cannot give this corporation with a soul, too much praise.
Winfield Courier, May 26, 1881.
Last Tuesday we noticed four drays loaded down with express matter, wending their way toward the depot, and concluded that it would be a good idea to find out how much produce our merchants were sending out. We forthwith proceeded to gather the facts, and learned enough to astonish even a newspaper reporter.
Messrs. Snyder and Spotswood were first visited. They reported the following shipments, with as much more on hand and not shipped, because of lack of express facilities: 600 dozen eggs, 621 pounds of butter, eight dozen chickens, and 100 pounds of vegetables.
J. P. Baden was next interviewed. He reported shipment of 1,750 pounds of butter, 1,200 dozen eggs, 24 dozen chickens, and 40 baskets of vegetables. While talking with Mr. Baden he remarked that he had paid out, on Monday, over eight hundred dollars for butter and eggs alone. We were inclined to scoff at this assertion, until Mr. Baden brought out his books and showed us stubs in his check book for $761.38 cash paid out, and charges for over $100 in goods. We count this a pretty good day’s work. The total amount of eggs shipped Tuesday was 1,800 dozen, for which our farmers received $180. The total number of pounds of butter was 2,371, worth $308; thirty dozen chickens, worth $75, and eighty baskets of vegetables, worth $50. Total cash value of shipments, $613, and this was only an average day for butter and eggs.
Winfield Courier, May 26, 1881.
You will now find
Remember the place.J. P. BADEN.
Winfield Courier, July 14, 1881 - Front Page.
Though but a few months have passed since the Santa Fe railroad has opened up a vast region that was practically three years ago a terra incognita in settlement and the civilization of the nineteenth century, yet, already hundreds of letters have been sent back by the new settler and traveler, and New Mexico letters have become almost as common as country correspondents. 
While New Mexico is not by any means “written up,” yet correspon­dents have gone so often over the same ground that the victimized reader looks with a great deal of suspicion upon one of these letters.
My late trip was made mostly for pleasure. I went to see, and as I traveled only during daylight, I had unusual opportuni­ties of gratifying that sense. I visited some localities out of the beaten track, and I may be able to make a letter of the same kind.
At LA JUNTA (pronounced La Hoonta) I corrected my first wrong impression. I thought the road branched at Pueblo 63 miles farther west. La Junta is where the main line diverges and goes southwest over the Raton mountains. From Trinidad, Colorado, we crawled up the mountains at an inclined plain of 180 feet to the mile, and near the top plunged through a tunnel 2,000 feet in length, and came to light of day in New Mexico. Through this rocky gate we enter into the old civilization that Cortez—nay, older; that of those mysterious people whom the Aztecs found in possession and conquered.
At a little past noon, we glided into the city of LAS VEGAS. Here are two towns, the new representing American thrift and enterprise and the old representing the life and habits of people who lived as they did hundreds of years ago. I am interested in the old and as I step across the stream that separates the two towns, I find to me, a new, strange, and interesting civiliza­tion. The first place I visit is the church of Madre de Dolores. There is one nice custom about all these old Catholic churches, and that is, the door stands open and the worshiper and sight-seer are always welcome. An old sexton, bowed down with the weight of many years, greets me and gives such information as he can.
I am much interested in a cross that I see back of the town and after much questioning, I gained its history. It was erected by a queer sect, an offshoot from the Roman Catholic church called the PENITENTS. They inhabit a cluster of adobe shanties on the road to Las Vegas called The Placita, meaning little village, and belonged to an order of Flagellants. Ordinarily they conduct themselves like other people of their race; but whenever one of them has committed a sin, he scourges himself and others scourge him in proportion to this transgression.
During Passion week the whole community crawl on their bare knees over sharp stones some six miles from their village to this cross, and there lash themselves with the terrible thorny cactus until the blood runs in streams down their lacerated backs.
This cross is not very old and dates its origin from the time when a member of this order of Flagellants, who was an actor, came to Las Vegas to die. He refused to accept the sacrament from the present presiding priest and when his friends came to bury him, the priest refused his services and would not let him be placed in consecrated ground, whereupon he was buried outside the pale of the church; and the Penitents thereupon erected this cross with this legend thereon: “Jesus by the shedding of his blood on Calvary, was consecrated for the whole world.” This cross and inscription justifies this very peculiar sect in their estimation for their scourging, and is also a protest against the exclusive­ness of the Roman church.
On my return from the church, I saw a number of Mexicans manufacturing adobe. They are made of common earth, straw, and water; and are cast in moulds 18 inches long, 9 inches broad, and 4 inches thick, and then dried in the sun. It is a perfect non-conductor and the best form of building material conceivable for the Territory. With cement, plaster, and paint, it can be rendered as handsome as brick or stone.
After leaving Las Vegas, I was much interested in watching STARVATION ROCK, and hearing an account of the tragedy that gave it such an ominous title. The “rock” itself is 1,125 feet above the railroad track; its sides are practically covered with pine, and a vast escarpment—240 feet of perpendicular stone—renders it inaccessible excepting at a narrow pass on the east side. From the railroad cars it is in sight for more than an hour, and at the closest point good eyes can discern a number of corners. The top is an elevated plain or mesa that embraces thirty acres. In 1848 a company of Mexicans was attacked by a largely superior force of Indians and fled to the summit of this rock, where they kept the Indians from coming up; but the latter knew a better game, and they kept the Mexicans from coming down, and the entire company of Mexicans perished from thirst and starvation. The rock, decorated with its little crosses, is both grave and monument.
My next resting place was ALBUQUERQUE, which is the initial point of the Atlantic and Pacific railroad; and the railroad is already 200 miles on its way to San Francisco. This road forms part of the Santa Fe system. Shops, warehouses, and offices are now being built at this thriving place. 
Like Las Vegas, Albuquerque is composed of an old and new town, which are united by a line of street railway; but unlike its rival, the new town here is immensely in advance of the old. Building, business, and speculation of every kind is at fever heat. Lots purchased today are sold at a big advance in less than a month. A would be purchaser is staggered when told that the price of such a business lot is $2,000; but at the end of a month, he is mad because he did not buy, for it has been sold for $2,500.
In less than an hour, I fully realized that Albuquerque was a “red-hot-town.” The town was all stirred up over the arrest of the celebrated Allison gang, a band of thieves and murderers. I felt more than unusually interested, for Lewis Perkins, one of the gang, was a Cowley County boy. For Allison the reward was $2,500, and all gang members had just been captured and were under guard at a livery stable.
While standing here making inquiries, I heard the report of a revolver, quickly followed by a dozen other shots, and then the rapid running of a man telling the guards to get ready as a party of desperadoes were about to attempt a rescue of the prisoners. As I was not traveling on my fighting qualities, I made myself safe in another direction. The cause of the difficulty was a stray pistol shot. The marshal heard it and ordered the man whom he thought fired “to hold up his hands,” and before the man could turn, the marshal commenced firing and killed him in his tracks. The man was a Kansas carpenter by the name of Campbell, and was unarmed.
On Monday morning upwards of 200 mechanics attended the funeral, and I was in hopes of seeing that marshal hanged, but the job was delayed. This was the second man he had killed in three months, but the people excused him for the first murder because the victim was “a bad man.”
Here as everywhere else in New Mexico, I found lots of Winfield men. Some are traveling, others are in business, and many others working at their trades; but wherever I saw them, they were all doing well. The universal report was that when they made their “stake,” they were coming back to Winfield to live.
Our town is widely known through the enterprise of its merchants. As a supply point for butter, eggs, poultry, and vegetables, Winfield today is sending more of these products into New Mexico than any other city. In groceries and commission houses, it appeared to me that at least two-thirds of all the boxes and pails carrying such goods bore the familiar imprint of J. P. Baden or Spotswood & Snyder. I will have more to say about this trade in my closing letter.
I commenced with the intention of making but one letter; but my visit to the Black Range and Old Mexico will require another. Up to this point my companion had been Dr. Mendenhall, but to my sorrow he was obliged to return home from Albuquerque and I completed the trip alone. J. E. CONKLIN.
Winfield Courier, November 3, 1881.
Birth. And now comes J. P. Baden, the conductor of the big Dry Goods and grocery house and game depot, and deposes and says it’s a boy, about ten pounds, and exceedingly handsome. We believe all he says and will smoke at his expense at our earliest convenience.
Winfield Courier, November 10, 1881.
Baden had twenty-five men at work Monday undressing chickens and turkeys for shipment west.
Winfield Courier, December 15, 1881.
J. P. Baden of Winfield wants turkies till you can’t rest. He must have 300,000 between the 18th and 21st for cash at the highest prices. This means business.
Winfield Courier, December 15, 1881.
The markets today (Wednesday) are stiff, with lively compe­tition among hog buyers. Prices on hogs, $5.50 for extra choice, $5.25 for mediums, and $5.10 for light porkers. Sellers as a general thing weigh two or three times before selling. Wheat, choice, brings $1.28, medium 85 to $1.00; corn 51 to 52 cents. The produce market shows light receipts of butter and eggs; butter bringing 25 cents and eggs about the same. Turkeys are in great demand at 5 cents per pound, gross; the average weight of turkeys being received is 9 lbs., though Baden took in a bunch of thirty-five yesterday that averaged 11 pounds each. Chickens bring $1.50 to $1.75 per dozen.
Winfield Courier, December 15, 1881.
I must have eighteen thousand dozen turkies to fill a contract for shipment west before Dec. 21st. I have got to have them and will pay the highest market price in cash. This is the best opportunity to sell your turkies you will ever have, and you cannot take advantage of it too soon. J. P. BADEN.
Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.
Remember that Baden wants turkies and wants them bad.
The Winfield Courier, January 12, 1882.
The Businessmen Talk, Eat, and Prepare to Harvest Unpaid Bills.
Last Saturday evening a large number of the businessmen of Winfield met at the Brettun House and organized an association that will be of more practical benefit to businessmen and the trading public generally then anything that has yet been proposed. The matter has been talked of for some time, but recent events brought it to a focus, of which the “Merchants” and Business Men’s Protective Association” is the outcome. The following gentlemen were present and assisted in the organization.
A. H. Doane, R. E. Wallis, J. A. McGuire, Will Hudson, A. E. Baird, W. J. Hodges, H. Brotherton, J. M. Dever, J. P. Baden, J. L. Hodges, R. E. Sydall, Lou Harter, Ed. P. Greer, J. B. Lynn, A. B. Steinberger, C. A. Bliss, D. L. Kretsinger, A. T. Spotswood, S. W. Hughes, J. S. Mann, W. B. Pixley, W. R. McDonald, A. D. Hendricks, Col. Wm. Whiting, J. G. Shrieves, J. W. Bacheldor, J. L. Horning, T. R. Timme, J. L. Rinker, J. P. Short, B. F. Wood, J. A. Cooper.
A committee consisting of the officers and a committee of eight or ten members were appointed to draft constitution and by-laws to be presented at the next meeting to be held at A. H. Doane & Co.’s office Thursday evening. The object of the organization is for mutual protection against the class of men who obtain credit at one place as long as possible, then change to another, and so on around, and for heading off dead-beats of every kind. A list of all those who are in arrears at the different stores will be made out by each merchant and filed with the secretary, who will furnish each member with a complete list of all who obtain credit and the amount. Then, when a person desires to buy goods on time, the merchant can go to his list, find out how many other firms in town he owes, and how long the account has been running. If he finds that the person desiring credit owes every other merchant in town, he can safely make up his mind that he is a D. B. On the other hand, if he finds that the person asking for credit has paid his bill and is reckoned good by the other merchants in establishing his credit, he will find no trouble in getting all the advances he desires. It will weed out the dishonest fellows and protect those who pay their debts and show a disposition to deal honestly.
The above, as near as we can state it, is the object of the association. Here alone, good, honest, straightforward men all over the county have failed to get credit because there was no way to establish their standing while others who were no good have run annual bills all over town and never make an effort to pay. This will stop all that business and place them in a very unenviable light until their bills are paid.
After the adjournment of the meeting all repaired to the dining room of the Brettun and ate oysters and celery, drank coffee and cream, told vigorous stories of dead-beats and bill-jumpers, and treated each other to little bits of business experience that furnished points for future action. The supper was nicely served and thirty-nine sat down to the long table and took two or more dishes of “Oysters-loonystyle,” with fruit and lighter refreshments thrown in. One of the most unfortunate features of the supper was that there were no toasts. Nothing is so delightful after a nice supper as to sit back in your chair and note the writhings of the poor mortal who has been selected to tell about “The great American eagle, who laves his bill in the Atlantic and dips his tail in the Pacific,” and to see him squirm when he finds that he has forgotten the piece and got the proud bird’s tail in the wrong pond. We were very anxious to see this duty performed and had about concluded to call out J. L. Horning or A. T. Spotswood, with W. J. Hodges and R. E. Wallis as possible substitutes, when the thought struck us that it might prove a boomerang and our desire for toasts immediately expired.
Among the ladies who graced the occasion were Mrs. W. R. McDonald, Mrs. J. L. Rinker, Mrs. J. B. Lynn, Miss Sadie French, Mrs. W. J. Hodges, Mrs. S. W. Hughes, Mrs. J. A. Cooper, and Mrs. W. B. Pixley.
Cowley County Courant, January 19, 1882.
The Merchants’ and Business Men’s Protection Association met Thursday evening at the office of A. H. Doane & Co., president Spotswood presiding. The committee on constitution and by-laws tendered their report, which was received and taken up for action by sections, after which it was adopted as a whole, and the secretary instructed to have the same printed and furnish each member with a copy. The following firms became members of the association.
A. T. Spotswood & Co.
J. P. Baden
B. F. Cox.
Wallis & Wallis.
McGuire Bros.
J. S. Mann.
Hendricks & Wilson.
Hughes & Cooper.
Hudson Bros.
Miller & Dix.
J. L. Hodges.
A. H. Doane & Co.
S. H. Myton.
W. B. Pixley.
E. A. Baird.
Whiting Bros.
Shreves & Powers.
Cole Bros.
The by-laws provide that any firm in the city may become members by complying with the by-laws, rules, and regulations, and that each member will be furnished with a pass book contain­ing a list of doubtful and bad paying customers, professional beats, etc. From the reading of the constitution and by-laws of the organization, it is evident that the business men are in earnest, and that they propose to protect cash and prompt paying customers and to give doubtful and bad paying customers, and especially dead beats, a wide berth. The method adopted by the association for equal and mutual protection is sound and reason­able, and will bring to its membership every business firm in the city. The result will surely prove satisfactory to both buyer and seller.
Cowley County Courant, January 19, 1882.
On Tuesday the Adams express carried from this market 37 cases of eggs, 150 pounds of butter, and 2 barrels of poultry, all consigned to Leadville parties. Pretty good shipment for a winter’s day. Wellingtonian.
That is a fair day’s showing for a small town like Welling­ton, and is about the average of Pete Baden’s daily shipments. Saturday the Adams express company here [Winfield] sent out 54 cases (1,620 dozen) of eggs, 276 pounds of butter, and a quantity of game and poultry. The produce shipments of the two express companies on that day amounted to 54 cases of eggs, 585 pounds of butter, 117 of poultry, and 212 of game. In addition to the above there were several packages of poultry, etc., for the eating houses on the Santa Fe road which were not expressed.
The Winfield Courier, January 19, 1882.
J. P. Baden paid out last year over thirty thousand dollars for country produce.
Cowley County Courant, January 19, 1882.
I want twenty thousand pounds of poultry and will pay the following prices: Choice turkey, dressed, nine cents per pound; live, six and a half per pound. Live chickens, $1.50 to $2.00 per dozen; dressed, six cents per pound. J. P. BADEN.
Cowley County Courant, March 2, 1882.
We call the attention of our citizens to the communication from Mr. Thorpe in this issue, and we are glad to see them investigating the matter. The prospect of such a manufactory is decidedly pleasant to us, and we would like to see the matter given full attention. We don’t think there is any danger of Winfield becoming a “way station,” but we would not lose an opportunity to build up this city or advance her interests. Winfield is flourishing now, and we want it to continue in so doing and we think all our businessmen are with us in that desire.
EDITOR COURANT: I find that there are some people who feel rather dubious as to the success of the enterprise which I suggested in the COURANT the other day. To these people I would kindly offer this explanation of the “modus operandi” of such an enterprise. All of the eastern manufactories of a like nature have to buy their leather, paying four profits for it, namely, the manufacturers, commissioners, wholesalers, and retailers. Now in my suggestion I propose manufacturing my own leather, and thereby combining all of the aforesaid profits with the profits derived from the manufacture of boots and shoes.
In regard to competition, we invite it, for in a country like this, where there is always a plentiful supply of hides at lower rates than can be procured at any point in the east; we candidly say we invite and defy competition. 
The town of Winfield has about reached its limits as regards the population, and is allowing other adjacent towns, much smaller than she is, to out-rival her by the intrepidity of their citizens. What will be the consequences? The result will be that she will awake one day to find that during her slumber she has allowed her once inferior neighboring towns to become large manufacturing cities, while she receives the flattering title of a “way station.” Now the question is, are the citizens of Winfield going to allow this opportunity to pass by without the slightest effort on their part to save it from the four winds. I for one, am willing to risk all I have towards the furtherance of such an enterprise. Most every man, woman, and child in Kansas wears boots or shoes at some period of the year, and as Kansas gives great encouragement to home industry, the chances of disposing of goods would be great. I am speaking of Kansas as the home market. Such an enterprise would not alone fill the pockets of the stock holders, but would give employment to many men and women.
The following are some of the well known citizens who fully endorse my proposition and who also agree to take shares in the corporation.
J. C. McMullen.
J. C. Fuller.
Messrs. S. D. Pryor & Bro.
J. P. Baden.
J. S. Mann.
Messrs. Hendricks & Wilson.
W. H. Albro.
M. L. Reed.
C. C. Black.
J. B. Lynn.
J. A. Earnest.
Messrs. Hughes & Cooper.
Quincy A. Glass.
Messrs. Smith & Bro.
A. H. Doane & Co.
C. A. Bliss.
Messrs. Johnston & Hill.
A. T. Spotswood.
James E. Platter.
J. H. Bullen
J. L. Horning.
Trusting that others as well as the above citizens will endorse and subscribe to it, I remain
Respectfully Yours,  EDWARD F. THORPE, Winfield, February 2, 1882.
Cowley County Courant, March 9, 1882.
Mr. M. W. Tanner, of Elk Falls, has become a citizen of Winfield, and accepted a position in Pete Baden’s dry goods department. Tanner is a good fellow and will drive no trade away from his employer.
Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.
Our Wholesale House.
J. P. Baden has rented the McDougall building, which he will use as a Wholesale Grocery House. His retail stores will continue as they now are and this new arrangement applies exclusively to the wholesale business. It is with no small degree of pride that we record this—the establishment of Winfield’s first exclusive jobbing house.
Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.
The following places in the City of Winfield are now connected by telephone, and new additions are made daily.
 3. M. L. Read’s residence.
 8. Wilson’s transfer office.
10. Adams’ express office.
11. Wells Fargo express office.
12. A. H. Doane & Co.’s coal office.
13. The Courant office.
14. Carruthers’ office.
15. A. T. Spotswood & Co., grocery.
16. Bliss & Wood, city mills.
17. M. L. Read’s bank.
18. The COURIER office.
19. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe depot.
20. Kansas City, Lawrence & Southern depot.
21. Frank Manny’s residence.
22. The Brettun.
23. Steinberger’s residence.
24. J. P. Baden’s general mercantile store.
Cowley County Courant, March 23, 1882.
Pete Baden is getting his new headquarters fixed up in good style, and everything resembles a large grocery stock down that way.
Cowley County Courant, March 30, 1882.
While in Winfield this week we visited the “Headquarters” and jobbing house of J. P. Baden, in the McDougall building, the new brick building just finished on the corner south of the old Williams’ House. Mr. Baden has fitted this elegant store up in good shape, and is selling goods in job lots at St. Louis prices, thus giving the smaller merchants the advantage of goods at wholesale prices, without freight. Mr. Baden is one of the closest buyers that visits the eastern market, and by buying goods in large lots and paying cash, is enabled to give very low figures to parties wanting job lots of goods. Such a store as the “Headquarters” is of great advantage to Cowley County, and should be liberally patronized.
Burden Enterprise.
Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.
J. P. Baden received a car lot of Colorado cabbage Tuesday. One head weighed over ten pounds and was as nice and sweet as any we have ever seen. J. P. keeps his market stocked with the very best.
Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.
Stick a Pin Here.
The two names most frequently seen on boxes of produce transferred at this place, en route for the western trade, are J. P. Baden and A. T. Spotswood of Winfield. These two firms are doing an immense grocery and produce business, and their names appear in the Winfield newspapers about as often as they do on boxes of produce. We do not say it com-plainingly, but because we have seen the books and know what we are talking about, and state it is a fact that either of these two firms spends as much money for printer’s ink every year as all the grocery stores in Newton combined. Stick a pin here. Newton Republican.
There are dozens of other live businessmen of Winfield who know and appreciate the value of printer’s ink. This keen business discernment is what has made our city far-famed as a market for produce and a depot for supplies for all the country round. Our merchants by their liberal advertising draw trade from forty miles away. Persons who see Baden and Spotswood continually advertising for chickens, butter, and eggs naturally think there is a better market here for what they have to sell than at places nearer home where the merchants are dead, and make no effort to find a market for their produce, and consequently they come here with what they have to sell and buy such supplies as they need.
Cowley County Courant, April 6, 1882.
RECAP: Took Santa Fe train Feb. 8, 1882, with Conductor Miller in charge from Winfield. Stayed all night at Newton, then took the morning train for Las Vegas, New Mexico...first stop, Trinidad, Colorado. From Trinidad south the grade rises very rapidly, and I am told that it is one of the most interesting pieces of a road in the whole country...traveled at night...he could not see anything. Had breakfast at Raton...train then went downhill all the way to the south line of the territory, Las Vegas, being the objective point...took in the famed hot springs six miles from Vegas, at the foot of the Galinas mountains...the Santa Fe was in process of laying a track there. The Cormorants. Here he met several Winfield boys: J. E. Saint, Levi Seabridge, John Capps, Clarke Phelps, Val. Laubner, several others. He visited Santa Fe road headquarters, observed boxes marked “Return to A. T. Spotswood & Co.” and J. P. Baden, Winfield, Kansas.” He was told that these two firms shipped more produce into that territory than any other dozen firms in Kansas. Next trip was made to Socorro, 125 miles south...most structures were dobe, which was sun-dried brick: ground is plowed, then with an ordinary road-scraper it is scraped together in heaps, like hay cocks, and allowed to stand and take the weather for some weeks, the longer the better it is said. Then mixed with water and a stiff mortar is made, when it is moulded into ordinary sized bricks, spread out and dried in the sun. In the wall the brick is laid in mortar of the same stuff. “This dobe is said to last always, and I have no reason to doubt it, for the Catholic church at Socorro is said to be over 200 years old, and it is as sound now as ever, and bids fair to stand 500 years more. The same characteristics obtain here that is found at Las Vegas; only more so. Plenty saloons, gambling, and dance houses, etc. Cowboy, blowhard, no shoot again, unless it be in a drunken brawl. Another curious feature of the place is, that there is no moder­ate dram drinkers. Those who drink at all, do so with all their might, while he who doesn’t want to go to the dogs must let it strictly alone.”
He goes on to say that at Socorro he met several Cowley County friends: Dr. H. C. Holland, A. J. Rex, and G. W. Ballon [? Ballou ?] and son, Frank. “These gentlemen are doing first rate in their respective callings. Dr. Holland is having a good practice, George Ballow [Ballon?Ballou?] is dealing in mining stocks, and A. J. Rex is working at his trade and watching his mining interests. Mr. Rex owns several ‘prospects’ or ‘leads,’ specimens of which he gave me. His claims are said, by experts, to be worth a good many thousand dollars. On the second day after my arrival at Socorro I was taken violently sick with erysipelas in my face and head accompanied with typhus fever, and the next two weeks are blank. To Dr. Holland, at whose house I lay, and to his estimable wife, and A. J. Rex, I am under many and lasting obligations for their great kindness and assiduous care. The morning of the 11th of March I was able to get aboard the train, and right gladly did I turn my face Winfield-ward, arriving home on the 13th inst. But being illy able to stand the journey, it sent me to bed another two weeks. But thanks to the skill of Dr. Emerson and the kindness of other good friends, I am able to finish this desultory letter begun several weeks ago. J. K.
Cowley County Courant, April 6, 1882.
An important real estate transfer was consummated yesterday, Chas. C. Black selling the old Maris corner building occupied by J. P. Baden, to A. D. Speed, the consideration being $6,500.00.
Cowley County Courant, April 6, 1882.
The two names most frequently seen on boxes of produce transferred at this place, enroute for the western trade, are J. P. Baden and A. T. Spotswood of Winfield. These two firms are doing an immense grocery and produce business, and their names appear in the Winfield newspapers about as often as they do on the boxes of produce. We do not say it complainingly, but because we have seen the books and know what we are talking about, and state it is a fact that either of these two firms spends as much money for printer’s ink every year as all the grocery houses in Newton combined. Stick a pin here. Newton Republican.
And having such men doing business in our town, Brother Lemmon, accounts for Winfield’s visible superiority over Newton. It requires businessmen to make a town, and Winfield is filled with them. Come again.
Cowley County Courant, April 13, 1882.
Last Saturday J. P. Baden sold his house and lot on tenth avenue to Dr. Schofield, and yesterday he bought the Dr. Davis residence on the corner of eighth avenue and Manning street, paying we understand $1,500 for the same.
Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.
Dr. Schofield has purchased J. P. Baden’s residence on Tenth Avenue. Mr. Baden immediately bought Dr. Davis’ residence on Eighth Avenue, for $1,500. J. P. don’t propose to be turned outdoors if he can help it. Dr. Davis will move out to his farm east of town.
Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.
24. J. P. Baden’s general mercantile store.
25. Curns & Manser’s office.
Winfield Courier, April 20, 1882.
Baden has his two stores connected by telephone now, and he can transact business at both places from his desk in the north store.
Cowley County Courant, April 20, 1882.
J. P. Baden has had a telephone instrument put up at his headquarters. J. P. can now be at both of his stores at all times. Who wouldn’t have a telephone and with the telephones stand.
Winfield Courier, April 27, 1882.
J. P. Baden has moved into the residence recently purchased of Dr. Davis and is building an addition, new fences, and otherwise beautifying the premises.
Winfield Courier, May 4, 1882.
Farmers. Bring in your garden vegetables, radishes, onions, pie plant, lettuce, etc. Also your butter, eggs, chickens, turkeys, etc. We will pay you the cash or goods. J. P. BADEN.
Cowley County Courant, May 11, 1882.
 2. Dr. Davis’ residence.
 3. M. L. Read’s residence.
 4. Fred. Whitney’s residence.
 5. M. L. Robinson’s residence.
 6. Winfield Bank.
 7. Hackney & McDonald’s law office.
 8. Wilson’s transfer office.
 9. The Court House.
10. Adam’s express office.
11. Wells, Fargo express office.
12. A. H. Doane & Co.’s coal office.
13. THE COURANT office.
14. Carruthers’ residence.
15. A. T. Spotswood & Co., grocery.
16. Bliss & Wood, city mills.
17. M. L. Read’s bank.
18. The Courier office.
19. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe depot.
20. K. C., L. & S. depot.
21. Frank Manny’s residence.
22. The Brettun.
23. Steinberger’s residence.
24. J. P. Baden’s general store.
25. J. P. Baden’s Headquarters.
26. Curns & Manser’s loan office.
Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.
Baden had the first ripe peaches of the season Tuesday. Also ripe cherries, new potatoes, new beans, etc.
Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.
On Tuesday evening the citizens met at the Opera House to hear the report of the executive committee on 4th of July celebration. The committee reported as follows.
On Finance: M. L. Robinson, J. B. Lynn, J. P. Baden, S. H. Myton, J. C. McMullen.
On Speakers and Invitation: J. C. Fuller, D. A. Millington, A. B. Steinberger, M. G. Troup, and J. Wade McDonald.
On Grounds and seats: A. T. Spotswood, Jas. H. Bullen, A. Wilson, S. C. Smith, W. O. Johnson, and H. Brotherton.
On Police Regulations and personal comfort: D. L. Kretsinger, R. E. Wallis, H. S. Silver, J. H. Kinney, and A. T. Shenneman.
On Music: J. P. Short, E. H. Blair, G. H. Buckman, H. E. Silliman, and R. C. Bowles.
On Old Soldiers: Col. McMullen, Adjt. Wells, Judge Bard, Capt. Steuven, and Capt. Haight.
On Representation of 13 Original States: Mrs. H. P. Mansfield, Mrs. Caton, Mrs. Carruthers.
On Floral Decoration: Mrs. Kretsinger, Misses Jessie Millington, Amy Scothorn, Jennie Hane, Mrs. J. L. Horning, and Mrs. G. S. Manser.
Speeches were made by Judge J. Wade McDonald, Judge Soward, Mayor Troup, D. A. Millington, Capt. Hunt, and D. L. Kretsinger. The City is enthusiastic on the subject and are bound to make this a big Fourth. The committee on speakers will secure the attendance of some of our State’s best talent. Let everyone prepare to come, bring their lunch baskets, and enjoy themselves in the finest park in the State.
Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.
Men’s fine boots and shoes, full line and so cheap. Call and see them. J. P. Baden.
Cowley County Courant, July 4, 1882.
Mr. Schofield has just completed one of the finest offices in the city and has very much improved his residence and grounds on the property he purchased of J. P. Baden.
Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.
Dr. Schofield has just completed one of the finest offices in the city (attached to his resi-dence) and has added to and greatly improved the property he purchased of J. P. Baden.
Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.
We want Blackberries. Will pay top market prices in cash or trade. J. P. Baden.
Winfield Courier, August 10, 1882.
 We Are to Have a Creamery, the First and the Best in the State.
The Stock Made up and the Work to Begin at Once. The Town is “Waking Up.”
Last Saturday the final subscription to the Creamery stock was made and the enterprise became an assured fact. We fully believe that it will prove one of the best investments made in the county and furnish a valuable market for the dairy products of Cowley.
Mr. M. W. Babb, the originator of the enterprise, came here about a year ago and, after visiting various creameries throughout Iowa, Illinois, and Missouri, came home with the necessary papers and information and went to work, aided by a few of our public-spirited citizens; among whom Mr. J. P. Baden was first and foremost, with the success before mentioned. The following is a list of the stockholders.
M. W. Babb, 20 shares, $1,000.
J. P. Baden, 20 shares, $1,000.
Winfield Bank, 20 shares, $1,000.
J. E. Platter, 10 shares, $500.
M. L. Read’s bank, 10 shares, $500.
Samuel Lowe, 4 shares, $200.
J. P. Short, 2 shares, $100.
Wallis & Wallis, 2 shares, $100.
A. T. Spotswood & Co., 2 shares, $100.
W. G. Graham, 1 share, $50.
A. H. Doane, 2 shares, $100.
Frank Barclay, 2 shares, $100.
Horning, Robinson & Co., 5 shares, $250.
H. Harbaugh, 2 shares, $100.
S. C. Smith, 2 shares, $100.
Curns & Manser, 2 shares, $100.
Jas. H. Bullene & Co., 2 shares, $100.
A. E. Baird, 1 share, $50.
J. S. Mann, 1 share, $50.
G. H. Allen, 2 shares, $100.
Geo. Emerson, 2 shares, $100.
Bliss & Wood, 2 shares, $100.
TOTAL: 116 SHARES, $5,800
The plans and specifications for the creamery engine and ice house are completed. The contracts will be let at once and the work pushed forward with unabated vigor. It is hoped that it may be running in three months. As the manner of operating these creameries is new to most of our readers, we will attempt to give an outline of it. In the first place, creamery butter commands everywhere from seven to ten cents more per pound than common country butter. On this margin the creamery works. They go out through the country and engage cream from every farmer, paying him as much as he can get for the butter after it is churned. The creamery furnishes the cans and sends a wagon to the farmer’s door every day to get the cream. They then, with their superior appliances, can make the cream into butter cheaply and get an excellent article, besides selling and feeding the buttermilk. When Winfield teams are scouring Cowley County from north to south gathering cream, and every farmer has an account at the creamery to draw against for his contingent expenses, we rather think the old days of “corn pone and bacon” will be entirely forgotten.
The stockholders met Tuesday evening, adopted articles of incorporation, and elected seven directors for the first year as follows: J. C. McMullen, M. L. Read, J. E. Platter, M. W. Babb, J. L. Horning, J. P. Baden, G. L. Holt. The Board of Directors are appointed a commit-tee to act with Messrs. Holt and Hall in the selection of a site. Frank Barclay, A. H. Doane, and J. L. Horning were appointed a committee to superintend the erection of the creamery and accept or reject it when completed.
Winfield Courier, August 10, 1882.
Wild Shooting.
The usually quiet condition of our city was somewhat disturbed Sunday evening by a couple of shooting scrapes, or attempted shootings. It seems that for some time past the Marshals have imagined that Mrs. Buck, who runs a music store in the old Stump building, was a disturbing element in the society of South Main street, and had resolved to investigate. For this purpose they stationed themselves in the rear of the building Sunday evening. Mrs. Buck learned of this and was not pleased with their action, so she raided the weeds with her little pistol, and wickedly fired it off at them, for which deed she was promptly arrested and required to give bail for her appearance. About an hour after the fracas night-watchman Higgins was walking down the street and when near Baden’s headquarters two fellows stand-ing near the well in the street yelled out, “Want to arrest somebody else, do you?” and began to stone him. Several stones flew uncomfortably near Mr. Higgins’ head and he turned on his assailants, pulled his revolver, and began firing. It was quite dark, but one of them fell and afterward got up and ran away, leaving a stream of blood along the sidewalk. Up to the present writing no dead or wounded men have been found, so the matter is still a mystery. Altogether the evening’s shooting was quite unsatisfactory. Mrs. Buck’s poor marksmanship can be excused, but Mr. Higgins should have brought down his man.
Winfield Courier, August 17, 1882.
BIG AD. BADEN’S HEADQUARTERS is now recognized as the Leading Grocery establishment in the city, and from the commencement enjoyed a large and increasing business. Today we have the largest and best assorted stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries in this city, or indeed in Southern Kansas. We buy in large lots for cash, and buy cheap. We can sell you, or show you, if you will take the trouble to drop in, the largest and most complete stock of the celebrated CALIFORNIA CANNED GOODS, Peaches, Pears, Grapes, Apricots, Plums, Cherries, Nectarines, and cheaper and commoner brands if desired. In canned goods you can get Mackerel, Brook Trout, Beef, Clams, Crabs, Sardines, etc., at prices that anyone can afford. We recently received direct from first hands a FULL CAR LOAD OF SUGAR and are absolutely swimming in sweetness. If you want to see more sugar than you ever saw in your life before, come in and we’ll let you cast your eye over our cellar. We can undersell anyone on this staple. In the way of TEAS & COFFEES our stock is simply immense—and we are selling at bottom figures. In TOBACCOS we have every known staple brand. We give our customers an inside price on Tobaccos which we don’t dare to advertise for fear our competitors will try to duplicate it and fail in consequence thereof. QUEENSWARE. We keep a large stock of Queensware, Glassware, and Woodenware at greatly reduced prices. Young men who are contemplating matrimony and shudder at the high price of Queensware and Groceries should bring their ladies in to BADEN’S HEADQUARTERS and price their goods. Those who do never go home single.
CANDIES. Every kind, quality, and quantity of mixed, plain, and fancy candies, kept in bulk or at retail. Parties purchasing for festivals and picnics should not fail to call on us.
OUR PRODUCE BUSINESS is the most extensive in Kansas. During the past year we have flooded New Mexico and Colorado with Cowley County produce and have created a big demand for all we can get hold of. If you have anything to sell bring it to HEAD-QUARTERS and get Kansas City prices for it. Bring your Butter and Eggs, Chickens and garden truck, and you will always find us “at the same old stand,” corner Main and 10th Avenue, under the city clock. Come in, if you only come to see what time it is. If you question the gentlemanly clerk at the door on the subject of prices, you will never buy any place else. Remember the place,
Winfield Courier, August 17, 1882.
The west side of the city has made an unusual number of fine improvements. Mr. J. P. Baden has very much improved the appearance of his grounds by a line fence, and painting.
Winfield Courier, August 31, 1882.
Last week Curns & Manser sold the Speed building, now being occupied by J. P. Baden, to Judge Ide for $6,000. The Judge is rapidly acquiring property interests in Winfield.
Winfield Courier, September 7, 1882.
A new grocery store has been started in the building vacated by Hendricks & Wilson, next to Baden’s Headquarters.
Winfield Courier, October 12, 1882.
J. P. Baden received an order from Fisher & Son, of Red Oak, Iowa, for 75 barrels of choice Kansas sorghum. Let us have the Glucose Works.
Winfield Courier, October 26, 1882.
Scofield & Keck sold their elegant little sorrel team Monday to J. P. Baden for $250. This is the finest matched team that has ever been on our streets.
Winfield Courier, November 9, 1882.
The following is a list of telephones in use in this city: 1. Allen Johnson. 2. Dr. Davis. 3. M. L. Read’s Residence. 4. Whiting Meat Market. 5. M. L. Robinson’s Residence.12. Winfield Bank. 13. J. W. McDonald’s Office. 21. Court House. 22. Transfer Office. 31. Adams Express. 32. Wells, Fargo Express. 33, A. H. Doane & Co. 34. Telegram Office. 36. A. T. Spotswood. 37. City Mills. 38. Read’s Bank. 41. COURIER Office. 42. A., T. & S. F. Depot. 43. K. C., L. & S. K. 44. Manny Residence. 45. Brettun House. 47. Millington Residence. 46. J. P. Baden, 1. 46. J. P. Baden, 2. 48. Curns & Manser. 49. Miller, Dix & Co.
Winfield Courier, November 23, 1882.
We would mildly suggest to those who may overlook the matter, that J. P. Baden wants a few turkeys this week: some twenty or thirty thousand dozen will be plenty to supply his present needs. He is a far-seeing man and notes the danger to Republican institutions arising from a turkeyless Thanksgiving, so, like the patriotic citizen that he is, he rushes frantically into the breech—and we opine that the turkeys will be forthcoming.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
 A Winfield Institution.
If any of our people have not visited the store of J. P. Baden since his busy shipping season commenced, they should do so at once. We dropped in on Monday and found twenty-three persons at work. Back of the store has been built a shed in which the chickens and turkeys are picked. Five persons are constantly at work picking. Around the outside are piled coops of fowls as high as you can reach, and other men are at work packing the picked birds ready for shipment. In a ware room nearby three men are constantly at work “candling,” and packing the eggs for shipment. The butter business is in the hands of three men, who take the fine butter rolls as they come from the hands of the country ladies, wrap them in linen cloths and pack them in boxes and buckets, in which they are transported to the hungry miners in Colorado and New Mexico. The business done by Baden in this line is immense. He has paid this year in express charges alone a snug fortune, and has done a produce business amounting to over one hundred thousand dollars. Think of it! One hundred thousand dollars paid out in one year for poultry, butter, and eggs—and all gone into the pockets of our farmers for something that a few years ago would hardly command any price in the market.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
J. P. Baden employs twenty-five persons in conducting his two stores and immense pro-duce business. This is a big force for one man to handle, but Baden knows how to do it.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
The postal service of the country is self sustaining for the first time in thirty years. This has been brought about by wise legislation and wise economy. Postage on letters and news-papers should now be reduced, or rather, on the latter it should be abolished altogether. Republican members of congress can score a big point by attending to this. K. C. Journal.
Yes, the abolition of postage on newspapers altogether would be a fine ticket for a Republican congress to go before the people with. As it is, the letter writers pay many millions of dollars annually in postage on their letters to support the department in carrying newspapers at one-tenth of the actual cost of carrying them to the department. Letters pay an average postage of more than one dollar per pound. Newspapers are carried, say, one half of them at two cents per pound and the other half free, making an average of about one cent per pound. The actual cost to the department for carrying newspapers is much greater than for carrying letters, yet the revenue from letters is perhaps one hundred times as much as for carrying newspapers. The only claim which is put forth for free newspaper carriage is that newspapers are educators and government should carry them free, to promote education and intelligence among the people. If true, is that any reason that the letter writers should be compelled to educate the people at their sole expense? Is not letter writing a means of education too? On the same plea, why should not the government carry all letters free? Why should this means of education be taxed five or ten times its cost to the government to pay for carrying the other means of education free?
But this is not the real reason why there is a clamor for free transportation of newspapers. The clamor originates with great monopolies in the east and is intended to secure a still greater monopoly. The great metropolitan journals have all the advantage as it is, over the journals of the smaller cities and towns throughout the country, in the fact that the govern-ment carries their paper in the mails at the rate of two cents a pound for any distance because it is printed before shipment from the headquarters of supplies to the publishers in the other towns throughout the Union for less than sixteen cents a pound and then it is limited to four pound packages while the monopolists can ship their wares by the ton. Thus these great monopolies can compete with the lesser journals of the country with an advantage of fourteen cents a pound, given them by the government, and the government collects this vast bonus to the monopolists from the letter writers.
But the monopolies would say: The country journals need not ship by mail, for they can buy their paper nearer home and ship by railroad when their freight need not cost them more than two cents per pound. We answer that wherever we buy, the cost will not be less laid down at our door than if we should buy in New York, and to most of the country the lowest freights from New York on printing paper is much over two cents a pound; but, if it were not, it affords no excuse for asking the government to carry for monopolists free. Again they tell us that the newspapers published in small towns now circulate through the mails free in their own counties. True, and so do the great metropolitan journals, and these latter get many times more benefit from their free county circulation than the former.
Some of these great monopolies are supposed to make half a million or more of dollars a year out of their newspapers. The New York Herald, for instance, probably makes consid-erable more than that. It pays perhaps a hundred thousand dollars a year postage on its circulation or rather as freight through the mails at the extremely low rate of two cents a pound. Why should the government give that paper a bonus of a hundred thousand dollars a year in addition to the bonus it already gives it by carrying its circulation for half a million less than it costs the government?
How would it do for government to carry dry goods free for A. T. Stewart & Co., or other New York monopolists to customers in Winfield in order to give them an advantage over Baird, Lynn, Baden, McDonald, and Hahn in this market?
The newspapers all over the country ought to raise their voices, write their members of congress, and frown this thing down.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
J. P. Baden is howling for more turkeys again this week. Turkeys are worth more in Win-field than any place in Kansas.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
Baden received a telegraph order for two thousand pounds of dressed turkeys this morn-ing. This is a big lot for one order.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
During Thanksgiving week J. P. Baden shipped an average of six hundred dollars per day in dressed poultry, making thirty-five hundred dollars worth for the week. How’s this for poultry?
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
Bortree’s Adjustable Duplex corsets. Money refunded if corset is not satisfactory.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
Geese, turkey, duck, and chicken feathers, fresh from the fowls, for sale by J. P. Baden.
These feathers are not scalded.
Winfield Courier, December 21, 1882.
Saturday’s Horticultural Meeting was one of the most interesting yet held. Excellent papers were presented and read by Rev. Cairns and R. I. Hogue, and discussion was general and animated. During the discussion Mr. J. P. Baden was highly praised for his successful efforts in building up a trade and demand for produce which furnished a ready cash market for every particle raised in the county.
Winfield Courier, December 21, 1882.
Well Advertised.
We received a telephone message from J. P. Baden Tuesday to report at his store imme-diately. Upon arriving there we found the proprietor in a high state of excitement. He said, “I tell you the COURIER is the best advertising medium in the state of Kansas, and if you don’t believe it, go out to my warehouses and see what those poultry advertisements have brought in!” We went out and found the warehouse alleys and adjacent lots covered with poultry, while a large force of men were unloading wagons, packing dressed turkeys, labeling baskets and boxes of nude fowls, while a lot of fellows were stringing live turkeys up by the legs and snatching the feathers off in great handfuls. A turkey was picked by one of the expert feather grabbers in less than a minute. After looking over the very animated scene for a few minutes, we reluctantly concluded with the proprietor that his advertising in the COURIER did count for something and that the people certainly read them and profited thereby.
Mr. Baden has frequently used the columns of this paper in building up his immense business, and he seems to be most highly pleased with the result. We certainly are satisfied.
Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.
A splendid line of ladies’ light colored walking jackets just received at J. P. Baden’s.
Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.
Bortree’s Adjustable Duplex corsets. Money refunded of corset is not satisfactory.
Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.
Buy your feathers of J. P. Baden. The best goose, turkey, duck, or chicken feathers, freshly picked without scalding.
Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.
Mr. F. Hayden, an intelligent Illinois fruit man who visited this county two weeks ago, writes of Kansas in the Alton Telegraph, from which we clip the following extract.
“At Winfield we strike the rich bottom of the Walnut river and find successful farmers. Winfield is a remarkable little city of 3,500 inhabitants, beautifully located on the left bank of the Walnut river. Its trade is extensive. Its merchants are enterprising and carry their trade to all points of the great mining and grazing regions west, southwest, and south. One of its principal merchants, J. P. Baden, many will recollect as an old resident of Alton. Yet quite a young man, his trade with Colorado, New Mexico, and other distant points amounts to $100,000 yearly—in butter, eggs, vegetables, and fruit mainly; all sent out on orders C. O. D. He assured me he received as high as six to ten dollars per bushel for peaches at Leadville, or fifteen to twenty cents per pound. The soil and climate are well adapted to fruit raising. One man informed me that he sold his crop of Bartlett pears for ten cents each, net. It was the first crop from 75 trees. Remember this place is 247 miles from Kansas City, on the border of the great cattle ranges of the southwest. As a natural result its trade with cattle men is large. I judge many of the small cattle men have their families here. There is plenty of evidence of wealth. A fine large stone hotel is one of the attractions here. The Brettun House is as well kept and as well furnished with all modern conveniences, as any $50,000 hotel east. Here are broad streets and twelve miles of stone sidewalks; fine churches, good public schools, large and well filled stores, and tasteful residences. A costly flour mill capable of turning out 400 barrels of flour per day. A public park very beautifully located on the banks of the Walnut river. There is also a live Horticultural Society at Winfield, and as they happened to be in session I met with them and learned many things in relation to the country from listening to their discussions, and I would say here, that much of my informa-tion as to the region around Chanute was gained by meeting the Horticultural Society at that place.
With considerable knowledge of Kansas acquired in several journeys through the State, I was nevertheless surprised by the beauty and richness of the country along this line of road. Around Winfield are some excellent lands held at reasonable figures, but I think somewhat higher in price than at Chanute. Fine half-acre town lots, in best residence localities, are worth $200 each. Farms vary much according to location and quality. Wheat, corn, fruit, and most other crops can be grown at a good profit around Winfield and that makes land valuable.”
Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.
The clerks in Baden’s dry-goods department are invoicing the stock this week.
Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.
MARRIED. On Monday, January 15, 1883, at the residence of the bride’s sister, Mrs. J. M. Anderson, at Independence, Mr. P. Dickey of Winfield, to Miss Carrie Fitzgibben, of Independence.
Mr. Dickey, the groom is well known to the citizens of Winfield, having for some time past been in the shipping business. Mr. Dickey is known to his many acquaintances as a gentleman of sterling qualities and the COURIER wishes him and his beautiful bride many years of unalloyed bliss. The happy couple returned to Winfield Tuesday afternoon and in the evening a number of his intimate friends assembled at the residence of Mrs. Trezise to congratulate the newly wedded pair, on their union. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Trezise and a general good time was indulged in. Among those present we noticed Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Olds, Mr. J. B. Goodrich and lady, Mr. M. W. Tanner and lady, Frank Weaverling, Fred Bullene, and Miss Bessie Nevins of Independence. The bride received the following presents.
Silver tea set and mats, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Anderson of Independence.
Silk handkerchief, Master Albert Anderson, Independence.
Silver card receiver, Mr. and Mrs. Dunkin, Independence.
Silver card receiver, Mr. Fred Bullene, Winfield.
Set vases, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Baden, Winfield.
Silver knives and forks and table linen, Mr. and Mrs. Camenga, Independence.
Easel and landscape painting, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Paul, Independence.
Vase and flowers, Mr. and Mrs. Ross, Independence.
Pair vases, Miss Estelle Bow, Louisville, Kentucky.
Pair vases, M. T. Haden, Chicago, Illinois.
Silver olive spoon, Mrs. A. H. Webber, Denver, Colorado.
Set hand painted China plates, Mrs. M. T. Haden, Chicago.
Set silver spoons, Mrs. Fitzgibbon, Louisville, Kentucky
Bed spread, Mrs. Ethredge, New Jersey.
Celluloid toilet set, groom.
Gold watch and chain, groom.
$200.00 cash present, groom.
$100.00 greenback, Mrs. Fitzgibbon, Louisville, Kentucky.
Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.
J. P. Baden is the liveliest merchant you can find in ten cities and is of the greatest value to our farmers in furnishing them a market for all sorts of truck at high prices. Notice his splendid offer for turkeys and chickens in our special column. Also notice his prices on overcoats, boots, dry goods, and clothing. He makes things hum.
NOTICE: J. P. Baden wants a lot of Turkeys. Will pay 10 cents per pound live weight and 12 cents for choice dressed. Chickens, 7 cents per pound live weight. These are the highest prices paid anywhere. Farmers should take advantage of this big chance.
NOTICE: Overcoats at cost. Good overcoats for $2.25. Good men’s boots at $1.50 to $2.00 per pair. Everything in dry goods and clothing at bed rock prices for the next thirty days to close out a large stock of winter goods at J. P. Baden’s.

[At this point Manny/Senator Hackney/Mart Robinson/D. A. Millington become the focus on the controversial prohibition/anti-prohibition question of the day. MAW]

Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.
Overcoats at cost. Good overcoats for $2.25. Good men’s boots at $1.50 to $2.00 per pair. Everything in dry goods and clothing at bed rock prices for the next thirty days to close out a large stock of winter goods at J. P. Baden’s.
Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.
J. M. Householder brought in a dozen chickens last week and received from J. P. Baden $5.40 for them. This is a big price for chickens.
Winfield Courier, February 22, 1883.
Several of our merchants have returned to their private delivery wagons. Wallis & Wallis put on a wagon last week and Baden this week.
Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.
We see by the Arkansas City Democrat that J. P. Baden talks of opening up a branch store at that point.
Winfield Courier, March 22, 1883.
Baden shipped two even car loads of eggs last week and week before. He continues to keep the produce market brisk.
Winfield Courier, April 26, 1883.
J. P. Baden has shipped in and sold during the last thirty days four car loads of potatoes. Cowley should be shipping potatoes out instead of in. It is a profitable crop to raise.
Winfield Courier, April 26, 1883.
J. P. Baden has been figuring with Mr. McDougall for the erection of two two-story brick buildings next to the one he now occupies on Main and 10th Avenue. If these are erected, Mr. Baden will occupy all of them with a wholesale stock.
Winfield Courier, May 3, 1883.
Hats for 10 cents, hats for 40 cents, hats for 75 cents, hats at all prices at J. P. Baden’s.
Winfield Courier, May 3, 1883.
A full line of Trunks, Valises, and Traveling Bags at J. P. Baden’s.
Winfield Courier, May 3, 1883.
20,000 yards Standard Prints to close out at 5 cents a yard at J. P. Baden’s.
Winfield Courier, May 3, 1883.
Brocade Dress Goods Black and Colors twelve yards for one dollar at J. P. Baden’s.
Winfield Courier, May 3, 1883.
A fine selection of Ottoman, Gros Grain & Satin Ribbons in latest styles and colors: Shrimps, Terra Cottas, Opera’s and Electric Blues at J. P. Baden’s.
Winfield Courier, May 10, 1883.
J. P. Baden received two car-loads of crockeryware, one car-load of potatoes, and a car-load of tubs Friday. J. P. buys goods as he sells them—by the wholesale.
Winfield Courier, May 17, 1883.
There were one hundred and seventy-six guests of the citizens of Winfield here at the Editorial Convention, as nearly as we can figure it.
Winfield Courier, May 17, 1883.
Where the Money Came From.
The following are the cash contributions to the general editorial entertainment fund. More was raised than was used and those who subscribed first took more than their share, so that others had to be somewhat limited in their contributions to give others a chance.
D. A. Millington, $20; C. C. Black, $20; McDonald & Miner, $5; W. P. Hackney, $5; A. T. Spotswood, $5; J. L. Horning, $5; J. B. Lynn, $5; A. B. Arment, $5; J. H. Bullene & Co., $5; J. S. Mann, $5; S. C. Smith, $5; Hudson Bros., $5; Curns & Manser, $5; Burnett & Clark, $5; J. P. Short, $5; Geo. Rembaugh, $5; J. P. Baden, $5; Robert Hudson, $5; C. L. Harter, $5; Bryan & Lynn, $5; Ed. P. Greer, $5; Pugsley & Zook, $5; Tomlin & Webb, $5; O’Mears & Randolph, $5; S. H. Myton, $5; M. Hahn & Co., $5; Henry Goldsmith, $5; Winfield Bank, $10; A. H. Doane & Co., $5; M. L. Read’s Bank, $10; Geo. W. Miller, $5; Chicago Lumber Co., $5; P. H. Albright & Co., $5; J. Wade McDonald, $5; Wm. Dawson, $2; W. S. Mendenhall, $2; J. L. Hodges, $1; D. Palmer & Co., $1; D. C. Beach, $1; J. D. Pryor, $2; S. D. Pryor, $1; M. G. Troup, $1.90; Geo. M. Miller, $1; John Wilson, $.50; Whiting Bros, $1; Hendrix & Wilson, $2; A. E. Baird, $2; W. H. Strahan, $1; Miller, Dix & Co., $1; Lovell H. Webb, $1; Charlie Fuller, $1; J. E. Conklin, $2; Geo. Emerson, $2; F. S. Jennings, $2; D. Berkey, $1; H. Paris, $1; A. C. Bangs, $1; G. H. Allen, $1; McRorey, $1; Johnson, $1; J. O’Hare, $1; Frazee Bros., $1; W. L. Hands, $2; J. F. McMullen, $1; F. J. Sydall, $1; Dr. Fleming, $1; Dr. McIntire, $1; Atkinson, $1; Capt. Myers, $1; R. B. Pratt, $1; V. R. Bartlett, $2; Nommsen & Steuven, $1; Albro, $2; D. Rodocker, $2; H. E. Silliman, $2; 
W. J. Wilson, $2; E. H. Nixon, $1; C. C. Harris, $1; Lou Zenor, $1; W. H. Smith, $1; Brotherton & Silvers, $3.; Rinker & Cochran, $2; H. Brown & Son, $2; Q. A. Glass, $2; Holmes & Son, $2; Dan Mater, $1; E. S. Reynolds, $1; M. J. Stimson, $1; Rabb, $.50; O. W. P. Mann, $1; Jim Connor, $1; Dr. Green, $2; E. J. Brown, $1; J. W. Johnson, $2; Dr. Bull, $1; A. Herpich, $1; McGuire Bros., $3; Harter Bros., $1; H. G. Fuller, $2; H. E. Asp, $1; C. M. Wood, $2.
Winfield Courier, May 24, 1883.
Minutes of Fair Meeting. May 10th, 1883. The directors of the Cowley County Fair and Driving Park Association met at the office of A. H. Doane & Co. Present, Directors Millspaugh, Martin, Gale, Burden, Leslie, Harbaugh, McDonald, Spotswood, Doane, Baden, and Nicholson.
J. W. Millspaugh was called to the chair and D. L. Kretsinger chosen secretary. On motion of Mr. Spotswood, the meeting proceeded to the election of officers as follows.
For president, J. F. Martin; for vice president, A. T. Spotswood; for secretary, E. P. Greer; for treasurer, A. H. Doane; for General Superintendent, D. L. Kretsinger.
On motion of Mr. Kretsinger, Messrs. Harbaugh, Martin, Millspaugh, Lynn, Spotswood, Doane, and Greer were appointed a committee on premium list, to report at the next meeting of the directors. On motion of Mr. Lynn, the superintendent was instructed to commence work on the speed ring and cleaning up the ground. On motion of Mr. Doane, the meeting adjourned until Saturday, May 26, at 1 p.m.D. L. KRETSINGER, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, May 31, 1883.
An Enthusiastic Meeting and Gratifying Results.
By virtue of a previous call, the citizens met to devise ways and means for a 4th of July celebration at Winfield. Capt. J. S. Hunt was elected President, and O. M. Seward, Secretary.
Hon. C. C. Black stated the object of the meeting, and Col. Whiting moved to celebrate. Carried.
On motion Mayor Emerson was elected President of the day, and Col. Whiting, Marshal, with power to select his own aids, and have general charge of programme for the day.
On motion the following committees were appointed.
Finance: J. P. Baden, J. B. Lynn, M. L. Robinson.
Grounds: S. C. Smith, D. L. Kretsinger, E. P. Greer.
Programme: J. C. McMullen, J. L. Horning, H. D. Gans.
Committee on Indians: J. W. Hodges, N. C. Myers, Col. Whiting.
Special Trains: Kennedy, Branham, H. E. Asp.
Amusements: C. C. Black, T. M. McGuire, John Keck, Jas. Vance, A. T. Spotswood, and J. Wade McDonald.
Fire Works: Henry Goldsmith, J. P. Baden, M. O’Hara.
Music: Crippen, Buckman, Snow.
Military Display: Capt. Haight, Dr. Wells, Col. Whiting.
Speakers: Rembaugh, Millington, Hackney.
On motion the meeting adjourned to meet at call of president, or chairman of committees.
J. S. HUNT, President.
O. M. SEWARD, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, June 7, 1883.
Baden shipped thirty thousand pounds of butter last week. His immense butter cellar is filled with tiers of butter buckets and it takes six men constantly employed to take care of it.
Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.
The Fourth.
The one hundred and seventh anniversary of the Nation’s independence was celebrated in grand style last Wednesday. The people commenced gathering before sunrise, and from that time on until eleven o’clock every road leading into Winfield was crowded with teams, pedestrians, and horsemen.
At ten o’clock the procession was formed on Main Street by W. J. Hodges, Chief Marshal, and marched to Riverside Park, headed by the Courier Band.
Arriving at the Park the band discoursed several patriotic tunes, after which the address was delivered by Dr. T. B. Taylor. After the speech came dinner and after dinner the  various games, races, etc.
The sack race was won by J. W. Bradley and the tub race by D. Quier. A twelve-year-old boy succeeded, after several attempts, in getting the five dollar gold piece on the top of a greased pole. In the glass ball shoot the high honors were divided between Jas. McLain and Charlie Black.
The races were the most interesting feature. In the mixed trotting and pacing race, there were six entries. The race was won by Ed. Reed’s “Blanche Belle,” in 3:09 and 3:05; P. T. Walton’s “Mollie,” second; S. W. Phenix’ “Lilac,” third; Sol. Burkhalter’s “Jumbo,” fourth; Dorley’s “Dan,” fifth; Rez Stephens’ “Tinker,” sixth. 
In the running race one of the riders was thrown, but the race was repeated in the evening. A sham battle took place after the races, and in the evening a flambeaux procession with Roman candles wound up the festivities in a brilliant manner.
It is estimated that ten thousand people were in attendance, which estimation is placed below rather than above. In fact, the “woods were full of ’em.”
The sickness of Col. Whiting interfered somewhat with the regular course he had mapped out, but everything went off smoothly. Capt. S. C. Smith, R. E. Wallis, Geo. H. Buckman, Chas. C. Black, and J. P. Baden did faithful work in the formation and carrying out of the program. Especially was this the case with Charlie Black, in whose hands the amusement business was placed.
Perhaps the highest praise is due to the Courier Cornet Band. They were out by seven o’clock and until ten o’clock at night were continually in the harness, adding pleasure and entertainment to the vast crowd. The music was splendid and was highly appreciated by citizens from all parts of the county. We heard dozens of persons express surprise at the fact that Winfield could support such a band. The boys covered themselves all over with glory, and the doubters who howl that Winfield can’t support a good band are heard no more.
Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.
The Creamery.
J. P. Baden has obtained a majority of the stock in the Creamery, and with C. C. Black and a few others, will pay off the debt and put the institution in the best condition for business at once. Baden will run the machine and his well known energy and business ability will insure its future success without any further trouble. He will pay for cream the price that farmers would get for their butter even if first rate and in good condition, and thus farmers can save the churning and the trouble and expense of working ice, etc. The Creamery will have facilities for always making the best butter and keeping it in the best condition in any weather. Baden has made arrangements by which he will send it to New York by the car load packed in ice at a cost of a cent and a half per pound, instead of four and five cents as formerly, and he will be able to pay much higher prices than in former years and yet make fair profits on the business. We do not doubt that the farmers will avail themselves generally of these superior facilities and furnish Baden with cream until he “can’t rest.” J. P. is one of the best men for this county that any county ever had. The tremendous amount of butter, eggs, chickens, turkeys, fruits, and vegetables of all kinds which he makes a market for is of unestimated value to this community.
Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.
50,000 spring chickens wanted for shipment by J. P. Baden, for which he will pay the highest price in goods or cash.
Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.
J. P. Baden shipped a car load of watermelons west last week and another Monday. He never fails to find a market for everything raised in Cowley County.
Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.
Mr. George Arnold’s fine bay team caromed with a dray Friday near Harter’s drugstore and broke off the end of the wagon tongue. They started up Main at a terrific gait with the tongue down and a young boy in the wagon. The result looked dubious for a few moments, but they were soon brought to a halt by running into a hitching rack at Baden’s store.
Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.
Will Phenix, one of Baden’s shipping clerks, had the misfortune to get an arm broken Saturday morning while going to the train with a load of produce on Adam’s express wagon. He was sitting on top of some boxes and trunks in the wagon when the driver started the horses suddenly with a touch of the whip, throwing Will off under a wheel, which passed over his left arm, breaking it just below the elbow. The injury will lay him up for some time.
Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.
Sewing machine needles for all the leading machines in the country at J. P. Baden’s.
Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.
New Sorghum Barrels. J. P. Baden.
Call on Baden with your choice budded peaches.
Carload new sorghum barrels just received. J. P. Baden.
Baden will pay cash for 10,000 bushels of choice peaches.
J. P. Baden wants 10,000 bushels of choice budded peaches for which he will pay the highest prices in cash.
Winfield Courier, October 18, 1883.
Hereafter I will purchase Poultry by the pound. Bring in your poultry. J. P. Baden.
Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.
Bridge Meeting.
For some time the iron bridge west of town has been in a bad condition, and last week the authorities of Vernon Township closed it until the necessary repairs could be made. Many of the people of Vernon objected strongly to the township having to stand all the ex-pense of keeping it in repair, and presented a petition, largely signed, to the trustee asking him to do nothing more with the bridge. Hearing of this, the businessmen of the city had a meeting Friday evening to devise ways and means for assisting Vernon to repair it. The meeting was largely attended and organized by electing A. T. Spotswood, chairman, and D. L. Kretsinger, secretary. Messrs. J. B. Lynn, J. P. Baden, and S. P. Davis were appointed as finance committee and S. H. Myton, A. D. Hendricks, and Ed. P. Greer as a committee to confer with the officers of Vernon Township and see whether an equitable arrangement could not be made whereby both parties could unite in keeping the bridge up. The finance commit-tee secured subscriptions to the amount of, which amount was placed with the treasurer, W. C. Robinson. The conference committee met H. H. Martin, trustee, and P. B. Lee, clerk, of Vernon Township, on Saturday and made an arrangement with them whereby the citizens of Winfield should pay for the lumber necessary to floor the bridge, and Vernon would put it down, build an abutment under the west end, tighten up the iron work, and fence the approaches. This will put the bridge in first-class shape for a year to come, after which some new arrangement will have to be made for taking care of it. This bridge is used more than any other in the county, and the repair bills are necessarily very heavy. Vernon spent $300 on the west approach last summer and the present work will cost upwards of $600.
At the Friday evening meeting a small fund was raised for temporary repairs, which was placed in the hands of Mr. Kretsinger, and by noon on Saturday he had the bridge in shape for travel.
Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.
Thanksgiving. We want any number of Turkeys for Thanksgiving delivered from the 20 to 25. J. P. Baden.
Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.
Farmers, bring in your Turkeys for Thanksgiving Nov. 20 to 25, no later, will pay highest price in cash. J. P. Baden.
Winfield Courier, December 6, 1883.
During the next 30 days, and until closed out, we will sell our entire stock of GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, GLASSWARE, WOODENWARE, STONEWARE, ETC., REGARDLESS OF COST!
I have decided to CLOSE OUT this store, and will make such PRICES as will enable me to do it quickly. We have just received two car-loads of Choice Apples, car-load Stoneware, also an enormous stock of Queensware and Glassware for Holiday trade. Our stock is all
FRESH AND THE LARGEST IN THE CITY. -AND- RARE BARGAINS can be had during our sale. We will continue to take Butter, Eggs, and Poultry in exchange for goods at highest market value. No goods sold on credit after this date, Nov. 24, 1883.
Best Light Brown Sugar, 11 pounds for $1.00.
Granulated Sugar, 10 pounds for $1.00.
Standard “A” Coffee Sugar, 10 ½ pounds for $1.00.
California Can Fruit, 25 cents per can.
Dwight & Deland’s Soda, 4 pounds for 25 cents.
Matches, 20 boxes for 25 cents, and everything else in proportion.
Special Inducements to the Trade.
We intend to be out every dollars worth of goods in the house by January 1st. Show cases, counters, and scales for sale as soon as closed out.
Positively no goods sold on time.
All accounts due this house must be SETTLED AT ONCE. A word to the wise is sufficient.
Winfield Courier, December 6, 1883.
Someone threw a cigar stump into a pile of straw in the alley back of Baden’s headquarters, which came near making a first-class fire, but was discovered in time.
Winfield Courier, December 13, 1883.
20,000 Turkeys wanted by J. P. Baden; must be delivered on or before the 18th.
Winfield Courier, January 3, 1884.
J. P. Baden lost a bunch of six safe keys, a door key, a post office key, and a button hook, Monday. The finder will be rewarded ty returning them to him.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1884.
Mr. John B. Goodrich left this morning for Galveston, Texas. It is a purely business trip and will prove of great benefit to J. P. Baden’s shipping interests. While absent Mr. Goodrich will devote his whole time and ability to soliciting orders for the above named house and when he returns and hands in his list, we would not be surprised to see an extra train put on the road, as John is one of the best “Drummers” in the land.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1884.
The Stockholders Meet and Elect a New Board.
  A Splendid Record.
On Monday afternoon the stockholders of the Cowley County Fair and Driving Park Association met in the Opera House for the purpose of re-organizing the Board of Directors for the year 1884, and receiving reports of the condition and doings of the Association for the year. About seventy-five stockholders, representing nearly all of the subscribed stock, were present.
The report of the Secretary disclosed the fact that there were 149 shares taken, leaving 51 shares yet to place. It also set forth that the Fair last fall had cleared for the stockholders a net sum of $1,406.57, that there had been received from the rent of the grounds to other parties and from other miscellaneous sources the sum of $329.75, making a total of $1,736.32 profit from which the expenses of officers’ salaries, postage, blanks, books, insurance, etc., $505.04, were deducted, leaving a net profit of $1,231.28, to be divided among 133 shares, being those of the number subscribed, which were paid up: or $9.25 to each share. This is 19-1/4 percent on every dollar invested, and as the first money was paid in only eight months ago, and some of it but a few weeks ago, it is a wonderful showing. The amount, however, was not set aside as dividends, but was converted to the general fund of the Association by the stockholders, to be used in further improvements on the grounds. This item of profit, therefore, those who subscribe for the remaining shares will get the benefit of, which is a rather unusual thing in a business point of view. It is the only place we know of at present where a man can get $59.25 for fifty dollars.
The President of the Association, Mr. Jas. F. Martin, made the following report, which was ordered filed and published in the county papers, by a unanimous vote of the stockholders.
To the Stockholders of the Cowley County Fair and Driving Park Association.
“GENTLEMEN. The first eight months of the history of our Association has closed, and it is with pleasure that we refer to the progress which has been made. In the careful reports of the Secretary and Treasurer, herewith presented, are exhibited its past and present financial condition.
“In our brief history, fifty-four acres of land, 17 acres of which are finely timbered, have been purchased and placed under a substantial fence; a speed ring unsurpassed if equaled in the state, is in fine order and finely fenced; the large exhibition buildings and improvements have been made, and with the exceptions hereafter referred to, all is or may be paid for and no debt as an incubus hangs over the Association.
“The first Fair of the Association, held last September, resulted in the most gratifying success, and gave an earnest of the perpetuity and future usefulness of the organization.
“At your first meeting you elected the Board that has had charge of and performed with such signal success the work you assigned them to do. As chairman of that Board and exer-cising, as far as my ability permitted, vigilant and kindly supervision over its management, it is with pleasure that I acknowledge the ever prompt and efficient services of the Secretary, Ed. P. Greer; the skillful and energetic discharge of the duties of Superintendent by D. L. Kretsinger, and the honest and faithfully performed duties of Treasurer by A. H. Doane. Wisdom was exercised in the selection of these gentlemen to act in these important positions, which are of vital importance to the success of the Association, and a happy adaptation, in each case, was ever manifested in the discharge of their various  duties.
“To such members of the Board as devoted their time and labor in aiding and directing the work of the Executive Board, many thanks are due. In view of the success attained and experience acquired by the retiring Board, and especially the executive part of it, I would suggest for your consideration the importance of retaining all, or at least a part of said officers in their present positions for the ensuing year. I have no personal interest or ambition to serve, and therefore I hope you will not in any sense regard this suggestion as applicable to myself, intending it especially to apply to the Secretary, Treasurer, and Superintendent.
“In the work of the Board while devising plans and means for present and future success, many questions arose, on which at first diverse opinions were held, but after due consultation unity was generally reached. In voting, the Board was, with few exceptions, unanimous; so, whatever good or evil we have done, each member will share alike the praise or censure of a criticizing public. Much as has been accomplished, very much remains to be done. Fifty-one shares remain to be taken, which will enable the Board to continue the improvements on the grounds; such as erecting the Central Exhibition Building, enlarging the amphitheater, and increasing the number by erecting better stables and stock pens. May we not also hope, in the near future, to erect a tasteful, two story central office; connect the same with other parts of the ground and with the city by telephone; and arrange to have an abundant supply of water, from the City Waterworks? Early attention should be given to setting lines and groups of deciduous and evergreen trees, which will soon beautify the grounds and greatly enhance their value.
“It may be wise, at this meeting, to add a section to the By Laws, empowering the Board, at the time of holding the annual Fair, or as soon thereafter as practical, to appoint the time for holding the next Annual Fair. The State Board of Agriculture meets annually on the 2nd Wednesday of January. It is important that this body be represented in that body and a report by delegate be made therefrom at our annual meeting. Therefore, a change in the time of holding our annual meeting, seems imperative. Changing the time of holding the annual meeting from the 2nd Monday to the 3rd Monday in January will prevent the occurrence of both meetings happening in the same week.
“While handsome dividends from invested capital are generally desired, I would urge that no dividends be made on the stock of the Association until the grounds are improved in the best possible manner. We should aim to make this the best Fair ground and the best conducted Fair Association in the State. The stock of the Association at present is worth more than its face value, and at no distant time it will command a high premium, and those taking the remaining shares will be fortunate. To insure the continued interest and healthful influence of the agricultural producing class, the remaining shares should be taken and permanently held by them. While the finances of the farmer will be benefitted, his influence and interest will also be secured.
“You, no doubt, will endorse, tacitly at least, the action of the Board in disallowing gambling devices, games of chance, and intoxicating drinks on the ground during the Fair. The good behavior of the thousands of our citizens and strangers attending the Fair was attested by the fact that not a single arrest for violating the rules or disorderly conduct was made. This was, to some degree, referable to the absence of these evils.
“The legitimate object of our Association and kindred institutions, is to encourage better and more successful agricultural management, operations, and productions, and collect and disseminate useful knowledge, and last but not least, encourage sociality and promote virtue among the people. We live in a progressive age and in the midst of an enlightened and Christian community, and however diverse our opinions may be on moral or theological subjects, the management of our associations and exhibitions must, in an eminent degree, in order to have continued cooperation and prosperity, be in accord with the moral intelligence of the people.
“In conclusion, allow me to add, that, while the success attending our short history, calls for congratulations and thanks, may we not hope and work, that the affairs of the Association will continue to be conducted in the manner that will subserve the highest interest of the community at large, and that thus the Cowley County Fair and Driving Park Association may long be an honor to our county, and the pride to everyone of her citizens.”
After a thorough overhauling of the Constitution and By Laws in the way of amend-ments, the following Board of Directors was elected to transact the business of the Associa-tion for the year 1884.
Jas. F. Martin: Vernon Township.
Harvey Smith: Silver Creek Township.
S. P. Strong: Rock Township.
H. Harbaugh: Pleasant Valley Township.
J. B. Nipp: Creswell Township.
P. B. Lee: Vernon Township.
S. S. Linn: Pleasant Valley Township.
K. J. Wright: Beaver Township.
J. O. Taylor: Walnut Township.
H. C. McDorman: Dexter Township.
J. L. Horning: Winfield.
A. T. Spotswood: Winfield.
C. C. Black: Winfield.
D. L. Kretsinger: Winfield.
Ed. P. Greer: Winfield.
A. H. Doane: Winfield.
Jas. B. Schofield: Winfield.
This directory gives ten to the county and seven to Winfield, which places the full control of the Association in the hands of the live, energetic farmers of Cowley. Let us hope that every member of the Board will be on hand at every meeting of that body and bend their united energies toward making Cowley’s Fair a model institution from which every county in the state may “draw inspiration” for building up a similar one. With twelve members of the board in the city last year, it was sometimes impossible to get nine directors out to a meeting.
After adjournment of the stockholders’ meeting, the new Board of Directors met, were sworn in, and elected the officers of the Association as follows.
Jas. F. Martin: President.
J. L. Horning: Vice President.
Ed. P. Greer: Secretary.
A. H. Doane: Treasurer.
D. L. Kretsinger: General Superintendent.
The finance committee, through whose hands all the accounts of the Association must pass, is composed of Messrs. C. C. Black, P. B. Lee, and A. T. Spotswood. When it is remembered that the Association received and paid out during the eight months past, upwards of fourteen thousand dollars, their duties are not small by any means.
Cowley now has a fair that she may well be proud of. On a sound financial basis, with a wonderfully prosperous past and a bright future, with beautiful grounds, substantial improvements, and a race track unsurpassed in the state, no public institution of the kind could be in better condition. Every citizen in the county should take a commendable pride in it, and lend the Board of Directors their heartiest cooperation.
Below we append a list of those who went down into their pockets for money to put the institution on its feet. We can safely say none of them expected more of a return from their investment than the upbuilding of such an institution would bring to the whole community. That they intended so is shown by their refusal to accept the profits of the investment, prefer-ring to apply it to further improvement on the property. The shares are fifty dollars each.
Following is a list of Shareholders and Number of Shares Held.
R. E. Wallis, Jr., 4.
J. W. Millspaugh, 1.
W. P. Hackney, 2.
A. H. Doane, 2.
D. L. Kretsinger, 1.
Ed. P. Greer, 2.
Jas. F. Martin, 1.
J. S. Mann, 1.
R. E. Wallis, Sr., 1.
A. E. Baird, 1.
H. Brown, 1.
W. J. Wilson, 1.
John Lowry, 4.
M. L. Read & M. L. Robinson, 10.
J. L. Horning, 2.
Sol Burkhalter, 2.
P. H. Albright, 2.
J. B. Lynn, 2.
W. J. Hodges, 2.
Chas. C. Black, 4.
J. B. Schofield & John M. Keck, 2.
G. S. Manser, 2.
S. G. Gary, 2.
A. T. Spotswood, 2.
J. P. Baden, 2.
W. S. Mendenhall, 2.
E. B. Weitzel, 2.
Geo. W. Robinson, 2.
W. C. Robinson, 2.
Jas. H. Bullene & Co., 2.
L. B. Stone, 4.
Jacob Nixon, 2.
John Stalter, 2.
N. J. Thompson, 1.
J. P. Short, 1.
I. W. Randall, 1.
Wm. Overly, 2.
S. P. Strong, 1.
Isaac Wood, 1.
C. H. Cleaves, 1.
Hughs & Cooper, 1.
Hendricks & Wilson, 1.
F. W. Schwantes, 1.
Wm. Carter, 2.
J. B. Corson, 1.
Geo. L. Gale, 1.
G. B. Shaw & Co., 2.
D. B. McCollum, 1.
R. F. Burden, 1.
J. C. Roberts, 1.
Geo. Wilson, 1.
R. J. Yoeman, 1.
P. B. Lee, 1.
L. Barnett, 1.
J. H. Curfman, 1.
E. B. Nicholson, 1.
H. Bahntge, 1.
C. L. Harter, 1.
Tomlin & Webb, 1.
A. C. Bangs, 1.
A. J. Thompson, 1.
E. M. Reynolds, 1.
D. H. Dix, 1.
Harvey Smith, 1.
T. P. Carter, 1.
F. M. Friend, 1.
J. T. Brooks, 1.
J. O. Taylor, 1.
S. H. Myton, 2.
D. S. Sherrard, 1.
A. B. Arment, 1.
S. W. Phenix, 1.
Q. A. Glass, 1.
H. Harbaugh, 1.
T. J. Jones, 1.
J. B. Nipp, 1.
E. D. Taylor, 1.
W. A. Tipton, 1.
W. W. Limbocker, 1.
W. W. Painter, 1.
John Holmes, 1.
S. S. Linn, 1.
G. P. Wagner, 1.
H. C. McDorman, 1.
Geo. W. Miller, 2.
G. L. Rinker, 1.
K. J. Wright, 1.
Hogue & Mentch, 1.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1884.
Baden must have a large number of chickens and turkeys to fill shipping orders within the next two weeks. Bring them on and get the highest market prices in cash.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1884.
Take your chickens to Baden’s. Cash.
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1884.
Baden shipped a car load of eggs last week and will probably ship another this week. He has men scouring the country and cities round about buying every egg that is offered at 25 cents per dozen, cash.
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1884.
J. P. Baden is shipping a carload of eggs every other day.
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1884.
More Fires.
Again, on Sunday evening, an attempt was made to set fire to property in the city. A lot of hay was stuffed under the rear end of Hendricks & Wilson’s hardware store and ignited. It was done about half past seven o’clock in the evening. Mr. James McLain, who has been acting as night watchman, first discovered and put it out. Shortly before, when walking across Manning Street and Tenth Avenue, he passed a man who was walking hurriedly. As soon as he passed, the man broke into a run, and a moment after McLain discovered the fire. When he turned, the man had disappeared in the darkness. What the object of these incendiaries is cannot be defined. The fire in the Hodges barn could have injured but little business property if successful. The fire started in the Shenneman barn, immediately after, when the hose was handy and hundreds of people standing around to use it, could not have been set with a very villainous intent to destroy, as the destroyer might have known it would be put out in a minute. The setting of the Sunday evening fire early in the evening, when everyone was about, showed a lack of deep intent to do great injury. However, our people have resolved to put a stop to it, and to that end the following paper has been prepared and duly signed, and the total sum of $222.50 goes to the person who runs the fire-bugs in.
We, the undersigned, promise to pay the sum set against our respective names as a reward for the apprehension and conviction of any person or persons engaged in setting any incendiary fire in the city of Winfield, either heretofore or hereafter.
S. C. Smith, T. K. Johnston, Horning & Whitney, Wm. Newton, Hudson Bros., McGuire Bros., J. B. Lynn, Geo. Emerson, COURIER Co., Ella C. Shenneman, W. S. Mendenhall, Winfield Bank, M. L. Read’s Bank, Rinker & Cochran, Miller & Dawson, H. Beard, Whiting Bros., Hendricks & Wilson, A. E. Bard, Johnston & Hill, J. N. Harter, Farmers Bank, Wallis & Wallis, F. V. Rowland, J. S. Mann, Hughes & Cooper, A. B. Arment, Quincy A. Glass, W. L. Morehouse, McDonald & Miner, Curns & Manser, J. D. Pryor, M. Hahn & Co., O’Meara & Randolph, S. H. Myton, J. P. Baden, Telegram, Scofield & Keck, Henry Goldsmith.
R. E. Sydal, S. D. Pryor, E. G. Cole, Kraft & Dix, H. Brown & Son, Brotherton & Silver, F. M. Friend, F. H. Blair, F. H. Bull, T. J. Harris, Albro & Dorley.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1884.
 (Uf Wich Tannyhill Ish De Kounty seat.)
Deer bruderin in de gude vorrick of votin’ down narrer gage besines und running’ dings on a vide skale, I shust likes to ax you von leeble quistion: Uf you felers remembers aboud de time last yare ven de vimins pulled de brechers, und digged de vater melons, und husked de cabbage fur de sour kraut barrel, you got a letter from dis metrhropelis signed Yawcub? Vell, dot ish me. Now dens, ven my frow she finda dot an old dutchmans like me has prains enuf to rite fur de babers, she shust makes her sides shake aboud fur choy, und she be migdy glat dot she come all de vay from Chermany on foot to settle down fur life mit de ole mon in de great city ov Tannyhill. So I shust says: Ole vomans, uf it makes you und de pys so prout, I shust rites von more letter, und den quits vorrick, vares a pig shtraw stove pipe hat, shmokes a stubby pipe, drinks peer und acts de chintleman de rest ub my life. Dems de chaps vot has de money. Und gude lukin, reporters sumdimes gits a seet vay up front in de meeting house, shust fur noddings, und dot ish all ride, too.
Neber since Ole Abe sot de niggers all free, and ven de last cannon ball pusted, und de poys und graybacks in blue cum marchin’ home, has dere pin such a time uv rechoicing among de vimens as der vos at our last lexun, ven it vos sure dings dot Mithur Browning be our asxsessor und Thomas Clift road overseer. Now den ve are most sartin dot de ole played oud mules and cows wots got no teeth, owned by de plack abolition party, vont pe sessed vay up so high as Demccratic thorougbreds. Ve feels sure dot de very nexth leetle owl dot comes to sthay all nite mit our schoolhouse, vill dake fur his text de busthed condition of de Democratic party uv Beaver township.
Vinter ish aboud ober. Anyways, my poy slim he seed a robin toder day und dot ish sufficient evidence to knock de cround hog theory vay up Salt Riber, vich runs now days into Dakotah, or some udder pig state pesides Tannyhill. Und dis same leedle bird’s visit means spring vill pe here before ve ish reddy fur it. Some up de farmers are cutting stalks und sm pe a blowin und de vimins dey goes visiting und dalks about vot ish to do. I ish werry villin day dry der mussails voice. Such ub dem does ven dey goes to de dable.
Sum vone dat ish smarter dan me says it ish better to go to Bliss & Wood’s mioll dan to go for Doctor Marsh. I specks his reesin fur dot konkiesion ish dot de Doctur mite pe avay at Sunday school und de feller pe vell veh he gits dere. But dis ish only an old dutchman’s guess, und dot ish not vorth much.
Dis vorld beats all de blaces I efer leeved in fur sum dings I tells you loud mity quick. Sum peeples likes burty dings so vell dey pay mosht enny brice to see a whirlegig on dere farm. Wm. Carter ub Vernon (vich ish yust north uv Tannyhil) its hisself a pig weel ever his vell, und ven de vin plows he says dot ish frist rate to pe sure. Und E. B. Gault he dells his frow dot he gits von uv dem dings too. Und he promises, py shings, it shall votter his poys, his horses, his pigs, his cows, und churn de putter, und do de veeks vashin’, und grind de corn, und he vot take tree hundred dollars fur dot wind engine. Und he ish happy. Und Mr. Holmes he bustles around and de first ding Yawcub knows he sees von ub dese dings at this house und him sayin’ his garden vill receive many a soaking’ dis summer ven dre ish no rain widin a dozen miles ub Tannyhill. Und den Shon Bower he gets lazy, too, und orders a mill, pig parrel, pipe, trough, und milk house und ebery dings vot’s nice, und his vife she likes him vell as eber, only a leedle more so. Und his neighbor, Shon Rupp, he dinks dey make von fine observatory, und he puts one at his farm, und on nice days he climbs to de top and flaps his vings und looks ober into Indiana to hear de dogs bark. Und Wm. McCullock, he says, “Vell den I set me down in de shade und reads de news vile dot kind of a machine goes round and round de tree tops and vaters de stock.” Und dot makes Warren Wood to hand ober de greenbacks, und py one too, before it gits away. Und Fader Clark he dinks cracious peeters dis will nebber do, und up goes a nice leetle whirlegig on his farm. Und Benson Rupp he says, “I vish von berry fine leetle chap, but I puts up de highest pole in de bishiness, und den ven I climbs to de top I ish as pig as enny body.” Und his nabur, Mr. Ginn, gets von like id, and his vife vas bleased pecause the vawterish to be garried de house indo. Und den Mr. Myers has von put up peside his elegant new home, und vile dis ish pein’ done, Mr. Fisher, uv Belle Plaine, comes to Winfield und dakes fife more, vich vas doin’ gude service in dot logality. Und I does peleve de Aera Vind Mills are goin’ to shtop de vind bishness dis sring und dot drouthy Kansas vill be vell vawtered hereafder. I shust dells you dis shtate vas von pig ding. She has money to py most ebery dings. Und Yawcub sthands reddy to say dot bishness ish lively in dis thoroughfare, und uf Baden vould only quit gathering all de eggs, peoples vould haf more to eat, und uf de Telegram vould turn de water works on to de narrer gage flame, der vould pe more room in Vinfield columns fur such promisin’ riters as YAWCUB.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1884.
Chickens! turkeys!! Baden wants them bad.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1884.
Sell Your Poultry.
Those farmers who desire to sell their poultry this season had better bring it in within the next few weeks. With the coming of warm weather the shipment of dressed poultry ceases and the price necessarily drops. The immense shipment being made by J. P. Baden has made good prices and now is the time to take advantage of them.
Winfield Courier, March 13, 1884.
J. S. Rotherock has sold his mercantile business at Udall and is again in Winfield. He now has charge of J. P. Baden’s north end grocery store.
Winfield Courier, March 13, 1884.
John Goodrich and A. S. Gray have purchased a stock of general merchandise at Cedarvale and gone into business together at that place. John has been with J. P. Baden for the last four years, was a very popular salesman, and will be missed from the establishment. Messrs. Goodrich & Gray have many years experience, will carry a large stock, and succeed in Cedarvale if anybody can. It is a good point for merchandising.
Winfield Courier, March 13, 1884.
Baden must have a large number of chickens and turkeys to fill shipping orders within the next two weeks. Bring them on and get the highest market prices in cash.
Winfield Courier, March 13, 1884.
Chickens and Turkeys. The glut in the chicken and turkey market is over, and I want all the poultry I can get, for which highest prices in cash will be paid. J. P. Baden.
Winfield Courier, March 20, 1884.
Take your chickens to Baden’s. Cash.
Winfield Courier, March 20, 1884.
A Big Shipping Business.
J. P. Baden’s fame as a produce dealer has reached New York City and is spreading to the uttermost parts of the earth. A man came direct from New York City last week and bought of him three carloads of eggs, 40,500 dozen, and bargained for more. Another carload goes today. Baden has sold $13,500 worth of eggs alone in the last two weeks. He has rented, in addition to his other buildings, the old foundry on North Main, and has thirty men constantly employed packing eggs. He has made a market in Winfield for produce second to none in the west. He gets produce from nearly every county in Kansas and ships it all over the United States. He will put his immense business under one roof as soon as the additions to the McDougall Building are finished.
Winfield Courier, April 3, 1884.
Six refrigerator cars came in last week on the Southern Kansas for J. P. Baden. He will load them with eggs for shipment east this week. With the present hen activity in the county, Baden will do a rattling egg business.
Winfield Courier, April 3, 1884.
Prof. C. Marsh, who instructed our pretty songsters and brought out last week in the Opera House the Cantata of the four seasons, gives his observations of Winfield to his home paper, the Lyons (New York) Republican, in the following interesting letter. The Professor is an old newspaper man and shows up the “Queen City” meritably.
I came here two weeks ago. Winfield is about fifty miles east of the center of the state in Cowley county, and about 250 miles from Kansas City. It is a beautiful town with fine wide streets, and contains 4,500 people. There are fine graded schools on the union plan, which contain about 1,200 pupils. The principal, Prof. Gridley, is a live Yankee, born at Westfield, Massachusetts, and it is safe to say that he is both a “gentleman and a scholar.” The village has ten churches, namely; Presbyterian, Baptist, Methodist, Episcopal, Christian, United Brethren, Swedenborgian, Catholic, and two colored churches, Baptist and Methodist. The village also has, as defense against fire, the Holley system of water works, the reservoir being built on a hill standing just outside the corporation limits, about 100 feet above the level of the village. It will, of course, throw water over the highest building here. A gas company has been formed and chartered, and the gas works will be put in early in the coming spring. So you see this town, like John Brown’s soul, is “marching on.”
There is a large grist mill, and also a flouring mill. They are considered the finest mills in the state. They are of sawed stone and run by water. The flouring mill, with thirty four sets of rollers, has a capacity of 500 barrels per day. Winfield has also the largest carriage factory in the state; and another has just been started which will turn out carriages of all kinds, and also make a speciality of lumber wagons.
This town has the benefit of two railroads, the Kansas City, Lawrence & Southern Kansas, and the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe, which afford a most ample means for transportation.
One industry peculiar to this place is worthy of special notice. I refer to the limitless quarries of stone, which in quality excels anything found in the state. It is of a light and sometimes dark gray color, and when first quarried is sawed into blocks of any desired size by steam saw-mills erected for the purpose. After exposure to the air, it becomes “as hard as a rock.” When the new post office was built at Topeka, the United States Government sent for samples of stone from all the various quarries in the states west of the Mississippi, and selected the samples sent from Winfield. Consequently, the Government buildings at Topeka were built of this stone. It is known through this country as magnesia lime stone, and forms the most perfect building material. This town is largely built of it, and the sidewalks are simply immense—there being twenty-six miles of them in town.
There are two newspapers published here, the COURIER and Telegram. They are weeklies. No daily has yet been started, but the time for one to be started successfully is not far in the future. The COURIER has a circulation of over three thousand, and the Telegram, though a much younger paper, is fast working its way up among the high figures. They are both live papers; and indeed, a dead paper could not live at ll in this county. Messrs. Millington and Greer are editors and proprietors of the COURIER, and C. C. Black and G. C. Rembaugh editors of the Telegram.
I will here give a list of the industries of the town. There are five dry goods stores, nine groceries, three millinery stores, four drug stores, three music stores, two jewelry establishments, no saloons, four barbers, seven hotels, two exclusive clothing stores, one opera house (and another to be erected the coming season), three boot and shoe stores, three hardware stores, four agricultural implement depots, one seed store, four blacksmith and two wagon shops, ten livery stables, five lumber yards. J. P. Baden drives a large business in the way of shipping butter, eggs, poultry, and in fact all kinds of country produce to all parts of the country. One day last week he shipped thirty-six thousand dozen eggs, in one consignment to New York City. This was one item. He ships butter by the car load, and other produce accordingly.
As for the soil in this section, it is admirably adapted to agriculture and stock growing. It lies in long rolls, level prairies, and occasional hills. Mounds are frequently seen. The stock trade is immense. Cattle kings are plenty—some living here being among the heaviest. Hewins & Titus buy and sell by the hundred thousand, and their wealth is enormous—and unknown. Sheep business is also heavy. Over 126,000 were wintered in this county last winter. Land can be obtained for from $1,000 to $8,000 per quarter-section, according to location and improvements. The town is filled with strangers from every quarter, looking for and finding homes. All are active, intelligent appearing men, and when they come they are met with a welcome. This section of country is fast filling up, and like the eastern portion, with a class of people who will prove good, moral, and substantial citizens.
I have been here now about three weeks, and am so well pleased with the town that I can hardly make up my mind to leave it. “But all things have an end,” and I suppose my stay here will terminate in perhaps two or three weeks more. It is a beautiful country, and a desirable one to live in, I mean for live people. As for sluggards and thriftless, good-for-nothings, they are better off in the old states where they are than they would be here. But for every industrious, energetic man or woman there is something to do. I intend to visit Wichita, Newton, Harper, Wellington, and some other live towns before leaving this section, and will tell you about them. Meanwhile adieu.
Winfield Courier, April 10, 1884.
Winfield the Prettiest and Most Substantial City in the West,
And Still the Work of Improvement Goes On!
Three Hundred New Homes Going Up and More Contracted For.
We have been listening to the din of the carpenter’s hammer and watching new houses rise in every direction throughout the city until our curiosity to know just who were doing all this work knew no bounds. On Monday afternoon we mounted a mustang and made a tour of the city, ascertaining as far as possible as we went along, the names of those citizens who were building, improving generally, and spreading themselves in harmony with the bright aspect of everything around them. In riding over Winfield, especially at this season, when nature has begun to assume her robe of velvety green, you are struck with wonder at the number of really beautiful homes, and the wonder increases when you consider in what a short time all this has been done.
In turning the corner back of Lynn’s store, the first thing which met our gaze was a lawn sprinkler throwing the silver-sprayed water from our water works system on the beautiful blue grass in the grounds of J. P. Baden’s residence. Mr. Baden’s home and surroundings are being made very attractive—in fact, that whole street north is noted for its neat homes. The grounds of D. Berkey, H. Brotherton, J. Wade McDonald, and others exhibit taste rarely excelled.
Mr. C. Collins, of the livery firm of Vance & Collins, has the foundation up for a handsome residence on his quarter block on the corner of Mansfield Street and Ninth Avenue. This place has many trees, is close to business, and will make a good home.
A. H. Doane has about completed, just opposite his residence on 9th Avenue, a roomy tenant house, for which he had a renter almost as soon as the foundation went up. Several other houses are being built, for rent, in that vicinity.
On the corner of 12th Avenue and Mansfield Street, Fred C. Hunt has almost ready for occupancy a neat frame residence. He has been setting out trees and will soon have one of the pleasant homes of the city.
Mr. A. E. Noble, late of Iowa, has erected a fine residence containing eight rooms, on West 12th Avenue, and John Craine was slashing on the mortar on its interior at a lively rate.
Just south of Mr. Noble, a residence is being built by J. R. Hyden, another newcomer, while a block west, Mr. Henry Forbes and others were found busily engaged in building a house for John Reynolds.
Jerry Evans, in the same neighborhood, has surrounded his house with a good fence and is making other improvements.
Sam Gilbert has recently repainted and otherwise improved his residence property. Sam has one of the most commodious and handsome residences in the city.
Way down on 14th Avenue, near the Tile Works, Mr. N. D. Walaver, who came from Missouri a few weeks ago and purchased the Snider property, is building a cottage tenant house, fencing in his residence, and expending considerable money in improvements.
Mr. Marsh Sidle, on Loomis Street south, has put an addition to his house, set out trees, fenced his property, and is making a very neat home, while just across the street Sol Burkhalter is building a two story addition and showing characteristic enterprise.
At the south end of Loomis Street, Mr. C. H. Kingsberry lately built a house, which he sold to an Illinoisan for $900 before he got it plastered. He has bought lots adjoining and has the foundation in and the lumber on the ground for a very good cottage, for which a dozen renters have already applied. A. C. Hitchcock, late of Iowa, is doing the mason work.
Just south of this a Mr. White has erected a dwelling.
On South Millington Street, Mr. Ely has almost finished a good two story frame dwelling, and in a few blocks north, M. L. Hollingsworth, with a number of mechanics, is at work on a $1,500 house for J. E. Nudaly, from Indianapolis this spring.
Prof. Hickok will erect immediately a fine residence on his South Loomis Street block. The Professor has been steadily improving this place until the trees, shrubs, and blue grass make a fine show. He has a row of catalpas, of several years growth, around the entire block.
Mr. A. Herpich has lately bought a quarter block in this neighborhood and is putting out trees, fencing it, and preparing the place for a fine residence.
Just across the street from Prof. Hickok’s, Mr. H. N. Jarvis, who came from Denver last fall, has about completed a $3,000 residence, is sowing grasses, and is planting many varieties of trees. He will have one of the valuable homes of the city.
The Frazee Bros. are building the third new house for this spring in the Loomis addition, all very good. One has been already sold at a good figure and the other two will be occupied by them for residences.
M. G. Troup’s residence property on South Millington Street has been receiving recent improvements in the way of paint, trees, and grasses.
Mr. Gabriel Robins, of Morgan Co., Ind., who purchased the Shields property on South Main Street, has added additions, new paint, and is making a home, as he expressed it, in which to spend the remainder of his days.
Our colored friends are not behind in improvements. John Matthews is putting up a nice little four room cottage on South Main in which to keep his young bride.
Charley Bahntge is happiest when improving. He is adding a story to his fine residence, has put up a good barn, and will have, when completed, about as pretty a place as the town contains. His shrubs and trees are set with great taste.
A. T. Spotswood is utilizing the waterworks to the great advantage of his handsome lawn. Mr. Spotswood has one of the neatest and most desirable homes in the city. Everything about it exhibits great care.
Mr. George Ordway has nearly completed a large addition to his already pleasant and commodious home.
J. W. Arrowsmith, our city assessor, is erecting a dwelling on his quarter block on East 11th Avenue. He is arranging the grounds in a manner which would indicate a fine home in a few years—as soon as nature has time to spread herself.
Just across the street, Mr. Crowell has recently built a neat house, surrounded it with a picket fence, and is getting things in shape for a pleasant home.
On the quarter block west Frank Raymond has the foundation up and will soon have finished a neat dwelling.
S. H. Rogers is digging a cellar for a residence on his lots on 10th Avenue east, is plowing the ground, and civilizing things generally.
W. B. Hall, another man recently from Democratic Missouri, has bought lots in the Courier Place and has a good house under headway. F. J. Pierce was putting on the paint Monday. Mr. John Wells, recently from Indiana, has also built a $2,500 house in the Courier Place. D. R. Laycock has one nearly finished. This plat was a year ago bare prairie, but it won’t be much longer until everyone of the twelve quarter blocks will have a good house on it and be occupied by a family.
H. H. J. Johnson is another man who is building a good house in this neighborhood.
The beautiful grounds of Capt. John Lowry, Col. J. C. McMullen, J. L. Horning, M. L. Read, C. A. Bliss, J. C. Fuller, Mrs. Platter, and many others are beginning to show themselves in all the glory which “Gentle Annie” can bring to bear and are still receiving some improvements. A man will walk a long piece out of his way to see such houses and grounds. Most of these grounds are completely irrigated by our system of waterworks. Such homes are as good examples as can be found in the state of what money and energy, when united with good taste, can do. The places are pictures and will grow more beautiful each year as the trees and shrubs increase in size. Such homes educate people and show the possibilities of Kansas soil.
Irve Randall is becoming quite a property owner. He is now building two houses on east 9th Avenue, from each of which he will realize about twenty dollars per month as rentals.
In the same block, Jim Fahey has under headway a $2,000 residence, and just across the street another good house, the name of whose owner, like those of dozens of other houses which are going up, could not be found out by the quill driver.
Dan Maher has just repainted and otherwise improved his three fine houses on 8th Avenue, east.
In this vicinity are houses being built by D. R. Laycock, Noble Caldwell, Dan’l Dicks, E. and I. Crane, John Wheeler, and a dozen or two others. Almost every lot has a new house, or a foundation for one, on it.
One of the best houses on east 8th Avenue is that of A. G. Wilson, which is now receiving the plaster and paint. It is two stories high, with six or eight rooms, and is worth upwards of $3,000. He has run water-works pipes into the grounds and will occupy the place for a residence.
Dick Gates is just completing a $1,500 house in this neighborhood, while on east David Dicks has placed on the lots adjoining his home a neat tenant house. Just across the street, Mr. J. Jolly, who landed from Indiana two weeks ago, has purchased lots and has nearly completed a pretty four roomed cottage.
It seems that a majority of these buildings are being built by newcomers. Mr. L. Colburt, late of Carroll County, Missouri, is expending a thousand dollars or more in a new house on 6th Avenue, and across the street Mrs. M. A. Gay is also putting up a dwelling.
We found Henry Noble with spade in hand and perspiration on his brow setting out trees on his quarter block on 8th Avenue. The foundation is up and the lumber on the ground for a good house. On 9th Avenue, nearby, Mr. Ed. Huntley, of Kalamazoo, Michigan, has a residence in course of erection.
On the same avenue, T. C. Copeland, M. Hahn & Co.’s head clerk, is setting out trees of all kinds, smoothing up the grounds around his new house, and making one of the neatest places in the city.
Near the mounds, N. J. Lundy has a fine residence on his five acre tract nearly ready to move into. This will make a pleasant suburban home.
Mr. Mowry has just built on 7th Avenue a good dwelling and has moved into it, and a few yards distant J. M. Rennick has built an addition to his house.
The tract near Manny’s brewery is filling up rapidly with good houses. E. H. Gilbert has just finished four houses for rent in addition to a residence for himself, all of which were rented before a nail was driven, one of them at $20 per month for a boarding house.
In the same neighborhood houses are being built by Jim Nichols, Tom Johnson, and W. J. Andrews, all neat and good.
On 7th Avenue east, Charley Steuven and Harry Morton have new houses recently finished.
Jack Heller [?Hiller?], on the same avenue, has been improving his home until it is hardly recognizable. Additions to the house, repainting, a good fence, and other things, make it a very desirable place.
Geo. Hudson’s three houses on corner of 7th Avenue and Millington Street have been repainted and enclosed with neat picket fences. And, by the way, nothing sets off a place better than a nice fence. It is like a pretty dress on a pretty woman.
Mrs. F. C. Halyard has bought lots in the Howland Addition and is building a good residence.
All this building and improvement is not confined to residences, but Main Street and adjoining avenues are receiving their share.
The cellars for the McDougall buildings are nearly finished and about twenty or thirty men are busy on different parts of the work.
Geo. and Will Hudson have purchased the Miller building on South Main for $3,500 and will finish it up immediately. They have already had applications from renters.
On Ninth Avenue opposite the Courthouse, Senator Hackney is putting up three suits of law offices, one of which will be occupied by himself as soon as completed.
S. H. Myton will commence, as soon as men can be got to do it, the excavation for a large two story brick and stone business house for his own use, on his corner opposite Lynn’s store. The plans indicate that this is to be one of the best buildings in the city.
The neatest real estate office in the city now is that of H. G. Fuller & Co. The building they recently purchased on Ninth Avenue has been fitted up anew, artistically painted, counters put in, the floor covered with matting, and everything arranged very tastefully. They moved in Tuesday.
Mr. Wheeler, who recently started a second carriage factory, on 8th Avenue, has been extending his buildings until they now assume large proportions.
Mr. James Kirk has been putting another story on his grist mill back of Lynn’s and is putting in machinery by which he can grind wheat as well as corn. Heretofore he has been grinding corn exclusively.
The Christian Church is receiving the finishing touches to its interior, the seats have arrived and services will be held in the new building about the first of May. The perseverance of the members of the Christian Church is about to be crowned with as pleasant a place of worship as any one could wish for.
The storerooms of Dr. Mendenhall and Mrs. Blair are being entirely finished up this week, and we understand that they will be occupied immediately.
Curns & Manser have bought of Judge Ide the lot south of the Torrance-Fuller buildings, for thirty-five hundred dollars, and will erect thereon a fine brick office.
The gas pipes are being distributed along the streets. The holder, retort, house, and purifying rooms are also being pushed rapidly forward. The company expect to be able to turn on gas within sixty days.
Sid Majors is having the old Williams House Building fitted up in first-class style for a hotel, to be christened after the one which gave him popularity in days gone by, “The Central.” He will open out in a few days.
The busiest place we have yet seen is the brick and tile yards of the Winfield Stone, Brick & Tile Company, on South Menor street. About twenty men are there employed making improvements and brick. The yards have been fenced and carpenters are busily engaged making “dryers.” They are getting in shape to turn out a quarter of a million brick per week. The switches to the Company’s stone quarry are now being put in. An office for the Secre-tary, J. E. Conklin, is being fitted up on the brick and tile yards.
Of course, it was impossible to ascertain the names of all persons who are building and improving, and if we did, our space would not permit their mention in this issue. We have mentioned only the best residences being constructed, and came far from getting all of those; it would take a solid week to hunt up the name of every builder. A careful count of the buildings going up and just finished, revealed fully three hundred; it looks pretty big, but any sceptic can convince himself by taking the pains to count them, as we did. On these buildings are employed a small army of mechanics, and the demand and wages are such as to bring in more on every train. All this expenditure of money shows great confidence and prosperity. Everything indicates that this will be the biggest year, all around, that Cowley has ever seen.
Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.
Mrs. J. P. Baden and children are visiting relations in Missouri, and J. P. is lonely and “batching it.”
Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.
Baden’s Headquarters for your canned goods.
Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.
Keg Syrup. Choice at Badens Head-quarters.
Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.
Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.
Mr. F. Scherman, of Neosho, Missouri, step-father of Mrs. J. P. Baden and Fritz and Frank Ballein, has located in Winfield with his family.
Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.
 Fourth of July—Attention Old Soldiers.
The Grand Army of the Republic and all old soldiers are expected to assemble at Post No. 85, over Baden’s dry goods store, in Winfield, July 3rd, at 3 p.m. sharp and march to the Fair Grounds, where a bean supper, dress parade, and grand camp fire and torch light drill will take place with other amusing army exercises. The following committees have been appointed by Post No. 85 to carry out the programme for the 3rd and 4th of July.
Executive Committee: T. H. Soward, H. H. Siverd, J. H. Finch, A. E. Davis, and Geo. Crippen.
Invitation Committee: C. E. Steuven, J. E. Snow, and A. B. Arment.
Committee on Program: S. C. Smith, W. E. Tansey, and Capt. Wakefield.
Committee on Quarters: J. C. Long, Sid Cure, and C. Trump.
Reception Committee: H. L. Wells, C. E. Steuven, Capt. Wakefield, A. E. Davis, and J. E. Snow.
Torch Committee: H. L. Wells, C. Trump, and Dr. Stiles.
Committee on Police: J. H. Finch, chief police on fair ground, J. E. Snow, and B. W. Stout.
Committee on Music: Geo. Crippen, H. W. Stubblefield, and J. W. Arrowsmith.
Fuel, quarters, and rations free of charge to all old soldiers and their families. A jolly good time to all old veterans without money and without price. Come.
Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.
J. P. Baden shipped two car loads of butter to New Orleans, Louisiana, last week. The Southern Kansas railroad has built a lot of refrigerator cars for him in which Cowley’s butter and egg crop will be transported all over the south.
[NOTE: Newspapers constantly showed different spellings for the block known as the “McDougle, McDougal, and McDougall” in Winfield. Based on Winfield Courier edition of August 7, 1884, wherein the owner was called Thos. McDougall, have tried to change spelling to be consistent. Hope McDougall is correct. MAW 1/28/2000]
J. P. Baden is arranging to remove his entire business under one roof in the McDougall block about July 14th. He will occupy lots of room and when he gets the different parts together, will have the biggest institution in Southern Kansas.
Winfield Courier, July 10, 1884.
Fourth of July Celebration: Fully Fifteen Thousand People Present.
RECAP. On the evening of the 3rd the old soldiers gathered in large numbers at the
G. A. R. headquarters and marched to the tune of “Old John Brown” to the beautiful Fair Ground Park. Here they found tents already pitched and everything in readiness for them to chase the festive bean around the camp fire and retell the thrilling stories which will never grow old to the comrades-in-arms. Regular old-fashioned “hard-tack” had been supplied in abundance and a happy reunion was had that night by the boys who wore the blue. After supper, headed by the Burden, Courier, and Juvenile bands, a torchlight procession marched into town. By sunrise Friday morning people from all sections began to pour in. . . . As we watched the old pioneers as they came into town in their handsome turnouts, we noticed on their countenances pictures of gladness and independence which can’t be beaten anywhere in this broad Union. . . . At ten o’clock Col. Wm. Whiting and Capt. H. H. Siverd, with a score of assistants, formed the procession and the march to the Park was taken up. The procession was headed by the Burden Band, led by Frank McClain. . . . Tony Agler, with his clown suit and goat teams, trick ponies, and other things of his own get-up, was attractive in the procession. Tony takes great pains in training his “pets” and shows commendable enterprise in turning out with them on all public occasions. St. John’s battery was prominent in the procession, and awakened the echoes by booming of cannon from Thursday evening until well along in the next day. The members of the Battery worked faithfully and well for the success of the celebration. The Robinson and Telegram Fire Companies made a splendid appearance in the procession. The paraphernalia was all beautifully decorated with red, white, and blue, and the Robinson Fire Company represented the Goddess of Liberty with one of the prettiest little misses of the city, Nina Nelson, gracefully seated on their hose cart amid the drapery. O’Meara & Randolph had a representation of their boot and shoe business, accompanied by plantation music from darkies. A feature which attracted wide attention and showed great enterprise was the stone display of Mr. Schmidt from his quarries near town. A large, wide-framed wagon was loaded with fine specimens of stone and men were at work all day sawing it up and distributing the smooth blocks among the people. Oration was delivered by Hon. J. Wade McDonald, who reviewed the progress of the Union from its birth to the present day. Then came dinner followed by an address by Mrs. Helen M. Gougar, the famous lady orator of Indiana.
Then came the amusements. The trotting race, mile heats, best three in five, purse $90, was won by “Basham,” owned by Mr. Wells of Burden over Billy Hands’ “Nellie H.” The running race, quarter mile heat, between the Blenden mare and a lately arrived horse, was won easily by the former, purse $60. Andy Lindsey of Winfield got $5.00 for climbing to the top of the greased pole. Another ambitious boy preceded him, but on reaching the top slid down without the money, supposing it was in the hands of a committee and all he had to do was to climb the pole. the crowd soon turned his disappointment into gladness by making up the five dollars. The wheelbarrow race, by blindfolded men, some six or seven taking part, furnished much amusement and was won by Allen Brown, a colored man of Winfield. It proved the uncertainty of “going it blind.” The greased pig, after a lively chase, was caught by Phenix Duncan, a colored boy. The festivities of the day closed with a flambeaux procession with Roman candles, etc. The Gas Company turned on a full head both Thursday and Friday evenings and the sixty bright lamp posts, with the stores illuminated with gas lights gave the city a brilliant appearance. the Firemen’s Ball at the Opera House was largely attended.
Credit was extended to Messrs. J. C. Long, Jas. H. Vance, D. L. Kretsinger, J. P. Baden, A. T. Spotswood, R. E. Wallis, Wm. Whiting, C. C. Black and Fred Kropp for the success of the celebration.
Winfield Courier, July 10, 1884.
I want ten thousand bushels of choice peaches and will pay good prices. J. P. BADEN.
Winfield Courier, July 17, 1884.
Julius Goldsmith now holds forth as a salesman in J. P. Baden’s dry goods department.
Winfield Courier, July 17, 1884.
J. P. Baden has been making things lively in mercantile quarters during the past week, and is showing us his inducements in extraordinary shape in the COURIER and through the poster medium. He is bound to clear out the bulk of his stock before removal to the McDougall building, which will occur about August 1st.
AD. $5,000.00 Saved to the People of Cowley Co.
$30,000.00 WORTH OF DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES TO BE SOLD AT ACTUAL COST Until August first to save expense of moving. Call early while our stock is complete. J. P. BADEN.
Winfield Courier, July 31, 1884.
J. P. Baden’s Immense Mercantile Stocks All Under the Same Roof
In the McDougall Block.
J. P. Baden and his large corps of clerks have been busily engaged this week in removing the North End store to “headquarters” in the McDougall Block and are now almost straightened out. The magnitude of J. P. Baden’s business can be more fully realized now that he has his stocks all under the same roof. On entering his establishment now you at once pronounce it the largest mercantile house in Southern Kansas. Its arrangement is very “citified.” Every department is to itself with a special salesman in charge. The first room contains, systematically arranged, everything in the line of dry goods, notions, boots and shoes, etc., while in the back room, fronting on 10th Avenue, is the clothing and gents furnishings. The room south of this and the cellar of this wing are the produce departments. The second large building contains the large and superior stock of groceries, queensware, glassware, etc. Between the main buildings is a large archway in which is the cashier’s desk. Kansas doesn’t possess a larger or a more complete establishment than J. P. Baden’s “Head-quarters,” and every citizen of the county should feel proud of it. Mr. Baden has worked up by his wonderful energy, judicious advertising, and honorable dealing, a reputation and business worthy the personal pride he takes in them. He is known all over the country as the largest produce shipper in the west, and the benefit he has been to Cowley in creating a profitable market for her garden produce, poultry, eggs, etc., is incalculable. Everyone should take a look through Baden’s Headquarters. Nearly 28,000 square feet in one building covered with salable wares isn’t to be seen in every city of the west. Winfield is gradually taking on metropolitan airs and in a few years will not take a back seat for even Kansas City.
Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.
JAS. F. MARTIN: President.
J. L. HORNING: Vice-President.
ED. P. GREER: Secretary.
A. H. DOANE: Treasurer.
D. L. KRETSINGER: General Superintendent.
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Jas. F. Martin, Ed. P. Greer, J. L. Horning, A. H. Doane, D. L. Kretsinger.
FINANCE COMMITTEE. Chas. C. Black, P. B. Lee, A. T. Spotswood.
DIRECTORS. A. H. Doane, A. T. Spotswood, C. C. Black, J. B. Schofield, S. S. Linn, Ed. P. Greer, D. L. Kretsinger, H. Harbaugh, J. F. Martin, J. B. Nipp, J. L. Horning, Harvey Smith, S. P. Strong, P. B. Lee, K. J. Wright, J. O. Taylor, H. C. McDorman.
The Cowley County Fair and Driving Park Association will hold its Second Annual Exhibition at Winfield, Kansas, September 23 to 27, 1884. This Association comes before the public with more attractions and better facilities than any like Association in the State. It is a well established fact that our grounds are the largest and best in the State, our buildings, stables, and stalls ample and commodious, thus affording the exhibitor more comfort, pleasure, and money than any Fair Association in the State.
Our Premium List is very large and so arranged as to suit the agriculturist, the stock raiser, the fruit grower, the mechanic, the machinist, the artist—in fact every man, woman, and child; and the premiums offered are open to the world, except when mentioned in the list.
Horsemen will readily note the fact that the attractions and large premiums offered in our Speed Department will call out the best horses in Kansas and adjoining States; also that our track is second to none, and is the acknowledged best half mile track in the State.
Special rates for the exhibitor and visitor has been obtained from all railroads entering Winfield. The Officers and Directors of our Association have left nothing undone for the accommodation of everybody, be they exhibitor or visitor, and would therefore extend a general invitation to the people of Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Iowa, and Illinois to visit the Cowley County Fair. Aside from the grand attractions and display at the Fair, we will show you Winfield, the Queen City of Southwestern Kansas; we will show you Cowley, the banner agricultural and stock raising county of Kansas, a visit you will never regret, except that it be, you did not locate with us.
The Cowley County Fair offers more and larger premiums to the farmer and stock raiser than any other county fair in the State.
Farmers of Cowley, do not forget to attend your County Fair. You cannot spend a few days to more profit or interest to yourself than by so doing.
Ladies, bring your jellies, preserves, fine sewing, and everything in the household line to the Fair. The ladies’ department last year was magnificent. Let us beat it this year.
Any person who desires this premium list in book form, with the constitution and by-laws and rules and regulations, can get it by addressing a postal to Ed. P. Greer, Secretary, Winfield, Kansas.
Visitors to the Cowley County Fair will find plenty of shade and water for their teams, and a nice blue grass lawn on which to spread your dinners. No other fair grounds in the State afford such free accommodations.
Every man, woman, and child should make it a point to visit their Fair. It will do you good to see your neighbors and to see what they are raising—not forgetting, however, to bring along some exhibit of your raising or manufacture.
The success of Cowley’s Fair last year was a matter of wonder all over Kansas. From everywhere came reports of the wonderful productions of our county, carried by those who visited it. It was the best advertisement we have ever had.
Let each and everyone be an exhibitor at the Fair this fall. If you have some good corn, big pumpkins, good hogs, cattle, or horses, bring them to the Fair and help to make it the grandest exposition of material prosperity ever seen in any country.
The Cowley County Fair wants an exhibit from every farm in the county. No matter how small or what the article may be; bring it as a production of Cowley County. Compare it with that of your neighbor. Take items and learn a lesson that will improve your exhibit next year.
The entry books will be open at the COURIER editorial rooms in Winfield, August 25th, and remain open until September 20th, after which the Secretary will be at his office on the grounds. All articles for exhibition must be on the grounds by 6 P. M. Tuesday, September 23rd, at which time the entry books will close.
The prices for admission to the Fair will be as follows:
Single ticket, adults: $.25
Children, 5 to 15 years: $.15
Double team: $.25
Single team or saddle horse: $.15
Season tickets: $1.00
Season tickets, with vehicle: $2.00
The Cowley County Fair Association wants to see farmers of the county attend the Fair with their big pumpkins, big squashes, big potatoes, big cabbage, big corn, big hogs, big colts, big calves, in fact with a sample exhibit of everything raised on a farm. Please don’t forget to bring your good looking wives and big fat babies.
The Association will furnish exhibitors with stalls and pens at the following prices:
Speed stables, 10 x 12: $5.00
Stallion stables, 8 x 12: $4.00
Box stalls, 6 x 10: $3.00
Herd pens: $2.00
Cattle stalls: $1.00
Hog and sheep pens: free.
A part of the beautiful park next to the grounds will be reserved for those who desire to come with their wagons and families and camp during the Fair. Such must provide themselves with season tickets. Persons from a distance will find this a most pleasant way of taking in the Fair. Last year there were upwards of fifty families camped within the grounds.
The Cowley County Fair will have a place for everything and everything will be in its place, thus offering the visitor a satisfactory sight of one of the grandest exhibitions in the way of an agricultural Fair ever witnessed. An army of able and obliging assistants will take pains in answering all questions and giving such information as the visitor may require.
The Cowley County Fair is wholly and truly a county institution. Its stockholders are Farmers and businessmen of Cowley County, whose interests are identified one with the other, and seek through this organization to bring the whole people of Cowley County together at least once a year in a grand exhibit of the resources and wealth of the county.
The above list comprises persons from almost every locality in the county. The forty shares remaining can be subscribed for by anyone who desires. $25 upon each share to be paid within thirty days after subscription and the balance of $25 on each share on the 1st day of October, 1884. Each stockholder receives a ticket which admits his family to the grounds at all times and a “stockholders’ badge” which gives him all the privileges of the grounds. Every farmer interested in the material welfare of our county should report his name to the Secretary of the Association as a subscriber to the capital stock at once. The investment is a good one and the cause worthy the highest encouragement.
The Cowley County Fair and Driving Park Association is not an individual concern. Its stockholders number over a hundred and fifty of the leading farmers and businessmen of the county. Its capital stock is $10,000, divided into 200 shares of $50 each. One hundred and sixty of these shares are now taken and paid for and the money expended in purchasing the grounds, erecting buildings, stalls, pens, fencing, amphitheatre, and improving the finest race track in Kansas. Everything is paid for. The profits of last year were over $1,800, every cent of which was put on the grounds in additional improvements. There are forty shares yet to place. They will be taken before Fair time and the proceeds used in putting up a main exhibition building between the two wings already erected and in other needed improvements. It is especially desirable that this stock be taken by the farmers of the county, for upon them, most of all, will the future success of Cowley’s Fair depend. The grounds were purchased for $75 per acre. They are worth today, without the improvements, $150 per acre, so in the rise of land alone the stockholder has doubled his money. There is no doubt but that this stock will be most desirable property, aside from the immense public benefit of the Association to the agricultural and stock interests of our county. Had the profits of last year been paid to the persons who were then stockholders as dividends they would have received over 30 percent interest on their investment. But they preferred to strengthen the Association and let the money remain in its treasury.
The following is a list of the stockholders of the Cowley County Fair and Driving Park Association:
R. E. Wallis, Sr.
R. E. Wallis, Jr.
J. W. Millspaugh.
W. P. Hackney.
A. H. Doane.
D. L. Kretsinger.
James F. Martin.
H. Harbaugh.
J. S. Mann.
Henry E. Asp.
A. E. Baird.
Q. A. Glass.
A. B. Arment.
H. Brown.
W. J. Wilson.
John Lowry.
M. L. Read.
M. L. Robinson.
J. L. Horning.
Sol. Burkhalter.
P. H. Albright.
J. B. Lynn.
W. J. Hodges.
C. C. Black.
J. B. Schofield.
J. M. Keck.
G. S. Manser.
S. G. Gary.
A. T. Spotswood.
J. P. Baden.
W. S. Mendenhall.
E. B. Weitzel.
G. W. Robinson,
W. C. Robinson.
James H. Bullene.
L. B. Stone.
Jacob Nixon.
S. W. Phenix.
John Stalter.
N. J. Thompson.
J. P. Short.
I. W. Randall.
William Overly.
S. P. Strong.
Isaac Wood.
C. H. Cleaves.
Hughes & Cooper.
Hendricks & Wilson.
F. W. Schwantes.
E. D. Taylor.
W. W. Limbocker.
William Carter.
J. B. Corson.
D. F. Moore.
G. B. Shaw & Co.
D. B. McCollum.
R. F. Burden.
J. C. Roberts.
George Wilson.
R. J. Yoeman.
J. B. Nipp.
P. B. Lee.
W. W. Painter.
L. Barnett.
J. H. Curfman.
John Holmes.
S. S. Linn.
E. B. Nicholson.
G. P. Waggoner.
H. C. McDorman.
George W. Miller.
Harry Bahntge.
L. C. Harter.
W. Webb.
A. C. Bangs.
A. J. Thompson.
E. M. Reynolds.
G. L. Rinker.
David H. Dix.
Harvey Smith.
T. P. Carter.
Hogue & Mentch.
F. M. Friend.
J. T. Brooks.
J. O. Taylor.
Z. B. Myers.
S. H. Myton.
D. S. Sherrard.
E. J. Wright.
Vermilye Brothers.
J. T. Nicholson.
J. N. Harter.
Ed. P. Greer.
J. C. McMullen.
R. B. Noble.
R. B. Pratt.
H. G. Fuller.
F. L. Branniger.
L. F. Johnson.
J. W. Browning.
J. H. Watts.
Warren Wood.
Alexander Fuller.
John Bowers.
J. D. Maurer.
J. E. Conklin.
T. H. Soward.
R. E. Sydall.
J. B. Evans.
Nathan S. Perry.
D. R. Laycock.
J. R. Sumpter.
C. G. Bradbury.
J. C. Long.
F. S. Jennings.
Not sure if previous list had the “Speed Ring” so am copying it.
All premiums for trotting and pacing, best three in five, in harness, and will be conducted under the rules and regulations of the National Trotting Association, unless otherwise specified.
Purses will be divided, 60 percent to first, 30 percent to second, 10 percent to third horse.
Four entries and three starters required in all trotting and pacing races, and all entries shall close at 12:30 prompt, each day.
In heats where eight or more horses start, the distance will be 150 yards.
Heats in each day’s races may be trotted alternately.
A horse distancing the field, or any part thereof, will receive but one premium.
Horses will be called at 1 o’clock P. M., and started at 1:30 promptly.
If, owing to bad weather, or other unavoidable cause, the Association shall be unable to start one or more of its races on or before 3 o’clock P. M., on the last day of the meeting, such races will be declared “off,” and the entrance money therein refunded.
Entrance fee TEN PERCENT of the purse, and must be remitted when the entry is made.
All running races to be governed by the Racing Rules of the American Running Turf, excepting that an entrance fee of ten percent of purse will be charged, and four entries and three starters required, and no money for walk-over. Purses divided, 70 percent, to first, and 30 percent to second, with the following weights, except specified;
Two-year-olds, 86 pounds.
Three-year-olds, 96 pounds.
Four-year-olds, 110 pounds.
Five-year-olds, 115 pounds.
Six-year-olds and over, 118 pounds.
Three pounds allowed for fillies, mares, and geldings.
Entries in all running races shall close at 12:30, prompt, each day.
Class O—Speed Ring Department.
No. 1, TROTTING, green horses. Premiums: $35
No. 2, RUNNING, half-mile dash. Premium: $35
Ladies driving: Special.
No. 3, PACING, 3 minute class. Premium $100
No. 4, RUNNING, half mile, 2 and 3, catch weights. Premium $100
No. 5, TROTTING, 3 minute class. Premium $100
Boys’ and girls’ riding. Special.
No. 6, RUNNING, 1 mile. Premium $125
No. 7, PACING, 2:40 class. Premium $125
No. 8, TROTTING, free for all, citizens’ purse. Premium $250
Ladies riding. Special.
No. 9, RUNNING, novelty race, catch weights. Premium $160 [?]
($25 to 1/4 mile, $35 to ½ mile, $50 to 3/4 mile, $50 to mile post, 5 to enter and 4 to start.)
No. 10, consolation, half-mile heats. Premium $75
(Open to all trotters and pacers, who had started and not won a purse during the meeting.)
No. 11, optional, one mile. Premium $50
(Cowley County buggy horses, owners to drive with their own buggies.
 $30 to first horse out; $15 to second; $5 to third. No entrance.)
WEDNESDAY, September 24.
Half mile heats, 3 in 5. Premium $35 to 1st, $25 to 2nd, $10 to 3rd.
THURSDAY, September 25.
Five mile race: the winner to be presented with a gold badge valued at $25.
SATURDAY, September 27.
On this day Mr. Page or Mr. Buck, the champion Bicyclists of the State, will ride a ten mile race against a horse for a purse of $200.
The following special premiums are offered by the citizens of Cowley County. Parties wishing to compete for them must enter articles same as in other class, and must also comply with the instructions and requests named in the premium.
President J. F. Martin will have charge of this department, make assignment of articles, and appoint the necessary judges.
$15.00. For the best display of products from a single farm, by any farmer in Cowley County. $10.00 to 1st; $5.00 to 2nd.
$10.00. For one or more sheaves of wheat taken from within five feet of the top of the stack, five days before the opening of the Fair. Judgment to be on the best condition of the straw and berry.
($5.00) Rocking Chair. For the best display of Preserved Fruits, not less than five varieties, in glass jars—three or more to enter.
$2.50 For the Largest Pumpkin raised in Cowley County.
Boys’ saddle, worth $5.00, for graceful riding by any boy under 12 years of age.
Ladies’ riding whip, worth $5.00 for graceful riding by any girl under 12 years of age.
$5.00. For the largest Ear of Corn, by weight; must be entered on the first day of the Fair and weighed on the last day. Open to the world, and all corn entered to belong to J. L. Horning.
$5.00. For the best hand-made Sunbonnet, any style or material, by a girl under 16 years of age; $3.00 to 1st, $2.00 to 2nd.
$5.00. For the best Five Pounds of Butter, in one pound rolls. Premium butter to be the property of A. T. Spotswood.
$5.00. For the best hand-made Misses’ White Apron, by any girl in Cowley County under 15 years of age; $3.00 to 1st, $2.00 to 2nd.
$5.00. For ten Irish Potatoes entered on the 1st day of the Fair and weighed on the last day. Heaviest weight, $3.00; second weight, $2.00. All potatoes entered for this premium to be the property of A. H. Doane & Co.
$30.00. For the bushel of corn grown in Cowley County weighing 70 pounds and containing the least number of ears. Must be entered on the 1st day of the Fair and judged on the last; $15.00 to first, $10.00 to second, $5.00 to third. All corn entered for this premium to be the property of P. H. Albright.
$15.00. For best Spring Colt sired by “Lilac”: $10.00 to first, $5.00 to second.
$15.00. For best colt sired by his horse; $10 to first, $5.00 to second.
Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.
Miss Cora Sloan occupies the cashier’s desk in J. P. Baden’s mercantile establishment.
Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.
J. P. Baden is now rivaling St. Louis in everything. The immense new sign in front of his Headquarters is very beautiful and metropolitan.
Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.
Now has his immense business all under one roof
The wonderful bargains he has been giving during the past few weeks will still continue, and should be embraced by every man, woman, and child in Cowley County.
Are emblazoned on the wall of
J. P. Baden’s “Headquarters,” Never to be removed.
EVERY CITIZEN OF COWLEY COUNTY should step in and look through the Largest Mercantile Establishment in Southern Kansas.
Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.
Mr. M. W. Tanner, the popular and efficient salesman so long in the employ of J. P. Baden, has been engaged by Mr. Sam Kleeman and will hereafter be found with that gentleman at his new dry goods store on North Main street.
Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.
Fred Ballein returned from his eastern trip in the interest of Baden’s Mammoth Double store. He purchased a big stock which will be on in a few days.
Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.
German Lutheran services at the McDougall Hall over Baden’s store. Pastor R. Ehlers.
Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.
Always Ahead. First in market with the largest and best selected stock of Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Notions, and Clothing in Southern Kansas and our prices are the lowest.
Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.
J. P. Baden has been receiving an immense amount of new goods during the week and the shelves of his mammoth double store are being fairly loaded down with new and elegant designs in ladies goods and everything that humanity wants to wear or eat.
Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.
Miss Hattie Fisher has resigned her position in J. P. Baden’s store and accepted one with A. E. Baird at the New York Store, where she will be pleased to meet her friends and customers.
Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.
Take your peaches to Baden’s Headquarters and get the highest price in cash or merchandise.
Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.
J. P. Baden wants twenty thousand choice peaches, for which he will pay from fifty cents to a dollar and a half per bushel.
Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.
Take your peaches to Baden’s Headquarters and get the highest price in cash or merchandise.
[AD: J. P. BADEN.]
Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.
Go to J. P. Baden’s for buckwheat flour, cranberries, maple syrup, rock candy, and honey drip syrup, comb honey, old government Java coffee, oranges, lemons, cocoanuts, bananas, Irish roasted coffees. Rio, Java, and Mocha received weekly and ground to order.
Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.
Go to J. P. Baden’s for buckwheat flour, cranberries, maple syrup, rock candy, and honey drip syrup, comb honey, old government Java coffee, oranges, lemons, cocoanuts, bananas, Irish roasted coffees. Rio, Java, and Mocha received weekly and ground to order.
Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.
Rev. Ehlers, a German Lutheran minister, will preach in the hall over J. P. Baden’s store, next Sunday, at 11 o’clock a.m. All German friends are cordially invited to attend.
Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.
J. P. Baden launches forth this week through the COURIER with a declaration of war on prices. J. P.’s mammoth establishment has a name and fame solid in the hearts of their people. They know that he always backs up what he advertises, and this cost run will crowd his store from morning till night.
Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.
Comb and steam honey, cranberries, celery, oysters, buckwheat flour, and all such at Baden’s.
Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.
Ira Kyger’s second hand store in the room formerly occupied by Baden, on 8th Avenue, opposite City Steam Mills, is booming. Call and see when you have anything to sell, or if you are in want of anything in our line, such as new furniture, stoves, stove trimmings, queensware, glassware, looking glasses, sewing machines, or any other article used by man, woman, or child. Highest cash price paid for second-hand goods. All goods delivered.
Winfield Courier, November 13, 1884.
Rev. H. Ehlers, a German Lutheran minister, will hold services next Sunday at 11 a.m. in the hall over J. P. Baden’s store. He has favored the German of our city with acceptable sermons before and all should turn out on this occasion.
Winfield Courier, November 20, 1884.
City Government.
The city council ground out a grist of business of several week’s standing Monday night. A. G. Wilson was appointed city weighmaster for the term ending March 5, 1885. Messrs. McGuire and McDonald sustained a motion for the city to purchase scales and hire a weighmaster, but the mayor cast the determining vote against.
The City theatre license was changed from $5 to $10 per night to $3 to $10.
Petition of W. A. Lee to erect a frame stable within fire limits, was rejected.
The question of raising all main street awnings, was continued.
G. B. Shaw & Co. were granted privilege to move their scales to 6th Avenue, west of Main Street.
Permission was given the Southern Kansas Railway Company to extend its depot platform thirty feet farther West, a much needed improvement. Ordinance was ordered for the construction of gutters on the west side of Main, abutting on block 110.
Following bills were ordered paid.
A. H. Glanden, crossings, $12.32.
Black & Rembaugh, printing, $9.50.
J. S. Lyon & Co., sewer pipe, $18.50.
Mater & Co., blacksmith work, $4.65.
S. C. Smith, services as city engineer, $17.75.
Horning & Whitney, supplies, $2.80.
Jas. Likowski was allowed $5.00 for a privy destroyed in election bonfires.
Bill of J. P. Baden, of $20.00, goods furnished one Whitford, a city pauper, was recommended to County Commissioners for payment.
Winfield Courier, November 20, 1884.
The German Lutherans of this city and county have arranged to organize a church at this place, when Rev. Ehlers will preach semi-monthly, alternately in English and German. Services will be held in the hall over J. P. Baden’s store.
Winfield Courier, December 4, 1884.
Baden Resumes Produce Shipping.
Some few weeks ago J. P. Baden discontinued the shipping department of his immense establishment owing to the small profit on shipment. He had been receiving produce from all over the state and drew probably more than any other shipper in the state, doing much in keeping up the prices of the farmers small products. He then thought to quit permanently; but there seemed to be a great demand here for a wholesale market and prices looking up on shipments, he resumed Tuesday, and the same old bulk of produce is being consigned to him. The farmers of Cowley and adjoining counties will be glad to note this fact, as being a great stimulus to prices.
Winfield Courier, December 18, 1884.
J. P. Baden must have all the poultry obtainable, this week. Next week will be too late to ship.