Thomas Baird
This file needs more work...need to add some Courier items. See below.
Thomas (1807-1869) and Janet (Dinsmore) Baird (1814-1882) immigrated from Scotland, to Canada, in 1842. They had seven children.
1. Male
2. Male
3. Male
4. Thomas, born 1849, died 1933.
5. Female
6. Robert, born 1853, died 1939.
7. Female
[Arkansas City.]
VOLUME IV, PAGES 1785/1786.
THOMAS BAIRD is a retired farmer, banker, and businessman of Arkansas City and is one of the few survivors of that pioneer group of men who were attracted to the southern Kansas border at the beginning of the decade of the 1870s and established and developed the first homesteads around Arkansas City. Mr. Baird in his time has had a wide variety of business interests and undertakings, but has always been closely identified with agriculture, an evidence of which is the fact that for a half century he has been a faithful member of the Grange or Patrons of Husbandry, one of the oldest agricultural organizations in America.
Mr. Baird was born in Ontario, Canada, about forty miles from Detroit, Michigan, on July 26, 1849. He was reared there, attending the public schools of Canada, and in 1868, at the age of nineteen, came to Kansas. He first located at Paola, but in 1871 moved to Cowley County, which had been organized the previous year. He took up a claim four miles west of Arkansas City. Since it was difficult to make a living from a bare claim, he followed his trade as a contractor and builder in Arkansas City until 1878. He then settled on a farm, and during the next twenty-eight years gave his full time and energies to his farm and his increasing landed interests there.
About 1907 he moved his home into Arkansas City and gave up the heavy responsibilities of actual farming. He became one of the organizers of the Union State Bank, and for about two years was its president and remained on the Board of Directors until he found indoor work uncongenial, but he still remains one of the large stockholders of the bank. He owns stock in a number of local enterprises. He was one of the organizers and was vice president of the Henneberry Packing Company and remains a stockholder in its successor, the Keefe-LeStourgeon Packing Company, one of the important business enterprises of Arkansas City. He is a stockholder in the Arkansas City Daily Traveler.
It was on his birthday, July 26, 1871, that Mr. Baird put his stake in the ground marking out his original homestead claim. The land constituting that claim is now part of a fine body of land aggregating a thousand acres, which he owns. Oil has been developed on part of his land.
Mr. Baird is an independent in politics. During the 1890s he was prominent in the populist movement. His family attend the Presbyterian Church, and he is a thirty-second degree Scottish Rite Mason, member of the Wichita Consistory, and belongs to Midian Temple of the Mystic Shrine at Wichita. He is a member of the Farmers Union and has served on the local school board.
Mr. Baird married February 7, 1877, Miss Adelia DeMott. She is likewise a native of Canada, daughter of William and Tabitha Ann (Sleigh) DeMott. The DeMotts were among the pioneers of Cowley County. Mrs. Baird was eleven years of age when, in December, 1869, her parents came to Kansas, remaining at Ottawa for a few months and in April, 1870, moving to Chanute, and in February, 1872, to Cowley County, where they settled on a farm four miles southwest of Arkansas City. Her father died there September 20, 1878. Her mother died April 20, 1884. Mrs. Baird had two brothers, Fred C. DeMott and William John DeMott. The latter died at Ottawa, Kansas, when eighteen months old.
Fred C. DeMott, brother of Mrs. Baird, is one of the leading businessmen of Arkansas City, being president of the Union State Bank. He was born in Collingwood, Ontario, Canada, August 18, 1863, and was about nine years old when the family settled in Cowley County. He finished his education there in the local schools and remained at the old homestead until 1899, when he moved to his present farm a mile and a half south of Arkansas City.
On January 2, 1908, he was one of the men who instituted the Union State Bank, and on January 3, 1909, he was made its president, an office he has held ever since. He is a thirty-second degree Scottish Rite Mason, member of the Midian Temple of the Mystic Shrine, was one of the organizers of the local Grange, and for some years one of the directors of the Farmers Union. He is a member of the Masonic Grotto and the Rotary Club, and his wife belongs to the Methodist Episcopal Church.
Fred C. DeMott married April 15, 1888, Miss Bell Booton, of Cowley County. They have three children and several grandchildren: Charles F. DeMott, born February 16, 1894, graduated from the Arkansas City High School, spent two years in Kansas Agricultural College at Manhattan, operates the home farm, and by his marriage, on December 25, 1917, to Miss Nina Nelson has a daughter, Lillian Rose, born September 16, 1921; Lura Maud DeMott, born in February, 1898, was graduated from high school and the State Teachers College at Emporia, taught for four years, and is now the wife of Harry McLaughtor, of Sumner County, Kansas, and has a son, Frederick Wilson, born September 26, 1921; and Lydia Gertrude DeMott, born March 2, 1902, a graduate of the high school of Arkansas City, also had experience as a teacher, and is now the wife of Vernon Chaplin and has a daughter, Virginia, born July 27, 1925.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Baird had three children, William T., Charles M., and Mabel. William T. was born on the homestead farm, May 20, 1878, was educated in local schools and the Kansas State Agricultural College at Manhattan, and after some early years as a farmer moved out to Tulsa, Indian Territory, when that now famous city had a population of only thirteen hundred, and has been prominently identified with the farming and oil industries of that community, in which his father is interested with him. He is unmarried. Charles M. Baird, the second son, was born April 22, 1880, in Cowley County, was educated in public schools and the State Agricultural College at Manhattan, and now carries the burdens of managing the Baird farming interests, comprising about a thousand acres of land. He is a member of the Farmers Union of Arkansas City and the Grange. He married Miss Leonora Hadekin, and they have a family of five children, named Berlin, Marlin, Albert, Mabel Adeline, and Walter. Mabel Baird was educated at Arkansas City, at the Kansas State Agricultural College and Fairmount College at Wichita, where she graduated in music. She is the wife of C. M. Drennan, who was assistant superintendent of the Keefe-LeStourgeon Packing Company of Arkansas City, and is now manager of the Ark Warehouse at Arkansas City. He is president of the State Warehouse Association.
Winfield Courier, September 16, 1875.
This is to certify that we, whose names are hereto subscribed, do most heartily recommend for our next County Treasurer, FRANK GALLOTTI, who has for the last year and a half faithfully and satisfactorily performed the duties of said office while acting in the capacity of Deputy. . . .
One of those who signed petition: Thomas Baird.
[Note: Petition also signed by “D. R. Baird.”]
Winfield Courier, December 30, 1875.
Living in Arkansas City: Houghton & Baird.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 1, 1876.
The frame work of Mr. Page’s house is completed; Thomas Baird is doing the work.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 15, 1876.
Russell Baird and Robert Baird, both brothers of Thomas Baird, arrived last week from Canada. We are glad to see Russell back again, bringing his brother with him.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 19, 1876. Front Page.
Petition of Thomas Baird and others, of Bolton Township, asking for a view and survey of a County road, presented, and granted, and Abram Shurtz, Henry Pruden, and William Turner appointed viewers; and the County Clerk is hereby ordered to give the necessary legal notice.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 13, 1876.
The Baird Brothers are building a skiff boat to convey two passengers down the Arkansas. The parties hire the boat built, and expect to make a voyage to the Mississippi.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 1, 1876.
The members of the Arkansas City Cornet Band are requested to meet at Baird’s Shop tomorrow evening, November 2nd. Business of importance to transact.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 31, 1877.
HOGS. JOHN BOYD and RUSSELL BAIRD have gone into the hog business. They intend to feed a large number in the spring. They have 40 head on hand now, and are buying as fast as they can get hold of the right sort. The boys are O. K., for there’s money in that kind of a corn crib.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 7, 1877.
MARRIED. MR. THOMAS BAIRD, of Arkansas City, married Adelia, only daughter of MR. W. H. DEMOTT, of Bolton Township, February 6, 1877, at 11 o’clock. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Fleming.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 14, 1877.
TOM BAIRD and wife returned last Friday night from a short wedding trip north.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 28, 1877.
STRAYED. From the premises of Thos. Baird, in Bolton Township, on or about January 20th, one large black and white brood sow, in thin order. Anyone having or hearing of the same, will please address the undersigned at this office. THOS. BAIRD.
Winfield Courier, March 15, 1877.
Mr. Thomas Baird, of Bolton Township, has the contract for building a schoolhouse in district No. 36, in Sumner County.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1877.
The following teachers received certificates at the examination at Winfield, Friday and Saturday, March 23rd and 24th.
Misses Emma Burden, Sallie Leavering, Sarah E. Davis, Jennie Hane, Ioa Roberts, Arvilla Elliott, Mattie Minnihan, Alice Pyburn, Mary Lynn Emma Saint, Mary Tucker, Effie Randall, Dora Winslow; Mrs. M. S. Tucker, Mrs. A. R. Houser, Mrs. Adelia Baird; and Mr. S. J. Hockett.
Sixteen received certificates. Whole number of applicants thirty-seven. The first three received first grades. Many who failed have been teaching in the county two and three years.
Winfield Courier, April 5, 1877.
The following persons were made legal teachers by the Board of Examiners for Cowley County, on Monday, March 26th, 1877. Those receiving first grade certificates had an average of at least 85 percent, and those receiving second grade certificates, an average standing of at least 70 percent, as shown by their papers upon the questions for examination, submitted the 23rd and 24th of March.
First Grade: Misses Emma Burden, Sarah E. Davis, and Sallie Leavering.
Second Grade: Misses Jennie Hane, Arvilla Elliott, Mary Lynn, Alice Pyburn, Effie Randall, Ioa Roberts, Mattie Minnihan, Mary Tucker, Dora Winslow, Kate Fitzgerald, M. E. Saint, Mrs. M. L. Tucker, Adelia Baird, A. R. Houser, and Mr. S. J. Hockett. Thirty-six applications were made for certificates with the result as indicated above.
Winfield Courier, April 19, 1877.
Thos. Baird, pauper bill: $12.00
Arkansas City Traveler, May 30, 1877.
CHESTER LOVELAND, formerly a resident of this place, made a short call last week. He came down from Wichita on Thomas Baird’s lumber raft.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 30, 1877.
MARRIED. At the residence of the bride’s parents, on Thursday, May 24th, by Rev. S. B. Fleming, Mr. Russell Baird and Miss Mary A. Kimmell, both of the noble and prosperous township of Bolton.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 30, 1877.
Last week Thos. Baird, Will Alexander, Chester Loveland, and a stranger lashed 15,000 feet of pine lumber together, at Wichita, making three rafts of it, and started for this place.
For awhile everything was a success, but as the lumber became soaked and the lashing more slack, trouble began to grow apparent. They followed the current, making time at the rate of ten miles an hour, until the river made a sudden bend, when one of the rafts struck a tree. The man jumped off of it and tied the rope, but the current was too swift, and it sped on down the river. When the others came along they tied up for the night, and in the morning went in search of the missing raft, which they found in a corn field not far away. The result of the experiment was, one raft left seven miles from Wichita, one left twelve miles above Oxford, and one that came through all right. The boys think if they were to try it again, they could come through safely.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 25, 1877.
D. H. CLOUGH sold a span of ponies, new wagon, and harness to Thomas Baird last week for $150.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1877.
BORN. To Russell Baird and wife, Saturday, Oct. 29th, a daughter.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 21, 1877.
A BUILDING ASSOCIATION WAS FORMED A FEW WEEKS AGO, and entered into by twelve parties, agreeing to build a house each. Since then fourteen more have declared their intention to build. The original twelve were:
S. P. Channell, W. M. Sleeth, A. A. Newman, L. H. Gardner, O. P. Houghton, Gardner Mott, H. P. Farrar, Silas Parker, J. L. Huey, C. R. Sipes, R. C. Haywood, James Wilson.
The additional fourteen are: J. C. McMullen, Thomas Baird, J. Dodwell, Mrs. Dean, C. C. Wolf, E. J. Fitch, Mr. Ray, Wm. Speers, T. A. Gaskill, D. Logan, J. T. Shepard, Kendall Smith, Jas. Benedict, David Finney.
Mr. Gaskill has his house almost enclosed, and the foundations and preparations are being made for several others.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 28, 1877.
WILL. ALEXANDER tells the people this week he is ready to work by the day or job, or contract for any kind of carpentering. His shop is at Tom Baird’s old stand on Summit street.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 19, 1877.
All kinds of job work in my line executed with dispatch.
Give me a call before letting your contracts.
Shop at the old stand of T. Baird, North Summit Street, Arkansas City, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1878.
96. Arkansas City—Mrs. Addie Baird.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 13, 1878.
WINFIELD, KAN., Feb. 9, 1878.
Mrs. Adelia Baird’s school, district 96, closed recently, and of course was not inspected, though I visited the district to see about other matters.
In general, I found educational interests in Bolton in a healthy condition, and the progress which that township is making in population and wealth will in time remedy many of the evils which unavoidably afflict our district schools. Respectfully, R. C. STORY.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 17, 1878.
W. B. TRISSELL left for Wichita last Monday, to make his home at that place. We regret losing Mr. Trissell, who has been with us for the past year or two as agent for the Rose Hill nurseries. By the fairest of dealing, and strict attention to business, he has made a lasting reputation for the above firm, and we take pleasure in recommending him to the people of Sedgwick County.
Before going Mr. Trissell sold his stock to Mr. Thomas Baird, who has the territory of Cowley for his operations. A better man than Tom is not to be found in the county, and he undoubtedly will succeed.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878. Front Page.
Bolton is, I think, the banner township of the county; just rolling enough to carry off all the surplus water, with a soil unsurpassed for fertility, and a good industrious class of people.
There never was a better prospect for a heavy crop of wheat than at the present moment. Look in any direction you will, your eyes will rest on a green rolling sea of wheat, the sight of which gladdens the heart of the farmer, the merchant, the lawyer, and the machine agent of course. All classes feel that the staff of life will not be denied them.
I found Mr. Thomas Baird in his barn shelling seed corn. When asked to subscribe for the COURIER, he said he was too poor. After a short chat, however, he gave me his name. By the way, Mr. Baird is one of Bolton’s big farmers.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
Our readers will be sorry to learn that W. B. Trissell, the champion fruit tree agent of the west, has moved his quarters to Wichita for the purpose of still enlarging the borders of the old, reliable nursery of Rose Hill. This nursery has done wonders for Winfield and Cowley County. If the old adage, “a thing of beauty is a joy forever,” our people have reason to feel glad for a whole lifetime. The fruit and ornamental trees that beautify every lot and door-yard in our city will speak favorably for the Rose Hill folks for years to come. Through the indomitable pluck of this firm, they have succeeded in establishing several branch nurseries—one, the Walnut Valley Nursery, situated in our own county, may be considered a permanent institution. These gentlemen are life-long nurserymen, give strict attention to business and due regard to the selection of stock ordered, sell none but thrifty home-grown trees, and have secured the services of Thomas Baird, an old and favorably known citizen of Cowley County. When a good man represents a good firm, let him be liberally patronized. We understand that Mr. Nixon Elliott, a thorough practical businessman, has been associated with Mr. Williams in the Rose Hill Nursery business. We take pleasure in recommending this firm and its branches to Wichita and Sedgwick County in general. We have tried them for years and know whereof we speak.
Excerpt from a lengthy article...
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, July 3, 1878.
After the trip in the morning, the gentlemen connected with the boat, viz: Captains Barker and Lewis, proprietors; Messrs. Chapman and Smith, pilots; Mr. Colton, citizen of Little Rock, and Mr. Baird were driven uptown, and the crowd stopping at Schiffbauer’s store, the doors were thrown open, and they filed in to partake of—well, there was a general good feeling pervading the people, and they did justice to all that was handed out. By this time the hotel man warned them that it was time for attending to the “solids” required by the inner man, and they repaired to the Central Avenue, the guests of Mr. Chas. Schiffbauer, who sustained the reputation for liberality that this firm has gained.
Winfield Courier, July 25, 1878.
Thos. Baird, of Bolton Township, has threshed his 150 acres of wheat, which turns out 30 bushels per acre of the finest wheat that has ever grown.
Winfield Courier, September 26, 1878.
SALT CITY, Sept. 18, 1878.
Mr. Reynolds has just completed the budding of his 52,000 peach trees, and will next season show you more home-grown stock from their celebrated nursery. This is a branch of the Rose Hill and Walnut Valley Nursery, which has been sending out so much fine stock through their agents, Trissell and Baird.
Winfield Courier, August 21, 1879.
Thos. C. BairdPryor & Pryor
H. C. Merrick, et. al. C. R. Mitchell
Arkansas City Traveler, November 19, 1879.
The fruit tree men are delivering this week, and the farmers seem to be on hand for their bills. And, to the credit of the nursery men and farmers too, every bill seems to be satisfactory. Tom Baird is on hand with a lot of well grown home stock from Mr. Maxwell’s nursery, which does credit to home stock. Mr. Letz, proprietor of the Wellington nursery of Ohio, and one of the largest dealers in the United States has been here looking after delivery of stock sold last summer. He expresses himself well pleased with the country, and expects to build up a large trade here. His stock came through splendidly packed, and gave good satisfaction, the roots coming out fresh and nice. Mr. John Varnum, representing the nursery here, is a businessman who can be relied on, and his guarantees for the company will be good. Specimens of their stock, and mode of packing, can be seen at the City Hotel. We say to all, competition is the life of trade, go in gentlemen, you are working with God and nature to beautify and improve the country.
Unknown: Which Baird the following item concerns...
Arkansas City Traveler, March 24, 1880.
Messrs. Alexander and Baird are introducing a new and ingenious attachment for doors. It is claimed by the use of this invention rain, snow, dust, etc., is entirely excluded from the room.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 31, 1880.
NOW IS THE TIME to get your fruit and shade trees, as I am going to close out this week. Delivery ground south of Speers & Houghton’s Store. T. BAIRD.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 28, 1880.
BIRTHS. The gossips of the port bring us news this week of increased immigration into Bolton Township. The agents in this line are Mr. and Mrs. Tom Baird and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mercer. The papas and mammas are proud of the dear little boys, who reported themselves for duty on board the ship of life last Wednesday.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 12, 1880.
Last Friday afternoon Mr. Thomas Baird’s horse became scared while tied in front of L. E. Humphreys’ confectionery, and breaking loose the hitch rein, would doubtless have indulged in a lively time had he not been grabbed by a bystander. Beyond a slight damage to straps, no harm was done.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 9, 1881.
SEED OATS for sale at my farm. Thos. Baird.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 4, 1881.
A. C. Wells and Thos. and Russell Baird talk of making a trip to Colorado sometime in the near future.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 29, 1881.
Thomas Baird had quite an experience with a contrary mule on our streets last Thursday evening. When Tom got ready to start, his muleship wasn’t, and when he finally would start, it would be but to go in an opposite direction to the way desired. Finally, after Tom being once thrown in front, the buggy’s start was made, and we presume home was reached in good shape. A little child who had evidently been to the circus, upon witnessing the performance, remarked, “O’ momma, here’s “January” come again.
Death of Russell Baird’s wife...
Arkansas City Traveler, September 28, 1881.
DIED. At the residence of her father, A. J. Kimmel, in Bolton Township, on Sept. 21st, 1881, of mountain fever, Miss Zadie Kimmel, aged 18 years.
DIED. In Bolton Township, on Sept. 23rd, 1881, of mountain fever, Mary Ann, wife of Russell Baird and daughter of A. J. Kimmel.
These two sisters were called by the pale angel to tread the silent vale of death as it were, hand in hand. We commend the bereaved husband, motherless babes and sorrowing relatives to the loving care of Him who doeth all things well.
Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.
We received a pleasant call from Mr. Thomas Baird, of Bolton, an old COURIER subscriber, on Tuesday afternoon.
Winfield Courier, April 27, 1882.
An additional venire of eighteen jurymen was ordered by Judge Torrance Tuesday morning. The following gentlemen were drawn: H. M. Branson, Windsor; Alfred Hightower, Dexter; W. W. McDonough, Otter; Wm. Rouzee, Beaver; G. M. Moore, Walnut; J. R. Scott, Tisdale; Wm. Shrieves, Spring Creek; A. H. Miller, Liberty; Thos R. Carson, Richland; Geo. Homer, Otter; Thos. Baird, Bolton; Frank Weakley, Walnut; C. W. Frith, Liberty; J. H. Titus, Bolton; J. S. Mohler, Windsor; J. R. Tobin, Spring Creek; Pearson Coe, Richland; Thos. Cooley, Maple.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 3, 1882.
Thomas Baird and J. H. Titus, of Bolton Township, were down among the number of additional Jury men, and thought, “Ouch, blast the luck of ‘tending court during corn plowing time.”
Arkansas City Traveler, January 10, 1883.
Russell Baird is back from New Mexico.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 20, 1883.
BORN. To Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Baird, of Bolton Township, on Friday, June 8th, 1883, a girl. Tom was too full of joy to report same, for which negligence, of course, under the circumstances we must excuse him.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 12, 1883.
POCKET BOOK LOST. Mrs. Tom Baird lost a pocket book last week containing between four and five dollars and paper, of no value to any but the owner. By leaving at this office, the finder will be liberally rewarded. The name was written on the book.
Robert Baird, brother of Tom Baird...
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1884.
Mr. Bob Baird, of Arkansas City, has the contract for building the U. B. Church at this place. As soon as Old Boreas ceases his visits, he and a force of workmen will rush the building toward completion.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 16, 1884.
Her Facilities for Manufactures and Inducements to Capitalists.
Her Live Businessmen.
R. B. Baird, J. M. Godfrey, and W. E. Wolfe will execute work entrusted to their care with promptness and dispatch. Persons coming to Arkansas City will do well to confer with these gentlemen concerning any structure they may desire to erect.
Arkansas City Republican, March 1, 1884.
Robert Baird has purchased the Beecher carpenter shop on North Central Avenue. He guarantees his work. Read his advertisement.
Shop on East Central Avenue. A sufficient number of first-class workmen always employed in order to complete work on short notice. All work guaranteed.
Arkansas City Republican, March 29, 1884.
Robert Baird has the contract for building the new house of W. L. Aldridge.
Arkansas City Republican, April 5, 1884.
Mr. R. B. Baird’s family spent this week in the country.
Arkansas City Republican, April 19, 1884.
Will L. Aldridge is erecting a fine dwelling near the schoolhouse; R. B. Baird has the contract.
Unknown whether “Mrs. S. A. Baird” was related to Baird family...
Arkansas City Traveler, April 23, 1884.
Mrs. S. A. Baird has sold her interest in the Southern Millinery to Miss Abbie Hayne. The business however will still be conducted under the firm name of Miss L. Mann & Co., and at the old stand.
Arkansas City Republican, April 26, 1884.
The new United Brethren Church at Constant, is nearly completed. R. B. Baird has the contract. It is a neat and handsome structure.
Arkansas City Republican, May 3, 1884.
R. B. Baird is erecting a residence on J. C. Topliff’s ranch.
Arkansas City Republican, May 17, 1884.
Mr. Martin Baird, brother of R. B. Baird, recently arrived from Canada, and is visiting with relatives.
Arkansas City Republican, June 14, 1884.
The “Old Reliable” Real Estate Office has not been asleep this month, as their business shows. They have sold in town—
Robert Baird, house and 3 lots.
Arkansas City, Kansas.
Arkansas City Republican, June 14, 1884.
R. B. Baird sold his residence for $1,300.
Arkansas City Republican, June 14, 1884.
R. B. Baird built this week some handsome porches around the residence of R. O. Lutes.
Arkansas City Republican, June 14, 1884.
School Festival.
One of the most decided successes of the season, was the school festival, given by the teacher and pupils of the high school and grammar departments at the skating rink, last Tuesday evening. The school labored earnestly, but much of the praise due, must be given to Mrs. Beall, Mrs. Klopf, and Mrs. Atkinson, who directed the movement, and toiled incessantly the entire Thursday for the undertaking. These ladies worked with untiring zeal from early morn to late at night. In the afternoon and evening, they were joined by Mrs. Baird, Mrs. Howard, Mrs. Armistead, and Mrs. Chenoweth. Too much credit cannot be given each one of these ladies for their unwearied efforts. Evening brought an immense crowd. The evening passed in social enjoyment, and at a late hour the actors passed from the scene, well pleased with their evening’s entertainment.
Arkansas City Republican, June 21, 1884.
A new grocery will be opened, next Thursday, in the house south of Mrs. Henderson’s millinery store. The firm name is I. R. Deming & Son. Mr. Deming has been engaged in the grocery trade for a number of years, at Burlington, Iowa, and has removed to our section for the benefit of his health. He has purchased the Baird property, and intends making our city his home. His long experience in this branch of business will, doubtless, render him one of our successful merchants.
Arkansas City Republican, September 20, 1884.
R. B. BAIRD, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, ARKANSAS CITY, KANSAS. Shop on East Central Avenue. A sufficient number of first-class workmen always employed in order to complete work on short notice. All work guaranteed.
Unknown: Whether David R. Baird was “Russell Baird.”
Arkansas City Traveler, September 24, 1884.
MARRIED. On September 21, 1884, at the residence of Wm. Conaway, by Rev. S. B. Fleming, David R. Baird and Miss Linda E. Conaway. Peace, prosperity, and happiness go with them.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 29, 1884.
See notice to hunters in another column.
We, the undersigned, hereby give notice that we will prosecute to the full extent of the law all persons who may be found hunting upon our premises.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 29, 1884.
Shop on East Central Avenue.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, November 26, 1884.
Robert Baird has just completed his large new residence near the high school building and moved in this week.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 28, 1885.
This is a parable.
A way in the dim past about A. D. 1875 Wellington wanted to have a way up Fourth of July celebration, and imagining that Home musical talent was not the thing, applied for the Arkansas City band to discourse sweet music for them.
All arrangements were made for ten pieces, and the gentlemen who went to Wellington were as follows: Messrs. E. B. and W. S. Thompson, Lyman Herrick, Rob and Tom Baird, C. R. Sipes, Frank Speers, Rit Berkey, C. Balcom, and Al. Wells.
Several members of the band, proper, were absent, but after much skirmishing around nine musicians were found and the tenth piece was a dummy; or in other words, a make believe player with a silent horn. Everything went off serene, they got their pay and all was lovely.
Here comes the turn of the tune. Arkansas City wanted a way-up dance, tip top imported music, no home talent, you know, but something immense, and Wichita’s Italian Band kindly responded and agreed to ravish our souls with the thrilling strains of four pieces. They came, they played. It was good and everybody was pleased, but nevertheless we had our own medicine to take for the dummy was there sure enough with his little horn. History repeats itself and the moral of this is, patronize home institutions.
Arkansas City Republican, February 21, 1885.
Jas. Ridenour, Jas. Benedict, Robert Baird, W. D. Mowry, and Chas. Hutchins went to Emporia Monday to attend Grand Chapter and Grand Lodge. They came home yesterday.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, April 11, 1885.
Kendall F. Smith, of Ponca Agency, Indian Territory, is building a residence on lots on Central Avenue, just east of the hotel. His family will remove here in about four weeks and make Arkansas City their home, in order to give the children the benefit of Arkansas City’s superior schooling advantages. Mr. Smith formerly resided here before going to Ponca. Robt. Baird has the contract for the building.
Arkansas City Republican, June 27, 1885.
Henderson, the stockman, took two loads of cattle into Kansas City Wednesday, which were as fine as one could wish to see. He got $5.50 per hundred for them and the average per steer was 1,480 pounds. One bunch of the cattle was the production of Wm. Green, and the other of Thos. Baird. Cowley County is the most productive county in the state.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 23, 1885.
The following are the real estate transfers, filed in the office of Register of Deeds since our last issue.
Alfred D. Hawk et al to Adelia P Baird, lot 23 and pt lot 24, blk 47, Ark City: $125
J L Henry et ux to Adelia P Baird, lots 21-22, blk 47, Ark City, qc: $1
Arkansas City Traveler, September 9, 1885.
Shop on East Central Avenue.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 10, 1885.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds since our last issue.
William M Sleeth et ux to Robt B Baird, lot 26, blk 68, A C: $660
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 1, 1885.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds since our last issue.
Lafayette and Tyler H McLaughlin et ux to Robert B Baird, lot 14, blk 52, A C: $150
Arkansas City Republican, October 17, 1885.
From Another Correspondent.
Little Willie Baird struck his knee on the platform, causing a bruise which kept him from school several days.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 16, 1886.
Statement of the amount of orders issued, to whom issued, and for what purpose issued, on the bond funds for the building of the Central or Stone School Building, between June 24, 1884, and December 19, 1884; and orders issued to teachers from October 1, 1884, to June 3, 1885. Also, amount orders issued on the Incidental fund from July 10, 1884, to June 3, 1885. This is the best the present board can do. Not having any receipts recorded on the district clerk books, drawn from the county treasurer, we can give nothing but the one side.
Jan. 29, 1885 R. B. Baird, repairing at school building: $6.10
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 6, 1886.
Shop on East Central Avenue. A sufficient number of first-class workmen always employed in order to complete work on short notice. All work guaranteed.
Arkansas City Republican, May 15, 1886.
City Building.
At the last meeting of the city council, that honorable body adopted a resolution to purchase a lot, belonging to Thos. Baird, on Central Avenue, on which to erect a city building; the consideration was $800. Our city fathers acted wisely in making the purchase before the boom placed this out of their reach.
Arkansas City Republican, May 22, 1886.
Thos. Baird to H. G. Bailey, 1 lot, $1,200.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, May 29, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
H. G. Bailey has purchased a business lot of Thos. Baird, upon which his carpenter shop stands on Central Avenue, for $1,200. Mr. Bailey will use the shop for a carriage house and increase the capacity of his livery stable.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 12, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
Thos. Baird is painting his residence in the First ward.
Unknown: Which Baird ran a grocery store?
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 7, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
Baird & DeTurk is the new firm succeeding I. R. Deming & Son in the grocery business. They are nice gentlemen and the REPUBLICAN wishes them success.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 7, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Elsewhere in the REPUBLICAN appears the advertisement of Baird & DeTurk, grocerymen, successors to I. R. Deming & Son. Wm. Kilpatrick remains in the employ of the new firm.
(Successors to I. R. Deming & Son)
We keep a full line of STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES, Provisions, Confectionery, Nuts, etc. We propose to sell as cheap as the cheapest. All orders promptly filled.
The old customers of I. R. Deming & Son are respectfully requested to give us a trial before going elsewhere.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 25, 1886.
Business Mention.
Baird & DeTurk, in Deming’s former grocery store, are drawing a nice business together, and are winning public favors.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 4, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
Robt. Baird is finishing up an addition to his first ward residence.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 6, 1886.
Russell Baird has sold his property in the 4th ward, just east of the stone schoolhouse, to Marsh Fairclo. Consideration, $1,200.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 18, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
Visits John Eley Last Night While Sleeping, and this Morning his Body
Was Discovered, Cold and Stiff.
This morning the report was circulated on our streets that a man had been found dead in his bed at his boarding house. A REPUBLICAN representative soon traced the report up and learned it was true. A boarding house is kept on South Summit street in the upstairs rooms of Summit block by W. T. Murphy and wife and with them boarded the deceased, John Eley. From Mr. Murphy we gleaned the following particulars.
Some three weeks since John Eley came to his house to board; he was a carpenter by trade and has been working for Robt. Baird on the H. O. Meigs’ residence. He came here from Winfield to get work and left his family, wife, and two children, to reside there while he labored here to support them. The first of the week he took a serious cold and yesterday he claimed to be feeling badly. During the afternoon he drank some alcohol, weakened with water, but did not get intoxicated. About 8 o’clock in the evening he came into the sitting room of the boarding house and asking for a light, said he “guessed he would go to bed.” Mr. Murphy obtained the light and took him into his room, which is also occupied by three other boarders, Frank Smith, Wm. Parker, and Geo. McCarty, there being but two beds in the room. When the deceased had undressed and retired, he stated to Mr. Murphy that he was feeling sick at the stomach. Mr. Murphy placed a bucket beside the bed so that if he grew worse he might vomit in it, and went out. Eley lay there awake and when his bed-mate, McCarty, came in he conversed with him quite awhile. Between 10 and 11 o’clock they went to sleep, neither dreaming of what the morning would bring forth. Before daylight Mr. Murphy called to the men to get up and make ready for breakfast. They then arose and began dressing. They noticed Eley did not get up, and one of them called to him. No response was received, and then they called to Murphy to bring lights, that something was wrong with Eley. The light was brought, and a glance revealed the fact that he was dead. McCarty had slept with the corpse the greater portion of the night, as the body was cold. The authorities were immediately notified. Coroner Wells was telephoned for and Mrs. Eley was also notified, but as yet neither have come down.
A REPUBLICAN reporter was shown the corpse. He lay upon his back, head turned toward the wall, his hands pressed tightly over his heart, and his legs drawn up. He had the appearance of one sleeping, with the exception of the deadly pallor on the face. It is supposed he died of heart disease. M. McCarty took the remains to Winfield on the 5 o’clock train this afternoon for burial.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 12, 1887. From Wednesday’s Daily.
R. A. Baird is painting his first ward residence.
Question: Who was “A. Baird?” Thomas C. Baird was found once. Usually only the first name (Thomas) appeared. Could next item refer to the wife of Thomas Baird?
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 5, 1887. From Tuesday’s Daily.
Real Estate Transfers.
A. Baird, business lot, South Summit, to E. J. Coleman and other Topeka parties: $6,500.
Found in Baird file the following write-up.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 4, 1933.
Thoms Baird, pioneer resident of this city and widely known over southern Kansas and northern Oklahoma, died at 8 o’clock Thursday night at his home, 302 South B Street. He was 84 years old, July 24. He had been critically ill but 24 hours. Pneumonia was the cause of death.
Mr. Baird, a native of Canada, came to Arkansas City in the spring of 1870 and had since resided here. A carpenter by trade, he built a number of the first homes in this city and later farmed for many years in West Bolton Township, where his son, Charles M. Baird, has lived for many years.
Having become a resident of this community 83 years ago, Mr. Baird had seen the hardships of pioneer life and on his arrival here he staked a claim west of the city. Today this is one of the best barms in Kansas. Mr. Baird was at one time a member of the old Kansas National Guard and he saw service with that organization in southern Kansas and northern Oklahoma in the days when the Indians of old Oklahoma were on a rampage. He also made many trips with federal surveyors into the Cherokee Strip some years before that country was opened to settlement 40 years ago. It has been said of Mr. Baird that he knew every foot of southern Kansas and the Strip.
Surviving are the widow; one daughter, Mrs. C. M. Drennan; and two sons, Charles M. Baird, West Bolton; and William Baird, Arkansas City. Mrs. Drennan was in Parsons with her husband when her father was taken ill and she arrived here Thursday night—a short time before his death. Charles Baird and members of the family were in Chicago, having left here last Sunday, and Mr. Baird was reached late Thursday night by telephone. His father was in his usual health when Mr. Baird and family left the city. Friday Mr. Baird and the members of his party, who were attending the Century of Progress exposition, were on their way back to Arkansas City.
Mr. Thomas Baird was a charter member of the Local Masonic lodge. He came to Kansas from his birthplace, Ontario, Canada, in 1868. He first settled at Paola and came to this city in 1870. In past years he had been engaged in a wide variety of business ventures here, having been one of the promoters in bringing the Midland Valley here from Fort Smith. He was one of the organizers of the Henneberry Packing Company, now the Keefe-LeStourgeon Company. He was vice-president of the first company; and for a number of years a stockholder in the Union State Bank. He was president of that bank for several years. On his farm four miles west of the city, oil has been developed in the past few years.
Mr. Baird was a member of the Wichita Consistory and of the Shrine in Wichita. He was an active member of the Farmers Union and of the Arkansas City Grange, a local farm organization.
Mr. Baird was married February 7, 1877, to Miss Adelia DeMott. Mrs. Baird also is a native of Canada. Their three children were born here. During the early 1890s Mr. Baird was prominent in the Populist movement in Kansas. He was always an enterprising citizen and had been active in many local civic enterprises. His stories of the early day happenings in and around Arkansas City were always interesting to his large circle of friends and his relatives.
Funeral services will not be held before Tuesday, relatives said Friday. The services will be in the First Presbyterian Church and Dr. Frederick Maier will officiate. Oldroyd is in charge.
In another file labeled “Baird, Thomas” had the following notes from Jerry Case.
Baird, Thomas 26 July 1849 - 3 Aug. 1933
Adelia “Wife” 19 Aug. 1858 - 25 May 1943
Thomas 84 years 8 days.
Pioneer resident of Cowley County since May 1, 1870.
Charter member of Crescent Lodge #133.
Adelia 84 years 9 months 10 days
Mother of Walter T., Charles M., Mabel A. Drennan.
I believe Charles M. Baird - 22 April 1880 - 7 October 1940 - may be father of Walter Baird, west of Arkansas City.
The Arkansas City Traveler, Monday, February 26, 1996.
Walter Hadicke Baird.
Walter H. Baird, 76, of Arkansas City, died Friday (Feb. 23, 1996) at the Columbia Wesley Medical Center in Wichita.
Graveside services and interment will be held at 2 p.m., Wednesday (Feb. 28, 1996) in the Hope Cemetery.
Friends may call at the funeral home 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., Tuesday.
Mr. Baird, the youngest child of Charles M. and Lenora S. (Hadicke) Baird, was born Sept. 19, 1919, west of Arkansas City on the family farm. He lived his entire life in this area, being a part of the third generation to have resided here as his grandfather homesteaded here in May 1870, and his mother’s family homesteaded near here in the later part of 1870.
He married D. Grace Gillig on Jan. 14, 1938, and they lived in the West Bolton Township, where he farmed and raised sheep, as well as other livestock.
Survivors include his wife, Grace, of the home in Arkansas City; one son, John R. Baird of Roseburg, Oregon; one sister, Mabel Warren of Arkansas City; two sisters-in-law, Maxine Baird and Mildred Baird-Lawson, both of Arkansas City, and two grandchildren.
He is preceded in death by his parents; an infant sister; and three brothers, Berlyn, Martin, and Albert Baird.
A memorial has been established with the general fund of the Hope Cemetery Association. Contributions may be left at the funeral home.
Arrangements are by Hawks Funeral Home of Arkansas City.
Note: No reference to him flying or ever having hangar. Yet, somehow, believe this is the Walter Baird referred to in “FLYERS” articles. M