Volney Baird Family
The Kansas State Census of March 1, 1875, for Winfield, Kansas, lists:
V. Baird43 m w Tennessee Kentucky
Emily E. Baird38 f w VermontKentucky
Tom C. Baird17 m w Kentucky Kentucky
Alma Baird16 f w Kentucky Kentucky
Mattie Baird15 f w Kentucky Kentucky
Jennie Lee Baird11 f w Kentucky Kentucky
Charles Baird7 m w Kentucky Kentucky
J. F. Baird4 m w Kentucky Kentucky
Jennie Baird 1 f w Kansas
The Tisdale township of Cowley County, census of 1876, lists T. Baird. It does not list him in the 1878 census.
The Winfield census of 1873 lists V. Baird, age 41, and his wife E. E., age 37. They are also listed in the 1878 census.
List of Jurors Drawn for the July, 1873 Term of Court.
Included: V. Baird, Winfield Township.
Unknown: Family of W. C. Baird.
RKW thought Volney Baird might be father of W. C. Baird.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 31, 1881.
The Bullet vs. Rocks.
On Monday morning a fuss took place between Bill Baxter and W. C. Baird, clerk of the City hotel, the cassus belli being a dime smoke furnished Baxter, and for which he refused to pay. Several compliments of a highly personal character were indulged in, after which a tournament, in which two shots were fired, transpired. W. C. Baird handled the pop, but without damage to his assailant, who promptly gathered a rock and went for Baird. The “bad man” grasped the situation and fled for refuge, and, in the words of a bystander, made his coat tail crack in his effort to make good time. A warrant was taken out for Baird, who was arrested and taken before Judge Bonsall, who bound him over to appear at 1 o’clock yesterday. When the time for trial came, he turned up missing, and thus forfeited his bail of $100.00.
Winfield Courier, October 27, 1881.
The father of young Baird, who shot at a party in Arkansas City lately and forfeited his bail, brought him in Monday. He was taken before Justice McIntire and his bail fixed at eight hundred dollars. It was furnished by his father.
Winfield Courier, November 3, 1881.
Winfield Courier, December 6, 1883.
South Fairview Items.
V. Baird has his stone barn almost completed.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1884.
Office of the County Clerk, Winfield, Kansas, February 12th, 1884.
BOARD met in regular session agreeable to adjournment of January 16, 1884. Present: S. C. Smith (Chairman), Amos Walton, Commissioner, County Attorney, and J. S. Hunt, County Clerk.
S. W. Chase, J. L. Houston, William Gaddie, J. W. Millspaugh, Charles Kingsberry,
J. R. Smith, John A. Smalley, Volney Baird, J. M. Stinson, George Bull, J. O. Easterly.
Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.
[From Neighborhood Correspondents.]
V. Baird has built an addition to his residence.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.
V. Baird has completed his stone fence, which encloses sufficient pasture for his cattle.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.
H. S. Wallace closed his school on last Wednesday. After the bitter task was through then came the sweet in the way of a treat to the scholars with a feast of candy. In the evening Mr. Wallace had his scholars give an exhibition. The following is the program: Salutatory, Isaac Curfman; Harry and the Guide Post, Minnie Ehret; For a boy and girl, Eddie and Jennie Baird; Don’t give up, George Christolear; Dialogue, Albert Curfman and Hattie Orr; Speech of a daisy, Eddie Baird; A Sonnet, Ida Orr; Some leading questions, John and Chas. Baird; Sucking Cider, Maggie Orr; Temperance address, Frank Curfman; Tick Tock, Eddie Orr; Oration, Isaac Curfman; The Wonderful Sack, Jennie Baird; Johnnie Rich, Ambrose Caufman; What I Learned at Home, Eddie Orr; Pride, Hattie Orr and Jennie Baird; A Poor Old Maid, several girls; A Guardian Angel, Clara Caufman; The two Teachers, Minnie and Carrie; Playing Doctor, A. Caufman, Oscar and Jennie; Hoe your own row, George Ott; The Miser, Joshua Wallace; Song, Mr. and Mrs. Christolear; Give the little boys a chance, Four small boys; Warreous [?] address, Charlie Wallace; Old Heads on Young Shoulders, M. Curfman, Mary Orr, Jennie Craine, A. Caufman, and H. S. Wallace; The Evergreen Mountain, Minnie Larimer; Valedictory, Eddie Baird. The exhibition closed and all went home feeling it was good to be there.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 30, 1885.
FOR SALE. Two Hundred Bushels of seed pea nuts at V. A. Baird’s Fruit House.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 20, 1885.
J. W. Cottingham, M. C. Hedrick, Arthur Orr, W. J. Orr, and Volney Baird have filed appeals from the K. C. & S. W. damages allowed them by the commissioners.
The death notice of Volney Baird was in the Winfield Courier of January 12, 1897. It stated that he died on January 11 and left a son, Will. He was born January 13, 1832, married Elvira F., who was born March 10, 1836, and died August 16, 1895. They are buried in Union Cemetery in Winfield, Kansas.
There is another Baird buried in Union Cemetery. He is Albert C. Baird, but he was born in 1843 at St. Charles, Ill. So he is probably of another family.
The head stones in Union Cemetery show Elvira F. Baird. Wife of V. B. 10, Mar. 1836 - 16 Aug 1895. V. 13 Jan 1832 - 11 Jan 1897. This stone is in a lot surrounded by a coping. Other stones within the coping have the family name of Tuggle and Carpenter. Perhaps they are all related.