Frank E. Balyeat
Arkansas City Druggist.
NOTE: He was a cousin of R. L. Balyeat, who moved from East Bolton Township to Arkansas City.
Arkansas City Directory 1893.
BALYEAT, F. E., of Balyeat & Cree druggists, r 126 n B st.
BALYEAT & CREE DRUGGISTS, (F. E. Balyeat and J. S. Cree), 222 s Summit st.
CREE, J. S., of Balyeat and Cree, druggists, r 222 s Summit st.
Lewis, J. D., clk for Balyeat & Cree, r 119 n B st.
Books and Stationery. BALYEAT & CREE, 222 s Summit st.
BALYEAT & CREE, 222 s Summit st.
Brown, C. D., 107 n Summit st.
Childs & Co., 209 s Summit st.
Eddy, E. D., 106 s Summit st.
HAY & DOHRER, 105 s Summit st.
PHELPS, R. R., corner Adams avenue and Summit street.
Simmons & Thew, 114 w 5th ave.
SOLLITT & SWARTS, 200 s Summit st.
Wall Papers.
BALYEAT & CREE, 222 s Summit st.
Arkansas City 1893.
Frank Balyeat, 30; spouse, E. M., 23.
Arkansas City Republican, December 13, 1884.
Frank Balyeat, of Elkhart, Indiana, is in the city visiting at the residence of Chas. Hutchins. He will probably remain all winter.
Arkansas City Republican, June 13, 1885.
The finest and the most pleasant riding vehicle in the shape of a gig is that owned by Dr. C. R. Fowler. Frank Balyeat is the agent. Saturday evening a REPUBLICAN representative was treated to a drive over Arkansas City in this gig by Dr. Fowler. To us it seems that this gig is especially adapted to this region on account of the sand. The gig is strong and durable, easy riding, and is as elegant as any buggy.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 25, 1885.
F. E. Balyeat, C. R. Fowler, and Geo. W. Thompson were up from A. C. last Monday.
Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.
Frank Balyeat & Co., will open a drug store in the room occupied by Fitch & Barron in about one month.
Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.
Holloway & Son have moved their drug stock out west. Fitch & Barron have occupied the room vacated by the drug store with their notion stock, and Frank Balyeat & Co. occupy the room vacated by Fitch & Barron with a drug stock.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 20, 1885.
The Blubaugh liquor case drew like a mustard plaster, the following gentlemen from Arkansas City being in attendance Saturday: S. M. Land, Frank Thompson, H. M. Maidt, Hugh Gallagher, J. T. Dinwiddie, F. E. Balyeat, W. A. Moffett, R. Courtright, C. R. Fowler, W. D. Kreamer, J. T. Armstrong, O. S. Rarick, J. W. Secrest, and P. H. Franey.
Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.
Balyeat & Co., will open up their drug store about Sept. 1.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 12, 1885.
This week F. E. Balyeat & Co., come out with their ad. This is a new drug firm, having just commenced business on South Summit street. They have a well selected stock of drugs, a handsomely furnished room, a careful compounder of prescriptions, and in fact all appurtenances necessary to a drug establishment. The REPUBLICAN hopes the new firm will meet with the success it deserves.
AD. THIS SPACE Belongs to F. E. BALYEAT & CO., The proprietor of the new drug store just opened up on Summit street.
Drugs, new and fresh. Prescriptions carefully compounded. Toilet articles and Notions the best and handsomest on display in the city.
Come and see us. You will be treated cordially. Respectfully,
Arkansas City Republican, September 12, 1885.
Chas. Wells, of Zanesville, Ohio, is the prescriptionist at F. E. Balyeat & Co.’s new drug store.
Arkansas City Republican, September 19, 1885.
F. E. Balyeat & Co., have opened their new drug store. It has been elegantly fitted up. The prescription clerk is Charles Wells, licentiate of the Ohio State Pharmaceutical College. Dr. Fowler, who has some interest in the enterprise, will probably act as medical adviser. Frank is at the head of the establishment. The fact that these men have their institution in tow only insures its success.
Arkansas City Republican, September 19, 1885.
Office first floor, 2 doors north of corner of 4th Avenue and South Summit Street.
Next door to Hamilton & Pentecost.
Residence, 2 doors south of corner of 3rd Avenue and 5th Street.
Night and day calls will receive prompt attention.
Orders left at Office or Balyeat’s drug store.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 24, 1885.
F. E. Balyeat, cousin of our Frank, of the Farmers’ Bank, was up from Arkansas City Wednesday, where he resides.
Arkansas City Republican, September 26, 1885.
Last Tuesday a representative of the REPUBLICAN was shown through F. E. Balyeat & Co.’s drugstore. This firm has a complete stock of drugs and it is a pleasure for anyone to make a trip to the Eagle Drug Store. There you will be treated most courteously by F. E. Balyeat or his gentlemanly prescriptionist, Chas. Wells. Mr. Balyeat is a young and enterprising druggist and will win a lucrative patronage from the people of this vicinity. Dr. C. B. Fowler is interested in the business to some extent, and this fact alone will lend a big impetus towards pushing the firm to the front.
Arkansas City Republican, October 17, 1885.
Jonathan Balyeat, of Middlebury, Indiana, the father of our Frank, is visiting in the city.
Arkansas City Republican, October 17, 1885.
Jonathan Balyeat, of Elkhart Co., Indiana, spent a couple of days in Bolton during the week as the guest of his nephew, R. L. Balyeat.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 9, 1885.
Dr. C. R. Fowler’s card is published in another column. The doctor is working into a nice practice, and the success he meets with in the treatment of disease explains his growing popularity.
Office on Summit Street (first floor) one door North of Fourth Avenue.
Residence on Fourth Street, two doors south of Third Avenue.
Night and day calls will receive prompt attention.
Orders may be left at the office or at Balyeat’s drug store, next door.
Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.
A “bad man” from the territory rushed into Balyeat & Co.’s drug store Monday last, and drawing a revolver and pointing it at the proprietor demanded “whiskey or blood.” For a few moments there was a stagnation in business in that drug store, but fortunately Chas. Wells came in at this trying moment and he and Frank proceeded in getting rid of their unwelcome customer without acceding to his demand or doing any damage.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 12, 1885.
Again have the druggists of the county made their monthly filings with the Probate Judge, the seventh since the new liquor law went into effect. This filing is the smallest yet made. It is a grand showing for prohibition in Cowley County. It is an established fact that about the only alternative to get the argent that makes “full” and g-a-l-o-r-i-o-u-s, or that cures all the ills, pains, and vicissitudes the human family is heir to, is a doctor’s prescription or druggist’s statement. Very little is expressed in—it’s too expensive and must come in too large doses. The druggists of the county are drawing the lines very closely, as is plainly indicated by the record for October. “But they don’t file statements for all their sales,” you say. Perhaps some of them don’t, but the outward proof—the general good order of our citizens—indicates that little liquor is sold without a statement properly taken and properly filed. And many a man who applies fails to convince the druggist that the ardent is a sure panacea for any one of four thousand afflictions, even a seared conscience, and is refused. And again, the man who calls for the medicated corn juice, with cinnamon oil or clove oil, is at once recognized and known by the conscious and discrete druggist to be a toper and wants the ardent for no other purpose than a beverage to fill the aching void of a depraved and thirsty appetite, and he refuses to sell to him. The number of bottles of bitters have decreased during the month more than one-half, very good proof that men are fast coming to their senses and beginning to realize what consummate fools they have been making of themselves. Below is the record for October as taken from Probate.
Druggists at Winfield: Williams, Glass, Harter, Brown.
Druggists at Arkansas City: Steinberger, Fairclo, Mowry & Co., Eddy, Kellogg & Co., Brown, Balyeat & Co.
Druggists at other towns: Avery, Grand Summit; Woolsey, Burden; Roberts, Udall; Martin, Udall; Rule, Cambridge; Phelps, Dexter; Phelps, Burden; Hooker, Burden.
Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.
Balyeat & Co., are getting up a rare collection of specimens. They have on exhibition a well preserved horned toad, Mexican Lizard, Swift, and a Ground Puppy.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 23, 1885.
Knights of Pythias Ball. The anniversary ball given by the Knights of Pythias in Highland Hall on Friday evening was, as the Winfield Courier characterizes it, “a grand affair.” The committees to whom the preparations for the festivity were assigned, determined to make it the social event of the season, and they spared neither money nor labor in carrying out their ends. Invitations were sent to acceptable citizens in this city, Winfield, and other parts of the county, and so hearty was the response to the call that 115 tickets were readily sold. Ten couples and a few odd bachelors came in from Winfield on a special train, and the orchestra came down from Wichita. By 9 o’clock fully 100 couples were on the floor, many of the ladies dressed in elegant costumes and their beaux attired in conventional style. The orchestra discoursed music from the stage; and parlor games, such as cribbage and chess, were provided for those who were tired of the light fantastic. The arrangements of the ball were admirable, no pains being spared to secure the enjoyment of every participant.
The reception committee—Messrs. Landes, Huey, H. P. Farrar, Pyburn, George, and Balyeat—performed their duties with assiduity and grace; and the floor managers were equally efficient in their supervision.
Dancing was kept up till 11 o’clock with interest and animation, when a portion of the company withdrew to partake of supper at the Leland Hotel. In preparing the banquet Mine Host Perry displayed his customary liberality and taste as a caterer; but the dining hall being inadequate to provide for so large a company, the guests were entertained in divisions. This broke into the dance arrangements, and the interruption was continued for several hours.
About seventy persons sat down to the first tables, which were bountifully supplied with every delicacy, and the table service was perfect. These guests, satisfied, returned to the ball room, and a second relay filled the dining hall. When they had partaken their meal, the tables were again set for a third company. The supper thus eaten in detail consumed nearly three hours, and the program was abandoned, miscellaneous dances being substituted. But this no way marred the enjoyment of the company.
The revelry was kept up to the wee sma’ hours, and when the company finally broke up, all admitted that the enjoyment of the night was unalloyed and long to be remembered. The Winfield folks returned home at 3 o’clock on a special train over the Kansas City & Southwestern road, and our own citizens repaired to their several abodes. The anniversary hall was a gratifying success, and the Knights of Pythias have won honor for the handsome and successful manner in which they carried it through.
Arkansas City Republican, December 19, 1885.
The boomers will remain in Arkansas City in order to purchase their holiday presents at F. E. Balyeat & Co.’s drugstore.
Arkansas City Republican, December 19, 1885.
Paper racks, odor sets, etc., handsome and as pretty as a picture on a wall, at F. E. Balyeat & Co.’s drugstore.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 24, 1885.
Frank E. Balyeat, cousin of our Frank, of the Farmers’ Bank, spent Sunday in the metropolis. He is one of Arkansas City’s handsomest young men.
Arkansas City Republican, December 26, 1885.
Frank Balyeat went up to Sunday in Winfield last Saturday—to see his “cousin.” Frank is a K. of P., and met several of the Winfield lady visitors at the ball last Friday evening. This is all the explanation that is needed.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 2, 1886.
“Frank Balyeat’s Favorite,” is the brand of a new cigar. At Christmas Frank presented the REPUBLICAN with a box of his Favorites. Since smoking them we readily pronounce them our favorites too. They are the best cigars we have got hold of in Arkansas City. They are Havana filler, free-smoker, and will become your favorite if you indulge in one.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 14, 1886.
The late frigidity shows its effects on the druggists as much as other people—in the lateness of their liquid filings. Here it is twelve days after the first of the month and not till yesterday did the last batch of liquid refreshment files roll into the Probate Judge. With the filings complete, we are again prepared to examine the spiritus frumenti condition of the county. To those interested in the effect of prohibition, this record never grows stale. Every month it contains information of statistical verity. Ever since the first publication of this record, after the adoption of this law, last winter, the record has been gradually diminishing. Every month THE COURIER has noted changes evidencing the regard with which the law is observed in this county. The argument that some of the druggists don’t file half the statements has little weight in the face of the outward evidence. Where there is much fire, there must be some smoke. Drunk men in Cowley County are getting as scarce as angel’s visits and the opportunity for getting liquid refreshments as barren as the ceiling of an old hen’s mouth. The facts are the prohibitory law has become commonly accepted as too dangerous a thing to buck. The few men who have tried to violate it find that, in the hands of officials to whom the “standing in” business is unknown and to whom duty is paramount, it kicks with a wickedness eclipsing a mule and never lets up till it has kicked the stuffing out of their “wad” and lands them in the bastille. This is as regards general violators. The record, as here given, and the outward guarantees in the sour-visaged individuals who mosey disappointedly out of the drug stores with vengeance instead of “rot-gut” on their lips, proves that the druggists of Cowley County are doing as nearly the square thing as possible. It is no easy thing for a druggist to keep from violating the law. He has to refuse daily, some of his best friends—use caution that is likely to make enemies out good general customers. But the sensible man—the man who understands the iron-clad conditions of the law as regards the “beverage” business, only thinks the more of a druggist for refusing, if it is a cold morning and his constitution cries for fire, regardless of the effect on his by-laws. The record for December is remarkably good.
[Skipped breakdown as given.]
Druggists mentioned: Williams, Glass, Harter, and Brown at Winfield; Steinberger, Fairclo, Mowry & Co., Eddy, Kellogg & Co., Brown, Balyeat & Co. at Arkansas City. Other towns: Woolsey, Burden; Roberts, Udall; Martin, Udall; Rule, Cambridge; Phelps, Dexter; Phelps, Burden; Hooker, Burden; Taylor, Floral.
The statements show 4 bottles bitters, and 49 of stout; 2 of port, and 1 of champagne sold the county during the month.
In November there were filed 3416 statements, representing 1907 pints of whiskey, 307 pints alcohol, 149 pints brandy, 367 bottles beer, and 153 pints “other drinks.” The record for December, as noted above, shows but 3152 statements, a decrease of 264, representing only 1541 pints of whiskey, a decrease of 366 pints; 412 pints alcohol, an increase of 105 pints; 106 pints brandy, a decrease of 43 pints; 289 bottles beer, a decrease of 76 bottles; 180 pints other drinks, a slight increase. So it will be seen that the sales of all liquids most used as beverages or “medicine,” are gradually declining. People are rapidly concluding, through sad necessity, that whiskey and beer are not the only sure panacea for every ill and pain and vicissitude of life—even a guilty conscience. Arkansas City leads the van in the medicine business, as usual, showing a handsome decrease of 258 statements. The miasma of the canal seems to be slightly dissipated by the blasts of winter. Winfield’s record in statements shows an increase of one, with decrease of 130 pints of whiskey. Our druggists have gone clear back on beer. The other towns show a good record, a decrease of 3 statements, representing a decrease of 100 pints of whiskey. Their beer record is remarkably good, showing only 18 bottles against 231 in November. Steinberger still keeps the lead at Arkansas City, with Balyeat & Co. and W. D. Mowry very close seconds. It is darkly hinted that one or two “blind tigers” at the Terminus are gobbling all the beverage business. Our officials will knock the wadding out them very shortly, if this is the case. Considering the cold weather and big demand, the record for December is remarkably good—can’t be equaled by any county in the State. It is a record to be proud of—one whose veracity is fully backed up by the good order, prosperity, and happiness that marks our people. Compare this record with old saloon rule, when ten times as much “stuff” was sold in a single day, with drunk men visible at any hour, and you have the wonderful effect of prohibition in Cowley County.
Arkansas City Republican, January 16, 1886.
Frank Balyeat got away this week on that Ohio visit instead of last.
Arkansas City Republican, January 23, 1886.
Frank Balyeat writes from Goshen, Indiana, that the weather is exceedingly cold and business dull. Money is a scarce article in that region.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.
Frank Balyeat returned home on Saturday.
Arkansas City Republican, March 13, 1886.
Frank Balyeat and Dr. Fowler bought the nine lots lying east of Dr. Fowler’s residence. Price, $1,800. They will build some fine residences on them this summer. Dick Hess manipulated the sale.
Arkansas City Republican, April 10, 1886.
J. W. Pearson’s hog and poultry remedy for the cure of cholera has been placed upon the market. F. E. Balyeat & Co., are the agents. Many of our readers know of cases wherein Mr. Pearson’s remedy has effected a permanent cure. As the season for cholera approaches, we take pleasure in telling our readers where this remarkable medicine can be procured.
Arkansas City Republican, May 29, 1886.
Wednesday night will be remembered by all having the pleasure to attend Miss Nellie Thompson’s reception, as “a pearly in memory’s casket.” Although following one of the hottest days of the season, the evening was not extremely warm—thanks to our climate. We will not attempt to describe the costumes of the ladies, indeed, all present showed good taste in dress, while many of the trousseaus were elegant. The company was musically entertained by Miss Hamilton, Mrs. Meeker, and Mrs. Nellie Wyckoff, discoursing waltzes, which were enjoyed by all, and utilized by those who delight in the “mazy.”
Following are the parties who were present.
Mr. and Mrs. Hess, Mr. and Mrs. Meeker, Mr. and Mrs. Kingsbury, Mr. and Mrs. Coombs, Mr. and Mrs. Snyder, Mr. and Mrs. Daniels, Mr. and Mrs. Wyckoff, Mr. and Mrs. Childs, Miss Love, Miss Theaker, Miss Thompson, Miss Fannie Cunningham, Miss Berkey, Miss Eva Hasie, Miss McMullen, Miss Young, Miss Hamilton, Miss Grosscup, Miss Kingsbury, Miss Walton, Miss Guthrie, Miss Martin, Miss Funk, Miss Beale, Miss Gatwood, Miss Wagner; and Messrs. Adams, Balyeat, Behrend, Burress, Chapel, Coburn, Deering, Gould, Hoover, Hutchison, Hawk, Rhodes, Salisbury, Love, Wagner, Rogers.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 12, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
L. Balyeat and wife, of Van Wert, Ohio, arrived in the city today on a week’s visit. Mr. Balyeat is a cousin of F. E. and R. L. Balyeat.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 19, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Balyeat & Co., have gasoline for sale.
Arkansas City Republican, June 26, 1886.
The following is a list of transfers made by Howe & Drury, in the town of Maple City, June 19, 1886.
F. E. Balyeat, lots 16, 17, 18, 19, block 4. $50.00.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 7, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Seven lots in the second ward belonging to Dr. C. R. Fowler and F. E. Balyeat, were sold yesterday to P. F. Endicott and David Baer, for $2,300. These gentlemen will each commence to erect soon a handsome two-story brick residence.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 14, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
Frank E. Balyeat left this morning for Middlebury, Indiana, where he was summoned by the serious illness of his sister.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 4, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Frank Balyeat returned home last evening from Indiana.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 25, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
Dr. C. R. Fowler has withdrawn from the drug business in order that he may devote his entire time to the practice of his profession. F. E. Balyeat will continue the drug business. The REPUBLICAN wishes both gentlemen the success necessary to make them millionaires.
Arkansas City Republican, October 9, 1886.
Suits Cut and Made to Order in the Latest Style and at reasonable Prices.
All work Warranted and finished when Promised.
Call at one door north of F. E. Balyeat & Co., drug store.
Arkansas City Republican, October 9, 1886.
F. E. BALYEAT, EAGLE DRUG STORE. DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, Dye Stuffs, Perfumery, Fancy Articles, Cigars, etc.