Frank Barclay


Winfield Courier, March 20, 1879.
The residence of Col. J. C. McMullen, when completed, will be one of the most convenient houses in Southern Kansas. It is lighted throughout with gas, having jets in every room, from garret to cellar, is heated with hot air, and the system of warm and cold water pipes is equal to any we have ever seen. It is a credit to the city, as well as a monument to the enterprise of one of Cowley’s oldest and best citizens.
Winfield Courier, July 31, 1879.
The advertisement of Mr. Frank Barclay as agent for the Halladay wind mill appears in this paper.  This is conceded to be one of the best mills in use, and the fact of Mr. Barclay accept­ing an agency for it insures its being possessed of many good qualities.  Mr. Barclay is a thorough mechanic and in the capaci­ty of plumber and gas fitter has put gas and water fixtures into several of the best houses in town, all of which have given entire satisfaction.
AD:  FRANK BARCLAY, Plumber, steam and gas fitter, Winfield, Ks., has received the agency for Cowley County of the old reliable
Halladay Standard
Enquire at S. H. Myton’s or H. Jochem’s hardware store.
Winfield Courier, October 23, 1879.
Mr. J. C. Fuller has completed the plans for his new barn, which will be 30 x 30, in the most modern style of architecture, and fitted up with a special idea for convenience.  It is to be lighted with gas.
Winfield Courier, December 4, 1879.
S. H. Myton has about completed the addition to his store building.  He contemplates lighting the whole with gas.
Winfield Courier, December 25, 1879
S. H. Myton intends fitting his business house with gas
Winfield Courier, September 9, 1880.
It has ever been the pride of the press and citizens of Winfield to point to our magnificent opera house, our fine church buildings, residences, and business houses; also, our new hotel and school houses, now in course of construction, with a great deal of satisfaction.
But now comes Col. Manning with his usual energy and enter­prise, and proposes to expend over fifteen hundred dollars for the improvement and finish of his opera house.
Mr. Barclay is now engaged putting in gas, the pipes and jets being nearly all completed.  Two large twelve-light chande­liers will light up the audience room, with the assistance of side burners and foot lights.  The stage and dressing rooms are also furnished with sufficient light.
This morning Messrs. Tschudi & Blomberg, fresco painters and scenic artists, of Cincinnati, Ohio, com­menced the frescoing and painting of the entire opera house, and the re-painting of all old scenery, with the addition of quite a number of new scenes.  
It was these gentlemen who did the work on the opera house at Wichita and many of our citizens know the quality and style of their work; hence we can safely say our opera house will be well done.  Long live the Colonel and may his public enterprise never grow dim.
Winfield Courier, September 23, 1880.
Last Tuesday Messrs. Lynn & Loose moved into the magnificent new store room on the corner of Main street and Eighth avenue. This is perhaps as fine a business house as can be found in the State. It is 140 feet deep, by 25 feet wide, two stories and a basement. Two thirds of the basement, all of the first story, and one-third of the second story will be occupied by the firm; the balance has been divided into offices and will be rented. John Allen will occupy the two front rooms. One hundred feet of the first floor will be used by the dry goods department. The grocery and butter and egg business will be carried on in the rear forty feet, fronting on Eighth avenue. An elevator connects this floor with the basement and upper story. The whole is lighted by forty gas jets, which make a brilliant illumination.  The front is of the finest quality of French plate glass, two of the panes being six feet wide, fourteen feet high, and three-quarters of an inch thick. The glass for the front alone cost over $300. The shelving is elaborate, and although it has been put in as economically as possible, the firm is troubled about finding room for their immense stock. The energy and enterprise displayed by Messrs. Lynn & Loose in erecting this magnificent building will draw to them crowds of customers. It shows that they are here to stay and have an abiding faith in the future prosperity of our city and of Cowley county. They have too many interests at stake to deal otherwise than fairly, and the people know it. If the extra pains taken to make this building a model one, and the $10,000 spent in erecting it does not prove to be a capital investment, then we miss our guess.
Winfield Courier, November 25, 1880.
While in Winfield last Friday evening, we enjoyed the hospitality and friendship of Messrs. Lynn & Loose, at their elegant and spacious store room for a half hour very pleasantly.
The firm of Lynn & Loose is perhaps one of the oldest in Cowley County: at least the senior member has been engaged in active business at Winfield for the past eight years. A country or town is judged by the inhabitants. The city of Winfield, the most beautiful town in all Kansas, or we may say the west, has a warm place in the affections of all who visit and view her beautiful streets, fine buildings, and become acquainted with her live enterprising people. Men build towns, and LIVE men build good substantial towns. J. B. Lynn, the mayor of the city, is one of the class that believe in enterprise, progress, advance­ment, and improvement. He is a man of high character, honor, and integrity, and the magnificent building which he has recently erected in Winfield, at a cost of many thousand dollars, will stand as a monument to his energy, enterprise, and progress of spirit. It is a credit not only to Winfield but to Cowley county.
No town in Kansas can present such a fine store room, as well arranged for a general merchandising house as that of Lynn & Loose. It is 25 x 140 feet, two stories with a basement under­neath: full length. One hundred and ten feet in front is the dry goods department, and a better displayed stock of goods cannot be found in the State. Thirty feet in the rear is cut off for the grocery department, where everything is kept in a clean and neat manner.
The cellar is filled with heavy articles, such as sugars, coffees, queensware, crockery, salt, provisions, etc. The first one hundred feet in the front, on the second floor, is divided into seven suits of rooms, suitable for law offices. In the rear is a large carpet and clothing room, filled to its fullest capacity. In front of the basement is a fine room which is to be used by a tonsorial artist. A large elevator is erected in the rear of the building, so that heavy goods can be raised from the cellar or lowered from the second story. Altogether, this store is better arranged than any one in Southern Kansas. It is lighted by gas. From what we observed in looking through this fine business room, we judge it contains about $40,000 worth of merchandise. All credit is due to these enterprising men for their energy and push, and the people of Cowley County may well be proud of such substantial men. They are men of worth to any community and are just such as build cities like Winfield. Their fine stone store room would do credit to our large cities. We thank Mr. Lynn for his kindness in showing us through his building.
Burden New Enterprise.
Winfield Courier, December 23, 1880.
Frank Barclay is making arrangements to put the gas and steam piping in the Brettun House. He is in Kansas City trying to engage several plumbers and gas fitters to help him in the work.
Winfield Courier, January 27, 1881.
The Brettun House will contain about 1,500 feet of gas pipe, 1,250 feet of water pipe, and including that in the radiators, 3,600 feet of steam pipe. This only includes that which is actually in the building, and excludes the earthenware sewer. Almost a mile and a fifth of pipe in one building is not so bad for Winfield.  Telegram.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 7,  1881. [Article by Vinnie Becket.]
The Telegram office cannot be equaled for beauty and completeness in this western country.  A two-story stone edifice lighted by gas, heated by steam; the business office and editorial rooms on the ground floor in front finished with solid ash and black walnut, carpeted, and with all appointments in first class style, press room just behind, and engine room yet in the rear, with newspaper and job rooms above, with speaking tubes and elevators, not an item is wanting to make the establishment perfect in all details.  Charlie Black, the editor and proprietor, is proud of his journal as well he may be.
Winfield Courier, June 9, 1881.
Winfield at this time has upward of a dozen brick and stone buildings in process of erection, two ward school houses that are to cost twelve thousand dollars; one stone hotel, the Brettun House, C. C. Black, proprietor, that is to cost from fifteen to eighteen thousand dollars, will be heated with steam, lighted with gas, hot and cold water in every room, and the electric enunciator. In the item of plumbing that enter into private dwellings, it has a larger amount than many cities in the east that number twenty thousand inhabitants. The elegant and costly residences that have been erected are the best possible indica­tion that the men who have made their money here expect to stay. It has upwards of eighteen miles of stone sidewalks, half of which were put down the past year. On Main street they are twelve feet wide; on the avenues from three to five. Water works can be built at a cost of twenty-five thousand dollars; and the city is now preparing to commence work on them. Winfield takes a just pride in its newspapers. It has what probably no other city of its size has: three nine-column weekly papers, all printed at home, and one daily paper.
Cowley County Courant, March 2, 1882.
For a long time it was Winfield’s proud boast that it was the best sidewalked town of its size in the West; and for the past year, she has claimed without dispute, to have more miles of flag stone sidewalk than any town in the state, regardless of size or age. And now we come forward with the claim that Winfield has more steam, water, gas pipe, and general plumbing than any town of equal population in the state, and back our claim with the following figures.
On the first of January, 1882, there were in the public and private buildings of the city in round numbers:
13,000 feet of steam pipe;
11,400 feet of water pipe;
 8,000 feet of gas; and
 1,600 feet of sewer pipe.
Of this amount the Brettun House has over 15,000 feet.
The principal business houses on Main Street and several private houses are lighted with gas, by machines with from fifteen to one hundred burners.
In addition to the public buildings, there are ten residences supplied with hot and cold water throughout, with copper or galvanized iron water tanks, stationary washbowls, bath tubs, waste pipes, etc.
Among these fixtures there are all told, nearly one hundred marble slab basins, costing from fifteen to thirty-five dollars each.
The Brettun House, COURANT office, and the residences of M. L. Read and J. L. Horning are heated by steam, the two former by high-pressure boilers and the latter by low-pressure boilers.
For such a large amount of plumbing for a town, without gas or water-works, Winfield is principally indebted to Mr. Frank Barclay, who came here about four years ago, and under whose supervision nine-tenths of all the above work has been done.
Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.
One of Winfield’s Industries.
Our fellow-townsman Frank Barclay, Plumber, steam and gas-fitter, has now on the road a car-load of the celebrated Wycoff water pipe for distributing water from windmills and pumps to stock, and for irrigating purposes, which is the most durable and cheapest pipe in use. He has the old reliable Halladay Windmill, also the Althoure and Wheeler raneless Windmill, and the low priced Hawkey Windmill, especially for stock wells, with the complete paraphernalia of tanks, Hydrants, Hose, Lawn-sprinklers, Ornamental Fountains and Jets, of the latest and most beautiful styles. Also a full line of Steam, Gas and Water fittings, Marble, Iron, and Copper goods, Earthenware sinks, Bathtubs, Iron and Lead pipe, at the lowest market rates. He has the agency of the Springfield Gas Machine, and Mitchell & Vance and Archer & Pancoast’s Gas Fittings and Bronzes, many of which are now in use in this city. He also has the agency for the State of Kansas for the low pressure Magazine Boiler Steam Warming apparatus, several of which are in successful operation in our city.
Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882. [From Green’s Real Estate News.]
This building is constructed of the celebrated Cowley County stone, covering an area of 55 x 100 feet, three stories high with English basement, south and east fronts, and double deck eight foot piazza along the entire fronts. On the basement floor is a large and pleasant billiard room, barber shop with baths, two large sample rooms, preparatory kitchen with elevator, ice rooms, steam laundry, and drying rooms. On the first floor we find a large and well ventilated office, reception room, reading room, lavatory, telegraph and ticket offices, and coat room. Adjoining the office are three large sample rooms. The dining room is large and well located, having south and west windows. Adjoining it is the kitchen supplied with steam ranges and carving tables, china and silver closets, store rooms, etc.
On the second floor are the double parlors, bridal chamber, parlor chamber, bath room linen closets, and fourteen large and airy chambers arranged in suits. On the third floor are twenty-six rooms with sufficient number of linen closets, wardrobes, etc. The halls are spacious and extend entirely through the building north and south, east and west. Careful attention is given throughout to ventilation. There are three flights of stairs running from the basement to the second floor and two from the second to the third floor. The entire building is heated by steam, and lighted with gas. Each room is furnished with marble basins and soft water. Stand pipes with hydrants on each floor. The boiler and engine house is built separate from the main structure, thus avoiding danger by fire.
All slop and waste water is taken from the building through waste pipes and underground drains, which are double trapped against sewer gas.
While there are some larger hotels in the State, we assert with considerable pride for Winfield, that the Brettun House is the finest, most complete, and convenient house in Kansas. See cut on another page. [EVIDENTLY GREEN HAD WOOD CUT OF HOTEL.]
Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.
[From Green’s Real Estate News.]
Winfield’s Buildings and Business.
Winfield has thirty-five two-story and seventeen one-story brick or stone business buildings, while there are something over 70 one and two story frame business houses. This includes shops, livery stables, and some few offices; the most of the latter, however, are found in second stories of buildings. We have a $16,000 brick courthouse, with four fire-proof vaults, and a two-story brick jail, which cost $3,000.
The city contains quite a number of fine residences, three or four of which cost not less than eight or ten thousand dollars each. These finest buildings have all the modern improvements, are heated with hot air, lighted with gas, and most of the rooms are supplied with hot and cold water.
We have two large flouring mills, one a water power and the other water and steam power combined. This is a magnificent structure, being 40 x 60 feet in size, 5 stories high, built of magnesian limestone, gang saw finish, and is supplied with the most modern and latest improved machinery. Cost of building and machinery: $50,000. There is also a large and fine elevator near the mill with R. R. switch to each.
To give the reader some idea as to how different lines of business are represented in our city, we will say we have 1 exclusive dry goods store, 2 exclusive clothing houses, 4 dry goods and groceries, two of which carry clothing; 1 dry goods and clothing, 3 hardware (general stocks), 1 tin ware and stoves, 3 harness shops, 7 drug stores, 2 jewelry stores, 3 restaurants, 9 exclusive groceries, 2 banks, 3 furniture stores, 3 merchant tailors, 1 book and notion store, 4 millineries, 2 exclusive boot and shoe houses 4 livery and feed stables, 3 hotels (one of which is the Brettun house, a very fine sawed stone building, cost $30,000), 1 carriage factory, two marble works, 1 furniture factory, 1 dollar store, 2 billiard halls, 2 lunch rooms, 2 bakeries, 4 butcher shops, 3 picture galleries, 4 barber shops, 1 foundry, 1 machine shop, 3 seed and feed stores, 3 lumber yards, 1 plumbing, steam & gas fitting establishment, 22 preachers, 47 doctors, and 999 lawyers (and new ones sprouting). How ish dot?
Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.
Gas Company.
Last Thursday afternoon the “Winfield Gas Company” was formed. It will build the Gas Works under the franchises granted by the City to Col. Whiting. The incorporators of the company are J. C. Fuller, Col. Wm. Whiting, J. B. Lynn, Ed. P. Greer, and Frank Barclay. The officers of the Company are J. C. Fuller, President; Wm. Whiting, Vice President; Ed. P. Greer, Secretary; J. B. Lynn, Treasurer. Steps were taken to push the work through as rapidly as the material can be laid on the ground. The works will be first-class in every respect, and will be built on a scale that will supply the city should it grow to four times its proportions. The cost of the Works when completed will be between forty and fifty thousand dollars.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1884.
I have this day sold out my stock of water plumbing goods together with the good will of the business heretofore conducted by me, to J. S. Lyon & Co. Plumbers, and I cordially recommend them to my many friends and patrons. I still continue the steam and gas fitting business at the old stand, basement of Read’s Bank.  FRANK BARCLAY.
Winfield Courier, March 13, 1884.
Frank Barclay and son go to Hastings, Nebraska, this week to put in steam heating apparatus in a new brick block at that place.
Winfield Courier, April 3, 1884.
A Visitor’s View.
Prof. C. Marsh, who instructed our pretty songsters and brought out last week in the Opera House the Cantata of the four seasons, gives his observations of Winfield to his home paper, the Lyons (New York) Republican, in the following interesting letter. The Professor is an old newspaper man and shows up the “Queen City” meritably.
I came here two weeks ago. Winfield is about fifty miles east of the center of the state in Cowley county, and about 250 miles from Kansas City. It is a beautiful town with fine wide streets, and contains 4,500 people. There are fine graded schools on the union plan, which contain about 1,200 pupils. The principal, Prof. Gridley, is a live Yankee, born at Westfield, Massachusetts, and it is safe to say that he is both a “gentleman and a scholar.” The village has ten churches, namely; Presbyterian, Baptist, Methodist, Episcopal, Christian, United Brethren, Swedenborgian, Catholic, and two colored churches, Baptist and Methodist. The village also has, as defense against fire, the Holley system of water works, the reservoir being built on a hill standing just outside the corporation limits, about 100 feet above the level of the village. It will, of course, throw water over the highest building here. A gas company has been formed and chartered, and the gas works will be put in early in the coming spring. So you see this town, like John Brown’s soul, is “marching on.”
Winfield Courier, April 10, 1884.
In turning the corner back of Lynn’s store, the first thing which met our gaze was a lawn sprinkler throwing the silver-sprayed water from our water works system on the beautiful blue grass in the grounds of J. P. Baden’s residence. Mr. Baden’s home and surroundings are being made very attractive—in fact, that whole street north is noted for its neat homes. The grounds of D. Berkey, H. Brotherton, J. Wade McDonald, and others exhibit taste rarely excelled.
Winfield Courier, April 24, 1884.
Joe. Harter has run a branch of the water works system into his drug store.
Winfield Courier, April 24, 1884. [Part of City Council Meeting.]
Petition of Mrs. Shields and Messrs. Crippen, Smith, Wells, Zook, and Fahnstock for waterworks extension was granted, it appearing that owing to underlying rock, there was a scarcity of wells in that neighborhood and that one well was supplying six or eight families, making the extension a necessity.
Winfield Courier, April 24, 1884.
Frank Barclay returned Friday from Hastings, Nebraska, where he has been putting in steam-heating apparatus. He will pipe, for water and steam, Charley Bahntge’s fine residence, immediately.
Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.
The Board of Trade of Beatrice, Nebraska, has granted a contract to Frank Barclay for the construction of gas works in that place. He also has a five thousand dollar contract for piping a new bank at Beatrice and another gas works contract in Hastings, Nebraska. He left Monday morning to commence operations on these jobs.
Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.
Frank Barclay has sold his beautiful residence on east 10th avenue to Thos. Hemphill, of Dallas County, Iowa, for $3,000.
Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.
Frank Barclay came down from Hastings, Nebraska, last week and spent a few days. He will soon move his family to that place.
Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.
We received a pleasant call Monday from Mr. A. J. Lyon, who has lately removed here from Dallas County, Iowa, purchased the Frank Barclay residence, on tenth avenue. He is a very pleasant and intelligent gentleman and has for twenty years been one of the leading citizens of Dallas County. He is a valuable acquisition to our city.
Winfield Courier, December 18, 1884.
Frank Barclay, Jr., dropped in on his Winfield friends Friday last and spent a few days.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 11, 1885.
Judge McDonald, M. L. Robinson, and N. R. Wilson left Sunday to attend the U. S. Court at Leavenworth, in the case of Frank Barclay against the Winfield Water Company.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 18, 1885.
M. L. Robinson, R. S. Wilson, J. H. Horning, John Crane, and J. D. Lee returned from Leavenworth Sunday, where they had been in attendance upon the U. S. Circuit Court in the case of Frank Barclay against the Winfield Water Company. Barclay got judgment for nine hundred dollars. He claimed about nine thousand.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 6, 1885.
Frank Barclay is here for a week among his old friends. Frank is always warmly welcomed.