Wm. Bartlow


Winfield 1873: Wm. Bartlow, 42; spouse, Sarah A., 35.
Winfield 1874: Wm. Bartlow, 44; spouse, Sarah A., 34.
Kansas 1875 Census, Winfield Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Nameage sex color Place/birth Where from
Wm. Bartlow45  m w OhioOhio
Sarah A. Bartlow34 f w Kentucky Ohio
Mary F. Bartlow21 f w OhioOhio
Wm. H. Bartlow19  m w OhioOhio
Benjamin F. Bartlow15  m w OhioOhio
Anna L. Bartlow12 f w OhioOhio
George H.? Bartlow7  m w Kansas
Martha J. Bartlow5 f w Kansas
Columbus Bartlow2  m w Kansas
[Note: In 1876 Wm. Bartlow moved to Ninnescah Township.]
Winfield Directory 1885: Benjamin F. Bartlow.
Bartlow B F, clerk, Commercial hotel, res same.
Cowley County Censor, March 18, 1871.
THE WINFIELD SAW MILL!! WM. BARTLOW’S STEAM SAW MILL, Located at the junction of the Walnut River and Timber Creek, one-half mile from town, is now in successful operation and ready to do all kinds of sawing for the public, on its customary terms.
This steam mill is capable of sawing EIGHT THOUSAND FEET PER DAY. The highest price paid for logs delivered at the mill.
Cowley County Censor, July 1, 1871.
Daugherty & Lyons have moved their shingle factory from its old location on the creek near town, up the Walnut about two and one-half miles, close by Bartlow’s saw mill. This firm is now prepared to furnish, in any quantity, the finest native shingles made in the West. Call and see them, and leave your orders.
Winfield Messenger, March 15, 1872.
FIRE! FIRE! Mr. Bartlow’s saw mill caught on fire last Tuesday while the hands in charge of the mill were at dinner. The alarm was quickly given and the fire speedi­ly extinguished. It was rather lucky that the mill was on low ground for the day was one of the most windy that we have had this spring.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 15, 1873.
A serious accident might have occurred on Main street last Friday night. A horse running at full speed carrying Master Ben Bartlow came down 9th street [avenue] from the east and turned up Main and run bolt against a hitching post and rail, breaking it square off, and throwing the horse to the ground. The boy was unhurt.
(Continuation of items in previous issue.)
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 7, 1873.
Wm. Bartlow vs. C. A. Bliss et al, continued.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 25, 1873.
CATTLE. In this department there was a fair exhibition of grades in all lots, but it might have been largely increased if people would have brought out their stock.
The premiums were:
Bulls, three years and over: 1st pr. John R. Smith; 2nd E. B. Johnson.
Bulls, two years old and under 3: 1st pr. W. K. Davis.
Yearling: 1st pr. A. P. Forbes; 2nd J. A. Churchill.
Best cow: 1st pr. W. H. McArthur; 2nd T. H. Johnson.
Calves: 1st pr. J. A. Churchill; 2nd, W. H. McArthur.
Working oxen: 1st pr. A. J. Thompson; 2nd Wm. Bartlow.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 16, 1873.
CIVIL DOCKET. FIRST DAY. Wm. Bartlow vs. Jennie S. Tousey, Adm’x et al.
CIVIL DOCKET. FOURTH DAY. Wm. Bartlow vs. Phillip Koehler et al.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 30, 1873.
CIVIL DOCKET. Wm. Bartlow vs. Jennie S. Tousey Adm’x et al, dismissed.
CIVIL DOCKET. Wm. Bartlow vs. Phillip Koehler et al, judgment for plain­tiff.
Winfield Courier, February 27, 1874.
CIVIL DOCKET. SECOND DAY. William Bartlow vs. Phillip Koehler et al.
CIVIL DOCKET. SIXTH DAY. William Bartlow vs. School District No. 6.
Winfield Courier, April 10, 1874.
Bartlow vs. School Dist. No. 60, Dismissed at plaintiff’s cost.
Winfield Courier, May 29, 1874.
No. of pupils enrolled during the month: 57. Average daily attendance: 40.95. Average number of cases of tardiness daily: 6. Average amount of time lost by tardiness daily: 1 hr. 23.45 min. Average deportment: 95.
Names of scholars neither absent nor tardy: Frank Cochran, Bruce Hill, Anna Bartlow, Sarah West. MRS. M. A. BRYANT, Teacher.
Winfield Courier, July 24, 1874.
Mr. William Bartlow had one of his fingers sawed off in his sawmill the other day.
Winfield Courier, September 18, 1874.
We, the undersigned citizens of Winfield, agree to attend a public meeting to be held in this city, to take into consider­ation the desirability of organizing a Literary and Scientific Association, having in view the establishment of a Library and Reading-Room, the employment of public lecturers, the encouragement of literature, and otherwise promoting moral and intellectual improvement. Said meeting to be held at the Court­house, at 7 o’clock p.m., on Tuesday, September 22, 1874.
(Signed) D. A. Millington, W. Q. Mansfield, E. S. Torrance, V. B. Beckett, M. L. Robinson, John E. Allen, James E. Platter, E. C. Manning, T. H. Johnson, A. H. Green, Wm. Bartlow, A. H. Hane, J. B. Fairbank, J. W. Curns, G. S. Manser, and M. L. Read.
Winfield Courier, October 22, 1874.
The Tunnel Mills will be running by steam in a few days. Mr. Bartlow’s engine is being attached for that purpose.
Bartlow excavating for a cellar on his lot on Main Street next to Boyer’s. Planning to erect a building on this lot...
Winfield Courier, December 17, 1874.
Wm. Bartlow has commenced excavating for a cellar on his lot on Main Street next to Boyer’s preparatory to erecting a building thereon. Grasshoppers and drouth cannot hold Winfield down.
Winfield Courier, January 28, 1875.
DIVISION OF THE COUNTY. All last week, rumors were rife to the effect that an attempt was being made to divide Butler County on the twenty mile strip, take six miles off the north end of Cowley, and out of said territory, form a new county. Several gentlemen living at the north side of our county came into this office during the week and informed us of the fact, but at the same time we could not believe that the report had any well grounded foundation. Saturday, however, D. A. Millington, Esq., received a letter from Captain Shannon, of Augusta, Butler County, warning him that such a move was on foot, and asking our cooperation in frustrating the measure.
Mr. Millington circulated a remonstrance against any attempt to change the boundary lines of Cowley County, which remonstrance received three hundred signatures in a very little while.
A meeting was called the same evening at the courthouse, which was numerously attended notwithstanding the fact that only a few hours notice had been given. The meeting was organized with D. A. Millington as Chairman, and James Kelly, Secretary. A resolu­tion was unanimously passed, opposing the giving away of any part of Cowley County. Speeches were made by A. T. Stewart, Wm. Bartlow, and others.
The meeting resolved unanimously to send Col. E. C. Manning to Topeka to watch our interests. Nearly enough money was sub­scribed on the spot to pay his expens­es. A committee consisting of A. T. Stewart, Wm. Bartlow, and Wm. Rogers were appointed to canvass the town to raise the balance needed. These gentlemen, acting with their usual zeal and energy, did their work before they slept that night, and the result was that Col. Manning was in Topeka Tuesday noon. Now we defy any committee to best that time. The meeting acted wisely in sending Col. Manning. He has brains and experience and is perfectly able to cope with all the divisionists they may send from Butler County. We have not heard from Col. Manning, but expect to before going to press.
Winfield Courier, January 28, 1875.
MARRIED. DOUGHERTY - BUSH. At the residence of Wm. Bartlow, in this city, on the 22nd inst., by the Rev. McQuiston, Mr. Ben. Dougherty to Miss Maggie Bush.
A few friends were invited to witness the ceremony, which was simple and unpretentious. In the course of the evening, the company was called upon to partake of a rich and bountiful supper, which reflected credit upon Mrs. Bartlow and her handsome daughter Fanny’s skill in such matters. The Cornet Band favored the company with a serenade and were liberally treated to wine and cigars. Altogether the occasion was a joyful one and “all went merry as a marriage bell.” The party separated with profuse congratulations and well wishes for the future happiness and longevity of the happy couple, which will be echoed by all other friends and acquaintances.
Winfield Courier, February 11, 1875.
Bill of William Bartlow, $18.20 for building sidewalk across Loomis street, was presented and referred to committee on fi­nance, who reported favorably thereon, and they were severally allowed and ordered paid.
Winfield Courier, March 18, 1875.
Mr. Wm. Bartlow proposes to start for the Black Hills with his steam saw mill about the first of April.
Winfield Courier, July 29, 1875.
Crazy Man. Tolles was his name, Dan Tolles, he said, and he was from Beaver Creek, in the southeast corner of the county. He had run all the way from the state line—on a hair line. The Osage Indians had killed his brother, Sam Tolles, and he, Dan Tolles, had killed as many of them as they had of him and the remainder of them pursued, fired at, and tried to kill him again, but he had out winded ‘em and give them the slip, and now he wanted to raise a company of men (Capt. Shenneman and his militia company would do if he couldn’t get boys and private citizens enough) to go down and massacre these cruel savages, recover the body of his brother, and stop them in their murderous work.
The above we caught from the hurried and excited conversa­tion of a travel-soiled, hair-disheveled, badly frightened, crazy looking individual who suddenly appeared on our streets last Thursday. 
We thought at the time the man was crazy and our surmises have since been proved to be correct. From Mr. Wm. Bartlow, of town, we learn that last Thursday morning while coming home from his mill on Grouse Creek, he was overtaken by this same man, who was at the time terribly excited. He said the Indians were just behind him and were trying to kill him. He wanted Mr. Bartlow to hide him. Mr. Bartlow thinking there might be some truth in the statement, hurriedly helped him into his wagon, covered him up with some blankets, and drove on. Soon, however, he came to a place where the road was new, being in doubt, got out and went ahead to reconnoiter. Returning in a few moments to his team, he saw this strange man jump from the wagon, and on seeing him, started off down the hill at breakneck speed, screaming at every jump, and he only stopped, as we suppose, when he reached our city as above described.
From parties living in the neighborhood we learn that there have been no Indians except a few begging Kaws down there since the Indian war and that this man Tolles must actually be crazy. He left town Friday and we have heard nothing of him since.
Winfield Courier, August 10, 1876.
Delegates. The following is a list of the delegates to the republican county convention, from the nine townships heard from.
Winfield: R. L. Walker, James Kelly, E. P. Kinne, M. G. Troup, T. B. Myers, C. C. Pierce, News Newell, Jno. Mentch, E. S. Torrance, and A. B. Lemmon.
Creswell: I. H. Bonsall, W. M. Sleeth, O. P. Houghton, Geo. McIntire, and Dr. Hughes.
Richland: D. Maher, M. C. Headrick, Alex Kelly, and Dr. Phelps.
Vernon: J. S. Wooley, Fred Schwantes, and J. W. Millspaugh.
Beaver: T. W. Morris and L. Bonnewell.
Pleasant Valley: C. J. Brane and S. H. Sparks.
Ninnescah: A. B. Odell and Wm. Bartlow.
Liberty: Sam Pitt and E. C. Clay.
Omnia: E. A. Henthorn.
Winfield Courier, August 17, 1876. Editorial Page.
The Republican county convention convened at the Courthouse, in Winfield, on Saturday, August 12th, at 1 o’clock p.m., and was called to order by A. B. Lemmon, chairman of the Republican county central committee. R. C. Story was elected temporary chairman and James Kelly secretary. A committee on credentials was appointed, consisting of Messrs. E. S. Torrance, J. W. Tull, A. B. Odell, T. R. Bryan, and S. M. Jarvis. The committee reported the following persons as having been duly elected as delegates and alternates to the convention.
Silver Creek Township: Delegates, S. M. Jarvis and Z. W. Hoge. Alternates, H. Smith and A. P. Brooks.
Spring Creek: Delegates, F. M. Nance and R. P. Goodrich.
Pleasant Valley: Delegates, S. H. Sparks and C. J. Brane.
Ninnescah: Delegates, A. B. Odell and Wm. Bartlow.
Beaver: Delegates, T. W. Morris and L. Bonnewell.
Dexter: Delegates, J. D. Maurer, T. R. Bryan, Jno. Wallace, and G. P. Wagner. Alternates, W. W. Underwood, J. H. Serviss, F. A. Creager, and O. P. Darst.
Maple: Delegates, H. H. Siverd and W. B. Norman.
Otter: Delegates, J. J. Smith and B. Hockett.
Harvey: Delegate, R. C. Story.
Tisdale: Delegates, S. S. Moore and A. B. Scott.
Vernon: Delegates, J. S. Wooley, J. Millspaugh, and F. W. Schwantes.
Sheridan: Delegates, Barney Shriver and E. Shriver. Alternates, J. W. Hamilton and R. R. Longshore.
Rock: Delegates, Frank Akers, A. V. Polk, Hiram Fisk, and C. H. Eagin. Alternates, J. C. McGowan, E. G. Willett, L. J. Foster, and R. P. Akers.
Richland: Delegates, Alex Kelly, M. C. Headrick, Danl. Maher, and J. H. Phelps. Alternates, J. O. Van Orsdal, F. W. Bowen, N. G. Larkin, and S. D. Groom.
Bolton: Delegates, W. E. Chenoweth, Frank Lorry, and Will Thompson. Alternates, H. B. Pruden and Strong Pepper.
Windsor: Delegates, C. W. Jones, D. Elliott, and J. W. Tull.
Creswell: Delegates, I. H. Bonsall, Nathan Hughes, Geo. McIntire, O. P. Houghton, H. D. Kellogg, and Wm. M. Sleeth. Alternates, A. A. Newman, R. A. Houghton, T. C. Bird, W. H. Speers, Elisha Parker, and W. S. Hunt.
Winfield: Delegates, R. L. Walker, A. B. Lemmon, News. Newell, T. B. Myers, C. C. Pierce, M. G. Troup, E. P. Kinne, Jno. Mentch, James Kelly, and E. S. Torrance. Alternates, W. M. Boyer, T. L. King, Jno. Weakley, S. D. Klingman, S. Johnson, H. L. Barker, G. W. Robertson, J. E. Saint, John C. Roberts, and A. Howland. E. S. TORRANCE, Chairman.
A. B. ODELL, Secretary.
On motion the report of the committee was adopted.
Subsequently the following delegates presented credentials and, on motion, were admitted to seats in the convention: E. C. Clay from Liberty, L. Lippman and Ben. French from Silverdale, and D. W. Willy from Cedar Township.
On motion B. H. Clover was allowed a seat in place of delegate Jones, who was absent.
Winfield Courier, August 17, 1876.
Eighty-Eighth District Convention. Pursuant to call the delegates of the 88th Representative District met in Republican convention at the courthouse, in Winfield, at 10 o’clock a.m., Saturday, August 12, 1876.
R. C. Story, of Harvey Township, was elected temporary chairman, and C. H. Eagin, of Rock Township, temporary secretary.
The committee on credentials then submitted the following report.
“Your committee on credentials beg leave to report the following named persons entitled to seats as delegates in the convention.”
Vernon Township: J. S. Wooley, F. W. Schwantes, and J. W. Millspaugh.
Winfield: R. S. Walker, A. B. Lemmon, News. Newell, T. B. Myers, C. C. Pierce, M. G. Troup, Jas. Kelly, E. P. Kinne, John Mentch, and E. S. Torrance.
Harvey: R. C. Story.
Rock: A. V. Polk, Frank Akers, J. C. McGowan, and Charles Eagin.
Windsor: C. W. Jones, D. Elliott, and J. W. Tull.
Richland: Alex. Kelly, M. C. Headrick, Daniel Maher, and J. H. Phelps.
Tisdale: S. S. Moore and A. B. Scott.
Ninnescah: A. B. Odell and Wm. Bartlow.
Sheridan: E. Shriver and Barney Shriver.
Maple: W. B. Norman and H. H. Siverd.
Silver Creek: S. M. Jarvis and Z. W. Hoge.
On motion the report of the committee was adopted.
Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876. Editorial Page.
The committee on credentials being called submitted the following report: Your committee on credentials find that the following named gentlemen were duly elected as delegates to this convention, and all are entitled to seats therein.
Beaver Township: L. K. Bonnewell, C. W. Roseberry.
Bolton: Frank Lowry, W. Thompson, W. E. Chenoweth.
Creswell: N. Hughes, I. H. Bonsall, Geo. McIntire, O. P. Houghton, H. D. Kellogg, and W. M. Sleeth.
Cedar: W. A. Metcalf.
Dexter: James England, T. R. Bryan, F. A. Creager, Willis Elliot.
Harvey: R. C. Story.
Liberty: F. McGinnis, Justus Fisher.
Maple: Wm. B. Norman, H. H. Siverd.
Ninnescah: Wm. Bartlow, A. H. Beck.
Omnia: E. H. Henthorn.
Otter: H. C. Fisher, Geo. Childers.
Pleasant Valley: Sam Watt, Albert Dean.
Rock Creek: Reuben Booth, Chas. H. Eagin, J. M. Barrick, Wm. White.
Richland: Sam Phenix, J. O. Van Orsdal, Amos Jarvis, W. F. Bowen.
Silver Creek: John Clover, Wm. May.
Silverdale: L. Lippman, Wm. Butterfield.
Spring Creek: A. Wiley, S. B. Callison.
Sheridan: S. W. Graham, F. M. Small.
Tisdale: J. F. Thomas, S. S. Moore.
Vernon: J. S. Wooley, D. M. Hopkins, J. B. Evans.
Windsor: S. M. Fall, C. J. Phenis, J. N. McCracken.
Winfield: J. D. Pryor, W. P. Hackney, C. M. Wood, G. W. Robertson, Joel Mack, E. C. Seward, Geo. Youle, H. Brotherton, W. D. Roberts, J. S. Hunt.
On motion the report of the committee on credentials was adopted.
On motion A. H. Green was allowed to vote as proxy for E. C. Seward, principal, Frank Hutton, alternate.
Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876.
Ninnescah went solid for Webb. That old wheeler, Wm. Bartlow, and A. H. Beck did the voting.
Winfield Courier, September 28, 1876.
The committee on credentials reported the following dele­gates entitled to seats in the convention.
Winfield Township: N. C. McCulloch, J. H. Hill, Chas. Love, J. M. Bair, G. W. Arnold, E. G. Sheridan, J. S. Hunt, W. D. Roberts, G. S. Manser, W. G. Graham.
Maple Township: W. B. Norman, Capt. H. H. Siverd.
Richland Township: Sam Phoenix, J. O. Van Orsdal, Amos Jarvis, W. F. Brown.
Sheridan Township: L. W. Graham, F. M. Small.
Vernon Township: T. B. Ware, B. N. Hopkins, Geo. L. Walker.
Ninnescah Township: Wm. Bartlow, A. H. Beck.
Silver Creek Township: John M. Clover, Wm. May.
Tisdale Township: J. F. Thomas, S. S. Moore.
Harvey Township: A. D. Smith.
Rock Creek Township: Reuben Booth, C. H. Eagin, Wm. White, J. M. Barrick.
On motion the report of the committee was adopted.
A motion to allow W. P. Hackney to vote as proxy for G. W. Arnold, principal, and E. P. Hickok, alternate, and to allow T. K. Johnston to vote as proxy for J. H. Hill, principal, and W. E. Christie, alternate, was lost.
Winfield Courier, February 22, 1877.
The attention of the reader is called to the large auction sale of stock, corn, and farming implements which Mr. Bartlow advertises in another column.
Winfield Courier, February 22, 1877.
NOTE: Reference to auction sale by “Bartlow” appears in next issue of paper.
Winfield Courier, March 1, 1877. Editorial Page.
110 Acres of Growing Wheat!
Also, six months use of farm, consisting of 23 acres of Pasture, 10 acres of cultivated land, and house, etc.
A Aultum & Taylor Thresher; 1 Frence & Adams Harvester; 1 Sulky Cultivator; 1 Grain Drill; Plows, Harrows, and other Farm utensils.
Terms: Corn and Stock will be sold for Cash. Other proper­ty sold on six month’s time, bankable notes to be given. Wm. BARTLOW.
Winfield Courier, May 17, 1877. 
Mrs. William Bartlow was permitted to retire from the protective wing of Mr. William Bartlow, and also to take with her four children and $1,000, provided the Sheriff could find that much raw material lying around loose.
Winfield Courier, June 28, 1877.
List of letters remaining unclaimed in the Post Office at Winfield, Cowley County, Kansas, on the 27th day of June, 1877.
The name of Anna L. Bartlow was on this list.
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878.
MR. EDITOR: The Murphy movement has reached here. Rev. Mr. Rushbridge delivered a lecture here last evening, after which the following persons signed the pledge to abstain from all intoxicating drinks as a beverage.
Anna L. Bartlow was one of those who signed the pledge.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
List of letters remaining unclaimed in the Post Office at Winfield, Cowley County, Kansas, on the 10th day of April 1878.
The name of Mr. W. Bartlow was included on this list.
Winfield Courier, May 16, 1878.
The Sheriff’s Sale of real estate in the following case was confirmed by the court and deed ordered to be made by the sheriff to the purchaser: C. C. Harris vs. William Bartlow et al.
Winfield Courier, August 15, 1878.
LIST of letters remaining unclaimed in the Winfield Post Office August 13, 1875.
The name of Ben Bartlow was included on this list.
Cowley County Courant, November 17, 1881.
Mr. T. H. B. Ross took in Winfield last Friday in the interest of our school district. He says there has been many changes there, but few of the old “boys” are left, and Winfield does not appear now as it did in 1870-74. Caldwell Commercial.
Well, that’s a fact; there have been a good many changes in and around Winfield since those days. The old log store has been reduced to ashes, and some of the boys who used to gather there evenings to play “California Jack” and speculate on the future price of corner lots in Winfield, now take their wives and children to the theater in the fine Opera House that has arisen on the site of the old store. Max Shoeb’s blacksmith shop has given place to Read’s bank; the Walnut Valley House, as a hotel, has passed away. Likewise, the firms of Manning & Baker, U. B. Warren & Co., Alexander & Saffold, Bliss & Middaugh, Hitchcock & Boyle, Maris & Hunt, Myton & Brotherton, and Pickering & Benning. S. H. Myton is about the only one that is left. Tisdale’s hack, which came in whenever the river would permit, has given way to our two railroads; Tom Wright’s ferry, south of town, has been replaced by a handsome iron bridge, and Bartlow’s mill and its crew have disappeared.
Every new building erected on Main street now is not, as then, dedicated with a dance, nor do married women attend them with children in arms, nor do they deposit their kids in the laps of blushing bachelors and join in all hands around. Our Justices of the Peace, when about to unite a loving couple, don’t tell them to “stan” up thar an’ I’ll fix you.” Our butchers, now, don’t go down behind Capt. Lowery’s house, shoot a Texas steer, cut him up with an axe and sell out the chunks before they are done quiver­ing. The writer does not, on nights like Thursday last, rise up from his bed of prairie hay and water, in a little wall tent, and light out for the log store to get out of the wet. All of that kind of fun has passed away and we have had a new deal all around. Some of the men that in those days were frying bacon and washing socks in their bachelor shanties, are now bankers, postmasters, district judges, and palatial hotel keep­ers. The vigilantes are not now riding over the country every night making preparations to go to Douglass and hang its princi­pal citizens. The bad blood stirred up by the memorable Manning-Norton contest for the Legislature has long since been settled. Winfield and Arkansas City have buried the hatchet; Tisdale, ditto. Our merchants don’t sell Missouri flour for $6 per sack, corn for $1.50 per bushel, and bacon for 33½ cents per pound. Bill Hackney (now the Hon. W. P.) does not come up every week to defend Cobb for selling whiskey in Arkansas City without a license. Patrick, the editor of the Censor, (our first newspaper) and Walt Smith, the proprietor of the “Big Horn ranch” on Posey Creek, have both gone west to grow up with the country. Fairbank’s dug-out has been in ruins for years. Dick Walker is still running conventions, but not here. A. T. Stewart is no longer one of the boys. Speed, with his calico pony and big spurs, is seen no more on the Baxter Springs trail. Jackson has laid down the saw and plane and joined the ranks of the railroad monopolists. Colonel Loomis has shed his soldier overcoat. Zimri Stubbs has climbed the golden stair, Nichols is married, Oak’s cat is dead: in fact, Bent, there is nothing anymore like it used to was in Winfield.
Cowley County Courant, February 9, 1882.
Messrs. Bryan & Harris have just consummated the sale of the old Bartlow farm, in Ninnescah Township, which was owned by W. D. Crawford, to John W. Gibson; for $2.200. Mr. Gibson is from Virginia, and his father is living in this city. He is a solid farmer and businessman, and will be a good acquisition to Ninnescah Township.
Winfield Courier, April 10, 1884.
Ben Bartlow and D. P. Hurst of Ninnescah Township, had a fracas last week over a land lease, in which the former got a leg peppered with a charge from a shot gun. An arrest was made, but no case brought owing to the absence of a prosecuting witness.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.
CIVIL DOCKET. FOURTH DAY. Benjamin F. Bartlow v. Floyd M. Hurst et al.
CIVIL DOCKET. SIXTH DAY. Dennis P. Hurst v. Benjamin Bartlow.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.
Benjamin T. Bartlow vs. Floyd M. Hurst et al. Dismissed without prejudice.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 30, 1885.
B. F. Bartlow now looms up as clerk at the Commercial. He’s a rustler.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 7, 1885.
Dennis P. Hurst vs. Benjamin Bartlow: suit to reform lease, now on trial by jury.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 7, 1885.
Ben Bartlow objects to THE DAILY COURIER making him the shootist in the case of Hurst against Bartlow. The party of the first part handled the double-barreled persuasiveness. Ben. got $87.40 and some shot, proving himself through the able counsel of Dalton & Madden, in the right. It was an original action in the District Court to recover four hundred bushels of corn.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 3, 1885.
Ben Bartlow in the Toils for Sending an Obscene Letter Through the Mails.
Sheriff McIntire brought Ben Bartlow in from Hazelton last Sunday evening and lodged him in the bastille on charge of sending an obscene letter through the U. S. mails to Miss Katie Hixon, one of the dining room girls at Axtell’s restaurant, who made the complaint. The circumstances seem to evidence that Katie went with Ben at one time and after he went to Hazelton, received several letters from him. They were rather unsophisticated and she showed them to some of the boarders, and brought out the laugh. Soon after she received this letter, indicating that he had heard of her exhibition of his letters—yes, it shows more, the most intense hatred. It is the most obscene letter ever penned, going into the lowest sum of the English language. The letter has no signature, and Ben will plead not guilty. The Hazelton post mark is on the letter, and Katie says she knew no one else there. The case hangs on the identification of the writing and surrounding circumstances, and draws a big crowd of band heads. The examination is set for Wednesday at 10 o’clock. The prosecution will be conducted by Hon. W. C. Perry, of Fort Scott, U. S. District Attorney, and the defense by Will T. Madden. The penalty, on conviction, is a fine of $100 to $5,000 or 1 to 15 years imprisonment, or both.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 10, 1885.
Ben Bartlow, in the toils for sending obscene letters through the mails to Katie Hixon, gave bond of $500 Friday and is breathing the pure air of Heaven once more. His trial comes off on the 11th inst., before U. S. Commissioner Webb.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 17, 1885.
The examination of Ben Bartlow charged with sending obscene literature through the mails, came up before U. S. Commissioner Webb Friday afternoon, and was again continued, District Attorney Perry’s time being too limited to conduct it through. The case will come up the 30th inst.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 1, 1885.
The case of Uncle Sam against Ben Bartlow came up before U. S. Commissioner Webb Wednesday. Ben was charged with sending an obscene letter from Hazelton to Katie Hixon, a girl employed in the dining room at Axtell’s restaurant. Hon. W. C. Perry, of Ft. Scott, U. S. District Attorney, conducted the prosecution and Will T. Madden the defense. Ben swore that he never wrote or caused to be written this letter and that he knew nothing whatever of the letter until his arrest. He had been corresponding with the girl and was aware that she had shown his letters to the boarders, but he never resented it. No evidence could be deducted from the half dozen witnesses that showed probable cause for holding him over, and he was discharged.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 8, 1885.
The evidence in the above named case on which final preliminary action took place Wednesday, was very queer. Wednesday’s trial was the third attempt to collect all the evidence, none of which would even justify Ben’s arrest, let alone conviction. He has been compelled to lay here for the last thirty days at a heavy expense and much inconvenience. His stock of goods, which he was handling at Hazelton, was necessarily removed here, where he could place it in someone’s hands that was trustworthy. It all looks very odd to us and when everything is summed up, it looks like nothing less than a low blackmailing scheme in which someone was foiled.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 26, 1885.
W H Clark et ux to Sarah A Bartlow, tract in se qr sec 28-32-4e: $350.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 10, 1885.
Ben Bartlow vs D P Hurst et al, Dalton & Madden pros; Hackney & Asp defense.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 8, 1886.
37. 2065. Ben Bartlow vs D P Hunt and Floyd M Hurst, Dalton & Madden for plaintiff, Hackney & Asp for def.
[Note: I do not know who won this case. My coverage of papers ended with the above item relative to Ben Bartlow. MAW]