Charles Beach
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 26, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
Chas. Beach was in from Bitter Creek this morning and informs us that the hail storm of last Friday night ruined his corn and oat crop. The storm was most severe in the vicinity of his farm.
Arkansas City Republican, August 21, 1886.
Chas. Beach, of Bitter Creek, was in the city this morning. He informs us that his corn crop will average about 20 to 25 bushels per acre. It will be remembered by our readers that Mr. Beach was visited by the severe hail storm of a few weeks ago and, as everybody thought, ruined his corn entirely. Since the storm the weather has been favorable and the corn has come out wonderfully. He will have a better crop than several of his neighbors who were not visited by the hail storm. It is supposed that the corn not injured by the hail storm grew so rapidly that it matured too quickly during the recent dry weather, while that which was damaged was retarded in its growth somewhat and when the rain fell, you could almost see the bladeless stocks come out and shoot up. Mr. Beach at one time offered to take $1 per acre for his entire corn crop and is now glad that he could find no one to accept his offer.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 12, 1887. From Saturday’s Daily.
R. Brimbelt, of Knoxville, Illinois, is visiting Chas. Beach, of Bitter Creek, and other relatives in this vicinity. He came in this morning.