J. J. Beach
I concluded after studying both Beach and Welch, involved in arbitration with Windsor & Roberts in July 1883 at Caldwell, that neither one came from Cowley County. They must have lived somewhere else. MAW
I could not find much about J. J. Beach, who handled cattle. There were a number of items about “Mr. Beach,” which might apply to him.
The problem I faced was there was another family [Isaac Beach and sons]. References to “Mr. Beach” might refer to the Isaac Beach family of Beaver [later Pleasant Valley] township.
Mr. J. J. Beach???...
Arkansas City Traveler, September 6, 1876.
Messrs. Beach and Mumaw have invested in what is generally called a “portable humbug,” viz.; the pulverizing harrow, which is being sold by an agent from the north. The harrow is endorsed as being good for all it is recommended.
Mr. J. J. Beach???...
Arkansas City Traveler, June 6, 1877.
LAWSUIT. A suit took place yesterday before Esquire Bonsall, J. P., between Samuel Endicott and Mr. Beach over some ponies. Mitchell and Christian were attorneys for Endicott and Kager for Mr. Beach.
Mr. J. J. Beach???...
Winfield Courier, March 4, 1880.
We learn of a miraculous escape from death which occurred in Pleasant Valley township last week. Messrs. Beach andwere engaged in blasting out a well and after putting in a load poured a lot of powder around the fuse, and threw a pan full of coals from the top of the well in order to touch it off. After waiting half an hour for the blast to explode, Mr. Beach concluded to go down and see what was the matter. On reaching the bottom of the well, he happened to push one of the coals, which had not gone out, into the powder, which flashed up into his face, burning him terribly. As soon as possible after the powder ignited, he grabbed the rope and hollered to Mr. , who was at the windlass, to pull away, and began climbing hand over hand for the top of the well. When he was about halfway up, the blast exploded, throwing two large pieces of stone past him and twenty feet above the top. When pulled out, he was nearly suffocated, the skin on his face was burned to a crisp, and he presented the appearance of having been through a brick bat riot.
J. J. Beach of Pleasant Valley...
Winfield Courier, February 16, 1882.
Among other proceedings had by the Board the following claims were acted upon as follows.
J. J. Beach, Judge: $2.00
Caldwell Journal, July 12, 1883.
Second Session.
The Board met on the 5th day of July.
The following case before the Board was continued until its next meeting.
1. Windsor & Roberts vs. Beach & Welch.
Caldwell Journal, August 30, 1883.
Arbitration Note.
Roberts & Windsor vs. Beach and Welch. The latter were given a range 3½ by 4 miles on the head of Wolf Creek.
Mr. J. J. Beach???...
Arkansas City Traveler, April 25, 1883.
That Zephyr.
The wind storm of last Friday did considerable damage in various sections of the county. We learn that Vest Clark, who lives three miles south of Geuda Springs, had his dwelling, a one and a half story building, literally demolished by the wind. There were seven people asleep in the house at the time of the accident, but all of them escaped serious injury while only two were hurt at all; one young man had his nose broken and a boy’s head was slightly cut. Mr. Beach, living near the west line of the county, had his house unroofed and badly twisted by the storm. The occupants, feeling the house shake badly, had taken shelter in a dug-out and thus probably saved their lives. Another house on the north side of the river was also unroofed and badly demoralized.
Mr. J. J. Beach...
Arkansas City Traveler, June 13, 1883.
More Knife.
Mr. Drury Warren of this city, and Mr. Beach, a Territory stockman, while attending a round-up in the Territory last week, had a dispute respecting a steer claimed by Mr. Warren, in the course of which a fight ensued, knives being drawn, and Mr. Warren wounded. Beach came up to this place and gave bond for his appearance before Justice Bonsall on the 19th instant. We are glad to state that Mr. Warren’s wounds are not dangerous.
Winfield Courier, June 14, 1883.
Drury Warren and J. J. Beach had a set to with carving knives at Hodges and Stewarts ranch in the Territory Tuesday evening. Drury had his shoulder and part of the muscle of his left arm cut, but not seriously.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 29, 1883.
The board of arbitration, recently in session at Caldwell, allowed Mr. Chambers his range on the state line, but cut the Estus brothers’ range down nearly one-half, as they also did that of Mr. Wicks. Mr. Beach was allowed nearly all of his. We learn that several of the cases will be appealed to the board of directors.
Beach & Pickens [Pickins?] mentioned below.
Could it be J. J. Beach got a new partner???
Arkansas City Traveler, December 9, 1885.
Destructive Prairie Fire.
The prairie fire in the Territory on Friday was terribly destructive, sweeping the entire region of country from Chilocco Creek southward to Stewart’s ranch, on the Salt Fork. Besides the destruction of thousands of acres of prairie, large stacks of hay were burnt, and we hear that some cattle were caught in the flames. Among the sufferers by this wanton act of incendiarism, are Winfield Cattle Co. (Formerly Tomlin & Webb’s), and Pettit, who pastured his herd on the above named ranch, is also a severe loser. The ranches of Hill & Allen, Beach & Pickens, H. J. Chinn, and M. P. Johnson are also burnt over. A furious gale blew at the time of the conflagration, and the flames were carried with railroad rapidity. This leaves a gloomy prospect for carrying the herds through the winter.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 9, 1885.
This morning Jack Whitson sold 23 head of young cattle for about six hundred dollars to Beach & Co., who were taking their herd to the Nation.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 10, 1885.
W. J. Hodges came up from Ponca yesterday. He says the big Territory fire was not so bad as reported, though fearfully destructive. Only eight head of cattle, mostly calves, have yet been found burned to death. Tomlin and Webb have 200 tons of hay left, but all their buildings, fences, etc., were swept away. The ranches of Hill & Allen, Beach & Pickens, Dick Best, Botts, and others lost about all their feed, fences, etc. The range is all burned off and the cattle will have to be brought to the State. The loss of cattle was badly exaggerated. Lacey Tomlin and Ed McMullen went down to Tomlin & Webb’s ranch yesterday, but have not yet returned. T. & W. have 2,500 head of cattle.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 12, 1885.
A big fire occurred in the Territory Friday night, caused by the high wind. It burned Tomlin and Webb’s ranch, and all the buildings except the dwelling house; also all the hay, and is thought from four to six hundred head of cattle. Hill and Allen, Dick Best, Beach, and Pickins, and the ranch known as Botts Ranch lost everything.