Ruth Norris Berger
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 7, 1921.
One of the prettiest home weddings that has occurred in our city was that which took place yesterday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Norris, 320 South A Street.
The very interesting ceremony uniting Miss Ruth LaVerne Norris to Dr. Alexander J. Berger, was performed by Father Degnan of the Sacred Heart Catholic church. The only guests present to witness the ceremony were home folks. However, for the occasion the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norris was beautifully and appropriately decorated with an abundance of exquisite flowers and potted plants.
At the conclusion of the ceremony, a substantial and most palatable wedding dinner was served, after which Dr. Berger and his wife were conveyed to Ponca City by motor car driven by Roy Hume. At Ponca City they took the evening Santa Fe for Galveston, New Orleans, and other southern cities.
Dr. and Mrs. Berger will be gone at least two weeks on their honeymoon trip before returning home. When they finish their sojourn and return to Arkansas City, they will be at home after January 15th, at the very handsome cottage at 702 South Summit street, which has been richly, and adequately furnished for the new couple to begin housekeeping.
The bride, Miss Ruth Norris, as she is familiarly called in this city, has lived here all her life. She was born in this city and grew to womanhood here. The majority of the people of Arkansas City are either friends of Miss Ruth, or warm acquaintances. Arkansas City has no finer daughter than the bride. She has a jovial, friendly disposition, and commands the admiration of all with whom she comes in contact. She attended our city schools in girlhood, and graduated from the fine arts department at Washington University at Topeka.
As time unfolds, the groom will find that he has chosen wisely for a helpmate, for she possesses all the sterling qualities that go to make up a lovable and womanly woman.
The groom, Dr. Berger, is a rising physician of this community, and is connected with the Arkansas City hospital. He is recognized as one of the most successful physicians in this city. He is a splendid citizen, and is looked upon with favor by the members of his profession and the people of our community.
Dr. and Mrs. Berger were the recipients of a number of substantial presents, some of them being very beautiful and expensive.
The Traveler extends the heartiest congratulations to the newlyweds, and especially to the bride. The editor of the Traveler has known the bride all her life, and he has known only that which was good of her.
In the early days, he reported the marriage of her parents. When she came to brighten the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norris, the editor of the Traveler reported her arrival, and since he has told of the principal events in her life.
May Dr. and Mrs. Berger live long and enjoy to the utmost the fruits of married life.