A. W. Berkey
Arkansas City and Winfield.
Winfield 1878. A. W. Berkey, 24. No spouse listed.
Winfield Directory 1880:
Berkey, A. W., Teller Winfield Bank, r. 9th avenue, n. w. corner Mansfield.
Winfield Courier, September 16, 1875.
TO THE VOTERS OF COWLEY COUNTY. This is to certify that we, whose names are hereto subscribed, do most heartily recommend for our next County Treasurer, FRANK GALLOTTI, who has for the last year and a half faithfully and satisfactorily performed the duties of said office while acting in the capacity of Deputy; and we do hereby further certify that his character during that time has been such as to fully entitle him to the recommendation. The records of said office kept by him, bears ample testimony of his capability and efficiency. We consider him well qualified to fulfill the duties of said office, and therefore cheerfully recommend him to the voters of Cowley County as well worth of their cordial support, and who, if elected, will most faithfully and systematically perform the duties of said office.
A. W. Berkey signed above recommendation.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 12, 1876.
ABSTRACTS AND BOUNTIES. I would respectfully state that I am now prepared to draw Deeds, Mortgages, and all papers pertaining to the transfer of Real Estate. Will also collect the Extra Bounty allowed soldiers by the recent act of Congress. Abstracts furnished of all lands in Cowley County. Office at the Arkansas City Bank.
A. W. BERKEY, Notary Public.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 21, 1876.
WE WISH TO STATE to the public that we have thoroughly revised and corrected the set of Abstract Books prepared by Messrs. Meigs & Kinne. We have carefully compared each Instrument on record in the Recorder’s office twice, each time by a different person, and know our books to be correct. We have also prepared, at much cost and labor, a complete list of all lands sold for taxes since the county was organized. Parties procuring abstracts of us get the benefit of this history of tax sales in this county. Our system of Abstracting is as thorough and complete as the system of book-keeping; mistakes are almost impossible. These books are in charge of Mr. A. W. Berkey, who will devote all his time in the future to the Real Estate business. Any parties having land for sale can leave the same with him, and parties wishing to purchase will do well to give him a call before purchasing elsewhere.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 12, 1877.
BASE BALL. An enthusiastic meeting was held Monday afternoon at Pearson’s Hall, for the purpose of organizing a base ball association.
The following officers were elected.
Manager: J. H. Sherburne.
Secretary and Treasurer: H. M. Bacon.
Directors: Rev. S. B. Fleming; A. A. Newman; R. C. Haywood; A. W. Berkey; L. P. Woodyard; Will Mowry.
At a meeting of the directors in the evening, a nine was selected which will play Thursday afternoon at 2 o’clock, against the best second nine that can be collected.
A lively game is anticipated, and a general attendance desired. At the close of the game, the association will meet for the transaction of important business, when an opportunity for joining the same will be offered.
It is very desirable that all who are at all interested in athletic sports come at once to the front, and manifest their good will by joining the association.
The boys mean “business,” and should be well backed up. The fall campaign, though a short one, will doubtless be a warm one. Anyway, it will afford lots of fun.
A. W. Berkey marries Georgia Christian, daughter of Hon. James Christian...
Arkansas City Traveler, October 3, 1877.
MARRIED. On Wednesday evening, Sept. 26th, by Rev. Samuel D. Fleming, at the residence of the bride’s parents, Mr. Aristus Berkey and Miss Georgie Christian, both of this place. Mr. Berkey is well known and respected at this place and in the county, as an enterprising and reliable man, and his bride is the daughter of Hon. James Christian, one of the oldest residents of Kansas. The happy couple are favored with the good wishes of the whole community, and especially by the printer boys, who were made the recipients of a bountiful supply of palatable eatables.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 17, 1877.
The following are the marriage licenses issued by the Probate Judge since September 1st, 1877. A. W. Berkey—Georgie A. Christian.
[Note: Georgie Christian, daughter of Judge James Christian, was sometimes called “Georgia” and at other times “Georgiana.” In January 1876 she announced that she would give instructions on the piano to a limited number of scholars, either boys or girls, at the residence of her parents, one door south of Mr. McMullen’s bank. Her terms: $8.00 for 24 lessons for beginners. She stated that she was “late of the Conservatory of Music, Lawrence, Kansas.” By September 1876 she was engaged as an assistant teacher in the Arkansas City schools. It was noted that she was perhaps the only native born Kansas teacher in Kansas as the practice heretofore, in all parts of the State, had been to send East and import a teacher, with little or no experience, rather than have native talent at home in persons fully capable and in need of the job.]
Arkansas City Traveler, October 17, 1877.
RECAP: Judge McDonald elected Chairman; Amos Walton, Secretary. Present: 38 delegates. For Sheriff: Chas. L. Harter; W. A. Freeman; John R. Smith—Harter won. For Registrar: A. W. Berkey, of Arkansas City. He was unanimously nominated for Registrar by acclamation.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1877.
The meeting in Bolton Township, at Bland’s schoolhouse, was attended by Hon. C. R. Mitchell, Capt. Hunt, M. G. Troup, and A. W. Berkey—all speakers. The audience failed to come.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1877.
In behalf of the Ladies Society, we desire through the columns of your paper to tender our sincere thanks to Judge Christian for his interesting lecture; also Mr. and Mrs. Berkey for their music last Friday evening. MRS. L. A. ALEXANDER, President.
MRS. J. GIBBY, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, November 1, 1877.
We got hold of the wrong Berkey last week as the democratic candidate for Register of Deeds. A. W. Berkey is a clerk for the bank of J. C. McMullen, of Arkansas City, not a merchant at Salt City. He will go up Salt River all the same.
Winfield Courier, December 6, 1877.
Arkansas City sports a real live literary society, which promises the means of our spending one evening in the week quite pleasantly this winter. It is a good move and should receive the support of all our citizens. I. H. Bonsall, president; L. C. Norton and C. M. Swarts, vice-presidents; Miss Ella Grimes, secretary; Miss Flora Finley, treasurer; and A. W. Berkey and W. D. Mowry, musical directors.
A. W. Berkey (Aristus Berkey) was often referred to as “Ret Berkey”...
Arkansas City Traveler, January 16, 1878.
SOCIAL DANCE. One of the most pleasant parties of the winter was held at Newman’s hall on Monday evening, under the direction of two or three good citizens of this place. Music was furnished by C. R. Sipes, James Steiner, and Ret Berkey, and the floor managed by I. H. Bonsall and S. P. Channell. A good number were present, and the company enjoyed themselves exceedingly. It was the best selected audience we have seen in Arkansas City since the good old days of long ago, and the secret of it was there was no distinction made on account of surrounding circumstances. A similar party once every two weeks would add greatly to the social enjoyment of the place.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1878.
A. W. BERKEY and wife are residing temporarily at the county seat. Ret wasn’t out of town half an hour until he was missed by his associates.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 13, 1878.
NOTICE the new card of Col. J. C. McMullen in this issue. The Colonel expects to offer good inducements to his old patrons.
(Successor to Arkansas City Bank, Arkansas City, Kansas.)
Does a General Banking Business.
Pays Interest on Time Deposits.
Loans Money on Well Improved Farms.
Has a very superior new burglar proof safe, with all the recent improvements.
Correspondents: American Exchange National Bank, New York; First National Bank, Emporia.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 27, 1878.
A. W. BERKEY and wife came down on Saturday to visit the old folks. Mrs. Berkey will remain in the city until today.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 20, 1878.
WINFIELD, March 16, 1878.
Col. McMullen, our new banker, is preparing to erect a new dwelling on his Manning lots. It will be one of the handsomest in the city, as the Colonel never does anything by halves. His cashier, A. W. Berkey, also talks of building this spring. RAMBLER.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 20, 1878.
ARISTUS BERKEY, of the Citizens Bank of Winfield, and wife were down to attend the burial of Capt. Smith last Sunday.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.
Fred. Hunt, Wilbur Dever, Kittie McGahay, and Mr. and Mrs. Berkey spent the Sabbath at this place.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 22, 1878.
MRS. JUDGE CHRISTIAN has gone north (to Winfield), also, for a few days, on a visit to her daughter, Mrs. A. W. Berkey.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 12, 1878.
MR. and MRS. A. W. BERKEY, of Winfield, spent the Sabbath with the old folks and returned on Monday morning. Miss Linda Christian went home with them to spend a few days at the capital.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 11, 1878.
Charles McIntire and A. W. Berkey came down to the head last Sunday.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 16, 1878.
CITIZENS BANK. This institution is now organized as a corporation under the laws of the State of Kansas, with a capital of $50,000. J. C. McMullen is elected president, John D. Pryor, vice president, B. F. Baldwin, cashier, and A. W. Berkey, assistant cashier. All these gentlemen are stockholders in the bank, and are gentlemen of honor and excellent business qualifications. This will become the popular institution of the county, and we expect to record its abundant success. Courier.
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878.
Notice the new advertisement of the Citizens Bank. Col. McMullen has come to stay and do business. He has invested largely in real estate in this town and will make still further investments, while he is selling at a sacrifice the improvements he has left. He is a gentleman of large means, large business experience, and a large heart. He will of course command a large business patronage in his new location. Mr. Berkey, his assistant, pleases everybody, and will soon attain an enviable popularity.
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878.
(Successors to Arkansas City Bank, Arkansas City, Kansas.)
Pays Interest on Time Deposits, Loans Money on Well Improved Farms.
Has a Very Superior Burglar-Proof Safe, With all the Recent Improvements.
CORRESPONDENTS: American Exchange National Bank, New York. First National Bank, Emporia.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 25, 1878.
[Special Correspondence Kansas City Times.]
There are three banks here, viz: M. L. Read’s, Citizens Bank, and J. C. Fuller.
Read’s Bank is located in a fine two story brick. The gentlemen connected with it, including Mr. Read and the Robinsons, are genial gentlemen and successful businessmen.
J. C. Fuller is the oldest banker in the county. He is prudent, safe, and responsible.
The Citizens Bank was formerly located in Arkansas City, J. C. McMullen is President and A. W. Berkey cashier. It has about twenty-five farms for sale on long time and low rates.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
The “Cantata of the Seasons,” under the management of Mr. and Mrs. Kessler, was repeated at the M. E. Church on Wednesday evening of last week with the same eclat which greeted its first appearance. Mrs. Kessler performed exquisitely on the piano, assisted by Mrs. Earnest and Prof. Farringer. The Roberts Bros. furnished string band music of the highest order, while the performance of the vocalists, Mesdames Kelly, Holloway, Buckman, Swain, Earnest; Misses Coldwell, Dever, Stewart, Bryant, Bliss; and Messrs. Roberts, Buckman, Holloway, Holloway, Bliss, Payson, Chamberlain, Harris, Richmond, Root, Evans, and Berkey were very fine indeed. The Cantata company will soon commence to rehearse “Queen Esther” with a view to inaugurate Manning’s Hall, when completed, by the presentation of that beautiful cantata.
Winfield Courier, October 10, 1878.
Citizens Bank. This institution is now organized as a corporation under the laws of the State of Kansas, with a capital of $50,000. J. C. McMullen is elected president, John D. Pryor, vice president, B. F. Baldwin, Cashier, and A. W. Berkey assistant cashier. All these gentlemen are stockholders in the bank and are gentlemen of honor and excellent business qualifications. This will become the popular institution of the county and we expect to record its abundant success.
Winfield Courier, January 2, 1879.
CITIZENS BANK is one of the best managed and safest banks in the state. It has a large safe, burglar proof, combination and time locks, and is thoroughly secure. J. C. McMullen, its president, brought a large capital to this place and has built a residence that would do credit to any city. B. F. Baldwin, the cashier, is a young man of means and industry well known in this city. John D. Pryor, the vice president, is a talented accountant and familiar with his business, and A. W. Berkey, the assistant cashier, is quite experienced in the business. All are gentlemen of honor and reliability.
Winfield Courier, April 10, 1879.
J. H. Berkey, of Monticello, Wisconsin, is in town, visiting his cousin, A. W. Berkey, and looking at the country. Mr. Berkey states that there is quite a colony of Wisconsin folks making preparations to come to Kansas this spring and that Cowley will surely catch most of them.
Next item refers to J. H. Berkey, cousin of A. W. Berkey...
Arkansas City Traveler, April 30, 1879.
Editor Traveler: Permit a member of the “White Church” a little space for explanation to Mr. Berkey and friends of temperance.
Up to May of last year, the Trustees of the First Presbyterian Church had been often worried into granting the use of the building to tramp showmen, minstrels, and political meetings, and as is usual in such gatherings, much waste tobacco was expectorated on the floor and about the seats, and the filth of it was a grievance to many members. A year ago the Ladies Society of the Church taking the matter in hand thoroughly cleansed and beautified the house. It was then re-dedicated to the worship of God, and the Session of the Church and congregation agreeing to the same, resolved to hold the Church for religious worship alone. This was published in the TRAVELER at the time, but seems to have been forgotten. We have Pearson’s Hall in the city, and spacious school rooms. Why are these not used for temperance lectures.
Next item refers to J. H. Berkey, cousin of A. W. Berkey...
Winfield Courier, May 1, 1879.
Mr. Berkey, from Monticello, Wisconsin, delivered a temperance address at Manning’s Hall last Sunday evening under the auspices of the Baptist church.
Winfield Courier, October 16, 1879.
The members of the Winfield cornet band had a meeting last week and reorganized. The following officers were elected: Geo. Crippen, leader. H. Brotherton, president; John Reed, secretary, and A. W. Berkey, treasurer. The boys have begun practicing and have sent for a large lot of new music.
The next item, I believe, has an error in it. It has the following sentences: “Mr. W. M. Berkey will also build a brick building, 25 x 75, on North Main street. It looks as if things are inclined to go northward.” Mr. W. M. Berkey resided in Salt City and was about to construct a stone building in that city.” Article might have really pertained to
Col. J. C. McMullen building a brick building. A. W. Berkey worked for McMullen at the Citizens Bank in Winfield. MAW
Winfield Courier, October 23, 1879.
North Main street has the “boom” bad since the location of the east and west depot. In addition to the building already commenced by Manning, Kinne, and Curns, which will be of brick, 75 x 60, Messrs. T. R. Bryan, W. L. Mullen, and J. C. McMullen will soon begin the erection of a block of buildings on the vacant land just north of the American House and south of the foundry. The buildings will be of uniform size, each 25 x 100 feet and of brick. Mr. W. M. Berkey will also build a brick building, 25 x 75, on North Main street. It looks as if things are inclined to go northward.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 29, 1879.
Creswell Township Treasurer’s Report.
Amount paid on Scrip issued by A. W. Berkey $1.00.
S. B. ADAMS, Treasurer.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 28, 1880.
Mrs. Berkey, of Winfield, spent a few days of last week with her parents, Judge Christian and wife.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1880.
Creswell Township Treasurer’s Report.
Mr. Editor: My term of office as Township Treasurer having expired, I deem it my duty to make a full statement of all the business transacted by me during my term of office, which is as follows:
Cash paid on scrip issued by Berkey: $4.15. Interest on same: $.80.
Total amount received: $4.95.
All of this is cheerfully submitted for the consideration of the taxpayers of Creswell Township, Cowley County, Kansas. S. B. ADAMS, Treasurer. February 16, 1880.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 21, 1880.
Mrs. Berkey of Winfield spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Judge Christian.
A. W. Berkey was not mentioned in the next article relative to “Winfield Bank.”
Winfield Courier, January 6, 1881.
BANK ELECTION. At the annual election of the Winfield Bank last Tuesday evening, A. A. Wiley, J. J. Buck, D. A. Millington, J. C. Fuller, and J. C. McMullen were chosen directors. The directors met and elected J. C. McMullen, president; J. C. Fuller, cashier, and D. A. Millington, secretary.
Winfield Bank. A. W. Berkey becomes collection clerk; Chas. E. Fuller becomes paying teller; and Jas. Lorton takes the position of bookkeeper. H. G. Fuller retires.
Winfield Courier, January 13, 1881.
Winfield Bank: Monitor mentions what Courier had about officers and directors...but adds a wee bit more!
Chas. E. Fuller takes the position of paying teller; A. W. Berkey, collection clerk, and Jas. Lorton, a new man, takes the position of bookkeeper. Mr. H. G. Fuller retires. The business of the bank for the past year has been prosperous and unusually satisfactory to the officers and stockholders.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 23, 1881.
Our young friend, A. W. Berkey, of the Winfield Bank, was in town Saturday last, shaking hands with his many friends.
Winfield Courier, June 16, 1881.
A considerable number of the citizens of Winfield met on Monday evening on the steps of the Winfield Bank to provide for raising funds for the immediate relief of the sufferers caused by the cyclone Sunday evening. Mr. Crippen called the people together by music from the band.
A. W. Berkey gave $1.00.
Note: The next item about “Grandma Brown” reveals that A. W. Berkey was a son of William M. Berkey of Salt City.
Henry Berkey was the father of William M. Berkey and the grandfather of A. W. Berkey of Winfield. Mrs. “Grandma Brown” was the mother of William M. Berkey and grandmother of A. W. Berkey of Winfield...
Arkansas City Traveler, August 24, 1881.
An Old Pioneer Gone. DIED. At Salt City, at the residence of her son, William M. Berkey, on Saturday, August 20th, 1881, Margaret Brown, well known all over the county as Grandma Brown, in the 79th year of her age. Few persons in Kansas are better entitled to the name of pioneer than Grandma Brown. She was born in Ohio, in the year 1802, when that country was but a wilderness. Her parents having moved from Pennsylvania, were of the stock called the Pennsylvania Dutch. Her maiden name was, I think, Jesenmyer. At an early age, I think she went to Indiana. Here it was that, I think, she was wooed and won by Henry Berkey, the father of William M. Berkey and grandfather of A. W. Berkey, of Winfield; by whom she had a large family. After the death of her first husband, Henry Berkey, she was married to a Mr. Brown, whose name she still bears. In many respects Grandma Brown was a remarkable woman, with little education or refinement, as it is termed. She bore a conspicuous part in the settlement of the western states. Born in Ohio, she lived there a number of years, then in Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, and, I think, in Iowa before she came to Kansas, eleven years ago. During all the period of her varied life, which had many ups and downs, she bore the character of an honest, hard-working, industrious woman, and died in the hope and faith of a blessed immortality. For many years she has been a constant member of the Christian church. Peace be to her ashes. C.
A. W. Berkey leaves Winfield Bank and takes a job in Kansas City...
Winfield Courier, November 17, 1881.
Rit Berkey has gone to Kansas City to take a position in Jarvis, Conklin & Co.’s office
there. Winfield boys are in demand all over the state.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 25, 1882.
DIED. At the residence of her father, in this city, on Saturday, January 21st, 1882, at 1 o’clock p.m., of consumption, Georgie A., wife of A. W. Berkey, aged 22 years 10 months and 13 days. The funeral services were held in the Methodist Church on Sunday last, and the cortege that wended its mournful way towards the cemetery was the largest ever seen in the city. The deceased lady was the eldest daughter of Hon. James Christian, born at Lawrence, Kansas, on March 1st, 1859, and was the first child baptized in the Episcopal Church of that city. During her residence of several years in Arkansas City, her many sterling qualities endeared her to all with whom she came in contact; by whom, and the bereaved relatives the sadness of her passing away should be lost in the contemplation of that future meeting, where they too, shall stand robed in immortality.
Winfield Courier, January 26, 1882.
DIED. Mrs. A. W. Berkey died very suddenly at her residence in Arkansas City last Saturday. She had been sinking for some time with consumption, but it was not suspected that she was so near death’s door until Saturday morning. Her husband was in Kansas City and was wired in time to catch the K. C. L. & S. train and came in Saturday evening, but too late to see her alive. We deeply sympathize with him in this affliction. Mrs. Berkey was a daughter of Judge James Christian, and was born at Lawrence in 1859. She was the first child baptized in the Episcopal Church in the State. The loss of this, his eldest daughter, is a sad blow to the Judge. She has been the mainstay of his declining years, and since the failure of his eyesight, she has been almost the only light along the pathway of his life.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 7, 1883.
The Wellington Democrat learns from A. W. Berkey that a four foot vein of coal has been struck at Geuda Springs at a depth of twenty-three feet below the surface.
A. W. Berkey: married again, visiting his parents in Salt City...
Arkansas City Traveler, July 25, 1883.
Last Monday’s train brought in A. W. Berkey and wife, of Kansas City, who are here on a visit to his many friends. They started to Salt City Monday afternoon to visit his parents. We understand they will remain about two weeks.
Next item indicates that A. W. Berkey was probably related to D. Berkey...
Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.
Mr. A. W. Berkey and wife spent last week in the city as the guests of D. Berkey. “Rit” returned to Kansas City Monday, leaving Mrs. Berkey to follow in a few weeks.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 15, 1883.
Mrs. A. W. Berkey has been visiting the family of Judge Christian for the past week. She expects to return to Geuda tomorrow and visit another week before returning to her home at Kansas City.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 29, 1883.
Mrs. A. W. Berkey took the train yesterday for the purpose of joining her husband in Kansas City. She has made many friends during her sojourn with us.
Arkansas City Republican, November 8, 1884.
Mrs. A. W. Berkey, of Kansas City, is visiting relatives in Geuda Springs. Mrs. Berkey is the wife of Judge Jas. Christian’s son-in-law.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 28, 1885.
AFTER MANY DAYS. This is a parable. A way in the dim past about A. D. 1875 Wellington wanted to have a way up Fourth of July celebration, and imagining that Home musical talent was not the thing, applied for the Arkansas City band to discourse sweet music for them.
All arrangements were made for ten pieces, and the gentlemen who went to Wellington were as follows: Messrs. E. R. and W. S. Thompson, Lyman Herrick, Rob and Tom Baird, C. R. Sipes, Frank Speers, Rit Berkey, C. Balcom, and Al. Wells.
Several members of the band, proper, were absent, but after much skirmishing around nine musicians were found and the tenth piece was a dummy; or in other words, a make believe player with a silent horn. Everything went off serene, they got their pay and all was lovely.
Here comes the turn of the tune. Arkansas City wanted a way-up dance, tip top imported music, no home talent, you know, but something immense, and Wichita’s Italian Band kindly responded and agreed to ravish our souls with the thrilling strains of four pieces. They came, they played. It was good and everybody was pleased, but nevertheless we had our own medicine to take for the dummy was there sure enough with his little horn. History repeats itself and the moral of this is, patronize home institutions.