David Berkey
Winfield Merchant.
1880 Winfield Directory.
PRATT & HIGGINS, second hand store, 9th avenue, n. s. bet Main and Millington.
Higgins, M. F. (Pratt & Higgins), r. Court House, s. s. bet Mansfield and Stewart.
1880 Winfield Directory.
Established October 6, 1879. Meets Odd Fellows Hall, southwest corner Main and 8th avenues, every Monday at 7:30 p.m.
[Note: Odd Fellows Hall was above the store of J. B. Lynn.]
OFFICERS. W. C. T., D. C. Beach; V. T., Mrs. Clara Beach; Secretary, Henry Rowland; Treasurer, R. C. Story; F. C., Miss Mollie Bryant; M., F. V. Rowland; Chaplain, Rev. J. Cairns; I. G., Rosa Frederick; O. G., F. T. Berkey.
[Frank T. Berkey was the son of David Berkey.]
[Note: Ad placed by D. Berkey in 1883 indicated that his address was “116 East 9th.”]
Winfield Directory 1885.
Berkey D, hardware and furniture, 115 e 9th, res 617 Menor.
Berkey Miss Eva, clerk, P O, res 617 Menor.
Kyger Ira, second hand store, 1017 Main, res 218 e 12th.
Stolp C W, clerk, Berkey’s Hardware, 115 e 9th, res 911 e 11th.
Stolp E B, clerk, hardware, 115 e 9th, res 1507 Menor.
Stolp Miss Hattie, clerk, Baden’s, res 911 e 11th.
Stolp Hiram G, res 911 e 11th.
NOTE: I set up a separate file on C. W. Stolp.
Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.
Mr. Higgins has sold an interest in his second-hand store to Mr. Berkey. They will make a good team.
Cora Berkey, daughter of David Berkey...
Cowley County Courant, January 5, 1882.
Miss Cora Berkey, Winfield Daily Courant, dark red paper dress, trimmed with Courant heads. Very unique, neat, and pretty, of course, and takes our individual cake.
Winfield Courier, April 20, 1882.
On last Friday evening the residence of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fuller was the scene of one of the merriest as well as the “toniest” parties ever given in Winfield. Mrs. Fuller has entertained her friends several times this winter without any of the young folks being present, but this time she honored them by giving this party, which was duly appreciated. Everyone invited, with but two exceptions, was present and never were guests more hospitably entertained. The evening was spent in dancing and other amusements, while an elegant collation consisting of cakes and ice cream was served at eleven o’clock. At a late hour the guests dispersed, all thanking their kind host and hostess for the pleasant evening so happily spent. The costumes of the guests were elegant and worthy of mention. We give below a list which we hope will be satisfactory to the ladies mentioned.
Miss Cora Berkey, black silk skirt, pink satin pointed bodice.
Winfield Courier, May 18, 1882.
A Pleasant Party. On last Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Robinson entertained a large company of their young friends at their elegant residence, which they have been fitting up with new paper of a very beautiful and expensive pattern. Having the carpets up in the parlors, it was considered a good time to give a party and take the opportunity to indulge in a dance. The evening was just the one for a dancing party, for although “May was advancing,” it was very cool and pleasant, and several hours were spent in that exercise, after which an excellent repast consisting of ice cream, strawberries, and cakes was served, and although quite late the dancing continued some hours, and two o’clock had struck ere the last guest had lingeringly departed. No entertainments are more enjoyed by our young folks than those given by Mr. Robinson and his estimable wife. We append a list of those persons on this occasion: Misses Jackson, Roberts, Josie Bard, Jessie Meech, Florence Beeny, Jennie Hane, Kate Millington, Jessie Millington, Scothorn, Margie Wallis, Lizzie Wallis, Curry, Klingman, McCoy, Berkey; Mr. and Mrs. George Rhodes, Mr. and Mrs. Jo Harter, Mrs. and Dr. Emerson, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bahntge, Mr. and Mrs. George Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hunt; Messrs. W. A. Smith, C. C. Harris, Charles Fuller, Lou Zenor, James Lorton, Lovell Webb, Sam E. Davis, Eugene Wallis, C. H. Connell, Dr. Jones, Campbell, Ivan Robinson, W. C. Robinson.
Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.
FOR SALE. A fine silver watch. Berkey’s Second Hand Store.
Mary Berkey, daughter of David Berkey...
Cowley County Courant, July 6, 1882.
The Cowley County Normal opened Wednesday, Superintendent Story and Professor E. T. Trimble in charge of the classes.
The following teachers have enrolled.
Mary Berkey, Winfield.
Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.
On last Friday evening Miss Mary Berkey was agreeably surprised by a number of her young friends, who called to spend the evening with her as a sort of recognition of her sixteenth birthday. Miss Mary is a bright, sensible girl, and can entertain company right royally, and the time was passed very pleasantly.
Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.
SORGHUM MILL FOR SALE CHEAP. A No. 4 Victor Canemill, nearly new with evaporators and pans, cooling tank, grates, and smoke stack, all complete. Call at Berkey’s second-hand store, East Ninth Avenue, Winfield, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.
Mr. Al Mace of the Saybrook (Illinois) Gazette, who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Berkey, left for his home last week.
Frank T. Berkey, son of David Berkey...
Winfield Courier, July 20, 1882.
Winfield Lodge A. O. U. W. No. 18 on last Friday evening installed the following officers for the ensuing term.
P. M. W.: J. F. McMullen; M. W.: J. Wade McDonald; Foreman: C. C. Greene; Overseer: Geo. E. Rinker; Recorder: Geo. Corwin; Receiver: G. S. Manser; Financier: Frank T. Berkey; Guide: Thos. Meyers; I. W.: W. J. Hepler; O. W.: J. E. Snow.
Mary Berkey...
Arkansas City Traveler, August 30, 1882.
We have here a full list of our teachers now enrolled in our County Normal, with grade and post office.
GRADE C. Anna Kuhn, Mary E. Curfman, Emma L. McKee, L. M. Page, Mary A. Orr, Ida Bard, Pattie Andrews, Leoti Gary, Lydia L. Horner, Anna McClung, Haidee Trezise, Ida G. Trezise, Hattie Pontious, Mary Berkey, Maggie Kinne, Fannie Headrick, Mr. M. M. Stearns, R. B. Bartlett, Harry Bullen, Will Tremor.
Winfield Courier, August 10, 1882.
Notes About Our Teachers and Their Work.
The first month of the County Normal closed Friday week. The enrollment was 68 and the average attendance for the month was 62. The B class took a careful study of the U. S. Constitution, thorough work in bookkeeping, language, and arithmetic. The C class had daily drills in elocution and reading, arithmetic, geography, and practical language. The work of July was pleasant, deliberate, and fruitful. Those who attended the first month are in excellent condition for the work of the present month. Prof. J. W. Cooper, of Lawrence, and Miss Lillian F. Hoxie, of Emporia, have arrived, and the work of August starts off with flattering prospects. The opening exercises are held in the Court Room, from 7:45 till 8:30 a.m. The recitations then take place in the High School building upstairs. Friends and school officers are invited to visit the Normal at any time.
Of Winfield: Anna Kuhn, Mary E. Curfman, Emma L. McKee, L. M. Page, Mary A. Orr, Ida Bard, Hattie E. Andrews, Lou M. Morris, Leota Gary, Lydia L. Horner, Anna McClung, Haidee A. Trezise, Ida G. Trezise, Hattie Pontious, Mary Berkey, Maggie Kinne, B. B. Bartlett, Will Tremor, Harry Bullen, Miss Fannie Headrick.
Cora Berkey...
Winfield Courier, October 19, 1882.
MARRIED. The marriage of Mr. Will O. Whiting and Miss Maggie McClain, which took place at the Baptist Church last Thursday evening, was an unusually brilliant one. The church was filled with friends, who had gathered to see the ceremony performed, and the church was beautifully decorated for the occasion. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. Cairns, in his most impressive manner, and the happy couple retired to the residence of Col. Wm. Whiting to receive the congratulations of their friends, of whom about fifty were present and partook of an elegant repast, after which the bride and groom were driven to the depot to take the westbound train for an extended bridal tour. The bride was attired in a handsome steel gray grosgrain silk, elegantly trimmed in cream Spanish lace and orange blossoms. Miss Cora Berkey, the bridesmaid, was dressed in pink silk with white over-dress, pink flowers, and Spanish lace. Mr. Jack Hyden was best man for the groom, and Messrs. Fred Whiting, Chas. Hodges, and Jim. Berry acted as ushers. We extend congratulations to the happy pair and hope they may live long and prosper.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
Our enterprising second hand dealer, D. Berkey, on Ninth Avenue, is making things boom in his line this fall. His store is crowded full of goods and customers all the time. The variety of his stock and unusually low prices is making it headquarters for everything. Mr. Berkey’s stock is by no means confined to second hand goods, but he also has a large supply of new goods in furniture, glass, and queensware, tinware, etc., secured from bankrupt stores at different places, which he is selling at very low prices. Give him a call and avail yourself of some of the bargains he is offering.
Cora Berkey, Mr. Berkey...
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
Mr. and Mrs. Albro, Misses Ida McDonald, Cora Berkey, Ettie Robinson, Jennie Hane, and Jessie Millington, and Messrs. Noble, Berkey, Miner, Davis, Albright, Wilson, Zenor, Nixon, and others of Winfield, and Conductor and Mrs. Miller of Arkansas City, attended the Opera at Wichita Monday evening.
Miss Berkey...
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
On last Saturday evening Mrs. J. E. Conklin entertained a company of her young friends at her pleasant home. The evening was most pleasantly spent and all were sorry when the warning hand of time pointed to Sunday morning, thus compelling the party to disperse. Mr. and Mrs. Conklin assisted by their charming guest, Miss Dinnie Swing, have the thanks of the persons below named for so pleasant a time, viz: Misses Hane, Scothorn, Beeny, McDonald, Berkey, and Millington, and Messrs. Fuller, Cairns, Robinson, Wilson, Davis, Miner, and Webb.
Mary Berkey...
Winfield Courier, December 28, 1882.
The Spy of Atlanta. The Committee on behalf of Winfield Post No. 85, G. A. R., and St. John’s Battery of this city, wish through your paper to express our high appreciation of the presentation of the Spy of Atlanta given here on the evenings of December 14, 15, and 16 by Col. L. D. Dobbs.
Col. Dobbs gave us a first-class entertainment, surpassing the expectation of everyone who witnessed it; and causing our best judges of theatricals to pronounce the Spy of Atlanta the most interesting entertainment ever given in our city.
To say that the performance under the skillful management of Col. Dobbs was a complete success, and to commend the Spy of Atlanta under the management of the Col. to the Grand Army of the Republic of Kansas is only an act of justice.
S. V. Devendorf as “Jake Schneider,” was immense, a complete show in himself—his every appearance convulsed the audience in roars of laughter. Devendorf as a comedian is an artist and will always be welcomed in Winfield with a crowded house.
Mrs. R. Jillson was as fine a conception and presentation of the character of Maud Dalton as could be wished; natural, graceful, and original. She won the hearts of the audience and gave to the character of “Maud” a sublime pathos that melted and moved our hearts and tears at her bidding.
The Post and Battery most cordially thank her for contributing so much talent for our benefit.
Mrs. Haight as Mrs. “Dalton,” showed all the true motherly feeling of the character she represented. She was a true mother and we know no higher praise.
Miss Josie Bard, as “Carrie Dalton,” was just what you would expect her to be. Her presentation of the flag was perfect, her singing of the “Star Spangled Banner” grand, and when her wonderfully sweet and cultured voice accompanied by her guitar rendered the “Vacant Chair,” we were glad the chair was vacant, that we might hear the song.
R. M. Bowles as “Edwin Dalton the Spy,” was equal to the leading character of the play. Mr. Bowles is a cultured actor, and his rendition of “Edwin Dalton” was grand. As husband, brother, soldier, prisoner, and spy “Richard was himself” a natural artist.
George H. Buckman represented “Farmer Dalton” so naturally that we thought we were in the country, and felt like we wanted to stay there the balance of our life with the grand old gentleman.
Col. Whiting as “General Sherman,” was a fine conception of the character of the general of our army. He looked and acted the soldier and though surrounded by a brilliant staff was the hero.
The children, Harry and Lottie Caton, as “Little Willie and Nannie,” captivated the audience. Brave “Willie!” Gentle “Nannie!” God will surely bless such noble children.
The tableaux were the finest we ever saw and the young ladies who composed them are as beautiful off the stage as they were in the tableaux.
We would like to describe the beautiful angel, but if we speak of one justice would demand the same of all and our communication would be suppressed on account of its length.
We must thank the “Sisters of Charity,” Misses Ida Bard and Mary Berkey, and felt like we would be willing to be wounded ourselves, if we could look up into their sweet faces.
Samuel Davis as “Pete,” was a life-like personation of a true southern darkey. He was one of the best actors in the cast.
To the soldiers commanded by Capt. Finch and others, we tender our thanks for their assistance and military bearing.
In this notice is it impossible to do justice to all, but rest assured that we feel grateful for the kindness shown us by the entire cast.
Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.
A bargain sure. 160 acres farm land for sale cheap, one and one-half mile from city limits of Winfield. 70 acres in cultivation, a fine young orchard, good well, and other improvements. Inquire of D. Berkey in City of Winfield, Kansas, 116 E. Ninth.
Frank T. Berkey...
Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.
Frank T. Berkey has started a second hand store at Wellington. Frank is a young man of good business ability and will no doubt make a success of the enterprise.
Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.
Frank Berkey has sold his second-hand store at Wellington and moved back to Winfield.
Mary Berkey...
Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.
Miss Mary Berkey gave a pleasant party to about twenty of her friends Tuesday evening.
Winfield Courier, March 22, 1883.
Mr. Gridley has sold the property on Ninth Avenue now being occupied by Parmer & Co., and Berkey’s second-hand store to Mrs. Shenneman for six thousand dollars cash. This is a big sale and is a fair index of the business boom that has struck us this spring.
Winfield Courier, April 19, 1883.
New furniture at Berkey’s.
Winfield Courier, April 19, 1883.
Household Goods of every description at Berkey’s.
Winfield Courier, April 19, 1883.
Good 6 lid Range cook stove for sale at Berkey’s Second Hand Store, nearly new.
Mary Berkey...
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, July 4, 1883.
The Normal. The County Normal Institute opened last week with about sixty-five teachers in attendance. Prof. Davis, of the State Normal school, acts as conductor, and Profs. Gridley and Trimble as instructors. The work starts off nicely and promises a most prosperous session. The following is a list of those in attendance at present and their grades.
Grade B. Annie Barnes, C. B. Bradshaw, May Christopher, Clara Davenport, Oliver Fuller, Anna Foults, Leota Gary, Zella Hutchison, Maggie Herpich, Bertha Hempy, Anna Kuhn, Louis King, Lizzie Lawson, May Rief, Etta Robinson, Ella Roberts, Maggie Seabridge, Lou Strong, Lizzie Burden, May Carlisle, Geo. Crawford, Estella Crank, Fannie Gramman, Ida Hamilton, James Hutchinson, Clara Pierce, Chas. Wing, Horace Vaughn.
Grade C. Carrie B. Andrews, Hattie E. Andrews, Mary E. Curfman, Emma Darling, Lydia E. Gardner, Meddie Hamilton, Lucy F. Hite, Rose E. B. Hooker, Lyda Howard, Ella Kempton, Maggie Kenney, Ida Kuhn, Mary E. Miller, Clara B. Page, Ella Pierce, Laura Phelps, Carrie Plunkett, Caddie Ridgeway, Claudius Rinker, Charles Roberts, Eddy Roberts, Anna Robertson, Nettie Stewart, Minnie Stewart, James Stockdale, Minnie Sumpter, Eliza Taylor, Louella Wilson, Lillie Wilson, Kate Wimer, Ella King, Ida Grove, Ora Irvin, Emma McKee, Hannah Gilbert, Lizzie Gilbert, Mary Berkey, C. A. Daugherty, Mary Rice, Elfreida White.
Mrs. David Berkey...
Winfield Courier, May 10, 1883.
On last Friday Mrs. Rachael Warnock gave an old fashioned quilting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Conklin. In the times of long ago it was the fashion for the ladies in parties of this kind to meet early in the day, and in the evening they would be joined by husbands and lovers and then would come the fun and frolic. But in this party ye gallants were left out. There were a dozen guests, as follows: Mesdames Cairns, Holloway, Fahnestock, Reed, McRaw, Lowe, Stopher, Berkey, McDonald, Rowland, Moss, and Cook.
At noon they sat down to a good, old-fashioned spread, and when work was renewed, amid laughter and jest, busy fingers soon completed a beautiful quilt. If the mothers and grandmothers who have long passed away could have looked in on the scene, they would have thought the aims of life had but little changed since their day.
Winfield Courier, May 17, 1883.
Mrs. Berkey entertained H. B. Kelly of the McPherson Freeman and Mrs. Kelly.
Winfield Courier, May 17, 1883.
Where the Money Came From. The following are the cash contributions to the general editorial entertainment fund. More was raised than was used and those who subscribed first took more than their share, so that others had to be somewhat limited in their contributions to give others a chance.
D. Berkey gave $1.00.
Mary Berkey...
Winfield Courier, May 24, 1883.
A pleasant young party consisting of Miss Leota Gary, Miss Mary Berkey, Miss Ida Johnson, Miss Carrie Anderson, and Messrs. Harry Ball, Jacob Goldsmith, Ed. McMullen, Ad. Brown, Will McClellan, and some others whose names we did not get, went down to the Territory last Sunday to see the new Indian school building.
Winfield Courier, June 14, 1883.
J. P. Short has sold his residence property on Manning Street to D. Berkey for two thousand dollars. He will give possession in October, and will then remove to his Walnut Township farm. Walnut is rapidly catching the cream of our population.
Mr. Frank T. Berkey...
Winfield Courier, June 21, 1883.
Mr. Berkey and Miss Hunt of Winfield made a short but pleasant little visit to the Hoyland family and Miss Randall on Friday, and Miss Randall accompanied them back to the city.
Mary Berkey...
Winfield Courier, June 28, 1883.
The County Normal Institute opened Monday with about sixty-five teachers in attendance. Prof. Davis, of the State Normal School, acts as Conductor, and Profs. Gridley and Trimble as instructors. The work starts off nicely and promises a most prosperous session. The following is a list of those in attendance at present and their grades.
GRADE C. Carrie B. Andrews, Hattie E. Andrews, Mary E. Curfman, Emma Darling, Lydia E. Gardner, Meddie Hamilton, Lucy F. Hite, Rose E. B. Hooker, Lyda Howard, Ella Kempton, Maggie Kenney, Ida Kuhn, Mary E. Miller, Clara B. Page, Ella Pierce, Laura Phelps, Carrie Plunkett, Addie Ridgway, Claudius Rinker, Charlie Roberts, Eddy Roberts, Anna Robertson, Nettie Stewart, Minnie Stewart, James Stockdale, Minnie Sumpter, Eliza Taylor, Louella Wilson, Lillie Wilson, Kate Wimer, Etta King, Ida Grove, Ora Irvin, Emma McKee, Hannah Gilbert, Lizzie Gilbert, Mary Berkey, C. A. Daugherty, Mary Rice, Elfreida White.
Cora Berkey...
Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.
Miss Cora Berkey left Tuesday for Ohio, where she will spend the summer with her aunt, Mrs. Wagner.
J. L. Berkey, son of David Berkey...
Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.
Mr. J. L. Berkey came down from Kansas City Saturday and will spend a few days with his parents here.
A. W. Berkey and wife, guests of David Berkey...
Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.
Mr. A. W. Berkey and wife spent last week in the city as the guests of D. Berkey. “Rit” returned to Kansas City Monday, leaving Mrs. Berkey to follow in a few weeks.
D. Berkey: now located on South Main Street...
Winfield Courier, October 18, 1883.
Call at Berkey’s for new furniture and stoves, house furnishing goods. South Main Street.
Winfield Courier, October 18, 1883.
For sale. At Berkey’s, South Main street, you will find a No. 1 organ, second hand, 2 large coal or wood heaters, suitable for schoolhouse or church. They are nearly new and will sell at a bargain.
Mrs. D. Berkey goes to Kansas City to see her son...
Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.
Mrs. D. Berkey left Tuesday morning for a short visit with her son in Kansas City.
Cora Berkey...
Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.
Miss Cora Berkey returned home Saturday evening from an extended visit among friends in Ohio and Illinois. She is much improved in health and enjoyed the visit immensely. Many friends are glad to welcome her home.
Frank T. Berkey. Son of D. Berkey...
Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.
The Catholic Fair to be held November 27, 28, and 29 promises to be a grand success. Several articles of use, ornament, and value to be disposed of during the three days. Some of the articles are for raffle and some are to be voted to prominent citizens of Winfield. Among the many things to be disposed of is a pair of Piebald ponies which will be raffled off at $2 a chance, or number. A lady’s fine gold watch worth $150, beautifully and richly set with rubies, in fact the finest lady’s watch ever brought to Winfield by Hudson Bros., the part donors thereof. The watch is to be voted for the contestants or candidates, being A. E. Baird’s charming little daughter, and D. R. Green’s charming Lucy. A $40 gold headed cane is to be voted to the gentleman of Winfield receiving the most votes. The candidates as far as ascertained are A. T. Spotswood, D. L. Kretsinger, J. B. Lynn, Jim Hill, Cal. Ferguson, Charlie Harter, and Charlie Black, gentlemen well known to the people of Winfield and county; and also a neat and handsome office chair is to be voted for, the contestants being Fred C. Hunt and Will T. Madden; and a pair of lady’s gold bracelets to Jessie Smedley or Dora McRorey, whichever receives the most votes; also a fine wax doll to be voted to Mr. Hendricks’s little daughter or Mable Siverd. A handsome gold ring donated by our genial jeweler, Mr. Ramsey, will be baked in a handsome cake, and disposed of at 10 cents a piece, one of which pieces will contain the ring. Some of the articles for raffle are a handsome rug donated by J. B. Lynn, a handsome easy chair donated by Frank Berkey, a fine silver castor donated by our young jeweler, Bobby Hudson, and many other articles of ornament and use too numerous to mention, donated by Jim Hill, Mr. Arment, and other parties whose names will be mentioned hereafter. The Thanksgiving dinner spoken of will be the finest ever served in Winfield, and it is to be hoped that all will avail themselves of a delicious meal. The Fair will close by a grand ball on Thanksgiving evening, giving the young folks a chance to enjoy the day wisely set apart by our President for amusement and social recreation.
Finally learn that D. Berkey is David Berkey. It appears that his son, Frank T. Berkey, is no longer working with him. Ira Kyger becomes David’s partner...
Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.
Dissolution Notice. Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned under the firm name of D. Berkey & Co., is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The undersigned David Berkey and Ira Kyger continuing the business under the name of Berkey & Kyger, will collect all accounts due the late firm and pay all the debts of said firm. David Berkey, Ira Kyger, Frank T. Berkey. November 14, 1883.
Winfield Courier, December 13, 1883.
Mr. John Miles and brother, of Bloomington, Illinois, came in Saturday. They are all acquaintances of Mr. D. Berkey and are highly pleased with the country.
Cora Berkey, daughter of David Berkey, marries Spence [Spencer] Miner, Winfield merchant...
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1884.
MARRIED. Mr. Spence Miner and Miss Cora Berkey were married last Thursday evening at the residence of the bride’s parents in this city, Rev. Jones officiating. Mr. Miner is the junior member of the firm of McDonald & Miner, and one of our brightest and best young businessmen. The bride is one of Winfield’s fairest ladies. The happy couple were the recipients of a large number of beautiful presents and the best wishes of hosts of friends.
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1884.
The following MARRIAGE LICENSES have been issued during the week.
Spencer Miner to Cora Berkey.
Mary Berkey, daughter of David Berkey...
Winfield Courier, March 6, 1884.
Miss Mary Berkey left last Saturday for Emporia, where she will take a course in the State Normal school. Miss Mary is a bright young lady and we are glad to see her afforded an opportunity of advancing in educational matters.
Winfield Courier, April 10, 1884.
In turning the corner back of Lynn’s store, the first thing which met our gaze was a lawn sprinkler throwing the silver-sprayed water from our water works system on the beautiful blue grass in the grounds of J. P. Baden’s residence. Mr. Baden’s home and surroundings are being made very attractive—in fact, that whole street north is noted for its neat homes. The grounds of D. Berkey, H. Brotherton, J. Wade McDonald, and others exhibit taste rarely excelled.
Winfield Courier, April 17, 1884.
Frank Berkey came in from Kingman Saturday and stayed over Sunday with relatives. He reports that burg booming though not so jubilant as formerly over its railroad prospects.
Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.
Dr. H. Neligh, of Tiffany, Ohio, nephew of Mrs. D. Berkey, was visiting in this city last week. He was delighted with our city and county and thinks of locating in Winfield in his profession, dentistry.
Mary Berkey visits sister, Mrs. D. W. Stevens...
Arkansas City Republican, June 21, 1884.
Miss Mary Berkey, of Winfield, is visiting her sister, Mrs. D. W. Stevens.
Eva Berkey, daughter of David Berkey...
Arkansas City Republican, June 28, 1884.
Miss Eva Berkey, of Winfield, is in the city, visiting friends and relatives.
Mary Berkey, daughter of David Berkey...
Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.
Miss Mary Berkey entertained a number of her young friends Tuesday evening and those present report a very enjoyable time.
Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.
Miss Mary Berkey returned last week from Emporia, where she was attending the State Normal School. She is advancing rapidly in educational matters.
Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.
Bi Wagoner, one of the Arkansas City Republican force, spent Sunday with his aunt, uncle, and cousins, the family of D. Berkey.
Eva Berkey...
Arkansas City Traveler, August 13, 1884.
Miss Eva Berkey, of Winfield, will preside over our telephone system for a few weeks, during the absence of Miss Etta Barnett, who takes a vacation.
Frank T. Berkey...
Winfield Courier, July 10, 1884.
Frank Berkey and L. B. Jolliff, now of Kingman, came over to enthuse at Winfield on the Fourth.
Believe the John Berkey referred to next was J. L. Berkey. Have set up a file for him...
Winfield Courier, July 17, 1884.
DIED. Mrs. D. Berkey was called suddenly to Kansas City last week by an accident which befell her son, John, and the dangerous illness of his baby. The baby died Sunday and John is but slowly recovering from a broken limb.
Mary Berkey, sister of Eva Berkey and Mrs. Alice Bishop...
Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.
Mrs. Alice Bishop started Monday for a month’s visit with relatives in Chicago and Bloomington, Illinois. Her sister, Miss Mary Berkey, will have charge of the telephone office during her absence.
Arkansas City Republican, August 23, 1884.
The following is a list of teachers granted certificates at the late examination.
Mary L. Berkey was on the list.
Eva Berkey of Winfield...
Arkansas City Republican, August 30, 1884.
Jos. Finkleburg, of Arkansas City, and Miss Eva Berkey of Winfield, were visiting at the Springs Sunday. Geuda Springs News.
Mary Berkey of Winfield...
Arkansas City Republican, August 30, 1884.
Mrs. C. Wagner and two sons of Tiffin, Ohio, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Stevens, this week. They, with Mr. Stevens and family and Miss Mary Berkey of Winfield, drove over to the “Saratoga of the West,” on Sunday. They are all much pleased with the country, and if they can dispose of property east without too much sacrifice, will locate here.
Eva Berkey of Winfield...
Arkansas City Republican, September 6, 1884.
Miss Eva Berkey, who has been in the telephone office here for several weeks, has returned home to Winfield. She was tired of the bustling, busy whirl of city life, and was glad to again seek the rural districts.
Mary Berkey...
Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.
Burden, R. B. Moore, $80; Lizzie Burden, $40; Ella Kempton, $35; Mary Berkey, $40.
A number of teachers have failed to send a notification to the County Superintendent, from whom we obtained this list; therefore, it is incomplete. Nearly everyone of the one hundred and forty-three districts of the county have engaged teachers and by October 1st a majority of the schools will be in full blast.
Mrs. David Berkey...
Arkansas City Republican, October 4, 1884.
D. Berkey, of Winfield, was in the city Tuesday.
Arkansas City Republican, October 11, 1884.
Mrs. D. Berkey and Mrs. Spence Miner came down from Winfield Wednesday to visit D. W. Stevens, who has been very ill. Mr. Stevens is now able to go around the house.
Ira Kyger buys out D. Berkey’s interest in furniture and store business...
Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.
Dissolution Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing between Berkey & Kyger, in the furniture and store business, has been dissolved by mutual consent. The books are in the hands of Ira Kyger. D. BERKEY, IRA KYGER.
October 22nd, 1884.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 10, 1884.
Mrs. Spencer Miner, nee Cora Berkey, of Winfield, is in our city visiting with Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Stevens.
Winfield Courier, December 18, 1884.
D. Berkey & Co., stove, etc., $11.50.
Frank Berkey, son of David Berkey...
Arkansas City Republican, January 3, 1885.
Frank Berkey was in Arkansas City the first of the week visiting friends and relatives. At present Mr. Berkey is located at a new town in Edwards County, this state, called Greensburg. It is about two months old and contains some 250 inhabitants. They have a newspaper already. At the recent election 95 votes were polled, but 15 being cast for Blaine and Logan. Mr. Berkey returns home next week.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
Frank Berkey, who is located in Edwards County, this state, visited friends and relatives in this city last week.
Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.
Mrs. David Berkey is down from Winfield visiting relatives.
Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.
Mrs. D. Berkey, who has been stopping with her daughter, Mrs. D. W. Stevens, for several weeks past, returned home to Winfield Thursday. She could no longer be away from her little daughters. The pleadings of little Allie through the telephone for mother to come home (which we happened to hear) were indeed pitiful.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
Mrs. D. Berkey, mother of Mrs. D. W. Stevens, returned home Thursday.
Eva Berkey, sister of Mrs. D. W. Stevens...
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
Miss Eva Berkey, of Winfield, came down Saturday to spend a few days with her sister, Mrs. D. W. Stevens.
Arkansas City Republican, February 7, 1885.
Miss Eva Berkey was down visiting friends and relatives this week.
Mrs. Berkey, Mary Berkey...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.
Miss Mary Berkey and Miss Rose Pierce are talking of teaching a summer term of school here.
Mrs. Berkey, of Winfield, was in town Friday visiting her daughter, Mary, who is teaching the primary department in the schools.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.
Miss Kate Paulin, one of Burden’s charming young ladies, accompanied Miss Mary Berkey home and spent Saturday and Sunday. Miss Berkey’s school at Burden closes this week.
Eva Berkey...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 2, 1885.
Miss Anna Hunt, to the regret of all concerned, has retired from the money order department of the post-office. She is a young lady of unusual business tact and affability and her nearly two years’ service in that intricate position gave splendid satisfaction. Miss Eva Berkey takes her place.
Mary Berkey...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 2, 1885.
BURDEN’S EPOCH. The writer had the pleasure of attending the first annual commencement exercises of the Burden High School Tuesday evening. Cowley County has always been foremost in educational matters, but the last few years have been marked by unusual strides. But a few years ago a little frame schoolhouse, twenty by thirty, was the seat of learning for our sister city. It was enlarged, additional buildings rented, etc., until demand and enterprise erected a handsome stone building, containing four departments, and being one of the most substantial and convenient schoolhouses in the county. Now they have outgrown this, and will add two more rooms. The past winter saw Burden’s first graded school. Under the superintendency of Prof. R. B. Moore, one of the foremost educators of the State, ably assisted by Misses Mary Berkey, Alice Hardin, Ella Kempton, and Lizzie Burden, the different departments bore gratifying fruits. The first graduates from the Burden High School who “commenced,” Tuesday evening, were Misses Effie C. Young and Lain Burden and Mr. Arthur W. Brooks, all of whom acquitted themselves nobly on this occasion. The entire exercises were very interesting and creditable. Burden has great reason to congratulate herself in her varied advancement—her public and private improvements and general air of thrift and enterprise. No town of her size in the West can exhibit a better growth, more public spirit, or more energy in everything that makes true citizenship.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 2, 1885.
Miss Berkey, of Winfield, was a guest of Mrs. John Davis on Sunday.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 2, 1885.
I have sixty head of cattle, mostly two and three-year-old steers, good grade stock, for sale. Inquire at Berkey & Co.’s hardware.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 7, 1885.
METHODIST CHURCH. Rev. Dr. Fisher filled Rev. Kelly’s pulpit yesterday. The church was well filled. The music, both vocal and instrumental, was as usual, excellent. The opening selection was especially fine. The first lesson ready by Rev. Kelly from the 53rd chapter of Isaiah, was one of the most beautiful passages of God’s word. After a fervent prayer by Rev. Kelly, in which he invoked God’s blessing upon our President, his counselors and all others, the chant of the Lord’s Prayer was sung. The following announcements were made: The Ladies Aid Society will meet next Thursday afternoon at 2 p.m., with Sister Hilton Jennings; the Sabbath school, this afternoon, at 3 p.m.; the Young People’s meeting Thursday night at 7:45; class meeting next Sabbath, Bros. Jennings and Berkey, leaders; Miss Nellie Brown will give a reading at the Opera House Thursday evening, under the auspices of the Ladies Relief Society of the G. A. R.; Dr. J. B. Ford, of Independence, will exchange with Rev. Kelly next Sabbath; an official meeting will be held next Friday evening; all members are requested to be present; the trustees of the church will meet Monday afternoon at 4 p.m., at the First National Bank in regard to business of re-seating this church. Dr. Fisher presented one of the most touching discourses we have had the pleasure of listening to for years. The congregation were spell-bound, many being moved to tears. Such a discourse is a rare treat. . . .
At the close of the sermon Rev. Kelly made some appropriate remarks. Mr. and Mrs. Jameson and Mrs. Shaw united themselves with the church by letter.
Mrs. Alice Bishop, sister of Frank Berkey. Mary Berkey fills in for her...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 21, 1885.
Mrs. Alice Bishop, local telephone manager, is with her sister in Ashland, and will spend the summer with her brother, Frank Berkey, at Greensburg, Kansas. Miss Mary Berkey has charge of our telephone exchange in her sister’s absence.
Eva Berkey...
Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.
Miss Eva Berkey came down from Winfield Saturday evening and returned Monday morning.
Mary Berkey...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 16, 1885.
Miss Emma Kuhliman, of the State Normal, who is here conducting Kindergarten work, is the guest of Miss Mary Berkey, formerly her pupil. She is a lady of high attainments.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 16, 1885.
Miss Kuhliman, of the State Normal, who gave an exhibition of Kindergarten work before our Normal Friday, left for Hutchinson Saturday. She was a guest of Miss Mary Berkey while in the city.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 30, 1885.
We neglected last week to mention the visit of Miss Mary Berkey to her numerous friends in Burden, an occurrence that is always a real 4th of July time to our young people, with whom she is a favorite.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 6, 1885.
CITY TEACHERS. The school board has employed the full corps of city teachers, excepting those for the new Central school building, which will not be finished before September 18th, as follows: A. Gridley, Principal, $125 per month; Prof. W. N. Rice, High School, $60; Miss Louise S. Gregg, $50; Miss Lois Williams, $45; Miss Sada Davis, $45; Miss Maude M. Pearson, $40; Miss Iva Crane, $40; Miss Lucretia Davis, $40; Miss Mary Berkey, $40; Miss Alice E. Dickie, $50; Miss Mattie Gibson, $45; Miss Mary E. Hamill, $45; Miss Mary Bryant, $50; Miss Florence Campbell, $50; Miss Clara Davenport, $40; Miss Jessie Stretch, $50; Miss Fannie Stretch, $45.
Eva Berkey...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 13, 1885.
It is now George C. Rembaugh, P. M. George and Mr. Millington squared accounts Monday, and the Winfield post office is now a Democratic institution. The old force, Roy Millington, Will McClellan, and Eva Berkey, will likely be retained.
David Berkey and J. G. McGregor...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 20, 1885.
J. G. McGregor, a friend of P. Powell, has bought C. W. Stolp’s interest in the hardware store on East Ninth. The firm will be Berkey & McGregor. Mr. McGregor is a thorough businessman and will make many friends. We bespeak for this new firm a good patronage.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 27, 1885.
ATTENTION FARMERS. The celebrated Gladden Hawkeye wire for sale by Berkey & McGregor only.
[NOTE: Due to the complicated maneuvers that took place relative to C. W. Stolp, have tried to piece together events that happened. See file on C. W. Stolp. MAW]
Spence Miner and Frank Berkey...
Arkansas City Republican, September 26, 1885.
Spence Miner, of Ashland, and Frank Berkey, of Lakin, Kearney County, were in the city between trains Tuesday seeing friends.
Mary Berkey, Mrs. Spencer Miner, Mrs. Berkey, Eva Berkey...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 17, 1885.
THE SOCIAL CIRCLE. Miss Mary Berkey gave a very enjoyable party to a number of her young friends at her home Thursday evening. Those present were: Mrs. Roy Stidger and Mrs. Spencer Miner; Misses Leota Gary, Millie Schute, Minnie Taylor, Emma Strong, Bert Morford, Nona Calhoun, Eva Dodds, Ida Johnston; Messrs. George Schuler, Lacey Tomlin, Frank Robinson, Tom Eaton, Addison Brown, P. S. Hills, A. F. Hopkins, Ed McMullen, Harry Sickafoose, Phil. Kleeman, and C. S. Seitz. Miss Mary, assisted by her mother and sisters, Miss Eva and Mrs. Miner, did the honors of the evening elegantly, making genuine enjoyment supreme. Cards, music, and other amusements, with a luncheon of choice delicacies, made the time fly rapidly until twelve o’clock, when all bid their agreeable entertainers appreciative adieu, wishing the return of many such happy occasions.
Frank T. Berkey...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 24, 1885.
Frank T. Berkey is in from Greensburg for a week with his folks to take in Cowley’s big show.
Mary Berkey...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 1, 1885.
The city schools opened Monday and the Superintendent, Prof. A. Gridley, has been bobbing around variously in getting the various departments started off. The high school and grammar rooms of the Central school building are dilapidated by the progressing addition and the high school and one grammar department have rooms in the McDougal building—the main hall and a room suite—until the Central building is finished. The teachers this year are: Prof. W. N. Rice, Principal of high school; Miss Lola Williams, grammar department—McDougall building.
Central building—Miss Louise Gregg, grammar room; Miss Sadie Davis, 2nd Intermediate; Miss Maude Pearson, 1st intermediate; Miss Josie Pixley, 2nd primary; Miss Mary Berkey, 1st primary.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 15, 1885.
BERKEY & McGREGOR, -DEALERS IN- Shelf and Heavy Hardware.
The Celebrated Hawkeye Barb Wire a Specialty.
And a full assortment of Shelf Hardware. Our motto is “Honest dealing and small profits.” Come and see us.
East 9th Avenue, opposite Ferguson’s Livery Stable.
Mary Berkey...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 29, 1885.
The Teachers Association at Arkansas City last Saturday was well attended and the full program as published in THE COURIER some time ago was carried out. There were some forty or more of the teachers of this county present. Those who attended from here were Misses Fannie and Jessie Stretch, Louise Gregg, Mary Berkey, Josie Pixley, and Flo Campbell, Supt. A. H. Limerick, and Profs. Wood and Inskeep. They report a delightful time and say the meeting was quite interesting as well as very profitable. We did not learn where the association decided to have their next meeting.
David Berkey...
Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.
David Berkey, of Winfield, spent Thanksgiving day with friends and relatives in Arkansas City.
Mary Berkey...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 24, 1885.
Miss Mary Berkey will assist at the City Book Store until after the holidays. Miss Berkey will make a splendid saleslady for the firm as her manner of conversation is attractive and her ability in that capacity is unquestionable.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 31, 1885.
Prof. Gridley and Misses Jessie and Fannie Stretch, Lou Williams, Alice Dickey, Josie Pixley, and perhaps Miss Mary Berkey will attend the annual meeting of the State Teachers Association at Topeka Friday and Saturday of this week.
Frank Berkey...
Arkansas City Republican, January 23, 1886.
Frank Berkey came in from Lakin yesterday looking hale and hearty. He is engaged in the real estate business at Lakin and prospering.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 7, 1886.
The Marriage of Mr. B. W. Matlack and Miss Gertrude McMullen.
Misses Minnie Taylor, Josie Pixley, Ida Trezise, Lena Walrath, Alice Bishop, Mary Bryant, Mary Berkey, May Hodges, Hattie Stolp, and Leota Gary.
Messrs. Judge Jay J. Buck, of Emporia; George and Everett Schuler, Will Hodges, Robert Hudson, Eli Youngheim, Jos. O’Hare, S. and P. Kleeman, Henry Goldsmith, E. Wallis, Addison Brown, Tom J. Eaton, Lacey Tomlin, Dr. C. E. Pugh, Frank Robinson, Lewis Brown, Will Robinson, James Lorton, Amos Snowhill, Livey J. Buck, Harry Sickafoose, and Frank H. Greer.
GIFTS. Silver vase, Mrs. A. B. Bishop and Misses Mary Berkey and Josie Pixley.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 7, 1886.
Never did Winfield have as lively New Year’s festivities as those just spent. In fact, it has come to be conceded generally that, though the Queen City has always had much social life, the sociability of this winter exceeds by far. Entertainments, private and public, come thick and fast. And they are all largely attended and thoroughly enjoyable. The wonderful life on the beginning of this New Year is what we will deal with now.
THE G. O. CLUB started the ball on a highly spirited roll New Year’s eve, in its party in the very pleasant home of the Misses Lizzie and Margie Wallis, whose admirable entertaining qualities are highly appreciated by all who have ever spent an evening in their home. Those present Thursday eve were: Misses Ora Worden, of Garnett, Mary Randall, Anna Hunt, Leota Gary, Anna McCoy, Minnie Taylor, Hattie Stolp, Bert Morford, Nona Calhoun, Ida Johnston, Nellie and Kate Rodgers, Maggie Harper, Mary Berkey, Julia Smith, and Eva Dodds; Messrs. Eugene Wallis, Frank N. Strong, Chas. F. and Harry Bahntge, Everett and George Schuler, Lacey Tomlin, Ed J. McMullen, L. J. Buck, Frank Robinson, F. F. Leland, G. E. Lindsley, L. B. Davis of Chicago, Addison Brown, Will E. Hodges, Harry Sickafoose, Tom J. Eaton, A. F. Hopkins, and Frank H. Greer. Restraint, under the pleasant entertainment of the Misses Wallis, is always unknown. So it was on this occasion. Everybody “turned themselves loose” and ended the old year in supreme jollity. Dancing, cards, a choice repast, with unadulterated “Gab Only,” made the evening fly on rapid wings, with the wish for many more just like it.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 7, 1886.
Prof. Limerick, Prof. Wood, Misses Fannie and Louie Stretch, and Miss Mary Berkey returned Friday from the State Teacher’s Association at Topeka. They report it the grandest meeting in the history of the State—as big a State Association as ever assembled in any state. There were 850 teachers there, from every quarter of the state. Cowley took the cake, with her ten representatives, considering the distance. Representative hall of the capital was jammed, gallery and all.
Miss Mary Berkey and sisters, Mrs. Bishop and Miss Eva Berkey...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 21, 1886.
The G. O. Club had a very delightful meeting Thursday eve in the pleasant home of Miss Mary Berkey. The sleet and rain didn’t brook many of the members. Arthur Bangs’ cabs were brought out and headed off the weather. It was a jolly gathering, composed of Misses Ida Ritchie, Anna Johnson, Mattie Harrison, Ora Worden, Lizzie and Margie Wallis, Nellie and Kate Rodgers, Ida Johnston, Minnie Taylor, and Josie Pixley; Messrs. A. F. Hopkins, Tom J. Eaton, Willis A. Ritchie, Everett T. and Geo. H. Schuler, G. E. Lindsley, L. J. Buck, J. W. Spindler, Ed J. McMullen, Addison Brown, and Frank H. Greer. The entertainment of Miss Mary Berkey, nicely assisted by her sisters, Mrs. Bishop and Miss Eva, was most agreeable. Various amusements, supplemented by music and a choice luncheon, made the evening pass very happily to all.
Frank T. Berkey...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 21, 1886.
Frank T. Berkey is over from Lakin, Finney County, for a few days’ visit with the folks at home. Frank is doing well in the new west and looks fat, sleek, and happy.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 28, 1886.
A. T. Spotswood came in Tuesday from Richfield, and will remain until Monday, when Frank T. Berkey will return with him. A. T. says the new Winfield is making big strides. Frank T. Berkey will establish a real estate office at Richfield, branch to the one he has at Lakin.
Mary Berkey...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
The G. O. Club gave one of the most pleasurable parties of the winter series in the commodious home of Misses Nellie and Kate Rodgers, Thursday evening. It was a bad night, but with the excellent hack facilities of Arthur Bangs, the elements were conquered and by nine o’clock the following very jolly crowd were present: Mrs. M. Hite, Mrs. A. D. Hendricks and Miss Laura, Misses Sallie Bass, Ida Ritchie, Mattie Harrison, Nona Calhoun, Bert Morford, Ida Johnston, Lizzie and Margie Wallis, Leota Garry, Nellie Cole, Maggie Harper, Anna McCoy, Mary Randall, Eva Dodds, and Mary Berkey; Messrs. G. E. Lindsley, F. and Harry Bahntge, Frank N. Strong, P. S. Hills, A. F. Hopkins, R. E. Wallis, Jr., Will E. Hodges, Everett T. and Geo. H. Schuler, Lacey Tomlin, Wm. D. Carey, and Frank H. Greer. For novelty, all were accompanied by a sheet and pillow case, and the first half hour witnessed only ambling phantoms, whose ghostly presence was weird and mysterious. But a little of the ghost business was enough, and soon all were happily mingling in their natural array. Music, the light fantastic, cards, and various appropriate amusements, with an excellent luncheon, filled in the time most enjoyable until 12 o’clock. The Misses Rodgers are very admirable entertainers, graceful and jolly, and made a genuine freedom among their guests most acceptable.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
CITY SCHOOLS. Weekly report of tardiness for week ending Jan. 29, 1886.
CENTRAL BUILDING. 1st Primary. Teacher: Mary Berkey. Tardiness: 20.
D. Berkey residence. Mrs. Bishop, Mary and Eva Berkey...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
CLOTHES LINE THIEVES NABBED. They didn’t make it so slick this time. It was a bad night to go clothes lining, but they did it, and at the residence of D. Berkey, Manning street, they saw a line with a fine lot of ghostly array that were caught out by the storm and incapacitated for indoors. Their visit was too early, and they had hardly got their arms full of various mentionable and unmentionable apparel, stripping the line, before members of the family “caught on,” and telephoned to the jail to the officials, and Mrs. Bishop, and Misses Mary and Eva Berkey started on the track of the thieves, easily followed in the snow, but made pretty hard by the blinding storm. They got but four or five blocks, when Frank W. Finch and Joe Church arrived from the jail, took the track, and the young ladies returned home. The tracks went west along the S. K. railroad, across the bridge, and to the house over the river where Knowles used to live. The thieves had got home, laid their booty on a chair, and were warming up. When the officials went in, the woman grabbed up the clothes, a large bundle, and valuables, and with the boys darted through a room and outdoors, Church after them. He soon caught the boys. The woman threw the clothes in the snow, and coming around the corner of the house, came in to the fire, where Finch and the old man were holding things down. The boys are William and Stephen George, and were lodged in jail. They refused to plead guilty and today William’s wife, who threw the clothes in the snow, was arrested as an accomplice. The family have been here about two years. Mrs. Bishop and the Misses Berkey certainly showed much pluck in securing the capture of these thieves.
The nocturnal purloiners were before Judge Buckman this afternoon and their trial was set for Friday at 9 o’clock.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 11, 1886.
A CLOTHESLINE MARTYR. Cris Beavers, who has been living with William and Steve George across the river, came to the jail Wednesday and gave himself up as the sole guilty party in stripping Mr. Berkey’s clothesline Monday night. He says he needed the clothes and that the George boys were mad because he brought the clothes to their house. He was one of the fellows who got out of the house from the officials, clearing them entirely. He says the innocent shall not suffer and proposes to make a martyr of himself by confessing all. He has only been here a few weeks.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 11, 1886.
THE CLOTHESLINE THIEVES. The trial of Bill George and wife and Steve George, charged with stripping D. Berkey’s clothesline Monday night, was grinding at the Court House Friday before Judge Buckman and a big crowd of curious listeners. Chris Beavers, a youth of seventeen, who has been living at the George domicile, came forward and made a martyr of himself by confessing all—by lifting the guilt from the shoulders of the Georges and taking it on his own. He swore that he took the clothes alone, and that the Georges were mad because he took the clothes to their house and were going to make him take them away. He wandered around in the woods, he says, with nothing to eat and only a hay stack for a bunk till Wednesday, when he went back to George’s and told them he would protect the innocent and give himself up. He says he had no underwear and stole the male apparel for himself. The delicate array he stole in anticipation of matrimony at some distant day. Everything appears to point to the fact that the whole outfit were implicated, and the scheme for one fellow to take the punishment is a put up job. The evidence, however, let the George boys out and will let Beavers in—jail.
The Georges’ were acquitted and Beavers got 30 days in jail and until the costs of the suit, about $50, are paid. Joe O’Hare prosecuted the case and O. M. Seward defended.
Frank T. Berkey...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 11, 1886.
Frank T. Berkey came home Monday from a week at Topeka and Kansas City.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 11, 1886.
Frank Berkey left Tuesday for Richfield, where he will open a real estate office. A. T. Spotswood and G. H. Allen go tomorrow.
Mary Berkey...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 18, 1886.
Certainly there could be no happier occasion than that at the elegant and spacious home of C. F. Bahntge, Thursday. It was the bi-weekly party of the G. O. club. The popularity of Misses Bert Morford and Nona Calhoun and Messrs. Chas. F. and Harry Bahntge as entertainers was fully sustained—warm-hearted, graceful, lively and free, a manner that completely banished all restraint and made supreme gaiety unalloyed.
The guests were: Dr. and Mrs. Geo. Emerson, Mrs. A. T. Spotswood, and Mrs. B. H. Riddell; Misses Ida Ritchie, Mattie Harrison, Sallie Bass, Jennie Hane, Anna Hunt, Mary Randall, Mary Berkey, Emma Strong, Leota Gary, Nettie and Anna McCoy, Ida Johnston, Nell and Kate Rodgers, Nellie Cole, Hattie Stolp, Eva Dodds, and Lizzie and Margie Wallis; Messrs. J. L. M. Hill, P. H. Albright, G. E. Lindsley, Will E. Hodges, Byron Rudolf, Everett T. and George H. Schuler, Ed. J. McMullen, Lacey T. Tomlin, Tom J. Eaton, Willis A. Ritchie, Harry Sickafoose, Wm. D. Carey, Frank N. Strong, Frank F. Leland, Ivan A. Robinson, Addison Brown, and Frank H. Greer.
The appointments of this richly furnished and very agreeable home are splendidly adapted to a gathering of this kind. The Roberts Orchestra was present with its charming music and the joyous guests indulged in the “mazy” to their heart’s content, mingling cards and tete-a-tete. The collation was especially excellent and bounteous. Nothing but the ancient “wee sma” hours abridged the gaiety, when all departed with warmest appreciation of their delightful entertainers.
And right here we can’t quell the remark that the young ladies have made a brilliant success of the G. O. Club. It is one of the most pleasurable sources of amusement yet inaugurated in the city—one giving the young ladies ample scope to exhibit their superior qualities in the entertainment line. It is a very pleasant and successful alternate to the Pleasant Hour Club. Of course the P. H. has long since delivered the prize to the G. O.
Eva Berkey...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 18, 1886.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Pixley, 221 west 7th, was a happy scene Monday evening. It was a reception given by Misses Minnie and Estella Pixley—a gathering of Masters and Misses of that gay age to which all look back as the most genuinely enjoyable and hilarious of life—almost the last step to the threshold of womanhood and manhood; the days of reveling in the first thoughts of a “best birl” or a gallant “beau.” Yes, we can all remember what immense times we had in those days—days that will never return, but always remain among our brightest memories. Such a party was that last night—free from restraint and stilted dignity—all in for a good time; and they had it. Those participating were Misses Maggie Bedilion, Lillie Wilson, Mabel Myers, Willie Wallis, Maud Pickens, Mattie Tulley, Margaret Spotswood, Mamie and Nona Greer, Pearl Van Doren, Anna Doane, Pauline Baird, Eva Berkey; Masters Willie Farringer, Fletcher Johnson, Dick Harper, Fred Wilber, Frank Wilber, Fay Latham, Malcolm McDonald, Wallie Johnson, Willie Doane, Dudley Eaton, Harry Park, Gus McMullen, John Pugh, George Gary.
The nicely furnished home of Mr. and Mrs. Pixley is well arranged for such a gathering. Misses Minnie and Stella, pleasantly assisted by their sisters, Misses Josie and Louise, did the honors of the occasion very gracefully. Music and various amusements, supplemented by a choice luncheon, filled the evening delightfully to all.
Mary and Eva Berkey...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 25, 1886.
Monday Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Miller entertained, in honor of Mr. Miller’s forty-fourth birthday, a large number of old folks. Last evening their pleasant home was again open, on behalf of Joe C. Miller and Jno. R. Brooks, and was the occasion of a very happy gathering of young folks. Those whose presence contributed to the gaiety of the evening were: Misses Anna McCoy, Minnie Taylor, Leota Gary, Anna Hunt, Josie and Lulu Pixley, Mary and Eva Berkey, Ella Randall, Nellie McMullen, Mattie Reider, Ida Ritchie, Mattie Harrison, Margie and Lizzie Wallis, Jennie Hane, Maggie Harper, Hattie Stolp, Bessie Handy, Bert Morford, Nona Calhoun, Ella Wilson, Sallie Bass, Alma Smock, Carrie Christie; Messrs. Elder Vawter, W. E. Hodges, Ed J. McMullen, Lacey T. Tomlin, Thos. J. Johnston, Willis A. Ritchie, Addison Brown, Everett T. and Geo. H. Schuler, Jas. Lorton, Frank H. Greer, Chas. Slack, Eugene Wallis, J. W. Spindler, Geo. Lindsley, Phil. Kleeman, F. F. Leland, C. F. Bahntge, Harry Bahntge, Dr. Stine, and A. L. Schultz.
Very agreeably assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Carson, Mrs. Hartwell, and Mrs. Oscar Tilford, Mr. Brooks and Mr. Joe Miller did the honors of the occasion very becomingly, making a freedom and jollity most enjoyable. The genial, warm-hearted hospitality of this home always assures every guest supreme pleasure. During the evening an elegant gold headed ebony cane, appropriately engraved, was brought out and presented to Mr. George Washington Miller as an appreciative and hearty birthday remembrance from his son, Joe C. Miller, and his nephew, John R. Brooks, with the warm wish that it may brace his footsteps in paths strew with long life, prosperity, and happiness unalloyed. It was a neat surprise to Mr. Miller and very joyfully received. The pleasant hostess and her assistants looked unique in Martha Washington array. It was truly “Washington Day” for this home, the head of which was born the same date as the Father of his country, and bears the illustrious statesman’s name as the vestibule to his. The repast was specially bounteous and elegant. With music, lively chat, and various amusements, all departed in the full realization of one of the happiest parties of the many that have marked the winter.
Mary Berkey, Eva Berkey...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 18, 1886.
The G. O. Club gave another of its very enjoyable parties last evening in the agreeable home of Miss Anna Hunt. The juicy consistency of real estate didn’t interfere in the least with the attendance. Cabs were out and annihilated any weather inconvenience. Those participating in the gaiety of the evening were: Dr. and Mrs. Geo. Emerson, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Balliet, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Cole, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Webb, and Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Hunt; Misses Nettie and Anna McCoy, Lizzie and Margie Wallis, Ida Ritchie, Nellie Cole, Maggie Harper, Ida Johnston, Mary Berkey, Eva Dodds, Hattie Stolp, Minnie Taylor, and Leota Gary; Messrs. C. A. Bower, A. G. Haltinwanger, Frank F. Leland, Addison Brown, Charles F. and Harry Bahntge, Otto Weile, Willis A. Ritchie, Lacey T. Tomlin, H. D. Sickafoose, G. E. Lindsley, P. S. Hills, James Lorton, Eugene Wallis, Will E. Hodges, George Schuler, and Frank H. Greer. The graceful entertainment of Miss Anna, appropriately assisted by Capt. and Mrs. Hunt, was most admirable. With various popular amusements and the merriest converse, supplemented by choice refreshments, all retired in the realization of a most delightful evening, full appreciating the genial hospitality of Miss Hunt. The G. O.’s will probably have but one or two more meetings this season. Successful indeed have been its parties during the winter, affording a very pleasurable alternate to the Pleasant Hour Club. The young ladies have certainly shown themselves adepts in the art of entertainment. The boys readily deliver the laurels.
The Literary Union, though unavoidably meeting on the same evening of the G. O., had a good attendance and an evening of much interest and profit. It met in the capacious home of Miss Lola Silliman, whose happy reception made perfect freedom and enjoyment. The program was acceptably arranged and meritable—Quartette music by Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Brown, C. I. Forsyth, and Charles Slack; a revel with Longfellow, with numerous and applicable quotations, all giving a stanza; a basso solo by Mr. Forsyth, with Miss Kelly at the instrument; essay, “The Moral Codes,” N. W. Mayberry; vocal duet by Mrs. Brown and Chas. Slack; recitation by Miss Maud Kelly; duet, violin and piano, A. F. Hopkins and Miss Silliman; recitation, by Frank H. Greer. Besides those named there were present: Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Silliman, and Mrs. A. Silliman; Misses Eva Berkey, Minnie Burney, and Ora Lowry; Messrs. P. S. Hills, James Lorton, O. D. Wagner, M. A. Stewart, C. E. Webb, L. E. Barbour, and Lewis Plank. This Union certainly has a meritable object—the drawing out, in pleasant and profitable entertainment, the city’s literary ability and taste. It will at once enlist the appreciation of all of a literary or musical turn. Among the city’s numerous parties where “airy pleasantries” are the order, a Union of this kind is very appropriate. The next entertainment will be given in the new St. James Hotel parlors, in conjunction with a social by the Ladies Aid Society.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 18, 1886.
O. D. Wagner, of Quincy, Illinois, a cousin of the Misses Berkey, is here for a visit. Miss Rose Wagner, another cousin, came up from Arkansas City Friday afternoon and will visit a day or two.
Mary Berkey...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 1, 1886.
A large and jolly crowd was out last Thursday for a horseback ride. The move of the column was like a cavalry charge, and the sound of the hoofs of the high-stepping chargers resounded on the evening air in a way that attracted everybody, and made lots of fun and invigorating exercise for the participants, who were Misses Ida Ritchie, Nellie and Kate Rodgers, Jennie Bangs, Mary Berkey, Ida Johnston, Mattie Reider, Nellie McMullen, Margie Wallis, Messrs. Addison Brown, Lacey Tomlin, F. F. Leland, Will E. Hodges, Chas. F. Bahntge, Ward Day, Ed. J. McMullen, and Tom J. Eaton. The party raised the wind, which began to hurl clouds of dust, as the evening advanced, being the only alloy to the event’s pleasure. Winfield has some fine riders, especially among the ladies, who are rapidly acquainting themselves with the fact that no more healthful or enjoyable pastime has ever been inaugurated.
Berkey & McGregor...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 1, 1886.
Berkey & McGregor have the contract of furnishing the Vernon Center church and have just received a car load of chairs for the same.
Frank T. Berkey...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 8, 1886.
Frank T. Berkey, formerly our Frank, has real estate offices in Lakin and Richfield and has started a stage line from Richfield to Talogo.
Mrs. Spence Miner, Mrs. Alice Bishop, Mary Berkey...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 15, 1886.
THE G. O. CLUB. The elegant and spacious new home of Senator and Mrs. W. P. Hackney was a most pleasurable scene last night. It was a reception in honor of the G. O. Club. The unavoidable absence of the Senator in Topeka was the only regret. It was one of the happiest meetings in the history of the club. Mrs. Hackney was very gracefully assisted in entertaining by Miss Eva Dodds. This was the first opening of this beautiful home and the guests found delight in wandering through the richly furnished and capacious apartments. Everything exhibits cultured taste and modern fashion. The entire remodeling of the interior and exterior, with its bright new furnishings, has made one of the most elaborate homes in the Queen City, if not in the whole state—elaborate in all that pertains to elegance and comfort. There is no gaudy display. All is in perfect taste from the first floor to the third. At eleven o’clock the west parlors were cleared, miniature tables spread, and the gay party sat down to a luncheon exceptionally fine, many choice delicacies with a sprinkling of the substantial. The rain storm brought out the hacks for the home-taking, and all departed with the highest praises of this grand home and the delightful entertainment afforded on this occasion. The guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Brown, Mrs. D. L. Kretsinger, Mrs. B. H. Riddell, Mrs. B. W. Matlack, Mrs. Spence Miner, and Mrs. Alice Bishop; Misses Nettie and Annie McCoy, Nellie and Kate Rodgers, Leota Gary, Nona Calhoun, Bert Morford, Hattie Stolp, Ida Johnston, Jennie Hane, Ida Ritchie, Mary Berkey, and Nellie McMullen; Messrs. Wm. D. Carey, Tom P. Richardson, A. F. Hopkins, Willis A. Ritchie, Lacey Tomlin, Will E. Hodges, Chas. F. and Harry Bahntge, Ed J McMullen, Tom J. Eaton, J. L. M. Hill, Harry Sickafoose, Frank N. Strong, G. E. Lindsley, Ivan A. Robinson, Geo. H. Schuler, Addison Brown, and Frank H. Greer.
Mary Berkey...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, May 29, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Miss Mary Berkey, of Winfield, is visiting in the city, at the residence of the senior editor of the REPUBLICAN. [B. A. Wagner]
Note: Next item tells that Atkinson & Clark were replaced by Howard & Wagner in August 1884. B. A. Wagner was referred to as the “Senior Editor” and R. C. (Dick) Howard was referred to as the “Junior Editor.” B. A. Wagner was related to the “Berkey” family.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 30, 1884.
The Arkansas City REPUBLICAN changed hands last Saturday, Atkinson & Clark selling to Howard & Wagner. The new proprietors are thorough printers, and are in every way worthy of success. We extend to them the right hand of fellowship and assure them of our good wishes. Traveler.
Frank Berkey...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, May 29, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Frank Berkey, one of the live real estate agents, of Lakin, Kansas, was in the city Tuesday night. Frank is a genial young man and makes hosts of friends wherever he goes.
Miss (Mary) Berkey...
Arkansas City Republican, May 29, 1886.
Wednesday night will be remembered by all having the pleasure to attend Miss Nellie Thompson’s reception, as “a pearly in memory’s casket.” Although following one of the hottest days of the season, the evening was not extremely warm—thanks to our climate. We will not attempt to describe the costumes of the ladies, indeed, all present showed good taste in dress, while many of the trousseaus were elegant. The company was musically entertained by Miss Hamilton, Mrs. Meeker, and Mrs. Nellie Wyckoff, discoursing waltzes, which were enjoyed by all, and utilized by those who delight in the “mazy.”
Following are the parties who were present.
Mr. and Mrs. Hess, Mr. and Mrs. Meeker, Mr. and Mrs. Kingsbury, Mr. and Mrs. Coombs, Mr. and Mrs. Snyder, Mr. and Mrs. Daniels, Mr. and Mrs. Wyckoff, Mr. and Mrs. Childs, Miss Love, Miss Theaker, Miss Thompson, Miss Fannie Cunningham, Miss Berkey, Miss Eva Hasie, Miss McMullen, Miss Young, Miss Hamilton, Miss Grosscup, Miss Kingsbury, Miss Walton, Miss Guthrie, Miss Martin, Miss Funk, Miss Beale, Miss Gatwood, Miss Wagner; and Messrs. Adams, Balyeat, Behrend, Burress, Chapel, Coburn, Deering, Gould, Hoover, Hutchison, Hawk, Rhodes, Salisbury, Love, Wagner, Rogers.
D. Berkey...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 12, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
D. Berkey, of Winfield, is visiting in the city. Mr. Berkey tells us that our boom is plainly visible upon every hand.
Frank T. Berkey to marry Mary Randall, of Winfield...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 20, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
TO BE MARRIED. Frank Berkey, with whom many of our readers are acquainted, will be united in marriage to Miss Mary Randall, of Winfield, Thanksgiving day.
Mrs. Allie Bishop, Mrs. D. W. Stevens, Frank T. Berkey...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 4, 1886. From Saturday’s Daily.
Mrs. Allie Bishop was visiting in the city yesterday. She is a sister of Mrs. D. W. Stevens. Mrs. Bishop came down to Winfield from Emporia to witness the marriage of her brother, Frank T. Berkey to Miss Mary Randall, Thanksgiving day. She returned last evening.
Frank T. Berkey...
Daily Calamity Howler, Friday, October 2, 1891.
F. T. Berkey is the boss real estate man in town. He made three sales in one day this week.
Daily Calamity Howler, Friday, October 2, 1891.
F. T. Berkey sold a piece of Winfield property to a Mr. Marx, of Crocker, Missouri, one day this week. Mr. Marx will make this his future home.
David Berkey: West 9th Avenue...
Daily Calamity Howler, Monday, October 26, 1891.
Parties desiring to have all kinds of second-hand furniture repaired will do well to call on D. Berkey, W. 9th avenue.
Daily Calamity Howler, Tuesday, October 27, 1891.
250 second hand cook stoves, 125 gasoline stoves, and 95 heating stoves wanted at once at D. Berkey’s, West 9th ave.