J. L. Berkey


Winfield Directory 1880.
Berkey, J. L., clerk (J. P. Baden), r. 11th av., s. e. cor. Millington.
Winfield Courier, January 2, 1879.
Among the new business enterprises of Winfield is the well-known machine agent, Mr. J. L. Berkey, who has been engaged with S. H. Myton for the past season. Mr. Berkey is located on the corner of Ninth Avenue and Manning Street, where he will be found with a full line of Agricultural Implements, consisting of the well-known Walter A. Wood machines, all complete. Also the Keystone and Rock Island Plows, Corn Planters, Cultivators, Harrows, Corn Shellers, Mills, and everything from a hoe up to a threshing machine. Mr. Berkey came here about a year ago from Bloomington, Illinois, well recommended as a businessman, who knows no such thing as fail; and we should judge from his vim and pluck that he will prove to be a valuable businessman to our enterprising town. We wish Mr. Berkey success in his new enterprise.
Winfield Courier, February 27, 1879.
Read the advertisement of J. L. Berkey, agent for the Walter A. Wood harvester and other farm machinery. Mr. Berkey is pretty well known to the farmers of Cowley, having traveled over the greater part of the county last summer in the interest of differ­ent firms. You will find him at T. A. Wilkinson’s old stand.
The ad referred to in above item did not appear until March 6, 1879...
Winfield Courier, March 6, 1879.
J. L. BERKEY. Agent for the Keystone Corn Planter, Rock Island Plows, and The Brown Sulky Plows. Also Agent for the Walter A. Wood Self-Binder Harvester.
Winfield Courier, March 6, 1879.
J. L. Berkey has established his headquarters at Weston’s hardware store. 
Winfield Courier, March 27, 1879.
The following is a list of the principal business firms of Winfield.
FARM IMPLEMENTS. W. A. Lee, Brotherton & Silver, J. L. Berkey.
Winfield Courier, April 17, 1879.
Mr. J. L. Berkey, the agricultural implement man, and Mr. J. T. Weston, the hardware and tinware man, have formed a part­nership in the hardware, tin, and agricultural implement business with their headquarters at the Page building, Weston’s late stand. This will make a strong business firm. Both the gentle­men are active and enterprising.
Winfield Courier, May 8, 1879.
AD. Consolidated! J. L. Berkey & J. T. Weston, Berkey & Weston Agricultural Implement, General Hardware, Tinware and Stoves, etc. Main Street, in the Page Building. Winfield, Kansas.
J. L. Berkey marries Nelly Martin...
Winfield Courier, May 15, 1879.
Our friend, J. L. Berkey, and Miss Nelly Martin were married last Thursday evening. Rev. James Cairns tied the silken knot.
Winfield Courier, May 15, 1879.
WINFIELD, KANS., May 5, 1879. The firm of Berkey & Weston is this day dissolved by mutual consent, J. L. Berkey taking the Agricultural department, and J. T. Weston the Hardware; J. L. Berkey assuming all debts contract­ed for agricultural implements, and J. T. Weston assuming all debts contracted for hardware. J. L. BERKEY, J. T. WESTON.
Next item could be wrong as it refers to “Prof. J. L. Berkey” at Salt City...
Arkansas City Traveler, July 20, 1881.
Prof. J. L. Berkey’s mustache is long enough to twist, and Prof. likes to twist them, so says the girls; all caused by the free use of mineral water.
Cowley County Courant, June 29, 1882.
A well developed able bodied lie can out travel any other one thing on earth. Here is a case in point. J. L. Berkey, a former citizen of this place but now of Kansas City, had a leaky gasoline lamp. The oil on the outside caught fire and made a blaze, but did no damage. Some enterprising fellow started the lie that a gasoline stove had exploded in Mr. Berkey’s house. The newspapers got it, and then of course the case was hopeless. That unmitigated lie soon spread itself over Missouri and Kansas and at last accounts, was tearing like mad across the Rockies, and where it will stop nobody can foresee. In vain, Mr. Berkey publishes a card in the Kansas City papers, that he doesn’t even own a gasoline stove.
Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.
Mr. J. L. Berkey came down from Kansas City Saturday and will spend a few days with his parents here.
Arkansas City Republican, March 29, 1884.
J. L. Berkey, of Milan, Kansas, agent of the Blue Mound Nurseries, called to see us Monday, and gave our job office an order for some work. He has some good ideas on tree culture. He and other agents of the same nurseries will canvass our county this spring.
Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.
The following MARRIAGE LICENSES have been granted by the Probate Judge since our last issue.
John L. Berkey and Ivy Burrell.
Arkansas City Republican, June 7, 1884.
MARRIED. BERKEY-BURRELL. On June 4, married at the residence of the bride’s parents, by Rev. H. S. Lundy, J. L. Berkey to Miss Ivy Burrell. May a long life of prosperity and happiness accompany them.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 11, 1884.
MARRIED. Mr. J. L. Berkey and Miss Ivy Burrell, of Salt City, were married at that place last Friday, by Rev. H. S. Lundy.
Winfield Courier, July 17, 1884.
DIED. Mrs. D. Berkey was called suddenly to Kansas City last week by an accident which befell her son, John, and the dangerous illness of his baby. The baby died Sunday and John is but slowly recovering from a broken limb.