W. E. Berry
Salt City, Sumner County.
[Note: W. E. Berry was elected Marshal of Salt City on June 14, 1877. It is apparent that he was a resident of Sumner County. Very little information was found on him.]
Arkansas City Traveler, May 9, 1877. Front Page.
SALT CITY, KAS., April 28, 1877.
At a meeting called for the purpose of taking action with regard to the organization of a coal company at this place. On motion Mr. L. Small was elected Chairman and W. E. Chenoweth, Secretary.
A letter was read by Mr. Wm. Berkey, from Todd & Royal, with regard to their proposition, on the shaft already begun. Short speeches were made by the following named persons, concerning the past, present, and future coal prospects: Messrs. Foster, Broadbent, Acton, Mills, Ward, Berry, Chenoweth, Berkey, Reynolds, and Lewis. A lively time was had.
On motion of Mr. Wm. Berkey, an election of five directors for a coal company was ordered. This resulted in the selection of the following gentlemen: George Reynolds, J. H. Hudson, Robert Mills, L. Small, and Wm. Berkey.
Moved and seconded that H. B. Pruden be the Treasurer of the company. On motion, W. E. Chenoweth was chosen Secretary.
Messrs. Berkey and Mills were instructed to confer with Todd & Royal and make arrangements with them on a proposition to proceed with the old shaft.
Motion made by Mr. Lewis that the two men who confer with Todd & Royal meet the Board of Directors on Saturday, May 5th, 1877, at 10 o’clock a.m., and give their report of the result of the conference, and that they invite Todd & Royal to meet the board at that time in the schoolhouse at Salt City.
Motion carried that there be a meeting of the citizens of the vicinity, and all interested parties, at 2 o’clock p.m., at the same place, May 5th, 1877.
Moved and carried that the Arkansas City Traveler, Winfield Courier, and Oxford Independent be requested to publish these minutes.
On motion the meeting adjourned. L. SMALL, Chairman.
W. E. CHENOWETH, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, June 21, 1877.
SALT CITY, KAN., June 15, 1877.
EDITOR COURIER—Dear Sir: I send you a list of city officers for this city, who were duly elected yesterday.
Mayor: Robert Mills; Marshal: W. E. Berry.
Council: Daniel Roof, O. J. Ward, D. T. Baker, Dr. W. T. Arnold, and Thos. Mills.
Trade good; two more stores came in here yesterday. W. M. BERKEY.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 19, 1877.
BIRTH. Early Monday morning, as we took our seat at the writing desk, we noticed two fine cigars, with matches close by. Upon inquiry we learned that W. E. BERRY had placed them there, to be smoked in commemoration of a new-born son.