Shaw-Birdzell Families


Shaw: Bell, Harry, James L., Mary.
Birdzell: J. W. and Mary J.
The special census of February 10, 1870, lists Bell Shaw,  Harry Shaw, J. L. Shaw, and Mary Shaw.
James L. Shaw.
Pleasant Valley Township.
The following was reported in the 1898 Weekly Republican Traveler. “Pleasant Valley Township was organized July, 27, 1871. James L. Shaw was the first settler, and he came from Labette County and made his location on April 5, 1870. James L. Shaw was a justice of the peace and performed the first marriage ceremony in the township.
Birdzell: Joshua, Bell.
The first schoolhouse was built May 10, 1871, and Miss Bell Birdzell taught the first class. In 1871, Joshua Birdzell planted the first orchard.”
Marriage: J. W. Birdzell and Mary J. Shaw.
Enclosed is a photocopy of the marriage license between J. W. Birdzell and Mary J. Shaw.
Land Title: Joshua Birdzell.
Enclosed is a photocopy of the certificate of title of land between the United States Government and Joshua Birdzell.
Land Title: James L. Shaw.
Enclosed is a photocopy of the patent record between the United States Government and James L. Shaw. You will note that the patent was granted October 16, 1872 but it was not filed with the Register of Deeds on December 17, 1883. This is legal and not unusual and was done to keep the land off of the county tax role.
The patent was first issued by the land office, and then later the certificate of title (or deed) was issued. Both items were supposed to be recorded at the Registrar of Deeds office in the county involved.
 John W. Birdzell. Catherine Birdzell.
April 4, 1873, John W. Birdzell filed a deed from the U. S. Govt. for the Northwest quarter, Section 14, Township 34, range 4 east.
June 10, 1887, Alice Graves sold to John Birdzell, 64 acres less one acre used for a mill, for $3000. The description is starting at the northeast corner of the northwest quarter, section 11, township 34, range 4 east.
June 10, 1887, Catherine Birdzell bought the southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of section 6, township 34, range 5 east.
Mary J. Shaw.
The 1875 Kansas Census shows Mary J. Shaw had 80 acres under rail fence, 80 acres not fenced. Farm value $3,000. Implement value $0.00. She had planted 0 winter wheat, 10 acre of corn, 1 acre of oats, 4 acres of Irish potatoes, 6 acres of sorghum, and 40 acres of pasture. She owned 1 horse and made 200 lbs. of butter last year.
Will Birdzell.
The 1875 Kansas Census shows Will Birdzell with 40 acres of corn and 5 acres of oats under cultivation. He owned one horse and two mules and implements valued at $600.
Joshua Birdzell.
The 1875 Kansas Census shows Joshua Birdzell had 45 acres under fence and 105 acres unfenced. The cash value of the farm was $2,000 and the implements were worth $10. He had 40 acres of winter wheat, 37 acres of corn, 1/4 acre of Irish potatoes and 80 acres of pasture. He owned three milk cows, one pig, and no horses or mules. He also had a three acre orchard.
J. L. Shaw.
J. L. Shaw served in the Illinois Volunteers in the Civil war where he contracted consumption. After the war he married Mary Jane Latimer in Pennsylvania where he was teaching school. They moved to the oil fields of Virginia. He became anxious to come to Kansas for the sake of their children believing there was more opportunity there.
They left the oil fields and moved to Labette County, Missouri. There they persuaded their good friends, the Moe Richmond’s, to come to Kansas with them. The men came first and pre-empted the first land in Pleasant Valley township. In March of 1869 the families arrived by wagon. There was one cabin in Winfield. The Richmond family took the claim south of the Shaw family but later sold it to an old soldier named Fisler, who had escaped from the Confederate Libby Prison for Union Soldiers, by digging under the walls. The Shaws proved up on their claim at the southwest quarter of Section 2, in township 34 south of Range four east. 
The first experience in the Bend would have been enough to daunt less hardy women. After leaving Winfield and striking across the prairie for the claim, Mr. Shaw lost the trail. There was a large oak tree growing at the edge of the bluff just above his claim and the men set out walking to find this landmark, leaving the women in the wagons. Hours passed without a sight of the men. It began to grow dark. The women were afraid the men had been killed or captured by the Indians. Finally after a long wait the men returned and they trekked on to the claims.
Large Indian camps were on the bluffs north of the claims and around the bend of the Walnut River to the east. At first, the log cabins were not chinked and the Indians would slip down and peep through the cracks and watch the women at work.
Little Belle Shaw was a beautiful child and the Indians became quite enamored of her. An Indian brought his ponies to the cabin one day when Mr. Shaw was in Wichita buying groceries and insisted on trading the ponies for the baby. So insistent did he become that Mrs. Shaw was forced to let the St. Bernard dog out of the house for protection. The dog was as large as a calf and the Indian left in a hurry when the dog started for him.
Mr Shaw had a team of horses of which he was fond. The Indians stole them. He tracked them, arriving at the camp during the night, and managed to untie the horses without them nickering and awaking the Indians. He led them out of the camp and back home.
The first Grange organized in this part of the country was started in South Bend with Mr. Shaw the first worthy master. In later years the Grange hall was moved to Hackney and the old hall used for a residence. 
The health of Mr. Shaw did not improve and he wanted to go back to Pennsylvania to die. His wife promised him that she would return to the Bend to rear the children in the West. He passed away Sept. 13, 1874, another casualty of the war.
Mrs. Shaw returned to the Bend alone except for her three little children, Harry Clair, Isabella Martha, and Maggie.
John William Birdzell, eldest son of Joshua Birdzell, was riding on the west side of the Walnut one day when he heard a woman crooning to a little child. So curious was he that he crossed the river and rode up to the cabin where he saw Mrs. Shaw rocking little Belle to sleep. She was the first white woman he had seen in this part of the country since coming out here. Mrs. Shaw and Mrs. Richmond were the first, and for several months, the only white women in the Bend.
November 25, 1874, Reverend Platter of Winfield, married J. W. Birdzell and Mrs. Shaw. They had four children, Charles of Arkansas City, Clarence of Santa Cruz, Calif, Carl of Battle Creek, Michigan, and a girl who became Mrs. Ralph Fisher of Winfield..
The Arkansas City Traveler of December 8, 1875, stated “Wm. Birdzell was married to Mrs. Mary J. Shaw lately. The notice was not handed in, hence the delay in announcing the union.” A few years ago Mr. and Mrs. Birdzell left Arkansas City and moved to Roswell, New Mexico, but like all true Arkansas Citians, they ‘came back.’”
Mrs. Birdzell died in 1927 and her husband died in 1931.
Winfield Courier, Saturday, January 11, 1873.
January 7th. Board met pursuant to adjournment, at 8 o’clock a.m.
Petition of J. B. Nipp for county road was granted with James Shaw, B. W. Sitter, and Geo. Keffer as viewers; survey ordered January 24th, 1873.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 4, 1873.
By invitation of the Pleasant Valley Farmers’ Club, the Beaver Farmers’ Club and delegates from the Tisdale Farmers’ Club met at the schoolhouse in Pleasant Valley at 7:30 o’clock P.M. Sept. 3d, 1873. Meeting called to order by Mr. Shaw, Esq., of Pleasant Valley. By motion Mr. K. J. Wright of Beaver was chosen Chairman. Moved that Mr. Henderson of Pleasant Valley act as Rec. Secretary; and N. C. McCulloch, of Beaver, act as Cor. Secretary pro tem. The object of the meeting stated by Mr. West Holland, to consider the propriety of, and to take steps to put a Farmers’ ticket in the field to fill the county offices this fall. Remarks by Mac W. Roseberry of Beaver, and Mr. Gay, of Tisdale. The resolutions of the 23rd called for, and read by the Corresponding Secretary. Discussed by Mr. Holland, McCulloch, and Walton. Mr. McCulloch being called for to make a speech, said that he was not an orator, but a farmer, and that in lieu of a speech he would read “A Warning” from the Telegram, and by request explained his position. Remarks by Mr. M. S. Roseberry of Beaver, Mr. Foughty of Tisdale, and Mr. Shaw of Pleasant Valley. Mr. Shaw moved that the Pleasant Valley Club cut loose from the 23rd movement. Debated. Standing vote taken, and motion carried unanimously. By motion of Mr. Foughty, of Tisdale, it was resolved to hold a County Convention at Tisdale September 29th. By motion the Corresponding Secretary was instructed to furnish the proceedings of this meeting to the County papers for publication. On motion, adjourned. N. C. McCULLOCH, Cor. Sec’y, pro tem.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 9, 1873. Editorial Page.
The make believe “farmers” met at Tisdale last Tuesday for the purpose of nominating a ticket to be voted for next November. The meeting was called to order at 2 o’clock p.m., and elected J. L. Shaw of Pleasant Valley, temporary chairman, and George Melville, secretary. J. G. Young of Tisdale, J. C. Roberts of Winfield, and A. N. Deming of Creswell were appointed a committee on credentials. Committee on Resolutions, appointed as follows: C. C. Krow, G. Melville, Robert McNown, Dr. Sylvester Wilkins, and Wm. Voris. Both committees retiring, a motion was carried that the convention organize when the proper time came. George Melville’s appointment on committee on resolutions was objected to by J. C. Burger as he (Melville) was not a delegate. Motion to displace Mr. Melville, lost. Burger thought Melville ought to be displaced, as he was not a delegate, he might pack the Resolu­tions. He thought the committee should be selected by the crowd. John Smiley also thought the committee ought to be selected by the crowd.
The crowd was finally organized, with J. L. Shaw as Presi­dent, T. A. Blanchard, Vice-President, W. S. Coburn, Secretary.
Committee on Resolutions reported in substance as follows.
That we desire to curtail expenses. That we ask the aid of honest men regardless of party.
Resolved, That we confine nominations to farmers and labor­ers as far as practicable. That we invite the press of Cowley County to assist us to elect the ticket nominated here today.
The list of candidates nominated will be found in another column, with our comments on their qualifications, abilities, etc.
Column did nothing but blast candidates nominated.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 9, 1873.
Many of the citizens of Tisdale are highly incensed at the manner in which the Traveler of last week alluded to them as being instrumental in the recent burning of Spaulding’s building. The citizens referred to by Scott—those who had opposed Mr. Spaulding in town matters—are among the most respectable of the many estimable citizens of the rural burg of Tisdale, and strong­ly object to having so serious a matter charged to them. We understand that a considerable sum of money has been offered by the aforesaid citizens for the apprehension of the incendiary. We sincerely hope that the perpetrator of the crime may be discovered, as this event would remove certain unpleasant suspi­cions concerning the origin of the conflagration, caused by the insurance so far exceeding the loss.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 23, 1873.
Meeting of the Veterans.
At half past 2 o’clock the soldiers, to the number of about 150, fell into line at the tap of the drum, and preceded by the Winfield Martial band, marched to the Methodist Church, which had been kindly tendered for their use. The meeting was called to order by T. A. Blanchard. L. J. Webb was chosen Chairman, and James Kelly, Secretary.
The chairman stated the object of the meeting to be to organize a permanent Soldiers’ Union.
On motion a committee consisting of A. A. Jackson, A. D. Keith, Capt. Wm. H. H. McArthur, Capt. Henry Barker, and Col. E. C. Manning were appointed on permanent organization.
During the absence of the committee, D. C. Scull entertained the meeting with a few appropriate remarks.
The committee on permanent organization reported as follows.
Mr. Chairman: Your committee on permanent organization, recommend the following as a permanent organization for Cowley County, of the Union Soldiers of the late war.
1st. The association of all soldiers into an organization to be known as the Cowley County Soldiers’ Association.
2nd. That said association elect a president, 3 vice presidents, secretary, and assistant secretary, and treasurer, and adopt a constitution.
3rd. That said association request its members to subscribe the constitution as an evidence of membership, giving the re­quired company or battalion to which each belonged, and to attend the meetings of the association.
4th. That said association meet semi-annually for celebra­tions, and as much oftener as business requires. A. A. JACKSON, Chairman.
The above was unanimously adopted. The roll being called; the following “Boys in Blue,” answered to their names.
ILLINOIS: J. L. Shaw, Co. K. 17th Ill. Inf.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 22, 1876.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 12, 1876.
The examination of applicants for teachers took place at the schoolhouse at Winfield Friday and Saturday, April 7th and 8th. Professors T. A. Wilkinson, A. B. Lemmon and E. W. Hulse consti­tuted the Board of Examiners. There were twenty-nine applicants, named as follows:
Kate Birdzell, Albertine Maxwell, Louisa Franklin, Laura E. Turner, Arkansas City.
Winfield Courier, August 9, 1877.
The following are the teachers attending the Cowley County Normal.
Arkansas City. Misses Lizzie Landis, Mattie F. Mitchell, Ella Grimes, Albertine Maxwell, Belle Birdzell, Flora Finley, Kate Hawkins, Stella Barnett, Mary A. Pickett, Tillie Kennedy, Anna O. Wright; Messrs. B. F. Marich, E. R. Thompson, J. F. Hess.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 6, 1876.
I understand that Mr. Joshua Birdzell’s house and all its contents were destroyed by fire about ten days ago. It is thought the fire was caused by a defective flue. Such accidents as this will occur as long as people trust to the safety of a stove pipe extending through the roof, instead of a brick flue.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 20, 1876.
Mr. and Mrs. Grimes, Mrs. J. Nichols, Mrs. N. Shaw, Mrs. Horn, Samuel Endicott, H. Carder, Ida Grimes, Katy Myers, Mrs. Demott, Mrs. Pepper, R. Carder.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 27, 1876.
PLEASANT VALLEY, Sept. 18, 1876.
The grasshoppers came, and are now gone—no one knowing from whence they came or wither they went. It is to be hoped they did not deposit eggs enough to do any damage, even if they hatch out this fall.
Mr. Wilson Shaw has just completed a barn and granary, which are a credit to the valley. Although the grasshoppers have been here recently, Mr. Shaw demonstrates that he is going to stay with them if they will stay with him.
Winfield Courier, November 2, 1876.
The following are the nominations for the various offices in Pleasant Valley Township: For trustee, Henry Harbaugh; treasur­er, S. H. Tolles; clerk, C. J. Brane; justices of the peace, Henry Forbes and T. H. Henderson; constables, Samuel Waugh and Wm. Birdzell; road overseer, district No. 1, Frank Chapin, district No. 2, Jos. Hill, district No. 3, W. J. Keffer.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1876.
The following officers were nominated in the different townships, and most of them are probably elected.
Pleasant Valley Township. For Trustees of the Peace, Henry Forbes, T. H. Henderson; for Constables, Samuel Waugh, J. W. Birdzell; for Township Trustee, S. H. Tolles; for Township Clerk, C. J. Brane; for Road Overseers: Dist. No. 1, Frank Chapin; Dist. No. 2, W. J. Keffer; Dist. No. 3, Joe Hill.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1876. Editorial Page.
Pleasant Valley Township:
C. Dean, Trustee; J. W. Adams, Clerk; S. H. Tolls, Treasurer; T. H. Henderson, J. P.; S. Waugh and J. W. Birdzell, Constables.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 17, 1877.
LIST OF OFFICERS elected by the Cowley County District Grange, Saturday, January 6th, 1877.
Wm. White, Master.
Ed. Green, Overseer.
G. N. Fowler, Lecturer.
C. C. Krow, Steward.
H. L. Barker, Assistant Steward.
S. H. Sparks, Chaplain.
Jas. O. Vanorsdal, Treasurer.
Calvin Coon, Secretary.
F. Schwantes, Gate Keeper.
Mrs. Vanorsdal, Ceres.
Mrs. Barker, Pomona.
Mrs. White, Flora.
Miss Birdzell, Lady Assistant Steward.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 17, 1877.
Sweet Potato.
Mr. Wilson Shaw left us a sample of sweet potato, grown on his farm on the divide, that weighs six pounds and a quarter, and is so large it cannot be placed on our specimen shelves. It is of the white variety, and wholly sound. A part of it was broken off in digging, which would probably have made it weigh three-quarters of a pound more.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1877.
That large sweet potato we had on exhibition was sent to Wisconsin for the people of the Badger State to gaze upon. It weighed six pounds and six ounces.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 16, 1878.
[For the Traveler.]
The U. P. Congregation of Arkansas City.
About five years ago this congregation was organized with a membership of eleven in full communion. Wm. M. Sleeth and W. Shaw were elected ruling elders. In 1874 the congregation, with aid from the Board of Church Extension, and the generous assis­tance of friends of religion here and elsewhere, erected a fine church edifice at a cost of about $3,000. Under the fostering care of the Presbytery of Neosho, in furnishing supplies of gospel ordinances, the congregation has increased in numbers and wealth so as to justify them in calling one to take the charge and oversight of their spiritual interests.
Their choice fell on R. S. McClanahan, a licenciate of Monmouth Presbytery, after they had had a trial of his qualifica­tions to edify them for upwards of eight months. The presbytery having ordained and installed him as pastor, it is hoped that the pleasure of the Lord will prosper through his instrumentality. He has the confidence of the congregation and the community, as a man of fair gifts and decided piety. May the relation lately formed between him and them be prosperous and happy.
Two good men, Mr. Leander Finley and Mr. R. L. Marshall, were added to the session or eldership of the congregation last week, and a comfortable communion was held here yesterday, Rev. J. A. Collins, of Americus, assisting.
A good Sabbath school and weekly prayer meeting are kept up in the congregation. The congregation, being in such good working order and situated in one of the best parts of the State, with a fair prospect of new accessions of members, it is hoped that the congregation will take root downward and bear fruit upward, to the praise of God and the salvation of man.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1878.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 27, 1878.
The following persons attended the teachers’ examination held in the schoolhouse at this place last Friday and Saturday.
Isabella Birdzell
Arkansas City Traveler, March 6, 1878.
GIRLS: Annie Norton, Mattie Mitchell, Emma Mitchell, Nellie Swarts, Mary Theaker, Linnie Peed, Linda Christian, Flora Finley, Laura Gregg, Susie Berry, Mary Wintin, May Benedict, Carrie Benedict, Carrie Cramer, Sarah Randall, Mary Holloway, Stella Swarts, Mollie Christian, Clara Morgan, Annie Brown, May Hughes, Emma Theaker, Albertine Maxwell, Annie Hutchinson, Belle Birdzell.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.
At the late examination, the following teachers were present.
Mrs. Amy Chapin; and Misses Mattie Mitchell, Albertine Maxwell, Flora Finley, Annie Norton, Mary Pickett, Lizzie Mar­shall, Stella Burnett, Isabella Birdzell, Dora Winslow, Rosa Sample, Jennie Scott.
Messrs. C. C. Holland, B. F. Maricle, H. M. Williams, C. M. Swarts, C. L. Swarts.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.
HILL HOME NURSERIES, Tadmore, Miami Co., Ohio.
N. H. ALBAUGH & SON, Prop’rs.
Importers and Growers. Fine Fruits a Specialty.
C. H. BIRDZELL, Agent.
Winfield Courier, May 9, 1878.
Probate Court.
Mary J. Birdzell appointed guardian of the minor heirs of J. L. Shaw.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 15, 1878.
MR. J. W. BIRDZELL, of South Bend, placed upon our table last Thursday, a peck of very fine new potatoes, the first of the season, for which he will please accept thanks. They were of the “Peerless” and “Early Rose” varieties, and somewhat larger than hen’s eggs.
Winfield Courier, November 21, 1878.
Joseph Shaw, a prominent citizen of Windsor Township, called last Monday. He was suffering with cold and fever. We hope to hear of his full recovery soon.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 29, 1879.
DIED. Maggie L. Shaw, Daughter of Mr. J. W. Birdzell. Little Maggie departed this life Jan. 17th, 1879, age 5 years and 6 months.
Winfield Courier, April 10, 1879.
W. W. Hess - Isabelle Birdzell.
Cowley County Teacher, December, 1879.
The problem given in the November TEACHER was solved by Miss Fannie Skinner, Miss Henrietta King, Jerry Adams, and Harry C. Shaw, the last named being a pupil of Miss Lizzie Landis and aged thirteen years.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1880.
There was a public installation of the officers of South Bend Grange (No. 1036) last Saturday night at their hall in Pleasant Valley township. The room was tastefully decorated; a good audience was in attendance, and an interesting meeting was held. The following is a list of the officers for the year 1880.
Master: S. H. Parks.
Overseer: J. W. Adams.
Lecturer: E. F. Green.
Stewart: S. O. Hunt.
Assistant Stewart: T. Hughes.
Chaplain: R. L. Wright.
Treasurer: T. B. McCollom.
Secretary: S. H. Tolles.
Gate-keeper: Joshua Birdzell.
Cres: Miss Eva Birdzell.
Pomona: Mrs. Hunt.
Flora: Mrs. Adams.
Stewardess: Mrs. Campbell.
 [Note: I quit after March 11, 1880, with Winfield Courier.]