Thomas A. Blanchard
Vernon and Walnut Townships.
[Note: This file was set up by RKW many years ago. His entries are next. MAW]
The following is from the book “Robert Allen” by William Ray Allen, printed in 1991. A copy is in the Cowley County Genealogy Library.
Thomas A. Blanchard is a son of Ira A. Blanchard and Margaret Rutherford. Ira was born in 1799 and apparently died in California between 1850 and 1856. Margaret was born in 1808 and died in Cowley County in 1870.
Thomas A. Blanchard served as a sergeant in Co. I, 7 Missouri Cavalry, from December 1, 1861, to January 10, 1864—two years and two months. He reenlisted as a sergeant in Co. K, 1 Missouri Cavalry, from January 10, 1864, to September 29, 1865—one year, 8 months, and 28 days. He was mustered out as a First Sergeant.
In 1865 Thomas A. and Sarah E. Blanchard moved to Yates Center, Woodson County, Kansas. He was elected in 1867 to both the position of Sheriff and Treasurer of Woodson County.
In 1869 the Blanchard family moved to Cowley County and he preempted a farm in Section 7, near Winfield. They had six children; Valentine; Ira A.; Mary E.; John D.; Miss Lammie; and Elgie E. Ira and Elgie E. were buried in Vernon Cemetery in Cowley County.
The February 10, 1870, special census of Cowley County lists _ Blanchard, _. A. Blanchard, _. D. Blanchard, _. E. Blanchard, George Blanchard, Margaret Blanchard, S. A. Blanchard, and Sarah E. Blanchard.
The 1873 Vernon Township census lists Thomas Blanchard, age 40, and his wife S. E., age 32.
The Winfield census of 1878 lists T. A. Blanchard, age 47, his wife S. E., age 34. It also lists George Blanchard, age 26, and his wife R., age 22.
After what appears to have been a successful and comfortable living in Winfield, Thomas got itchy feet for free land in the Oklahoma Territory. Sometime between 1883 and 1889 he moved to the Oklahoma Territory. On May 18, 1889, Thomas filed homestead application No 1600 near Guthrie, Oklahoma.
At the first Cowley County election on May 2, 1870, T. A. Blanchard was elected a County Commissioner. He served as chairman.
Thomas A. Blanchard was born Oct. 19, 1833, in Perry County, Indiana; died July 14, 1892, and was buried in Camp Russell Cemetery near Guthrie, Ok. He married Sarah E. Allen on July 9, 1857, at La Plata, Missouri. She died August 22, 1903, and was buried in Summitview Cemetery, in Guthrie, Oklahoma.
The Commonwealth [Date Unknown: Latter part of August or early September 1870.]
COWLEY COUNTY. Proceedings of the Mass Meeting of Republicans, Held at Winfield, Cowley County, Kansas, August 25th, 1870, for the purpose of organizing the Republican Party in the county.
In compliance with a call for a republican mass meeting, issued and signed by one hundred republican voters, a large number of the republican voters of Cowley County met at the court room, in Winfield, on the 25th day of August, 1870, at one o’clock P. M.; and organized the meeting by choosing W. W. Andrews chairman, and Wm. Orr secretary.
The object of the meeting being stated, on motion, a committee was appointed to report the names of persons to the convention to be selected as a republican central committee for Cowley County.
The committee retired a few minutes, and reported the following named persons, who were then unanimously elected the republican central committee of Cowley County, for the ensuing year, to wit: E. C. Manning, G. H. Norton, Wm. Hubbell, Wm. Orr, Thos. Blanchard.
The following resolutions were offered and adopted as an expression of the voice of the republicans of Cowley County.
Resolved, That the republican party of Cowley County, in mass convention assembled, cordially endorse the administration of Gen. Grant, and congratulate him and the country upon the successful manner in which the reconstruction of the country and the rapid restoration of its finances to a healthy and permanent condition, has been conducted.
Resolved, That we gratefully acknowledge our obligations to congress for having passed the bill purchasing the Osage diminished reservation, upon the wise, equitable, and favorable terms provided, and that we are especially pleased with the members of our congressional delegation who contributed their efforts to the consummation of the purchase.
Resolved, That the authorities whose duty it is to remove the Indians from this reservation and cause the same to be surveyed, are respectfully requested to cause the same to be done at the earliest practical moment, to the end that the settlement and development of the same may be facilitated.
Resolved, That the Kansas COMMONWEALTH, The Cowley County Censor, and the Arkansas Traveller [Arkansas City Traveler] be requested to publish the proceedings of this convention.
W. W. ANDREWS, chairman. WM. ORR, secretary.
The Commonwealth, November 15, 1870.
COWLEY. The people’s ticket, with the exception of county attorney and register of deeds, is elected by about 50 majority. Col. E. C. Manning is elected representative by 64 majority. Stover’s majority in the county is 348. The following are the county officers elect: T. B. Ross, probate judge; J. M. Patterson [Pattison], sheriff; E. P. Hickok, district clerk; A. A. Jackson, county clerk; George B. Green, treasurer; E. S. Torrence [Torrance], county attorney; W. A. Smith, register of deeds; H. L. Barker, surveyor; Dr. H. B. Kellogg, coroner; L. B. Walmsley, school superintendent; E. Simpson, G. H. Norton and T. A. Blanchard, commissioners.
The Commonwealth, November 26, 1870.
WINFIELD, KAS., Nov. 20, 1870.
To the Editor of the Commonwealth:
In your daily issue of the 18th inst. appears a sensational article from Arkansas City, relative to the result of the election in this county, signed X. It contains some errors. Here are the main ones taken from the letter, the remainder of which is lost.
“The election of the 8th was favorable in its result. The entire republican ticket was elected—H. B. Norton, for representative, carrying four out of six townships over E. C. Manning, “people’s” candidate.
“However, the county commissioners have thrown out the vote of four townships—just two-thirds of the county—in order to give Manning and his compeers, themselves included, the certificates! Even Jim Lane and Sam Wood would have recoiled from such a trick. This was done on the plea of informality; a stale, played-out shyster’s dodge.”
The entire “people’s ticket” was elected except two. If every vote and pretended vote in the county had been counted, ten out of fourteen candidates on the people’s ticket were elected. Error No. 1 corrected. There are but three instead of six legally established townships in the county. Error No. 2 corrected. Two of those townships were counted and one rejected. Error No. 3 corrected. The vote of three precincts (97 votes in all) were not contested because the poll books did not state where the election was held. The returns from the localities were not taken cognizance of by the board of commissioners because no precincts had ever been established there. Capt. G. H. Norton, a brother of the candidate for the legislature, is one of the county commissioners and was the first member of the board to vote to throw out the first precinct that was rejected. Capt. G. H. Norton and T. A. Blanchard are two of the commissioners re-elected by the “people’s ticket,” and hence the Captain is one of Manning’s “compeers.”
There are eight precincts established in the county. The returns from three of them were rejected. Had the three rejected returns been counted, it would have made no difference in the result. Winfield cast 171 votes, Arkansas City 143. XX.
The Commonwealth, November 29, 1870.
To the Editor of the Commonwealth:
In your issue of the 26th, “XX,” writing from Winfield, makes a statement that certainly “contains some errors.”
He says “there are but three instead of six legally established townships in the county.”
I find on file in the office of the secretary of state, a record in the hand and also the signature of E. P. Hickok, clerk of Cowley County, describing the organization of Rock Creek, Winfield, Creswell, Cedar, Grouse, and Dexter townships, by the county commissioners last May; accompanied with a full map of the same!
This record is not to be found in the office of the present (deputy) county clerk. What villain’s hand has abstracted and destroyed it?
I have also on file the poll books from the rejected precincts. The informalities are very slight; the clerks and judges were as well known to the county commissioners as their own brothers; the case will not hold one moment against the legality of the returns in any court of justice.
It is flatly false that Capt. G. H. Norton was the first to object to the returns. T. A. Blanchard did that, and Capt. Norton’s vote, in opposition to the entire iniquity, is on record.
Capt. G. H. Norton’s name was put upon the “people’s ticket” without his knowledge or consent, and voted for against his protest.
“XX” says “there are eight precincts established in the county.” I find in the Censor, of Oct. 8th, over the signature of W. Q. Mansfield, deputy county clerk, and T. A. Blanchard, county commissioner, the following statement:
“The precincts, as established by law, are as follows: Rock Creek precinct, Nenescah precinct, Floral precinct, Armstrong precinct, Dwyer precinct, Dexter precinct, Grouse precinct, South Bend precinct, Creswell precinct, Winfield precinct.”
Just ten precincts in six townships; of which four townships, or two-thirds of the county, were rejected.
“Arkansas City cast 143 votes,” almost every vote being challenged by Mr. Cook.
“Winfield cast 171 votes,” not a vote being challenged, upon the ruling that no person not residing in the township, had the right to challenge.
Winfield village has about one fifth the buildings, business, and population of Arkansas City. “Villainy somewhere; whose?”
The republican ticket has a legal majority of ninety votes, as will appear at the pending trial.
Notwithstanding the frauds, a counting of all the votes would give H. B. Norton eight majority. XXX. Topeka, Nov. 27, 1870.
Cowley County Censor, July 1, 1871.
Board of County Commissioners met in special session at the County Clerk’s office in Winfield, June 27th, 1871. Present: T. A. Blanchard, G. H. Norton, and E. Simpson.
Cowley County Censor, October 21, 1871.
For Senator, 25th District, J. M. ALEXANDER.
For Representative, 75th District, E. C. MANNING.
For county commissioners:
District No. 1: FRANK COX, of Richland
District No. 2: LUCIUS WALTON, of Beaver.
District No. 3: R. MAURER, of Dexter.
For Sheriff: THOMAS A. BLANCHARD, of Vernon.
For County Clerk: JOHN W. HORNBEAK, of Winfield.
For Register of Deeds: JOHN IRWIN, of Rock.
For Treasurer: A. H. GREEN, of Winfield.
Fort Supt. Public Instruction, JOHN DUDLEY, of Windsor.
For Coroner, DR. G. P. WAGNER, of Dexter.
For Railroad Assessor of the 11th Judicial District, DR. R. W. WRIGHT, of Labette County.
Cowley County Censor, October 21, 1871.
Last Saturday the Republican Delegate Convention met at this place and, notwithstanding the day was stormy and disagreeable, all the townships were represented except Creswell. The following named gentlemen were the delegates.
Richland Township: James Kelly and Frank Cox.
Windsor Township: S. Wilkins, B. H. Clover, and John Dudley.
Vernon Township: Geo. Easterly, T. A. Blanchard, and F. W. Schwantes.
Beaver Township: T. W. Morris, B. Y. Hunt, and L. M. Kennedy.
Tisdale Township: G. W. Foughty and A. B. Lemmon.
Pleasant Valley Township: W. E. Cook, D. Hostetter, and S. W. Greer.
Rock Township: John Irwin, A. V. Polk, W. H. Grow, and J. Funk.
Dexter Township: Jas. McDermott, J. H. Reynolds, and G. P. Wagner.
Winfield: E. S. Torrance, I. H. Coon, J. W. Hornbeak, C. A. Bliss, J. A. Myton, Capt. Tansey, D. A. Millington, and Jno. Stannard.
The convention was called to order by J. McDermott, Chairman of the Central Committee.
E. S. Torrance was chosen temporary Chairman and L. H. Coon, Secretary.
Representatives: E. C. Manning and S. M. Fall.
Sheriff: T. A. Blanchard, Warren Ablen, J. M. Pattison and E. M. Conklin.
Register of Deeds: John Irwin, F. A. Hunt, G. C. Swasey, and J. W. Tull.
Treasurer: A. H. Green, W. H. Grow, and G. W. Bullene.
Coroner: G. P. Wagner.
Surveyor: W. W. Walton.
County Clerk: J. W. Hornbeak and J. A. Myton.
Superintendent of Public Instruction: Jno. Dudley and A. B. Lemmon.
T. A. BLANCHARD. The nominee for Sheriff is also well known through the county, holding as he does the Chairmanship of the Board of County Commissioners. He is a staunch Republican, and has held the office for which he is a candidate in Greenwood Co., this State, for several terms, knows well its duties and will make a prompt and efficient officer.
Walnut Valley Times, October 27, 1871.
The following are the nominations of the Cowley County “REPUBLICAN CONVENTION.” For Representative, E. C. Manning; for County commissioners District No. 1, Frank Cox; District No. 2, Lucius Walton; District No. 3, R. Maurer; for Sheriff, Thomas A. Blanchard; for County Clerk, John W. Hornbeak; for Register of Deeds, John Irwin; for Treasurer, A. H. Green; for Superintendent Public Instruction, John Dudley; for Surveyor, W. W. Walton; for Coroner, Dr. G. P. Wagner.
Walnut Valley Times, July 19, 1872.
RAILROAD CONVENTION. Delegates from the several conventions along the line of the Kansas City, Emporia & Walnut Valley Railroad, and from Kansas City, met at the courthouse in Emporia July 11th to consider the matter of raising money and apportioning to each locality along the line its equitable share to build the road. Prof. H. B. Norton, of Arkansas City, was made chairman, and Prof. Warner Craig, of Osage County, secretary.
Entitled to seats in the convention--
Cowley County: H. B. Norton, L. R. Kellogg, C. A. Bliss, and C. A. Millington.
Butler County: W. M. Sparks, A. L. Redden, and T. B. Murdock.
Cowley County: C. A. Bliss and Thomas Blanchard, of Winfield, and A. D. Keith, of Arkansas City.
Winfield Messenger, August 16, 1872.
Board of County Commissioners met in County Clerk’s office, pursuant to adjournment. Present: Frank Cox, O. C. Smith, and J. D. Maurer.
The bill of all the judges and clerks of the Election held on the 10th of this month was allowed.
Thomas Blanchard: $3.00.
Winfield Messenger, September 6, 1872.
Meeting organized by the selection of R. B. Saffold for chairman, and A. Walton as secretary. Mr. Saffold made an interesting speech in favor of the Cincinnati Platform and the nominees; Mr. Jackson made a motion that a committee of five be appointed on organization, seconded and carried; also moved that a committee of five be appointed on resolutions; carried.
Recommended by T. A. Blanchard, Chairman, that a Central Committee be elected, consisting of two members from each township, and that they be requested to meet at Winfield, Saturday, the 9th day of September, 1872, for the purpose of organization of said Committee and apportioning to each township its number of delegates for a County Convention Sept. 18, named as the day for a Greeley Mass meeting at Winfield.
A. A. Jackson, Secretary.
Nominations were then made for delegates to the two Conventions to be held in Topeka September 11th, 1872. A. A. Jackson and R. B. Saffold, with S. D. Oaks and T. B. Ross as alternates were nominated to one Convention, and A. Walton, T. McIntire with H. N. Deming and T. A. Blanchard, alternates to the other, for the purpose of nominating State officers, Electors, and Congressmen.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 9, 1873. Editorial Page.
THE TISDALE SQUABBLE. The make believe “farmers” met at Tisdale last Tuesday for the purpose of nominating a ticket to be voted for next November. The meeting was called to order at 2 o’clock p.m., and elected J. L. Shaw of Pleasant Valley, temporary chairman, and George Melville, secretary. J. G. Young of Tisdale, J. C. Roberts of Winfield, and A. N. Deming of Creswell were appointed a committee on credentials. Committee on Resolutions, appointed as follows: C. C. Krow, G. Melville, Robert McNown, Dr. Sylvester Wilkins, and Wm. Voris. Both committees retiring, a motion was carried that the convention organize when the proper time came. George Melville’s appointment on committee on resolutions was objected to by J. C. Burger as he (Melville) was not a delegate. Motion to displace Mr. Melville, lost. Burger thought Melville ought to be displaced, as he was not a delegate, he might pack the Resolutions. He thought the committee should be selected by the crowd. John Smiley also thought the committee ought to be selected by the crowd.
The crowd was finally organized, with J. L. Shaw as President, T. A. Blanchard, Vice-President, W. S. Coburn, Secretary.
Committee on Resolutions reported in substance as follows.
That we desire to curtail expenses. That we ask the aid of honest men regardless of party.
Resolved, That we confine nominations to farmers and laborers as far as practicable. That we invite the press of Cowley County to assist us to elect the ticket nominated here today.
The list of candidates nominated will be found in another column, with our comments on their qualifications, abilities, etc.
Column did nothing but blast candidates nominated.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 9, 1873.
VERNON TOWNSHIP, October 4, 1873.
Please publish the following report of the farmers’ primary election, held in Vernon Township. J. WERDEN, Chairman, T. B. WARE, Secretary.
Motion by J. B. Evans that all persons present who took part in the primary election and are dissatisfied with the Republican ticket be cordially invited to take part in this meeting carried. Moved that the manner of electing delegates be by acclamation. Carried.
The delegates and alternates were then elected as follows.
Delegates: C. McClung, T. A. Blanchard, J. B. Evans, J. Werden, K. McClung, F. S. Norris.
Alternates: J. W. Fahnestock, A. T. Williams, J. R. Taylor, P. M. Waite, C. Sutton, Wm. Martin.
Moved that the delegates be instructed to vote for no man that has announced himself a candidate or sought a nomination. Motion carried.
Resolved, That William Martin is the unqualified choice of this convention, for Representative, and we cheerfully recommend him to the farmers’ nominating convention.
Moved that the secretary furnish a copy of the proceedings of this meeting to the county papers for publication. Motion carried. Adjourned.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 23, 1873.
Meeting of the Veterans.
At half past 2 o’clock the soldiers, to the number of about 150, fell into line at the tap of the drum, and preceded by the Winfield Martial band, marched to the Methodist Church, which had been kindly tendered for their use. The meeting was called to order by T. A. Blanchard. L. J. Webb was chosen Chairman, and James Kelly, Secretary.
The chairman stated the object of the meeting to be to organize a permanent Soldiers’ Union.
On motion a committee consisting of A. A. Jackson, A. D. Keith, Capt. Wm. H. H. McArthur, Capt. Henry Barker, and Col. E. C. Manning were appointed on permanent organization.
During the absence of the committee, D. C. Scull entertained the meeting with a few appropriate remarks.
The committee on permanent organization reported as follows.
Mr. Chairman: Your committee on permanent organization, recommend the following as a permanent organization for Cowley County, of the Union Soldiers of the late war.
1st. The association of all soldiers into an organization to be known as the Cowley County Soldiers’ Association.
2nd. That said association elect a president, 3 vice presidents, secretary, and assistant secretary, and treasurer, and adopt a constitution.
3rd. That said association request its members to subscribe the constitution as an evidence of membership, giving the required company or battalion to which each belonged, and to attend the meetings of the association.
4th. That said association meet semi-annually for celebrations, and as much oftener as business requires. A. A. JACKSON, Chairman.
The above was unanimously adopted. The roll being called; the following “Boys in Blue,” answered to their names.
T. A. Blanchard, Co. K, 7th Mo. Cav.
The following were elected to hold the respective offices until the next meeting.
C. M. WOOD, President; Wm. H. H. McARTHUR, 1st Vice President; A. D. KEITH, 2nd Vice President; BEN F. HARROD, 3rd Vice President; JAMES KELLY, Secretary; T. A. BLANCHARD, Assistant Secretary; Dr. W. Q. MANSFIELD, Treasurer; J. W. MILLSPAUGH, Color bearer.
Mr. Wood, on assuming the chair, made a few brief appropriate remarks.
Winfield Courier, October 30, 1873.
Our friends, T. A. Blanchard and E. S. Bedilion, thinking perhaps that the bushel of turnips left us last week, would be devoured by this time, and not willing to see the printers starve before their very eyes, brought us each a peck of the finest potatoes we have seen this year. Mr. Blanchard has some four or five acres of potatoes which netted him here in Winfield about $65 per acre.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 30, 1873.
The members of the Fraternity of Odd Fellows will give a Sociable on Wednesday evening, November 5th, in the large room at the Courthouse. Evening entertainments will be of a social character. Supper will be provided at an early hour.
SOLICITING COMMITTEE: Mrs. M. L. Mullen, Mrs. J. J. Todd, Mrs. S. W. Greer, Mrs. Braidwood, Miss J. Stewart, Mrs. J. Bullene, Mrs. Jeffreys, L. J. Webb, T. A. Blanchard, A. S. Williams, G. W. Martin, Mrs. Fannie V. Curns, A. G. Jackson.
Winfield Courier, December 12, 1873.
To be given for the benefit of Adelphi Lodge, A. F. & A. M., at the Courtroom, Winfield, Kansas, Dec. 25th, 1873.
PROGRAMME. There will be a public installation of officers of the Lodge at the Baptist church at one o’clock P.M. After the Installation there will be a few short addresses by members of the order.
Dinner will take place at the courtroom at five o’clock P.M.
A cordial invitation is extended to the public.
After dinner a grand ball will be given at the courtroom. Good music will be in attendance. A cordial invitation is extended to the fraternity to be present. Special invitations will be given by the Committee to those not members of the order.
The following is the list of the committees appointed for the occasion.
SOLICITING COMMITTEE. A. T. Stewart, S. H. Myton, I. Bing, A. T. Shenneman, J. A. Simpson, J. Swain, T. A. Blanchard, R. B. Saffold, John Rhodes; Mrs. Flint, Mrs. McMasters, Mrs. A. H. Green, Mrs. Brotherton, Mrs. Tousey, Mrs. Limbocker; Miss Jennie Stewart, Miss Lowry, W. W. Limbocker.
Winfield Courier, January 9, 1874.
Wolf Hunt. The citizens of Vernon Township and vicinity assembled January 5, 1874, for the purpose of organizing for a wolf hunt. D. Hopkins was chosen chairman of the meeting. A committee was appointed to draft a programme for the hunt consisting of Dr. A. S. Capper, E. D. Skinner, and T. Thompson. The place of closing the circle is the northeast quarter of the 16th section of Vernon Township, the boundary lines as follows.
The Walnut River on the east, the Arkansas on the west, the south line of Vernon Township on the south, two miles north of the north line of Vernon Township on the north.
The day designated for the hunt: January 15, 1874. Time of starting at the boundary lines 10 o’clock A.M. The men are allowed to carry fire-arms, but no shooting is allowed inside of the ring. Dogs are not allowed to run loose when the ring is closed. The Chief Marshal gives the signal when the dogs are to be loosed. The proceeds of the hunt to be donated to the Cowley County school fund. T. A. Blanchard is Chief Marshal. There shall be a marshal for each line and he shall call as many aides as needed; everyone having a horn or bell is requested to bring it. The chief marshal shall wear a blue scarf; the marshal on the lines and their aides shall wear a red scarf or ribbon.
A general invitation is extended to all, and a special one to the editors of the Oxford and Winfield papers. By order of Committee.
Winfield Courier, January 16, 1874.
T. A. Blanchard, bailiff, laid over.
Winfield Courier, February 6, 1874.
Fifty-seven grange delegates, being nineteen granges represented by three delegates each (the Lazette grange not being represented), met at the Courthouse in Winfield, on Monday, February 2nd, at 11 o’clock a.m., for the purpose of organizing a County council. The meeting being called to order Mr. A. S. Williams was made Chairman, and N. C. McCulloch, Secretary pro tem. The Council was then organized and the following officers were elected: A. S. Williams, Master; T. A. Blanchard, Secretary; A. T. Gay, Overseer; W. A. Freeman, Gate-keeper. A. H. Acton of Bolton Township, Simeon Martin of Maple Township, and John Irwin of Rock Township were elected Trustees. A Constitution and By-laws were adopted, a copy of which we are sorry to say we have not yet received. After the matters pertaining to the County Council were satisfactorily settled, they proceeded to choose delegates to the State Council. The following are the delegates chosen: J. J. Johnson of New Salem, B. A. Davis of Silverdale, and Adam Walck of Grand Prairie.
Winfield Courier, February 13, 1874.
It will be seen by reference to the proceedings of the County Council of Grangers that T. A. Blanchard of Vernon was appointed the General agent for this county. Thus far, at least, the Council has acted with rare good judgment. We have known Tom Blanchard almost since the county was first organized—have been associated with him at various times and places and we know him to be in every way reliable.
Winfield Courier, February 13, 1874.
To Grangers.
To Patrons of Husbandry throughout my district, I would say that having been elected agent, I have put myself in communication with the State agency, and expect soon to publish all needed information for your guidance in making purchases. In the meantime talk the matter up and if possible bulk orders for your Grange. We will as soon as possible make contracts with retail dealers in our district of which due notice will be given. All communications to this agency to be addressed to me at Winfield, Cowley County, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, February 13, 1874.
County Council.
COUNCIL ROOST, WINFIELD, KANSAS, 10 o’clock A. M., Feb. 3d, 1874.
Pursuant to a call of Deputy J. H. Werden, the delegates from the different subordinate granges throughout the county met at the Courtroom in Winfield. The meeting being called to order by the worthy Deputy, proceeded to temporary organization by electing brother A. S. Williams temporary Chairman, and N. C. McCulloch Secretary pro tem. Whereupon the Master appointed the following committees.
On Constitution and By-laws: J. H. Werden, Jos. Stansberry, and Frank Cox.
Committee on Credentials: W. H. Grow, H. H. Martin, and A. Walck.
Committee on Resolutions: T. A. Blanchard, John Irwin, J. C. Van Orsdal, C. G. Handy, and A. T. Stewart.
Adjourned to meet at 1:30 o’clock, p.m.
1:30 p.m.: Meeting called to order by the sound of the gavel, whereupon the committee on Credentials made the following report and declared the following members entitled to seats.
Pleasant Valley grange: Lucius Walton, E. Frederick, H. H. Constant.
Winfield grange: A. T. Stewart, J. D. Cochran, N. C. McCulloch.
Darien grange: W. H. Grow, John Irwin, Wm. White.
Eagle grange: Daniel Grant, Samuel Jay, J. Tipton.
Bethel grange: Jos. Stansberry, John Mentch, Geo. Yount.
Silverdale grange: B. A. Davis, Wm. Butterfield, S. C. Winton.
Beaver grange: W. A. Freeman, Warren Wood, J. A. McCulloch.
Grand Prairie grange: Adam Walk, W. P. Heath, Thos. Cooley.
Sheridan grange: Jos. Burt, H. W. Stubblefield, W. H. Clay.
Vernon grange: A. S. Williams, J. H. Werden, T. A. Blanchard.
Philomathian grange: H. H. Martin, A. H. Beck, John Boyd.
Richland grange: S. W. Phoenix, N. J. Larkin, Frank Cox.
New Salem grange: J. J. Johnson, C. C. Crow, J. C. Baker.
Centre grange: C. G. Handy, Ed Millard, A. T. Gay.
Committee on Constitution and By-Laws made the following report, which was unanimously adopted.
ARTICLE I. The association shall be know as the Cowley County Central Committee of P. of H.
ARTICLE II. The object of this Council is to aid Patrons and persons connected with the business department of our order in buying supplies, in selling, in marketing, and shipping their surplus products, and for mutual consultation and action of all members upon matters that effect their financial interest, and relate to the good of the order.
ARTICLE III. This Council shall be composed of delegates from the subordinate granges of Cowley County and others adjacent thereto, as follows: one for each grange at large and one for each ten members or fraction equal to six, who shall be elected by the subordinate granges at their last regular meeting of the Council in February next following their election, and hold their office for one year, or until their successors are duly elected.
ARTICLE IV. The officers of this Council shall be a Master, Overseer, General Agent (who shall be ex-officio Secretary), Gate Keeper, and an Executive Committee of five, two of whom shall be the Master and Overseer. The Council agent shall be the Assistant State Agent within his council district, and shall give suitable bond to the Executive Committee of the Council for the faithful performance of duty. The officers shall be elected by ballot at the first regular meeting after the meeting of the State Grange in each year.
ARTICLE V. This council shall hold its regular meetings on the second Saturday of each month at 10 o’clock a.m. Nine members shall constitute a quorum for doing business.
ARTICLE VI. The Executive Committee shall have the general supervision of the officers of the Council, any three of whom shall constitute a quorum for doing business, and shall have the power to remove at any time the Council and appoint someone in his place.
ARTICLE VII. It shall be the duty of the Council agent to receive, bulk, and forward all orders for goods, under the seal of the State Agency and upon their arrival see that the same are properly distributed to the parties ordering. He shall levy such percent upon goods purchased, and upon products sold through this agency, as the executive committee of the council shall direct, and at the end of each quarter report the total cash value of such purchases, and, sales to the office of the Central State Agency. He shall keep a correct cash account of all money received and paid out by him as Council Agent and keep his books open to inspection at all times by the Executive Committee, and under their direction make arrangements with the retail dealers and business houses of his district for supplying goods to members of the order. He shall open a stock record, keep prices current from different localities that are deemed of importance, attend to the business correspondence of the Council, and perform such other duties as the Executive Committee or Council may from time to time direct, and receive such compensation for his services as the Executive Committee may designate, subject to the approval of the council.
ARTICLE VIII. Any article of this constitution may be amended or repealed at any regular meeting of the Council by a vote of two thirds of all the members present, provided notice of such change was given at some preceding meeting of the Council.
SECTION 1. Each subordinate grange represented in this Council shall pay to the Council Agent a quarterly due of 25 cents for each delegate.
SECTION 2. Purchasing tickets shall in no case be transferable, but all members of the order shall be entitled to one; all tickets to be stamped with the seal of the State Agency kept in possession of each council agent, and when so stamped shall be good in any part of the state; one person is not to be permitted to do business on another ticket, but each individual entitled shall procure a ticket of his own.
SECTION 3. The rules of order of the Kansas State Grange as passed at the last session held July 30th, 1873, and found in the 1st Article of the By-Laws, shall be the rules of the order of this Council, with the following exceptions, viz: Where the word Grange is used read Council and consider the last clause of Section 1 stricken out.
SECTION 4. Order of business of this Council shall be as follows:
1st, calling to order by the Master and examination by the Overseer.
2nd, calling roll and reading minutes.
3rd, report from the Council Agent.
4th, report of the standing committee.
5th, report of special committees.
6th, unfinished business.
7th, new business.
8th, suggestions for good of the order, and financial prosperity of the council.
SECTION 5. The following standing committees shall be appointed by the Master of the Council.
1st, a committee on crop reports and the best method of marketing products on hand.
2nd, committee on warehouses, mills, factories, etc.
3rd, committee on banks, currency, and insurance companies.
4th, committee on taxation, transportation, and needed Legislation.
SECTION 6. Any of the by-laws may be amended or repealed at any regular meeting, by a majority vote of all the delegates present.
The Council then proceeded to permanent organization by electing brother A. S. Williams, Master; A. T. Gay, Overseer; T. A. Blanchard, Central Agent; Wm. Freeman, Gate Keeper; and A. A. Acton, John Irwin, and H. H. Martin Executive Committee.
The Master appointed the following standing committees: On taxation, transportation, etc., A. T. Stewart, John Irwin, and T. A. Blanchard.
County papers requested to publish. Council closed to meet on second Saturday of February, 1874, at 1 o’clock p.m. A. S. WILLIAMS, Master.
T. A. BLANCHARD, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, February 20, 1874.
COUNCIL ROOM, Winfield, February 14, 1874.
Council called to order by the Master whereupon the following business was transacted after calling the roll, etc.
The following resolutions were unanimously adopted.
Resolved, That our delegates to the State Grange of patron’s of husbandry, be instructed to ask our Representative in the Legislature to vote and use his influence against authorizing the Commissioners to bond the indebtedness of Cowley County.
Resolved, That our delegates to the State Grange be instructed to inform our Representative that his action on the pass and per diem resolutions is not approved by the patrons of husbandry of Cowley County.
Resolved, That we approve the action of the County Commissioners in the present investigation of the County Clerk’s office, and say, make the examination thorough, and extend it to other officials if thought necessary, even if it takes six months.
Resolved, That our Council agent be requested not to purchase implements of those firms who refuse to contract with the agency.
The following committees were appointed by the Master.
Committee on crop reports: Lucius Walton, John Mentch, S. C. Winton.
Committee on warehouses, mills, etc.: Adam Walck, H. W. Stubblefield, Frank Cox.
Committee on banks, Insurance companies, etc.: T. C. Bird, P. M. Waite, John Manly.
Adjourned until the next regular communication, unless otherwise convened.
A. S. WILLIAMS, Chairman. T. A. BLANCHARD, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, February 27, 1874.
To Patrons of Husbandry. Each member of the order is required to have a “trade” ticket to enable them to purchase on our special terms. Tickets can be procured by calling on me at the store of Ellis & Black, in Winfield. T. A. BLANCHARD, Agent.
Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.
NOTICE is hereby given that sealed proposals will be received at my office in Winfield, Kansas, up to Saturday, April 4th, to furnish merchandise, agricultural implements, etc., to the Patrons of Husbandry in Cowley County. Bids may be sent through the mail. The right to reject any and all bids is reserved. Bids will be opened at 2 o’clock p.m. of said day.
Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.
TO PATRONS OF HUSBANDRY. Each member of the order is required to have a “trade” ticket to enable them to purchase on our special terms. Tickets can be procured by calling on me at the store of Ellis & Black, in Winfield. T. A. BLANCHARD, Agent.
Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874
NOTICE TO GRANGERS. Arrangements have been made with the following retail dealers of Winfield for supplying members of the order with merchandise at special rates. With Ellis & Black for dry goods and groceries; S. H. Myton for hardware, implements, etc.; Max Shoeb for blacksmithing. Sub-granges can procure all needed blanks at the lowest rates at the COURIER office in Winfield.
Members will be furnished with tickets upon application, and for protection against fraud, members are requested to take bills for all goods purchased, or work performed, and file the same as often as convenient with the agent. Sub-granges are requested to send me their orders accompanied with $3.50, for sub-grange seals, that I may bulk the order.
Winfield Courier, April 24, 1874.
COWLEY CLERK’S OFFICE, Cowley County, Kan., April 16th, 1874.
The following is a list of bills allowed by the Board of County Commissioners at their last regular meeting, showing the amount to whom allowed, and for what purpose.
Thomas A. Blanchard, Election Judge: $2.00.
Thomas A. Blanchard, Bailiff: $8.00.
Winfield Courier, May 1, 1874.
T. A. Blanchard, Esq., has left in our office a specimen of lead ore which he found on his farm north of town. It is as large as a hen’s egg, and contains about 75 percent pure lead. Mr. Blanchard has found several “chunks” of this quartz in the last few weeks, and is quite sanguine that there is plenty of the mineral there, enough at least to warrant him in making a thorough examination. We have no doubt but it exists in paying quantities. What with coal, salt, lead, etc., Cowley County is blessed far beyond the most of her sister counties. Mr. Blanchard has already taken steps to satisfy himself on the subject, and will let us know in a short time the result of his “prospecting,” when we will give it to our readers.
Winfield Courier, May 29, 1874.
Public Sale at Winfield. June 6th, 1874, there is to be sold the largest lot of household furniture ever sold in this county, consisting of Bedsteads, Bedding, Stands, Bureaus, Chairs, Wardrobes, Carpets, Stoves, Queensware, Silverware, Tableware, and many other articles too numerous to mention. Sale to commence at 10 o’clock A.M. Now is the time to get furniture cheap. REUBEN ROGERS, Auctioneer. T. A. BLANCHARD, Clerk.
Winfield Courier, June 19, 1874.
T. A. Blanchard has been chosen by the County Council P. of H. to represent Cowley at the coming State Fair.
Winfield Courier, June 19, 1874.
The farmers in the vicinity of the Blanchard schoolhouse are going to have a neighborhood celebration on the 4th. T. A. Blanchard, orator of the day.
Winfield Courier, July 24, 1874.
Council Room P. of H. WINFIELD, July 11, 1874.
Council called to order by the worthy Master, and corrected by the Overseer. After reading minutes of last meeting, etc., and under the suggestions for good of the order it was
Resolved, That the Patrons of Cowley County hold a grand social feast on the 22nd day of August, 1874, at Winfield, and the following committees were appointed:
Committee of 5 on general arrangements consisting of Brothers A. S. Williams, T. C. Bird, A. T. Gay, J. O. Van Orsdal, and P. Smith, and that Winfield Grange be requested to act in conjunction with said committee in procuring grounds. etc.
Committee to procure speakers consisting of Brothers Irwin, Deming, and Stewart.
Ordered that Sub. Granges appoint each a Committee of 2 whose duty it shall be to properly arrange the table.
Brother Stubblefield was elected Marshall and Brothers Deming and Stewart assistants.
Resolved, That members of the Order in adjacent counties be invited to meet with us and that the invitation be also extended to persons not members but who are friendly to the cause.
Ordered that these proceedings be forwarded to the county papers with the request to publish.
Council closed in due form. T. A. BLANCHARD, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, August 14, 1874.
I have made arrangements to secure a specimen of the gold, lead, or dirt that they may encounter at every foot of their descent. I now have several of the surface specimens of lead that will compare favorably with those of the Blanchard or Gallotti mines in the west part of the county.
Winfield Courier, November 26, 1874.
T. A. Blanchard, Esq., has been appointed Agent of the “Patrons Mutual Fire Insurance Association,” of the State of Kansas.
Winfield Courier, December 17, 1874.
Resolutions of the County Council, P. of H.
WINFIELD, KAS. Dec. 12, 1874.
WHEREAS, A report is widely circulated that the Order of P. of H., is opposed to the payment of high rates of interest, and that members are encouraged to take advantage of the usury law. Therefore, be it
Resolved, By this council that while we deplore the situation that impels us to pay such high rates of interest, yet we hold that no member is justifiable in pleading the usury law, but should as far as possible meet their obligations, and discharge the same according to the stipulations therein.
Resolved, That the secretary furnish a copy of these resolutions to all the county papers with request to publish. A. S. WILLIAMS, Master. T. A. BLANCHARD, Sec.
Winfield, Dec. 12, 1874.
WHEREAS, The great drouth and grasshopper plague of 1874 has destroyed the crops to such an alarming extent that the members of this order have failed to raise enough corn, oats, or potatoes for feed for team, or seed, during the time for raising crops.
Be it Resolved, By this county council of Cowley County, that we request the members of the state central relief committee who are members of our worthy Order, to interest themselves in making some honorable arrangement with the A. T. & S. F. Railroad Company to furnish us with the above articles at such prices as will justify them, and take their pay January 1st, 1876, at some given rate, or such number of bushels of each article as will be fair to all parties. A. S. WILLIAMS, Master. T. A. BLANCHARD, Sec.
Winfield Courier, December 24, 1874.
To Secretaries of Subordinate Granges. Having been recently appointed by the executive Committee of the State Grange, Agent for the distribution of aid to the destitute members of the order in Cowley County, and to enable the same to be done as speedily as possible, you will please report without delay the names of those who are in need and the kind of supplies most needed. Report by mail to Winfield. T. A. BLANCHARD, Agent.
Winfield Courier, January 7, 1875.
T. A. Blanchard, the Cowley County grange agent, has received notice that two carloads of provisions were at Wichita, subject to his order. Half of one carload is intended for the destitute granges of Sumner County, and the remaining load and a half is for this county.
Winfield Courier, January 28, 1875.
One week ago last Sunday, Mr. T. A. Blanchard, feeling unwell, laid himself down on the sofa in his own house to rest, while the other members of the family went to church. The house was closed up, the curtains nearly all drawn, and the place had a deserted air, which by an outside observer, would have been thought to be real. It was under this impression, no doubt, that one of his neighbors was laboring, when he walked into the barnyard and cornering a fine ram, threw it across his shoulders, just as our friend Blanchard happened to glance out of the window and observed the proceedings. The neighbor having got the sheep safely secured on his shoulder tredged off home, and Mr. Blanchard, happening to be in sight of the law-abiding neighbor's house half an hour afterwards, perceived him making mutton of that ram in the quickest possible manner, and as he seemed to take so much pleasure in the performance, the owner of the meat couldn't have the heart to disturb his operations, so he said nothing about it.
Winfield Courier, February 25, 1875.
T. A. Blanchard has contributed a barrel of pork to the poor of the county.
Winfield Courier, February 25, 1875.
Some hungry cusses “went through” T. A. Blanchard’s house the other day, and helped themselves to everything they could find to eat. Mrs. Blanchard had just finished her week’s baking so that the thieves got some ten pies and numerous loaves of bread.
Winfield Courier, February 25, 1875.
Grange Resolutions.
VERNON GRANGE, P. of H. No. 128. February 20th, 1875.
WHEREAS, in the dispensation of Divine Providence, Brother Joseph Ettenborough has been removed from us by death, therefore be it
Resolved, That in the death of brother Ettenborough we have lost a valuable member of our order, and an esteemed member of society, and that we sympathize most sincerely with his many friends here and his relatives in the east, in this their great bereavement, caused by the sudden death of one who bid so fair to take a leading position in society. . . .
A. B. WILLIAMS, M. T. A. Blanchard, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, February 25, 1875.
Letter from the State Grange Relief Agent.
TOPEKA, Kansas.
BRO. BLANCHARD: The Legislature has appropriated $5,000 for the use of our organization, with which to pay freight on grain contributed for the destitute people of Kansas. As an organization we are charged with an important trust, to aid in procuring seed, and feed for animals, for those who are not members of our order, as well as those who are.
The Executive Committee desires to urge upon you the importance of a judicious and impartial distribution of whatever supplies of grain may be consigned to your charge. To do this, please urge upon every grange in those localities where there are people unable to procure seed, or feed for their animals, to select a trustworthy and careful brother as agent for their locality, who shall make a canvass of his locality and report the names and number of those unable to procure grain—both members of the order and those who are not—and report the kind and amount of grain needed for seed, and feed for teams. These reports will be made to you as County Relief Agent, from which you will be enabled to guide your judgment in the distribution of whatever supplies of grain you may receive. We trust to your good judgment and the faithful co-operation of the local agents to make an impartial distribution.
We send you blanks which you will please sign as agent and forward to W. P. Popenoe, Grange Relief Agent, Topeka, Kansas.
W. P. POPENOE. For Ex. Com. K. S. Grange.
WINFIELD, Kan., Feb. 24th, 1875.
The above letter explains itself, and in pursuance of the same let me urge subordinate granges in this county to take immediate steps, and that no time may be lost, I recommend the calling of special meetings for this purpose. Report by mail.
T. A. BLANCHARD, Relief Agent for Cowley County.
Winfield Courier, May 6, 1875.
BETHEL GRANGE, No. 715, P. of H., May 1st, 1875.
MR. KELLY: The within resolutions were passed at a regular meeting of the above Grange and a request that you print the same in your paper.
WHEREAS, Brother T. A. Blanchard has been a good and faithful member and an efficient officer of Bethel Grange, No. 715, P. of H., and whereas business calls him to another field of labor, therefore be it
Resolved, That we, the members of Bethel Grange, deeply regret to part with Brother Blanchard, and that we hereby tender him our sincere thanks, and that our best wishes and good will be with him hoping his lot may fall in pleasant places.
Resolved, That a copy of the above be furnished the Winfield COURIER for publication.
Winfield Courier, June 24, 1875.
T. A. Blanchard, Esq., has returned from the Black Hills to await the opening of that Territory.
Winfield Courier, December 30, 1875.
The newly elected officers of Bethel Grange.
Master: E. C. Manning; Overseer: Israel Weakley; Lecturer: Jno. Mentch; Steward: Frank Weakley; Asst. Steward: J. Paugh; Chaplain: B. E. Murphy; Treasurer: Fred Arnold; Secretary: T. A. Blanchard; Gate-Keeper: Otho Arnold; Ceres: Sister Paugh; Flora: Kate Yount; Pomona: Sister Murphy; Lady Asst. Steward: Mary Stansberry.
ORGANIZATION. Cowley County was organized Feb. 28, 1870, by the order of Gov. Harvey on petition, and Winfield was designated as the temporary county seat. W. W. Andrews, of Winfield, G. H. Norton, of Creswell, S. F. Graham, of Dexter, were appointed County Commissioners, Feb. 28, 1870, and E. P. Hickok was appointed County Clerk at the same time by the same authority.
The first meeting of the County Board was held March 23, 1870, at the house of W. W. Andrews, at which time W. W. Andrews was chosen chairman.
The following is the first action taken at that meeting, and is the first official record in Cowley County.
“County Commissioners, pursuant to a previous call, met at Winfield on the 23rd day of March, A. D. 1870, at Mr. Andrews’.
Present—Andrews and Norton. County Clerk proceeded to divide the county into three townships, numbered 1, 2, and 3.
No. 1 to include all that part of Cowley County laying north of a line running through the county east and west, touching the mouth of Little Dutch Creek, all north of Little Dutch to be included in said township.
No. 2 to include all south of the mouth of Little Dutch, extending south to include E. P. Hickok’s claim, and to within ten miles of the mouth of Grouse Creek.
No. 3 to include all south of E. P. Hickok’s claim on Walnut and the lower ten miles of the Grouse and the Arkansas to the State line.
Election in township No. 1 to be held at the house of Edward Phillips, at the mouth of Rock creek. No. 2 at Winfield. No. 3 at Creswell.”
This Board of Commissioners ordered an election to be held May 2nd, 1870; at which time the permanent location of the county seat was voted upon, and a full set of county officers were also elected. At that election there were two places voted upon for county seat, to-wit: Winfield and Arkansas City. The former received 108 votes and the latter 55 votes, and the following officers were elected.
Commissioners: T. A. Blanchard, Winfield; Morgan Willett, Rock Creek; G. H. Norton, Creswell; H. C. Loomis, Winfield, County Clerk; John Devore, Creswell, Treasurer; E. P. Hickok, Winfield, District Clerk; T. B. Ross, Winfield, Probate Judge; W. E. Cook, Creswell, Recorder; W. G. Graham, Winfield, Coroner; F. A. Hunt, Rock Creek, Sheriff; F. S. Graham, Grouse Creek, Surveyor.
There was but one ticket in the field, and 163 was the total number of votes polled. These officers qualified and took possession of the respective offices May 21st, 1870.
[Note: In the “History of Cowley County,” written by Wirt Walton, historian, under the guidance of his employer, E. C. Manning, editor and publisher of the Winfield Courier, gave a different twist to a critical election in Cowley County. Please read the August 26, 1870, and November 26, 1870, issues of The Commonwealth and then decide if the election held was fair. MAW]
Wirt Walton wrote the following.
Oct. 8th, a call for a “People’s Convention” was issued, signed by W. Q. Mansfield, T. H. Johnson, T. A. Blanchard, James Renfro, James Land, D. A. Millington, Wm. Craig, F. A. Hunt, A. Menor, J. Mentch, T. B. Ross, and H. Wolf.
Under the call this convention met at Winfield, Oct. 20th, and nominated a full ticket, which will be found in the “Annals.” The tickets nominated at the two conventions last mentioned, though called Republican and People’s, really were composed of partisans to a strife that had been engendered between Winfield and Arkansas City for political and business supremacy in the county. The canvass preceding the election, which transpired Nov. 8th, was very spirited, almost bitter; the principal interest centering upon the candidates for representative—H. B. Norton and E. C. Manning. At that election 504 votes were cast, of which H. B. Norton received 256 and E. C. Manning 248. The remaining candidates upon the “People’s” ticket received a small majority except the candidate for Register of Deeds and County Attorney.
When the Commissioners met to canvass the votes after the election, they found the returns to be in a crude and some of them in an unintelligible condition. In the language of G. H. Norton, one of the Commissioners, and a brother of H. B. Norton, “The next returns opened were objected to by Mr. Blanchard (another member of the board of canvassers) on the ground that he did not know where it came from. Upon examination I found there was nothing on them to indicate where they came from. I suggested to the board that perhaps they knew some of the names on the poll book and could tell from them what precinct the returns came from. The other members both stated they did not know any of the names and as I did not, I voted with them to reject the returns.”
The rejection of the unintelligible returns gave the “People’s” ticket a large majority except in the offices of County Attorney and Register of Deeds. The election of T. B. Ross was contested before T. H. Johnson, County Attorney, presiding as judge, with J. C. Fuller and E. S. Torrance, the incoming County Attorney, then a resident of Arkansas City, as associate judges. The “Court” decided that Ross was entitled to the certificate. Some steps were taken to contest Mr. Manning’s seat in the legislature but the idea was finally abandoned.
T. A. BLANCHARDNov. 8, 1870. Jan. 8, 1872.
G. H. NORTONNov. 8, 1870. Jan. 8, 1872.
E. SIMPSONNov. 8, 1870. Jan. 8, 1872.
Winfield Courier, January 20, 1876.
BLACK HILL ITEMS. Andy Corcoran, who resides here, returned some weeks since from the vicinity of the Black Hills. He intends returning there in the spring. Last Tuesday he received a letter from an associate at Sydney, the nearest railroad station, informing him that a miner was just in from the Hills with over $1,000 in gold dust of his own digging. The miner returned with several loaded teams for the Hills. Seth Blanchard, a brother of T. A. Blanchard of this place, is in the Hills and has been all winter. He writes home each week or two, as opportunity offers for sending letters to the railroad. He says several hundred men are in the Hills and that paying gold is there and that times will be lively in the spring.
Winfield Courier, March 9, 1876.
T. A. Blanchard is going to the Black Hills.
Winfield Courier, March 9, 1876.
From the Black Hills. We are permitted to publish the following letter, received by Mr. T. A. Blanchard, from his brother, Seth, who is in the new Eldorado. As so many are seeking information that is trustworthy, we give considerable space to the subject. The writer is well and favorably known here.
DEAD WOOD GULCH, BLACK HILLS, January 16th, 1876.
BRO. TOM: Your interesting letter, of December 5th, found its way to me, after many delays, a few days ago. Since I wrote last I have abandoned Castle Creek, and moved about fifty miles further north. We are now about eighty miles north of Custer City. I think this creek, and others in this vicinity, contain far richer diggings than have before been discovered in the Hills. Prospecting has not been very extensive here as yet, but enough has been done to convince miners that money can be made here, probably $10 or $15 per day, and some say as high as $50, with sluices, from two cents to fifty and seventy-five cents to the pan. Two parties are fixed for sluicing on a small scale on this creek, but owing to the cold weather can do but little. I am now engaged in putting up another cabin. Think I shall go into quarters here for the winter. Don’t expect to take out much gold this winter, but will saw out lumber, dig ditches, etc., and be in readiness to go to work when spring opens. I think I might now venture to advise you to try the Hills in the spring, that is, if you are so situated that you can do so without any very great sacrifice, financially or otherwise. I am strongly of the opinion that you will stand a good chance to make two or three thousand here during the summer, and return in the fall if you wish. I wish you were here now, as men are pouring in by hundreds, but I guess if you leave home by the 1st of April, you will be in time. We are not posted as to what is being done at Washington in regard to the Hills, but are strong in the faith that we will not again be molested by the Government, but anticipate some troubles with the Indians in the spring. If you should decide to come, you had better come by railroad to Sidney, and from there you can easily get transportation to Custer City, or any point in the Hills. Supplies are already beginning to come in, and the probabilities are that by the 1st of May anything we need can be procured here at reasonable rates. Flour is worth $10 and $12 per hundred now, and other things in proportion.
I have had the pleasure of meeting J. J. Williams and W. W. Andrews, of Winfield. They are located in this Gulch.
The winter so far has been very mild, at least compared with Kansas winters. We are entirely exempt from those cold, chilling winds, as the country is a succession of hills, densely covered with pine timber, with the exception of an occasional patch of beautiful rolling prairie, from two to four miles across, which we call parks. Horses and cattle are doing well on the range. Pack ponies are indispensable here in the hills. While packing from Castle Creek to this place a few days ago, and while descending a very steep mountain, one of my ponies made a misstep and rolled something near a hundred yards down the mountain. Jim looked on in dismay to see his mate getting such a fearful fall. But, contrary to our expectations, on landing at the foot of the hill, she got up and quietly walked off. No serious injuries.
Tell Mary she can calm her fears, as far as my starving is concerned, for I not only have plenty of flour, fruit, coffee, tea, bacon, sugar, etc., to do me till the 1st of June, but also a good gun, and the country abounds in game—deer, elk, etc., so that instead of starving, our life in the Hills is one continual feast—almost equal to a Harvest Feast at Bethel.
Winfield Courier, March 16, 1876.
CUSTER CITY, BLACK HILLS, February 24th, 1876.
FRIENDS AT HOME: Being blessed with another chance to send out a letter, I will improve it. I left Dead Wood Gulch about a week ago, and arrived in the beautiful little city of Custer yesterday; and a lively little city it is, though only a few months ago it was a military camp, carefully dodged by the few miners then in the Hills. I have wandered around the town and surrounding country today, and for fine scenery and picturesque beauty, it certainly surpasses anything I ever saw, not excepting our dear old Winfield. The surrounding country is a succession of small parks, and groves of pines, with here and there a romantic looking cliff of granite, and altogether, closely resembling (in my imagination) the original Garden of Eden. While standing on an eminence overlooking the town, I counted 180 houses completed, and I should judge there is as many more under process of erection. A steam saw mill is at work near town, and those majestic pines are being rapidly converted into substantial houses. Lumber is selling at $60 per thousand.
On the route here we passed through Hill City, situated on Spring Creek, 18 miles north of this place. It has about one hundred houses, and is building up very fast, and it also has a saw mill.
A town is now being laid out on the northeast side of the Hills, near where Rapid Creek empties into the Cheyenne River, with the view of getting supplies from Bismarck or some other point up on the Missouri River, the route to strike the Hills at said town, on the Rapid.
There are, at the lowest calculation, two thousand men in the Hills, and the cry is, “still they come.” In short, the country is being rapidly developed. Gold bearing quartz and silver ore has been discovered in several localities, which assays well. A stage line will be in operation soon, from Cheyenne to Custer City, via Red Cloud Agency.
We are not posted as to what Congress is doing toward the opening of the country, but we consider the Hills open to all intents and purposes.
I wrote to Tom some time ago, advising him to try the Hills. I gave the advice then reluctantly, and do now; but, at the same time, confidently believing he can make it successful. I am satisfied paying mines are here, and if you can spend the summer in the Hills without too great a sacrifice at home, why come ahead and come early.
As to the best way of coming, I can hardly say; but certainly it is not necessary to bring supplies, for even now they can be bought here at what I consider very reasonable rates, and by the time you get here will be much cheaper. I think it would be as well to come by rail to Sidney or Cheyenne, and there you can easily get transportation to Custer, and probably to any point in the Hills.
Would like if you could be here by the 1st of April or the middle at latest, as I have some claims which I have some doubts about being able to hold longer than that time. Unless a man stakes his own claim and applies in person for record, it is not respected. A mining claim is 300 feet of gulch.
It gives me infinite pleasure to hear that the Grange is still marching on toward success and victory. I have great faith in the organization and its principles, and though I have temporarily laid aside the plow, spade, and hoe, and taken up the pan, pick, and shovel, I look forward with pleasure to the time when I shall again be permitted to unite with you in the great work of reform in which we are engaged and in which I feel confident we will eventually meet with grand glorious success.
I have received several letters lately which are as yet unanswered—among others, one from Speed and one from Burns. Give them my regards, and tell them I will answer as soon as possible, and that I shall be most happy to see them on Dead Wood. Would send you a specimen of Dead Wood gold, only I consider our means of sending out mail a little unsafe, so I will reserve it for my next.
Would like to write more, but my friends are ready to take their departure for Dead Wood, so I must close. Ben, if you and Tom come out, you had better not wait to hear from me again. Yours, etc.. A. S. B.
Winfield Courier, March 23, 1876.
At a regular meeting of Bethel Grange, held at their hall on the 18th day of March A. D. 1876 the following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted.
WHEREAS, Brother T. A. Blanchard, Secretary, and Bro. R. E. Murphey, Chaplain, have resigned their respective offices for the purpose of journeying in a distant land, therefore be it
Resolved, That a vote of thanks be tendered them for the faithful discharge of the duties of their respective offices.
Resolved, That it is with feelings of profound regret that we part with Bros. Blanchard and Murphey and may prosperity and Heaven’s choicest blessings attend them wherever they may roam.
Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be presented to Bros. Blanchard and Murphey and that they be spread upon the minutes and be preserved in the archives of the Grange.
E. C. MANNING, Master.
Winfield Courier, March 30, 1876.
T. A. BLANCHARD, BEN. MURPHY, and JOE STANSBERRY started for the Black Hills last Monday morning. Seth. Blanchard's last letter to his folks here contained such fabulous reports that we refrained from publishing it. Tom says, however, that Henry Ireton and Seth are “fixed.” Tom promises to write a letter to the COURIER immediately after his arrival, and weekly thereafter.
Winfield Courier, June 1, 1876.
The many friends of Tom Blanchard, Joe Stansberry, and Ben Murphy will be gratified to know that they have arrived safely at Deadwood Gulch, 80 miles north of Custer City, and are taking out plenty of gold.
Winfield Courier, July 6, 1876.
BEN. MURPHY, who went to the Black Hills with T. A. Blanchard and others, in the spring, returned from Deadwood to this place a few days since. Poor health caused him to return. He presented us with rich gold quartz.
Winfield Courier, July 6, 1876.
TOM, or T. A. BLANCHARD, sends a letter to the COURIER force, in which he says: All the discovered mines at Deadwood are taken; that all the paying dirt is occupied; that provisions are very high—flour $25 per hundred; that persons who are making a living in Cowley had better remain there.
Winfield Courier, July 27, 1876.
Thanks to T. A. Blanchard for a copy of the Deadwood Pioneer, from which we learn that one claim washed out $2,500 in one day.
Winfield Courier, November 2, 1876.
We omitted to mention that our old friends, Tom and Seth Blanchard, two boys that were here when this county was made, have returned from a trip to the Black Hills. They struck “pay dirt” as soon as they arrived there, and have been handling it ever since. They will go back to their claims in the spring and run them another summer. To hear the boys talk about “bed-rock,” “drifting,” “pay-gravel” and the like, makes us forget that they used to be county officers of this county.
Winfield Courier, February 22, 1877.
Seth Blanchard has gone to the Black Hills again. Mr. D. Rodocker, of this place, accompanies him. The latter took his photograph apparatus with him. Dave is a tip-top artist and we wish him well.
Winfield Courier, March 22, 1877.
We were pleased to see Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Blanchard, of Augusta, in town last Monday.
Winfield Courier, April 12, 1877.
We regret seeing the following named gentlemen leave our midst last Tuesday morning, en route for the Black Hills: N. C. McCulloch, John C. Roberts, Joe Carter, F. Williams, T. A. Blanchard, Will Clark, and John and Joe Greenlee.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 12, 1877.
DIED. Of heart disease, on the 2nd day of September, 1877, Mr. N. C. McCulloch, of Winfield, Kansas. T. A. BLANCHARD.
Winfield Courier, September 13, 1877. O. F. Boyle has returned from the Black Hills. He met the road agents and was beaten severely and robbed. He reports T. A. Blanchard at Deadwood, but about to start for Colorado; Seth Blanchard also there with Rodocker taking views; John Swain about to come home.
Winfield Courier, October 18, 1877.
Tom Blanchard, one of Cowley’s earliest settlers and most substantial citizens, returned from the Black Hills last Saturday. [Note: Earlier they had him moving to Colorado?]
Winfield Courier, October 25, 1877.
Seth Blanchard and D. Rodocker have left the Black Hills and gone East.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878.
Murphy has reached us, and all the girls, with most of the boys, wear the blue ribbon. Frank Weakley is “not one who would join because of a girl,” but his name follows that of a young lady. T. A. Blanchard has called an anti-tobacco meeting.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
Upon presentation of a petition and bond by E. C. Manning et al. asking for the view and survey for a county road, the board appointed T. A. Blanchard, Robert Hudson, and A. T. Shenneman viewers, to meet on the 9th day of May, 1878.
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878.
Pursuant to a call for a county convention, the Presidents of the various Greenback clubs in the county and two delegates from each, convened in convention at Winfield, April 28, 1878, for the purpose of effecting a county organization.
Mr. T. A. Blanchard was called to the chair and C. C. Krow elected Secretary of the convention.
Committee on credentials appointed as follows: A. S. Williams, S. B. Hunt, and C. G. Handy. The committee reported the following persons entitled to seats in the convention.
Bethel Club: T. A. Blanchard, B. F. Murphy, Jos. Stansberry.
Pleasant Hill Club: J. Shields, C. C. Krow.
Dexter Club: G. C. Bourdette, John Hoyt, Christopher Gates.
Fairview Club: W. E. Merydith, A. A. Hamil, C. W. Ridgway.
Tisdale Club: J. M. Wright, C. G. Handy, Wm. J. Hodges.
Maple City Club: J. G. Custer, H. S. Libby, L. W. Miller.
Vernon Club: F. W. Schwantes, A. S. Williams, C. A. McClung.
Odessa Club: S. B. Hunt, S. F. Howard, T. Hughes.
On invitation Mr. N. C. Coldwell addressed the convention, giving his views of the manner of an organization it was desirable to effect. He was followed by W. E. Merydith, C. C. Krow, F. W. Schwantes, H. S. Libby, S. B. Hunt, and other gentlemen, each giving his idea of what should be done.
On motion it was decided that the county organization should consist of an executive committee, consisting of one member of each club already organized, or hereafter organized in the county—with a president, secretary, and treasurer to be elected by this convention.
The convention then proceeded to elect the officers of the executive committee which resulted as follows: President, J. B. Callison; Secretary, W. M. Allison; Treasurer, T. A. Blanchard.
The president and secretary of the executive committee were instructed to issue an address to the people of Cowley County in behalf of the greenback cause. The county organization was named the “Independent Greenback Party of Cowley County.”
It was, on motion, decided that the executive committee should assemble at any time when called together by the president and secretary, or either, or upon issue of a call signed by three members of the committee.
The following resolution was introduced and carried.
Resolved, That this convention, recognizing the valuable work done for the greenback cause by various gentlemen, who have devoted their time to addressing the people in a number of localities, hereby extend to them an invitation to continue the work.
On motion the county papers were respectfully requested to give a place in their columns to the minutes of this meeting. C. C. KROW, Secretary. T. A. BLANCHARD, President.
Winfield Courier, August 22, 1878.
The Greenback Executive Committee. Committee met August 17, J. B. Callison presiding, W. M. Allison, secretary. The committee chose N. C. Coldwell, J. B. Callison, F. W. Schwantes, and D. Elliott as delegates to the Congressional Convention at Florence August 20. The chairman and secretary were instructed to call a county convention to put a full county ticket in the field when they think best.
The following were appointed a committee to see after unorganized territory: F. W. Schwantes, T. A. Blanchard, D. Elliott, J. B. Callison, J. W. Searle, A. S. Williams, B. H. Clover, N. C. Coldwell, Wm. Morrow, S. B. Hunt, C. C. Krow, O. C. Brubaker, and W. M. Allison.
Winfield Courier, July 17, 1879.
Walnut Twp., Cowley Co., July 12, 1879.
Pursuant to call, the Republicans of Walnut twp. met at the courthouse in Winfield and organized by the election of J. H. Curfman, chairman, and T. A. Blanchard, secretary. The object of the meeting being the election of a Township Republican Committee. The following gentlemen were chosen: T. A. Blanchard, D. Robertson, and S. E. Burger.
J. H. CURFMAN, Chairman. T. A. BLANCHARD, Sec.
Walnut Twp., Cowley Co., July 12, 1879.
Pursuant to call, the citizens of Walnut twp. met at the courthouse in Winfield on the 12th day of July, 1879, and organized by the election of J. H. Curfman, chairman, and T. A. Blanchard, secretary. The object of the meeting being stated, the nomination of a township ticket to be voted upon at the coming township election on the 22nd day of July, inst.
Committee on nominations appointed as follows: Robert Weakley, John Mentch, and John Hoenscheidt, who, after due deliberation, made report, which was received and unanimously adopted as candidates at the approaching election: trustee, J. C. Roberts; treasurer, Joel Mack; clerk, T. A. Blanchard; Justice of the Peace, J. L. King and S. E. Burger; Constable, T. J. Johnson and Abe. Land. Messrs. Mentch and Hoenscheidt were appointed a committee to procure ballots.
Resolved, That Winfield papers be requested to publish.
J. H. CURFMAN, Chairman. T. A. BLANCHARD, Sec.
Winfield Courier, February 5, 1880.
The fight in this township was very lively, over 170 votes being polled. Both the Republicans and Democrats had tickets in the field. The following was the vote.
For Trustee, J. C. Roberts, 113; D. W. Ferguson, 63.
For Clerk, T. A. Blanchard, 116; C. A. Roberts, 62.
For Treasurer, Joel Mack, 158; A. J. Thompson, 62.
For Justice of the Peace, John Hoenscheidt, 158; S. E. Burger, 112; G. W. Prater, 65.
For Constable, Frank Weakley and H. L. Thomas were elected.
Winfield Courier, August 5, 1880.
At the Primary Republican Meeting held in Walnut township last Friday J. C. Roberts was elected chairman, and L. J. Webb, Secretary. John H. Morgan was elected a member of the County Republican Central Committee. J. C. Roberts, T. A. Blanchard, and Robert Weakley were elected a township Republican Committee.
Winfield Courier, September 2, 1880.
T. A. Blanchard and family are taking a family excursion with wagon, camping out in Missouri and Arkansas. That is the true way to “excurt.”
Winfield Courier, February 17, 1881.
WALNUT: Trustee, J. C. Roberts; treasurer, Joel Mack; clerk, T. A. Blanchard; Justice, J. L. King.
Winfield Courier, July 14, 1881.
J. C. Roberts, Trustee of Walnut Township, called on us last Thursday, and invited us to go along and see the new bridge, while they examined the structure for final acceptance. We soon found ourself at the bridge, where were the treasurer and clerk of the township, Messrs. Blanchard and Joel Mack; Col. Bullene, of Leavenworth, the contractor, and his brother, J. G. Bullene; S. E. Burger, and a few others. We did not go as an expert, so our opinion was not given and did not count, but we were much pleased with the bridge. It appeared to us to be thoroughly well constructed, and a complete bridge in every particular. It is a beautiful bridge, of a hundred feet span, on abutments far above high-water mark.
We came back, and all took some lemonade, at Col. Bullene’s expense. Then the parties sat down in the COURIER office and settled up, and the board paid for the bridge. A great deal of work has been done by Robert Weakley, S. E. Burger, George Brown, and others, to get up an interest, get the necessary legislation, and the necessary subscriptions. The Township Board have spent their time, and used the greatest care to make the bridge perfect in every respect, and have attended to their work faithfully. The people most interested give them full credit and grateful thanks.
This bridge is of much importance to Winfield in many respects, and the efforts of those whose exertions have secured the bridge will be appreciated.
Winfield Courier, July 28, 1881.
T. A. Blanchard brought us a lot of sample apples from his orchard. They were the largest, fairest, ripe apples we have seen this year.
Winfield Courier, July 28, 1881.
A large number of the Soldiers met in the Hall Saturday afternoon to consider the ways and means of organization. Mr. C. M. Wood was chosen President and Jacob Nixon, secretary.
The following motion was offered, and prevailed: “That townships and wards hold local meetings the 13th of August, and a committee meeting at the opera house August 10th at 10 o’clock a.m., to perfect arrangements for the ‘Old Soldier Reunion to be held October 7th and 8th.’” It was then moved and carried that a committee of one from each township be appointed to make all necessary arrangements in the townships and wards. The following persons were appointed as said committee.
Walnut: T. A. Blanchard.
On motion of comrade T. A. Blanchard, the committee from townships be requested to report at the county meeting, August 20th, the name, company, regiment or battery, rank of each old soldier in their respective township and ward, was approved with amendment that the Secretary prepare and furnish each with a blank roll.
Motion prevailed that the county papers be furnished with a copy of these proceedings with request to publish and secure the attention of all old comrades to this call.
Pending motion to adjourn, Judge Soward presented a resolution expressing to President Garfield through Hon. R. L. Lincoln, Secretary of War, “our sorrow as soldiers of the late war for his injuries at the hands of the assassin, and expressing the hope that he may live long to serve his country and people, and to cheer his brave wife is our sincere wish,” with a request to the Secretary to forward, was unanimously adopted. The meeting then adjourned.
All present joined in singing “Old John Brown.” C. M. WOOD, President.
JACOB NIXON, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, October 6, 1881.
EDS. COURIER: The old soldiers of Walnut township met at Island Park Sept. 24th, and organized by electing H. W. Stubblefield, Captain; Silich Cure, 1st Lieutenant; D. C. Roberts, 2nd Lieutenant; S. E. Burger, orderly sergeant; and T. A. Blanchard, D. W. Ferguson, B. E. Murphy, Lewis Myers, G. W. Porter, Sergeants. The propriety of organizing as cavalry or infantry was decided to drill as infantry, and appointed Oct. 8th and 15th at Island Park as the time and place of drill. All soldiers were requested to attend the drills, so that at the reunion the company would be enabled to make a fair show of proficiency.
The orderly has been instructed to make a complete muster roll of soldiers giving name, rank, company, regiment, state, and arm of service to which they belonged, and to enable him to do this all are requested to hand their names to him or leave the same at the COURIER office prior to the 8th of October.
Cowley County Courant, January 12, 1882.
There was a social hop December 18th at the residence of Mr. T. A. Blanchard, at which we noticed the faces of several Winfieldites who seemed to enjoy the country dance most hugely, especially the supper prepared by Mrs. Blanchard, who has few equals in the culinary art. On the 28th Valley View Sunday school held a social for the purpose of raising money to purchase an organ. Miss Emma Martin presided at the organ. Near the close of the exercises Mr. Jennings and Greer of Winfield were each presented with a handsomely ornamented cake by Mr. Blanchard, in behalf of the Sunday school. The social was a financial success. Sufficient funds to purchase the organ were realized with a surplus in the treasury. Great praise is due Mr. Martin, the superintendent, as he is one of those energetic workers who spare neither time nor money to interest and benefit his school.
Cowley County Courant, February 2, 1882.
The Walnut Township Republican convention met according to published notice at Frank Manny’s stone building. Ezra Meech was appointed chairman and F. S. Jennings, secretary. The following nominations were made: For Trustee: J. C. Roberts. For Clerk: T. A. Blanchard. Treasurer: Joel Mack. Justice of the Peace: S. E. Burger. Constables: Henry Perry, colored, and Jethro Cochran. Road Overseers: District No. 1, George Brown; District No. 2, Perry Hill.
Winfield Courier, January 5, 1882.
The proceeds of the festival at Valley View last Thursday evening were about twenty-five dollars. The money, together with funds already in the treasury, will be used in the purchase of an organ for the Sunday school. Messrs. Martin, Schwantes, and Blanchard were in Saturday making arrangements to purchase the instrument.
Winfield Courier, January 5, 1882.
Valley View. Last Thursday evening, in company with County Attorney Jennings, we attended an entertainment given by the Sabbath school at Valley View Schoolhouse in Vernon Township. Mr. Jennings was invited to deliver an address, and we went along as a kind of an “amanuensis” to do the editing. The drive out through the bright moonlight with the crisp, cool air blowing in our faces was delightful. Arriving at the schoolhouse, we found it crowded with the best and happiest lot of people it has ever been our good fortune to meet. We have often heard of the generous hospitality of the folks up there, but are now ready to affirm that the half of it has never been told. Everybody seemed to have brought enough for themselves and five others, and as Jennings and I were the only ones who had not brought anything, the prospects for a bountiful feast were most flattering. There was pound cake and ten-pound cake embellished with frosting and confectionery, chickens and turkeys, fried and roasted, in about the ratio of one chicken and half a turkey for every person present, and pies and other edibles enough to have fed St. John’s battery. The exercises were opened with an organ solo, “St. Paul’s March,” by Miss E. Martin, followed by a song, “Young Pilgrims, by the school. Master Robert Craig declaimed “Our Country’s Flag,” and rendered it nicely for such a little boy. Master Lee Snyder recited “Mother Eve,” a beautiful selection, in a very creditable manner. Pearl Martin told about “Dropping Corn,” and drew from it many moral and social precepts that we would all be better by following. Next came a song, “Holy Trinity,” by the school, and then Miss Emma Martin read “A Noble Revenge,” and sang a beautiful and touching piece, “Home is Sad Without a Mother,” in a way that brought tears to the eyes of many. The sentiment contained in this song is very fine and was admirably brought out by Miss Martin. After the song T. A. Blanchard, master of ceremonies, introduced Mr. Jennings, who delivered a ten minute address. Just when we were beginning to console ourself with the idea that Jennings was about through and we would soon be able to assist in the destruction of the fowl and cake so temptingly displayed, he made the startling announcement that he did not intend to make a speech, but that “his friend, Mr. Greer, was fully prepared and he felt sure would do justice to the occasion.” In about a minute we discovered that we were being “led like a lamb to the slaughter,” and when Tom Blanchard got up with a smile all over his face and announced that “they would now listen to an address by the Hon., etc.” we felt that Mother Shipton’s prophecy couldn’t be fulfilled any too soon. We spoke—and we’ll give $2.50 for a comprehensive report of the speech. The tempting visions of fried chicken and frosted cake vanished away into thin air and our oratorical powers went with them. The audience discovered this at the same time we did, and we sat down amid impressive silence. We have charged Tom Blanchard and Frank Jennings with this conspiracy and some day we’ll get a chance to get even. Elder Snyder then delivered a short address, congratulating the Sunday school on its success and cheering them up to renewed work and greater exertion. Mr. Snyder is putting his whole soul into the work and is meeting with abundant success. Messrs. Geo. Conner, C. F. Martin, and W. Millspaugh sang a laughable piece entitled “All the World’s a Barber Shop,” the last verse of which told about lawyers shaving their clients and giving them “the meanest shave of all.” It was our laugh then.
The feature of the evening, of course, was the supper and the kind ladies who served the plates filled them up till each one looked like the apex of Pikes Peak. It was an absolute shame the way Jennings ate, and were it not that his voracity on that occasion is likely to reflect upon the fair name and fame of our city, we would let it go unnoticed. The fact is he thought he was expected to eat all that was set before him, but if anybody should tell us that “the wish was father to the thought,” we wouldn’t try to refute it. After supper an hour was spent in greeting friends and just as we were about to depart, the house was called to order and the chairman, in behalf of the Sunday school, presented Mr. Jennings and the writer with two beautiful cakes. To say we were surprised would not express it. In behalf of Mr. Jennings and on our own account, we wish to extend to the school our hearty thanks for this kind token of their esteem. The generous, home-like hospitality of the people; the kindnesses showered upon us from every side; the many new acquaintances formed and old ones renewed; all tend toward making this one of the pleasantest evenings we have ever spent.
Winfield Courier, February 2, 1882.
The Republicans of Walnut Township met last Saturday and nominated J. C. Roberts for trustee, T. Blanchard for clerk, Joel Mack for treasurer, and S. E. Burger for Justice. The first three are the officers who have been managing the affairs of the township for several years, and their re-nomination is an assurance that their official acts have been satisfactory to the Republicans of the township—an endorsement that was fully deserved. Jethro Cochran received again the nomination for constable. Henry Perry, a colored man, was nominated for constable against Mr. John Ferguson, and the boys say they are bound to elect him. From what we can learn, he is fully qualified to fill the office. We hope to see the ticket go through with a rousing majority, as it certainly will. Is “Olive Oil” satisfied with this convention?
Winfield Courier, February 9, 1882.
VALLEY VIEW. The session of Sabbath school on January 29th was an occasion long to be remembered by those present. After the usual time spent in studying the lesson, this being the anniversary day, the secretary, Miss E. Martin, and the treasurer, Mr. F. W. Schwantes, made complete reports and showed a prosperous condition of the school. The interest appears to have steadily increased from the organization to the present time. The finances, which annoy so many schools, have from the liberality of our people, given us no trouble at any time. Besides paying the current expenses for books, papers, etc., the treasurer has now on hand fifty-two dollars. An organ has been ordered for the school and will be on hand in a few weeks. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year.
Mr. T. A. Blanchard had prepared an excellent article, but owing to its length, only a synopsis can be given for your columns.
“The officers and members of our S. S. To J. F. Martin, their respected superintendent.
“In behalf of our school there has been performed a duty, the remembrance of which, both by you and them, will ever be a source of pleasure and delight. After two years of service, and on this anniversary, it was fitting that we give a token of our appreciation of your services. In retrospecting the progress of the school, we find that the work performed and results attained, far surpass our most sanguine hopes. From a rough, profane, and Sabbath-breaking community has been erected one noted for morals and true piety. And oh! How gratifying the thought that the principles inculcated are more enduring than life, that even when we are inhabitants of the silent city, posterity will point with pride to the noble and glorious achievements which have been accomplished mainly through your untiring energy. In receiving this beautiful time piece from the school, we are sure you will not receive it for its intrinsic value alone, but as a visible expression of our love and esteem. Therefore, we earnestly hope that you may long be spared to guide and instruct in the ways of truth and virtue, and that our children’s children may rise up and call you blessed is the sincere desire and prayer of your school.”
Winfield Courier, February 9, 1882.
TOWNSHIP ELECTIONS. Up to the time of going to press, we have heard from the following townships: In Pleasant Valley, J. S. Hill, Greenbacker, received 44 votes and was elected trustee over Z. B. Meyers, Republican. With this exception the straight Republican ticket was elected. In Walnut Township the straight Republicans carried the day by a large majority and J. C. Roberts is trustee for another year. Tom Blanchard and Joel Mack got all the votes cast. In Fairview the straight Republican ticket was elected, which makes Wm. White, trustee; J. H. Curfman, treasurer; and R. B. Corson, clerk. There was a tie between A. J. McCollum and B. Hanlen, for Justice, each receiving 18 votes. W. F. M. Lacey and N. E. Darling were elected constables. Liberty goes Republican, so also Richland.
Winfield Courier, February 16, 1882.
EDS. COURIER: The next question is settled. At the Valley View lyceum on Thursday evening, the great question “Does Prohibition prohibit?” was thoroughly analyzed in all its bearings. The principal disputants were Mr. J. W. Millspaugh for the affirmative, who made an eloquent address, interspersed with some close reasoning and almost convincing arguments, but it was not until Mr. Blanchard took the stand that the fun actually commenced. He with his characteristic eloquence and convincing logic fairly made the affirmative gentlemen quake: The negative took the position that all laws were prohibitory but none prohibit; that the Lord even could not make such a law without depriving man of his free agency; that the only way to positively prohibit an act was to deprive a man of his liberty, or as expressed, catch and tie him. The jury unanimously decided for the negative without leaving their box. GREEN BRIAR.
Winfield Courier, February 16, 1882.
Among other proceedings had by the Board the following claims were acted upon as follows.
S. E. Burger, Judge: $3.20; J. L. King, Judge: $2.00; T. A. Blanchard, Judge: $2.00.
John Mentch, Clerk: $2.00; G. W. Prater, Clerk: $2.00.
Cowley County Courant, April 20, 1882.
Pursuant to call, a number of gentlemen interested in the organization of a Cowley County Agricultural Society met at the Courthouse Saturday, April 15th, 1882, and were called to order by T. A. Blanchard. Thereupon, J. W. Millspaugh, of Vernon township, was elected Chairman and T. A. Blanchard, Secretary. F. H. Graham stated that the object of the meeting was to organize for the purpose of holding a county fair this fall. On motion of J. B. Jennings, the meeting unanimously resolved to hold a fair, and a committee of six gentlemen, consisting of J. C. Roberts, W. P. Hackney, W. J. Hodges, J. W. Millspaugh, J. L. Horning, and W. A. Tipton, was appointed to draft articles of incorporation and report at the next meeting. The meeting then adjourned to meet on Saturday, April 22nd, 1882, at 2 o’clock, at which time all feeling an interest in the fair are requested to attend. All Cowley County papers requested to copy.
Cowley County Courant, April 27, 1882.
The Fair Association held their second meeting at the courthouse Saturday afternoon, and the meeting was called to order by the president, J. W. Millspaugh. The committee appointed on permanent organization made their report, which embraced a carefully prepared constitution and by-laws, and the following officers were then elected: President. W. A. Tipton; Vice President, H. Harbaugh; Secretary, T. A. Blanchard; Treasurer, J. W. Millspaugh. The meeting adjourned to meet again, according to the minutes, “at two o’clock in two weeks,” which means of course, Saturday, May 6th, 1882, at two o’clock P.M.
Cowley County Courant, May 11, 1882.
The Republicans of Walnut township held a meeting at Frank Manny’s stone brewery building last Saturday at which the following delegates and alternates were elected to attend the County Convention to be held in this city May the 13th inst.
Delegates: J. L. King; M. A. Graham; S. E. Burger; S. Cure; H. W. Stubblefield.
Alternates: T. A. Blanchard, Joel Mack, John C. Roberts, Chas. Wilson, and C. E. Metzgar.
The delegates were instructed to also vote for delegates to the State Convention to be held in Topeka on the 24th day of June next.
Cowley County Courant, May 11, 1882.
The board of directors of the Agricultural and Horticultural society met at the Courier office, in Winfield, May 6th, 1882, at two o’clock P. M.
Present: J. C. Roberts, R. B. Pratt, P. M. Waite, W. A. Tipton, W. J. Hodges, S. W. Phoenix, and J. W. Millspaugh.
The following officers were elected for the ensuing term: W. A. Tipton, President; Henry Harbaugh, Vice President; T. A. Blanchard, Secretary; J. W. Millspaugh, Treasurer; W. J. Hodges, Superintendent.
The Treasurer was required to enter into a bond of $2,000 and to have the same ready for approval at the next meeting.
The following committees were appointed.
Finance: W. J. Hodges, J. C. Roberts, James Vance, J. L. Horning, James Schofield.
Printing: T. A. Blanchard, E. P. Greer, W. A. Tipton.
Grounds: W. J. Hodges, J. C. Roberts, J. W. Millspaugh.
Bylaws: W. A. Tipton, F. S. Jennings, Henry Asp.
Committee on grounds were directed to meet May 8th, 1882.
Committee on premium list, the board.
The secretary was directed to procure a rubber stamp seal bearing the legend, “Cowley County Agricultural and Horticultural Society Seal.”
The Secretary was directed to publish the proceedings in all the county papers.
Adjourned to meet May 20th, 1882. T. A. BLANCHARD, Secretary.
Cowley County Courant, May 25, 1882.
The pioneer settlers of Vernon township, in Cowley County, Kansas, will hold a picnic meeting at Riverside Park, in Vernon township, near Winfield, on Wednesday, May 31st, 1882, at 10 o’clock A.M., for the purpose of organizing an association for mutual friendship and to commemorate the incidents and hardships encountered in the early settlement of this township. The following is the program of exercises.
1st. 10 A.M., E. D. Skinner, Chairman, calls the meeting to order.
2nd. Enrollment of old Pioneers, who were settled in Vernon township prior to January 1, 1873.
3rd. Election of President, Vice President, and Secretary, by the members enrolled.
4th. Song.
5th. 12 M., Dinner.
6th. 2 P.M., Songs and Speeches by Wm. Martin, T. A. Blanchard, Millington, and others.
7th. Essay on the Early Settlement of Vernon Township, by Mrs. John Werden, Mrs. C. A. McClung, and Mrs. Mina Bliss, who are among the earliest settlers.
Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.
Notice. The members of the executive committee of the Cowley County Agricultural and Horticultural Society are hereby requested to meet at the COURIER office in Winfield, on Saturday, May 27, 1882, at 2 o’clock p.m., without fail. T. A. BLANCHARD, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.
Secretary Blanchard of the Fair Association, is up to his eyes in work, getting the premium lists ready. He is bound to make the fair this year a success.
Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.
To the Farmers of Cowley County:
GENTLEMEN: Let me urge upon you the importance of securing specimens of agricultural products for our fair in September, and with a view of displaying the same at the State fair. Specimens of wheat, oats, rye, grass, etc., should be carefully gathered and cured in the straw, taking pains to select the best filled as well as tallest straw. Place your name upon the same, giving kind, time of sowing, time of harvesting, kind of land upon which sown, and manner of sowing. Specimens of fruits may be kept in the natural state, or by canning or preserving in alcohol. We are determined to make the fair in Cowley a success, and in order to do so, it is only necessary that you take hold of the matter with this object in view. Our premium list will be ready for circulation in a few days. Persons who desire a copy may procure the same by addressing the Secretary at Winfield.
T. A. BLANCHARD, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.
EDS. COURIER: As the first item of interest, I will insert the minutes of the Vernon Pioneer’s Reunion, as furnished me by the Secretary.
Minutes of the first reunion of the Pioneers of Vernon Township, Cowley County, Kansas.
Pursuant to a previous call, the old settlers of Vernon Township met at Riverside Park at 10 o’clock a.m., and Mr. Henry Hawkins was called to the chair and M. L. Martin was chosen temporary secretary. After which all the old settlers who immigrated to Vernon previous to January 1st, 1873, were requested to come forward and sign their names to the roll, or have the secretary to do so, as by a previous motion, and vote it was decided that all who settled in Vernon previous to that time should be considered old settlers.
The secretary then called the roll, after which a permanent organization was affected by electing officers for the ensuing year as follows: J. W. Millspaugh, president; T. A. Blanchard, vice-president; H. H. Martin, secretary and treasurer. The meeting was then adjourned until 2 o’clock, to give all a chance to partake of a bountiful dinner prepared for the occasion, and to which old settlers and friends did ample justice.
At 2 o’clock p.m., the meeting was called to order by the president, J. W. Millspaugh, who made a short address stating the object of the afternoon session. A number of old settlers were then called to the stand, and short and appropriate addresses were made by T. A. Blanchard, A. Hetrick, J. B. Evans, Albert Werden, M. L. Martin, and F. W. Schwantes.
T. A. Blanchard stated that Benjamin F. Murphy was the first white man that settled in Vernon Township, and that Mother Blanchard was the first white woman who died in the township, a martyr to the trials and privations of pioneer life.
P. M. Waite claims the honor of hauling and offering for sale the first load of wheat in the city of Winfield.
Mr. T. B. Ware claims the honor of raising the seed wheat from which Mr. Waite raised his load of wheat.
M. L. Martin has the honor of having planted the first shrubs and rose bushes set in Vernon soil, from which hundreds of bushes have been taken and are now blossoming around the homes of others.
Moved and carried that our next reunion be held on May 31st, 1883. On motion a committee of five were appointed on program by the chairman. They were: T. A. Blanchard, chairman of committee, J. H. Werden, H. H. Martin, Mrs. Thos. Thompson, and Mrs. J. H. Werden. On motion a committee of three on arrangements were appointed by the chair.
H. C. Hawkins, T. Thompson, and T. B. Ware were the committee appointed, after which the meeting adjourned to meet one year from date, May 31st, 1883.
J. W. MILLSPAUGH, President. H. H. MARTIN, Secretary.
I failed to get the roll of the old settlers, but I think I can give them by memory; at least all those who answered to their names.
Messrs. Ives, Brown, A. Beaman, Bud Bernard, F. W. Schwantes, T. A. Blanchard, Wm. Schwantes, Fahnestock, Thos. Thompson, E. C. Martin, D. S. Beadle, J. H., A. J., and F. A. Werden, H. C. Hawkins, Benj. Dougherty, D. G. Hawkins, Henry Hawkins, J. W. Millspaugh, L. A. Millspaugh, N. Millspaugh, R. Millspaugh, M. L. Martin, James Foster, T. B. Ware, N. C. Clark, P. M. Waite, Charles McClung, Ile McClung, Milt Rhodes, and J. B. Evans.
It was moved and carried that at the next reunion we should have a book and record the names of both males and females, and all children who were with or born to their parents prior to January 1, 1873. There was as good a turn-out of citizens, both new and old, as could have been expected, considering the inclemency of the weather and short time of notice. There were several hundred present, and everything went off pleasantly. We are sorry the editor of the COURIER failed to be there to give us an address. Hope he will be sure and attend our next.
I will forbear making any remarks about the address, as it has been hinted to me that I am capable of telling all I know and a little more, and I have a sincere desire to write nothing but the truth. Anything from Vernon needs no high coloring, no extra touches or polishing, for she stands forth in grandeur and beauty; an honor to herself, and the county.
Winfield Courier, July 20, 1882.
Notice. The Cowley County Agricultural and Horticultural Society will receive bids at the COURIER office on the 29th day of July, 1882, for the privilege of keeping eating houses, ice cream, and lemonade on the grounds of said Society during the fair. The bids may be made to include all, or may be separately for each. W. A. TIPTON, President.
T. A. BLANCHARD, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.
We heard, but doubt the assertion that Mr. T. Blanchard has his farm for sale.
Winfield Courier, August 10, 1882.
Credentials Committee: J. L. Parsons, H. Brotherton, P. McCommon, M. Christopher, M. S. Teter, T. A. Blanchard, G. M. Hawkins.
Delegates entitled to seats.
Walnut: J. P. Henderson, J. C. Roberts, E. M. Reynolds, T. A. Blanchard, R. I. Hogue.
Winfield Courier, August 10, 1882.
Horticultural Society Meeting.
WINFIELD, AUGUST 5, 1882. Society called to order by President Martin. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. President appointed F. A. A. Williams, G. W. Robertson, and R. I. Hogue a committee to test and report on fruits placed on exhibition on table. Committee on State Fair collection reported by Secretary; good encouragement and cooperation of our orchardists, so far. State reports from State Horticultural Secretary for 1881 received and distributed to members present. Suggestion from President Martin that bees are necessary to fertilize flowers of tomato by carrying the pollen. General discussion on grape. It was suggested by a member that the Delaware grape should be planted on the north side of buildings to insure returns this far south. Invitation extended to society by T. A. Blanchard, Secretary of Agricultural Society for this Society to take charge of the Horticultural exhibit at County fair this fall. Mr. Hogue moved that “Resolved, That the Cowley County Horticultural Society take charge of and make an exhibition of fruits at our County Fair this fall.” Carried. Moved and carried that President appoint a committee of five to take charge of such exhibition at Fair. President appointed Jos. Taylor, F. A. A. Williams, S. Maxwell, R. I. Hogue, and J. Nixon such committee. Motion prevailed that the Society meet at COURIER office each Saturday in August at 2 p.m. Committee on fruit reported as follows.
The Committee find exhibited the following specimens of fruit.
Apples. Chimney Strawberry and Pennoch, G. W. Robertson; White Pippins, J. F. Martin; Variety unknown, fine, S. H. Jennings.
Peaches. Crawford’s Early, very fine, Mr. Howland and Mrs. Parker; Geo. 4th, Geo. W. Robertson; Large Early York; S. H. Jennings.
Plums. Lombard, extra fine. J. C. McMullen; Noise Seedling, G. W. Robertson. Nectarine Early Violet, very fine, G. W. Robertson.
Grapes. Unknown (supposed to be Early Amber), J. D. Guthrie.
Jas. Kirk, Jas. M. Bair, A. H. Broadwell, Mahlon Fatout, H. C. Catlin, F. H. Brown, H. E. Asp, T. A. Blanchard, and F. W. McClellan enrolled as members of the Society.
J. F. MARTIN, President. JACOB NIXON, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, August 17, 1882.
Special Horticultural Meeting. August 12, 1882.
Society called to order in COURIER office. Minutes of regular meeting passed. Notice to Cowley County fruit growers by secretary, read by president. Messrs. Taylor, Gillett, and Hogue were appointed a committee to report on varieties of fruit on table, which was loaded with fine products of horticultural skill from orchards and garden. After an interesting discussion by members, committee and visitors present, among whom we noticed Mr. Myron Hall, of Newton, an old veteran horticulturist, who labeled, named, and arranged Kansas’ exhibition of fruit at the Centennial exhibition. We hope and expect his aid and assistance in preparing an exhibit for Topeka in September. The committee on fruit reported as follows.
We present the following on the present exhibit. I. H. Bonsall, peas, No. 1, unknown; No. 3, Bartlett; No. 2, Winter Nellis; No. 2, apples, Ben Davis. T. A. Blanchard, fine Conrad grapes. A. R. Gillett, Livingston tomato, new and fine. Capt. Lowry, very fine display of 17 Crawford’s Early peaches, 9½ inches in circumference and ½ pound weight each; also two apples, variety not determined. Mrs. Wilson Shaw, fine cluster of yellow Siberian crab.
G. W. Yount, Chinese radish and large fine onion. A. R. Gillett, sample very early purple squaw corn. F. W. Schwantes, fine red plum, called Weaver. (Committee could not determine name.) Also large white onion from button setts, very good. Henry Hawkins, peas, Bartlett, Flemish Beauty, fine, one seedling and one unknown. Apples, Fallwater, Rambo, Keswick, Codling, Michael, Henry Pippin, striped sweet Pippin, and two unknown. G. W. Brown, peach, very large seedling, green (mesipe) unknown. Apples, Ben Davis, Maiden Blush, and one unknown.
G. W. Robertson, peaches, old Mixon, cling and free, also fine specimens yellow peach, supreme flavor—unknown; apples, Maiden Blush and strawberry fine. G. W. Martin, apple, Summer Pennoch, Lombard plum, fine specimen. Jas. Kirk, seedling peaches, very good. Jacob Nixon, Large Early York peach. Mr. Smith, seedling peach, fair. J. W. Millspaugh, apples, Domine, Ben Davis, fine, one unknown. Fine early Dent corn from exhibitor unknown; grapes, Clinton, Dracket, Amber, Concord, and fine Bermuda sweet potatoes.
W. C. Hayden, vegetable display very fine, 3 varieties corn, rhubarb, yellow Strasburg and red Wethersfield onions, 3 Rose and 3 Vermont potatoes, fine tomatoes and stalk corn 14 feet high with two good ears.
W. A. Ela, peaches, Mixon, Cling, and Indian, and one unknown. Jas. Adams, Snow peach. Jos. Taylor, Glori Mundi apple, very large and fine, 12½ inches in circumference. Mrs. Col. McMullen, splendid plate of pears, peaches, apples, grapes, and plums tastefully arranged.
Taylor, Gillett, and Hogue, committee.
Resolved that this society return a vote of thanks to the COURIER Company for the use of their room at our meetings. Carried. W. C. Hayden joined society. Adjourned to Saturday July 19th at 2 p.m. J. F. MARTIN, President. JACOB NIXON, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, August 24, 1882.
The First Annual Fair of the Cowley County Agricultural and Horticultural Association will be held at the Fair grounds in Winfield, September 21st to 23rd. The Fair grounds of the Association are conveniently situated one-half mile north of Winfield, and for natural advantages are unsurpassed. An abundance of water and a large grove make them the most desirable, for fair purposes, of any in the state. The Association offers over $1,500.00 in cash premiums. Adjoining the grove and within the grounds is a first-class speed ring, one-half mile in length. Liberal premiums are offered by the Association for trials of speed. Entries of articles for exhibition may be made up to 9 o’clock a.m., of the second day. Entrance fee for all articles for exhibition. In speed ring competitors will be requested to pay 10 percent of the premium to be competed for, as an entrance fee. An ample police force will be furnished by the Association to protect the property of patrons from loss or injury.
T. A. BLANCHARD, Secretary. W. A. TIPTON, President.
Winfield Courier, August 31, 1882.
Special Horticultural Meeting. August 26th, 1882.
Society called to order by President Martin. Minutes of last meeting passed. President Martin introduced Prof. E. A. Popenoe, of Riley County, to the members present, who stated that he was on a professional tour through the eastern and southern counties of the state, collecting entomological information for the State Agricultural College, and found the orchards laden with fruit; pears very fine in the southern counties—pear blight and other causes producing a failure on the Kaw river. He hoped to meet the members of the society at the State Fair, with a display worthy of our county’s orchards. . . .
President appointed Dr. Marsh, J. A. Burrell, and T. A. Blanchard committee to report on fruit on table. Their report follows.
Mrs. Mary E. Murphy, 6 large apples unknown.
J. T. Pruitt, large seedling peach, yellow, good.
J. L. Andrews, Indian Cling peach.
Mrs. McCalvary, Bartlett pear and Crawford late peaches.
J. H. Watt, Crawford late peach, very fine.
J. J. Stevens, Large Globe musk melon, insipid.
Isaac Beach, Crawford late peach.
Wm. Butterfield, Indian Cling, Butterfield’s favorite, and seedling peaches. Jonathan apple, and four varieties unknown, wrongly labeled.
H. W. Marsh, A. J. Burrell, and T. A. Blanchard, committee.
Committee to attend exhibition of fruit at Topeka to be appointed next Saturday.
Adjourned to meet at COURIER office next Saturday at 2 p.m.
J. F. MARTIN, President. JACOB NIXON, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, September 7, 1882.
Thinking the matter over, I find we have some men of talent in our district. Mr. T. A. Blanchard is the secretary of the County Agricultural Society, Mr. J. W. Millspaugh the treasurer, Mr. J. F. Martin president of Horticultural Society, and Mr. P. B. Lee is presiding elder in United Brethren church.
Winfield Courier, September 7, 1882.
Minutes of last meeting read and approved. President called attention to the fact that it would be necessary to appoint a committee to collect specimens for exhibition at Topeka.
Moved by Mr. Burger that president appoint a committee of two to collect fruit for State Fair, and that they be paid not more than $2 a day.
Mr. T. A. Blanchard, Secretary of Agricultural Society, stated that Agricultural Society would make no exhibit at State Fair. Motion prevailed.
President appointed R. I. Hogue, Mr. Maxwell, and Messrs. Hawkins and Jos. Taylor. Mr. T. A. Blanchard appointed committee to raise funds to pay committee to collect specimens. R. I. Hogue, T. A. Blanchard, S. E. Burger, Jos. O. Taylor, committee to take charge of fruit at State exhibit.
Dr. Marsh, H. Hawkins, A. J. Burrell committee to make report on fruit on table.
Committee on fruit reported as follows.
Fine display of apples, consisting of Dominie, Maidens Blush, Wine Sap, Rome Beauty, Ben Davis, and Ortley. Whitney and Hyslop crabs and Bartlett pears from H. H. Martin of Vernon.
Collection from A. J. Burrell of Creswell: Jonathans, Maidens Blush, Mo. Pippin, Dominie, Winter Rambo, Huntsmans Favorite apples, Bartlett and Seedling pears, Late Crawford and Cling peaches, Concord and Catawba grapes, very superior specimens.
From Henry Hawkins of Vernon: Michael Henry, Striped Pippin, Ben Davis, Winter Rambo, and one variety unknown, apples.
Hamilton Hawkins of Vernon: Bartlett pear, extra fine.
Fine display of Catawba grapes from A. De Turk, Pleasant Valley.
James Foster, Vernon: Dominie and two varieties of apples unknown.
Seedling peaches from J. Mentch of Walnut.
Fine display of Apples by Dr. Marsh from J. H. Watt’s orchard, of Beaver: Geniton, Limber Twig, Rambo, Ortley, and Milam.
J. Earnest: Red Yam sweet potato weighing 5 lbs.
E. C. Martin: 2 Brazilian sweet potatoes.
W. C. Hayden: fine display of tomatoes.
A. T. Spotswood & Co.: Early Rose potatoes and extra large Maiden Blush apples.
Mrs. Elizabeth Capper: fine Indian peaches.
S. E. Burger, Walnut: Seedling peaches, Mo. Pippin apples.
J. Nixon, Vernon: 6 Belle Lucrative and 6 Bartlett pears. Sutton Beauty, Wagner, Mo. Pippin, Grimes Golden and Willow Twig apples, George IV and President budded peaches, with two varieties unknown.
Extra good samples of corn from Bryant Fowler of Fairview, also stalks 18 ft. Long.
From G. W. Prater: two varieties of apples, name unknown, and committee was unable to agree upon variety.
T. A. Blanchard reported $15.15 collected to pay expenses of collecting. Adjourned.
Winfield Courier, September 7, 1882.
Included in list: T. A. Blanchard, Co. I, 7th Mo. Vol. Cav.
Winfield Courier, September 14, 1882.
Special meeting of the Society held at the Courthouse in Winfield, on Saturday, Sept. 9th, 1882. Present: J. F. Martin, President; G. W. Robertson, Treasurer; the Secretary being absent, T. A. Blanchard was elected Secretary pro tem.
Mr. Blanchard, the committee appointed at last meeting to solicit subscriptions for the purpose of defraying expense in making collections of horticultural products for display at state and county fair, reported $17.00 collected and $3.00 subscribed and not yet paid, and upon motion of S. E. Berger, was directed to turn the same over to the Treasurer. The committee was then discharged.
Dr. Marsh made a partial report of the committee on fruit collection, and was requested to prepare a full report for publication, which he consented to do.
The committee appointed at last meeting to take charge of our fruit display at the State Fair, was directed to preserve and return the same for display at our county fair. Messrs. Berger, Brown, and Williams were appointed a committee to take charge of all fruit on the table not needed for the State fair, and preserve the same for exhibition at the county fair.
Mr. Hogue exhibited a seedling apple grown by J. W. Curfman, which is said to possess excellent keeping qualities, and is of fine flavor. There were displayed on the table three watermelons by Mr. N. T. Snyder, weighing respectfully 50, 52, and 53½ pounds; also some mammoth onions, all of which were kindly donated for display at the State fair.
Society adjourned to meet at the COURIER office next Saturday.
T. A. BLANCHARD, Secretary Pro Tem.
Winfield Courier, September 14, 1882.
HO! FOR THE FAIR! THE COWLEY COUNTY FAIR WILL OPEN ON THE MORNING OF THE 21ST OF SEPT., on the beautiful grounds leased by the Association adjoining the city of Winfield on the North, and will CONTINUE FOR THREE DAYS.
The officers of the Association are doing all in their power to make the Fair an honor to the county and confidently expect the citizens of the county will take such an interest in seconding their efforts so as to make the coming Fair a pride to the banner county of the State.
Come one, come all, come everybody, and compete for the premiums, and you all will receive a warm welcome. T. A. BLANCHARD, Secretary. W. A. TIPTON, President.
Winfield Courier, September 28, 1882.
T. A. Blanchard, Secretary of the Fair Association, was taken quite ill Sunday with bilious fever, and his duties in settling up the premiums and awards of the fair have devolved upon the secretary pro tem, Ed. P. Greer.
Winfield Courier, October 5, 1882.
T. A. Blanchard is out again after a severe spell of sickness.
Winfield Courier, October 5, 1882.
Notice! The directors of the Cowley County Agricultural and Horticultural Society are notified to meet at the COURIER office Saturday, Oct. 7th, at 10 o’clock a.m., for the purpose of winding up the affairs of the Society. Let each and every director be present.
W. A. TIPTON, President. T. A. BLANCHARD, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, October 19, 1882.
The Board of Directors of the Agricultural Fair Association met at the COURIER office last Saturday to close up the business of the late fair. Present: Judge Tipton, president; T. A. Blanchard, secretary; J. J. Johnson, J. C. Roberts, W. J. Hodges. After transacting such business as came before it, the Board adjourned until Saturday, October 28th, which is the regular meeting.
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
T. A. Blanchard has been acting as bailiff during this term of court. T. A. deserves some county office and if it was not for his innate modesty, he might be elected.
Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.
The rumor that T. A. Blanchard had sold his farm proves a canard.
Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.
Walnut Township Primary. The Republicans of Walnut Township met at Olive schoolhouse January 19th at 2 p.m. They organized by electing John Mentch chairman and S. E. Burger Secretary. Frank Manny, G. Brown, and J. A. Mentch were elected judges. The following persons were nominated.
For Trustee: T. A. Blanchard; For Treasurer: Joel Mack; For Clerk: Frank Manny; For Justice of the Peace: J. L. King; For Constables: J. C. Monforte, Jr.; J. A. Mentch.
For Road overseer, District 1: F. Arnold; For Road overseer, District 2: _ ___; For Road overseer, District 3: J. C. Roberts.
The following resolutions were adopted.
Resolved, That we request our Senator and Representative in the Legislature to use their best endeavors to reduce passenger rates on railroads to three cents per mile and freight rates be fixed at so much per ton per mile.
Resolved, That we are opposed to the commissioner system unless backed by a specific law, the mere collection of facts to report to the next Legislature having the people at the mercy of the roads for two years more.
Resolved, That the Secretary of this meeting furnish a copy of these resolutions to our Senator and Representative at Topeka and to each of the Winfield papers for publication.
JOHN MENTCH, Chairman. S. E. BURGER, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.
The township election in Walnut resulted in the election of T. A. Blanchard over his Democratic competitor for trustee by one majority. D C. Beach was elected clerk.
Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.
WALNUT: T. A. Blanchard, trustee; D. C. Beach, clerk; Joel Mack, treasurer; J. L. King, J. P.; J. Mentch and J. C. Monforte, constables.
Winfield Courier, February 22, 1883.
Echoes From the Past. We have before us bound files of the COURIER from the first copy, issued ten years ago. They contain an ever-varying panorama of the life and growth of Cowley and her people, of peculiar interest to the old residents, and replete with incidents and anecdotes of early life for the new-comers.
May 1, 1874, we find that “Tom Blanchard has discovered lead.” This seems to have been Tom’s first mining enterprise.
Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883.
Assessors Meeting. On Monday, March 5th, 1883, the Assessors of Cowley County, Kansas, met at Winfield.
Among those present: T. A. Blanchard, Walnut Township.
Winfield Courier, March 29, 1883.
Mr. T. A. Blanchard, Township Trustee and ex officio Assessor, has been at work assessing the personal property for the last week. He is doing the work very rapidly and accurately.
Winfield Courier, April 12, 1883.
Fish Ways. The following letter has been received from the State Fish Commissioner by T. A. Blanchard relative to fish ways in dams.
T. A. Blanchard, Secretary, etc.:
DEAR SIR: Yours of the 24th is received and I answer. The law is imperative in relation to the construction of fish ways and has been for the past five years. The owners of dams across the streams of this state should not require the commissioner of Fisheries to compel them to construct them. It is useless to stock the streams of this state with desirable fish and have them locked up by dams, and unless proper fish-ways are constructed by the owners of the dams, the law makes it obligatory upon the commissioner of fisheries to compel them to, and to do it in such a manner as to satisfy him that they are passable for fish; and this must be done before the state is put to the expense of stocking the stream, and I desire to stock your stream this season. I am respectfully yours, W. S. GILE, Commissioner of Fisheries.
Blanchard loses his son, Ira. Oldest daughter in critical condition...
Winfield Courier, April 12, 1883.
Mr. T. A. Blanchard’s family have all been dangerously sick with measles and pneumonia this spring, and on Sunday, his oldest boy, Ira, died, after a severe illness of more than six weeks. His oldest daughter is also very low and hardly any hopes are held of her recovery. These visitations of sickness and death have come to our citizens more frequently this spring than ever before. Mr. Blanchard and family have much sympathy in their bereavement. We hope that his family may soon again enjoy the blessings of health.
Winfield Courier, April 19, 1883.
Mr. T. A. Blanchard’s family were all up to breakfast Monday morning, for the first time in six weeks. They have had a most severe tussle with sickness.
Winfield Courier, May 10, 1883.
A mass meeting of farmers was held in the Opera House Saturday afternoon to consider the Fair question. A goodly number of farmers from every part of the county were present. W. J. Millspaugh, of Vernon, was elected chairman and S. P. Strong, of Rock, secretary. The report of the committee on soliciting subscriptions to the stock reported four thousand eight hundred dollars taken. The committee was then increased by the following additions, one in each township.
Maple: W. B. Norman; Ninnescah: W. B. Norman; Vernon: W. J. Millspaugh; Beaver: Dr. Marsh; Beaver: S. D. Jones; Creswell: Capt. Nipp; Bolton: J. D. Guthrie; Rock Creek: Geo. L. Gale; Fairview: Cleve Page; Walnut: T. A. Blanchard; Pleasant Valley: Henry Harbaugh; Richland: Sam Phoenix; Tisdale: J. S. Baker; Liberty: Justice Fisher; Silverdale: L. J. Darnell; Omnia: Wm. Gilliard; Silver Creek: Harvey Smith; Sheridan: Barney Shriver; Spring Creek: J. S. Andrews; Harvey: Sam Rash; Windsor: S. M. Fall; Dexter: John Wallace; Cedar: Jas. Utt; Otter: T. H. Aley.
[W. B. Norman represented both Maple and Ninnescah townships.]
The Secretary was instructed to prepare and forward to each of the township committee blank subscription lists, with the request that they circulate them at once. This committee was instructed to report with the lists at a public meeting in the Hall at 2 o’clock, May 19, when all who have subscribed to the stock are requested to be present and form a permanent organization.
Short speeches were then made by Senator Hackney, Jas. F. Martin, S. P. Strong, S. S. Lynn, Henry Harbaugh, F. W. Schwantes, John C. Roberts, D. L. Kretsinger, and others.
After the meeting many new names were added and the list now foots up over five thousand dollars.
Great interest was manifested by all the farmers present for the success of the enterprise. Over half the capital stock is already taken and it looks as if we were at last going to have an institution that will be a credit and an honor to the county. Winfield has responded nobly in this matter, and it now remains for the farmers to do their share, which they will undoubtedly accomplish.
Blanchard’s youngest daughter, Elgie E. Blanchard, dies...
Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.
DIED. July 12, 1883. Elgie E., daughter of T. A. and Sarah E. Blanchard. This is the second death in Mr. Blanchard’s family this year. For three months his house has been afflicted by continuous sickness, resulting in the death of his oldest and youngest. Such affliction is very hard to bear.
Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.
DIED. On Thursday, July 12th, 1883, of cholera infantum, Elgie E., daughter of Thomas A. and Sarah Blanchard, aged 9 months and eighteen days.
“Loveliest of lovely things are they,
On earth that soonest pass away.
The rose that lives its little hour
Is prized beyond the sculptured flower.” M. S.
Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.
Announcement. We are authorized to announce T. A. Blanchard, of Walnut Township, as a candidate for County Clerk. . . .
Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.
T. A. BLANCHARD. We call attention to the announcement of T. A. Blanchard of Walnut Township as a candidate for County Clerk of this county. Mr. Blanchard is well and favorably known to all the old settlers, being one of the oldest settlers himself, and having held the office of county commissioner for some of the early years of our county’s history. He has by his probity, good sense, energy, and industry gained the high respect of all who know him and if nominated by the Republican convention, will be elected and will be a most valuable and popular officer in the position he seeks, and for which he is in every way well qualified.
Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.
Saturday was a big day for candidates; indeed, every day now-a-days brings forth an enterprising batch of them. But Saturday was especially active in this commodity. They were all around here and there and everywhere.
The tall fellow who looks like a church deacon is Tom Blanchard. He settled in Cowley when it was a wilderness of Indians and buffalo, and has always been a staunch, reliable citizen. He will contest with Capt. Hunt for a place on the ticket.
Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.
A Card. EDS. COURIER: We desire through the columns of your paper, to most sincerely thank the many friends and neighbors who rendered such timely assistance in our late continued and fatal sickness, and especially are we placed under obligations we can never repay, to Mrs. Matty Simcox, Mrs. Sady Greer, Mrs. Strickland, and Mrs. Dow, who, at the sacrifice of their own interests, labored with us through the long weary days and nights. May kind Providence guard them from like affliction, and long spare them to minister to the sick and distressed, is our prayer. This is but a feeble expression of our gratitude, and we can only say, God protect and bless you. T. A. BLANCHARD, SARAH E. BLANCHARD.
Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.
Thomas A. Blanchard, of Winfield, Cowley County, of yore a resident of Woodson, and at one time sheriff of the county, together with his family, was visiting relatives and friends in this neighborhood the past week. Mr. Blanchard went to Cowley thirteen years ago, took a claim near the town site of the present big city of Winfield, and has had a fair share of prosperity. He will make the race for clerk of the county and as he is no slouch in the intricate ways of politics, we should not be surprised to hear of his getting there. As Tom is an excellent man in any way he may be taken, we hope that he may succeed.
Yates Center News.
Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.
Vernon Festival Notes. Tom Blanchard had his right hand wagging among his many friends. It was badly disabled, but will hold out until after the convention.
Winfield Courier, October 4, 1883.
Half bushel sweet corn, E. Blanchard, Walnut, 1st premium; J. H. Curfman, Walnut, 2nd.
Best 5 gallons Sorghum, T. A. Blanchard, Walnut, 1st premium; John Sargeant, Walnut, 2nd.
Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.
The general election November 6, 1883, in Walnut Township will be held at Frank Manny’s stone building. Voters will govern themselves accordingly.
T. A. Blanchard, Trustee.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1884.
From Walnut Township.
EDITOR COURIER: As the time is approaching for the election of township officers, I, as a resident and a taxpayer of the above named township, would respectfully ask permission, through the columns of your valuable paper, to make known certain facts, for the benefit of the voters of Walnut Township, and all others whom it may concern. It is not the intention of the writer to lie or misrepresent anything or any person. What will be said, the proof is at hand. The people of this township, the past year, have been represented by Mr. T. A. Blanchard as trustee, and a few fortunate ones were more than pleased with the state of affairs, but a majority of our citizens are not so well satisfied. What appears to be a great injustice has been perpetrated upon our citizens by Mr. Blanchard while trustee of this township; and to show the inconsistency of his action, I have examined the assessment roll, and will give the names of a few of the wealthiest citizens, and their personal assessed value.
Mr. Blanchard occupied thirty-seven days, at an outlay of one hundred and eleven dollars, in assessing the personal property of this township, amounting to thirty-one thousand, seven hundred and eighty-six dollars. The following method was adopted to mete out justice and injustice, to his fellow man and neighbors.
J. L. King’s four mules were assessed at eighty dollars, one span of the finest mules in the county, and valued at $400. The other span since sold for $200.
R. Weakley’s 16 head of horses assessed at $440 and it might be well enough to state that Mr. Weakley has no plug horses upon his farm. His 17 head of cattle, mostly milch cows, were assessed at $170.
Stivers and Wallis’ 25 head of cattle were assessed at $425, and one span of broken down mules was assessed at the enormous sum of $80.
Joseph Hassel, the oldest man in the township and the owner of four old mules which he brought all the way from Pike County, Illinois, at an early day, was assessed at 200 even dollars.
S. Cure, 8 head of horses $90; 48 head of cattle, 23 of the number milch cows, got off with $350. 12 head of fat hogs, sold within six weeks after for $490, were assessed at $34, [?]. One new pleasure carriage, assessed at $10; one “farm implement” $2.
The whole assessment roll showed where Mr. Blanchard has a personal friend. His own property was put down to the very lowest figure. The question now is, will we have Mr. Blanchard for trustee another year? I, for one, say no. Any person who may question the truthfulness of this statement can learn all he desires by an examination of the assessment book of 1883, and I, as a citizen of Walnut Township, ask every voter to go and examine them before attending the caucus of February 2nd, 1884. N. R. WILSON.
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1884.
Citizens of Walnut Township met January 24, 1884, and nominated the following citizen ticket: For Trustee, J. P. Short; for treasurer, G. W. Yount; for clerk, D. W. Ferguson; for J. P., John Ross; for constables, John Anderson and Jos. C. Monforte; executive committee, T. A. Blanchard, O. P. Fuller, Senior, and C. A. Roberts.
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1884.
The Board of Commissioners met Tuesday and canvassed the vote for township officers. The following were declared elected.
Walnut Township: Justice of the Peace, T. A. Blanchard.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1884.
Office of the County Clerk, Winfield, Kansas, February 12th, 1884.
BOARD met in regular session agreeable to adjournment of January 16, 1884. Present: S. C. Smith (Chairman), Amos Walton, Commissioner, County Attorney, and J. S. Hunt, County Clerk.
Among other proceedings the following claims were allowed the Judges and Clerks of the February 5th 1884 election...paid from $2.00 to $6.00.
Judges: T. A. Blanchard, J. L. King, Thos. Youle.
Clerks: S. Cure, D. Ferguson.
Winfield Courier, March 13, 1884.
The report of Valley View school for term commencing Oct. 1st, 1883, and ending Feb. 22, 1884. Number of pupils enrolled 41. Average first two months 16 11/40. Average last three months 24_. A grade general average 97¾. Wilber Martin 100, Carrie Schwantes and Pearl Martin 98, B. Grade Peter Schwantes, George Staggers, and Charlie Staggers 92, May Blanchard and Mary Bryan 87, Alice Pennington 90, average 90. C. grade, Charley Schwantes and Sandy Craig 92, Jessie Staggers, Nellie Martin, May Allen, Robert Craig, Heartie Schwantes and Ben Perrin, 89, general average 89¾.
Winfield Courier, July 24, 1884.
Talisman: T. A. Blanchard.
Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.
The old case between Tony Boyle and Uncle Billy Rogers is being tried this week by Judge Pyburn as referee. Tom Blanchard, Henry Ireton, Jim Burns, Geo. Brown, W. W. Andrews, and other old Black Hills tourists are witnesses. The suit is over a quartz mill which Boyle & Rogers established in the Black Hills in 1875.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.
A number of prominent farmers met at the COURIER office Saturday last, and determined to hold a Farmers’ Institute at the Opera House in Winfield, on Thursday and Friday, Jan. 29th and 30th, to be conducted by Professors of the State Agricultural College. J. S. Baker, of Tisdale, was chairman of the meeting and Jas. F. Martin, of Vernon, secretary. An executive committee of nine was appointed by the meeting, to have charge of the entire matter, composed of the following gentlemen: M. H. Markcum, Pleasant Valley, chairman; Dr. C. Perry, Winfield; T. A. Blanchard, Walnut; J. R. Sumpter, Beaver; J. S. Baker, Tisdale; J. F. Martin, Vernon; F. W. McClelland, Walnut; Henry Harbaugh, Pleasant Valley; and S. P. Strong, Rock. This committee is arranging an interesting program of music, essays, lectures, and discussions, which will appear next week. Four Professors of the Agricultural College will be on hand with addresses and the occasion promises to be of much pleasure and benefit to the farmers of the county. Let every man constitute a committee of one to work up a large attendance from his neighborhood. In addition to splendid addresses and essays, everything of interest to farmers will be throughly discussed. This is a grand opportunity for Cowley farmers to interchange ideas and broaden knowledge, and everyone of them should be present with their ladies.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.
The County Fathers met in special session Monday and Tuesday. Various bids and plans for a county poor house were considered and the matter laid over to the April term. Tax of 1884 was remitted on south half of northwest quarter and west half of southwest quarter, section 11, township 31, range 4, the same having been erroneously assessed. Personal property tax on $388 assessed to Becker and Bacastow was also remitted. T. A. Blanchard was given care of paupers for the coming year. Order was made for the summoning of Joseph Garris and George W. Roberts to appear before board on the fourth day of its April term. The Sheriff was instructed to return personal property warrant in his hands to county treasurer against A. P. and A. G. Carman and take out an alias and hold same till April sitting of the board.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.
The Cowley County Horticultural Society held its regular monthly meeting last Saturday at the COURIER office, President Jas. F. Martin in the chair. The Secretary, Jacob Nixon, read minutes of last meeting, which were adopted.
President Martin reported the tender by Mr. T. A. Blanchard of a collection of insects; the tender was gratefully accepted and Mr. Blanchard voted an honorary member of the Society. Mr. Martin appointed to procure cases for same.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 9, 1885.
The bailiffs for this term are T. A. Blanchard and R. Farnsworth.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 14, 1885.
Post commander and comrades of Winfield Post No. 85, G. A. R.: Your committee appointed to report to the Post a program for memorial and decoration services submit the following as their report.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 4, 1885.
The Vernon Cemetery was decorated by Capt. H. H. Siverd, Dr. D. J. States, W. W. Painter, J. W. Millspaugh, T. A. Blanchard, and other old soldiers, with 150 Vernon citizens.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 30, 1885.
The Cowley County Horticultural Society held its regular monthly meeting last Saturday, in the real estate office of Curns & Manser, President J. F. Martin in the chair, and Secretary Jacob Nixon at his desk, with a good attendance of members.
President appointed Messrs. Hogue, Hawkins, and Robertson a committee on fruit on table, which committee reported as follows.
Apples: By T. A. Blanchard. Williams Favorite: fair specimens.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 30, 1885.
The following claims were allowed in July.
Bailiff’s fees, T. A. Blanchard, $42.00.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 27, 1885.
Nelson Utley, the new Superintendent of the County Poor Farm, has got things straightened around and took the nine paupers off Tom Blanchard’s hands. The inmates now have comfortable quarters and will be put to work. Cowley’s poor farm is one of the best in the State and will improve from year to year and soon be self-supporting.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 27, 1885.
Judge Snow’s court was novelly entertained Monday. M. S. Williams, a grass widower of Udall, was up on complaint of Hattie M. Williams, his adopted child, charging him with unmercifully beating her. She is eighteen years old and not very bright. She had some big scars on her head, where she said chairs, pokers, sticks, etc., had held high carnival. She also swore that to the best of her knowledge, she was Williams’ legitimate child. She said he exercised himself frequently by playing on her frame with a blacksnake and the weapons aforesaid. Neighbors swore that she came to their homes with her shoulders and back all lashed and black and blue. She is not a bright girl—as wild as a deer, just allowed to grow up with no education whatever. Williams said she was incapable of education. She was terribly hard to manage, but Williams swore that he never struck her cruelly with anything—never whipped her with anything heavier than a switch. The evidence failed to convince the jury of this and he was found guilty and fined $100 and costs. The neighbors conceded her wildness, but have no palliation for his treatment of her, and some accuse him of worse things than the outward abuse of her person. The girl is not bad looking and has a fiery snap in her eyes, with short curly hair. When Williams was testifying that he never abused her she, sitting back in the court room, yelled, “That’s a lie,” making the old gentleman very nervous. This girl was the daughter of Williams’ wife’ sister, who died when the girl was a year old. Williams had just married and at request of his wife, they took this girl to raise. A son, now fourteen, was their only fruit. Seven years ago, Williams and wife separated, since when Hattie has lived with Williams and son. Last spring, after one of their household furniture matinees, Hattie left Williams and went to the neighbors. She fell into bad hands and was soon turned over to the county poor home. Blanchard soon found she was pretty tough, and locked her upstairs. She threw her bed out of the window, jumped out on it, and skipped. Since then she had been drifting on the mercies of the public around Udall. She will now be sent “over the hill to the poor house,” to remain. She is out on the world, a simple, friendless girl, with little natural sense and no experience: a continual public charge. And many blame it largely to a cold-hearted, unrefined guardian, who raised her as he did his horses, only to work.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 24, 1885.
The convention met at the Opera House in Winfield at 10 o’clock a.m. today according to the call, and was called to order by W. J. Wilson, chairman of the county committee. E. A. Henthorn, Secretary of the committee, read the call. On motion of G. H. Buckman, Hon. T. A. Blanchard was elected chairman pro tem and took the chair. On motion of Geo. T. Walton, E. A. Henthorn was elected secretary pro tem and took his seat. On motion of S. P. Strong, voted that the chair appoint a committee of five on credentials. The chair appointed S. P. Strong, Ed Pentecost, G. P. Haycraft, Ed Nicholson, and W. B. Weimer. On motion of Geo. T. Walton, voted that the chair appoint a committee of five on permanent organization. The chair appointed Sid Cure, A. H. Jennings, J. S. Rash, John Bartgis, and S. C. Pattison. On motion of P. A. Lorry, voted that the chair appoint a committee of five on order of business. The chair appointed P. A. Lorry, Sampson Johnson, W. E. Tansey, J. R. Sumpter, and Capt. Stuber. On motion of J. C. Long, the chair was instructed to appoint a committee of five on resolutions. The chair appointed John C. Long, E. A. Henthorn, Dr. H. T. Hornady, L. E. Woodin, and R. C. Maurer. On motion, the convention adjourned to 2 o’clock p.m., sharp. Just previous to adjournment the chairman announced that all the delegates would be provided with dinner tickets by calling at the secretary’s desk.
Convention called to order. Committee on credentials reported the following names of delegates entitled to seats in this convention.
Delegates: Frank Conkright, J. L. King, Frank Weakley, John Mentch, J. C. Roberts, T. A. Blanchard, Sid Cure.
Alternates: B. F. Walker, Mel Graham, John Anderson, Geo. Brown, S. C. Sumpter, Noah Wilson, J. H. Sorey.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 8, 1885.
J. E. Conklin, J. J. Carson, T. A. Blanchard, Dr. Pickens, and others got home from the Topeka Soldiers’ Reunion Thursday.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 22, 1885.
WINFIELD, KAS., Oct. 8th, 1885.
T. A. Blanchard, Dear Sir: I hope you will pardon me if I trespass on your time for the purpose of endeavoring to interest you in a matter which, while it is of considerable interest to me, may not be of much to you. As you are probably aware, the Democratic convention at Winfield tendered me the nomination of County Clerk, and which I have accepted.
I do not know how binding you consider party ties in local elections, but if I may presume upon friendship enough to solicit your vote, and perhaps your influence in my behalf, you will feel assured that such kindly interest on your part will be sincerely appreciated by myself. I have grown up in the county in your knowledge, and of course you can soon settle the question as to my fitness to serve the public in this office. I am with respect, very truly yours. F. C. HUNT.
Friend Fred, my first impulse upon the receipt of your letter was to let it pass unnoticed, but upon mature deliberation I have concluded that I would be untrue to myself and party without giving some of the reasons for resenting the insult, you have, perhaps unthoughtedly, given, for I can view it in no other light and define it by no milder term; and notwithstanding all this, I should probably have remained silent had I not been informed that many staunch Republicans throughout the county have been similarly insulted. It can only be regarded as a sneaking attempt upon your part to straddle both political parties, and thus thrust yourself into office against, what you know to be, the choice of the people.
I am willing to make all due allowance, and even presume that you acted without mature deliberation, and all this for I cannot think you ever had cause to regard me as the vile traitor you have asked me to become. Did you consider, have you ever considered, the enormity of what you ask? Did you not know that I was a member of the late Republican convention, that I was even honored by being chosen as their chairman, and trust I took more than an ordinary interest in the nomination of Mr. Smock? And for the sacrifice of my honor and betrayal of my party, you have not given or attempted to give a single reason, save the ties of old friendship. You labor under a great delusion when you think it a matter of little interest to me. Mr. Smock was a true, tried, and valiant soldier in the late war, and now bears the wounds received from rebel (I came near saying Democratic) bullets, and will go to his grave a maimed cripple. Did I not also spend four years of the best of my life and spill my blood battling for the principles of the Republican party, and for these principles a dear brother now fills a soldier’s grave in the sunny south. Then talk to me about old friendship. That word but feebly expresses the ties that bind the old soldiers together. Are we not cemented by blood and welded by rebel fire? Now don’t call it unfair to connect the Democratic party with reason and rebellion, for I tell you, Fred, they cannot be separated. It may be true that we hold some doctrine or professed doctrine of the Democratic party to be for the public good, particularly on the question of tariff, but I am fully convinced that if there is anything really good to be derived from reduction or abolition of the tariff, the Republican party will discover it as soon as the Democratic and will not be afraid or slow to reform or abolish the same.
No, no, Fred, when you seek my support it must be through the Republican party and in a more honorable mode than you have yet proposed. What has the Democracy ever done for me; in fact, what has it ever done for anybody? On the other hand, are we not indebted to the Republican party for every political blessing we enjoy, even for a government itself? Fred, you ask too much; the sacrifice is too great.
And now, Fred, in conclusion, I, in turn, ask your pardon for the plain manner in which I have tried to answer you, and promise at some future time and in the present like manner, to give you a little fatherly service, for you know I am much older than you and of course it will be permissible. And now let me wish you success (in your present occupation) and express the hope that you may conclude that I am not the vile traitor you seem to think.
Yours plainly and somewhat indignantly, T. A. BLANCHARD.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 29, 1885.
I noticed quite a nice letter in THE COURIER of Wednesday from Mr. Blanchard. I only wish to add that a few years ago it was very properly conceded by all parties in the north that other things being equal, the fact that a candidate for office had been a union soldier was to be taken to his advantage over a candidate who has not been a soldier. This was right and proper then and it is right and proper now. The man who volunteered in the service of his country as a soldier had and has a superior claim to recognition at the hands of the people who remained at home. The man who went to serve his country at $13 a month, leaving behind him the comforts and quiet of home, encountering the perils of the march, the camp, and the battle has certainly a superior claim to favor over a man who sat by his fireside and read of these things in the papers. Few, if any, men went into the army to make money. They entered the service from patriotic motives and to them should be accorded all proper benefits. Some might say that patriotism is having a market price attached to it. It is true that men went into the army as a matter of patriotism or duty, but the duty was alike to all the men who went as to the man who did not go. But it is not true that they claimed a price for their patriotism. It very ill becomes the man who remained at home in the peace and quiet of his fireside or who being too young to or who for any other reason did not go to say that the soldier has no superior claim on the country. These army associations are not partisan associations, but if they were, why might they not be so in the north as they are in the south. No man in the south or of the south can get an office unless he was a confederate soldier. Service in the confederate army has been a claim for all candidates. The truth is the soldiers of the union have been self-denying in their demand for office. There has not been an election in the north since the war closed at which federal soldiers have not voted for men who were not in the army. How times have changed since the close of the war. Mr. Lamar, the present Secretary of the Interior, who has the final decision of all questions relating to the granting of pensions to union soldiers, was not only a confederate soldier but he resigned his seat in Congress to become a confederate officer. More than fifty brigadier generals were members of the last House of Representatives, and every member of the United States Senate from the States lately in rebellion, was either in the rebel army or in the rebel congress. These are the men who with the dough faces of the north make the laws for the loyal soldiers of the nation, and who pass upon their pensions and the bills in which they have an interest. It ill becomes any man in the north to complain that union soldiers hold their camp fires, have their army organizations, and their re-unions. Has the time come when the Union soldier must apologize for the part he took in the war? I hope not. But soldiers, I do hope that the few chickens that were taken from the enemy by way of business, will not be recorded against you in the big book, but that the Provo guard now on duty at the gates of the new Jerusalem will present arms to you as you come straggling in and tell you that you are welcome to the best they have. P. A. HUFFMAN.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 29, 1885.
If Fred Hunt did not feel like going into a hole and pulling the hole in after him when he read Tom Blanchard’s letter?
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 29, 1885.
We hear of very numerous Republicans who have received copies of the letter to Blanchard begging their votes. The letter seems to have been stereotyped, and if all the Republicans he sent it to should vote for him, he would get there sure.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 12, 1885.
Horticultural Meeting. Society called to order by President Martin. Minutes of last meeting passed to next meeting. Notice from State Secretary of meeting of the State Society at Manhattan Dec. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. Revision of the voted fruit list for State Society taken up and made the business of the Society for the day’s session. On motion J. F. Martin and Jacob Nixon were elected delegates to the State meeting. Mr. Morgan Martin exhibited three fine seedling pears from his orchard; also Smith Cider and Missouri Pippin apples. Mr. T. A. Blanchard showed fine Smith Cider, Winesap, Rawles Genet, and unknown variety. Adjourned to Dec. 5th. J. F. Martin, President; Jacob Nixon, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 17, 1885.
The committees, appointed at the citizens’ meeting, to work up the submitting of propositions for the extension of the Florence El Dorado & Walnut railroad from Douglass to Winfield, met yesterday afternoon in McDougall’s hall to determine on the apportionment of the amount of aid asked. Judge T. H. Soward called the meeting to order. S. P. Strong was chosen chairman and W. J. Wilson, Secretary. M. L. Robinson then explained the object of the meeting, to get everything in readiness for aggressive work in submitting the propositions and securing this road. The townships through which the road will run were represented as follows.
Rock: S. P. Strong, H. F. Hornady, E. J. Wilber, and W. H. Grow.
Fairview: J. C. Page and T. C. Covert.
Walnut: J. C. Roberts, J. B. Corson, John Mentch, T. A. Blanchard, J. Anderson, W. D. Roberts, and E. M. Reynolds.
Winfield: H. H. Siverd, J. A. Eaton, D. L. Kretsinger, Col. Whiting, T. H. Soward, B. T. Davis, M. L. Robinson, S. J. Smock, G. H. Crippen, J. E. Conklin, W. P. Hackney, G. L. Gale, Chas. Schmidt, W. J. Wilson, Ed P. Greer, H. E. Asp, A. H. Limerick, F. C. Hunt, and J. W. Curns.
J. C. Page, T. C. Covert, W. P. Hackney, and W. H. Grow made pointed remarks. It was decided to submit propositions to Rock for $18,000; Walnut $15,000; Fairview $10,000; Winfield $17,000, making the $60,000 required for the extension. Committees were appointed to canvass and work up the propositions, as follows.
Rock: G. H. Williams, R. Boothe, Sr., S. P. Strong, H. F. Hornady, W. H. Grow, J. M. Harcourt, and E. J. Wilber.
Fairview: Tom Covert, J. C. Page, H. C. Schock, J. W. Douglass, J. M. Barrick, R. P. Burt, A. J. McCollim.
Walnut: T. A. Blanchard, John Mentch, J. P. Short, John C. Roberts, W. D. Roberts, E. M. Reynolds, Chas. Schmidt.
The propositions are now being printed, and in a few days will be ready for signatures. The benefit of this extension is potent in every thinking man, and little opposition will be experienced.
When it comes to the advancement of Winfield and Cowley County, our people are a unit. Enterprise, energy, and grit have put our county and city far in advance of any others in all fair Kansas and will continue to do so. Winfield is destined to be the great metropolis of Southern Kansas, one of the big commercial and educational cities of the big west. With citizens of rare intelligence, progress, and vim, with natural surroundings and possibilities unexcelled, she can be nothing else. The enthusiasm of our businessmen in securing enterprises for the advancement of our city was forcibly exhibited last night in the rousing meeting for the consideration of the extension of the Florence, Eldorado & Walnut railroad, owned by the Santa Fe Co. The meeting was called to order by M. L. Robinson. W. G. Graham was chosen chairman and W. J. Wilson, Secretary. Mr. Robinson then explained the object of the meeting, and read letters from A. A. Robinson, General manager of the Santa Fe, agreeing to extend this road from Douglass to Winfield for $3,000 a mile, reserving only the necessity of erecting an independent depot here, the road to either connect with the Wichita & Southwestern at the junction just over the Walnut bridge and run into the Santa Fe depot, or cross the S. K. just east of, and using, that depot. The intention is a union depot here for the Southern Kansas, Wichita & Southwestern and Florence, Eldorado & Walnut railroads. The Santa Fe is determined to push through the Territory, which right of way it has already secured, at once. The extension will be made from Winfield, with the machine shops, roundhouse, etc., for this southern division and the roads of southern Kansas, at this place. An editorial elsewhere explains the requirements and advantages fully. Enthusiastic speeches were made last night in favor of this and other enterprises by Rev. B. Kelly, Henry E. Asp, T. H. Soward, Senator Jennings, John A. Eaton, and John McGuire. Committees were appointed as follows to see that this matter is properly worked up.
Winfield: Capt. Nipp, J. E. Conklin, D. L. Kretsinger, C. Schmidt, Col. Whiting, J. A. Eaton, and A. H. Doane.
Walnut: J. B. Corson, J. P. Short, J. C. Roberts, T. A. Blanchard, and W. D. Roberts.
Fairview: M. C. Headrick, J. C. Page, A. H. Limerick, J. W. Douglas, and T. S. Covert.
Rock: G. L. Gale, G. H. Williams, H. F. Hornady, E. J. Wilber, J. M. Harcourt, S. P. Strong, J. B. Holmes, and John Stalter.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 17, 1885.
Tom A. Blanchard is again bailiff and gets around with alacrity and precision.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 24, 1885.
Tom A. Blanchard and Tom H. Herrod swear that THE COURIER was partial in its report of the Jeffries hugging bee. Each declares that he was specially honored by fair Alice, and don’t propose being left out in the cold, reportorially speaking. It was Tom Herrod who kept the court from adjourning until the circus was over—waiting for Alice to get to him.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 14, 1886.
T. A. Blanchard, of Walnut, lost eight head of hogs. His hogs piled themselves up to keep warm and eight of them smothered to death.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 21, 1886.
Notice to the voters of Walnut township, Cowley County. The Railroad bond election on the 27th day of January, 1886, will be held at Phillip Belveal’s residence, just southwest of the Water Works reservoir, in said township, east of the city of Winfield.
John C. Roberts, Trustee; T. A. Blanchard, J. P.
[Coverage of Thomas A. Blanchard ended with the last item. MAW]