Fred Bower


Arkansas City.
Note: Bower became a butcher...
Arkansas City Traveler, January 28, 1885.
Charlie Bryant has disposed of the Central Avenue Hotel to Fred Bower. Fred will take pleasure in welcoming all the old patrons of the house, as well as such new ones as he may secure.
Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.
Chas. Bryant and family are snugly ensconced in their new residence on East Central Avenue. Mr. Bryant is no longer the proprietor of the Central Avenue Hotel. Fred Bower succeeds him.
Arkansas City Republican, June 20, 1885.
Fred Bower, who has been running the Central Avenue Hotel for some months past, has been a decided success as a landlord. He evidently struck his calling when he engaged in the hotel business, and we hope to see him re-embark.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 11, 1885.
Geo. A. Druitt retired from the management of the Windsor Hotel Monday last. He was succeeded by DeWitt McDowell and Fred Bower. The new firm are now having the house thoroughly renovated and repainted. Mr. McDowell is of the firm of McDowell Bros., and Mr. Bower was formerly manager of the Central Avenue Hotel. The REPUBLICAN wishes the boys success in their enterprise. The name of the house will be the “Occidental.”
Arkansas City Traveler, November 18, 1885.
The Occidental Hotel is now run by DeWitt McDowell, Fred Bower having sold out his interest to his former partner. Improvements will be introduced to promote the comfort of guests.
Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.
McDowell & Bower have dissolved partnership in the hotel business, the first named retaining the Occidental Hotel.
Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.
D. R. Beatty sold his half interest in the City Meat Market Thursday to Fred Bower. Fred will now deal out tender, uncooked steak instead of cooked, as he formerly did at the Occidental.
Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.
The partnership heretofore existing between Dewitt McDowell and Fred D. Bower, under the name of McDowell & Bower, in the hotel business, keeping the Occidental Hotel in Arkansas City, Kansas, is hereby dissolved by mutual consent. The business will be carried on by Dewitt McDowell, who will collect all debts for said firm and will pay all debts incurred by said firm.
Witness our hands this 13th day of October, 1885. F. D. BOWER, D. M. McDOWELL.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 25, 1885.
David Beatty has sold out his interest in the meat market to Fred Bower. The business will now be conducted by Henderson & Bower.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 9, 1885.

On Wednesday evening, shortly before ten o’clock, a cry of fire proceeded from the Leland Hotel, which caused serious consternation, and the office and hall of the building were soon filled with people. In a very few minutes the gratifying news was spread that the fire was extinguished and all danger was over. Mr. H. H. Perry, the proprietor of the hotel, gives the following statement of this incipient calamity.
“On the night in question my house was full, and as I retired before the omnibus from the Santa Fe depot came up, I instructed the porter to call me, if a certain passenger (a Mr. Pomyea, from Kansas City), came in. My wife being away from home, I proposed to give up my room and sleep for the night with one of the boys. About ten minutes after I had undressed and was in bed, the porter came to my room and called me, saying Mr. Pomyea had come in the stage. I arose, and having half dressed myself, sent for a chambermaid to make up the bed and tidy the room. Ella Chapel came, and after she had prepared the room for the guest, I sent her downstairs for two towels. The girl came flying back in an instant, saying the stairs were on fire. I grabbed up the water pitcher, and running downstairs, found the flames in a recess under the stairs and hard to get at. Getting on my knees I thrust the pitcher into the recess, scorching my hand slightly with the blaze, and emptied its contents.
“In the hall, just forward of the stairs, is a sleeping room occupied by Mrs. Hill. I burst her door open, awakening her with the noise; and seizing her water pitcher, I also emptied that over the burning material, and this effectually extinguished the fire.”
Suspicion of this daring act of incendiarianism fell upon Jerry McGee, a discharged porter, then employed in the Occidental Hotel, who had been seen about the premises by a dining room girl. Complaint was made to Justice Kreamer, and the City Marshal was instructed to make the arrest. The suspected party was found in the Occidental and taken before the justice, who placed him under $1,500 bonds to appear for examination. Bail was furnished by DeWitt McDowell, proprietor of the Occidental, and the accused was discharged; but later on he was re-arrested and placed under guard.
One of the witnesses at the trial of Jerry McGee was DeWitt McDowell, proprietor of the Occidental Hotel. He deposed that McGee was in his employ as porter. It was near 10 o’clock when the bus came in. Jerry McGee entered the office with one man carrying a small bundle. McGee sat down and the passenger washed. He (the accused) then went upstairs, and two minutes later there was an alarm of fire. He did not leave the office till he went upstairs. Billy Gray came in about ten minutes after the alarm of fire was given and took McGee away. On going upstairs, witness met him coming down, and told him there was a fire; he asked where it was. Both went to the door to look out, and saw a crowd running into the Leland Hotel.

Mr. McDowell was cross examined. He stated that he was born in Galesburg, Illinois, and came to Kansas not quite two years ago. He had been in the Occidental Hotel since July last, bought out his partner Nov. 12th. The accused had been employed at the House from a month previous to that time. Until Fred Bower (his former partner in the Occidental Hotel) left the house, McGee merely went to the trains, being in poor health, and worked for his board. But now he was paid a salary and had other duties. Witness denied that he had made any arrangement with Perry in regard to rates. He managed his own resources, and left Mr. Perry to attend to his business. McDowell stated he was present when City Marshal Gray came in to arrest Jerry McGee and that he next saw him in Justice Kreamer’s office and went on the bond. He denied that he had employed Judge Sumner to defend the accused.
Judge Kreamer held the accused to appear before the district court of Sumner to answer to the charge of arson, and fixed his bail at the sum of $2,500 dollars.
The following day DeWitt McDowell, W. B. Hagins, Asa Lewis, and H. T. Sumner went on his bond, their sureties were approved, and the accused was discharged.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 9, 1885.
Beat His Board. Some few days ago, L. M. Ross & Bro., and Fred Bower, by their attorney, C. T. Atkinson, commenced suit against Brewer & Stannard, proprietors of the Ottawa nursery, in Judge Kreamer’s court, for the recovery of money for board and livery furnished by said plaintiffs to Brewer & Stannard’s agents. It is alleged that fruit-tree agents of this firm have been dead-beating our citizens for some time. Many of our citizens suffered the loss in silence, but Ross Bros., and Fred Bower have called a halt. The question whether unscrupulous scoundrels can defraud honest men will be definitely settled, as both parties seem determined to carry the case to the highest courts. Public opinion is strongly in favor of the plaintiffs.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 12, 1885.
Bower & Henderson, the new proprietors of the City Meat Market, are selling meat now to suit the times. These enterprising gentlemen are always on the alert, ready and willing to supply their customers with clean, tender, and good meats. They also buy hides, hogs, and cattle, paying the highest market prices therefor. Farmers, you will find it a pleasure as well as very profitable to call upon Bower & Henderson when in the city and dispose of your fat beeves to them. J. F. Henderson makes his headquarters at the market and devotes his whole time to the buying. Fred Bower nobly awaits the wants of customers. Times are somewhat hard and Fred will sell you meat at hard time prices.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 16, 1885.
ED. TRAVELER: I notice an article in your issue of the 9th inst., headed “Beat his Board,” which contains some very unjust and erroneous statements. It is true that Fred Bower and the Ross Bros., have begun suit against Brewer & Stannard for board and livery bills, made by two men in the employ of that firm, which case will be tried next month. Neither Mr. Bower nor the Ross Bros. ever ascertained whether the firm named would be responsible for the bills, but credited the men expecting them to pay. Now the men are gone, they try to make the indebtedness off the company.
These men are hired to sell nursery stock on certain conditions stated in their contract with the firm, and the latter pays all bills in accordance with this agreement. Brewer & Stannard’s agents have sold stock in Arkansas City for some years, and have given satisfaction to all their customers. There have been no bills left unpaid until these two men became delinquent. The company repudiates no bills which it agrees to pay either to patrons or agents. All agreements made by agents to patrons are fulfilled so long as they are consistent, in regard to sales of stock, and in accordance with the contract made to the firm. For any liabilities outside of this, the company will not be responsible. Does the public believe that employers should be responsible for the personal bills of their agents?

I do not know who wrote the article, “Beat his Board,” but, he must be the only person who thought of “tar and feathers,” and I am sure his screed was written out of jealousy and with malicious intent. Most probably he is himself engaged in the nursery business. Toward the close of his letter, he says, “One of them is in our midst.” Yes, sir, I am here, and intend to stay here and sell to the people. Our stock is of the best, and charges reasonable. I have been in the agency business over three years, and defy you to find a single person who will say (and prove his assertion) that I have ever dealt otherwise than honestly by him. Our stock stands on its own merits, and we sell on the reputation of our stock. I hope the writer of “Beat his Board” will be fair and sign his name to his next effusion. GEO. E. COONROD, Agent for Ottawa Star Nurseries. BREWER & STANNARD, Proprietors.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 16, 1885.
THE OTHER SIDE PRESENTED. Arkansas City, Dec. 10th. ED. TRAVELER: An article appeared in your issue last week mentioning a case in which I appear as plaintiff. The parties sued are Brewer & Stannard, a nursery firm in this state. These people have been doing business here for some years and claim to be honorable dealers, but their acts hardly justify their pretensions. Let me state my experience with them.
Last winter an agent for Brewer & Stannard, named Winters, put up at my hotel, and proceeded to hire men to canvass the country round about. He represented himself as clothed with power by his principals to transact business for them, and informed me that the board and other necessary expenses of the men he engaged would be paid by the firm he represented. He and the two canvassers he employed stayed with me till their board bill amounted to $76, then they removed to other parts. Mr. Winters gave me an order on his employers for the amount, but when I sent it to them for collection, they dishonored it. Still they kept the man in their employ, clothing him with the power of their fine name to rob and fleece other unsuspecting parties. The quality of their nursery stock I know nothing about, or their mode of dealing with the patrons; but it is very clear that they are blameworthy in retaining in their employ men who have shown themselves dishonest—who openly resort to confidence games—and giving no caution to the public. Either they are amenable to the courts for the acts of their agents, or such agents are convicted swindlers. And I leave it to the public whether it is safe to do business with a firm which shows such disregard for the acts of the men whom they employ to do business for them. Respectfully, FRED BOWER.
The suit of Fred Bower against Brewer & Stannard was held in justice’s court in Arkansas City before W. D. Kreamer, justice of the peace of the city of Arkansas City in December 1885. C. T. Atkinson, attorney, acted in behalf of Mr. Bower, who won the suit.
Arkansas City Republican, December 26, 1885.
Alex Wood will enter into partnership with Fred Bower in the City Meat Market after January 1, 1886. Alex is one of the best men in the city since he got married.
Arkansas City Republican, January 2, 1886.
The firm of Bower & Wood commenced business yesterday. These gentlemen are the proprietors of the City Meat Market.
Arkansas City Republican, January 16, 1886.
Bower & Wood, the enterprising butchers at the City Meat Market, are putting up ice this week for next summer’s use. These gentlemen always take time by the forelock, and are prepared year in and year out to furnish their patrons with good and tender meats.

Arkansas City Republican, January 23, 1886.
Bower & Wood sell more meat for the money than any other meat market in the city.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 6, 1886.
DEALERS IN All kinds of Fresh and Salt Meats.
Highest Market Price paid for Fat Cattle, Hogs, Poultry, Hides, Tallow, etc.
Shop First Door North of O. P. Houghton’s. We solicit Your Patronage.
Arkansas City Republican, March 20, 1886.
Bower & Wood had $150 worth of hides stolen from their slaughter house last Friday night. The thief took his booty to Winfield and sold it to Whiting Bros. Johnnie Breene traced the thief to where he sold the hides, but then lost all clue. Alex Wood went up to Winfield Saturday and proved the property.
Arkansas City Republican, April 3, 1886.
Bower & Woods’ team became frightened yesterday afternoon and started to run away. Before it had proceeded one-fourth of a block, it was stopped. No damage was done.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, May 22, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
City Meat Market, Bower & Wood, proprietors, are selling the best cuts of steak at 10 cents per pound. Don’t forget this, because it will save you 2½ cents per pound should you happen to purchase elsewhere.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, May 29, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
Don’t forget that Bower & Wood, at the city meat market, will have on sale this evening fresh veal.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 5, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
Bower & Wood, of the City Meat Market, have received the contract for furnishing the Chilocco Indian schools with meat for the ensuing year. It consists of 35,000 pounds, or about five beeves per week. The Indian trade to Arkansas City is a mighty big thing and don’t you forget How we boom!!
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 5, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
Bower & Wood received Thursday evening from Latham a carload of fine cattle for butchering purposes.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 19, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
Monday Kroenert & Austin received official notice that they had been awarded the contract for furnishing four car-loads of salt to the Chilocco Indian schools this year. Kroenert & Austin had over 500 competitors bidding against them, and yet they got there, Eli, and don’t you forget it. Searing & Mead have the flour contract; and Bower & Wood have the meat contract. If Arkansas City possessed no other advantage for becoming a city, the Indian Trade alone would almost make one of her.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 3, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Bower & Wood, the proprietors of the City Meat Market, have had their hide house visited once more by the pilferer. Monday night someone removed 15 hides without their consent or knowledge. No clue has been discovered as to who did it.
Bower’s partner, Alex Wood, also had his problems...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 24, 1886. From Saturday’s Daily.

Alex. Wood, of the City Meat Market, now carries his right arm in a sling. Friday night he was driving some cattle in from across the Walnut. Just after crossing the Harmon bridge, some of the animals left the road, and Alex. started after them on his horse at full speed to chase them back. In his attempt to head them off, he ran into a wire fence, which was hidden from sight in some high weeds. The horse fell head-long over the fence, sending Alex. to the ground with such force as to dislocate his shoulder. Both were badly lacerated by the barbed wire. The cattle were taken to their destination and then Mr. Wood sought medical assistance. He is able to be around on the streets now.
Arkansas City Republican, July 31, 1886.
Strayed. A spotted cow, about six years old, branded with the Diamond Tail brand on side. Anyone furnishing information leading to her recovery will be amply rewarded.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 11, 1886.
Corn fed beef, prime young pork, home sausage, and lard kept constantly on hand at the City Meat Market.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 11, 1886.
Fresh meat of the best quality kept on ice, at the City Market, Bower & Woods, proprietors.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1886.
Corn fed beef, prime young pork, hams, sausage and lard kept constantly on hand at the City Meat market, Bower & Woods, proprietors.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 4, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Fred Bower has purchased Alex Wood’s half interest in the City Meat Market; the change occurred September 1.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 4, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
Since Fred Bower purchased the City Meat Market, he has been remodeling and repainting until the market looks like a new institution. Fred informs us that he intends butchering nothing but the beef cattle to be found in the market. Tomorrow he will have a fine specimen of the meats he intends disposing to his customers from now on. He has made new arrangements about getting young fat cattle, lambs, veal, etc. We would advise everybody to visit the City Meat Market.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 4, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
While making some Bologna sausage today noon at the rear of the City Meat Market, the attendant got too much wood on the fire in the cupola and the consequence was the blaze rose too high, setting the poles on fire which held the sausage. The fire was extinguished by some hard work before the buildings caught. If the fire had gotten communicated to the frame buildings, the loss would have been great as the wind was blowing quite hard. It is only a question of time until these wooden buildings will burn, unless they are removed.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 22, 1886.
Fred Bower, at the City Meat Market, pays good prices in cash for fat beeves, good solid calves, and well finished sheep. He cuts the best quality of meat and does a rushing business.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 20, 1886.

Strays. Lost two red cows spotted with white, one with spreading crumpled horns, brand not known; the other branded D. S. On one side and a ___ along the loin. Information as to the whereabouts of these animals should be left at the City Meat Market. FRED. BOWER.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 6, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
STRAYED. One large red cow, white in face, branded J. P. Also one spotted cow, branded D. O., with bar on the left loin. Finder please report to City Meat Market.
Fred Bower, Proprietor.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 17, 1886.

Alex Wood has returned to his former love and is again to be found at the City Meat Market. He dissolved partnership with Fred Bower some months ago, thinking to better his condition; but now finds he gave up a good thing, and has resumed his former business relations. The firm name is again Bower & Wood.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 17, 1886.
Ike Harkleroad may be classed among the successful cattle raisers of this city. On his ranch near the Kaw Agency he has 600 or 700 choice cattle, many of them graded, of the short horn variety, who show their improved breed and the effects of excellent pasture in their prime condition and the weight they have attained. His best beeves will turn the scale at 1,500 to 1,600 pounds, and a number of calves, as choice specimens of the bovine race as ever gamboled on the green, will weigh 800 lbs. Ike is justly proud of his stock, and boasts of having as good Christmas beef as will adorn many shambles in the eastern cities. Bower & Wood have bought 25 of his herd, and we hear he has other sales on hand.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 1, 1886.
Mr. Howell, who has a farm about four miles northwest of the city, instead of sending his hogs to Kansas City to be slaughtered, and then buy his hams, lard, bacon at three or four prices, set to work to cure his own pork, and for the past few weeks he has been in the pork packing business. He is putting down about 200 choice porkers, and will have a storehouse full of provisions to sell through the winter. His spareribs were sold by Bower & Wood.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 1, 1886.
Bower & Wood, of the City Meat Market, are enlarging their premises to make room for their increasing trade.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 18, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
Yesterday Fred Bower, of the City Meat Market, had a rough and tumble experience with a fractious cow. He was endeavoring to drive her into the slaughter pens when his horse in running fell, throwing Fred on the ground. The animal fell on his legs and the cow ran over both of her prostrate pursuers. Fortunately neither were injured very badly. Fred has a bruised hip and a big scar on his forehead.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 29, 1886.
The Christmas Trade. Ample preparations were made for the Christmas trade by our merchants generally, the prosperity enjoyed by our citizens leading them to expect unusually active sales. The holiday season was heralded by a rich display in the various jewelry stores, Ridenour & Beecher having a Christmas tree in their window which seemed to have been rooted in the famed mine of Golconda. The designs in toys made an immense display, every conceivable device to please the eye of childhood being on exhibition; with choice albums, articles for the boudoir, and bric-a-brac goods of all kinds, selected for more mature tastes. The dry goods counters and windows were bespread with their choicest attractions, and the grocery stores were heaped up with delicacies of the season.
In the meat markets there was a profusion of fine meat upon which the slaughter man had exhibited his artistic taste in bedecking for the holiday occasion. Bower & Wood and McDowell Bros., had their markets filled with fine beeves fatted for the season, which were supplemented with choice sheep ornately dressed, and a display of poultry which showed the skill and care of the raiser.

Sales during Christmas week were brisk and Christmas eve brought a jam which filled our streets, and kept the merchants driving from early morn till dewy eve. In the churches the Sunday schools were entertained with appropriate exercises, and Santa Claus appeared to send every juvenile home happy with a gift. Christmas day was a general holiday, the stores being closed to admit of merchant and salesman enjoying the festive season. The weather was cold but pleasant, and out-of-door exercise was resorted to by many holiday makers. The hotels and restaurants spread their tables more profusely as a tribute to the festal day, and around the family board assembled many a happy circle, who discussed the good cheer provided, and spent the evening in appropriate games.
A friendly trial of speed had been announced between the Winfield firemen and our own hose companies, but the former failed to put in an appearance. Hose companies No. 1 and 2 of this city tried their wind and dexterity in running a block and connecting their hose with the hydrants; this work being accomplished by No. 1 in fifteen seconds, the other company taking three seconds longer.
Notwithstanding the crowds in the city and the general hilarity, there was but little intoxication. Order was preserved on the streets, and there was unrestrained enjoyment without indulgence in license.