Rev. John J. Broadbent
Christian Minister.
West Bolton Township.
Bolton Township 1874: Broadbent, J. J., 35; spouse, Helen E., 30.
Bolton Township 1878: Broadbent, J. J. 42; spouse, H. E., 35.
Bolton Township 1880: Broadbent, J. J., 41; spouse, H. E., 37.
Bolton Township 1882: Broadbent, John, 44; spouse, H. E., 39.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 14, 1877.
REVIVAL. Revs. Taylor, a Baptist, Broadbent of the Christian Church, and McCue of the United Brethren have been holding a series of meetings for three weeks at the Theaker schoolhouse, with good success—fifteen having embraced the faith.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 28, 1877.
BOLTON, March 22, 1877.
Revs. Kerr, McCune, Taylor, and McCue, assisted by Revs. Broadbent and Herbert, have been holding a protracted meeting in the Theaker schoolhouse during the last four weeks. There were over twenty converts.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 9, 1877. Front Page.
Coal at Salt City.
SALT CITY, KAS., April 28, 1877.
At a meeting called for the purpose of taking action with regard to the organization of a coal company at this place. On motion Mr. L. Small was elected Chairman and W. E. Chenoweth, Secretary.
A letter was read by Mr. Wm. Berkey, from Todd & Royal, with regard to their proposition, on the shaft already begun. Short speeches were made by the following named persons, concerning the past, present, and future coal prospects: Messrs. Foster, Broadbent, Acton, Mills, Ward, Berry, Chenoweth, Berkey, Reynolds, and Lewis. A lively time was had.
On motion of Mr. Wm. Berkey, an election of five directors for a coal company was ordered. This resulted in the selection of the following gentlemen: George Reynolds, J. H. Hudson, Robert Mills, L. Small, and Wm. Berkey.
Moved and seconded that H. B. Pruden be the Treasurer of the company. On motion, W. E. Chenoweth was chosen Secretary.
Messrs. Berkey and Mills were instructed to confer with Todd & Royal and make arrangements with them on a proposition to proceed with the old shaft.
Motion made by Mr. Lewis that the two men who confer with Todd & Royal meet the Board of Directors on Saturday, May 5th, 1877, at 10 o’clock a.m., and give their report of the result of the conference, and that they invite Todd & Royal to meet the board at that time in the schoolhouse at Salt City.
Motion carried that there be a meeting of the citizens of the vicinity, and all interested parties, at 2 o’clock p.m., at the same place, May 5th, 1877.
Moved and carried that the Arkansas City Traveler, Winfield Courier, and Oxford Independent be requested to publish these minutes.
On motion the meeting adjourned. L. SMALL, Chairman.
W. E. CHENOWETH, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, May 10, 1877. Back Page.
From Salt City.
At a meeting called for the purpose of taking action with regard to the organization of a coal company at this place. On motion Mr. L. Small was elected Chairman and W. E. Chenoweth Secretary.
A letter was read by Mr. W. Berkey, from Todd and Royal with regard to the proposition on the shaft already begun.
Short speeches were made by the following named persons, concerning the past prospects and future coal prospects.
Messrs. Foster, Broadbent, Acton, Mills, Ward, Berry, Chenoweth, Berkey, Reynolds, and Lewis. A lively time was had.
On motion of Mr. Berkey an election of five directors for a coal company was ordered. Respectfully in the selection of the following gentlemen:
George Reynolds, J. H. Hudson, Robert Mills, L. Small, and W. Berkey. Moved and carried that H. B. Pruden be the treasurer of the company.
On motion W. E. Chenoweth, was chosen secretary, Messrs. Berkey and Mills were instructed to confer with Todd and Royal, and make arrangements with them on a proposition to proceed with the old shaft. Motion made by Mr. Lewis that these two men who confer with Todd and Royal, meet the board of directors on Saturday, May 12th, 1877, at ten o’clock a.m., and give their report of the result of the conference and that they invite Todd and Royal to meet the board at that time in the schoolhouse in Salt City. Motion carried that there be a meeting of the citizens of the vicinity and all interested parties, at 2 o’clock p.m., at the same place May 5th, 1877. Moved and carried that the Arkansas City Traveler, Winfield Courier, and Oxford Independent be requested to publish these minutes. On motion the meeting adjourned. L. SMALL, Chairman.
W. E. CHENOWETH, Secretary. April 28th, 1877.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 18, 1877.
ELDER H. D. GANS, of Winfield, will preach at the Theaker schoolhouse Saturday night, July 21st; also the following Sunday at 11 o’clock a.m. J. J. BROADBENT.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1877.
MARRIED. Oct. 16th, at the residence of J. B. Plumb, by Rev. J. J. Broadbent, Mr. John Myrtle and Mrs. Florilla Wright, both of Bolton.
Winfield Courier, November 22, 1877.
Claims Presented for Election Services.
The Board of Commissioners met in special session. Present: R. F. Burden, W. M. Sleeth, and William White, Commissioners; James McDermott, County Attorney, and M. G. Troup, County Clerk.
Among other proceedings had, the Board allowed the following claims for election services.
J. J. Broadbent was on the list of claims for election services.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 19, 1877.
Protracted meeting has been in vogue for the past week, and continues, conducted by Rev. Broadbent.
Winfield Courier, December 20, 1877.
December 17, 1877.
Editor Courier: As spiritual matters should first claim our attention, we will state that a protracted meeting has for the last ten days been in progress at Salt City. It was initiated and has been conducted most of the time by the Rev. J. J. Broadbent. Judge Gans, of your city, preached to a full and attentive house last Sunday. A considerable interest is manifested and the meeting will continue during the present week.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 2, 1878.
MARRIED. By Elder Broadbent, December 20th, Mr. Squire Curry and Miss Mary McCoy. The ceremony was performed at the residence of Mr. Haedicke. Good for squire.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 4, 1878.
EDITOR TRAVELER: The ennui of Salt City was enlivened last Sunday evening by the excitement of a double wedding. Dr. Arnold, our highly respected physician, and Miss Becky Reynolds; and Mr. Edward Willard and Miss Jennie Reynolds, were married at the residence of the brides’ parents by Elder Broadbent, on Sunday evening at 4 o’clock. The wedding was a splendid affair. A READER.
Winfield Courier, September 26, 1878.
SALT CITY, Sept. 18, 1878.
MARRIAGES. Our doctor is prepared to take better care of the afflicted now than ever, having taken a partner for life. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Broadbent, and the fortunate young lady was Miss Rebecca Reynolds.
At the same time and place, by the same party, Mr. Ed. Willard and Miss Jane Reynolds.
Winfield Courier, February 13, 1879.
SALT CITY, KS., Feb. 11, 1879.
Rev. Mr. Broadbent held a series of meetings for the past ten days.
[Note: Next two items refer to a convention at Creswell Township. The names of these individuals are not consistent. First item mentions Rev. Thompson; second item does not have his name. Also in the first item appears the name of “A. Saray.” This name does not appear in the second item. MAW...
Arkansas City Traveler, October 15, 1879.
Creswell Township Sabbath School Convention.
The first meeting of the Creswell Township Sabbath School Association is to be held in the 1st Presbyterian church, Arkansas City, Kansas, Friday and Saturday, Oct. 24th and 25th. Exercise to commence Friday evening at 7½ o’clock, of which the following is a programme.
Rev. McClung, Rev. Laverty, Dr. Reed, W. J. Harris, W. Spray, Rev. McClanahan, J. P. Henderson, Rev. Thompson, A. Saray, Rev. Swarts, Dr. Carlisle, J. J. Broadbent, and C. W. Terwilliger.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 22, 1879.
Creswell Township Sabbath School Convention. The first meeting of the Creswell Township Sabbath School Association is to be held in the 1st Presbyterian church, Arkansas City, Kansas, Friday and Saturday, Oct. 24th and 25th. Exercise to commence Friday evening at 7½ o’clock.
Participants named: Rev. McClung, Rev. Laverty, Dr. Reed, W. J. Harris, W. Spray, Rev. McClanahan, J. P. Henderson, Rev. Swarts, Dr. Carlisle, J. J. Broadbent, and C. W. Terwilliger.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 5, 1879.
MARRIED. In East Bolton township, on Sunday, November 2nd, 1879, by the Rev. Mr. Broadbent, Mr. Robert Stevenson and Miss Ida Ireton.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 5, 1879.
MARRIED. On Sunday last at the residence of the bride’s father in East Bolton township, by the Rev. Mr. Broadbent, Mr. David Gilbert and Miss Rhoda Key.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1880.
MARRIED. By Elder Broadbent, at his residence, January 13th, 1880, T. J. Lewis and Laura Edds, both of Sumner County.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1880.
MARRIED. At the residence of the bride’s sister, by Elder Broadbent, February 7th, 1880, Mr. James Lobdell and Miss Hattie Ward.
Both parties are members of the Christian church at Salt City, are well known and highly respected, and although they have stepped from the circle of the young and taken upon themselves the responsibilities of married life yet we hope still to have their society. May they long remain among us and the Lord bless them on the journey of life.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 25, 1880.
MARRIED. At the residence of the bride’s parents, in Salt City, Feb. 11th, 1880, by Elder Broadbent, Mr. George Hood to Miss Julia Wetzler.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 25, 1880.
Rev. J. J. Broadbent, of Salt City, was in town last week, and showed his appreciation of the TRAVELER by dropping into the office and depositing two dollars with our foreman, and ordered his paper sent right along. Thanks.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 15, 1880.
The Bolton Township temperance organization met, and in the absence of the president, Rev. Broadbent, was called to order by the secretary. Rev. Fleming delivered an eloquent address of an hour’s length, and commanded the very closest attention throughout. The pledge was passed around, and nearly all gave their names. A unanimous vote of thanks was given the speaker, and the meeting adjourned to Tuesday evening, September 14, at the Guthrie schoolhouse. D. P. MARSHALL, Secretary.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 29, 1880.
There will be a temperance meeting at Salt City Tuesday night, October 5, and at Stony Point the next night. T. H. Soward, of Winfield, will address the people. J. J. BROADBENT.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 23, 1881.
MARRIED. Married at Salt City on February 18th, 1881, by Elder Broadbent, Mr. Bartlett Y. Hunt, of Pleasant Valley township, to Mrs. A. M. Graham of Salt City.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 16, 1881.
SALT CITY, March 14, 1881.
MARRIED. At the residence of the bride’s father, near Salt City, by Elder Broadbent, on Wednesday, March 9, 1881, Mr. James D. Wilson and Miss Libbie M. Conrad, all of Salt City. Both parties are well known and highly respected, and the best wishes of their many friends in this vicinity will follow them wherever their lot may be cast.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 22, 1882.
Mrs. Rev. Broadbent has been afflicted more or less for about sixteen weeks with the neuralgia, and is, at present, dangerously ill.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1882.
Mrs. J. J. Broadbent, we are pleased to state, is now entirely recovered from the sickness with which she was troubled a few weeks since.
Winfield Courier, May 4, 1882.
A Praise-worthy Movement.
GEUDA SPRINGS, April 27th. EDS. COURIER: Pursuant to the notice given after Divine service on Sunday last, a meeting was held at Odd Fellows’ Hall, Geuda Springs, on the 24th inst., to take steps toward building a large Booth or Tabernacle near the Springs, for religious worship. The object of the meeting was explained by Rev. Mr. Post and Dr. Cutler, after which the meeting was organized by electing Rev. McCamey president, and Dr. Cutler, secretary. After full discussion a committee of seven, consisting of Messrs. Cutler, Rice, Berkey, Snider, Acton, Mills, and Notestine were appointed an executive committee, to have the management of the building and the control of the same after being built.
On motion it was resolved to build Booth or Tabernacle with a seating capacity of two or three thousand.
On motion Bros. Post, McCamey, and Broadbent were appointed a committee whose duty it shall be to invite prominent ministers of all denominations to hold divine services in the tabernacle.
On motion the 3rd Sunday in May was fixed upon as the time for holding the first religious worship in the tabernacle, at 10 o’clock a.m. The committee was instructed to advertise the fact in the state papers.
On motion the meeting adjourned. J. W. McCAMEY, President.
GEO. A. CUTLER, Secretary.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 9, 1882.
Bolton’s Delegates. The delegates elected to attend the Nominating Convention of the 67th representative district to be held at Arkansas City, August 12, 1882, were: P. A. Lorry, A. C. Williams, and P. B. Andrews.
The following gentlemen were elected delegates to the County Convention held at Winfield last Saturday: D. P. Marshall, J. J. Broadbent, and Dr. Z. Carlisle.
Winfield Courier, August 10, 1882.
Delegates entitled to seats.
Bolton: J. J. Broadbent, D. P. Marshall, Z. Carlisle.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 18, 1882.
MARRIED. Mr. John Murray and Miss Hannah Lorry, both of Bolton township, were married by Rev. Broadbent at his residence, on Wednesday, October 11th, 1882. The young couple have our best wishes for their prosperity in life.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 18, 1882.
Elder Broadbent, of West Bolton, and one of the TRAVELER’s oldest friends, paid us a pleasant call yesterday. The Rev. has just returned from a three week’s visit to his former home, at West Union, Iowa. He still thinks, however, that Cowley is the best place to live in.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 28, 1883.
Preaching in McLaughlin’s Hall next Lord’s day morning and evening by Eld. J. J. Broadbent, a Christian minister. All are invited to attend.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 25, 1883.
Rev. J. J. Broadbent will preach next Sunday, April 29th, 1883, at the Theaker schoolhouse in West Bolton. Morning services at 11 o’clock and evening at 7:30 o’clock.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 23, 1883.
Leland Hotel. Among the arrivals at the Leland Hotel, now under the management of Mr. A. W. Patterson, we find the following.
J. J. Broadbent, Bolton, was included on the list given of arrivals.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 6, 1883.
Rev. Broadbent of the Christian Church preached Sunday at McLaughlin’s Hall. The Reverend has many followers who seem true to the faith.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 13, 1883.
Old Soldiers of Bolton. The following list of our soldiers of Bolton Township were furnished us for publication by Gus Lorry, trustee of that township.
Included on this long list:
J. J. Broadbent, 1st sergt., Co. F, 38th Iowa Infantry.
Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.
We publish below the roll of old soldiers in this county drawing pensions from the government for injuries sustained on account of service, with monthly rate of allowance. It shows that there are one hundred and forty-six soldiers in the county drawing pensions, and that the government pays to them monthly the aggregate sum of $1,509.66¾. This is a record that no county but ours can show. It is certainly one that “Cares for him who has born the brunt of battle and for his widows and orphans.”
Broadbent, John J., Arkansas City, ulceration rt ankle, $6.00, August 1876.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1884.
Pensioners. Following are the pensioners who receive their mail at this office, with the monthly rate allowed.
Included on list: J. J. Broadbent: $6.00.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1884.
MARRIED. By Elder Broadbent, at his residence, February 17, 1884, Mr. Samuel Kimmell and Miss Annie Jones, late from Missouri. Although her acquaintance has been short here, yet she has won the respect of many. Sam is one of Bolton’s first-class young men. His friends will probably remember that he went to Missouri last summer hauling sheep, and it is thoroughly creditable to him that he secured a dear.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 27, 1884.
MARRIED. By Elder Broadbent, at his residence in Bolton Township, on Sunday, February 24, 1884, Mr. M. C. Coulter and Miss Jessie A. Newton, both of whom are residents of Bolton Township. The TRAVELER wishes the young couple a long life of wedded happiness.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 27, 1884.
On motion of J. C. Long, committee on resolutions appointed by the chairman: J. C. Long, M. C. Headrick, C. L. Swarts, J. J. Broadbent, H. H. Martin, Thos. McDonough, A. A. Mills.
Entitled to seats in the convention:
Bolton: J. J. Broadbent, C. R. Mitchell, Wm. Trimble, Ben Wing, H. Davis.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 8, 1884.
School district No. 39, in Bolton Township, will need about five cords of good hard wood this winter; which some man can furnish by applying to J. J. Broadbent, district clerk, whose post office address is Salt City.
Arkansas City Republican, October 25, 1884.
Silas, a son of Rev. J. J. Broadbent, was thrown from his pony while on the road home from school. He had his left shoulder dislocated and will not be able to attend school for some time.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 5, 1885.
Tannehill Tidings.
A most acceptable rain visited us today, which seems to have imbued the tillers of the soil with a new activity; for the harrows are running in every quarter.
The basket meeting held in Smalley’s grove last Sunday was a success in every particular. Elder Wright, of Butler County, was the orator of the day. He is a splendid speaker, and well versed in the Bible. Elders Broadbent, Irvin, and Frazee were in attendance, listening with much care to the deliberations of the venerable speaker. After dinner a large load of fine watermelons were furnished for free distribution by J. H. Watts, Warren Wood, J. W. Browning, and others. They must have been highly relished for they were all taken.
A series of lectures on the Bible will be given during the evenings of this week, at Tannehill, by Rev. Ingels, the State Sunday School Evangelist.
Arkansas City Republican, October 17, 1885.
From Another Correspondent.
John Broadbent, while playing at school, had a double dislocation of the elbow. We are glad to inform his many friends that he is getting along nicely and is able to attend school again.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 23, 1885.
Elder Broadbent will preach in Springside schoolhouse, on Sunday next, the 27th inst., at 11 o’clock in the forenoon. There will be preaching services also in the evening.
Arkansas City Republican, March 6, 1886.
MARRIED. J. A. Hess and Miss Alice Kinty, of Bolton Township, were united in marriage Monday afternoon by Rev. Broadbent at the residence of the officiating clergyman.
[Note: Item above was the last one found on Rev. J. J. Broadbent. MAW]