

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1879.
GROUSE CREEK, May 12, 1879.
As I am comparatively a stranger in this part of the coun­try, I will not be able to give you as much news as some others.
Commencing at Lazette, the first person I called upon was Dr. Chapman. The Doctor had moved into his new building; had added dry goods and groceries to his drug business. He seemed to be doing a large business, in fact, was in excellent spirts.
I met Mr. Baker on the street. He used to be the jolly, good-natured blacksmith of Benderville. He had not time to talk; ten  teams waiting with plows heaped around the shop till you could scarcely find your way into the door. He was sweating, and I presume had been down to the well taking a drink.
I met an old acquaintance on the street, who introduced me to McD. Stapleton. McD. was busy, but laid down the cigars and in a few minutes we were smoking and happy; discussing railroads and general business. McD. is courteous and genial, and from the way he handles dry goods, shows he understands his business.
The sights of Lazette: the two leading stores, Chapman and Stapleton are doing a business little short of your best business houses of Winfield.  I must pass over the others, as my acquain­tance is not sufficient to mention their names.
I wandered down the creek passing the beautiful farm of Mr. Brooks, all surrounded by stone fence and a hundred acres of wheat to gaze upon as you pass Benderville. Here I met Mr. Craft, one of those whole-souled men that we are always happy to meet. He showed me his farm, one of the finest in the country, fine buildings and the largest and finest residence in this part of the county.
I called over to see Charley Jones. I found no change in Charley since the time he surveyed in the Indian Territory, or when he ran a business in Lazette. He looks as young as ever; but now he has a wife and baby, and such a pretty baby! Charley was all smiles, and seemed as happy as a lark. He is the only merchant of this place and is doing a large business.