Bruner Family
The mysterious “Mrs. S. B. Bruner” was born with the last name of Bascom. She then married a man by the name of Porter. Later she married a man by the name of Bruner.
Mrs. S. B. Bruner had relatives in the Winfield area: her sister, Mrs. J. J. Todd; and a niece, Eugenia Ward, who married Ed. T. Johnson.
Mrs. S. B. Bruner had a number of children by her first husband.
- Kate Porter: married James F. Holloway, son of Rev. Samuel S. Holloway, at the residence of her mother, Mrs. S. B. Bruner, in Winfield, on Sunday evening, August 27, 1876. Rev. J. C. Adams officiated.
- Nettie Porter: married Horace E. Powers at Omaha, Nebraska, July 22, 1881.
- Justin Porter.
- Jodie Porter.
Rev. Adams married Jennie Holloway. Interesting story. Am giving it below...
Rev. J. C. Adams.
Winfield Courier, October 28, 1875.
Religious exercises in our city last Sunday were varied and numerous. Preaching in the morning and evening at the Presbyterian, Methodist, and Christian churches; Sabbath school at the stone church by the Union S. S. and also by the Methodists at the same time at their church. Rev. Adams, late of New York, preached his initiatory sermon as successor to Rev. McQuiston at the Methodist church, while Rev. Blevins, of Eldorado, delighted a large audience by a practical sermon at the Christian church. Arrangements were begun by the M. E. S. S. looking toward holding bi-monthly concerts. Surely we’ll not want for religious exercises to attend the coming winter.
The society at Winfield was organized in May, 1870, by Rev. B. C. Swarts with three members, two full members and one probationer. This was the first organization in the county. In September following—the membership having increased to ten—the construction of a house of worship was decided upon. In May, 1871, a church building was completed. In March of 1871, the Kansas M. E. conference appointed Rev. L. A. Smith to fill the charge. Rev. Wm. Armstrong succeeded him; and in Aug. 1872 Rev. Williams took charge; and following him was Rev. John Lowrey in March, 1873. In March 1874, Rev. J. McQuiston was placed in charge, and finally in September, 1875, Winfield became a station with Rev. J. C. Adams as pastor. The Winfield society contains 56 members and owns a church and parsonage valued at $1,500.
The M. E. denomination have organizations in the county, located as follows: One at Winfield, Little Dutch, Limbocker’s Schoolhouse, Fee’s Schoolhouse, Thomasville, Maple City, Coburns, Bolton, Dexter, Lazette, New Salem, South Bend, Arkansas City, Baltimore, and Rock Schoolhouse. The estimated membership is 400 in number. The society at Arkansas City own a parsonage.
Winfield Courier, January 13, 1876.
Under the charge of Revs. Platter and Adams, a revival meeting is in progress in Winfield that excels in interest and results anything ever experienced here. We hope no one will discourage the good work.
Winfield Courier, February 24, 1876.
Next Sunday, Rev. Adams will preach his last sermon, at the M. E. church, before going to Conference. This eloquent young divine has made a host of friends during his short sojourn in our city, and the entire community hope he will be returned. Dame Rumor informs us that he will soon occupy the Parsonage if he returns.
Winfield Courier, March 2, 1876.
Rev. C. J. Adams has gone to White Cloud to preach for the Congregationalists.
Winfield Courier, March 9, 1876.
Letter from Rev. C. J. Adams.
We are permitted to publish the following interesting letter from the late M. E. pastor of this place.
BRETHREN: Somewhere about the middle of October, 1875, on the southward-bound stage-coach, in the evening, “blue,” I rode into Winfield. On the last day of February, 1876, on the northward-bound stage-coach, in the morning, “blue,” I rode out of Winfield. The October evening was clear, warm, and beautiful, while the February morning was overcast, cold, and ugly. So you see the weather, too often blamed for that of which it is not guilty, was not instrumental in the birth or maturing of either of these cloudy conditions of mind. What was, then?
Before starting to Winfield, I was informed by word of mouth, and by letter, that in the Methodist church there, the devil of discord was loose and rampant, and that I was expected to capture and chain him. The question, consequently, which was troubling me on that October evening was, “Had I better approach him from the front or the rear—had I better lay hold of him by the ears or by the tail?” In other words, “Who had unbound him—the former pastor, or the people themselves?” If the pastor, I knew that I would only have to walk up in his face and take hold of him unhesitatingly, boldly. If the people, I felt that I would have to come up behind and pounce on him when he least expected me. Under the circumstances, is it any wonder that I was “blue?” But the question was not hard to answer when once I had come face to face with the great fact in the case. I say to you, unhesitatingly, as I do also to him, that I am convinced that had Mr. McQuiston not forced himself back upon you, in the face of your asking that he might not be returned, the late lamentable troubles in the Methodist Episcopal Church of Winfield would never have been. I am convinced of this, because, when I came to you a perfect stranger, you received me more than kindly, and assured me, before you knew anything about me personally, and through your officiary, that, as you had asked for me, or rather, had not protested against my coming, you would “stand right by me,” let come what might. This you did. In looking over the history of the last five months this afternoon, I cannot remember an instance in which you, individually and collectively, did not measure clear up to the high mark of faithfulness, which you drew for yourselves. I have broken and had broken some tender ties. I have left the home of my boyhood. Our college class parted knowing that the tides and mud would put thousands of leagues between us, and that forever—for even though we meet again it will not be as boys, but as men. But, believe me, I never suffered so at a parting in my life as I did when I left Winfield. When strong men weep at parting with each other, you may know that they love each other. Nothing would have induced me to leave you but the profound conviction that it was my duty to do so. This will be made plainer to some of you some day than it is today. Is it right for me to leave the Methodist for the Congregational church? This is the question which I could not answer until, like an inspiration, the thought came: “It is not the denomination which God loves and in which he wants us to work, but the church of his Son!” I would like, had I the time, to develop this thought into a sermon. What we should do as christians is to learn to love the denomination, the sect, of which we are members less, and Christ’s bride more, remembering that his great, infinite heart is yearning to take her to his breast—yearning as only the Infinite can yearn!
As I think of my imperfections I wonder how God could use me in your midst as he did use me—little as I accomplished. I earnestly pray that he will send you a vastly better man, in the pulpit and out of it, than he has taken away from you.
Yours in the hope of Christ’s kingdom. C. J. ADAMS.
Wichita, March 1st, 1876.
Winfield Courier, March 30, 1876.
ADAMS - HOLLOWAY. On Tuesday morning, March 31st, at the residence of the bride’s father, by Rev. J. E. Platter, Rev. J. C. Adams of Highland, Kansas, to Miss Jennie Holloway of this place.
Though pleased to note this happy union, we are sorry in the same breath to have to chronicle the fact that they immediately departed for Mr. Adams’ pastorate in another part of the State. Their many friends here wish them a life of usefulness and pleasure in the future.
Winfield Courier, August 31, 1876.
Rev. C. J. Adams and wife, of White Cloud, are visiting relatives and friends in this vicinity.
Mrs. S. B. Bruner.
Kansas 1875 Census, Winfield Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Name age sex color Place/birth Where from
C. W. Bruner 29 m w Iowa Iowa
S. B. Bruner 37 f w Iowa Iowa
Justin Bruner 14 m w Illinois Iowa
Joseph D. Bruner 12 m w Illinois Iowa
Carrie L. Bruner
[age not given] f w Iowa Iowa
[Note 2nd entry Newspapers. Mrs. J. J. Todd sister of Mrs. Bruner.]
J. J. Todd 59 m w Ohio Illinois
[H or C]. E. Todd 54 f w New York Illinois
Lee/LaneTodd 16 m w Illinois Illinois
Sarah Bascom 78 f w New York Illinois
Sarah Bascom, age 75, listed as resident of Winfield, Kansas, in 1873.
[It appears Mrs. Bascom was the mother of Mrs. Bruner and Mrs. Todd.]
[Note: Niece of Mrs. Bruner: Eugenia Ward Johnson.]
All I could find was “City of Winfield 1880"...two females [Ward] listed...
1. Lizzie Ward, age 23.
2. Sarah Ward, age 22.
There were many Johnson people mentioned in the early days...
Winfield Courier, February 22, 1883.
DIED. E. A. Johnson died Thursday morning, the 16th inst., at his home near Seeley. The funeral was held on Saturday following from the residence of the family.
[Note: Courier, as noted above, said “E. A. Johnson.” WRONG!]
Alfred Elliott Johnson was born at Manchester, England, in 1853. His parents crossed the ocean to Canada in 1854, afterward coming to Winfield, Kansas, in 1870. He was a son of the late Rev. S. B. Johnson, who organized and was pastor of the First Congregational church of this place. The hardships and exposure incident to the settlement of a new country, undermined a naturally delicate constitution, and a paralytic stroke two years ago laid him aside from engaging in active employment. On the 10th inst., he was taken with a violent hemorrhage, and a second attack a few days later prostrated him and he sank till the morning of the 16th when he passed away from this life. He was much loved by those who knew him, for his loving and unselfish disposition. The funeral services were held at his late residence near Seeley, on Saturday, conducted by Rev. J. E. Platter. Owing to the distance and impassable state of the roads, only those necessary accompanied his remains to the cemetery at Winfield, where he was laid to rest beside the ashes of his parents. He was the first to be taken from an unbroken family of ten children now scattered in England, Canada, Kansas, Arizona, and Oregon.
[This means that he had nine brothers/sisters. No way can I check ALL.]
Reference to Rev. Johnson...
Cowley County Censor, Saturday, March 18, 1871.
Discussion of the Herd Law.
According to appointment the Winfield Institute met at the schoolhouse last Wednesday night for the purpose of hearing the merits and demerits, advantages and disadvantages of the proposed Herd Law discussed. By a vote of the previous meeting this subject had been selected for the evening and Messrs. J. B. Fairbank and E. C. Manning had been chosen leading disputants.
Mr. Manning having given Mr. Fairbank the choice of sides in the discussion, the latter gentleman chose the affirmative of the question, and when the time appointed arrived, Mr. Fairbank opened the debate and made a close, good argument in favor of the adoption of the law. The house was crowded and the fullest attention was paid to the remarks of the speaker. Several citizens had come in from the country to hear the debate. Mr. Manning then followed, first prefacing his remarks with the announcement that whatever might be his private opinion on the subject, the negative had fallen to his lot and he should without previous thought or experience in the matter attempt to sustain his side of the question. His arguments demonstrated that herd law was in conflict with the welfare of the county, and especially with the interests of the settlers of small means and owning but few cattle and cultivating but small fields.
Rev. Johnson made a few remarks. He said that he was pleased to have been present at the meeting. That he came there in favor of the herd law. That after hearing what had been said, his conclusion was that a herd law was not desirable; that it seemed like an impracticable delusion.
Messrs. James Renfro, W. W. Andrews, and others spoke against the herd law. Mr. Tousey balanced on the fence awhile: could not make up his mind in the case.
Mr. Fairbank then closed the debate with some excellent arguments in favor of the law, provided his premises were correct; they being erroneous, his arguments did not have the desired effect.
The following question was then put to the meeting:
“Resolved, That it is desirable to adopt the herd law in Cowley County,” which resolve did not obtain a single vote in its favor; but when the negative vote was taken, nearly the entire audience rose to their feet and voted against the resolution.
Again, reference is made to Rev. Johnson...
Cowley County Censor, July 1, 1871.
A military salute will be fired at sunrise.
The procession will be formed on Main Street at 10 a.m., by the Marshal of the day, and march to the grove at 11 o’clock accompanied with a band of music under the management of Prof. Palmer.
On arriving at the Grove the following order of exercises will be observed.
1. Song: Star Spangled Banner, by the Winfield Quartette Club.
2. Prayer by Rev. Mr. Johnson, Chaplain of the day.
3. Reading of the Declaration of Independence by Mr. L. J. Webb.
4. Music by the Band.
5. Oration.
6. Song: “God Bless Columbia.”
7. Music by the Band.
8. Dinner. After which music by the Band.
1. “President of the United States.” Response by Mr. A. W. Tousey.
Song: American Flag Song.
3. “The Day We Celebrate.” Response by Judge Ross.
Song: “Firmly Stand.”
5. “Cowley County.” Response by the Rev. Mr. Inman.
Music by the Band.
7. “Lo! the Poor Indian.” Response by Col. Alexander.
Song: Shout for the Banner.
8. “The Ladies of Cowley County.” Response by the Rev. E. P. Hickok.
9. “Our Railroad Enterprises.” Response by Mr. D. A. Millington.
Song: “National Hymn.”
10. “The Rising Generation.” Response by Mr. Lemmon.
Song: “Sweet Spirit hear my prayer.”
Music by the band.
Conclusion. Doxology.
N. B. — All are invited to join in the procession and march to the Grove.
Mention of Mrs. S. B. Johnson...
Winfield Messenger, October 4, 1872.
Lot Eleven—Working Oxen—Six Entries.
Premiums to Mrs. S. B. Johnson and J. H. Davis.
S. B. Johnson was an election judge...
Winfield Courier, April 24, 1874.
Cowley County, Kan., April 16th, 1874.
The following is a list of bills allowed by the Board of County Commissioners at their last regular meeting, showing the amount to whom allowed, and for what purpose.
Judges of Election: W. H. DeMott $4.50; John Liston, $2.00; R. I. Theaker, $2.00; T. H. Morris, $2.00; Warren Wood, $2.00; W. A. Freeman, $3.90; D. M. Patton, $6.00; J. H. Patton, $2.00; J. Q. Searle, $2.00; Tim. McIntire, $2.00; D. Thompson, $4.50; A. J. Pyburn, $2.00; T. R. Bryan, $2.00; D. A. Merydith, $5.00; G. L. Burdett, $2.00; John Mosier, $2.00; C. Sprague, $2.00; J. H. Pricket, $5.70; A. Weatherhead, $2.00; Wm. Atkinson, $2.00; Adam Walk, $5.00; A. McKinley, $2.00; Isaac Onstott, $2.00; P. J. Copple, $4.00; R. S. Strother, $5.00; W. M. Gillard, $2.00; Wm. Jenkins, $2.00; Thos. Shaver, $7.00; A. A. Mills, $2.00; T. L. Thompson, $2.00; John Boon, $7.00; F. M. Ross, $2.00; J. J. Smith, $2.00; T. H. Henderson, $2.00; H. H. Constant, $3.60; M. L. Devore, $2.00; Robert Thirsk, $2.00; H. L. Busher, $4.80; S. B. Johnson, $2.00; J. W. Miller, $2.00; N. J. Larkin, $4.30; S. D. Groom, $2.00; Wm. White, $4.40; G. H. Williams, $2.00; J. M. Barrick, $2.00; A. P. Brooks, $4.80; S. F. Draper, $2.00; T. P. Carter, $2.00; W. Ketcham, $2.00; M. B. Hennen, $5.80; I. How, $2.00; B. A. Davis, $5.00; J. N. Fleharty, $2.00; W. M. Butterfield, $2.00; J. B. Smith, $4.20; C. A. Williston, $2.00; D. Terrill, $2.00; G. W. Foughty, $3.80; J. G. Young, $2.00; J. M. Marks, $2.00; G. C. Swasey, $3.90; T. A. Blanchard, $2.00; D. B. Ware, $2.00; M. Hemenway, $2.00; H. D. Gans, $2.00; H. D. Wilkins, $5.00; J. D. Cochran, $2.00; W. Williams, $2.00; J. P. Short, $3.00.
S. B. Johnson, Pastor...
The Congregational denomination has one church organization. It is located in Winfield. Its organization was perfected in January, 1871, S. B. Johnson, Pastor. J. B. Fairbank and A. Howland, Deacons. It became a chartered corporation June 13th, 1873: Directors A. Howland, J. B. Fairbank, James A. Kirk, Ed T. Johnson, Ed W. Perkins. Rev. J. B. Parmelee became pastor in 1873. Mr. Parmelee moved to Indiana in the spring of 1875, since which time the church has been without a pastor.
Ed. T. Johnson, son of Rev. S. B. Johnson...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 4, 1873.
A literary and musical entertainment will be given a week from next Thursday and Friday in aid of the Congregational Church building fund under the directorship of Messrs. Ed. Johnson and T. A. Wilkinson.
Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.
The cantata of Esther the beautiful Queen, which was rendered at the courthouse last Monday and Tuesday nights, was a splendid affair in every instance, and is universally pronounced to be the best home talent entertainment ever given in Winfield. The adaptability of each player to the particular part assigned them was a noticeable feature, and each performed their part so well that we dare not make “any invidious distinctions.”
We cannot however avoid mentioning those who took the more prominent parts. Mrs. M. A. Arnold as Queen, Rev. J. P. Parmelee as King, E. C. Manning as Haman, A. T. Stewart, Mordecai; Mrs. W. D. Roberts, Zeresh; Miss Kate Johnson and Miss Mary Braidwood as Maids of honor; Charles Black, Harbonah (the King’s Chamberlain); Ed. Johnson, Hegei; A. A. Jackson, Hatach; W. L. Mullen, High Priest. They could not be surpassed in any city in the land. Miss Helen Parmelee as organist deserves special mention, as very much depended on her, always prompt, making no mistakes. The chorus was good, and taken as a whole, we venture to say that Winfield will not soon witness the like, and few towns in this country with their home talent could produce so splendid a spectacle. Too much cannot be said in praise of Prof. A. D. Battey, who drilled the class, and superintended the performance to its close.
Winfield Courier, July 10, 1874.
JOHNSON - WARD. At the Baptist church in Winfield on the 4th inst., by the Rev. N. L. Rigby, Mr. Edmund T. Johnson to Miss Eugenie Ward.
I hope the following is a case of the Courier goofing up!
Winfield Courier, July 31, 1874.
Edmund T. Johnson, to Melinda Hawkins.
[Question: Were there two people named Edmund T. Johnson?]
Winfield Courier, November 12, 1874.
SACRAMENTO, Cal., Oct. 31, 1874.
JAS. KELLY, Esq.: Dear Sir: You will perhaps be surprised to hear from me, but as I want to get the home news and know of no better medium than through the sheets of the COURIER, we want you to send it to us for three months.
I don’t like this country as well as Cowley County, to live in, but having a chance of going into something that has the prospect of paying well, we shall most likely stay through the winter.
Although this has the name of being a great wheat country, the yield wasn’t near as much per acre as it was in Cowley, and if the farmers would grow the white varieties of fall wheat, there is no place in America that would beat them in quantity or quality; in fact, for a farming country we have seen nothing like it since we left, and the farmers who stick to it will become wealthy, as the old pioneers are here.
The fruits and vegetables are in great abundance here, but they can be made just as much so there. All that is needed is time and energy.
The weather is delightful here. We had two or three day’s rain about a week ago, the first rain of the season, though earlier than usual. As it is about mail time I will have to close.
Respectfully yours, ED. T. JOHNSON.
Winfield Courier, April 8, 1875.
From the Sacramento, California, papers we see that our friend, Ed. Johnson, is the patentee of a Quartz mill, which is spoken highly of by the gold miners. Mr. Johnson has associated with a gentleman by the name of Cowles, under the firm name of Cowles & Johnson. We hope Ed. will yet make a fortune.
I am completely lost when it comes to the children of Rev. Johnson...
There are more items relative to them under “news items” I collected on the mysterious Mrs. S. B. Bruner...SEE FURTHER BELOW.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 30, 1873.
The members of the Fraternity of Odd Fellows will give a Sociable on Wednesday evening, November 5th, in the large room at the Courthouse. Evening entertainments will be of a social character. Supper will be provided at an early hour.
SOLICITING COMMITTEE: Mrs. M. L. Mullen, Mrs. J. J. Todd, Mrs. S. W. Greer, Mrs. Braidwood, Miss J. Stewart, Mrs. J. Bullene, Mrs. Jeffreys, L. J. Webb, T. A. Blanchard, A. S. Williams, G. W. Martin, Mrs. Fannie V. Curns, A. G. Jackson.
COMMITTEE ON PREPARING AND DECORATING THE ROOM: P. M. Shell, J. W. Curns, A. J. Thompson, Miss Ada Millington, Miss Quarles, Mrs. McMasters.
COMMITTEE ON KITCHEN: J. J. Williams, P. M. Sholl, F. D. Davis.
COMMITTEE ON MUSIC: Miss Lewelia Blandin, Miss Kate Lowery, Miss Kate Porter, Miss Braidwood, J. Swain.
COMMITTEE ON RECEPTION: Mrs. Flint, Miss J. Stewart, Mrs. Capt. Davis, J. J. Williams, J. Swain, Dr. Houx.
By order of the general Committee.
Winfield Courier, July 12, 1877.
Mr. J. J. Todd, living five miles east of town, one day last week presented us with a fine lot of peaches, which was the most delicious treat we have had for some time. They were from three year old trees grown from the seed.
Winfield Courier, August 9, 1877.
Mr. J. J. Todd, living four and half miles east of this city, has one of the largest and finest peach orchards we ever had the pleasure of visiting. In setting out, three years ago, the trees were placed equal distance apart upon about fifteen acres of ground, which has been kept in good order since. The trees are now sufficiently large to afford an excellent shade while passing through the orchard, where scarcely a weed is to be seen, and are laden with the most luscious fruit. He also has an apple orchard of seven hundred trees, all of which are thrifty and fine looking, some bearing lightly this year. His large blackberry patch yielded more fruit than he could possibly find time to gather. His vineyard also looks fine. The vines are all drooping to the ground, so heavily laden are they with fruit. The yield will be something near two thousand pounds of the finest varieties of grapes.
Winfield Courier, June 20, 1878.
Mr. Todd expects to have 500 bushels of peaches this summer.
Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.
John Bascom, who was recently killed in Idaho by the Indians, is a brother of Mrs. Bruner, of this city, and of Mrs. J. J. Todd.
Winfield Courier, July 11, 1878.
Mr. J. J. Todd took a load of peaches to Wichita last week and sold them out at $4.00 to $6.00 per bushel. He went up again with a load of 25 bushels last Monday.
Winfield Courier, August 15, 1878.
Last Thursday evening a pleasant little party of young folks met at Mr. Todd’s, four miles east of town, and enjoyed themselves by feasting upon all the fruits of the season.
Winfield Courier, September 19, 1878.
Mr. Todd has a home-made fruit dryer which is superior to any of the patents in the market. If you don’t believe this, go and see his dryer do the work.
Winfield Courier, November 14, 1878.
John J. Todd, the great peach raiser, is seriously ill. His situation was critical last Monday.
Winfield Courier, November 21, 1878.
DIED. John J. Todd, one of our best and most industrious farmers, died of inflammation of the bowels last week Wednesday evening at his residence four and a half miles east of this city. He came to this county from Fort Scott in 1871 and opened a high-land farm, which he has improved extensively, and has made one of the best orchards in the county. His crops of peaches this year and last amounted to thousands of bushels. Mr. Todd was about sixty years of age and has been one of the most energetic and persevering workers we ever knew. His loss will be deeply felt, not only by his family and friends, but by the whole community.
Winfield Courier, August 12, 1880.
J. C. Monforte and John Land have been cutting grass in the vicinity of the Todd place, four miles east of Winfield. On last Thursday evening some scoundrels broke up the mowing machine so as to make it a perfect wreck and carried away the smaller parts of it. The owners offer $50 reward for the apprehension of the perpetrators.
Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.
Dr. B. R. O’Connor, accompanied by his mother and six-year-old son, and also Mr. E. M. Baldwin, of St. Joe County, Indiana, arrived on the nine o’clock train Thursday night. The Doctor has purchased the Todd farm, seven miles southeast of this place on Otter creek, and will fit it up for a sheep ranch. His wife and daughter will arrive in about two months, accompanied by Mrs. Baldwin.
Winfield Courier, November 17, 1881.
Mrs. Eugenie Johnson arrived Monday from Arizona. She is a niece of Mrs. Todd and wife of Ed. Johnson, and formerly was well known in Winfield society, where she will be welcomed again with open arms. She has been among the Arizona silver and gold mines for the last few years where her husband has met with great success.
Winfield Courier, February 23, 1882.
Mr. Will Todd, of Georgetown, Colorado, well known to the earlier residents of Winfield, arrived at the home of his mother, Mrs. J. J. Todd, on last Saturday morning, much to the surprise of that lady who had not seen her son for nine years, and did not recognize him until he told her who he was. Will’s old friends will be glad to see him.
Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.
Will Todd brings us from the famous Todd orchard four miles east of town, specimens of large fine peaches. The loads of peaches in that orchard this year are simply marvelous.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1884.
Mr. Samuel Miller has rented Mrs. Todd’s farm, three miles east of Winfield.
Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.
The county convention met pursuant to call, and was called to order by D. A. Millington, chairman of county central committee. After the reading of the call by the secretary, E. A. Henthorn, of Silver Creek Township, was nominated for temporary chairman and E. G. Gray, of Creswell Township, for temporary secretary.
A. H. Limerick was renominated by acclamation, for county superintendent, after which the various delegations reported the following names for committeemen.
Windsor: W. B. Todd.
[End of Todd Family coverage.]
News Items Re Mrs. S. B. Bruner, Others.
Winfield Courier, November 1, 1877.
Who will attend to repairing the sidewalk between the residences of Will Allison and Mrs. Bruner?
Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.
John Bascom, who was recently killed in Idaho by the Indians, is a brother of Mrs. Bruner, of this city, and of Mrs. J. J. Todd.
Winfield Courier, September 26, 1878.
Mrs. Bruner is building a residence in the south part of town.
Winfield Courier, October 3, 1878.
Mrs. Bruner is building a neat residence in the south part of town.
Winfield Courier, October 17, 1878.
Mrs. Bruner will move into her new house the latter part of this week.
Winfield Courier, October 31, 1878.
The gayest little affair of the season occurred at the residence of Mrs. Bruner on last Monday evening. The young folks found out that she had moved into her new house and rushed in upon her without warning, and warmed the house in a way that will not soon be forgotten, either, by the amiable hostess or the delighted guests.
Winfield Courier, December 5, 1878.
Wooden Wedding.
On Friday of last week invitations were issued by Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Holloway to their many friends requesting their company on Monday evening, Dec. 2nd, to assist in celebrating the fifth anniversary of their marriage. Accordingly at the appointed time about 25 couples of our bravest and best assembled at their residence on the corner of 11th Avenue and Wood Street, and proceeded to make merry. The evening was spent in dancing and other amusements which enabled the guests to do justice to the ample refreshments provided by their kind hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Holloway, assisted by Miss W. Thomas, spared no pains to make the evening an enjoyable one. The party broke up at a late hour and all expressed themselves satisfied with their evenings entertainment. Some very pretty, elegant, and useful presents were received (although none were expected) of which the following is a partial list: Carved cigar holder, Geo. and Will Robinson; fancy table for flowers, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Allison; pair brackets, Mrs. Bruner and Mrs. Kate Holloway; brackets and match safe, Wilbur and Maggie Dever; card basket, Mr. and Mrs. Buckman; wooden sugar scoops, Dr. and Mrs. Emmerson; moulding board and match safe, Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Randal; wooden jewelry, Miss Minnie Bacon; spool box, J. F. Holloway; jumping jack, Justin Porter; tooth pick, O. M. Seward; child’s rocking chair, Mr. John Moffitt; large rocking chair, Messrs. Speed, Clisbee, Harris, Seward, Suss, Root, and Baldwin. Mr. Holloway presented his wife with a handsome eight day clock and she returned the compliment by presenting him with an elegant clock shelf.
Winfield Courier, December 12, 1878.
Last Friday evening the young folks assembled at the residence of Mrs. Bruner and spent the evening in a very enjoyable manner. Another such an evening would be appreciated.
Winfield Courier, January 22, 1880.
Most of our readers will be interested in the letter on the first page of this paper from Mr. Ed. T. Johnson, in Arizona, giving a vivid pen picture of life and mining in that state. Mr. Johnson is a son of Mrs. S. B. Johnson, and the late Rev. Johnson, formerly pastor of the Congregational church of Winfield, a brother of Warner and Will. Johnson and of Mrs. McCommon and Mrs. Peabody. Ed. married Miss Eugenia Ward, a niece of Mrs. S. B. Bruner of this place, and owner of the Matthewson farm east of town. She is with her husband in the wilds of Arizona. We are glad that civilization is approaching them, and hope their venture will realize them untold sums of gold and silver.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 22, 1880. Front Page.
BEDROCK, Yavaipai Co., A. T., January 3rd, 1880.
ED. COURIER: Having had letters of inquiry about this far-off territory, and thinking that more of your many readers might, perhaps, like to hear something of the country, I take this means of answering their several inquiries.
We are here situated in what will ere long be as good a mining section as is found any-where, but as in California, Nevada, Colorado, and elsewhere, it requires time and capital to develop the mines.
There are gold mines within half a mile of our cabin, that have kept their owners in plenty for years, by simply packing a few loads of quartz on two burros, from the ledge, which is several hundred feet up the side of the mountain, down to the arastra, the most primitive way of pulverizing quartz, and taking out by this crude process $500 a month, when they work steadily, which they seldom do. When questioned by me as to why they didn’t keep the old horses going, they replied that they took out enough gold to keep them in grub and clothes, and that was all that they wanted. They were slowly developing their mines, and after awhile somebody would come along and give them a good price for them; and I suppose their logic was good for they are now in Prescott to receive $35,000 from a Chicago company for some of them, and say they have others just as good left.
A Mexican arastra is a circular bed of rock with an upright shaft in the center, to which arms are attached and to which heavy rocks are tied; to the upper arm an old horse is hitched, and dragging the rocks tied to the lower arms over the rock bed pulverizes the quartz, which is broken up into pieces about the size of Walnuts. Quicksilver is put in the cracks of the bed, and water thrown in to form a pulp, which causes the fine gold to sink and coming in contact with the quicksilver, is held there.
There are several silver mines that will work from $200 to $300 per ton. It seems almost incredible that such riches should be lying dormant, but considering the inaccessibility of the country a few months since, it is not to be wondered at. The murdering Apaches, too, a few years ago, made mining a very risky business, as several graves not far off conclusively show; but that is over now, and Mr. Indian is about as scarce here as with you in Winfield; and if the Santa Fe road runs through as the talk now is, the country will develop amazingly, and who knows but some time in the future, when Arizona’s stores of gold, silver, copper, lead, etc., are opened out and her population more dense than it is at present, that Cowley will not contribute of her surplus wheat, corn, etc., in exchange.
This is not an agricultural country, nor will it ever be, though there is considerable good farming land, but farmers are never sure of a crop except by irrigating, and even that is uncertain as the streams often give out just when the water is most needed. There has already fallen more rain this winter than for any winter for several years, and the mountains are covered with a foot or two of snow; so there are hopes of better times for both farmers and miners another season.
It is a good deal harder pioneering here than it was in Cowley, for there a person could drive with a team nearly anywhere. Here, no roads; nothing but mountain trails that even a burro is squeamish about traveling over. My “pard” and I have managed to build a comfort-able cabin of three rooms over two miles from the end of the wagon road, and had to pack everything on our shoulders; building materials, eatables, cooking utensils, etc. Your readers may judge this hunting for gold and silver is not all pleasure. Still there is a fascinating excitement about it, unexplainable to those who have never engaged in it. Even the little ones soon learn it. Yesterday my little daughter (4 years old), picked up an old tin can and went down to the creek, saying she was going to “wash out some gold.” Having seen me pan out some, she thought that she must.
We have a placer or gravel claim at which we are about ready to commence work. We have had to pack our lumber for sluices over two miles, but hope to get paid for it before long.
The climate here is very healthy and invigorating. Excellent drinking water, and any amount of timber; the hills are all covered with good pine timber, oak, walnut, juniper, alder, and ash: the latter all rather diminutive. Flour is $6.50 per sack of 98 lbs., butter 50 to 60 cents per lb., Bacon 25 cents, eggs, $1.25 per dozen, when they are to be had, potatoes 4 to 5 cents per lb., and green apples 25 cents per lb. So we don’t have many green apple pies.
We are located on Big Bug Creek, 14 miles by mountain trail from Prescott, but over 30 miles by wagon road. Ladies are a scarce commodity: my wife and a lady four miles down the creek, being the only ladies in this section. Two or three companies are going to extensive operations in the spring, when population will come in, but it is a barbarous country, and as soon as we can sell out some mines for a good round figure, we want to go back to Winfield, and have some happy times with the old friends, “as in bright days of yore.” E. T. JOHNSON.
Winfield Courier, January 22, 1880.
Mr. Ed. T. Johnson, now in Arizona, is a son of Mrs. S. B. Johnson, and the late Rev. Johnson, formerly pastor of the Congregational church of Winfield. He is a brother of Warner and Will. Johnson, and of Mrs. McCommon and Mrs. Peabody. Ed. married Miss Eugenia Ward, a niece of Mrs. S. B. Bruner of Winfield, and owner of the Matthewson farm east of town. Eugenia Johnson is with her husband in the wilds of Arizona. We are glad that civilization is approaching them, and hope their venture will realize them untold sums of gold and silver.
Winfield Courier, December 23, 1880.
W. H. and A. E. Johnson called on us Monday to consult on the route to Prescott, Arizona, which place they propose to visit soon and go into the quartz mining business. Their brother, E. T. Johnson, has been very successful in mining operations near that place.
Winfield Courier, November 3, 1881.
Eugenie Johnson vs. Enoch Gilbert et al.
Winfield Courier, November 17, 1881.
Mrs. Eugenie Johnson arrived Monday from Arizona. She is a niece of Mrs. Todd and wife of Ed. Johnson, and formerly was well known in Winfield society, where she will be welcomed again with open arms. She has been among the Arizona silver and gold mines for the last few years where her husband has met with great success.
Could the following have been W. H. Johnson, brother of Ed. T. Johnson?
Cowley County Courant, April 6, 1882.
MARRIED. Married, at the Frazee House, in this city, Sunday, April 2nd, 1882, William H. Johnson and Marion A. Foster, Rev. E. P. Hickock officiating, all of Winfield.
Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.
MARRIED. April 2, 1882, by Rev. E. P. Hickok, at the Frazee House, Mr. William H. Johnson and Miss Marian A. Foster, all of Winfield.
Ed. T. and Mrs. Johnson have a boy...
Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.
BIRTH. Born on Sunday, March 26, 1882, to Mrs. Ed. T. Johnson, a son, weight ten pounds. This news will be received with pleasure by a gentleman down in Arizona, who has the honor of being the young miner’s papa.
Reference made to Mrs. Bruner’s daughter, Nettie.
Winfield Courier, July 8, 1880.
Miss Nettie Porter, daughter of Mrs. S. B. Bruner, and sister of our young friends, Justin and Jodie Porter, is in the city for the summer. Miss Porter has recently graduated at the Normal school of Normal, Illinois. Her presence will be a pleasant acquisition to the society of this place.
Believe that “Lillian Bruner” shows up as Carrie L. Bruner in 1875 census...
Winfield Courier, August 5, 1880.
Master Bertie Lemmon entertained his little friends last Saturday at the residence of his grandmother. There were present John and Caro Emerson, Jimmie and Estelle Fuller, Lillian Bruner, Houston, Belle, and Maggie Platter, Laura and Maggie Hendricks, Maggie and Trudie Bedilion, Tommy and Jennie Wilson, and Egbert Moffitt. A nicer lot of little girls, or a manlier lot of little boys were never seen. Each did his best and made the party a very enjoyable one.
Marriage of Nettie B. Porter...
Winfield Courier, July 28, 1881.
We are in receipt of the announcement of the marriage of Horace E. Powers and Miss Nettie B. Porter, on the 22nd of July at Omaha, Nebraska. Mr. Powers is a young lawyer of Omaha and a recent graduate of the law college of Ann Arbor, Michigan, while Miss Porter was formerly a Winfield young lady and is well and favorably known to most of our young folks as she spent last summer here with her mother, Mrs. S. B. Bruner.
Mention of A. E. Johnson again...
Winfield Courier, April 26, 1883.
Recap Administrator’s Notice in the matter of the Estate of Alfred Elliott Johnson, Deceased. William H. H. Johnson, Administrator, April 7, 1883.
[The mysterious Mrs. S. B. Bruner could not be found after July 28, 1881, entry.]