Burden Family
R. F. Burden. Windsor Township.
County Commissioner and Cattleman.
[Note: The town of Burden was named after R. F. Burden.]
Kansas 1875 Census, Windsor Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Name age sex color Place/birth Where from
R. F. Burden 43 m w Ohio Iowa
Martha Burden 45 f w Indiana Iowa
Emma Burden 17 f w Iowa Iowa
Eslie Burden 16 m w Iowa Iowa
Liza? Burden 14 f w Iowa Iowa
Charles Burden 12 m w Iowa Iowa
Lula Burden 8 f w Iowa Iowa
Windsor Township, 1873.
Burden, R. F., 40; Spouse, Martha, 43.
Windsor Township, 1874.
Burden, R. F., 43; Spouse, Martha, 45.
Windsor Township, 1876.
Burden, R. F., 44; Spouse, Martha, 41.
Windsor Township, 1878.
Burden, R. F., 45. Also listed: Emma Burden, 21.
P. O. Address: Lazette.
Windsor Township, 1879.
Burden, R. F., 46; Spouse, Martha, 48. Also listed: Emma Burden, 21.
P. O. Address: Lazette.
Windsor Township, 1880.
Burden, R. F., 47; Spouse, Martha, 50. Also listed: Emma E. Burden, 21.
P. O. Address: Burden.
Burden state road:
Cowley County Censor, October 21, 1871.
ROAD NOTICE: Road beginning at the crossing of the Winfield and Burden state road of the section line between sec. 36 and 25, in township 31, range 4, thence east on said line, as near as practicable, to the crossing of Grouse Creek, at or near Windsor.
W. R. DAVIS, Principal Petitioner.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 2, 1873.
For Representative: JAMES McDERMOTT.
For County Commissioners—
1st District: JOHN MANLY.
2nd District: J. G. TITUS.
3rd District: R. F. BURDEN.
Note: The Walnut Valley Times had names spelled incorrectly and showed that Titus was nominated (which turned out not to be true).
Walnut Valley Times, October 10, 1873.
The following gentlemen were nominated at the Republican Convention in Cowley County last week for the offices named: Representative, James McDermott; County Clerk, M. G. Troupe [Troup]; Treasurer, E. B. Kager; Register of Deeds, N. C. McCulloch; Sheriff, R. L. Walker; Coroner, Sim Moore; Surveyor, W. W. Walton; Commissioners, Messrs. L. E. Manley [Manly], J. G. Titus, and R. F. Burden.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 13, 1873.
County Commissioners’ Proceedings.
The Board of County Commissioners of Cowley County met in the County Clerk’s office November 7th, 1873. Present: Frank Cox and O. C. Smith.
Proceeded to canvass the votes of the election held Nov. 4th, 1873, which resulted in the election of the following officers who were declared duly elected.
For representative of 75th district: William Martin.
For County Clerk: M. G. Troup.
For County Treasurer: E. B. Kager.
For Register of Deeds: N. C. McCulloch.
For Sheriff: R. L. Walker.
For Coroner: Sam Moore.
For County Surveyor: W. W. Walton.
For Commissioner, first district, John Manly.
For Commissioner, second district. M. S. Roseberry.
For Commissioner, third district, R. F. Burden.
Winfield Courier, January 16, 1874.
The new Board of County Commissioners met last Monday at the courthouse and organized by electing R. F. Burden of Windsor Township, chairman. Mr. Burden is a careful, prudent, and experienced man. He held the position of county commissioner in Iowa for six years, so that he is no novice. The new board appear to be an intelligent and practical set of men, and bid fair to meet the expectations of all the well wishers of the county.
Winfield Courier, January 16, 1874.
The new Board of County Commissioners met in the clerk’s office.
Present: R. F. Burden, M. S. Roseberry, John Manly, who had been duly elected and qualified.
Moved by M. S. Roseberry, and seconded by John Manly, that R. F. Burden act as permanent chairman of the Board.
Road Petition of Wm. Steele received and granted, the same being in accordance with law.
Ordered that the Sheriff be allowed the sum of $1.33-1/2 each per diem, for boarding and taking care of prisoners until further action in the matter by the board.
E. B. Kager appeared and asked the board to provide a safe for the safekeeping of the funds in his possession. Matter laid over.
The county clerk was authorized to advertise for responsible bids for 20 cords of wood.
Ordered that the county clerk have the sheriff hunt up all the county property that can be found, and invoice the same to said sheriff who shall receipt for said county property.
The county clerk was also instructed to have bolts put on jury-room doors, and sash stops put on all the windows of the courthouse.
Board adjourned until 8 a.m. tomorrow.
Board met at 8 o’clock a.m., January 13th, 1874. All present.
The following bills were presented and allowed.
Joseph Stewart, road damages: $10.00
George Stewart, road damage: $5.00
J. M. Young, jailor: $8.05
A. A. Jackson, County Clerk: $110.10
James Parker: $4.00
R. F. Burden, Commissioner: $10.00
M. S. Roseberry, Commissioner: $8.00
John Manly, Commissioner: $8.00
Bill of G. Black was presented for medical services rendered pauper, and laid over for further information.
Board adjourned to meet again at regular April term.
R. F. BURDEN, Chairman, Board.
M. G. TROUP, County Clerk.
Winfield Courier, March 13, 1874.
One Man Killed and Ten Seriously Wounded.
An accident occurred last Saturday at the saw and grist mills of Lacy & Roberts on the Grouse Creek. One man was killed and ten seriously wounded, besides a large number slightly wounded. Below we give our correspondence on the subject, which will give the details.
LAZETTE, March 8th, 1874.
ED. COURIER. A terrible accident occurred at the mill of Lacy & Roberts on Saturday about 12 o’clock M. by which one man was killed, ten wounded. The mill was running at its usual speed, grinding corn, the steam gauge standing at forty pounds. Everything seemed to be in perfect order; the mill house was full of men waiting for their grinding, when by some unknown means the iron band that held the stone together bursted and runner flew into atoms knocking people down and tearing the mill house to pieces, throwing fragments some twenty or thirty yards.
Freeman Wedding was struck by a large stone, which crushed his hips to a jelly and dislocated his back. The poor sufferer lingered for an hour and then expired. He leaves a wife and one child to mourn his loss.
Among the wounded were Samuel Sherman, Gear Dawson, Wm. Gintes, Wm. Gubbond, Hezis. Hodgkiss, Delfunt Sutton, My Kimble, Messrs. Lacy and Roberts, and two others, names unknown. It is thought by the physicians in attendance that all the wounded will recover.
The mill is situated on the Grouse Creek four miles above Lazette, and has been doing a prosperous business for some two years. The proprietors are deeply grieved at the disaster, and they have the sympathy of the entire community.
Yours respectfully, COLUMBUS SPRAGUE.
We, the undersigned, who were present at the mill of Roberts & Lacy at the time the burr burst, by which one man was killed and others wounded, take this method of exonerating the proprietors and employees of the mill from all blame, It was in our opinion, an unavoidable accident.
Signed: H. B. Clover, J. H. Welch, G. W. Dawson, J. W. Kannard, J. H. Smith, Wm. H. Sheras, G. H. McClung, R. F. Burden, Wm. Titchworth, J. H. Sweet, I. H. Pickett, John H. McDupper, John R. Nugent, David Peel, John H. Wilson, A. T. Smith, J. W. Tull, D. H. Hotchkiss, Geo. Lobinger, B. F. Fritch, E. S. Field, Columbus Sprague, John Moses, E. Simpson, Stephen Simple.
Winfield Courier, April 17, 1874.
The Board of County Commissioners met last Monday, and forthwith were flooded with bills. We noticed quite a number before the board asking to have their taxes remitted, rescinded, rebated, cut-down, modified, etc. Some blame the assessor, some their neighbors, some the County Clerk, and a few, a very few, acknowledge their ignorance of the law. The board, two of whom only are here, are up to this writing, up to their eyes in business. R. F. Burden and Mr. Roseberry, the two in attendance, have settled down to business manfully, and wear their new honors gracefully. They have our hearty sympathy at this, the beginning of their term. They surely need it.
Winfield Courier, April 24, 1874.
M. S. Roseberry, Commissioner: $30.00
R. F. Burden, Commissioner: $40.05
Emma Burden...
Winfield Courier, August 7, 1874.
LAZETTE, KANSAS, August 3, 1874.
Just now Lazette is quiet, though business keeps navigating. The school closed on Friday, July 31st. Miss Kate Fitzgerald has been quite successful as a teacher and has given good satisfaction to her patrons. Miss Emma Burden’s school closed on the 31st ultimo, after a pleasant and profitable term of twelve weeks. These young ladies are among the rising teachers of this county.
Winfield Courier, September 18, 1874.
Commissioners’ Proceedings.
Winfield, Kansas, Sept. 7th, 1874.
Board met in regular session. Present: R. F. Burden and M. S. Roseberry.
Winfield Courier, September 18, 1874.
Commissioners’ Proceedings.
Board met pursuant to adjournment. Present: R. F. Burden and M. S. Roseberry.
Winfield Courier, November 19, 1874.
The following scholars deserve honorable mention for attendance, promptness, deportment, and good standing in classes during the month ending on the 13th.
Emma Burden, Ella Clover, Charles Cunningham, Lizzie Hoff, George Lee, Nannie McDaniels, Miles Smith, Chas. Walsh, and Britto Wingar.
Winfield Courier, May 6, 1875.
At the examination of teachers last week, eighteen applicants were present. Certificates were granted as follows.
Miss Emma Burden.
Winfield Courier, July 8, 1875.
OFFICE OF A. C. S., FT. RILEY, KANSAS, June 24th, 1875.
M. S. ROSEBERRY, Esq., Arkansas City.
DEAR SIR: I have the honor to inform you that I have this day shipped for your county (Cowley) 21,590 rations of shoulders, corn-meal and beans, also one sack of coffee. Please have teams on readiness, and notify the people to come in promptly so that there will be no delay in issuing.
41,021 pounds to haul. E. SMITH, U. S. C.
WINFIELD, COWLEY CO., KAN., July 1st, 1875.
DEAR SIR: Your letter of the 24th ult., addressed to Mr. Roseberry stating that you had shipped for this (Cowley) county 21,590 rations of shoulders, corn-meal, etc., is received.
Last autumn our people sowed a very large area in wheat—a bounteous harvest has just been gathered—threshing has been commenced, and this week the mills are converting the new grain into flour. The gardens are now yielding plenteously. The pasturage is excellent, and the milch cows are contributing liberally to the sustenance of the people. Corn and other late crops were never more promising at this season of the year. Where but a few months ago was destitution now is sufficiency with prospects of abundance.
The people of this county are grateful for the timely aid furnished them in their extremity, both by private bounty and the government; and no longer require assistance from abroad. We cannot in honor and good conscience receive these rations (although appropriated to us when threatened with starvation) now, while our present needs are supplied from our fields and the future is so full of promise. Indeed, to accept this gift of the government under these circumstances and in view of the further fact that a considerable portion of our country has been again devastated by grasshoppers, which thus far this year have done us no injury, would be an infamy to which the people of Cowley County have not yet fallen.
We therefore decline to accept the rations, 41,021 pounds, and ask that they be distributed among those in want, whose field this year, as last, have been made desolate.
Very Respectfully, County Committee, Cowley Co., Kansas.
Note: Paper showed “Manley” rather than “Manly.”
Winfield Courier, September 9, 1875.
Commissioner Burden has cut and put up over one hundred tons of hay, and is not near done yet.
Winfield Courier, October 7, 1875.
R. F. Burden is the present Chairman of the County Board, whose services are before the public. He is a gentleman of good heart and sound judgment, and with an experience of two years cannot fail to give entire satisfaction, at least as much so as mortal man could give on the Board of County Commissioners of Cowley County.
Winfield Courier, October 14, 1875.
John Stalter was nominated in the 1st, Daniel Grant in the 2nd, and R. F. Burden in the 3rd Commissioner Districts.
Winfield Courier, November 11, 1875.
R. F. Burden’s majority for Commissioner in the 3rd District over the defunct Osage chief, Nump-ka-walla, was 436. The entire vote of his district was only 437. An overwhelming majority.
Winfield Courier, November 25, 1875.
R. F. BURDEN: 4 WARRANTS - $32.00.
Winfield Courier, December 23, 1875.
Bills Allowed by County Commissioners.
WINFIELD, KAN., Dec. 16, 1875.
Board met in special session. Present: R. F. Burden, M. S. Roseberry, Commissioners; A. J. Pyburn, County Attorney, and M. G. Troup, County Clerk. Among other proceedings had, claims against the county were passed upon.
Winfield Courier, December 30, 1875.
The Board of County Commissioners will meet again on the 4th of January, and this leads us to say that it will be the last meeting of this particular Board. Mr. Roseberry “retires to the shades of private life,” and Mr. Manly, having resigned some time since, his place will be filled by the newly elected R. F. Burden, the present chairman, being re-elected, retains his seat and we hope will retain the chairmanship. Mr. Roseberry has done his duty faithfully and well, and he retires with the respect of the voters of the whole county.
T. A. BLANCHARD Nov. 8, 1870. Jan. 8, 1872.
G. H. NORTON Nov. 8, 1870. Jan. 8, 1872.
E. SIMPSON Nov. 8, 1870. Jan. 8, 1872.
FRANK COX Nov. 7, 1871. Jan. 11, 1874.
O. C. SMITH Nov. 7, 1871. Jan. 11, 1874.
J. D. MAURER Nov. 7, 1871. Jan. 11, 1874.
R. F. BURDEN Nov. 4, 1873. Jan. 10, 1876.
M. S. ROSEBERRY Nov. 4, 1873. Jan. 10, 1876.
JOHN MANLEY Nov. 4, 1873. Jan. 10, 1876.
R. F. BURDEN Nov. 2, 1875.
WM. WHITE Nov. 2, 1875.
W. M. SLEETH Nov. 2, 1875.
Note: This issue showed “John Manley.” Unknown: correct spelling inasmuch as earlier issues showed “John Manly.”
Burden Creek...
Grouse Creek is a mill stream and rises in the northeast corner of the county, running west of south, and joins the Arkansas River at the south line of the county thirteen miles east of the southwest corner. The streams that fall into Grouse from the west are Canyon, Burden, Ballou’s, Turkey, Horse, and Silver creeks. Those that flow into it from the east are Armstrong, Fall, Cedar, Plumb, and Crab creeks. Otter, Spring, South Cedar, Coal, and the two Beavers are creeks that rise in the eastern and southeastern portion of the county and flow either to the Caneys in Chautauqua County or into the Territory. These streams are pure spring water, flowing over gravel beds.
Winfield Courier, January 13, 1876.
The new Board of County Commissioners met last Monday and organized by re-electing R. F. Burden, chairman. The county never had a more competent Board.
Winfield Courier, January 13, 1876.
Commissioners’ Proceedings.
Winfield, Kansas, January 10, 1876.
New Board of County Commissioners met in regular session. Present: R. F. Burden, W. M. Sleeth, and Wm. White.
On motion of W. M. Sleeth, R. F. Burden was elected chairman of the board for the ensuing year.
E. B. Kager, County Treasurer of Cowley County, appeared and asked the board to revoke an order made at the last session of the board requiring the County Attorney to commence an action against said Kager for a fine as provided for in section 6, chapter 8, special laws 1874. The board after being fully advised in the matter agreed to revoke said order upon the following vote: W. M. Sleeth and Wm. White voting aye to the proposition to revoke and R. F. Burden voting nay to said proposition.
Winfield Courier, March 30, 1876. Editorial Page.
Lazette News.
At the meeting held on the 14th inst., S. M. Fall, R. F. Burden, and B. H. Clover were selected to attend the R. R. meeting at Elk Falls on the 20th. Cowley County could not well send better delegates than these gentlemen.
Winfield Courier, April 6, 1876. Editorial Page.
LAZETTE, COWLEY CO., KAN., March 25, 1876.
To the Editor of the Commonwealth:
Four years ago R. F. Burden and family came from Iowa to Cowley County, settling on the prairie west of Lazette. With two sons and three daughters, a good team, and some little means, he set to work with an energy and zeal which show rich results. In spite of the severe crippling which the year 1874 gave him in common with all Southern Kansas, Mr. Burden manfully and hopefully worked on. At an expense of $11 for seed, he now has six miles of hedge fence, and as thrifty and flourishing as can be found in the State. He and his children put out and cultivated this fence, and did all this work when they would have had nothing else to do. He says that he would not take his farm for his fences—that they cost but little, are indispensable to a genuine farmer, and as a convenience are worth far more than their cost in cash and labor. He has a positive abhorrence for all anti-fence arguers. He says, “If I, with my children, can put out and cultivate six miles of hedge fence and at a total expense of only $11, where is the farmer in Kansas who cannot afford to have a good fence? All over this country hedge will grow easily and well, and stone is in great abundance.”
Mr. Burden did not stop with his hedge fence. He put up a board fence around a forty acre lot for pasture. He has broken out nearly two hundred acres of ground, and raised, last year, twenty-five hundred bushels of corn and a fine lot of wheat and millet. He set out four hundred peach trees and expects to set out 2,000 more. He has planted 3,500 walnut trees and 3,000 cottonwoods, and expects to put out 10,000 of the latter this year. He has 500 maples, a large lot of apple trees, and a fine vineyard growing on his place. Last fall he sowed 55 acres in rye for winter pasture and calculates sowing timothy, clover, and blue-grass as soon as his land gets ready for them. He has faith in his fences, faith in his lands, faith in his business, faith in Southern Kansas, and an abiding hope that in a few years his farm will be all that he is striving to make it, a model farm. R. C. S. Commonwealth.
Winfield Courier, April 6, 1876. Editorial Page.
Lazette News.
LAZETTE, KAN., Mar. 31, 1876.
Messrs. Fall and Burden report the railroad fever in Elk County as very strong. Old farmers who were in attendance at the meeting in Elk Falls, on the 20, ult., expressed themselves as ready not only to vote bonds to the full extent of the law but to even make very heavy private donations to aid a road from the east. One delegate expressed a readiness to contribute $500, and he believed that ninety others could be found in his township who would each contribute an equal amount.
Winfield Courier, April 6, 1876. Editorial Page.
On the 20th of this month an important railroad meeting was held at Elk Falls, in Elk County, lying directly east of us. Delegates, or representative men were present from various parts of Cowley and Sumner. The published report of the proceedings occupies quite a space in the Elk Falls Ledger. By that report we learn that earnest and significant interest was manifested at the meeting on the railroad question. Messrs. R. F. Burden and S. M. Fall represented Cowley County in the meeting. No safer men, or men who could more fairly reflect the sentiments of Cowley County could have been sent over to that meeting. From Sumner County we notice the names of T. F. Clark, T. W. Stevenson, and L. K. Myers.
A committee was appointed whose duty is to work up the project of this east and west line. The members of that committee in this county are R. F. Burden, S. M. Fall, C. A. Bliss, and E. C. Manning.
Emma Burden...
Arkansas City Traveler, April 12, 1876.
The examination of applicants for teachers took place at the schoolhouse at Winfield Friday and Saturday, April 7th and 8th. Professors T. A. Wilkinson, A. B. Lemmon and E. W. Hulse constituted the Board of Examiners. There were twenty-nine applicants. . .
C. E. Fitzgerald, Ella Clover, Emma Burden, Arvilla Elliott, Lou A. Bedell, Lazette Township.
[Note: Traveler shows “Arvilla Elliott” and Courier shows “Arvilla Elliot.”]
Winfield Courier, April 13, 1876.
Twenty-nine teachers were present at the examination last Friday and Saturday. Of those present the following received second grade certificates: Misses Dora Winslow, Maggie Stansberry, Mary Stansberry, Gertie Davis, Louisa Franklin, Laura E. Turner, Mr. C. C. Holland, and Mrs. I. E. Brown. Those who received third grade certificates are as follows: Misses Sarah Bovee, C. E. Fitzgerald, Ella Davis, Albertine Maxwell, Effie Randal, Sarah E. Davis, Ella Clover, Ioa Roberts, Emma Burden, Arvilla Elliot, L. A. Bedell, M. J. Huff, and Mr. M. L. Smith.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 19, 1876. Front Page.
Board met in regular session. Present, R. F. Burden, W. M. Sleeth, Commissioners; A. J. Pyburn, County Attorney, and M. G. Troup, County Clerk. Journal of last regular session read and adopted.
R. F. Burden, Commissioner: $15.00
W. M. Sleeth, Commissioner: $15.00
Winfield Courier, April 20, 1876.
Grouse Valley Items.
LAZETTE, KANSAS, April 17th, 1876.
On Saturday evening a large railroad meeting was held in this place. Mr. L. J. Johnson, of Elk Falls, was present and made a lengthy speech explanatory of railroad laws, and matters so far as our interests were concerned.
Speeches were then made by Messrs. Burden, Clover, Fall, Stapleton, Brooks, Story, Jones, Huff, Peebler, McGraw, and others, in almost unanimous support of the movement for an East and West road through Cowley County.
The following resolution was then adopted: Resolved, That we, the citizens of Grouse Valley, stand ready to support a railroad from the East with bonds to the full extent of the law. But few opposing voices were heard during the discussion.
Mr. S. M. Fall was selected as a director to assist in organizing a company this week in Elk County. Messrs. B. H. Clover, R. F. Burden, Mac D. Stapleton, A. J. Pickering, and John Brooks were then placed upon a committee to look after all matters pertaining to railroad interests in connection with our valley.
The meeting was attended by the leading men from most of the eastern sections of the county. The feeling is growing deeper and wider among our people that our large agricultural interests can be properly nurtured and cultivated by and through direct railroad communications with eastern markets.
Winfield Courier, May 4, 1876.
DR. E. N. WOODWORTH and WM. ROBB, of Peoria, Mahaska County, Iowa, called upon us Tuesday last. They had been riding through Kansas, to the east of this, and came into Cowley from the hills of Chautauqua. Upon arriving at the farm of R. F. Burden, who is an old Iowa acquaintance of theirs, they expressed a disgust for Southern Kansas. Mr. Burden concluded to show them the Eden of America, and having persuaded them not to return via Independence, he brought them himself to Winfield, and it is the same old story. They are happy, and will be happier when they sell their property in Iowa.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 28, 1876.
COUNTY COMMISSIONERS meet Monday, July 3rd. It is a regular meeting, and will probably last several days, as they will have considerable to attend to. The Commissioners are R. F. Burden, near Lazette; Robert White, of Rock Creek; and William Sleeth, of Arkansas City.
Cowley County Democrat, Winfield, Kansas, Thursday, July 13, 1876.
Read at the Centennial Celebration, July 4th, 1876, at Winfield, Kansas.
County commissioners have been T. A. Blanchard, G. H. Norton, and E. Simpson, Frank Cox, O. C. Smith, and J. D. Maurer; R. F. Burden, M. S. Roseberry, and John Manly, and the present incumbents, R. F. Burden, Wm. White, and W. M. Sleeth.
Note: This newspaper stated “John Manly” was a commissioner; not “John Manley.”
Emma Burden...
Winfield Courier, October 26, 1876.
Miss Emma Burden, of Lazette, is attending the high school in this city.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1877.
The following teachers received certificates at the examination at Winfield, Friday and Saturday, March 23rd and 24th.
Misses Emma Burden, Sallie Leavering, Sarah E. Davis, Jennie Hane, Ioa Roberts, Arvilla Elliott, Mattie Minnihan, Alice Pyburn, Mary Lynn Emma Saint, Mary Tucker, Effie Randall, Dora Winslow; Mrs. M. S. Tucker, Mrs. A. R. Houser, Mrs. Adelia Baird; and Mr. S. J. Hockett.
Sixteen received certificates. Whole number of applicants thirty-seven. The first three received first grades. Many who failed have been teaching in the county two and three years.
Excerpts...[Cattlemen’s holdings]
Arkansas City Traveler, July 18, 1877.
R. F. Burden, 42 head, 4 cents.
Mr. Wiley, 60 head, at 4-1/4 cents.
E. & B. Shiver, 134 head, at 3-3/4 cents.
C. S. Smith, 104 head, at 4 cents.
All of the above gentlemen are residents of Cowley County. Beacon.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 26, 1877.
Dr. Graham was elected Coroner, E. P. Kinne, Registrar of Deeds; Thomas Bryan, County Treasurer; Capt. Hunt, County Clerk; N. A. Haight, Surveyor; Geo. L. Gale, County Commissioner of the first district of Rock, Maple, Vernon, Beaver, and Winfield Townships; Major Wm. Sleeth, Commissioner of the second district, comprised of Creswell, Bolton, Pleasant Valley, Silverdale, Liberty, Spring Creek, Cedar, and Otter Townships; R. F. Burden, Commissioner of the third district of Tisdale, Windsor, Dexter, Silver Creek, and Sheridan Townships.
Winfield Courier, September 27, 1877.
WINFIELD, KANSAS, Sept. 22, 1877.
Pursuant to the call of the Republican County Central Committee, of Cowley County, the delegates assembled in convention at the courthouse, in the city of Winfield, on Saturday, Sept. 22, 1877, at 11 o’clock a.m.
The following named gentlemen were nominated by the delegates from their respective districts as candidates for County Commissioners:
1st District: Geo. L. Gale.
2nd District: W. M. Sleeth.
3rd District: R. F. Burden.
Winfield Courier, October 4, 1877.
Peace and harmony prevails once more in the ranks of the Republicans of Cowley. They met last Saturday, and from the many good men presented, selected the following straight Republican ticket:
For sheriff, Leon Lippmann; clerk, Capt. J. S. Hunt; treasurer, the present incumbent, Thos. R. Bryan; register, present incumbent, E. P. Kinne; surveyor, N. A. Haight; coroner, Dr. W. G. Graham; commissioners, G. L. Gale, and the present incumbents, W. M. Sleeth, and R. F. Burden.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1877.
[Troup was in office for four years as County Clerk. The Republicans did not choose him as their nominee—the Democrats repudiated him also as a nominee. COURIER came out with an article attacking Troup. This was denounced by county commissioners.]
“This is to certify that we, the undersigned, Commissioners of Cowley County, Kansas, have read an article in the editorial columns of the Winfield Courier, entitled “Crookedness,” and find the same to be a gross misrepresentation of Mr. Troup’s official acts concerning the final statement and settlement of Mr. Kager’s account as County Treasurer of said county. Believing in the motto, “honor to whom honor is due,” we would further say that no official act of Mr. Troup, in connection with Mr. Kager’s final settlement, would in the least degree indicate in the mind of any fair-minded person that he (Troup) was dishonest, inefficient, or unfaithful in the trust confided to his care; but, on the contrary, his every act in that matter but serves to confirm us in the belief that he has been, and is, a faithful, efficient and honorable public servant.” R. F. BURDEN, WM. WHITE, W. M. SLEETH.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 14, 1877.
The Battle Over.
TROUP is chuckling in his sleeve thinking, “I told you so,” and has squared himself for another two years’ work.
Winfield did not support the Republican nominee for Commissioner of District No. 1, as well as might have been expected, but Mr. Gale, of Rock Township, was elected “all the same, all the while.”
Major Sleeth and Mr. Burden take it as a matter of course proceeding and don’t seem much elated either way.
Winfield Courier, November 22, 1877.
Claims Presented for Election Services.
The Board of Commissioners met in special session. Present: R. F. Burden, W. M. Sleeth, and William White, Commissioners; James McDermott, County Attorney, and M. G. Troup, County Clerk.
Winfield Courier, December 27, 1877.
R. F. Burden has about one hundred head of cattle, of which he is fattening about forty for the spring market.
Winfield Courier, January 10, 1878.
The present board of county commissioners have been in regular session this week for the last time, and in reviewing their proceedings for the past year we are impressed with the good judgment they have displayed in the disposition of a great variety of difficult cases, and their general efficiency in conducting the business of the county. We do not believe there is a county in the state that has been better served by its board of county commissioners. Mr. White retires with the approval and confidence of the people, while Messrs. Burden and Sleeth, together with Mr. G. L. Gale, will constitute the board for the ensuing term, which gives the assurance that the affairs of the county will be equally well managed for two years to come.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 16, 1878.
The new Board of Commissioners met last Monday and organized. Mr. Gale is the only new member, as Major Sleeth and R. F. Burden were re-elected.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. Claims allowed Jan. 10.
Co. Commissioners: W. M. Sleeth, $30; W. White $45; R. F. Burden, $45.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 28, 1878. Front Page.
On the evening of the 10th I arrived at the beautiful little town of Lazette, which is situated in the fertile valley of Grouse Creek, just in time to get a good hot supper at the Harris hotel, kept by Robert Harris. He and his amiable wife spare no pains to make their guests comfortable. He has a good livery stable connected with the house and is well fixed to accommodate all travelers.
I met Mr. Burden, who says, in spite of the mud, his cattle and hogs are fattening finely.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
Commissioners’ Proceedings.
We are indebted to W. R. Stivers, the efficient assistant of the county clerk, for the following report.
The board of commissioners of Cowley County met in regular session at the county clerk’s office on the 8th day of April, 1878. Present: R. F. Burden, W. M. Sleeth, and George L. Gale, commissioners; James McDermott, county attorney, and M. G. Troup, county clerk.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.
Cowley County Fair.
A public meeting will be held at the courthouse in Winfield on the 11th day of May, 1878, at 2 p.m., for the purpose of organizing an agricultural society, and to take into consideration the propriety of holding a fair during the coming fall. All are invited to attend, and it is hoped that all interests appropriately connected with the enterprise will be represented.
J. E. Platter, B. B. Vandeventer, J. B. Lynn, T. B. Bryan, C. A. Bliss, E. P. Kinne, H. D. Gans, E. E. Bacon, Winfield; J. B. Holmes, W. White, W. J. Funk, Rock; S. M. Fall, R. F. Burden, Windsor; N. J. Larkin, A. Kelly, Richland; Chas. A. McClung, J. S. Wooley, Vernon; Dr. Holland, G. Teeter, Beaver; W. B. Norman, Adam Walck, Maple; Dr. A. S. Capper, Ninnescah; Ira How, Liberty; William J. Hodges, C. G. Handy, Tisdale; J. B. Callison, Spring Creek; D. W. Wiley, Cedar; E. Shriver, Sheridan; Jonas Messenger, Omnia; J. A. Bryan, Dexter; R. Stratton, Harvey; S. B. Adams, Creswell; J. M. Sample, D. P. Marshall, Bolton; G. W. Herbert, Silverdale; D. B. McCollum, S. Watt, Pleasant Valley.
Winfield Courier.
Winfield Courier, May 9, 1878.
R. F. Burden and John Clover have started their fat cattle and hogs to Kansas City for market. Cattle buyers are numerous through this county, but don’t offer prices which suit the feeders.
Winfield Courier, May 16, 1878.
R. F. Burden and S. M. Fall, of Lazette, were with us Saturday.
Winfield Courier, May 16, 1878.
Permanent Organization.
Cowley County Agricultural Society.
President: J. W. Millspaugh.
Vice President: S. M. Fall.
Secretary: E. E. Bacon.
Assistant Secretary: W. H. Grow.
Corresponding Secretary: S. W. Greer.
Treasurer: J. M. Alexander.
Executive Committee: E. P. Kinne, A. A. Wiley, R. F. Burden, Ed. Green, Dr. A. S. Capper, O. P. Darst, E. C. Manning.
Col. Alexander, Mr. Manning, and Mr. Millspaugh each asked to be excused from service in the organization; but the audience would accept no declinations.
Upon discussion it developed that the most satisfactory plan upon which to base the society was to incorporate it under the state law and issue shares of stock. On motion, after discussion, the shares will be 2,000 in number at five dollars each. The executive committee will meet at the courthouse next Thursday, at 1 p.m., to perfect the organization.
On motion the meeting adjourned.
Real Estate Transfers.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
J. M. Clover and wife to R. F. Burden, sw. ¼ of sw. ¼, 16-31-7.
Winfield Courier, June 6, 1878.
Mr. G. L. Gale and Mr. R. F. Burden were in town last Monday and Tuesday to equalize the assessments. Mr. Sleeth was absent.
Commissioners’ Proceedings.
Winfield Courier, June 6, 1878.
MONDAY, JUNE 3, 1878.
Board of county commissioners met at the office of the county clerk.
Present: R. F. Burden, G. L. Gale, commissioners, and M. G. Troup, Clerk.
Eslie Burden...
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
Eslie Burden was in town Saturday and Sunday last, looking brown under his summer’s work.
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
The County Commissioners have been in session this week. We are not able to get a report of their proceedings for this issue. It will appear next week. Mr. Gale is in feeble health, but Messrs. Burden and Sleeth are in good condition.
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
Walnut Valley Fair Association.
WINFIELD, KANSAS, June 24, 1878.
Board met pursuant to adjournment at the office of Col. J. M. Alexander. Present: J. W. Millspaugh, President; Col. Alexander, Treasurer; E. E. Bacon, Secretary; and Messrs. E. P. Kinne and E. C. Manning, Directors.
Reading of the proceedings of last meeting was dispensed with.
The following named ladies and gentlemen were appointed superintendents of the various classes. . . .
Class H - Farm Products - R. F. Burden.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
The county commissioners have been in session this week. Present: Burden, Sleeth, and Gale.
Winfield Courier, September 5, 1878.
R. F. Burden and C. A. Bliss have gone to Eureka to meet Gen. Schofield and the railroad magnates. No better men could have been sent from here.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 11, 1878.
Railroad Prospects.
[From the Winfield Telegram.]
The railroad prospects for Cowley County are brighter somewhat. The A., T. & S. F. folks stand ready to submit a proposition to build into the county, while the Kansas City, Burlington & Santa Fe—better known as the Schofield road—are also ready to do something for us. We read a letter a few days since from one of the managers of the road, written to Mr. Kinne, in which he is informed that the officers will be down here soon to submit a proposition. They have already let the contract to build their road to Eureka in Greenwood County—the work to be completed as soon as possible—and are anxious to push on down in this direction.
With these prospects ahead, Cowley can afford to be jubilant, as they are brighter than we have had since the organization of the county. The Santa Fe company, of course, mean business. If they offer to build a road within a given time, they will do it. And Schofield’s success so far, in building thirty or forty miles of his road when no other road was being built in the State, with the addition of the capital which is now backing him, makes his word as good as gold. With either of the roads, the county will be served to the best advantage, and we hope our readers will stand ready to assist either that comes to us with a definite proposition—no difference which it is. We will keep the Telegram readers posted upon any new developments.
Since the above was written we have been placed in possession of the following letter from the K. C., Burlington & S. F. road. Mr. R. F. Burden, of Lazette, and C. A. Bliss, of this city, were sent to Eureka by our citizens to meet the gentlemen, and they are expected here tomorrow or next day.
DEAR SIR: I arrived home last night, and with others received your letter of the 25th, to which I find Mr. Hueston, our Superintendent, had already replied. With several friends, mens of means, and who are interested in the railroad and its further extension, I expect to start south next Tuesday or Wednesday. We shall go first to Eureka, and I shall try to induce my friends to go on to Winfield, and perhaps to Arkansas Valley. We desire to extend our road at once. Your town has always been a point with us, and if your people desire our road, and will give us promptly the aid we need, I expect to be able to make you a definite proposition. Meet us if you can at Eureka, say on next Wednesday, and I would like to meet your people at Winfield, say Thursday or Friday next, when we can have a plain, practical talk on the matter of our road. I go to Kansas City today, and in haste remain, very respectfully, WM. H. SCHOFIELD,
PRESIDENT, K. C., B. & S. F. R. R.
August 31, 1878.
Winfield Courier, September 12, 1878. Editorial Page.
The magnates of the Kansas City, Burlington & Santa Fe railroad arrived sooner than was expected. They came in on Wednesday evening of last week. The party consisted of Mr. Joseph P. Hale, capitalist of New York, Gen. Wm. H. Schofield, of Burlington, president of the road, James Hueston, engineer, and Orson Kent, treasurer. Messrs. Schofield and Kent were accompanied by their wives. The next morning the citizens of Winfield procured teams and took the gentlemen of the party and the gentlemen from Sedan out to several surrounding elevations to view the broad and beautiful valleys of the Walnut and Arkansas. The citizens then met in Manning’s new building, chose R. F. Burden, chairman, and W. M. Allison, Secretary, and were addressed at length by Gen. Schofield. He recounted the many difficulties that he had encountered and overcome in his struggles to build the road, succeeding in completing and putting in operation 44 miles and putting the company in such a condition in which it can now move the work along rapidly. He said they had now arrived at a point that they could promise to build the road to us within a reasonable short time if we shall secure to them the necessary aid, and desired an expression from our citizens.
E. C. Manning, J. E. Platter, D. A. Millington, S. P. Strong, C. Coldwell, J. B. Holmes, and A. B. Lemmon being called upon made short addresses, and the meeting appointed a committee of nine persons consisting of R. F. Burden, of Windsor, E. C. Manning, J. E. Platter, D. A. Millington, of Winfield, S. P. Strong, of Rock, C. R. Mitchell, of Arkansas City, O. P. Darst, of Dexter, W. A. Metcalf, of Cedar, and C. W. Roseberry, of Beaver, to confer with the officers of the railroad in relation to the terms which will be required of this county to secure the building of the road. The meeting adjourned, and committee met and organized by the election of D. A. Millington, chairman, and J. E. Platter, secretary. Gen. Schofield promises to return here within two weeks ready to submit a proposition and will notify the chairman of the committee of the exact time a few days beforehand, when the chairman will notify the balance of the committee by postal card. The distinguished visitors left in the afternoon to return; Messrs. Hale, Schofield, and Hueston went with Mr. Lemmon via Wichita. Anything further that may be developed in relation to this road will be given to our readers as early as possible. We need a railroad and want this if we can get it on reasonable terms in a reasonably short time.
Winfield Courier, September 12, 1878.
R. F. Burden and C. A. Bliss have gone to Eureka to meet Gen. Schofield and the railroad magnates. No better men could have been sent from here.
Winfield Courier, September 19, 1878.
Gen. W. H. Schofield, president of the Kansas City, Burlington & Santa Fe railroad, with Major Orson Kent, treasurer, Major Gunn, engineer, and Hon. T. L. Davis, attorney of Eureka, were in town Tuesday and in conferences with R. F. Burden, E. C. Manning, Rev. J. E. Platter, and D. A. Millington, members of the committee appointed to confer with them in relation to building their road into and through Cowley County.
Gen. Schofield says that the money is now secured to build the road as fast as men and money can rush it along; that the aid required from Greenwood County will soon be forthcoming, and that they will be able in all probability to be running trains to Winfield before the first of September next if Cowley County responds with the required aid; that the company desires to build in a direct line from Burlington via Eureka to Winfield and thence to the state line either at Arkansas City or Caldwell with a view of eventually running through the Indian Territory, and that a million of dollars is ready to invest in the stock and mortgage bonds of the road and in the municipal bonds that may be obtained along the line. He requires that this county soon call an election and vote his company bonds to the amount of $4,000 a mile to be exchanged for the capital stock of the road and that the bonds be executed and placed in escrow with the State treasurer to be forfeited, canceled, and returned if the road fails to be in operation to Winfield by Jan. 15, 1880, thus giving them six months to cover unexpected contingencies.
The committee insisted upon several modifications to the proposition to make it similar to those carried last year for the Parsons and Emporia roads, and that Cowley should not vote until the franchises were secured or the road under contract up to our county line. Some slight concessions were made, but after discussing the subject in its various bearings without coming to an agreement, the gentlemen of the railroad departed to visit Wellington but promising to call for another conference on their return Wednesday evening, where the questions at issue will be further discussed. As we go to press Wednesday we shall not be able to report the result this week.
Winfield Courier, November 21, 1878.
Our County Board.
We cannot forbear a word of commendation for the fearless, just, and manly course of action of our county commissioners in relation to the two railroad petitions which were presented to them last Monday. There was a struggle between the partisans of the two roads for priority in the time of holding the elections. The advocates of the road whose petition was first presented were present in force, demanded immediate action, and got hot and clamorous. They indulged in insinuations and threats against the board, and more particularly against Mr. Burden, who told them to go ahead and execute their threats for he would not act until he had time to consider the matter and to advise with the county attorney, who was absent that day. The matter was postponed until the next morning, when the county attorney was present and the board had carefully examined and considered the matter. The order for the election was then made under the condition and understanding that a stipulation should be filed limiting the amount of bonds to be voted to that road to $144,000. The board did right, as they always do.
Burden cannot be persuaded or intimidated into any action until he is sure it is right, and will do right and for the best interests of his county whether it suits his personal interests or not. The same may be said of Gale and Sleeth. A better, truer, more efficient board of county commissioners no county ever had.
Eslie Burden...
Winfield Courier, November 28, 1878.
Lazette News.
Eslie Burden is slowly recovering the use of his eyes, and hopes soon to reenter school.
Uncle Jimmy Lee is wintering about 60 head of young cattle. R. F. Burden and S. M. Fall are each corn-feeding fifty head of cattle.
Winfield Courier, January 2, 1879.
Board of County Commissioners.—R. F. Burden, G. L. Gale, W. M. Sleeth.
Winfield Courier, January 16, 1879.
Board of County Commissioners met in regular session [January 6, 1879]. Present: R. F. Burden, W. M. Sleeth, and G. L. Gale, commissioners, James McDermott, county attorney, and M. G. Troup, county clerk.
Winfield Courier, February 6, 1879.
Major Gunn has visited our commissioner R. F. Burden to notify him and the people of this county that the new owners of the L. L. & G. railroad will immediately go to work to build their road from Independence to this place. The new company means business. They will want what help we can give. Mr. Burden is satisfied that this road will be speedily built. Oswego and Independence are to be connected by a road and we will then have a continuous line direct to St. Louis.
Winfield Courier, February 13, 1879.
Letters from Vigilance Committee Against Courthouse Repairs.
Some coward has had the meanness to write three short letters to Commissioner R. F. Burden signed V. C. (for vigilance committee) warning him not to put the county to expense by repairing the courthouse. One of the letters is dated at Lazette, another at Salem, and the third at Floral.
The writer attempted to write a different hand in each letter to make it appear that this vigilance committee was a large wide-spread institution and acting in concert, but an expert would readily swear that all were written by the same hand; besides, the writer had the stupidity to use three envelopes exactly alike and precisely the same kind of paper for the three letters and to mail them all at Winfield on the same day. Now any decent man who wished to influence the actions of the commissioner would talk to him plainly or write over his own signature, giving his views and his reasons for them in a manly manner instead of adopting the mean speaking plan for intimidation. Mr. B. says he knows the writer but declines to name him.
We were not aware of the existence of Vigilance committees at Floral, New Salem, and Lazette. What are our correspondents about that they have not kept us posted on so important a matter and given us the names of the officers, etc.
Mr. Burden and his colleagues are going to act in the future as they have in the past: look carefully to the interests of the county and to the preservation of the county property; and if they should conclude that it will be an economy to lay out some expense on the courthouse to preserve it and make it better adapted to the needs of the county, they will do it. No threats or intimidation will swerve them from their duty. It was not because of such that they declined to adopt the plan of the architect and build the addition proposed. They went just far enough to ascertain the probable cost and the merits of the plan and concluding, we think correctly, that the cost would be too much and the benefit to the county too little. They rejected it. Of course, there are some who will severely criticize the board for refusing to adopt this plan for repairing the courthouse, so that they are placed between two fires. We congratulate the county on the fact that it has a board of commissioners in whose hands the interest of the county are safe. In any event, men of sound judgment who can neither be cajoled, bribed, or “bulldozed.”
[Note: I gather from above that they did not repair Courthouse.]
Winfield Courier, March 6, 1879.
Mr. Burden, of your county, was here on Saturday and took a thorough look at the inside of the state capital and was introduced to all the state officers.
Winfield Courier, March 20, 1879.
Whereas, the county commissioners of the county of Cowley, State of Kansas, at a special meeting, held March 10th, 1879, made an order of which the following is a copy.
“At a special meeting of the county commissioners of Cowley County, holden at the office of the county clerk in the courthouse in the City of Winfield in said county on the 10th day of March A. D. 1879, there were present: R. F. Burden, Chairman; W. M. Sleeth and Geo. L. Gale, Commissioners; with E. S. Torrance, County Attorney, and M. G. Troup, County Clerk; a petition was presented to the Board, signed by two-fifths of the resident taxpayers of said county which, with the signatures omitted is as follows: to wit:
“To the Honorable the Board of County Commissioners of the county of Cowley and State of Kansas:
“Inasmuch as the Southern Kansas and Western Railroad Company proposes to construct a line of railroad into and through the county of Cowley, in the State of Kansas, the undersigned, being more than two-fifths of the resident tax payers of said county, respectfully petition your Honorable Board to call a special election in said county at as early a day as is practicable, and legal, and at such special election to submit to the qualified electors of said county, a proposition to subscribe 68 thousand (68,000) dollars to the capital stock of said Southern Kansas and Western Railroad Company, a corporation duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Kansas, and to issue the bonds of said county in the like amount of sixty-eight thousand (68,000) dollars, in payment of said subscriptions, said bonds to be delivered to said railroad company for like amounts of the capital stock thereof as follows: Fifty-one thousand (51,000) dollars when said railroad is in operation to the point herein after named, near the city of Winfield in said county, and the remaining seventeen thousand (17,000) dollars when the said railroad is in operation to the western line of said county. . . .
Winfield Courier, March 27, 1879.
Six years ago R. F. Burden came to Cowley County and started a home on the broad, rolling prairies of this county. Today his farm is a model one. Forty acres have been given to forest trees, cottonwood, walnut, ash, hackberry, coffee bean, and box-elder. Forty acres are devoted to orchards, peach, apple, cherry, plum, and all fruits that can be desired or thought of. Over six miles of fine hedge fence this farm, which pasture land and feed lots are enclosed in stone and plank. In one season Mr. Burden sold about three thousand dollars worth of stock, hogs and cattle, all “to the manor born.”
Winfield Courier, April 17, 1879.
At a meeting of the stockholders held in this city on the 14th inst. the following were elected officers of the Walnut Valley Fair Association.
R. F. Burden, President.
E. P. Kinne, Vice President.
J. M. Alexander, Treasurer.
E. E. Bacon, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, June 5, 1879.
S. M. Fall started last week for the railroad, taking fifty head of fat steers, sold at four dollars a hundred. R. F. Burden sold his steers, about fifty, at $4.35.
Winfield Courier, July 10, 1879.
Mrs. Robert Burden, of Lazette, is visiting Winfield friends this week.
Winfield Courier, July 31, 1879.
Hon. R. F. Burden, of Windsor township, sold awhile ago fifty-five head of cattle of his own raising and fattening for $3,250. We don’t wonder that he declines to be a candidate for County Treasurer. Cattle beat politics every time.
Winfield Courier, October 9, 1879.
Last Saturday ended the most successful fair ever held in Cowley County. The display, especially of blooded stock, was large, and shows that our people are awake to the advantage of well-bred over common scrub stock. We hope this may result in rooting out the old scrubby breeds that are so numerous at present.
Taken all in all, the fair has been a grand success, and our people may well feel proud of the display. Messrs. Bacon, Kinne, Burden, and other officers of the association have worked unremittingly to place it upon a solid foundation, and deserve much credit for their labors.
Reference to the new town of Burden...
Winfield Courier, November 27, 1879.
We were over to the new town of Burden today, and must say the prospect for a town there is flattering. Mr. Ford will open up a full line of goods in his mammoth stone building in a few days.
Winfield Courier, December 18, 1879.
A few Notes, Past, Present and Future of the New Town.
Having heard a great deal of talk in regard to the new town of Burden, we concluded to make a visit to that place and see for ourselves. After 10 miles drive through one of the most beautiful and fertile countries we have ever seen, we arrived there. The first thing that impresses one on coming in view of it is the fine location, the site being an elevated piece of prairie, with gradual slope in all directions.
On entering the town we noticed a large pile of rock, and upon inquiring as to what they were for were informed that they were taken from a well which has just been put down. The well is 45 feet deep, and they have struck an abundant supply of the water.
The store of Messrs. Ford & Leonard next engaged our attention. It is built of handsome white limestone, and with its finely-cut stone front and French glass windows makes a store which will put to shame many buildings in many larger and more pretentious towns.
Upon entering we were greeted by the proprietors and their gentlemanly and accommodating clerks, one of whom, Mr. Tanner, is an old acquaintance of ours, we having known him when he had charge of a large general store in Elk Falls.
Mr. Tim Sullivan, another clerk, has had a large experience in mercantile business in St. Louis. He has full charge of the famous hydraulic, double-acting, brass-beam, anti-cat machine, and takes much pleasure in explaining the workings of the machine to all visitors. Don’t forget to ask him for it.
Messrs. Ford & Leonard will put up an elevator, and open a large and complete lumber yard as soon as the railroad reaches the town.
Mr. Johnson of Eldorado, is having his large warehouse moved down, and will soon be ready to buy wheat and corn.
Mr. Hooker’s large, two-story stone store is nearly ready for the roof.
A large frame building is being added to, painted, and put in thorough order for a hotel, and as a good landlord has already engaged it, they will soon have that most desirable of all things for a town, a good hotel.
Mr. E. M. Ford is agent of the Town company, and he informs us that many lots have been sold to parties contemplating building in the spring, and we predict a great “Burden Boom” at that time.
The growth of the town has been much retarded by the circulation of reports that no water could be found, and that a station would be located upon Grouse creek, three miles east; but as the first has been stopped by the well, and the second by the definite location of a town on Cedar creek, three miles east of Grouse creek, there will now be nothing to interfere with its very rapid growth.
Success, say we, to Burden.
Winfield Courier, December 18, 1879.
If you have anything to sell see Ford & Leonard, and if you want to buy anything, be sure you call at the big stone store in Burden.
If you want anything in the line of dry goods, groceries, boots and shoes, hats and caps, ready-made clothing, hardware, queensware, glassware, or tinware, go to Ford & Leonard, Burden.
16 yards of print for $1.00 at Ford & Leonard, Burden.
A good suit of Cassimere for $8.00, at Ford & Leonard.
A good Saxony wool hat for 50 cents, at Ford & Leonard.
Everything in the Notion line, from a toothpick to a seven dollar Doll, at Ford & Leonard, Burden.
Good Cassimere suitings at Ford & Leonard’s big stone store, for 25 cents per yard.
A good Canton flannel for 8-1/2 cents per yard at Ford & Leonard’s Big Stone Store, in Burden.
Don’t forget those fine Wool Shawls, at Ford & Leonard’s, in the new town of Burden.
For Table and Pocket Cutlery, go to Ford & Leonard, Burden.
Ford & Leonard will furnish you anything you want in the Hardware line.
Go to Ford & Leonard, in Burden, and get a kit of No. 1 Whitefish for 90 cents.
Go to the big stone store, in Burden, and buy your Cranberries for 12-1/2 cents a quart.
Ford & Leonard will sell you a good Kip boot for $2.25, at Burden.
2 can Oysters, only 20 cents, at the big stone store, Burden.
If you want a set of teas, plates, goblets, coffee-boiler, tin cup, or stove-boiler, or, in fact, anything in the hardware, queensware, glassware, or tinware line, call on Ford & Lenard, at Burden.
Best Coffee, 4 P for 1$, at Ford & Leonard’s, Burden.
A Sugar, 9 P for 1$, at the big stone store, Burden.
All kinds of Dried Fruit at Ford & Leonard’s, Burden.
Buy your Paints and Oils of Ford & Leonard, at Burden.
Building Paper at Ford & Leonard’s big stone store, in Burden.
If you want to water your “hoss,” go to Ford & Leonard, at Burden, and get one of those paper pails, that never leaks nor fails to stand, at Burden.
Winfield Courier, January 1, 1880.
Mr. E. A. Henthorn, of this township, received notice this week from Washington of his appointment as post master at Burden. He and his brother, A. N., have formed a partnership and will immediately establish a real estate, insurance, and loan agency at Burden.
[Note: There were more items about the town of Burden, which I have skipped.]
Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.
Commissioner Burden came in on the S. K. & W. road Tuesday.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 21, 1880.
At the annual meeting of the Walnut Valley District Fair Association, the following named persons were elected as officers for the ensuing year:
President, Hon. E. P. Kinne, vice-president, Hon. J. W. Millspaugh; treasurer, J. L. Horning “76,” secretary, E. E. Bacon, general superintendent, Hon. W. J. Hodges, chief of police, John C. Roberts; Directors, Hon. A. A. Wiley, Hon. R. F. Burden, Hon. S. R. Marsh, Hon. W. W. Limbocker, Hon. P. B. Lee.
Winfield Courier, July 15, 1880.
The majority are in favor of R. F. Burden for commissioner. Mr. Burden has been a good officer, and his many friends propose to see him continue in it.
Winfield Courier, August 5, 1880.
Commissioner Burden says that Judge Coldwell’s speech at the colored celebration was one of the neatest and best occasional addresses he ever heard, and that the whole affair was very interesting and enjoyable.
Note: The town of “Burden” was named after R. F. Burden...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 7, 1880. Front Page.
Burden is a year old, and for a yearling has made a wonderful growth. It is situated in one of the richest portions of the county, surrounded by high rolling prairie, on which are located some of the finest farms the sun ever shone on. The men who own these farms are the men who helped make Cowley what she is today, and they are possessed of the nerve, grit, and “goaheaditiveness” to build up any country. The town was named after Hon. R. F. Burden, chairman of the board of county commissioners, and a member of the town company. The other members are Ford & Leonard and Maj. Gunn, chief engineer of the K. C. L. & S. Road (which runs through the town), and are gentlemen of prominence and character. The businessmen of Burden are live and active. They have not located here simply to trade awhile and then move on, but are putting their surplus money into the town in the way of good, substantial buildings. Noticeable among these are the Cunningham buildings: two large two-story cut stone business houses, each 25 x 65 feet. They are an ornament to the place and show a faith in the future of the town. The different branches of trade are well represented here. . . .
Winfield Courier, December 2, 1880.
R. F. Burden, the father of our town, brought in some young cottonwood trees last Friday and set out six in front of our office. He told us to state to our readers that a can of dynamite was planted underneath each tree, and the first fellow who had no more sense than to hitch a horse to one of them, would get blowed to Torrance. If this isn’t sufficient, we shall plant three shot-guns in front of each tree, and then look out. Burden Enterprise.
Winfield Courier, December 9, 1880..
On the second Tuesday in January Mr. Burden leaves the board of county commissioners and is succeeded by Mr. L. B. Bullington. For six years, Mr. Burden has been a member of the board and to his energy, tact, and splendid business qualifications, assisted by the counsel and advice of Mr. Gale, now the senior member more recently by Mr. Harbaugh, the people of Cowley County are largely indebted for the successful manner in which their business has been transacted.
Mr. Bullington, the incoming member, will prove a worthy successor to Mr. Burden. From an intimate association with him during the last campaign, we found him to be a first class businessman, a close observer, an open, outspoken gentleman, and one in whom the people may safely confide their interests. With Messrs. Gale, Harbaugh, and Bullington at the helm, the affairs of Cowley County will be in safe hands.
Winfield Courier, December 30, 1880.
R. F. Burden, of Windsor township, is another of the successful farmers of this county. He has now 120 acres of growing wheat looking finely, 120 acres prepared for corn planting when the time comes, and considerable land prepared for other spring crops. He has four magnificent stock corrals fenced with stone wall three feet thick at the base and five feet high. His farm is fenced into seven fields or enclosures with six miles of the best kind of Osage orange hedge fence. Much of his hedge bears oranges. His barns and outhouses are in good condition and he takes care of his tools. He has 12 acres of cultivated timber, consisting of walnut, ash, maple, cottonwood, etc., and this, with shade trees along the roads, is the glory and pride of his farm. He has 20 acres of orchard, containing 300 apple trees beginning to bear, 1,000 bearing peach trees, besides crab, plum, cherry, pear, and other varieties of trees. He has almost every variety of small fruits that can be found in the gardens of the west.
His principal dependence for money making is in stock raising. He keeps no sheep, has about 15 horses and colts, keeps about 60 stock hogs of the best breeds, and sells about 50 fat hogs per year. He has 185 head of cattle. Of those 86 are steers which he is feeding for market and 96 are cows and stock cattle. His cattle are graded Durham. He has a beautiful farm notwithstanding it never was ornamented with a mortgage. He never gets into debt; always waits for a thing until he can pay for it, and has been fortunate in being able to wait without serious inconvenience. He does not hire much work, but himself and boys succeed in turning off an immense amount of work.
He is amply seconded in his labors by a noble and intelligent wife, whom he has the good sense to fully appreciate, and six daughters and sons, all helpful, healthy, sensible, and affectionate. He considers himself the happiest man in the county.
He has had some ups and downs in life. His native state is Ohio, where he was educated and lived until the age of 19, when he moved to Iowa and went to work to carve out a fortune in that young State, then being newly settled. He married at the age of 21, and in the struggles of some 18 years he had accumulated a fortune and had created a magnificent farm; but he met a crushing loss, which so involved him that to extricate himself, he sold his farm and other property for what he could get, paid all his liabilities, and with sorrowful hearts he and his family left the scenes made sacred by so many years of mutual kindness and toil, and came with their little remnant to Cowley County in 1871, poor but not discouraged.
They located where they now live when their neighbors were many miles distant. Here they went to work, husband, wife, boys, and girls. It was a struggle with privations and hardships; but, with all, it was a happy family. Mr. Burden looks back on these years as the happiest in his life, though now he is comparatively wealthy and surrounded by every comfort and even luxury.
From the above it would seem that he is 48 years old. He does not look more than 35. He is strong, healthy, vigorous, and good looking, in the very prime of life, and we imagine if fortune should again sweep away his wealth, he would go to work again at the bottom and carve out another fortune.
He has the full confidence of the people of this county. His ability and honor are unquestioned. His services to this people as county commissioner for six years past have been valuable, and he could take any other honor in their gift which he would accept.
Winfield Courier, January 13, 1881.
Last Thursday, Mr. R. F. Burden completed his last official act, and after seven years continuous service as chairman of the Board of County Commissioners, stepped out of the Courthouse a private citizen. His services have extended through the most important era in our county’s history. He has signed all the bonds issued by the county, and his signature has drawn hundreds of thousands of dollars from the treasury. He leaves the office untainted by a single corrupt act, with the full confidence of the people, and with a record of which he may well feel proud.
Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.
Ex-Commissioner Burden was in the city Monday looking up the mistake in the 10-30 bonds.
Winfield Courier, March 24, 1881.
Citizens, let us appoint a day soon and all turn out and plant trees on the various streets in town. Will you do this? R. F. Burden will furnish the trees.
Winfield Courier, April 14, 1881.
Hon. R. F. Burden spent Monday on the streets. He does not get to Winfield very often since his retirement from the Board.
Winfield Courier, April 28, 1881.
Hon. R. F. Burden left Monday morning for Champaign County, Ohio, where he goes to visit his father, who is prostrated with sickness and not expected to live.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 31, 1881.
Hon. R. F. Burden, a prominent stock man of eastern Cowley, will feed 200 head of steers this winter, and be ready for grazing on good pasture in the future; he proposes to sow fifty bushels of Kentucky blue grass seed on his farm at the head of Silver creek. Telegram.
Winfield Courier, September 1, 1881.
Hon. R. F. Burden was in town Monday.
Winfield Courier, November 3, 1881.
Benjamin H. Clover vs. Robert F. Burden.
Winfield Courier, November 17, 1881.
Ex-Commissioner Burden dropped in to see us Friday. He has been putting in some good licks on his farm this summer and does not get to the metropolis often.
Cowley County Courant, January 5, 1882.
The County Commissioners have been in session since Monday afternoon. Among other proceedings they appointed S. M. Fall and R. F. Burden viewers on the L. M. Brown road petition.
A remonstrance against the granting of the L. M. Brown road petition was presented, signed by 89 petitioners.
Eslie Burden...
Winfield Courier, January 5, 1882.
The Enterprise Says That
Our friend, Eslie Burden, returned from Business College, at Kansas City, to his home last Saturday night, and was met at the train by all the young folks of Burden, and a grand shaking of hands followed.
Emma Burden...
Teacher Directory 1881-82. BURDEN. MONTHLY SALARY.
E. A. Millard, District 78: $35.00
Mattie L. West, District 28: $28.00
Nannie A. Crum, District 90: $30.00
Thirza E. Dobyns, District 19: $40.00
R. O. Stearns, District 76: $40.00
Emma Burden, District 113: $35.00
S. E. Burden: Possibly Emma Burden...
Winfield Courier, January 19, 1882.
Horticultural Society.
J. F. MARTIN, President. S. E. BURDEN, Secretary Pro tem.
Winfield Courier, February 2, 1882.
Ex-Commissioner Gale spent a pleasant half hour with us Saturday. Mr. Gale, like Mr. Burden, has left his mark on the history of Cowley County, and will hereafter devote his time to improving his farm in Rock Township. The intelligence and sound business sense of Geo. L. Gale has helped carry Cowley through some dangerous shoals and her people will always honor him for the faithful manner in which he discharged the trust.
Winfield Courier, February 9, 1882.
Ex-Commissioner R. F. Burden was over Saturday.
Lula Burden...
Winfield Courier, February 23, 1882.
School Report.
The following is a list of the pupils in Dist. 95, whose general average in examination was above 80 percent for the term closing Feb. 3rd, 1882.
GRADE A. Lula Burden 96, Joe Henderson 955, Lena Leach 96, Charley Burden 88.
GRADE B. Nancy Page 87, William Leach 87, Mary Flottman 88, Albert Leach 87, Lottie Page 82, Carrie Leach 91, James Chandler 87, Frank Leach 90, Grant Page 85, Freddie Harris 88.
GRADE C. Hattie Flottman 92, Albert Page 87, Andrew Jackson 80, Serville Riley 82, Henry Flottman 88, Elmer Leach 90, Bertha Savage 83, Luella Riley 84, Lena Northcutt 83, Lizzie Gildhouse 90. LAURA ELLIOTT, Teacher.
Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.
R. F. Burden has several acres of Blue grass on his land, which looks very nice. He sowed 80 acres last fall and reports it as up looking nice. Our farmers should sow more tame grass. Enterprise.
Cowley County Courant, April 20, 1882.
Ben H. Clover vs. Robt. F. Burden et al.
Cowley County Courant, May 18, 1882.
The Republican county convention to elect delegates to the congressional convention to be held at Emporia on the 24th inst., met at Manning’s Hall at 11 o’clock Saturday. The convention was called to order by D. A. Millington, chairman of the county central committee, who read the call. On motion of T. H. Soward, H. D. Gans was elected temporary chairman and J. V. Hines temporary secretary. On motion, committees were appointed as follows.
Congressional State Convention to be held at Topeka June 28, 1882: C. R. Mitchell, M. G. Troup, C. M. Scott, M. L. Robinson, John Wallace, R. S. Walker, J. E. Conklin, H. D. Gans. Alternates: Henry E. Asp, J. B. Tucker, J. M. Harcourt, J. B. Evans, R. F. Burden, N. W. Dressie, W. P. Heath, T. H. Soward, H. C. McDorman.
Winfield Courier, May 11, 1882.
Hon. R. F. Burden spent several days of this week in the city. He says Cowley never looked better, and that the yield of crops this year will astonish our eastern relatives.
Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.
County Political Points.
The representative question in the north district is getting active. S. M. Fall, R. F. Burden, John Wallace, John D. Maurer, and S. P. Strong are mentioned as possible timber, while E. A. Henthorn and J. W. Weimer are in the field.
Lizzie Burden...
Arkansas City Traveler, July 19, 1882.
The County Normal.
The attendance at the County Normal is excellent. About sixty teachers have enrolled, with others still coming in. Three counties in the State are having eight-weeks’ normals, Clay, Cowley, and Ottawa. Superintendent Story and Professor Trimble have the classes this month. In August, when the enrollment will reach one hundred, Professor J. W. Cooper, of Lawrence, and Miss Lillian H. Hoxie, of this State Normal, will take part in the work.
Burden: Misses Lizzie Burden, Hattie Mabee, Fannie Mabee. Mr. P. M. Leach.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 2, 1882.
During the storm last Thursday, the house of R. F. Burden, five miles northeast of town, was struck by lightning, doing considerable damage. Fortunately, the members of the family sustained no injuries except being slightly shocked. Burden Enterprise.
Lizzie Burden...
Winfield Courier, August 10, 1882.
Udall: Kate A. Martin; Lizzie Burden; P. M. Leach.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 30, 1882.
County Normal.
We have here a full list of our teachers now enrolled in our County Normal, with grade and post office.
Burden (Grade C): Charles Walch, P. M. Leach, Lizzie Burden, Fannie Mabee.
Winfield Courier, September 14, 1882.
Cowley County Teachers.
The following persons hold valid certificates in this county, and can make legal contracts with school boards.
BURDEN. E. A. Millard, grade 1. R. O. Stearns, grade 2. Miss Lizzie Burden, grade 3.
The following might be Eslie Burden...
Winfield Courier, September 28, 1882.
The weather during the fair was most favorable and added much to the pleasures of the visitors. The attendance was not as large as was expected.
The first day, Thursday, was devoted to entries and but little else was done. This left but two days in which to exhibit. Had the time been set two, or even one day earlier, it would have been much better. The exhibit in every department was good. In the department for horses, mules, etc., “Class A,” there were one hundred and fifteen entries and thirty premiums awarded as follows.
Best filley under two years, E. O. Burden, 1st; O. P. Pratt, 2nd.
Winfield Courier, October 5, 1882.
Hon. R. F. Burden has returned from a three weeks visit to Iowa.
Lizzie Burden...
Winfield Courier, October 12, 1882.
Miss Lizzie Burden, District 113.
Mrs. Mary A. Rude, District 78.
T. J. Rude, District 78.
E. A. Millard, District 90.
James H. Hutchison, District 30.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
Teachers’ Association.
The teachers of the Burden Division will meet in association at the Burden school building Saturday, December 16, at 10 o’clock a.m. The following program indicates the teachers of the Burden Division and the work assigned them for the next meeting.
1. Methods in teaching beginners in reading: T. J. Rude, E. A. Millard, Misses Jennie Hicks, Maude Leedy and Lizzie Burden.
Emma Burden...
Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.
Harvey Items.
The school in district 113 is doing splendidly under the management of Miss E. Burden.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 17, 1883.
R. F. Burden, our old County Commissioner, visited this place Friday last.
Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.
Mr. Shields bought two cows at Mr. Burden’s sale.
Charles Burden...
Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883.
Peter Loy and family, Charlie Burden, and Jake Wingert left Monday for the Pacific slope, Washington Territory being their destination. Dr. Samuel Daniels and his son, A. L., and their families will start on the same route in the near future, and Rev. R. S. Thompson and family on or about the 15th inst. The doctor and preacher will be seriously missed by the people of this section: the former for his skill in relieving the ills to which flesh is heir to, and the latter for his good social and Christian qualities. His school district in losing Mr. Thompson will lose the main wheel in their school machinery, one that never failed to revolve, and but seldom to force the rest to move. CHAFF.
Winfield Courier, May 17, 1883.
Proceedings have been inaugurated by J. Wade McDonald, attorney, to condemn the water in the river above the Winfield Mills for the purposes of the City Waterworks, and Judge Torrance has appointed to appraise the damages R. F. Burden, G. L. Gale, and W. M. Sleeth.
Winfield Courier, May 24, 1883.
More Fair Matter.
We publish in full below the Charter and By-laws of the Fair Association. The organization is now complete and at work. Every farmer should read this carefully and be ready to suggest any changes necessary at the next regular meeting.
That the number of directors or trustees of this corporation shall be seventeen (17), and the names and residences of those who are appointed for the first year are:
A. H. Doane, Winfield. A. T. Spotswood, Winfield. D. L. Kretsinger, Winfield. J. B. Schofield, Winfield. C. C. Black, Winfield. W. J. Hodges, Winfield. E. P. Greer, Winfield. W. S. Mendenhall, Winfield. Sam Phoenix, Richland Township. S. S. Lynn, Vernon Township. G. L. Gale, Rock Township. Henry Harbaugh, Pleasant Valley Township. R. F. Burden, Windsor Township. E. B. Nicholson, Dexter Township. J. W. Millspaugh, Vernon Township. J. B. Nipp, Creswell Township. J. F. Martin, Vernon Township.
Winfield Courier, May 24, 1883.
Minutes of Fair Meeting. May 10th, 1883.
The directors of the Cowley County Fair and Driving Park Association met at the office of A. H. Doane & Co. Present: Directors Millspaugh, Martin, Gale, Burden, Leslie, Harbaugh, McDonald, Spotswood, Doane, Baden, and Nicholson.
Winfield Courier, June 14, 1883.
Thomas Clover, a nineteen-year-old son of B. H. Clover, was arrested Monday for assaulting R. F. Burden with a stone “from his right hand slung, at the person of the said R. F. Burden, he being then and there present.” The hearing will be had before his Honor, Justice Buckman, today (Wednesday).
Winfield Courier, June 21, 1883.
Someone pulled up and burned a fence around a quarter section of land in Windsor Township Saturday night. The fence belonged to Mr. Woods, a friend of R. F. Burden. Two small houses were also burned, together with some furniture. The row is a kind of neighborhood affair; and savors somewhat of the old claim jumping feuds of early days. Whoever the offenders are, they should be brought to justice speedily. This county has long outgrown such procedure.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 27, 1883.
Burden does not seem to be the happiest place in the world to live judging from a local which says R. F. Burden is afraid to live there, and will sell out and leave if he can, and the house and fence burnings, etc., spoken of in last week’s Burden Enterprise.
Lizzie Burden...
Winfield Courier, June 28, 1883.
The Normal.
The County Normal Institute opened Monday with about sixty-five teachers in attendance. Prof. Davis, of the State Normal School, acts as Conductor, and Profs. Gridley and Trimble as instructors. The work starts off nicely and promises a most prosperous session. The following is a list of those in attendance at present and their grades.
Anna Barnes, C. B. Bradshaw, May Christopher, Clara Davenport, Oliver Fuller, Anna Foults, Leota Gary, Zella Hutchinson, Maggie Herpich, Bertha Hempy, Ella Kephart, Anna Kuhn, Lewis King, Lizzie Lawson, May Rief, Etta Robinson, Ella Rounds, Maggie Seabridge, Lou Strong, Lizzie Burden, May Carlisle, Geo. Crawford, Estella Cronk, Fannie Gramman, Ida Hamilton, James Hutchinson, Clara Pierce, Chas. Wing, Horace Norton.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, July 4, 1883.
The Normal.
The County Normal Institute opened last week with about sixty-five teachers in attendance. Prof. Davis, of the State Normal school, acts as conductor, and Profs. Gridley and Trimble as instructors. The work starts off nicely and promises a most prosperous session. The following is a list of those in attendance at present and their grades.
Grade B. Annie Barnes, C. B. Bradshaw, May Christopher, Clara Davenport, Oliver Fuller, Anna Foults, Leota Gary, Zella Hutchison, Maggie Herpich, Bertha Hempy, Ella Kephart, Anna Kuhn, Lewis King, Lizzie Lawson, May Rief, Etta Robinson, Ella Rounds, Maggie Seabridge, Lou Strong, Lizzie Burden, May Carlisle, Geo. Crawford, Estella Cronk, Fannie Gramman, Ida Hamilton, James Hutchinson, Clara Pierce, Chas. Wing, Horace Norton.
Winfield Courier, July 5, 1883.
Hon. R. F. Burden was in the city Monday.
Winfield Courier, July 5, 1883.
Messrs. Gale, Burden, and Sleeth, the commissioners appointed to condemn the water privilege for the Water Company, met Thursday and made the awards. Bliss & Wood were allowed twenty dollars as their share of the damage, the Tunnel Mill ten dollars. None of the mills were present to put forward their claims and it is understood will contest in the courts the right of the Water Company to take what they have before legally acquired.
Winfield Courier, September 27, 1883.
The next attraction for the visitor is the fine horses. There are horses in profusion, some of them big Clydesdales, Norman, and Canadian, and any number of trotting and running horses, together with some of as fine brooders and yearlings as any county can show. Conspicuous among the blooded horses are the two Norman stallions and one Clydesdale stallion of R. B. Noble, of Dexter, one of the former being the largest in the county, weighing 1970 pounds; also the stallions of N. L. Yarbrough, of Floral; the two year old Clydesdale of R. F. Burden, and the mammoth two year old Clydesdale stallion and four year old mare of Messrs. Tweedle and Purvoi, recently from Scotland. This mare undoubtedly excels anything ever brought into our county. The exhibition of horses of all kinds is exceedingly large and astonishes every beholder.
Winfield Courier, October 4, 1883.
The following is a full list of premiums awarded. It is complete and correct and is drawn from the Secretary’s books.
Best stallion 4 years old and over, D. P. Hurst, 1st premium.
Mares 4 years old and over, D. P. Hurst 1st premium; C. F. Main, of Cloverdale, second.
Best thoroughbred colt 2 years old and over, C. F. Main, 1st premium; R. F. Burden, second.
Best stallion 4 years old and over, L. B. Fisher, of Wellington, 1st premium; R. B. Noble, of Dexter, second.
Three years and under four, Stalter & Yarbrough, 1st premium.
Two years and under three, R. Tweedle, of Douglass, 1st premium; R. F. Burden, second.
Four years old and over, R. B. Noble, 1st premium.
Mare four years old and over, R. Tweedle, of Douglass, 1st premium.
Single stallion 3 years and under 4, R. Tweedle, Douglass, 1st premium; R. F. Burden, Silver Creek, 2nd.
R. F. Burden captured several ribbons on his blooded horses. He owns some stock that is hard to beat.
Lizzie Burden...
Arkansas City Traveler, July 25, 1883.
Mr. Fred Ballew and Miss Minnie Anderson, Mr. Ed. McMullen and Miss Carrie Anderson, Mr. Fred Weaverling and Miss Laura Elliott, Mr. O. B. Taylor and Miss Lizzie Burden, a party of Winfield’s young men and fairest ladies, were in the city last Sunday and took supper at the Leland. They came from Geuda in the afternoon, and drove back to Winfield by moonlight.
Winfield Courier, January 10, 1884.
Teachers of Cowley County.
We present below a list of the teachers of Cowley, their post office addresses, and the amount they are receiving per month for their services. This list will be valuable to teachers, school officers, and the public generally. It is taken from the records, through the courtesy of Supt. Limerick.
30 Peter L. Alderson 40.00
78 H. F. Albert 60.00
78 Lizzie Burden 33.00
78 R. O. Stearns 35.00
88 Minnie A. Crumb 35.00
90 T. J. Rude 40.00
92 May Christopher 35.00
113 Mrs. F. E. Craven 40.00
119 Harry C. Shaw 30.00
103 E. W. Woolsey 40.00
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1884.
On Monday afternoon the stockholders of the Cowley County Fair and Driving Park Association met in the Opera House for the purpose of re-organizing the Board of Directors for the year 1884, and receiving reports of the condition and doings of the Association for the year. About seventy-five stockholders, representing nearly all of the subscribed stock, were present.
R. F. Burden: One Share.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, July 30, 1884.
The Cowley County Fair and Driving Park Association will hold its Second Annual Exhibition at Winfield, Kansas, September 23 to 27, 1884. This Association comes before the public with more attractions and better facilities than any like Association in the State. It is a well established fact that our grounds are the largest and best in the State, our buildings, stables, and stalls ample and commodious, thus affording the exhibitor more comfort, pleasure, and money than any Fair Association in the State.
Shareholder: R. F. Burden.
Lizzie Burden...
Arkansas City Republican, August 23, 1884.
Teachers Receiving Certificates.
The following is a list of teachers granted certificates at the late examination.
Lizzie Burden included on list.
Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.
Where the Teachers of Cowley Teach this Winter.
Their Names and the Salaries They Get.
Burden, R. B. Moore, $80; Lizzie Burden, $40; Ella Kempton, $35; Mary Berkey, $40.
R. F. Burden...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.
An energetic attempt is being made to establish a Library in this place. The Burden Library and Lyceum Association has been organized and a charter applied for, according to law. The capital stock is placed at one thousand dollars, shares selling at twenty dollars each, and no one can purchase more than one share. The Directors are: R. F. Burden, S. H. Tolles, P. B. Moore, J. F. Stodder, S. F. Day, A. M. Newman, and J. W. Henthorn. A Literary Society, or Lyceum, is to be held in connection with the Association, which expects to give entertainments, the proceeds of which will be used in purchasing books. From the number of shares of stock already sold and the general enthusiasm manifested, we predict that it will be a grand success.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.
There will be a free entertainment given at the rink on Friday night, Feb. 13, by the Burden L. and L. Association. It is proposed to attempt at that time the formation of a lyceum or literary society, which shall act in conjunction with the Library Association, and shall give entertainments every few weeks, the proceeds of which will be spent in purchasing books. The evenings proceedings will close with the presentation of a French play of seven characters. The officers of the B. L. L. Association are: president, S. J. Day; secretary, Dr. A. M. Newman; treasurer, S. H. Tolles. Nearly seven hundred dollars of the capital stock has already been subscribed and the success of the enterprise is assured. The probabilities are that a small building will be erected by the association within a year, and a fine library placed in it.
[Note: Paper had “S. F. Day” in first article; “S. J. Day” in second article. Further, paper had “S. H. Tolles” in first article; “S. H. Toller” in second article, which I corrected inasmuch as “Tolles” is correct. Do not know which initials are correct on Mr. Day. R. F. Burden was not mentioned in second article. MAW]
Lizzie Burden...Also “Lain Burden”...??
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 2, 1885.
The writer had the pleasure of attending the first annual commencement exercises of the Burden High School Tuesday evening. Cowley County has always been foremost in educational matters, but the last few years have been marked by unusual strides. But a few years ago a little frame schoolhouse, twenty by thirty, was the seat of learning for our sister city. It was enlarged, additional buildings rented, etc., until demand and enterprise erected a handsome stone building, containing four departments, and being one of the most substantial and convenient schoolhouses in the county. Now they have outgrown this, and will add two more rooms. The past winter saw Burden’s first graded school. Under the superintendency of Prof. R. B. Moore, one of the foremost educators of the State, ably assisted by Misses Mary Berkey, Alice Hardin, Ella Kempton, and Lizzie Burden, the different departments bore gratifying fruits. The first graduates from the Burden High School who “commenced,” Tuesday evening, were Misses Effie C. Young and Lain Burden and Mr. Arthur W. Brooks, all of whom acquitted themselves nobly on this occasion. The entire exercises were very interesting and creditable. Burden has great reason to congratulate herself in her varied advancement—her public and private improvements and general air of thrift and enterprise. No town of her size in the West can exhibit a better growth, more public spirit, or more energy in everything that makes true citizenship.
R. F. Burden...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 30, 1885.
R. F. Burden, five miles northeast of Burden, has 200 acres of as fine blue grass as was ever grown in Kentucky or anywhere else in the wide, wide world. He has used it for pasture for the last two years with splendid success. It is only a question of a few years when our farmers will all successfully raise tame grasses. Burden Eagle.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 30, 1885.
The Wichita Eagle tells of a colt only ten weeks old that weighed 350 pounds. R. F. Burden owns a colt that when lacking three days of ten weeks old, weighed 390 pounds. Come again, dear namesake.
R. F. Burden shipped two car loads of steers last Thursday. They were graded stock, thirty-four in number, and averaged 1,549 pounds each. This was undoubtedly the best shipment of cattle ever made from this station.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 20, 1885.
A drive northeast of Burden reveals as pretty a country as the eye ever beheld—showing the grit and energy of Cowley’s best farmers. The farms of R. F. Burden, J. K. Woods, and many others in that section are famous among Cowley farms. There are no “Rip Van Winkle” farmers in that country—in fact, such are exceedingly “scarce” all over Cowley’s fair domain.
Martha E. Burden. [Lizzie Burden gets married]...
Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.
The following marriage licenses have been issued by Judge Gans since the last issue of the REPUBLICAN.
Chas. A. Cunningham and Martha E. Burden.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 12, 1885.
Miss Lizzie Burden and Charlie Cunningham were married the other day, at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Burden, a few miles northeast of Burden. The bride has many friends in Winfield. Mr. Cunningham is a staunch young farmer of Spring Creek township.
Arkansas City Republican, December 12, 1885.
Swept By Fire.
Kansas never saw a whole day to equal Friday in general “cussedness.” Real estate sailed around in the air communing with angels and turkey buzzards. Down here on earth the wind played the “Dickens,” with an illuminated D. All over Cowley damage is reported. The biggest damage was done in northeast Cowley. At eight o’clock in the morning a prairie fire broke out this side of Beaumont, caused by some flying engine spark, it is thought. With such a terrific gale to fan it on, it swept south with appalling destruction. Nothing impeded its awful gait—over roads, hedges, everywhere where the least combustible matter could be caught. Many farmers had their all swept away. W. H. Hill, near Box City, had two thousand bushels of corn, all his hay, his stable, and his horses burned—all but his house. In fighting the fire his face and hands were horribly burned, his eyes so badly that recovery of sight is doubtful. Other farmers whose places were rather new, without much firebreak, suffered the same fate. Those who saw the flames of this fire say it was a thrilling sight. No horse could keep pace with it. When in heavy grass the flames rolled twenty feet in the air, and the sparks flew wildly, continually setting the prairie distances before the main fire.
This same section has been recently invaded by the hog cholera, many farmers losing every hog. R. F. Burden lost 120 head, and others in proportion. It leaves northeast Cowley in bad shape to start into the winter—no pork, no hay, and some no corn or anything else on which to winter their stock. All swept away by a cruel fire. Winfield Courier.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 18, 1886.
The Lyceum entertainment and supper given last Friday night was a success in every way. About sixty dollars was cleared by the combined effort. The stockholders met the next day and elected directors for the ensuing year. There were fifty-one shares represented out of fifty-five. The following were elected: J. F. Stodder, R. F. Burden, S. J. Day, Prof. R. B. Wood, Dr. A. M. Newman, J. A. Goforth, and S. H. Tolles.