S. P. Burress


Member of Maine Cattle Company.
Arkansas City, Kansas.
Arkansas City Directory 1893.
Burress, S. P. age 35; spouse, Mary, age 28.
First mention of Sam Burress...
Arkansas City Traveler, October 5, 1881.
D. S. Burress and his son, Sam, sold all their cattle on the range, at Salt Fork, and will go to Texas this winter to contract for more to drive in the spring.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 22, 1882.
Samuel Burress, one of the live young cattle men of the Nation, paid this place a visit last week.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 27, 1882.
Mr. Sam Burress will shortly put up a residence in the south part of town just opposite the First Presbyterian Church. The main building will be 16 x 24 with an L 14 x 16. Messrs. Beecher & Son have the contract.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 11, 1882.
Messrs. Beecher & Son are busily engaged upon the construc­tion of Mr. Sam Burress’ new house, the contract for which was awarded to them.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 18, 1882.
Sam Burress’ new house is being enclosed. Beecher & Son are the contractors.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 20, 1882.
Sam Burress’ new house is about completed, and is one of the best finished and thoroughly comfortable homes our city can boast of. Messrs. Beecher & Son were the contractors.
Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 8, 1883.
No Show for Monopolists.
The third annual meeting of the Cherokee Strip Stockmen’s Association met in the Opera House on Tuesday, March 6, 1883, at 11 a.m., and was called to order by the president, Ben S. Miller, who made the following remarks.

It becomes my painful duty to call this Association to order again. Painful, because it will be a rehash of what we have done, the past year, some of which has come to light, and some of which may never show up. On looking to my right, I miss the face of one who, in life, was one of the best supporters the chair had, and whose council and suggestions were always so timely. I refer with sorrow to our friend and brother, A. H. Johnson, who was stricken down in the prime of life last summer, without a moment’s warning, by the Power that controls the elements. He has gone to a place where “scattering,” “gatherings,” and “round-ups” are no more. Whether to a range that is fenced or open, we know not; but we do know that if it is fenced, no Congress, Secretary of the Interior, or Indian Commission can tear it down at their pleasure.
The roll was called and the following officers reported.
Ben S. Miller, president.
John A. Blair, secretary.
M. H. Bennett, treasurer.
The reading of the minutes of the previous meetings was on motion dispensed with.
M. H. Bennett, treasurer of the Association, presented his report, showing the receipts to be $3,645.16; expenditures, $1,537.12, leaving a balance in the treasury of $2,108.04. Report accepted.
On motion, Messrs. W. E. Bridge, T. F. Pryor, P. Carnagie, J. W. Carter, and Cid. Eldridge were appointed as committee on membership.
On motion, Messrs. Hodson, Eldridge, Drumm, Hewins, and Tuttle were appointed a committee on permanent organization.
On motion the president appointed W. S. Snow, James Hamilton, and Ed. Hewins a committee on constitution and by-laws.
Mr. Hewins moved that the president appoint a sergeant at arms, whose duty it shall be to see that bonafide members of the Association are seated together and apart from spectators. Carried.
The Association then adjourned to meet at 2 p.m.
On re-assembling at 2 p.m., the committee on credentials reported the following list of new members, which report was accepted.
D. R. Streeter, Northup & Stephens, C. W. Blaine, F. M. Stewart, R. B. Clark, R. H. Campbell, W. J. Hodges, G. A. Thompson, S. A. Garth, W. H. Harrelston, W. M. Dunn, G. B. Mote, Crutchfield & Carpenter, Walworth, Walton & Rhodes, W. B. Lee, W. W. Wicks, J. A. Emmerson, John Myrtle, J. H. Hill, A. J. Snider, A. G. Evans, R. W. Phillips, E. W. Payne, Tomlin & Webb, H. W. Roberts, E. P. Fouts, W. W. Stephens, A. Mills, C. M. Scott, H. P. Standley, Lafe Merritt, J. N. Florer, D. W. Roberts, C. H. Dye, M. W. Brand, Drury Warren, W. P. Herring, S. T. Tuttle, E. W. Rannols, N. J. Thompson, W. H. Dunn, E. A. Hereford, J. Love, Johnsons & Hosmer, S. T. Mayor, D. A. Streeter, M. H. Snyder, S. P. Burress, C. C. Clark, K. C. Weathers [J. C. Weathers], G. V. Collins, and H. H. Campbell.
[Note: Caldwell paper probably had a lot of names spelled incorrectly. They had “P. S. Burress” instead of “S. P. Burress.” They also had “K. C.” instead of J. C. Weathers.]
Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 15, 1883.
We, the undersigned persons of competent age, do hereby associate ourselves together for the purpose of forming a private corporation under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Kansas, the purpose of which is and shall be “the improvement of the breed of domestic animals,” by the importation, grazing, breeding, sale, barter, and exchange thereof.
The name of such corporation shall be “The Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association.”

SECOND. The purpose for which the corporation is formed is the improvement of the breed of domestic animals by the importation, grazing, breeding, sale, barter, and exchange thereof.
THREE. The principal office and place of business of the corporation shall be at the city of Caldwell, in Sumner County, Kansas, but its place or places of and for holding, breeding, grazing, selling, bartering, and exchanging the domestic animals for the improvement of the breed of which the corporation is as aforesaid organized shall be wherever the same can be in the opinion of the directors or such other body of the stockholders or members of such corporation as may be authorized to act for the corporation most advantageously located.
FOURTH. The terms for which the corporation is to exist shall be for forty years.
FIFTH. The number of the directors of the corporation shall be nine, and the following named stockholders are appointed directors for the first year, viz:
E. M. Hewins, whose residence is Cedarvale, Kansas.
J. W. Hamilton, whose residence is Wellington, Kansas.
A. J. Day, whose residence is Caldwell, Kansas.
S. Tuttle, whose residence is Caldwell, Kansas.
M. H. Bennett, whose residence is Caldwell, Kansas.
Andrew Drumm, whose residence is Caldwell, Kansas.
Ben S. Miller, whose residence is Caldwell, Kansas.
E. W. Payne, whose residence is Medicine Lodge, Kansas.
Chas. H. Eldred, whose residence is Carrollton, Illinois.
Which said charter was on said date duly transmitted, postage pre-paid to the Honorable Secretary of State at Topeka, Kansas, and on said date the by-laws for the regulation of the business of said corporation were by your said committee formulated, and that thereafter to-wit: On the 8th day of March, 1883, the board of directors of said corporation, met in pursuance of the provisions of said charter and in conformity of law elected Ben S. Miller, one of said board of directors, president of said corporation, and at the same time appointed John A. Blair as secretary and M. H. Bennett as treasurer thereof, and duly ratified and accepted the by-laws herein before referred to, wherefore we respectfully suggest that our action in and about the matter aforesaid, be approved and accepted as the fulfillment of the duties by you imposed upon us as your committee for the purposes aforesaid, and that we be now discharged from further duty.
SECTION 1. The name and style of the corporation shall be “The Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association.”

SECTION 2. The object of the Association is to provide for and promote the improvement of the breed of domestic animals by all lawful means, such as providing for the purchase, importation, barter, sale, and exchange thereof, at such place or places, within or without the territorial limits of this State, as shall be or seem to be, most conducive to the advancement of the interests of the Association; in pursuance of the purpose and object of which the same has been and is as aforesaid organized inclusive of the right by which and on behalf, of said Association to purchase any and all of whatsoever kind of domestic animals it, the said Association, may see fit or desire to purchase, or in any lawful manner acquire, together with the right to purchase or lease any or all parcels or tracts of land, where-soever situated, as may be necessary for the holding, keeping, grazing, breeding, handling, selling, bartering, or in any lawful manner whatsoever exchanging any or all of any or all kinds of domestic animals so as aforesaid purchased, imported, handled, bred, grazed, obtained by barter or exchange by or on behalf of said Association.
All persons, corporations, or companies who now occupy undisputed range in the Cherokee Strip, and who agree to pay the assessments to which may be hereinafter levied upon them by authority of persons empowered by the Association to make levies for any and all purposes, may be eligible to membership in this Association upon the payment of the membership fees, as hereinafter provided.
All corporations, stock associations, or companies becoming members of this Association, shall do so in the name of the corporation, stock association, or company by which they are known, and in all elections or business which is to or may be decided by votes of members of this Association, such member or representative of any and all other corporations, stock associations, or companies being members of this Association shall be entitled to one vote, and no more.
Any party holding an undisputed and prescribed range, whether of one person, a company, corporation, or pool, shall be entitled to one membership; that is to say, if one person holds a certain prescribed range alone, he shall be entitled to one membership, and the same rule as to corporations and companies if, for convenience, two or more individuals hold each a prescribed range, and hold such range in common, each of such ranges shall be entitled to one membership, and each membership shall be entitled to one vote. Any person possessing the qualifications hereinbefore mentioned, and desiring to become a member of this Association, shall first pay to the treasurer the sum of ten dollars ($10), and take said treasurer’s receipt therefor, and upon presentation of said receipt to the secretary of this Association, and subscribing to the by-laws, shall be entitled to a certificate of membership, which said certificate shall thereupon be issued in the name of this Association; provided that persons owning ranges or holding cattle contiguous to the range occupied by the members of this Association in the Indian Territory, may be elected honorary members of this Association upon the recommendation of the board of directors.
All transfer of ranges by purchase or otherwise shall be recorded by the Secretary of this Association in a book to be by him kept for that purpose.
All members of this Association are required within thirty days from their admission to membership to furnish to the secretary a plain and accurate description of the “marks and brands” of all domestic animals owned or held by such member; which said description of said marks and brands shall be plainly and fully recorded by said secretary in a book to be by him kept for such purpose.

A board of arbitration shall be appointed, to consist of three members of the Association, such board to be appointed by the directors and to hold their office during the pleasure of said board of directors, who shall have power to settle all questions in dispute between members of this Association, and from the decision of such board of arbitration either party in interest may appeal to the board of directors by giving, upon the rendition of said decision, immediate notice of his intention to so appeal, and by entering into and undertaking to the opposite party in such sum as said board of arbitrators shall deem sufficient credentials for the payment of all costs and expenses necessarily incurred by reason of such appeal. In the event of the decision of said arbitrators being affirmed by said board of directors, thereupon the chairman of said board of arbitrators shall immediately notify the board of directors of the pendency of such appeal and state the time and place when and where said board of directors shall meet to hear and determine the same; which time shall not be less than ten nor more than sixty days from the time of taking such appeal, and the time and place of sitting of said board of directors to hear said matter shall be at such point as said board of arbitrators may direct; provided, always, that in no event except by consent of parties shall the place of the sitting of said board of directors for such purpose be other than at the city of Caldwell, in Sumner County, Kansas, or at some well-known and convenient ranch upon the grazing lands of the Association; and the chairman of the board of arbitrators upon the giving an acceptance of the appeal bond hereinbefore provided for, immediately notify the parties in interest of the time when, and the place where, the board of directors shall be called to meet to hear and determine and appeal; and the decision of said board of directors shall be final.
The following are the names of members of the Association so far as we have been able to obtain them.
Blair, Battin & Cooper; E. W. Payne, for Comanche County Pool; T. F. Pryor & Co.; S. T. Tuttle, S & Z Tuttle; R. B. Clark; W. H. Harrelston; H. Hodgson & Co.; John Myrtle; McClellen Cattle Company; Johnstone & Horsmer; G. A. Thompson; C. M. Crocker; Robert Eatock; Wm. Corzine; M. J. Lane; Hammers Clark & Co.; McGredy & Harlen; Walworth, Walton & Rhodes; D. P. Robinson & Northrup; Windsor Bros.; H. A. Todd; Wicks, Corbin & Streeter; W. B. Helm; N. J. Thompson; Bates & Payne; E. W. Rannells; S. P. Burress; W. W. Wicks; Dean & Broderick; Shattuck Bros. & Co.; H. H. Campbell; Briggs & Wilson; John Love & Son; J. C. Weathers & Sons; Ewell & Justis; A. M. Colson; W. S. & T. Snow; Dominion Cattle Company; Theo Horsley & Co.; Southern Kansas Border Live Stock Company, J. W. Hamilton, manager; G. W. Miller (W. M. Vanhook in charge); B. H. Campbell; Drury Warren; L. Musgrove; A. A. Wiley; Tomlin & Webb; Geo. V. Collins; J. F. Conner & Co.; Cobb & Hutton; A. J. & C. P. Day; Moore & Rohrer; Carnegie & Fraser; M. K. Krider; Texas Land and Cattle Company (limited); W. C. Quinlon; Ben Garland; Ballenger & Schlupp; A. T. & T. P. Wilson; A. Mills; H. W. Timberlake & Hall; Stewart & Hodges; Drumm & Snider; Williamson Blair & Co.; Charles Collins; Ben S. Miller; Gregory, Eldred & Co.; W. R. Terwilliger; M. H. Bennett; Barfoot & Santer; Hewins & Tims; Sylvester Flitch; D. A. Greever; Stoller & Rees; Crane & Larimer; Dickey Bros.; McClain & Foss; E. M. Ford & Co.; Dornblazer & Dole; J. C. Pryor & Co.
HONORARY MEMBERS: W. E. Campbell, L. C. Bidwell.
[Note: The Caldwell newspaper probably goofed on a number of names that were given. They had “P. S. Burres” instead of “S. P. Burress.”]
Arkansas City Traveler, May 9, 1883.
Messrs. L. C. Norton and Ira Barnett last week purchased of Messrs. Burress and Lewis about $12,000 worth of stock and are now holding the same upon the ranch lately occupied by the latter named gentlemen.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 3, 1883.
Trial Docket for the October Term, 1883.
  G. W. Slaughter vs. S. P. Burress et al.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 2, 1884.
Sad Accident. An accident of the most distressing nature befell Mr. and Mrs. Leach, of West Bolton, as they were crossing the Arkansas bridge west of town last Wednesday afternoon. It would appear that Mr. Leach’s team became scared at the foam blown by the wind below the bridge, and while attempting to pass a buggy, in which were seated Messrs. Chas. Howard and Sam Burress, commenced to back, breaking the railing and falling backwards into the water. The wagon fell upon Mrs. Leach, and had it not been for Mr. Burress, who immediately jumped to the rescue, and Mr. Leach, the lady would have drowned. As it was, she remained insensible until she arrived in the city, when she was placed under the care of Dr. Reed, who, upon examination, found one of her legs was broken above the ankle, the ankle being badly bruised, the left arm was broken, also a rib, and the skull badly bruised. At this writing the unfortunate lady is doing as well as could be expected, and we hope may speedily recover from her injuries. The railing of the bridge should be strengthened in some way, for as it now stands, it is no protection at all.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 27, 1884.
Our Churches. The services at the White church last Sabbath were most interesting, and the house was crowded to its utmost capacity. The services in the morning were conducted by the pastor, Rev. Fleming, assisted by Rev. Dr. Kirkwood of Winfield. The sermon was preached by the latter gentleman. Immediately after the sermon the following named persons were received into the fellowship of the church by profession: Mrs. Chas. Hutchins, Mrs. Burress, Miss Mary Love, Miss Sallie Ketchum, Miss Lizzie Mann, Miss Emma Morton, and Mr. B. C. Lent; of these the Misses Mann and Morton, Mrs. Hutchins and Mr. Lent received the rite of baptism. There were also admitted by letter at the same time fourteen others, thus making an addition of twenty-two members to the church last Sabbath.
The services at the M. E. And U. P. Churches last Sabbath were well attended and the reverend gentlemen discoursed in their usual eloquent and impressive manner to attentive congregations. The gospel work is being well done in our midst, and its fruits are becoming daily more manifest.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 18, 1884.
Burt Worthley and Sam Burress returned from Arkansas last week with 800 head of yearlings and two-year-olds. They are holding them at present on the Cimarron. Burt reports a good drive, with no loss worth speaking of.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 6, 1884.
Council Proceedings.
Council met in regular session last Monday, August 4. Present: F. P. Schiffbauer, mayor; C. G. Thompson, T. Fairclo, and A. A. Davis.
C. R. SIPES, Treasurer.

I herewith submit my report of the amount of water tax collected up to August 2, 1884.
Samuel Burress $2.20
Arkansas City Traveler, October 8, 1884.
The Maine Cattle Company.
A stock company under the above name has been organized by men having their headquarters in this city, and their range on the Ponca reservation. The company is composed of Messrs. N. C. Hinkley, S. P. Burress, Burt Worthley, H. P. Farrar, J. H. Sherburne, Howard Bros., and Bradford Beall, with a capital stock of $50,000, and a thousand head of one-, two-, and three-year-olds to start with. The range line south of the Salt Fork and east of the Otoe road, containing 35,000 acres of good grazing land, with plenty of water and timber—all fenced with a four-strand barb wire fence. When fully stocked up, which will be done as rapidly as possible, these gentlemen will have between 2,000 and 3,000 head of cattle. Another item is the 3,000 acre hog lot on the range, on which will be put about a thousand head of fine hogs. The Maine Cattle Company purpose grading up their cattle to a high standard, and shall purchase high grade Hereford, Durham, and Galloway bulls. The officers have not yet been elected, all hands being busy this week moving their cattle from Chilocco to their new range, but as soon as this is done, the company will be regularly organized under the laws of the state and officers duly elected. The name is singularly appropriate, as all the gentlemen, with one exception, are from the state that will furnish our next president.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 22, 1884.
The Maine Cattle Company met last Monday night and organized by electing the following officers.
N. C. Hinkley, President.
George S. Howard, Vice President.
H. P. Farrar, Secretary and Treasurer.
S. P. Burress, Manager.
Albert Worthley, Assistant Manager.
Directors: N. C. Hinkley, G. S. Howard, H. P. Farrar, S. P. Burress, Albert Worthley, Chas. Howard, B. Beall, and J. H. Sherburne.
The capital stock is $50,000.
Arkansas City Republican, October 25, 1884.
The Maine Cattle Company has received their charter. Monday evening they elected the following officers: President, N. C. Hinkley; vice-president, Geo. Howard; secretary and treasurer, H. P. Farrar. The directors and stockholders are N. C. Hinkley, Geo. Howard, H. P. Farrar, Bradford Beall, Chas. Howard, Albert Worthley, S. P. Burress, and J. H. Sherburne. S. P. Burress will be the manager, and Albert Worthley, assistant manager.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.
Sam Burress came up from the B. I. T., Wednesday night, to spend the holidays among the civilized.
Arkansas City Republican, March 14, 1885.
Our good natured friend, S. P. Burress, has been in the city this week from off his ranch.
Arkansas City Republican, March 14, 1885.

Our Roll of Honor. [From 50 cents to $1.50 for subscriptions.]
   S. P. Burress, City.
S. P. Burress, Ponca Agency, Indian Territory.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 16, 1886.
Messrs. A. A. Newman, T. H. McLaughlin, H. T. Sumner, Geo. Howard, Jas. Hill, W. B. Wingate, Dr. H. D. Kellogg, Frank Austin, Geo. Cunningham, Herman Godehard, W. D. Mowry, S. P. Burress, and F. B. Hutchison went over into the townships in Sumner County along the line of the proposed G. S. & C. Road Tuesday and worked like Turks to secure the carrying of the bonds. Elsewhere we give the good results of their labors. Wonderful stories are told by the boys as to how they walked mile after mile over enormous snow drifts, and how Hermann Godehard captured the German vote and also about A. A. Newman’s big speech on the tariff question. ’Tis no wonder that Arkansas City booms, when she has such patriotic and enterprising citizens pushing at the helm. These gentlemen realized that the carrying of these bonds was a necessary factor in the future welfare of Arkansas City, and accordingly went over to the contested territory, through the piercing winds and snow, and put their shoulders to the wheel. A great deal of credit is due the above mentioned gentlemen for what they did for Arkansas City last Tuesday.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 27, 1886.
Sam Burress is up from his ranch and is circulating among his many friends.
Arkansas City Republican, May 29, 1886.
Wednesday night will be remembered by all having the pleasure to attend Miss Nellie Thompson’s reception, as “a pearly in memory’s casket.” Although following one of the hottest days of the season, the evening was not extremely warm—thanks to our climate. We will not attempt to describe the costumes of the ladies, indeed, all present showed good taste in dress, while many of the trousseaus were elegant. The company was musically entertained by Miss Hamilton, Mrs. Meeker, and Mrs. Nellie Wyckoff, discoursing waltzes, which were enjoyed by all, and utilized by those who delight in the “mazy.”
Following are the parties who were present.
Mr. and Mrs. Hess, Mr. and Mrs. Meeker, Mr. and Mrs. Kingsbury, Mr. and Mrs. Coombs, Mr. and Mrs. Snyder, Mr. and Mrs. Daniels, Mr. and Mrs. Wyckoff, Mr. and Mrs. Childs, Miss Love, Miss Theaker, Miss Thompson, Miss Fannie Cunningham, Miss Berkey, Miss Eva Hasie, Miss McMullen, Miss Young, Miss Hamilton, Miss Grosscup, Miss Kingsbury, Miss Walton, Miss Guthrie, Miss Martin, Miss Funk, Miss Beale, Miss Gatwood, Miss Wagner; and Messrs. Adams, Balyeat, Behrend, Burress, Chapel, Coburn, Deering, Gould, Hoover, Hutchison, Hawk, Rhodes, Salisbury, Love, Wagner, Rogers.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 19, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
The Scott-Burress trial occupied the attention of Judge Kreamer’s court all day Saturday, extending late into the night. It was a trial to see who was the owner of a pony worth about $75. The case was decided in Scott’s favor. The defendant will ask for a new trial and failing, will take an appeal.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 19, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.

C. M. Scott informs us although awarded the pony in the dispute in the cause of Scott vs. Burress, by the jury, he is in as bad a condition as before the trial. Burress has taken the animal to the Territory. Scott will sue for the value of the animal now.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1886.
Sam Burress came out on Saturday, with his clothes a world too wide for him. He has been sick for a week with malaria, and has evidently had a severe tussle of it.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 29, 1886.
About two weeks ago two saddle ponies were missing from the cattle ranch of Florer, Gould & Ayres, on the Kaw reservation, and the manager of the ranch, Capt. A. J. Hersey, thinking they were stolen and believing he knew the thief, came to town as soon as he missed the animals, to have the thief arrested. He found the man he wanted in the city, but the missing ponies were not in his possession. Leaving him to be shadowed by the officers, Capt. Hersey returned home after a day’s stay here to make further search for the ponies. Last Wednesday he wrote to Sam Burress, informing him that he had found the ponies in the Osage country, making their way to a ranch, but whether they had been stolen or turned loose, he was unable to say. He ordered the watch on the suspected party removed, and this ended the matter.
Sam Burress was a delegate in the Third Ward...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 2, 1886.
City Primaries.
Last evening at the appointed hour, the Republican voters of the city convened in their respective wards and elected delegates and alternates to the county convention to be held in Winfield Saturday, and the Representative convention to be held in this city Oct. 4, in Highland Opera House.
In the first ward the meeting was called to order and Judge Kreamer elected chairman, and R. C. Howard, secretary. The election of the following delegates and alternates to the county convention then occurred.
DELEGATES: W. D. Kreamer, Jas. Ridenour, C. P. Jeffries, Chas. Bryant.
ALTERNATES: W. S. Thompson, A. D. Hawk, J. S. Lewis, E. Baldwin.
On motion the delegates were instructed for Tansey, Swarts, and Overman.
Delegates and alternates were elected to the Representative convention as follows.
DELEGATES: G. L. Sudborough, A. E. Kirkpatrick, R. C. Howard, W. S. Thompson.
ALTERNATES: Frederic Lockley, C. P. Jeffries, Chas. Bryant, E. Baldwin.
No instruction and the convention adjourned.
In the second ward F. J. Hess was elected chairman and I. H. Bonsall, secretary. The following were the delegates and alternates elected to the county convention.
DELEGATES: F. J. Hess, Z. Carlisle, W. E. Moore, T. Fairclo.
ALTERNATES: I. H. Bonsall, U. Spray, G. Mott, Geo. Druitt.
To Representative convention:
DELEGATES: T. Fairclo, W. E. Moore, U. Spray, G. Mott.
ALTERNATES: I. H. Bonsall, Ira Barnett, C. Dean, D. W. Stevens.
No instructions voted.
The third ward meeting was called to order and Judge Sumner chosen chairman, and John Mott, secretary. The following delegates were elected to the county convention:

L. E. Woodin, H. T. Sumner, and S. P. Burress.
They were instructed for Tansey, Swarts, and Overman.
The following delegates were chosen to attend the Representative convention:
Dr. Loomis, A. Bates, and John Mott.
In the fourth ward G. W. Herbert was made chairman of the meeting and W. D. Mowry, secretary. Following are the delegates and alternates elected.
DELEGATES: O. S. Rarick, W. D. Mowry, D. L. Weir, S. C. Lindsay.
ALTERNATES: G. W. Herbert, D. L. Means, W. A. Nix, T. Fairclo.
They were instructed for Tansey and Swarts.
Delegates and alternates to the representative convention were selected as follows.
DELEGATES: C. T. Atkinson, Thos. Watts, J. Taylor, M. L. Williams.
ALTERNATES: G. W. Herbert, W. A. Nix, D. D. Bishop, D. L. Means.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 29, 1887. From Wednesday’s Daily.
S. P. Burress, Chas. Wells, and Harry Colville have gone to the Territory on a two weeks visiting tour to a number of cattle ranches.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 29, 1887. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Yesterday morning Sam Burress’ team ran away. The animals were no sooner hitched up than they broke and ran. The wagon was slightly damaged and the harness considerably broken. No one injured.
Mr. Samuel P. Burress became a member of the “Canal City Gun Club” in Arkansas City. Scores by different members were printed in the April 2, 1887, issue of the Arkansas City Republican. “Chas Wells hit 9 birds out of a possible 15; W. S. Prettyman, 11; Geo. Wright, 11; S. P. Burress, 11; C. C. Sollitt, 8, and W. B. Thomas, 8.”