John T. Carter
He is written up in the 1901 Biographic history of Cowley County.
He came to Cowley County in the fall of 1870.
[1870] PAGE 264
JOHN T. CARTER, one of the pioneer settlers of Cowley County, resided in Vernon Township. When he located on his present tract, it was raw prairie, utterly lacking in improvements. He transformed the land into fertile and highly cultivated fields.
Mr. Carter was born September 25, 1851, in Clermont County, Ohio, near the village of Bethel. His father was Salathiel Carter; his grandfather was John T. Carter.
His grandfather, John T. Carter, was born in New Jersey September 30, 1787, and was wedded to Ann Ware, born in that state in 1793. They moved to Clermont County, Ohio, where they were pioneer settlers, and both resided in that community until the end of their lives. John T. Carter died in 1852. His children were John; Pinkham; Joseph W.; Salathiel; Daniel; Mary; and Sarah A.
Mr. John T. Carter's father, Salathiel, was born July 20, 1827, in Clermont County, Ohio. During his early life he learned the trade of a shoemaker, which he afterwards followed to a large extent, but farming occupied the greater part of his time during his latter years. He was joined in marriage with Caroline Empson, who was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1832, and they resided in Clermont County for many years. In 1852 they moved to Pike County, Illinois, and in 1855 moved to Mason County, Illinois, where Mr. Carter died in 1866. Mrs. Carter died in Winfield, Kansas, in 1884. Both favored the Methodist church, while in politics Mr. Carter was a Democrat. The following sons were the issue of their union: John T.; Joseph, who was born in 1853, and died in 1877; and Jeremiah, who was born in 1856, and died in 1864,
John T. Carter, subject, possessed a good common school education, which he obtained in the schools of Mason County, Illinois. He remained on his father's farm until 1870. In the fall of that year, he filed a claim to 160 acres of land in Vernon Township, Cowley County, Kansas. At that early date few people lived in the county, for the district had been open for settlement but a short time, but later settlers began to multiply and men like Mr. Carter, who possessed willing hands and an unusual amount of energy, made rapid strides in improving the land. At first Mr. Carter lived in a dug-out on the banks of the Walnut River, but after harvesting several good crops, he was enabled to build a small dwelling house. He also put up outbuildings, and from time to time purchased more land. He owned 200 acres of highly cultivated land, all of which lies in sections 11 and 14. Mr. Carter eventually had an elegant farm--one of the best in the township--and was recognized as one of the leading and progressive farmers of Cowley County.
Mr. Carter married in 1875 Hattie Kimble, who died in 1889, leaving two children: C. Pearle (Mrs. Lee Marsh) of Oklahoma had children: Viava, Hattie. The other Carter child was Berdelia.
Mr. Carter's second union was with Valanda Hawkins, the nuptials occurring in 1891.
A Democrat, Mr. Carter was active but never aspired to office. He loved sports and made several hunting trips through the Rocky Mountains—mounting several trophies in his residence.
[I checked for death notice of the first Mrs. Carter, who died in Winfield in 1884. Note: Found lots of Carter references, but no notice of her death in Winfield. MAW]
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1884.
The Stockholders Meet and Elect a New Board.
A Splendid Record.
On Monday afternoon the stockholders of the Cowley County Fair and Driving Park Association met in the Opera House for the purpose of re-organizing the Board of Directors for the year 1884, and receiving reports of the condition and doings of the Association for the year. About seventy-five stockholders, representing nearly all of the subscribed stock, were present.
The report of the Secretary disclosed the fact that there were 149 shares taken, leaving 51 shares yet to place. It also set forth that the Fair last fall had cleared for the stockholders a net sum of $1,406.57, that there had been received from the rent of the grounds to other parties and from other miscellaneous sources the sum of $329.75, making a total of $1,736.32 profit from which the expenses of officers’ salaries, postage, blanks, books, insurance, etc., $505.04, were deducted, leaving a net profit of $1,231.28, to be divided among 133 shares, being those of the number subscribed, which were paid up: or $9.25 to each share. This is 19-1/4 percent on every dollar invested, and as the first money was paid in only eight months ago, and some of it but a few weeks ago, it is a wonderful showing. The amount, however, was not set aside as dividends, but was converted to the general fund of the Association by the stockholders, to be used in further improvements on the grounds. This item of profit, therefore, those who subscribe for the remaining shares will get the benefit of, which is a rather unsual thing in a business point of view. It is the only place we know of at present where a man can get $59.25 for fifty dollars.
The President of the Association, Mr. Jas. F. Martin, made the following report, which was ordered filed and published in the county papers, by a unanimous vote of the stockholders.
To the Stockholders of the Cowley County Fair and Driving Park Association.
“GENTLEMEN. The first eight months of the history of our Association has closed, and it is with pleasure that we refer to the progress which has been made. In the careful reports of the Secretary and Treasurer, herewith presented, are exhibited its past and present financial condition.
“In our brief history, fifty-four acres of land, 17 acres of which are finely timbered, have been purchased and placed under a substantial fence; a speed ring unsurpassed if equaled in the state, is in fine order and finely fenced; the large exhibition buildings and improvements have been made, and with the exceptions hereafter referred to, all is or may be paid for and no debt as an incubus hangs over the Association.
“The first Fair of the Association, held last September, resulted in the most gratifying success, and gave an earnest of the perpetuity and future usefulness of the organization.
“At your first meeting you elected the Board that has had charge of and performed with such signal success the work you assigned them to do. As chairman of that Board and exercising, as far as my ability permitted, vigilant and kindly supervision over its management, it is with pleasure that I acknowledge the ever prompt and efficient services of the Secretary, Ed. P. Greer; the skillful and energetic discharge of the duties of Superintendent by D. L. Kretsinger, and the honest and faithfully performed duties of Treasurer by A. H. Doane. Wisdom was exercised in the selection of these gentlemen to act in these important positions, which are of vital importance to the success of the Association, and a happy adaptation, in each case, was ever manifested in the discharge of their various duties.
“To such members of the Board as devoted their time and labor in aiding and directing the work of the Executive Board, many thanks are due. In view of the success attained and experience acquired by the retiring Board, and especially the executive part of it, I would suggest for your consideration the importance of retaining all, or at least a part of said officers in their present positions for the ensuing year. I have no personal interest or ambition to serve, and therefore I hope you will not in any sense regard this suggestion as applicable to myself, intending it especially to apply to the Secretary, Treasurer, and Superintendent.
“In the work of the Board while devising plans and means for present and future success, many questions arose, on which at first diverse opinions were held, but after due consultation unity was generally reached. In voting, the Board was, with few exceptions, unanimous; so, whatever good or evil we have done, each member will share alike the praise or censure of a criticizing public. Much as has been accomplished, very much remains to be done. Fifty-one shares remain to be taken, which will enable the Board to continue the improvements on the grounds; such as erecting the Central Exhibition Building, enlarging the amphitheater, and increasing the number by erecting better stables and stock pens. May we not also hope, in the near future, to erect a tasteful, two story central office; connect the same with other parts of the ground and with the city by telephone; and arrange to have an abundant supply of water, from the City Waterworks? Early attention should be given to setting lines and groups of deciduous and evergreen trees, which will soon beautify the grounds and greatly enhance their value.
“It may be wise, at this meeting, to add a section to the By Laws, empowering the Board, at the time of holding the annual Fair, or as soon thereafter as practical, to appoint the time for holding the next Annual Fair. The State Board of Agriculture meets annually on the 2nd Wednesday of January. It is important that this body be represented in that body and a report by delegate be made therefrom at our annual meeting. Therefore, a change in the time of holding our annual meeting, seems imperative. Changing the time of holding the annual meeting from the 2nd Monday to the 3rd Monday in January will prevent the occurrence of both meetings happening in the same week.
“While handsome dividends from invested capital are generally desired, I would urge that no dividends be made on the stock of the Association until the grounds are improved in the best possible manner. We should aim to make this the best Fair ground and the best conducted Fair Association in the State. The stock of the Association at present is worth more than its face value, and at no distant time it will command a high premium, and those taking the remaining shares will be fortunate. To insure the continued interest and healthful influence of the agricultural producing class, the remaining shares should be taken and permanently held by them. While the finances of the farmer will be benefitted, his influence and interest will also be secured.
“You, no doubt, will endorse, tacitly at least, the action of the Board in disallowing gambling devices, games of chance, and intoxicating drinks on the ground during the Fair. The good behavior of the thousands of our citizens and strangers attending the Fair was attested by the fact that not a single arrest for violating the rules or disorderly conduct was made. This was, to some degree, referable to the absence of these evils.
“The legitimate object of our Association and kindred institutions, is to encourage better and more successful agricultural management, operations, and productions, and collect and disseminate useful knowledge, and last but not least, encourage sociality and promote virtue among the people. We live in a progressive age and in the midsts of an enlightened and Christian community, and however diverse our opinions may be on moral or theological subjects, the management of our associations and exhibitions must, in an eminent degree, in order to have continued cooperation and prosperity, be in accord with the moral intelligence of the people.
“In conclusion, allow me to add, that, while the success attending our short history, calls for congratulations and thanks, may we not hope and work, that the affairs of the Association will continue to be conducted in the manner that will subserve the highest interest of the community at large, and that thus the Cowley County Fair and Driving Park Association may long be an honor to our county, and the pride to everyone of her citizens.”
After a thorough overhauling of the Constitution and By Laws in the way of amendments, the following Board of Directors was elected to transact the business of the Association for the year 1884.
Jas. F. Martin: Vernon Township.
Harvey Smith: Silver Creek Township.
S. P. Strong: Rock Township.
H. Harbaugh: Pleasant Valley Township.
J. B. Nipp: Creswell Township.
P. B. Lee: Vernon Township.
S. S. Linn: Pleasant Valley Township.
K. J. Wright: Beaver Township.
J. O. Taylor: Walnut Township.
H. C. McDorman: Dexter Township.
J. L. Horning: Winfield.
A. T. Spotswood: Winfield.
C. C. Black: Winfield.
D. L. Kretsinger: Winfield.
Ed. P. Greer: Winfield.
A. H. Doane: Winfield.
Jas. B. Schofield: Winfield.
This directory gives ten to the county and seven to Winfield, which places the full control of the Association in the hands of the live, energetic farmers of Cowley. Let us hope that every member of the Board will be on hand at every meeting of that body and bend their united energies toward making Cowley’s Fair a model institution from which every county in the state may “draw inspiration” for building up a similar one. With twelve members of the board in the city last year, it was sometimes impossible to get nine directors out to a meeting.
After adjournment of the stockholders’ meeting, the new Board of Directors met, were sworn in, and elected the officers of the Association as follows.
Jas. F. Martin: President.
J. L. Horning: Vice President.
Ed. P. Greer: Secretary.
A. H. Doane: Treasurer.
D. L. Kretsinger: General Superintendent.
The finance committee, through whose hands all the accounts of the Association must pass, is composed of Messrs. C. C. Black, P. B. Lee, and A. T. Spotswood. When it is remembered that the Association received and paid out during the eight months past, upwards of fourteen thousand dollars, their duties are not small by any means.
Cowley now has a fair that she may well be proud of. On a sound financial basis, with a wonderfully prosperous past and a bright future, with beautiful grounds, substantial improvements, and a race track unsurpassed in the state, no public institution of the kind could be in better condition. Every citizen in the county should take a commendable pride in it, and lend the Board of Directors their heartiest cooperation.
Below we append a list of those who went down into their pockets for money to put the institution on its feet. We can safely say none of them expected more of a return from their investment than the upbuilding of such an institution would bring to the whole community. That they intended so is shown by their refusal to accept the profits of the investment, preferring to apply it to further improvement on the property. The shares are fifty dollars each.
Following is a list of Shareholders and Number of Shares Held.
R. E. Wallis, Jr., 4.
J. W. Millspaugh, 1.
W. P. Hackney, 2.
A. H. Doane, 2.
D. L. Kretsinger, 1.
Ed. P. Greer, 2.
Jas. F. Martin, 1.
J. S. Mann, 1.
R. E. Wallis, Sr., 1.
A. E. Baird, 1.
H. Brown, 1.
W. J. Wilson, 1.
John Lowry, 4.
M. L. Read & M. L. Robinson, 10.
J. L. Horning, 2.
Sol Burkhalter, 2.
P. H. Albright, 2.
J. B. Lynn, 2.
W. J. Hodges, 2.
Chas. C. Black, 4.
J. B. Schofield & John M. Keck, 2.
G. S. Manser, 2.
S. G. Gary, 2.
A. T. Spotswood, 2.
J. P. Baden, 2.
W. S. Mendenhall, 2.
E. B. Weitzel, 2.
Geo. W. Robinson, 2.
W. C. Robinson, 2.
Jas. H. Bullene & Co., 2.
L. B. Stone, 4.
Jacob Nixon, 2.
John Stalter, 2.
N. J. Thompson, 1.
J. P. Short, 1.
I. W. Randall, 1.
Wm. Overly, 2.
S. P. Strong, 1.
Isaac Wood, 1.
C. H. Cleaves, 1.
Hughs & Cooper, 1.
Hendricks & Wilson, 1.
F. W. Schwantes, 1.
Wm. Carter, 2.
J. B. Corson, 1.
Geo. L. Gale, 1.
G. B. Shaw & Co., 2.
D. B. McCollum, 1.
R. F. Burden, 1.
J. C. Roberts, 1.
Geo. Wilson, 1.
R. J. Yoeman, 1.
P. B. Lee, 1.
L. Barnett, 1.
J. H. Curfman, 1.
E. B. Nicholson, 1.
H. Bahntge, 1.
C. L. Harter, 1.
Tomlin & Webb, 1.
A. C. Bangs, 1.
A. J. Thompson, 1.
E. M. Reynolds, 1.
D. H. Dix, 1.
Harvey Smith, 1.
T. P. Carter, 1.
F. M. Friend, 1.
J. T. Brooks, 1.
J. O. Taylor, 1.
S. H. Myton, 2.
D. S. Sherrard, 1.
A. B. Arment, 1.
S. W. Phenix, 1.
Q. A. Glass, 1.
H. Harbaugh, 1.
T. J. Jones, 1.
J. B. Nipp, 1.
E. D. Taylor, 1.
W. A. Tipton, 1.
W. W. Limbocker, 1.
W. W. Painter, 1.
John Holmes, 1.
S. S. Linn, 1.
G. P. Wagner, 1.
H. C. McDorman, 1.
Geo. W. Miller, 2.
G. L. Rinker, 1.
K. J. Wright, 1.
Hogue & Mentch, 1.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1884.
(Uf Wich Tannyhill Ish De Kounty seat.)
Deer bruderin in de gude vorrick of votin’ down narrer gage besines und running’ dings on a vide skale, I shust likes to ax you von leeble quistion: Uf you felers remembers aboud de time last yare ven de vimins pulled de brechers, und digged de vater melons, und husked de cabbage fur de sour kraut barrel, you got a letter from dis metrhropelis signed Yawcub? Vell, dot ish me. Now dens, ven my frow she finda dot an old dutchmans like me has prains enuf to rite fur de babers, she shust makes her sides shake aboud fur choy, und she be migdy glat dot she come all de vay from Chermany on foot to settle down fur life mit de ole mon in de great city ov Tannyhill. So I shust says: Ole vomans, uf it makes you und de pys so prout, I shust rites von more letter, und den quits vorrick, vares a pig shtraw stove pipe hat, shmokes a stubby pipe, drinks peer und acts de chintleman de rest ub my life. Dems de chaps vot has de money. Und gude lukin, reporters sumdimes gits a seet vay up front in de meeting house, shust fur noddings, und dot ish all ride, too.
Neber since Ole Abe sot de niggers all free, and ven de last cannon ball pusted, und de poys und graybacks in blue cum marchin’ home, has dere pin such a time uv rechoicing among de vimens as der vos at our last lexun, ven it vos sure dings dot Mithur Browning be our asxsessor und Thomas Clift road overseer. Now den ve are most sartin dot de ole played oud mules and cows wots got no teeth, owned by de plack abolition party, vont pe sessed vay up so high as Demccratic thorougbreds. Ve feels sure dot de very nexth leetle owl dot comes to sthay all nite mit our schoolhouse, vill dake fur his text de busthed condition of de Democratic party uv Beaver township.
Vinter ish aboud ober. Anyways, my poy slim he seed a robin toder day und dot ish sufficient evidence to knock de cround hog theory vay up Salt Riber, vich runs now days into Dakotah, or some udder pig state pesides Tannyhill. Und dis same leedle bird’s visit means spring vill pe here before ve ish reddy fur it. Some up de farmers are cutting stalks und sm pe a blowin und de vimins dey goes visiting und dalks about vot ish to do. I ish werry villin day dry der mussails voice. Such ub dem does ven dey goes to de dable.
Sum vone dat ish smarter dan me says it ish better to go to Bliss & Wood’s mioll dan to go for Doctor Marsh. I specks his reesin fur dot konkiesion ish dot de Doctur mite pe avay at Sunday school und de feller pe vell veh he gits dere. But dis ish only an old dutchman’s guess, und dot ish not vorth much.
Dis vorld beats all de blaces I efer leeved in fur sum dings I tells you loud mity quick. Sum peeples likes burty dings so vell dey pay mosht enny brice to see a whirlegig on dere farm. Wm. Carter ub Vernon (vich ish yust north uv Tannyhill) its hisself a pig weel ever his vell, und ven de vin plows he says dot ish frist rate to pe sure. Und E. B. Gault he dells his frow dot he gits von uv dem dings too. Und he promises, py shings, it shall votter his poys, his horses, his pigs, his cows, und churn de putter, und do de veeks vashin’, und grind de corn, und he vot take tree hundred dollars fur dot wind engine. Und he ish happy. Und Mr. Holmes he bustles around and de first ding Yawcub knows he sees von ub dese dings at this house und him sayin’ his garden vill receive many a soaking’ dis summer ven dre ish no rain widin a dozen miles ub Tannyhill. Und den Shon Bower he gets lazy, too, und orders a mill, pig parrel, pipe, trough, und milk house und ebery dings vot’s nice, und his vife she likes him vell as eber, only a leedle more so. Und his neighbor, Shon Rupp, he dinks dey make von fine observatory, und he puts one at his farm, und on nice days he climbs to de top and flaps his vings und looks ober into Indiana to hear de dogs bark. Und Wm. McCullock, he says, “Vell den I set me down in de shade und reads de news vile dot kind of a machine goes round and round de tree tops and vaters de stock.” Und dot makes Warren Wood to hand ober de greenbacks, und py one too, before it gits away. Und Fader Clark he dinks cracious peeters dis will nebber do, und up goes a nice leetle whirlegig on his farm. Und Benson Rupp he says, “I vish von berry fine leetle chap, but I puts up de highest pole in de bishiness, und den ven I climbs to de top I ish as pig as enny body.” Und his nabur, Mr. Ginn, gets von like id, and his vife vas bleased pecause the vawterish to be garried de house indo. Und den Mr. Myers has von put up peside his elegant new home, und vile dis ish pein’ done, Mr. Fisher, uv Belle Plaine, comes to Winfield und dakes fife more, vich vas doin’ gude service in dot logality. Und I does peleve de Aera Vind Mills are goin’ to shtop de vind bishness dis sring und dot drouthy Kansas vill be vell vawtered hereafder. I shust dells you dis shtate vas von pig ding. She has money to py most ebery dings. Und Yawcub sthands reddy to say dot bishness ish lively in dis thoroughfare, und uf Baden vould only quit gathering all de eggs, peoples vould haf more to eat, und uf de Telegram vould turn de water works on to de narrer gage flame, der vould pe more room in Vinfield columns fur such promisin’ riters as YAWCUB.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1884.
Moving Comment.
The writer had the pleasure on last Saturday afternoon of accompanying a bright party of Winfield people to Cambridge. The day was clear and calm and many things were observed along the way which are worthy of note. We had been feeling very good over the rapid improvement of the queen city of the valley, Winfield, but a drive over this beautiful country revealed forcibly the vast strides being made in other parts of Cowley in the way of permanent improvement. Almost every farm shows new buildings, of one kind and another, a corral full of cattle and hogs and a general air of thrift. Some of Cowley’s best land and many of her wealthiest farmers are between Winfield and Cambridge. New Salem, the first town we strike, has the appearance of having come out of winter quarters in good spirits. Several new houses were noticed and the number of cars standing on the side track at the depot would denote quite a shipping trade. The little city over on the hill, Burden, has done itself proud during the past few months. On approaching the town we counted forty nine houses newly built or in course of erection. The place presented a business like appearance, the merchants were busy, and the streets were crowded with teams. We called around to see Brother Henthorn, but found nobody but the post office in. The Enterprise has several times accused the COURIER of being inimical to the interests of Burden, which it knew was a mistake, and we wanted to see its good looking and efficient young editor, J. W. Henthorn, and inform him of our intention to give the Enterprise and Burden a puff. The COURIER has always claimed that Burden was a remarkable little town, and while the railroad and splendid country around it have done much, there is no doubt that the town owes more of its prosperity to the Enterprise than to anything else. It has advertised and made Burden: the town never could have been what it is without a good local paper. Torrance has made but few recent changes. The most prominent thing is its fine schoolhouse, which is a very creditable structure. In traveling through Cowley, in any direction, the schoolhouses are a noticeable feature. At New Salem the schoolhouse would do honor to a much larger town. Burden’s schoolhouse is the finest building in the place, while that at Cambridge is superior to any outside of Winfield, Arkansas City, or Burden. It is a two story stone structure, 30 x 60 feet, is splendidly furnished, and has a fine bell. Mr. Will C. Barnes, a Winfieldite, to whom the company are under many obligations for courtesies extended, is principal and Miss Lizzie Palmer, well known to many Winfield people, is assistant. They are among Cowley’s most capable teachers and are giving good satisfaction. Of course, we called on the Cambridge News, and found the proprietors, Messrs. S. B. Sherman and H. F. Hicks, at home. One of them was busily engaged trying to explain to a rural gentleman that the News had ten times as many subscribers as that “vile sheet,” the Burden Enterprise, and that their list had increased until it contained one-fiftieth as many as the Winfield COURIER, the oldest and most reliable paper in the county. He must have been correct. Mr. W. G. Seaver, the energetic, intelligent young editor of the News, was at his post, but instead of writing narrow gauge editorials, he was making selections of type from a specimen book, with which to start a paper at Dexter in a few weeks. He thinks he can make a paper pay at that place. He is a racy writer and was at one time connected with the St. Joe Gazette. Should he start a paper at Dexter, it will undoubtedly be a success in point of excellence, the only uncertain thing being a sufficient patronage. We supposed that no Satanic angels ever visited a sequestered spot like Cambridge, but they do. A man with a grip and twenty-five cents worth of soap done up in little wads, opened out there during our stay. His lusty voice drew a crowd around him, and after placing five and two dollar bills in some of the wrappers and rolling them up, he commenced to dispose of the soap to persons who were anxious to get five dollars for two. After clearing fifty dollars, twenty of which came from a young man who seemed illy able to make such a contribution, he quietly slid out of town. There are always men ready to fall into such traps, and the only lamentable thing about it is that experience dost seem to teach them anything. We were pleased to meet at Cambridge Miss Tirzah A. Hoyland, who has been the regular correspondent of the COURIER from New Salem for many years. She is one of Cowley’s most intelligent ladies and has written many good things for this paper. She was visiting friends there. In and around Cambridge are many substantial, intelligent men, and other than those already named, we might mention F. S. Coons, proprietor of the Cambridge House, W. H. Palmer, Thos. S. Griffin, J. B. Lukens, L. B. Carter, J. P. Craft, J. S. Bernard, James B. Rowe, and others whose names we did not get. It is also the home of County Commissioner, J. A. Irwin.
Winfield Courier, March 27, 1884.
DIED. Silver Creek Township has recently lost one of its most valuable inhabitants in the death of Mrs. T. P. Carter. Mrs. Carter was a high type of the Christian lady and ever energetic in all things for the advancement of her community and the people at large. She was forty-eight years of age and leaves a husband and grown son and many friends to mourn her loss.
Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.
The following parties have set sail in the matrimonial boat since our last issue, according to Judge Gans’ record. MARRIAGE LICENSES.
Thos. Shelton and Alfa Collins.
Jacob Weisonback and Ella Calander.
Laffeyette [?Lafayette?] Sherrard and Celina Smith.
William Kistler and Eliza Hanlin.
Isaac O. Clary and Nancy A. Campbell.
John W. Wilson and Eliza Carter.
Marian A. Clark and Anna E. Stone.
The first couple named reside in Burden and are aged respectively eighty-eight and seventy-one years. Mr. Shelton enjoyed sixty-three years of married life with his first wife. There is no telling where Cupid’s dart will fall.
Winfield Courier, July 24, 1884.
MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following have taken the matrimonial route to happiness since our last issue, as appears by the Probate Judge’s record.
Frank Williams and Mary Lanigor.
Chas. Cansey and Rosetta Queer.
Ora Dakan and Phoebe Beeson.
Marmaduke Wilderman and Edith Stores.
Chas. W. Story and Libbie Carter.
Winfield Courier, July 24, 1884.
For sale. Seventy-five well bred Texas mares with colts by their sides, also 40 head high grade cattle. Part time, with good security. At Big Beaver Creek, 44 miles east and 2 south of Maple City. E. D. Carter.
Winfield Courier, July 24, 1884.
Commissioners’ Proceedings, July, 1884 session.
[Listing names only.]
REGULAR JURY. T. J. Anderson, J. W. Aley, J. W. Browning, H. J. Donnelley, Jonas Seedy, R. R. Longshore, Wm. Mercer, Samuel C. Kelly, George Russell.
SPECIAL VENIRE. Joseph Abrams, C. G. Bradberry, George Esterly, J. M. Jarvis, Warren Wood, R. N. Huff, D. S. Beadle, E. B. Gault, J. F. Carter, Z. B. Myer, J. M. Midcalf, A. DeTurk, T. F. Axtel, Adin Post, J. S. Pickering, I. H. Bonsall.