M. N. Chafey
Winfield, Richland Township, and Walnut Township.
[Member, Wool Growers’ Association.]
Walnut Township 1881: M. N. Chafey, 46; spouse, E. W., 39.
Walnut Township 1882: M. N. Chafey, 47; spouse, E. W., 40.
Winfield Courier, February 11, 1875.
If the city of Winfield deserves credit for one thing more than another, it is for the magnificence of her China Weddings. Our people admire the heroic courage, which must be possessed in a very high degree by a couple which after twenty years of married life are still willing to resume the yoke matrimonial.
Such may have been the feeling of the merry, laughing set, the most brilliant assemblage of the season, which met at the residence of Mr. C. A. Bliss last Monday evening to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the marriage of the host and hostess.
The ceremony was conducted by the Reverends Rigby, Platter, and McQuiston, at the conclusion of which Mr. M. N. Chafey in an eloquent and happy speech presented the “happy couple” with an elegant china tea set. A supper was then spread which would have done honor to any wedding party, our reporter in common with the rest, throwing himself outside of grub enough to last him a week, forgetting for the nonce that grasshoppers, or anything else, had ever devastated the country. The relief committee was there, and viewed the seeming waste of so much that was good to eat; their palms, no doubt, itching for a chance to distribute it to the poor. Altogether it was one of the largest and happiest gatherings ever witnessed in Winfield, and it will long be remembered by those who participated as one of the green fields in the dreary desert of life.
Winfield Courier, April 19, 1877.
The following is a list of jurors drawn for the May term of District Court in Cowley County. Court convenes May 7th.
M. N. Chafey, Winfield Township.
Winfield Courier, September 20, 1877.
The following persons are elected delegates to the Republican convention at the Courthouse next Saturday.
Winfield. Jno. E. Allen, H. L. Barker, W. P. Hackney, M. N. Chafey, L. J. Webb, and Sampson Johnson.
Winfield Courier, October 9, 1879.
Mr. M. N. Chafey, who owns a flock of 900 of the common breed, exhibited several specimens. He was not present at the time we visited this department.
Winfield Courier, January 13, 1881.
At an adjourned meeting of the Cowley Co. Wool Growers’ Association, held at Winfield January 8th, 1881, the following business was transacted.
Mr. Service being temporary chairman, secretary’s report of last meeting was read and adopted.
Names of members read and fourteen others added.
The following officers were elected by ballot for the ensuing year.
President: N. L. Rigby.
First Vice President: S. P. Strong.
Second Vice President: John Stalter.
Recording Secretary: A. D. Crowell.
Corresponding Secretary: S. C. Smith.
Treasurer: A. H. Doane.
Messrs. Smith, Silliman, and Chafey were appointed by the chair to act as a committee to select one from each township in the county to act as an executive committee.
Messrs. Stalter and Eastman were appointed by the chair to act as a committee to select and assign subjects to be discussed at the next regular meeting.
Motion was made and carried that Mr. Ezra Meech be appointed as a delegate to the State Wool Growers’ Association that is to be held at Topeka on the 18th inst., and Mr. Rigby as alternate.
Motion was made and carried that three and not more than five be appointed by the chair as a committee to visit the various flocks of sheep throughout the county and report regarding their condition, management, etc.
Messrs. Chafey, Meech, Smith, Eastman, and Crowell were so appointed.
After remarks by Mr. Lynn regarding the Eaton Tariff Bill now before Congress, a motion was made and carried that the corresponding secretary be instructed to request our representatives to Congress to favor said bill.
Motion was made and carried that the first clause of the constitution be so amended as to read, “Cowley County Wool Growers and Sheep Breeders’ Association.”
Motion was made and carried that the corresponding secretary be instructed to collect the petitions already distributed and present them through our Senator to the State Legislature.
Adjourned to meet at 10 o’clock, m., March 5th, 1881. A. D. CROWELL, Sec’y.
Winfield Courier, August 10, 1882.
66th REPRESENTATIVE CONVENTION: M. N. Chafey, chairman; W. B. Weimer, secretary.
Fairview: J. H. Curfman, A. J. McCollim, W. B. Weimer.
Ninnescah: J. A. Hood, Wm. Crawford, D. W. Pierce.
Tisdale: Dr. Rising, W. C. Douglass, S. W. Chase.
Vernon: D. M. Hopkins, C. M. Skinner, Joseph Hann, W. J. Bonnewell.
Walnut: J. L. King, E. S. Bliss, W. W. Limbocker, M. N. Chafey, G. W. Prater.
Winfield, 1st ward: J. E. Conklin, James Bethel, D. A. Millington, J. W. Craine, T. R. Bryan.
Winfield, 2nd ward: B. F. Wood, Wm. Whiting, W. J. Wilson, J. H. Bullen, Frank Finch, T. H. Soward.
Votes for Representative from 66th District: James S. Baker 11; James McDermott 18.
McDermott declared the nominee.
CENTRAL COMMITTEE, 66TH: T. H. Soward, chairman; Wm. White, secretary.
Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.
Wilmot Items.
The farmers have been resting on their oars during the holidays, enjoying the beautiful weather that has prevailed.
Mr. Williams has gone on a visit to the home of his childhood, in North Carolina. Mr. Frank Moore has quit the stone quarry and moved on a farm. Mr. Vandeventer has returned to Illinois. The township trustee gave the bridge over Timber Creek a regular overhauling. It was badly out of repair, but it is now safe to drive over.
The farmers are selling their wheat now, so that they will not have to pay taxes on it, and the delivery will not interfere with their spring work. They are expecting an early spring, as Easter Sunday comes on the 25th of March, this year.
D. C. Beach was elected as a delegate to attend the State Temperance Convention at Topeka. The rumor that T. A. Blanchard had sold his farm proves a canard.
The stone quarries will soon be in connection with the railroad, the engineer is looking up the route, making preliminary surveys, etc. This will enhance the value of property, and add considerable to the population of our township.
The conundrum in politics is who shall be assessor? The present incumbent, J. C. Roberts, has ably filled the office since the organization of the township, and will undoubtedly be re-elected. M. N. Chafey has many friends for treasurer, and J. Anderson for clerk—all good Republicans, in whose hands the business of the township would be ably and honestly cared for.
J. L. King, wishing to retire from the office of Justice of the Peace, someone in his neighborhood will be nominated, as that has been the custom from time immemorial, to elect one each alternate year from the eastern and western shores of the classic “Timber.”
In conclusion, I would suggest to farmers to look at the early and late sown wheat, and read and digest a lesson therein contained.
The laws regulating the surveying of land need remodeling, so as to prohibit the setting of an indefinite number of corner stones where but one ought to be. SPECTATOR.
Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.
A Card. August 1st, 1883. To Alexander Cairns of Tisdale Township: We, the undersigned Republican voters of Cowley County, Kansas, do hereby petition you, Alexander Cairns, to become a candidate for the office of County Surveyor of said county, subject to the action of the Republican Convention.
J. H. Mounts, J. D. Mounts, M. N. Chafey, A. D. McHargue, J. O. Barricklow, G. W. Barricklow, Joseph Barricklow, William Duncan, Jonathan Duncan, S. W. Chase, James Williams, A. Gafney, John Chase, James Perkins, Henry Denning, Walter Denning, V. P. Rounds, W. L. Pennington, Jeff Benning, J. F. Crow, Lewis Myers, O. R. Bull, H. Chance, H. Fry, J. A. Priest, Joseph Fry, H. B. Trueman, I. N. Denning, Geo. B. Rounds, B. F. Walker, F. H. Conkright, E. M. Brown, John H. Cox, E. E. Moore, B. F. Harrod, R. D. Rising, Thos. Walker, N. W. Gould, Ira Fluke, N. R. Jackson, A. H. Hetherington, D. A. Mounts, J. Anglemyer, G. Bonebrake, George W. Reed, I. M. Deming, I. A. Cochran, James A. Cochran, Lincoln Caster, S. Y. Caster, John McKee, Wm. Lefter, J. D. Moore, I. H. Moore, Jas. Greenshields, N. S. Mounts, W. M. Summerville.
Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.
Committee on credentials reported the following named delegates and alternates for their respective townships.
WALNUT: H. Bowman, S. Cure, F. H. Conkright, R. I. Hogue, Frank Weakley.
Alternates: David Tonkinson, J. H. Long, M. N. Chafey, John Mentch, Fred Arnold.
Winfield Courier, October 18, 1883.
AN ILLINOIS VIEW. We clip the following letter from the Central Illinois Review. It is written by W. H. H. Denning, father of Walter Denning, who spent a week here some time ago.
“WINFIELD, KANSAS, September 11, 1883.
“Ed. Review: Thinking that some of my Onarga friends might be interested in the welfare of the state of Kansas, I concluded to give a short account of my trip, and what I have seen since leaving home. We left Onarga on the noon train, and arrived at Louisburg the following morning at 8:30 o’clock. Found the corn crop poor from Onarga to St. Louis, but plenty of saloon signs, and the effects of the license system. Left Louisburg for Winfield, Kansas, on the 4th of September in a two horse wagon. Our route lay through the towns of Osawatomie, in Miami Co.; Garnett, in Anderson Co.; Burlington, in Coffee Co.; Eureka, in Greenwood Co.; El Dorado, in Butler Co.; and ended at Winfield, Cowley Co. I never saw as good oat and corn crops in my life, oats yielding from 60 to 100 bushels per acre—several farmers’ average 100 bushels per acre. After leaving Greenwood County, we found plenty of peaches, and the whole land abounded in watermelons and sweet potatoes. We saw no drunken men after leaving Missouri, but we did find the schoolhouse on the hilltop, and no saloon in the valley. Either prohibition does not prohibit, or else Kansas had a very sober people to begin with, and the necessity for the amendment was not very great. Or it may be that the whiskey men have all gone to other states and their places have been filled by a wiser and more sober people. I see nothing but the indications of prosperity around me, and the people all say, “If Illinois fails in the corn crop, let her come to Egypt.” I have been sleeping out doors for the last four nights, and am feeling first rate.
“On the 10th we visited the farm of Walter Denning, five miles east of Winfield. We passed over rolling prairie that can be bought for from $8 to $15 per acre, partly improved.
“On the 11th we visited the sheep ranch of Mr. Chafey, who will be remembered as having married Lizzie Hastings, formerly of Onarga. Here we spent a very pleasant afternoon, partaking of the kind hospitality of our old friend.
“September 12th we traveled northeast 20 miles to attend a stock sale. Everywhere we saw good houses, rich lands, and splendid crops.
“On the 13th we visited Salt City, some 16 miles southwest of Winfield. Our route lay through the rich valley of the Walnut River, and the far-famed Arkansas Valley. This is certainly the finest country that I have ever seen. After crossing the Arkansas River on a ferry boat, we entered Salt City, driving at once to the famous Geuda Springs. Here we found seven flowing springs, all within a radius of fifteen feet, yet all possessing different mineral properties, notwithstanding some of them were not over six inches apart.
“The invalids from all over the State flock here to drink and be made whole. I talked with some of the invalids and they seemed to have great faith in the healing powers of the waters. Some were drinking from one spring and some from another, and some from two or more, according to their disease, while the lame and the halt, and the blind drank freely of the water and seemed to like it. I confess, that although I drank sparingly, it took a great pressure to keep my breakfast down, but we were told that the longer a person uses the water, the better he likes it.
“Today, the 14th, I expect to take in the city of Winfield, and about Tuesday start for home.”
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1884.
On the evening of the 25th, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wright celebrated their crystal wedding. A pleasant time was enjoyed. The following is a list of some of the presents received.
Mr. and Mrs. Chafey, water pitcher.
M. N. Chafey: Cowley County Sheep Inspector...
Winfield Courier, March 27, 1884.
The Board of County Commissioners at its last session appointed M. N. Chafey, now sheep inspector of the county, to take charge of any cattle in the county that might be suspected of being infected with the foot-and-mouth disease. A supposed case was reported from Silverdale Township last week. Mr. Chafey investigated it and found that the soreness of the feet of the animal came from being in a muddy, unsheltered corral all winter and having the feet frozen.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.
Walnut township elected her straight Republican ticket. Trustee, Uncle Johnny Roberts; clerk, Fred Arnold; treasurer, M. N. Chafey; justice, J. L. King; constables, Abe King and N. R. Wilson.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.
Walnut: J. C. Roberts, trustee; Fred Arnold, clerk; M. N. Chafey, treasurer; J. L. King, justice; Abe King and N. R. Wilson, constables.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 16, 1885.
Alex Cairns, Tisdale and Liberty, John H. Mounts, John Duncan and M. N. Chafey, viewers.
[Above was last item that I found on Chafey.]