Chamberlain Family
Albert Chamberlain.
Kansas 1875 Census Creswell Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Name age sex color Place/birth Where from
Albert Chamberlain 40 m w New York Wisconsin
Ellen Chamberlain 27 f w Ohio Wisconsin
Edith Chamberlain 5 f w Wisconsin Wisconsin
Royal Chamberlain 4 m w Kansas
Arkansas City Traveler, March 29, 1876.
Trustee Chamberlain started out last Monday on his township work. He has until the 10th of May to make his returns.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 19, 1876.
Judge McIntire is helping Mr. Chamberlain on the assessment of this township. The time allowed the Trustee was very short.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1876.
Mr. Chamberlain, Trustee of Creswell Township, informs us he has recovered two-thirds of the Walnut River Bridge timber.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 11, 1876.
Private Sale. I will sell at private sale, at my residence one and one-half miles east of Arkansas City, on time, with approved security, or will trade for young stock: One span work horses and harness. One 3 year old filly. One work mule. Two milch cows and calves. 12 head of hogs. One Sulky Rake. Two plows, one wagon, one new March Harvester, besides other personal property. ALBERT CHAMBERLAIN.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 24, 1877.
A. Chamberlain writes us from Mauston, Wiscosin, saying it is too cold for him up there, and he expects to be back as soon as cold weather is over.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 21, 1877.
Mr. A. Chamberlain arrived from Wisconsin Monday evening. He reports snow two feet deep in the north.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 25, 1877.
Mr. Chamberlain traded for Mr. Berkey’s brick house this week.
Traveler, February 6, 1878. Died. On Monday, February 5th, Albert A. Chamberlalin; aged forty—three years and six months.
It is with a feeling of regret that we announce to the public the sudden death of our friend and fellow townsman, Albert A. Chamberlain, so long a resident among us.
Mr. Chamberlain came to this county from Wisconsin, in 1870. He followed his trade as cabinet maker and undertaker for several years, then moved to his farm a few miles east of the Walnut, and finally returned to town and resumed his occupation, having recently purchased the furniture store of Mr. Lafayette McLaughlin.
Mr. Chamberlain was a genial gentleman of lively spirits, and all were friends who knew him. But a few weeks ago he called us in to look at his stock of coffins, remarking in his jovial way: “They are a handy thing to have in the house.” How little he thought death would be first to knock at his door. But it is well enough to enjoy life while we may, for tomorrow we may die. The deceased was confined to the house since January 29th with catarrh in the head, and paralysis followed. He leaves a wife and three children to mourn his loss.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 13, 1878.
Mr. Chamberlain was buried under the management of the Knights of Honor.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1878.
A. A. Chamberlain was the first member of the Knights of Honor that died in Kansas.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 10, 1878.
J. L. Huey, administrator of Albert A. Chamberlain, has been granted an order for the sale of the deceased’s property.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 10, 1878.
Peter Pearson has purchased the furniture lately owned by A. A. Chamberlain, and will continue the business at the old stand.