Clarke & Carnine, Blacksmiths


Winfield, Kansas.

Winfield Directory 1880.


Clarke & Carnine, blacksmiths, shop, 9th av., n. e. corner Millington.


Clarke, E. M., blacksmith, r. Loomis e. s. bet Court House and Maple.


Carnine, I. J., blacksmith, shop 9th av. and Millington; r., 12th av. s. e. corner Menor.

Carnine, Sydney, apprentice W. F. Roland & Son, r. 12th av., s. e. corner Menor.

Note: I checked for both E. M. Clarke and I. J. Carnine. Neither was listed in the Winfield Courier and the firm of “Clarke & Carnine, Blacksmiths” apparently did not advertise.

This firm was not listed in the 1885 Winfield Directory.