Samuel Clarke


Winfield Courier, February 4, 1878.
Stewart & Simpson have the contract for putting up the machine shop for Clarke & Dysart.
Winfield Courier, October 3, 1878.
Clarke & Dysart are putting the machinery into their foundry and machine shop building, and it will be in operation in a reasonable time. It will be of great value and convenience to the people of this county.
Winfield Courier, March 13, 1879.
We regret to learn of the death of Mrs. Clarke, wife of Samuel Clarke, of the Southwestern Machine Works. Mrs. Clarke, although having resided in Winfield but a short time, had won the respect and esteem of the entire community.
Winfield Courier, November 6, 1879.
Messrs. Clarke & Dysert, of the Southwestern Machine Works, are making arrangements to build an addition to their shops, which will be used as a foundry. It is to be 30 x 60.
Winfield Courier, January 29, 1880.
By special invitation we dropped into the Southwestern Machine shops last Thursday afternoon. It was the time set apart for casting in the new foundry, and Mr. Clarke concluded to call in the newspaper men to see the thing go off. About four o’clock the “blast” was turned on, and in less than half an hour the molten iron began to trickle down into the great iron ladle prepared to receive it, while men with metal dippers carried the sputtering, sizzling mass around and poured it into little round holes made in boxes of mud. A large number of people were present and seemed to take great interest in the process of casting iron. Clarke & Dysert have expended considerable money in putting in this foundry, mostly upon a venture, as they did not know whether they would be able to get enough work to pay expenses. The experiment has so far proved a success. They have orders for all the work they can do for some time, and we have no doubt that when people learn that they can get their repairs done at home as well as abroad, the Southwestern will be overrun with work.
Winfield Courier, March 25, 1880.

This institution is becoming the special pride of our citizens. Messrs. Clarke & Dysert have gone on quietly, with an abiding faith in the town and country, putting in new appliances and machinery, until the excellence of their work begins to bring our citizens to a realization of the fact that Winfield can successfully compete with Leavenworth, Atchison, or Kansas City, in anything made of iron. The columns and plates just finished for the Morehouse-Baird building are far ahead of anything yet furnished here. The columns are firm, solid, of elegant design, and weigh 550 pounds each. The plates for the doorsills bear the imprint of the foundry, and are lettered “W. S. M.” and “Baird Bros., 1880.” After the contract for the columns had been let to Clarke & Dysert, parties representing the Atchison foundry scoffed at the idea of our foundry being able to complete the job, and asserted that “it took them six months to turn out their first columns.”
This somewhat shook the faith of the architects, and the fear of being delayed troubled them greatly. But Clarke & Dysert knew what they were doing, and the discouraging words only made them redouble their efforts to turn out work that would prove what they themselves knew, that they could compete with any foundry in the country both in quality and cheapness. The result has fully demonstrated their ability to do this; and where our citizens have heretofore doubted, they are now thoroughly con­vinced that the Southwestern Foundry and Machine Shops are no myth. We sincerely hope that they will lend all the help possi­ble, in the way of work toward building up and sustaining this institution, thereby encouraging other manufacturing interests to center here.
Winfield Courier, May 27, 1880.
The firm of Clarke & Dysert has been dissolved and Mr. Dysert assumes the responsibility of the business. Mr. Clarke will remain, however, and superintend the machine shops. This firm has from a small beginning built up a flourishing business, and one that is a credit to the town.
Winfield Courier, January 13, 1881.
Mr. Clarke is taking steps to oust J. B. McGill from the foundry and take possession himself. He claims rights under Dysert, and that McGill has violated the terms of his lease.
Winfield Courier, January 20, 1881.
Bliss & Wood, proprietors of the City mills, though they have one of the best water powers in the state, have got tired of depending upon the Walnut river for their power, and  have now let the contract to put in a hundred horse power engine and boilers. The engine house will be of brick, 24 x 60 feet, metal roof, and with a brick stack fifty feet high above the base. It will be so arranged that a part of the power can be carried across the river when a woolen mill is erected. The engine will be from the celebrated Bass [? Bess ? Buss ?] machine works at Fort Wayne, Indiana. The contract price for this work is six thousand dollars, and it will commence at once and be completed, if possible, by March first. Samuel Clarke, the original owner of the Southwestern machine shops, is the contractor, and left Tuesday for Fort Wayne. We are glad this gentleman secured this contract, for he is an honest man and a splendid mechanic.
Winfield Courier, February, 1881.
The suit between Clarke and Magill for the possession of the foundry ended after three day’s struggle. The jury disagreed and the case will have to be tried over.
Winfield Courier, November 17, 1881.
Mr. Samuel Clarke has a little daughter at his house this week. It is a bright little girl and Mr. Clarke is correspond­ingly happy.

SOUTH-WEST MACHINE WORKS. SAMUEL CLARKE, PROPRIETOR -AND- MECHANICAL ENGINEER. Having again assumed control of the machine department of the above Works, I will give it my personal super­vision, and will run it as a general Machine Works. Will build and repair ENGINES, BOILERS, ETC., and guarantee satisfaction. Will buy and sell Second-hand Machinery on commission. Shops near K. C., L. & S. F. R., Winfield.
Winfield Courant, January 5, 1882.
Mr. S. Clarke has removed his machine works from the South Western Foundry to the first building east of the Santa Fe depot, where he will be pleased to meet all his old customers. His new business place will be known as the Winfield Machine Works. We trust Mr. Clarke will prosper and make money in his new location, as he surely deserves.
Winfield Courant, February 2, 1882.
Samuel Clarke of the Winfield Machine Works has secured the contract for furnishing all the shafting, bearing, boxes, and gudgeons, in fact, a complete outfit for W. H. Spears’ new mill at Arkansas City, and has already sent orders east for the material for the same, and in his new location is now prepared to take orders for a complete outfit for Mills including engines, boilers, etc. At the present time he has work on hand to the amount of about $1,500 and his intention is to put the profits on his work in new machinery, tools, etc., and hopes to persevere until he makes his works one of the finest, complete establish­ments in the west.
Winfield Courant, February 16, 1882.
Mr. Sam Clarke, of the Winfield Machine Works, has just finished and turned out for Mr. O’Brien of this office, recently of the United States, one of the finest and most accurate pieces of mechanism we have seen anywhere. They are known among the craft as “slug moulds,” for the moulding of slugs, a necessary appendage to every well regulated print shop. They were con­structed after a new pattern of Mr. O’Brien’s. Mr. Clarke in carrying out Mr. O’Brien’s idea used the very finest of steel and called into play his wonderful skill as a worker in iron.  The result is one of the most accurate and best finished moulds extant. Mr. O’Brien will immediately work up two hundred pounds of metal for this office. Printers having old metal or cuts which they would like to convert into slugs, can obtain all information they may desire in regard to it by addressing Mr. O’Brien at the COURANT office.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 4, 1883.
At a meeting of the members of the Baptist Church in Arkansas City, the following gentlemen were elected trustees of the First Baptist Church of Arkansas City: Wm. Mercer, N. T. Snyder, C. C. Hollister, Samuel Clarke, L. Goff.
Arkansas City Republican, February 16, 1884.
AD.  ARKANSAS CITY IRON WORKS, SAMUEL CLARKE, Mechanical Engineer and Proprietor.
Manufactures Engines, Boilers, Shafting, Pulleys, all kinds of Machine Blacksmithing, Horseshoeing, and Wagon Work.  Repairs on Engines, Boilers, Mill Machinery, etc.
Arkansas City Republican, February 16, 1884.  Mr. S. Clarke, our energetic foundry man, informs us that he has sufficient work for months, but still can do urgent work on short notice.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 16, 1884.
Mr. S. Clarke, who is now running a machine shop in the foundry building, comes out in a business card this week and solicits the patronage of our people. Mr. Clarke is a first-class workman in every respect, and we hope all needing anything in his line will call upon him.

AD. S. CLARKE, MACHINIST. Every description of machine repairs done on short notice. SHOP IN FOUNDRY BUILDING. ARKANSAS CITY, KANSAS.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 30, 1884.
The new system of water-works just put in Newton, Kansas, by our townsman, James Hill, are a declared success. The machinery was all put in under the supervision of Mr. S. Clarke, of our machine shops, and the fact of their complete success is mainly attributable to the skill and experience of the latter gentleman, who, in the matter of machinery, can hold his own with the best.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1885.
H. P. Farrar was ordered to foreclose the mortgage on the machinery of the Arkansas City Machine Shops, owned by Samuel Clarke. It appears that the city has become responsible in some manner for the payment of the chattel mortgage and takes this means to clear themselves  The mortgage was for $1,250, bearing 12 percent interest, on which the city pays 3 percent. Mr. Clarke has never paid anything either on the interest or principal of the mortgage. He has not even paid for the use of the building. The principal and interest now amount to $1,500.
Mr. Danks, of Cincinnati, Ohio, who has been prospecting here for some time, has offered Mr. Clarke $1,200, which was refused. The council, realizing that the machinery would bring almost nothing if thrown on the market, have determined to sell it now, while a purchaser is at hand.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
Mr. Samuel Clarke came before the board and made a statement in regard to his understanding of contract between the city and himself, and on motion the City Attorney was instructed to go on and foreclose mortgage held by city on his machinery.
On motion the verbal contract between Mr. Clarke and city was canceled.