Dr. E. H. Clayton


Arkansas City Traveler, Friday, January 17, 1919.
   Local Physician Will Wear Two Bars For Army Service.
Captain E. H. Clayton returned last night from the U. S. army service in Vancouver, B. C., where he has been engaged in the medical service of the forestry department work for nearly a year and a half.
He has received his discharge and will again take up his practice of medicine in Arkansas City. He served a year and 6 months, lacking about three weeks. He will wear two bars on his sleeve for his year's service. Dr. Clayton was at his office today getting a line-up on his work there. During his absence from the city his wife, Dr. Ione Clayton, has handled his splendid prac­tice in a very capable manner. Besides this she has also cared for their two small children during that time. Dr. Clayton volunteered for service and has seen some real army service in the hospital work although he did not get to go abroad. His many Arkansas City friends will be pleased to learn that he is again one of us in the best city of the southwest.