Judge C. Coldwell & Family
[Judge Coldwell and his son were involved in many of the early activities in Winfield. The following information records the controversies engaged in by the Judge and his son Nat and the marriage of two of his daughters. MAW]
Winfield Courier, July 12, 1877.
Judge Coldwell has arrived with his family and taken up their abode with us.
Winfield Courier, August 30, 1877.
The District Court commenced its session on Monday with a light docket, and it is to be hoped that it will be cleared up this week. The following members of the bar present: Hon. W. P. Campbell, Judge; E. S. Bedilion, Clerk; R. L. Walker, Sheriff; M. S. Adams, of Wichita, C. R. Mitchell, E. B. Kager and A. Walton, of Arkansas City; J. McDermott, County Attorney, J. E. Allen, A. J. Pyburn, O. M. Seward, W. M. Boyer, L. J. Webb, W. P. Hackney, J. W. McDonald, E. S. Torrance, H. E. Asp, D. A. Millington, S. D. Pryor, J. D. Pryor, F. S. Jennings, G. H. Buckman, and A. H. Green, of Winfield, attorneys.
The Hon. C. Coldwell, and his son, N. C. Coldwell, late of Texas, were admitted to the bar. The Judge comes to us with an honorable reputation as a man and a lawyer, having served with distinction as a Judge of the Supreme Court of Texas. He, with his amiable family, consisting of his lady, son, and three beautiful young lady daughters, are a great social as well as intellectual acquisition to Winfield.
Charles C. Black, of Winfield, and Charles Eagan, of Rock, were also admitted to the bar after sustaining very creditably a long and rigid examination in open court, proving that they had been dilligent students. Mr. Black invited the officers of the court and members of the bar and press to refreshments at Jim Hill’s, in the evening, which were served up in the best style, and it was an occasion of festivity and enjoyment.
Winfield Courier, September 13, 1877.
Judge Coldwell’s new residence is assuming an imposing appearance.
Winfield Courier, October 18, 1877.
Judge Coldwell’s large new residence is nearly completed.
Winfield Courier, November 22, 1877.
Judge Coldwell and son are making plans for more improvements in the town. This time it is an office on 9th avenue.
Winfield Courier, December 6, 1877.
Two new buildings, just east of McGuire & Crippen’s store, are rapidly nearing completion. One is being erected for Messrs. Brotherton & Silvers, grain and feed merchants, and the other for C. Coldwell & Son, lawyers.
Winfield Courier, December 13, 1877.
Judge Coldwell has lost a very valuable black and tan terrier. The person returning the same to the owner will be rewarded, and no questions asked.
Winfield Courier, December 13, 1877.
Winfield Socially.
The coming winter bids fair to be the most pleasant, socially, that Winfieldians have ever experienced. Many changes have taken place in the circle of young folks since the good old frontier days. New and attractive young ladies and gentlemen have settled amongst us, giving to Winfield an air of city life and gaiety when they meet “in convention assembled.” The recent Thanksgiving ball was followed so closely by Miss Kate Millington’s “dancing party,” and both so largely attended, that the indications are that those “who look for pleasure can hope to find it here” this winter. The last mentioned party, to use a stereotyped expression, was a “brilliant success.” Probably of all the gay and charming gatherings that have “tripped the fantastic,” etc., in our city, this was the most pleasant. The music was excellent, the refreshments good, and the polite and attentive demeanor of the fair hostess most agreeable.
The following persons were fortunate enough to be present at this party: Judge W. P. Campbell, of Wichita; W. W. Walton, of Topeka; Herman Kiper, of Atchison; Fred C. Hunt, W. C. Walker, Bert Crapster, Ed. P. Greer, Charley Harter, J. C. Fuller, Mr. and Mrs. J. Holloway, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Green, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Harter, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Baird, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Earnest, Mr. and Mrs. James Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Thompson, Miss Ina Daniels, S. Suss, Josephine E. Mansfield, G. E. Walker, Mary McGaughy, M. B. Wallis, Fannie Wallis, Wilbur Dever, Maggie J. Dever, W. C. Root, Jennie Hahe [? Hahn ?], W. Gillellen, Mattie Coldwell, J. N. Harter, Carrie Olds, T. C. Copeland, Katie McGaughy, O. M. Seward, Nora Coldwell, Dr. Strong, Amie Bartlett.
Of course, they one and all enjoyed themselves; wished the occasion might be often repeated, and voted (in their minds at least) Miss Kate to be the most “social campaign organizer” in the city.
Winfield Courier, January 3, 1878.
South side 9th Avenue, just east of Main, Winfield, Kans.
Winfield Courier, January 8, 1878.
To the Editors of the Courier:
I read the article, “Legal Tender,” in the last number of the COURIER with a good deal of interest. It contains much valuable information upon the question you discuss.
He who has attempted to trace the course of legislation upon financial matters in the “Congressional Record,” the “Statutes at Large,” and the ponderous “Pub. Docs.,” which a too generous government inflicts upon its citizens, will appreciate the service you have rendered your subscribers. But I am not satisfied with the conclusions of that article from some of its propositions.
I must entirely dissent; and I have been induced to hope that you will give place to a few observations concerning them.
The proposition is to remonetize silver; that is, to make it a legal tender again, to make it “money once more,” to restore it to the place it once held in the coinage of this country.
Greenbacks have so long been the currency—the money of the people—that this has hitherto been of little practical importance. Probably there are many who have but lately learned that the “dollar of the daddies” has been demonetized and degraded.
The question is presented in two forms. The Bland Bill provides that the silver dollar to be coined under its provisions shall be a legal tender in payment of all dues, both public and private. The resolution introduced into the senate by Judge Matthews, of Ohio, is not legislation; it declares that under existing law, the bonds of the United States, issued under certain acts of congress mentioned in the resolution, are payable in silver dollars of 442½ standard grains each, and that such payment would not be in violation of public faith, nor in derogation of the rights of the public creditor. The bill and the resolution taken together present, first, the question of financial policy; second, the question of the constitutional power of congress in dealing with the coinage of the country, and third, the question of the fair construction of the act of congress entitled “An act to authorize the refunding of the national debt, approved July 12, 1879.
The question of a uniform standard of value as opposed to a double or bi-metallic standard is one that has been deeply studied by many of the ablest men of the financial world, men not in political life and animated by a sincere desire to see it settled upon sound principles. The lamentable difference of opinion among these men is enough to warn a bolder man than I from the discussion even if this was a proper time and place. But certainly it is a fair, and truthful statement to say, that this doctrine of a uniform standard is a new philosophy.
Silver has been used in all ages of the world by every nation emerged from barbarism, as money, and in every nation it has been the money of the people. I am aware that one nation (England) adopted the gold standard in the first half of this century, and another (Germany) a few years since. But at best it is an experiment. Germany is now going through a period of great depression, which is by many attributed to that measure. It is denied that England has been materially benefited by her single gold standard. Be that as it may, the experience of England is no sufficient guide for us. The English are a commercial people, they have been fitly named a nation of shop-keepers. It was argued there that if England wished to maintain her commercial supremacy she must furnish the standard to measure the commodities of the world; and so her pound sterling is the world’s money, it serves all the purpose of an international coinage.
The commercial interests of this country are great, but they are not the interests of first importance. The majority of the people of this country are agricultural people. They cannot be ignored. It were better for the advocates of the gold standard to use arguments rather than denunciation, for upon them devolves the onus of establishing this new doctrine, which (it may be said) is against the practice of every nation in every age.
If it be objected that silver has long been demonetized by reason of the failure of the government to coin it, it may be answered that this was because during nearly the whole of that period the silver dollar was of greater value than the gold dollar. It was little accounted as money, not because it was worthless as such, but because it could not be had; and more, it is within the memory of men now in middle life that before the war the people were accustomed to supply the place of the legal tender silver dollar by ten and twenty dollar rolls of the base half and quarter dollars, which were, by law, legal tenders to the amount of five dollars only. And it may be said, too, that the true question is not whether we may not do very well with gold alone, but whether we may not do much better with silver in addition. Finally even admitting the sound reasoning of the gold advocates, it seems that a more favorable time could be selected for repudiating that which has always been regarded as one of the prime resources of nations.
Now that the country and political sub-division of the country are burdened with enormous debt, it is no time to wither this great nerve of a nation’s strength. But aside from the abstract and complex principles of the science of finance, there are other things that we, as a people living under a constitution, must consider. Great lawyers and statesmen have defined the power of congress to demonetize silver. They have claimed that it is made a legal tender—or, in other words, money—by the constitution of the United States; that it is vested with attributes which that body cannot take away. That instrument provides that “Congress shall coin money and regulate the value thereof,” and it contains a prohibition that “no state shall make anything but gold and silver a legal tender.” “Congress shall coin money.” That is, it shall provide the physical agencies for the melting, the moulding, the stamping, and the milling.
What is that money which congress shall coin? By the common consent of mankind expressed by ages of usage, it is gold and silver and to a limited extent inferior measures such as copper and platinum. That assemblage of great men which formed the federal constitution did not empower congress to make money, or what should be money. It accepted the meaning given by all ages of the world, and declared that congress should coin that money, and regulate the value thereof. That is, congress shall fix the value of that money already designated. Congress is not to create value, it is not to give value, but to regulate it. It is to fix the denominations of coins, the amount of metal in each, and their proportions to each other. It is to fix the value of each and every piece of this money. Thus congress may, and in fact has declared that the silver dollar shall contain 412½ grains of silver, and the silver half dollar but 192 grains of that metal. We know that 192 is not the half of 412½, but congress, in the exercise of its constitutional power, declared that in the silver coinage of the country these numbers bear that proportion to each other.
“Congress shall coin money.” What is money? With what peculiar attributes is the metal invested to make it money? It is not the purchasing power alone. Three cows may purchase one horse without any sanction of government whatever. The transaction depends entirely upon the will of the parties. Then it must be that attribute which makes the delivery of it a payment, that which enables a man to perform his legal obligations by a tender of it; in other words, a legal tender. But congress is only authorized to coin money; therefore, when it coins any metal and undertakes to divest it of any of the attributes of money, it oversteps its consti-tutional authority. And, in fact, congress has never demonetized silver by positive law, as you have shown in your article. This was practically accomplished by a failure to coin it, and this refusal to coin was because it was found, by experience, to be impossible to retain it in circulation.
By the act of 1837 the silver dollar was declared to be 412½ grains of standard silver, and the gold dollar was declared to be 25-8/10 grains of standard gold, thus making one grain of gold equal to about 16 grains of silver. This was probably the true proportion in this country. Some of the silver dollars coined under this act went to the melting pot to be used in the manufacture of silverware, but most of these were exported to Europe. And why? Because silver was worth more on the other side of the Atlantic than on this. There are about 15 grains of silver worth one grain of gold, and of course silver sought the best market. To remedy this evil the act of Feb., 1853, was passed. Congress, not willing to declare a proportion between the gold and silver dollars, which would be false in fact; so the silver dollars were no longer coined, and, by the act before mentioned, it was provided that silver half and quarter dollars, dimes, etc., should be coined, the half dollars to contain 192 grains, and the other pieces of proportionate weight. These coins were declared to be a legal tender for any sum not exceeding five dollars. This act was not to degrade silver, but to protect it as best might be. The act declared the half dollar to be worth fifty cents; in Europe it was worth only forty-three cents, of course it remained here. The object of congress, which was to provide a money of the people, was achieved.
Everyone can understand the principles upon which these acts were passed, and all will admit that they were intended for the best interests of the whole country, even if congress did overstep its power in declaring what should be a legal tender as has been contended by some.
When the act of Feb. 12, 1873, was passed the facts upon which previous legislation had been based had ceased to exist, and unfortunately it may be said with too much show of truth that either ability or patriotism of former congresses had passed away with them. Those acts were passed in the interests of the whole people, this in the interest of a class. A few years after the passage of the act of 1853, the production of silver was wonderfully increased. The mines of Nevada and Mexico began to pour out their millions. When the attention of congress was turned to the subject a few years after the war, it was found that the old difficulty was no longer to be met. Silver could be found for sufficient coinage. To a devout mind it might seem the crowning mercy of our struggle for national life. The war was ended, but the way had been long and the burden heavy. The nation had been brought up out of the darkness of Egypt, but was weary and sore athirst, when in the mountains of the West was found the rock which needed but be struck and the waters of life would gush forth. But the congress of 1873 turned away from the offered blessing and bowed down before the golden God.
In your editorial you deny the charge that the act of 1873 was introduced in a clandestine manner and passed without due consideration, and you show from the journals the day the bill was introduced, the day it was referred to the committee, when it was debated, and in fact give a history of its progress through congress. But if I am correctly informed, the charge is not that time was not allowed for discussion, but it is that the objectional measure was concealed while pending before congress or, as Mr. Colfax says, it was so ingeniously smothered in the coinage act, that neither the president who signed it nor the present president knew what had been done until long after it had gone into effect.
A measure of vast importance in the country and one utterly at variance with the traditions and of the government was effected by simply omitting to provide for coining the standard silver dollar in an act ostensibly for reforming the coinage.
From the beginning of the government in 1873, the government authorized silver dollars to be coined even when there was no silver to coin; but in that year, when there were millions awaiting the mint, congress withdrew the authority to coin it. No man proposed to demonetize silver by express law, but this was accomplished by refusing to do that which the constitution says congress shall do, to-wit: Coin money.
I think, sir, from the failure of that congress to exercise the power of demonetization, and the attempt to obtain that result by indirection and concealment, from the refusal of the wisest and best statements of this country to exercise the disputed power, and from the words of the constitution, the advocates of silver are justified in saying that congress has not the power to demonetize that metal. And they are justified in determining that a measure so hurtful to the true interests of the country shall not be accomplished by refusal on the part of congress to perform a plain constitutional duty.
I had purposed to refer at some length to that clause in the constitution which prohibits the states from making anything but gold and silver a legal tender. It is hardly necessary here, and in view of the growing length of this letter, I must refrain.
It has been deduced from that clause, and from the general scope of the instrument, that congress has no power to declare what shall be a legal tender; a question nearly related, but at the same time quite independent of the one we have considered, viz.: the power of congress to declare that the silver coin shall not be a legal tender.
But it is the proposition to pay the bonds of the U. S. in silver dollars that has excited the most feeling and provoked the sharpest criticism. The slaveocracy of the South was haughtily impatient of opposition and resented contradiction as insult. This bondocracy have manifested a similar spirit. Like all men in the enjoyment of peculiar privileges protected by law, they have come to think that the chief end of the law is the protection of those privileges and should be law which the exigencies of their service require.
The history of the bondholders in the service of this country is neither long nor difficult. During the dark days of the civil war, they bought U. S. bonds at enormous discount, sometimes not paying more than $880 for a bond of $1,000. They furnished the means to carry on the war. They staked their money on the fate of the nation. The nation won and so did the bondholders. They had speculated on the necessities of the country and events proved that they had made a bargain immensely profitable.
There seems to be great ignorance as to the full measure of their profits. They bought the bonds of the United States with the legal tender notes (greenbacks) when that currency was greatly depreciated by the disasters of the war. When the greenback dollar was worth but fifty cents in gold, when it was worth but thirty-eight cents, they bought bonds of the United States to the amount of millions, and the government received the greenbacks at par value. For one thousand dollars in greenbacks, at that time “worth in the market” but five hundred dollars, often but four hundred, and sometimes even less, the government gave its bond for one thousand dollars, nor did their good fortune cease with the war. As their investment depended on the preservation of the nation’s life, so their security was said to be bound up with the preservation of the nation’s honor.
By the act of March 18, 1864, the faith of the nation was solemnly pledged to the payment in coin, at their full face value, of those very bonds which had been bought, with greenbacks worth but fifty cents, or 38 cents in coin. By this act the bondholders received doubly treble the amount they had invested in addition to the heavy interest already received and to be received.
Many of these bonds were called in by the act of July 12, 1870, entitled “an act to refund the national debt,” and others issued, which were made payable in “coin of the then present standard value.”
By the act of Jan. 12, 1875, entitled “an act to provide for the resumption of specie payments,” still other bonds were issued, which were required to be of the same description, as the bonds issued under the act of 1870. It is then upon the construction to be given to that act that the decision of the question between the bondholders and their opponents must depend, and the question turns upon one word, the meaning to be given to the word “coin.” If we were to ask any citizen of this country, not a congressman or bondholder, the meaning of that word, he would tell us that a coin was a gold or silver piece of money. If we could refer the question to the great statesmen of by-gone days, they would tell us that a coin was a piece of gold or silver, stamped by the authority of government.
But the bond-holders say that the word does not mean both gold and silver pieces, but gold only, and insist that the bonds must be paid in gold.
The constitution requires that congress shall coin silver; by law existing at the time the act of 1870 was passed, the silver dollar was declared to be a coin of the United States. The word had a fixed and definite meaning, beyond cavil, when they accepted the provisions of that act. If their rights are to be determined by that plain rule of law and of common sense, to which men in the common currents of life are compelled to submit—the rule that the rights of parties to a contract are to rest on the words of the contract—then the bonds are payable in gold or silver at the option of the government. But they claim an exemption from that rule. It is said that while the silver dollar was a coin of the United States, in 1870. Yet in that act it was intended to apply the word to gold alone.
An ordinary man will think and perhaps say, “If you meant gold, why didn’t you say so?” There is an inherent improbability in the assertion that the able lawyers in congress and the shrewd businessmen of the financial world fail in the exercise of that ordinary circumspection necessary to the drawing of a chattel mortgage. And it appears that the very same congress that passed the act of 1870, just one year before, in the “act to strengthen the public credit,” declared that both gold and silver pieces of the United States were coin.
That act declares that the interest-bearing obligations of the United States should be paid in coin save where the law under which any of said obligations were issued provided that they might be paid in coinage or other money than gold and silver.
An inspection of the wording of that act is all that is necessary to perceive that “gold and silver” are included, and both taken together are equivalent to the word coin.
Then when this same congress in the act of the following year, concerning the same class of public creditors, used the word coined, they gave it precisely the same meaning, and intended that it should apply to both gold and silver pieces. And the history of the times refutes the assumption. Let it be remembered, that as the coinage of the United States stood in 1870 when that “act for refunding the national debt” was passed, the silver dollar of 412½ standard grains was superior in value to the gold dollar of 25-8/10 grains, and had been so for years.
There is nothing in the history of the bondholders to lead us to believe that they were willing, and in fact, bound themselves to receive the least valuable dollar. It is true that but few silver dollars were in circulation, but the law authorized their coinage, and these men intended and were entitled to receive as many of them as they could get.
But an unforseen event occurred. The production of silver bullion became wonderfully increased in this country, and demonetization in Germany caused an influx of the metal here. Silver became less valuable than gold. For the first time in history, after a wonderful run of good luck, the bond-holder met with a stroke of ill fortune and now the declines to receive the silver dollar for his bond, and is crying for protection against those “repudiationists” who want to pay him in silver, or, as he says, 92 cents on the dollar. He only paid from 38 to 59 cents. There is a distinction attempted to be taken in favor of the bonds issued under the “act for the resumption of specie payments,” passed in 1875. Then the silver dollar had been dropped from the coinage. It is impossible to pursue that subject now; but let it be remembered that these bonds were required to be of the same description as the bonds of 1870.
That the act of 1873 dropping the silver dollar was passed secretly and silently; that congress had no power to demonetize silver; that the act seeking to reach that end by indirection, was the purpose of avoiding the very question with which the country is now engaged; and we must conclude that even if by the letter of the law the bonds of 1875 are payable in gold (which I think may be denied), yet the act of 1873, which made them so, was a fraud upon the country which should be repudiated.
But there are others who take a higher ground. They say that the United States owes it to the fair name of our country to answer the demands of its creditors and pay their demands in gold. This is a matter of sentiment which everyone must determine for himself. But I must own it appears to me a most preposterous thing. This country need not beg for recognition. It has dealt more honestly with its creditors than any government that history can show. Their profits have been enormous and without parallel.
Law, justice, and a decent self-respect will hold them to what is “nominated in the bond.”
N. C. C.
[Note: N. C. C. is N. C. Coldwell, son of Judge Colbert Coldwell. MAW]
Winfield Courier, January 10, 1878.
COLDWELL AND SON appear in our columns with a professional card. This is one of the strongest law firms in the Southwest. Judge Coldwell is a gentleman of ripe experience and his legal ability has been recognized by a position on the supreme court of a neighboring state [TEXAS]. The junior partner is a young lawyer who will make his mark.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
Hon. Colbert Coldwell, until recently one of the associate justices of the supreme bench of Texas, has removed to this town and located near Mr. Fuller’s place, in the eastern part. His mansion is completed and occupied. It is built after the good old southern style, with high ceilings, grand old halls, and wide verandahs, and an interior finish massive and imposing, suggesting the ancestral halls of history whose occupants were in the royal line.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
A Glimpse at a Few of Her Palatial Residences—Episode in the Life of One of Her Citizens.
“A Fine Old Southern Gentleman, One of the Olden Time.”
[From the Kansas City Journal of Commerce.]
A recent census shows a population of 1,611 in this town—an increase of about fifty percent within a year. Without question, it is the most prosperous interior town in the State, and presents more evidence of wealth and permanence and offers greater inducements to businessmen and capitalists than any other.
Real estate is appreciating rapidly, and comfortable tenement houses are in demand and high. Some enterprising mechanic with a little capital could make a fortune by building cottages to sell. There are two dozen houses in course of building now, one-half of which are residences to cost from three to seven thousand dollars, and transfers of lots to parties intending to build others are of daily occurrence. As several of these buildings are being gotten up on a scale of elegance (very unusual for a new county, and especially the frontier), I may be pardoned for a brief description of them.
Mr. J. C. Fuller is building a mansion in the eastern part of town. It is a frame with brick veneer—a style new to Kansas, but in successful use in Northern Illinois and Wisconsin for the last ten years. It is elegant in all its appointments and will be supplied with hot air furnace, water, baths, speaking tubes, and all modern conveniences. The interior will be finished with walnut and ash, and the grounds will be handsomely ornamented with terraces and fountains.
M. L. Robinson has chosen the southwestern portion of town for his residence, and is building a stately mansion upon an eminence which commands a landscape of surpassing loveliness. The building has only recently been commenced, but the designs according to the drawings of the architect are elaborate and costly. A large force of workmen are engaged and the pleasant weather is being improved.
A short distance south of this, and far enough removed from the heart of the town to give it a suburban air of quiet and seclusion, Col. McMullen has decided to build his home. This also can only be seen on paper as yet, but the contract has been awarded and the material is being delivered. The design is no less extensive than the others, and in some respects shows a more elaborate style of architecture.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
Hon. Colbert Coldwell, until recently one of the associate justices of the supreme bench of Texas, has removed to this town and located near Mr. Fuller’s place, in the eastern part. His mansion is completed and occupied. It is built after the good old southern style, with high ceilings, grand old halls, and wide verandahs, and an interior finish massive and imposing, suggesting the ancestral halls of history whose occupants were in the royal line.
Too much cannot be said in praise of Mr. John Hoenscheidt, the architect, and Messrs. Ray and Randall and Mr. W. B. Gibbs, the joiners, for the eminent taste and skill displayed in these buildings, which challenge comparison with any in the state.
Among the business houses now building or just completed are a brewery, a two-story brick billiard hall, a foundry and machine shop, and Manning Hall, a two-story brick block, 60 x 100 feet, the lower story for stores. Two handsome iron bridges have also spanned the Walnut River since my visit last fall, making three bridges across the river within a mile of town.
Speaking of Judge Coldwell calls to mind an episode of the campaign of 1860, that is told with gusto in Texas to this day. The judge was a presidential elector on the Douglas ticket, and was stumping the State in company with Roger Q. Mills, present member of Congress from the Galveston district, I think, who occupied a similar position on the Breckenridge ticket. They were speaking to an acre of people at Marshall, and Mills insisted, and truly, too, that the real contest lay between Lincoln and Breckenridge, and that in the event of Lincoln’s election, it would be impossible to maintain a government at the South, as no true Southerner would accept an office under him; consequently, it was either Breckenridge or secession. He impressed this idea by graphically portraying the haughty south crushed under the heel of the “tyrant Lincoln,” and turning to Judge Coldwell, asked derisively if there was a man present who would accept an office under such a monster. Coldwell, himself the personification of Southern chivalry, “one of the olden time,” six feet two, straight as an arrow and dignified as Henry Clay, arose and straightening himself to his full stature, said: “I will not assume to speak for any considerable portion of this audience, but for one citizen of the State of Texas only; if Mr. Lincoln should be elected president and should see fit to tender me the office of district attorney, I would not only accept the honor, but would signalize my accession to the office by indicting, convicting, and hanging you, sir, for treason!”
The prolonged applause which followed showed that even at that late day the heart of old Texas was in the right place.
Winfield Courier, April 4, 1878. Editorial Page.
Secretary of the Treasury Sherman says he is in favor of a law making treasury notes receivable for tariff duties the same as gold.
Last Thursday night a greenback meeting was held at the Brane schoolhouse in Pleasant Valley Township. The speakers were all from Winfield. Mr. Payson read a well composed and considered paper advocating greenbacks in general. Mr. Coldwell next spoke in a stirring speech, treating thoroughly on the greenback theory. Mr. Hamilton, the canvassing agent for the Winfield COURIER, followed with some fervent remarks favoring the greenback doctrine to its fullest extent. He then made a motion that Mr. Payson’s paper be published in the Winfield COURIER. This brought Mr. Coldwell to his feet with the question, “Is the COURIER a greenback paper?” In reply Mr. Hamilton said, “It is, and Mr. Millington is in favor of an unlimited amount of greenbacks worth one hundred cents on the dollar.”
Pleasant Valley Correspondence of the Traveler.
Mr. Hamilton, of course, could only give his opinion of the position of the COURIER or its editors as any other man might do, but he hit the nail very nearly on the head when he said, “Mr. Millington is in favor of an unlimited amount of greenbacks worth one hundred cents on the dollar.”
We are in favor of greenbacks to any amount needed by the business of the country and consistent with the idea that they shall not be depreciated below the value of the new silver coin. We favor currency expansion as fast as the wants of the country require it and believe that the expansion should be mainly in greenbacks. We think that so much of the resumption law as provides for a further retirement of greenbacks should be repealed, that the greenbacks which have been already retired should be reissued, and new greenbacks should be issued as fast as the best interests of the country shall require. We do not pretend to say how many are wanted immediately, but presume the idea in the resolutions passed by the state convention of the national party of Illinois, which met at Springfield to nominate a state ticket on the 27th ult., give a reasonable view of this matter. The resolutions to which we refer are:
“Resolved, That we demand an immediate issue of full legal-tender paper currency by the government to the full limit of at least four hundred millions of legal tender U. S. treasury notes.
“Resolved, That the credit of the government can best be strengthened and preserved by its first paying off its interest-bearing debt, before calling in any part of its non-interest bearing obligations for redemption.”
We favor the latter resolution also, and would not pay off the greenbacks except as they might be brought in for redemption and immediately reissued.
We did desire that they should be as good as gold, but since we are to have an issue of silver dollars as fast as the mints can coin them, we ask only that they shall be as good as silver dollars. We desire that silver shall be as good as gold, but we apprehend that when silver dollars have become abundant, gold will be at a premium again. Should that be the case, our country will again be cursed by the disgraceful gold gambling of past years and the silver dollar will be the standard of value, provided the greenback shall be kept equal to silver coin.
As the law now stands, the government promises to pay coin for greenbacks on demand on and after the first of next January, and if that promise is not withdrawn, greenbacks will be as good as silver before that time—in fact, that time is so near that they are substantially so now. We do not believe that the promise will be withdrawn, but consider resumption as an accomplished fact.
We believe that no considerable amount of greenbacks will ever be presented for redemption; that but a comparatively small amount of coin in the treasury will suffice for the purposes of redemption; that all will prefer to use greenbacks to silver for all ordinary purposes of money, so long as they are interchangeable for coin. The fact that they will produce the coin at any time is all that is needed. They are much more convenient than coin and holders will not want them redeemed.
It was because of the apprehension that gold would be at a premium over silver dollars that we did not favor remonetization.
Greenbacks were approaching a par value with gold and on or before the first of next January would have been as good as gold, and $180,000,000 in gold coin which has been but a commodity like stocks and bonds to gamble on, would have been added to the currency of the country, making an expansion of the currency to that extent. The currency was about $330,000,000 in national bank notes, $350,000,000 in greenbacks, and about $40,000,000 of silver, making all told about $720,000.000. With this gold coin taken out of the vaults of the government and of the speculators and added to the circulation, the volume of the currency would have been raised to $900,000,000 on the first of January next or soon thereafter. Under the silver bill not more than $35,000,000 of silver can possibly be coined, and added to the circulation by that time, and if that amount should make silver coin so plenty as to cause it to fall to near the value of silver bullion, so that gold coin should be three to seven percent premium, the volume of the currency will be only $755,000,000, or $145,000,000 less than it would otherwise have been.
As the case is, let us hope that these apprehensions were not well founded, that the gold coin will be then added to the circulation, and thus raise the volume of currency to $935,000,000. But to be provided for the worst, congress should at once stop the retirement of greenbacks, provide for the re-issue of those retired, and the further issue of greenbacks to such amount as may be required.
What we expect from this expansion of the currency is the revival of business, manufacturing, and improvements; a new demand and better prices for labor and produce; and a new vigor and activitiy in all the industries of the country. But to effect this there must be some stability in the finances of the country, something that can be relied upon, or money will not seek investment and business will not revive.
Now we do not pretend to understand this matter. In fact, we do not think our opinion of what currency policy is best for the country, the laborer, the debtor, and the farmer of Kansas is of any practical value; but we do believe that we understand this matter as well as many others who are making a great deal of noise on both sides of this question.
The republican members of congress, particularly those from Kansas, are greenback men, and, whether right or wrong, are doing what can be done in favor of greenbacks. If anything can be done to meet the demands of the people for more greenbacks, they will have done it before their present terms shall expire. You gain nothing by forming national or greenback parties to oppose them. A party with only one idea never does any good. The republican party is a party of many ideas, and as we want several ideas besides the greenback idea, we shall stick to that party.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
The new city council met on the 3rd inst., and organized. Hon. J. B. Lynn, mayor, in the chair; present councilmen, T. C. Robinson, G. W. Gully, H. Jochems, C. M. Wood, and E. C. Manning. C. M. Wood was chosen president pro tem; J. P. Short, clerk; J. C. McMullen, treasurer; and N. C. Coldwell, attorney. The following committees were constituted: Streets and alleys, Messrs. Wood, Robinson, and Manning; Finance, Manning, Gully, and Wood; fire department, Jochems, Gully, and Robinson.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
Greenback Convention.
There will be a meeting of the presidents of greenback clubs in Cowley County at the courthouse in Winfield at one o’clock, p.m., on Saturday, the 27th of April, 1878, for the purpose of perfecting a county organization. It is hoped there will be a full attendance as the business to be transacted is of great importance to our cause. Each club is also requested to appoint two members as delegates to meet with the presidents at the time and place above mentioned for consultation.
A. S. WILLIAMS, President, Vernon Club.
S. B. HUNT, Pres., Odessa Club, Pleasant Valley Township.
J. B. CALLISON, Pres., Fairview Club, Dexter Township.
GEORGE BURDETT, President, Dexter Club.
N. B. Correspondence relating to the organization of clubs may be addressed to N. C. Coldwell, at Winfield, who will furnish all information desired upon the subject.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
Coldwell and Payson spoke to the people of Tisdale on the greenback side of finance, last Friday night.
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878.
The Greenbackers of Tisdale listened to a couple of good speeches delivered by Messrs. Payson and Coldwell, of Winfield. The club now numbers 38 members.
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878.
Pursuant to a call for a county convention, the Presidents of the various Greenback clubs in the county and two delegates from each, convened in convention at Winfield, April 28, 1878, for the purpose of effecting a county organization.
Mr. T. A. Blanchard was called to the chair and C. C. Krow elected Secretary of the convention.
Committee on credentials appointed as follows: A. S. Williams, S. B. Hunt, and C. G. Handy. The committee reported the following persons entitled to seats in the convention.
Bethel Club: T. A. Blanchard, B. F. Murphy, Jos. Stansbury [Stansberry].
Pleasant Hill Club: J. Shields, C. C. Krow.
Dexter Club: G. C. Bourdette, John Hoyt, Christopher Gates.
Fairview Club: W. E. Merydith, A. A. Hammill, C. W. Ridgeway.
Tisdale Club: J. M. Wright, C. G. Handy, Wm. J. Hodges.
Maple City Club: J. G. Custer, H. S. Libby, L. W. Miller.
Vernon Club: F. W. Schwantes, A. S. Williams, C. A. McClung.
Odessa Club: S. B. Hunt, S. F. Howard, T. Hughes.
On invitation Mr. N. C. Coldwell addressed the convention, giving his views of the manner of an organization it was desirable to effect. He was followed by W. E. Merydith, C. C. Krow, F. W. Schwantes, H. S. Libby, S. B. Hunt, and other gentlemen, each giving his idea of what should be done.
On motion it was decided that the county organization should consist of an executive committee, consisting of one member of each club already organized, or hereafter organized in the county—with a president, secretary, and treasurer to be elected by this convention.
The convention then proceeded to elect the officers of the executive committee which resulted as follows: President, J. B. Callison; Secretary, W. M. Allison; Treasurer, T. A. Blanchard.
The delegates present named the members of their club they desired to represent them on the executive committee as follows:
J. B. Callison, Fairview Club; John Hoyt, Dexter; C. G. Handy, Tisdale; H. S. Libby, Maple City; C. A. McClung, Vernon; S. F. Howard, Odessa; John A. Shields, Pleasant Hill; Joseph Stansberry, Bethel.
All clubs not represented in the convention were invited to name one of their members to serve on this committee—the name to be sent to the secretary, W. M. Allison, at Winfield.
Each club in the county was requested to report the names of their officers to the secretary of the executive committee as speedily as possible, who is required to issue a certificate of membership of the county organization.
The president and secretary of the executive committee were instructed to issue an address to the people of Cowley County in behalf of the greenback cause.The county organization was named the “Independent Greenback Party of Cowley County.”
It was, on motion, decided that the exceutive committee should assemble at any time when called together by the president and secretary, or either, or upon issue of a call signed by three members of the committee.
The following resolution was introduced and carried.
Resolved, That this convention, recognizing the valuable work done for the greenback cause by various gentlemen, who have devoted their time to addressing the people in a number of localities, hereby extend to them an invitation to continue the work.
On motion the county papers were respectfully requested to give a place in their columns to the minutes of this meeting.
C. C. KROW, Secretary.
T. A. BLANCHARD, President.
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878.
J. W. Hamilton has removed his land office business to the law office of Coldwell & Coldwell, on 9th avenue, where he is offering choice farms for sale.
Winfield Courier, May 9, 1878.
District Court Proceedings.
Monday, May 6th, 10 o’clock a.m. His Honor, W. P. Campbell, on the bench. Present: C. L. Harter, sheriff; E. S. Bedilion, clerk; Jas. McDermott, prosecuting attorney; attorneys C. Coldwell, W. F. Hackney, Henry E. Asp, J. E. Allen, D. C. Beach, E. S. Torrance, J. M. Alexander, A. J. Pyburn, N. C. Coldwell, Jas. Christian, G. H. Buckman, S. D. Pryor, J. Wade McDonald, C. R. Mitchell, J. D. Pryor, C. C. Black, R. C. Story, L. J. Webb, W. M. Boyer, F. S. Jennings, and D. A. Millington.
The docket was called. The following cases were dismissed: Geo. Stewart vs. R. B. Waite, Jas. Renfro vs. M. J. Renfro, J. E. Cox vs. Mary J. Cox, State ex rel. Cessna vs. A. H. Thurman, Nancy McManus vs. John S. Harmon, Parker & Canfield vs. R. B. Scott, Margaret W. Vessels vs. T. J. Vessels, Houghton & McLaughlin vs. L. Maricle, S. P. Channel vs. L. Maricle, S. L. Brettun vs. Adam H. Beck, R. Crapster vs. Clara E. Houx et al, M. Harkins vs. Elizabeth C. Hunt, J. C. McMullen vs. P. F. Endicott et al., S. L. Brettun vs. L. D. Darnall et al, T. H. Barrett vs. W. D. Mowry et al.
Judgment for plaintiff by default was ordered in the following: M. L. Read vs. R. Hudson et al, B. C. Cook vs. W. F. Worthington, S. L. Brettun vs. J. C. Groce et al, Lizzie M. Martin vs. Peter Paugh, J. C. McMullen vs. J. Mortan et al, L. G. Yoe et al vs. T. E. Gilleland, A. W. Hoyt vs. Israel Tipton et al, E. Howland vs. J. W. Pearson et al, A. F. Faris vs. Julia A. Deming et al, Hackney & McDonald vs. W. W. Andrews, Mary H. Buck vs. M. Luckey, Samuel Hoyt vs. J. B. Gassaway, Buck, McCouns et al vs. T. E. Gilleland, Geysecke, Meysenburg & Co. vs. T. E. Gilleland, Charles Barr vs. T. J. Raybell, A. P. Dickey vs. T. A. Wilkinson.
The following cases were continued: H. Schieffer vs. J. F. Berner, L. McMasters vs. Nathan Hughes, Mercy M. Funk vs. Cynthia Clark et al.
The following cases stand on demurrer: H. B. Kay et al vs. D. B. McAllister, J. H. Hill vs. Geneva Jackson et al, J. C. McMullen vs. Martha Bowers et al, Elizabeth Meyer vs. W. H. Brown et al.
Motion was made by ___ to admit M. G. Troup as member of the bar. Court appointed G. H. Buckman, J. D. Pryor, and L. J. Webb a committee to examine the applicant and adjourned to half past one for the examination and to 8 o’clock on Tuesday morning for the further business of the court. In the afternoon the candidate was examined and admitted.
Tuesday, May 7. State vs. Coon; dismissed and defendant discharged.
State vs. Samuel Huston; H. E. Asp appointed by the court attorney for defendant.
State vs. N. Hostetler; defendant plead not guilty.
State vs. W. H. Bilson; defendant plead not guilty on both indictments.
H. B. Ray et al vs. D. B. McAllister; demurrer withdrawn and judgment for plaintiffs rendered.
J. C. McMullen vs. Martha Bowers, administratrix, et al.; F. S. Jennings appointed guardian, ad litem, of minor heirs of Reuben Bowers.
Venire for additional jurors ordered yesterday returned served on D. A. Byers, H. C. Catlin, H. C. McDorman, Simeon Martin, W. W. Thomas, J. W. Miller, L. B. Stone, A. C. Davis, and W. S. Gilman; John Young, A. C. Winton, and Andrew Ross not found.
State vs. Nicholas Hostetler called and trial proceeded; Attorneys J. McDermott for State, E. S. Torrance and H. E. Asp for defendant. This case occupied the balance of the day and is not concluded. It is a case in which an old man is charged with incest. The details of the evidence offered are not fit for publication.
O. M. Seward is one of the Winfield attorneys in attendance on the court. Had we not omitted his name or some other in yesterday’s report, we should have made it too nearly correct for any use.
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
Judge Coldwell requests us to say “That the letter signed ‘Nora,’ the name of one of his daughters, which appeared in the Arkansas Traveler in its issue of the 26th ult., was not written by his daughter. This disclaimer is rendered necessary because it is well known that the young lady’s name appears on the hotel register of Arkansas City as one of the visitors, which gave rise to the several pieces of vulgar wit which have appeared in that paper. Upon inquiry at the office of the Traveler, it was ascertained that the editor was absent; but the ‘copy’ from which the letter was put in type was found to be in his handwriting. Upon the return of the editor he will doubtless offer such an explanation as becomes a gentleman.”
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
Judge Coldwell soars the eagle at Wellington on the Fourth. Judge McDonald exhibits the same bird at Sedan.
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
Railroad Proposition.
The following letter has been received showing the present status of the negotiations with the A. T. & S. F. R. R. Co.
TOPEKA, KANSAS, June 25, 1878.
Robert Coldwell, Esq., chairman, and others of Cowley county, Winfield, Kansas.
GENTLEMEN: Absence from home must be my excuse and apology for not earlier replying to your communication of 10th June.
The proposition seems definite and fairly set forth, and I have forwarded it to the president of the company, at Boston, for his consideration, and upon receiving his reply I will communicate further with you.
Yours truly,
The proposition above alluded to was to this effect: To vote to the company $4,000 per mile, not exceeding $140,000 in the aggregate, in thirty year, six percent coupon bonds, on the company giving suitable guarantee that the road shall be completed through this county by August 1, 1879; bonds not to be delivered until the road is built. Our opinion is that $120,000 should be the upper limit. [Millington, Courier Editor.]
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
To The People Of Cowley County.
The committee appointed in this city at a railroad meeting held on the 10th of June, 1878, to conduct all correspondence with the President of the A. T. & S. F. Co. in relation to the extension of a branch road through this county, in obedience to their instructions respectfully submit the following report.
Under date of Aug. 20th the president of the Santa Fe Co. writes us that his company are now engaged in negotiation with the people of Sedgwick County for an extension of that branch down the Arkansas Valley to this point and thence on to the southern boundary of this county via Arkansas City. The Santa Fe Co. also contemplate at no distant day to form a connection with the Fort Smith & Little Rock Co., and thus give us a southern connection. If the pending negotiations with Sedgwick county fail, then the Santa Fe Co. propose to extend the Eldorado branch of their road down the Walnut valley, and on south as before indicated. In either event the people of this county will be benefited by the extension. We must bear in mind, however, that our present efforts depend largely upon the success of President Nickerson’s negotiations with the people of Sedgwick or Butler counties, and if they should obstinately refuse to cooperate and furnish the requisite aid, our failure to secure a branch road can in no wise be attributed to the disinclination of the Santa Fe Co. to help us.
Pres. Nickerson is of the opinion, that if his present efforts are crowned with success, he will be able to complete the road to this point during the coming year; nevertheless, he calls our attention to some obstacles which he can neither foresee or control. Among these are “strikes,” stringency of the money markets, difficulties of obtaining “ties.”
We felt authorized to assure Pres. Nickerson that our people would cordially cooperate with his company, whether the extension came from Wichita or Eldorado; that you would subscribe to the extent of $4,000 per mile for each mile of completed road; and as to time, interest on bonds, and all matters of mere detail that you would deal with a liberal and considerate spirit.
We deem it not improper to add that the Santa Fe Co. is now building a western extension to the Rio Grande, at or near Albuquerque, and so soon as the Southern Pacific is extended east from Yuma, they propose to form a junction, and thus give to the people of Kansas an outlet to the Pacific and the rapidly developing great west for their surplus.
The most casual observer, therefore, cannot fail to realize that if the national objects of the Santa Fe Co. can be carried out the people of this county, by a subscription to one road, will secure three outlets east, west, and south.
Trusting that our action thus far may meet your approbation, we respectfully suggest that each of the township trustees, and other representative men of the county, will meet in this city on Thursday, the 5th of September, 1878, and take such further action as may be deemed requisite.
Winfield Courier, September 12, 1878. Editorial Page.
The magnates of the Kansas City, Burlington & Santa Fe railroad arrived sooner than was expected. They came in on Wednesday evening of last week. The party consisted of Mr. Joseph P. Hale, capitalist of New York, Gen. Wm. H. Schofield, of Burlington, president of the road, James Hueston, engineer, and Orson Kent, treasurer. Messrs. Schofield and Kent were accompanied by their wives. The next morning the citizens of Winfield procured teams and took the gentlemen of the party and the gentlemen from Sedan out to several surrounding elevations to view the broad and beautiful valleys of the Walnut and Arkansas. The citizens then met in Manning’s new building, chose R. F. Burden, chairman, and W. M. Allison, Secretary, and were addressed at length by Gen. Schofield. He recounted the many difficulties that he had encountered and overcome in his struggles to build the road, succeeding in completing and putting in operation 44 miles and putting the company in such a condition in which it can now move the work along rapidly. He said they had now arrived at a point that they could promise to build the road to us within a reasonable short time if we shall secure to them the necessary aid, and desired an expression from our citizens.
E. C. Manning, J. E. Platter, D. A. Millington, S. P. Strong, C. Coldwell, J. B. Holmes, and A. B. Lemmon being called upon made short addresses, and the meeting appointed a committee of nine persons consisting of R. F. Burden, of Windsor, E. C. Manning, J. E. Platter, D. A. Millington, of Winfield, S. P. Strong, of Rock, C. R. Mitchell, of Arkansas City, O. P. Darst, of Dexter, W. A. Metcalf, of Cedar, and C. W. Roseberry, of Beaver, to confer with the officers of the railroad in relation to the terms which will be required of this county to secure the building of the road. The meeting adjourned, and committee met and organized by the election of D. A. Millington, chairman, and J. E. Platter, secretary. Gen. Schofield promises to return here within two weeks ready to submit a proposition and will notify the chairman of the committee of the exact time a few days beforehand, when the chairman will notify the balance of the committee by postal card. The distinguished visitors left in the afternoon to return; Messrs. Hale, Schofield, and Hueston went with Mr. Lemmon via Wichita. Anything further that may be developed in relation to this road will be given to our readers as early as possible. We need a railroad and want this if we can get it on reasonable terms in a reasonably short time.
Winfield Courier, September 19, 1878. Front Page.
[From the Wichita Eagle.]
The attorneys retained for the defense in the Webb trial are Judge W. C. Webb, of Topeka, E. S. Torrance, Coldwell & Coldwell, and C. C. Black, of Winfield, H. G. Webb, of Oswego, James D. Snoddy, of Linn county, and Sluss & Hatton, of this city. The attorneys for the prosecution are James McDermott, the county attorney of Cowley County, assisted by W. E. Stanley, Sedgwick County’s attorney.
Winfield Courier, September 19, 1878.
Trial of L. J. Webb at Wichita.
The case was called on Monday morning, September 9th, on the opening of the court. Defendant made application for a continuance because of the absence of Dr. Mendenhall, a material witness for the defense. The court held the showing sufficient, unless the State would admit the affidavit of defendant as the testimony of witness. The State consented and the case was set for trial next morning.
All day Tuesday was spent in getting a jury. The special venire was soon exhausted and balance was made up of tradesmen. It is considered a good jury, and both State and defendant are satisfied. Most of them are from the country.
Wednesday, Jas. McDermott opened the case on the part of the State. Frank Manny, Jessi Herndon, Adams, and others were examined as witnesses. There were no new features developed on the part of the State. The testimony was substantially as on the preliminary examination. The killing was proved and some evidence tending to show expressions of previous malice was introduced.
Col. James D. Snoddy, of counsel for the defense, cross-examined Frank Manny, and when he concluded, the witness left the stand in a rather shattered condition.
The evidence for the State was concluded Wednesday evening. During the night session, Judge Coldwell stated the case for the defense. The theory of the defense was insanity at the time of the shooting; that this insanity was caused by excessive excitement, loss of sleep, excessive drinking, and nux vomica, opium, and other poisonous drugs administered to him in his drinks. In his youth defendant had suffered a severe fracture of the skull, the walls being permanently pressed upon the brain, wounding and lacerating it; and in time of great excitement he is peculiarly liable to insanity, that the place of the killing was a dead-fall of the worst type.
One of the most important witnesses for the defense was Jessie Herndon, the principal witness for the State. As is known, he was Page’s barkeeper and knew all about how the business of the house was conducted. The defense had endeavored to draw out this testimony on cross-examination but the court would not permit it, and he was put on as a witness for the defense. He testified as to all the occurrences of the night previous to the killing and made many important additions to his testimony. He said that Page deliberately robbed Webb that night by means of cold decks and drugged whiskey; that Webb drank often that night, and Page had instructed witness to give Webb liquor from a particular bottle he called “all sorts,” which witness did; that twice during the night Page went into the bar-room and put some liquid from a small vial which he took from his pocket into a tumbler of whiskey and instructed witness to give to Webb the next time he called for drink, which witness did; that this bottle of “all sorts” was a villainous compound of whiskey and drugs, which Page kept for the express purpose of giving to men with whom he was gaming; that shortly before the conclusion of the game, and after Webb had drunk the whiskey prepared by Page, Page went into the bar-room and stocked a deck of cards, and instructed witness the next time drinks were called for to bring this pack under the water or server, and while Webb was engaged in drinking to leave them under the server on the table, which witness did, and then Page dealt from this cold deck, giving Webb a full hand and himself a better hand, on which he won all Webb’s money, and this concluded the game. Witness testified to some expressions of anger made by Webb to Page upon the conclusion of the game, saying he was robbed, but to no expressions of malice or threats of revenge. All the parties to the game remained an hour or more after its conclusion, Webb drinking frequently; then all left except Webb, who remained alone with witness. Webb never left the saloon from that time to the time of the shooting. Witness testified as to Webb’s condition and appearance during the day; said he looked very wild and had a jerking movement about his head, neck, and shoulders, was convulsive, and breathed hard. Witness testified that after the preliminary examination he went with By Terrill and Frank Manny to the saloon to make an examination for drugs. They washed out several empty bottles and one bottle that contained something that Page had used to put in liquor; what it was he did not know. When they emptied it out and washed the bottle, he told Terrill and Manny that it was not right. He testified that certain vials and small bottles shown him looked like those which Page had used to fix up liquors with.
This witness suffered considerably in the hands of W. E. Stanley, attorney for State, on cross-examination. His attention was called to statements he had made before Justice Boyer at the preliminary examination in direct contradiction to his present statements. These contra-dictions witness explained by saying he had been advised by certain friends of Page that if he told anything he knew about these transactions in the saloon they would let Webb go and send witness up; that from those threats and the general excitement he was afraid to tell all he knew about that saloon.
Further testimony for the defense from Burt Covert, G. L. Walker, James Fahey, P. Hill, A. H. Green, R. F. Baldwin, Ed. Bedilion, and Dr. W. R. Davis corroborated Herndon in relation to the wild and insane appearance, the convulsive twitching movements of the throat, head, and shoulders of the defendant immediately before and subsequent to the shooting; also showed the finding of some small bottles and vials in the counter used by Page in his saloon; that these vials were taken from the counter sometime after the shooting and preserved with their contents and are the same that are now exhibited in court; and the testimony of Drs. Davis, Rothrock, and Furley showed that these vials contained opium, nux vomica, and India hemp, and that these compounded and administered would produce the symptoms described in the defendant and would produce insanity.
The jury than examined the indentation which is apparent on defendant’s head. From inspection it appeared that a considerable portion of the skull had been formerly removed, and that the left side of the skull is pressed in upon the brain.
The medical gentlemen testified that such is a frequent cause of insanity, and that any person thus afflicted was extremely liable to mental derangement or insanity in any unusual excitement, or the excessive use of intoxicating liquors, or of such drugs as had been found in the vials.
Thursday, Friday, and a part of Saturday were occupied with the testimony for the defense. Rebutting testimony was then offered by both State and defense but was of little importance. The testimony in many important points was conflicting.
On Saturday evening the evidence was all in and the court adjourned to Monday morning, when the court will give his charge to the jury and the arguments of counsel will be heard.
On Monday morning, the 16th, the Judge gave his charge to the jury, and was followed by W. E. Stanley in the opening argument for the State. Stanley scored the defendant and many of the witnesses for the defense fearfully and evidently with great effect. His plea was long and pronounced to have been brilliant to a high degree. He was followed by Judge Coldwell for the defense. This is the latest news we get as we go to press.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 25, 1878.
Webb Acquitted.
The Webb trial is over and Mr. Webb has returned home a free man. The evidence was all in by Saturday night last, the Court read his charge for the jury. At nine o’clock Monday evening the argument was opened for the prosecution by Mr. Stanley, of Wichita, who was followed by Judge Coldwell of this city, for the defense. The judge was followed by Col. Snoddy of La Cygne and Judge H. C. Webb, of Oswego. Jas. McDermott closed for the state, and the case was submitted to the jury on Tuesday evening at two o’clock. On Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 they returned a verdict of “not guilty,” which makes Mr. Webb a free man.
Owing to the large volume of evidence taken in the case, we are unable to give it to our readers this week, but will devote most of our space next week to giving it and the charge to the jury by the Court. We congratulate Mr. Webb and his family upon his acquittal. Telegram.
Winfield Courier, October 10, 1878.
Council Proceedings.
City Council met in council chamber Monday evening, October 7, 1878. Present: J. B. Lynn, mayor, and Councilmen Gulley, Manning, Robinson, and Wood; N. C. Coldwell, city attorney; and J. P. Short, clerk.
A committee of three, consisting of Messrs. Wood, Robinson, and Manning, was appointed to confer with the Board of County Commissioners in relation to deeding the county jail building and the county purchasing balance of block on which the courthouse stands and improving the same.
The following bills were allowed:
Walck & Co., for laying cross-walks: $37.90
Harter & Speed, livery: $8.40
J. F. Short, city clerk: $5.00
Ed. Nicholson, special police: $5.00
John Weatherspoon, special police: $5.00
Maggie E. Page, office rent: $30.00
E. S. Bedilion, District Clerk’s fees: $3.00
On motion, Council adjourned.
J. B. LYNN, Mayor.
Attest: J. P. SHORT, City Clerk.
Winfield Courier, January 2, 1879.
Listed as a Courier Advertiser:
COLDWELL & COLDWELL are a law firm of high character and reliability. The elder has been on the supreme bench in Texas and both are fine speakers and attentive to the business entrusted to them.
Winfield Courier, January 2, 1879.
Mayor.—J. B. Lynn.
Police Judge.—W. M. Boyer.
Members of the Council.—T. C. Robinson, G. W. Cully, H. C. Manning, H. Jochems, C. M. Wood.
Clerk.—J. P. Short.
Treasurer.—J. C. McMullen.
City Attorney.—N. C. Coldwell.
Marshal.—C. C. Stevens.
Winfield Courier, February 12, 1879.
Judge C. Coldwell, who was taken ill while in Topeka last week, is much better, having returned home last Saturday, accompanied by Mrs. Coldwell.
Winfield Courier, March 20, 1879.
WINFIELD, KANS., March 17, 1879.
Council met at the usual place and hour, C. M. Wood, President of Council, in chair; Councilmen Gully, Jochems, Manning, and Robinson; J. P. Short, clerk, and N. C. Coldwell, city attorney, present.
The Governor’s proclamation making Winfield a city of the second class was then read, after which a petition of some ninety citizens in opposition to changing the class of the city was read; and Mr. Manning moved that the prayer of the petitioners be granted. The matter was discussed by Councilman Manning and H. E. Asp and J. E. Allen, citizens, for, and N. C. Coldwell, Col. Alexander, and M. G. Troup, against. The roll being called the vote stood as follows: Yes—Jochems and Manning. Nay—Gully, Robinson, and Wood.
On motion of Robinson, the clerk was instructed to spread the Governor’s proclamation on the Record.
Ordinance No. 84, dividing the city into two wards, was then passed.
Action was taken on the following bills.
J. Hoenscheidt, establishing grade, $10,00, referred to Finance committee.
J. P. Short, taking census, $9.00.
C. C. Stevens, city marshal, $40.00.
John Beckem, removing nuisance, $1.25.
James Walsh, laying crosswalk, $10.00.
All allowed and ordered paid.
On motion Council adjourned to 24th inst.
C. M. WOOD, Acting Mayor.
Attest: J. P. SHORT, Clerk.
Whereas, It appears from a certificate of the Mayor and Council of the city of Winfield, in the county of Cowley, and State of Kansas, duly authenticated by the clerk of said city under the seal thereof, and bearing date February 19th, 1879, which has been duly filed in this Department, that the said city of Winfield, in the said county of Cowley, and State of Kansas, has attained a population of over two thousand and not exceeding fifteen thousand; and
Whereas, the Mayor and Council of said city of Winfield, have duly made out and transmitted to the undersigned an accurate description by metes and bounds of all the lands included within the limits of said city and the additions thereto;
Now, therefore, I, John P. St. John, Governor of the State of Kansas, in pursuance of the statute in such case made and provided, do hereby declare and proclaim said city of Winfield, in said county of Cowley, and State of Kansas, subject to the provisions of an act entitled “An act to incorporate cities of the second class and to repeal former acts,” approved February 28th, 1872.
In testimony whereof I have hereunto subscribed my name and caused to be affixed the great seal of the State.
[SEAL] Done at the Executive Department, Topeka, Kansas, this 27th day of February, 1879.
By the Governor: JOHN P. ST. JOHN.
JAMES SMITH, Secretary of State.
Winfield Courier, April 3, 1879.
WINFIELD, KANS., March 24, 1879.
To Hon. J. B. Lynn, Mayor of the city of Winfield.
The undersigned would respectfully submit herewith his report of his receipts and disbursements as Treasurer of the City of Winfield up to the present date as shown by the enclosed itemized statement.
May 8, 1878. To cash rec’d of J. C. Fuller, former Treasurer: $750.21
May 13, 1878. To License, J. Likowski: $300.00
Sept., 1878. To cash of T. H. Bryan: $144.80
Oct. 13, 1878. To cash, J. Reynolds for pest house: $60.00
Jan. 13, 1879. To cash, N. C. Coldwell, City Attorney: $95.80
Feb. 6, 1879. To cash, Co. Treasurer, sidewalk tax: $223.53
To cash from all other sources: $290.22
Total: $1,863.56
By cash paid on vouchers drawn by J. B. Lynn, Mayor, and J. P. Short, city clerk: $1,864.28
Leaving a deficiency in the Treasury of $.72.
City Treasurer.
I hereby certify the above to be a true and correct copy of the city treasurers report as filed in my office the 24th day of March, 1879. J. P. SHORT, City Clerk.
At the regular council meeting, March 24th, the clerk was instructed to examine the itemized report and vouchers accompanying the above, and if found correct to certify to the same, and publish it, with a synopsis of the report, which is given below, the fully itemized accounts of which are on file in my office and open to the inspection of anyone interested. The following are the principal receipts and expenditures not specified above.
License, Saloon: $900.00
License, Billiards and ten-pins: $67.50
License, Concerts, shows, etc.: $54.00
License, Auctioneers, peddlers, etc.: $98.75
Fines in police court: $84.00
From Brooks estate: $95.80
Small pox prevention: $587.04
Street crossings, gutter stones, etc.: $842.39
Sidewalks: $222.53
Official salaries to date: $480.00
Boarding prisoners: $64.74
Rent to date: $51.00
The unpaid salaries, rent, and other expenses will probably increase the total expenditures for the year ending March 31st, 1879, to $2,000. There are outstanding at this date unpaid city warrants to the amount of $100.15. All of which is respectfully submitted.
J. P. SHORT, City Clerk.
Winfield Courier, May 22, 1879.
Mr. Will C. Root and Miss Lenora Coldwell were married on Wednesday, May 14th, at the residence of the bride’s father, in this city. Mr. Root is one of our leading businessmen and is popular with all who know him. Miss Coldwell was one of our most lively and accomplished ladies, and her many friends wish her much joy in her new relations.
The August 28, 1879, issue of the Winfield Courier had a business card for the firm of Coldwell & Coldwell (C. Coldwell and N. C. Coldwell) indicating that their office was in the Bahntge Building, South Main Street, Winfield, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, January 1, 1880.
Mrs. W. C. Root, at her residence, corner of Millington and Sixth Sts., assisted by Misses Mattie and Jennie Coldwell.
Winfield Courier, January 22, 1880.
A meeting was held at Manning’s Hall last Wednesday evening to consider a memorial to Congress asking that a right of way for a railroad be granted through the Indian Territory from Arkansas City to Fort Smith.
Mayor Lynn was called to chair and J. E. Conklin chosen secretary.
A committee, consisting of C. C. Black, C. Coldwell, W. R. Davis, J. L. Horning, and M. L. Robinson, was appointed to prepare a memorial.
Senator Hewson, of Memphis, addressed the meeting, stating the advantages and impor-ance to this section of the country of such a road.
The committee reported a memorial as follows, which was adopted, and the committee instructed to procure signatures and forward.
“The undersigned citizens of Cowley county, in the state of Kansas, would respectfully represent, that this county and the adjacent counties of Kansas are producers of corn, wheat, oats, hay, hogs, and cattle; and that they have large quantities of the commodities named, over and above their own requirements for market; but on account of the present condition of things they are cut off and deprived of their proper and legitimate markets, which should be Memphis, Tennessee; New Orleans, Louisiana; and Little Rock, Arkansas; and the cities and country adjacent to said city. We would further show that our country is almost wholly destitute of timber, while in the state of Arkansas, only a short distance away, there is a superabundance wasting for want of transportation.
We would further show that by building a line of railroad from the line of Kansas at or near Arkansas City, to Fort Smith in the state of Arkansas, relief from all difficulties stated would be obviated.
We would further show that on the 17th day of Dec., 1879, the Hon. H. C. Young of Tennessee, introduced House bill 3032, in which the right of way and charter for said railroad is asked and provided for, and we respectfully request the said bill be enacted into a law and the company or body corporate thereby created be authorized to build a line of railroad and telegraph upon such terms and limitations as Congress may in its wisdom provide.
And we especially solicit and request the support and influence of the Representatives and Senators from the state of Kansas and our sister states, in prefecting and passing this bill.
All of which is most respectfully submitted.”
Winfield Courier, March 11, 1880.
Winfield has just received valuable accessions to her society, professional, and business interests in the persons of Dr. S. C. Fitzgerald, Attorney W. T. Fitzgerald, and their sister, from Indianapolis, Indiana. These gentlemen are men of standing and ability and know exactly what they are about. The doctor has purchased the fine residence of Judge Coldwell, in this city, which will be his future home and that of his mother and sisters. The lawyer will purchase other property in the city, and in due time their names will be prominent in their professions in this county.
They were accompanied in their first visit to this place by their brother, N. W. Fitzgerald, editor of the National Citizen Soldier, published at Washington, D. C., with a circulation of 40,000 copies.
Winfield Courier, April 8, 1880.
Married at the residence of the bride’s father, Wednesday evening, March 24th, Rev. J. E. Platter officiating, Judge W. M. Boyer and Miss Jennie Coldwell.
The judge went about this business rather slyly, and the announcement was entirely unexpected by his friends. The bride is the eldest daughter of Hon. Colbert Coldwell, and is one of our most accomplished young ladies.
Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.
Mr. Nat Coldwell started for Anthony last Sunday, where he will throw out his shingle to the breeze. Nat is a good lawyer and is on the highway to success in the profession.
Winfield Courier, May 20, 1880.
Judge Coldwell succeeded in getting a writ of habeas corpus for Charles H. Payson, with which Payson was met at Lawrence and is now at Topeka, where his trial is in progress before the Supreme Court.
Winfield Courier, May 20, 1880.
Messrs. Webb & Coldwell desire to call the attention of the settlers of Harvey county to the fact that they can loan money at the lowest rates of interest; that they can make out filings, notices for publication, and final proof papers so that they will “stick,” and no mistake. Mr. Coldwell is a lawyer of several years’ experience, and Mr. Webb was a clerk in the Wichita land office for twelve of fifteen months, and is thoroughly posted in land matters. These gentlemen will conduct a general law, land and loan business in Anthony, and will endeavor to do justice to their patrons and clients, as well as to themselves. In a few days they will occupy their new office over A. H. Davis’ hardware store, next to the post-office. Anthony Journal.
We suppose the above refers to Linus Webb and Nat. Coldwell, young lawyers well and favorably known in this city. Success to them. [Courier.]
Winfield Courier, June 3, 1880.
Last Sunday was set apart for the ceremonies of decorating the graves of soldiers of the late war. The Winfield Rifles and St. John’s Battery managed the affair in the most creditable manner. The crowd of people at the Methodist church in the morning was so great that considerable numbers could not get admission. Rev. J. Albert Hyden delivered a very interesting and instructive commemoration sermon at the church, and after other services there, a procession was formed, which marched through the streets around to the courthouse square, where Judge C. Coldwell delivered an eloquent oration in memorial of the nation’s dead. A monument there placed was then beautifully decorated with flowers, and bouquets were strewn around by a floral committee of ten young ladies and six little girls dressed in white. The Davis cornet band and a full choir gave sweet, plaintive music to the occasion.
Representing Payson.
Judge Coldwell was still representing Payson at the time the Courier reported the following in its June 10, 1880 issue.
“On the motion for a new trial, Judge Coldwell presented this state of facts to the judge in a forcible though courteous manner, as reason why a new trial should be granted, stating he hoped tht Judge Campbell would not, by refusing this motion, put himself on record as asserting the right of a court to take the place of a prosecutor, and cross-examine a witness in that way, hitherto unheard of in the jurisprudence of this county.
“Campbell answered that it had been practiced by the English judges, to which Judge Coldwell replied, ‘Not for the last 196 years.’
“This in open court was ‘thrust into Campbell’s face’ in a more incisive manner than any newspaper could have done it, yet Judge Coldwell was not fined for contempt, and why? Because he was not opposing the re-election of Campbell. The COURIER was, had men-tioned that Campbell cross-questioned a witness for about an hour, and insisted that Torrance was the main prosecutor. It was fined for opposing Campbell’s re-election and for nothing else.”
Winfield Courier, June 17, 1880.
Judge Coldwell is now associated in the law business with Messrs. Boyer and Burlingame. This will make the strongest kind of a law firm.
Office in the Page Building. Collections a specialty.
Winfield Courier, July 22, 1880.
Judge C. Coldwell has been brought forward by his friends as a candidate for the office of Probate Judge. We are informed that if the Republican Convention should tender him the nomination, he will accept.
Judge Coldwell was defeated in his attempt to win the office of Probate Judge. H. D. Gans was re-elected.
Winfield Courier, August 5, 1880.
On the first day of August 1834 the slaves in all the British colonies were emancipated, and last Monday the colored people of the Arkansas Valley celebrated the event in Winfield.
There were about 300 colored people present, mainly from Winfield, Wichita, Wellington, and Arkansas City.
Williamson Thomas was the president of the day; L. C. Scott was grand marshal; Wm. Brown and Carter, assistant marshals, and John Turner, Carter, and Brown the committee on arrangements.
A procession, led by the colored band of martial music, was formed at the Santa Fe depot and marched to the ground, Frank Manny’s garden and park, where the Rev. Weir made an introductory address, and Rev. Daily made the opening prayer.
Judge Coldwell was the orator of the day and made an eloquent and appropriate address, which was listened to attentively and broadly applauded by his appreciative hearers. After the address a banquet was served, at which Judge Coldwell and the county commissioners were honored guests.
In the evening the religious part of the company held an entertainment at the courthouse and the others held a ball at Manning’s Opera House. Both parties were conducted pleasantly and were highly enjoyed.
There are about 125 colored people in Winfield of whom about 50 are exodusters. The latter have plenty of work, are doing well, and feel that they have escaped untold barbarities. The colored people here are generally good citizens and industrious.
Winfield Courier, August 26, 1880.
Judge Coldwell makes a bitter attack on W. P. Hackney in Tuesday’s daily Telegram. In his preface he says: “Mr. Millington refuses to publish it because it gives a true record of Mr. Hackney.” This statement misrepresents what we said to him. He told us that it was a reply to insinuations against himself, but contained a terrible indictment against Hackney, or words to that effect. We told him to consider his article declined; that while we would cheerfully publish for him anything personal to himself, we would not use our columns to publish attacks on Republican nominees.
Taking out the sensational and the wholesale and indefinite charges of malice, mendacity, cowardice, despicable scoundrel, etc., terms which angry men can throw at the best with perfect ease, there is left nothing new in this “terrible indictment.” It simply charges that his record as a Republican is defective, and then is extremely sensational over a dictum of the Illinois Supreme Court in a case ten or twelve years ago in which Hackney was not a party and had no opportunity to defend his acts. If he committed any crime or became liable for any sum of money, he has been here all these years holding considerable property, and his location has all this time been well known by all who knew him in Illinois. Why have they not closed in upon his property? Why has he not been arrested and taken to Illinois for trial? The terrible indictment looks rather thin.
Winfield Courier, September 2, 1880.
“From my soul I pity Mr. Millington. I know that his better nature revolts at the dirty work required of him. I pity the sorrows of a poor old man who is trembling for his postoffice.”
Judge C. Coldwell in the Telegram.
The venerable Judge has a very “sore head,” sore all over, so sore that he forgets his dignity and steals and fires at us some of the wit and low slang that Allison invented and has already discharged at us two or three times. If the judge would do no dirtier work than to support Republican nominees, if he could get his head cured, if he suffered no more from sensibility than we, and if the danger of a change in the post office did not worry him more than it does us, he would be infinitely happier than he appears to be at present.
We will just here give notice to the great judge, that we are running this thing in Cowley county and that if he or Bill Hackney or any other person wants a post office change, he will do well to first find out whether we approve of it or not. We are not given to boasting of what we can do, so our readers must excuse us this once and consider that we are dealing with one who is gifted in that line.
Judge Coldwell handed us a reply to our article headed “Coldwell vs. Hackney,” which we intended to publish but he has rendered it stale by publishing its substance in the Telegram. He says the Illinois Supreme Court opinion was not a mere dictum so far as it referred to Hackney, as we represented it, but a judgment of the court. We answer that the issue was between two other parties as to title to real estate, which Hackney claimed no interest in, and therefore did not answer or defend. The court probably found the allegations of the petition true because not disputed, and we insist that it was mere dictum so far as Hackney was concerned.
And now we will put Judge Coldwell before his head was sore, against Judge Coldwell with a sore head in relation to this same matter, and will ask him some questions, the affirmative of which we expect to prove if he denies.
Did you, while a candidate for nomination as probate judge, tell many different persons at different times that you would support Hackney for Senator? Did you then tell Hackney that you had examined that Illinois Supreme Court matter, and that there was nothing in it? That there was no good reason why he should not be elected senator, and that you would support him and vote for him?
Did you say this believing you were telling the truth? Did you say this for the purpose of securing the support of, or to silence the opposition to you, of Hackney and his friends? Did you while a candidate for that nomination make a speech at the Opera House, in which you promised to support the whole ticket, and did you not afterward say that you meant the promise to include Hackney? Was it not your defeat in that nomination which made your head so sore? Was it not that which soured you on most of your old friends here? Did not that defeat so effect your once strong mind, now weakened by extreme age and blinded by rage, that you have forgotten your former dignity and chivalry and are severing your late statements and promises?
Truly may we:
“Pity the sorrows of a poor old man
Whose trembling limbs have brought him to our door.”
Before this we have treated Judge Coldwell with courteous respect and have had a right to expect from him the same, but we now answer him according to the case he makes.
Winfield Courier, September 9, 1880.
Judge Coldwell thinks it terribly mean for Hackney or anyone else to write to Texas inquiring about the standing of the Judge in his old “stamping ground,” but Hackney does not seem to feel any alarm when anyone writes to Illinois for his record. All his old Illinois acquaintances seem to feel just as John Adams does. Hear him.
(MAPLE TOWNSHIP, Cowley Co., Kansas, Sept. 6th, 1880. )
EDS. COURIER: On last Friday two men called at my home in my absence, and inquired for me, saying that they had learned that I was from Logan County, Illinois, and knew W. P. Hackney, and that they wanted to get an affidavit from me as to the bad character of Mr. Hackney in Illinois. They left leaving word for me to go down to Seeley, and they would leave an affidavit for me to sign, there. Now I will inform those gentry that I knew Mr. Hackney well at his old home in Illinois, and that if these gentlemen stood half as well in Kansas as he does in Illinois, they would be in better business than they are. I will support Mr. Hackney for the State Senate, as will all his old acquaintances from Illinois, the slime of the mud-slingers to the contrary notwithstanding.
Winfield Courier, September 23, 1880.
Judge Coldwell has gone into the boot and shoe business at McPherson. The judge is one of the best informed men in the state.
Winfield Courier, January 6, 1881.
Miss Mattie Coldwell, of McPherson, is visiting her friends in Winfield. Her sister, Mrs. W. C. Root, is with her father and mother at McPherson. Mr. Root left yesterday for that town.
Winfield Courier, January 13, 1881.
Miss Mattie Coldwell, of McPherson, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Judge Boyer.
Winfield Courier, May 5, 1881.
Judge Coldwell is in town, and will spend several days in visiting with his daughters. He seems as hale and hearty as ever.
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
Miss Mattie Coldwell came down from McPherson last week and will spend the winter in Winfield. This will be gratifying news to her many friends in this city.
Winfield Courier, March 29, 1883.
Judge Coldwell has been spending a week with us.The Judge retains good health and the same genial, companionable qualities which distinguished him while a resident of our city.
Some Information on Coldwell Family.
Judge Colbert Coldwell was born May 16, 1822, in Shelbyville, Tennessee. He married Martha J. Michie in 1847. They had eight children with five surviving. He died April 18, 1892, in Fresno, California, and was returned to Winfield for burial in Union Cemetery.
Mrs. Judge (Martha J.) Coldwell was born August 9, 1826, in Lawrence County, Tennes-see. She died February 10, 1895, and is buried in Union Cemetery.
The six children were Nat. C. Coldwell, William Coldwell, P. V. Coldwell, Jennie (Jeanette) Coldwell, Leonora Coldwell, and Mrs J. A. McCain.
W. C. Root, age 27, married Leonora Coldwell, age 22, on May 14, 1879 (book B, page 132.) Leonora died in 1886. They had two children: Colbert Coldwell, and a daughter who married J. O. Strother.
W. M. Boyer, age 41, married Jennie Coldwell, age 25, on March 31, 1880 (book B. Page 241). The Courier of March 18, 1886, stated that he died at McPherson, Kansas, and is buried at Union Cemetery.
W. C. Root, age 38, married Jennie Coldwell Boyer, age 35, on June 24, 1890. (Book F. Page 63.) Jennie was born in Arkansas and died January 24, 1907, and is buried in Union Cemetery.
W. C. Root was born in Castleton, Vermont, on December 18, 1851. He is a graduate of the Boston High schools. He came to Winfield in 1881 and established the W. C. Root shoe store.