J. E. & R. R. Conklin
Winfield, Kansas.
Winfield 1880: J. E. Conklin, 39; R. R. Conklin, 22. Mother of J. E. and R. R. Conklin (Mrs. Julia L. Conklin, age 60) lives in same residence as her sons.
CONKLIN, JOS. E. (Editor Monitor and proprietor), r. Millington w. s. bet 6th and 7th avs.
Conklin, R. R., bkkpr Gilbert and Jarvis, r., Millington w. s. bet 6th and 7th avs.
Conklin, Mrs. J. L., r. Millington w. s. bet 6th and 7th avs.
COWLEY COUNTY MONITOR, Conklin Bros. publishers, office 9th av. corner Millington.
McLean, Minnie L., student, boards Mrs. J. L. Conklin.
Robinson, Q., printer, boards Mrs. J. L. Conklin.
COWLEY COUNTY MONITOR, published weekly, Conklin Bros., editors and
proprietors; 9th avenue, corner Millington.
CONKLIN, J. E., MONITOR OFFICE, 9th avenue, s. w. corner Millington.
9th avenue, s. w. corner Millington.
Conclaves the third Friday of each month, at 7:30 p.m. Hall over S. H. Myton’s store.
OFFICERS. E. C., W. G. Graham; Gen., J. L. Huey; Capt. Gen., R. D. Jillson; Prelate, Rev. J. Cairns, Treasurer, C. C. Black; Recorder, J. D. Pryor; S. W., J. E. Conklin; J. W., J. D. Pryor; S. B., J. M. Stafford; Sd. B., R. Allison; W., C. C. Black; S., J. M. Stafford.
Winfield Directory 1885.
Conklin J E, brick and stone, south end Mansfield, res 706 Millington
Conklin R R, loans etc., south end Mansfield, res 706 Millington
Hunt Fred C, clerk, Jarvis, Conklin & Co., res 1220 Menor
Jarvis, Conklin & Co., real estate and farm loan, 1001 Main
Jarvis J E, real estate examiner, 1001 Main, res 1302 Menor
Rowland J C, clerk, Jarvis, Conklin & Co., res 618 e 7th
NOTE: The location of the Conklin Building, built by J. E. Conklin, is very important to Winfield history. See items below.
Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.
Joe Conklin is busy tearing away the Bliss storeroom, one of the oldest landmarks of the city. It will give place to a handsome new building.
Winfield is to have another new business building this spring. J. E. Conklin will erect a brick storeroom eighty feet deep on the site of the old Bliss storeroom, next to Baird’s. The building, when finished, will be occupied by Hendricks & Wilson’s hardware store.
NOTE: In May 1884 Read and Robinson purchased the J. E. Conklin building...
Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.
M. L. Read and M. L. Robinson have purchased from J. E. Conklin the lot and building now being occupied by Hendricks & Wilson’s hardware store. The consideration was eight thousand dollars.
The First National Bank was organized on June 25, 1884, thus succeeding the following entity: “M. L. Read’s Bank. This bank remained at its original location on the west side of Main Street for a number of years after organization.
Location: 903 Main.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 29, 1879.
The material for the new paper, which is to be started at Winfield, has arrived. Conklin Bros. are the editors and proprietors.
Winfield Courier, February 6, 1879.
The first number of the Winfield Semi-Weekly is before us. It is a four-page paper of four and a half columns to the page, is published by Conklin Brothers, and presents a very creditable appearance. The publishers promise, as soon as they can get the paper of the right size, to make it six columns to the page. We observe that our businessmen have started it with a very liberal amount of advertisements and evidently intend to give it a generous support.
Winfield Courier, April 24, 1879.
Under this head the Semi-Weekly dishes up a column and a half editorial to prove that the county ought at once to go to a large expense in building additions to, and in remodeling the courthouse.
It says that “whoever is responsible for building the courthouse where it is, with a swamp between it and the business portion of the town, demonstrates his unfitness to be entrusted with public interests, and has a small soul; that “Winfield has in days gone by been cursed by incapacity and cupidity;” that the courthouse, the schoolhouse, and the lost bridge “are the ear marks that indicate jobbery and rascality, “the indubitable evidences of “gigantic fraud” in those responsible for their construction.
About three months ago the editors of the Semi-Weekly came to this place utter strangers to the people of this city and county and found the city so prosperous and promising, the result of the labor and exertions of its earlier citizens, that they concluded to establish themselves here and reap a part of the harvest these earlier citizens had sown. Finding that in their gleanings they did not at first accumulate sheaves very rapidly, they concluded that the fault must be in the rascality and incapacity of those whose labor sowed the seed, and hence, we have this wholesale attack upon our best and most valued citizens.
The persons who projected and carried out the building of the courthouse and jail were W. H. H. Maris, then Mayor; S. C. Smith, R. B. Saffold, C. A. Bliss, H. S. Silver, J. D. Cochran, S. Darrah, then councilmen; J. M. Alexander, city attorney; Frank Cox, of Richland, John D. Maurer of Dexter, and O. C. Smith, of Cresswell, county commissioners.
Fifty-eight leading men of Winfield were most active in this matter and guaranteed the title to the courthouse ground and many prominent men of the county approved the measure.
The persons who projected and carried out the building of the schoolhouse were John B. Fairbank, District Clerk, J. D. Cochran, Director, S. H. Myton, Treasurer, and some others.
J. P. Short was the trustee and O. F. Boyle the treasurer by whom the contract to build the bridge was let, and during most of its construction, and H. S. Silver, E. S. Bedilion, and B. F. Baldwin were the township officers who made the final settlement with the contractors.
Here we have an array of names honored in this community, names of men never before charged with rascality and incapacity, men in whom we older settlers believe and trust and yet the sages of Mt. Pulaski in three short months have seen through all these men and found them guilty of incapacity, unfitness, jobbery, rascality, and gigantic fraud.
It may be that these gushing freshmen meant to attach these pet words to other than those mentioned above, to the members of the “Old Town Company, or rather Town Association,” for instance. If that is the case, the records are open to inspection and we state distinctly that no member of the Winfield Town Association had any connection whatever with the building of the courthouse except to give a deed of the half block of land on which it stands to the county, and two lots on which the jail stands to the city, (all they ever agreed or were ever expected to give) in compliance with the bargain between the city council and county commissioners, that the county should build a courthouse and the city a jail in which the county should have a right to keep prisoners. One of them protested against the building of the courthouse.
One member of that Association, Fuller, was district treasurer when the contract for building the schoolhouse was let, but Myton succeeded him before the work commenced.
The original plan of the schoolhouse was made by John B. Fairbank, District Clerk, who requested Millington to help him in drafting and making specifications and estimates, which he did, but that plan was finally widely departed from in the construction, and therefore Millington is not entitled to a particle of the credit of that structure.
Millington only, of that Association, had anything to do with the letting of the contract and building of the bridge. He was temporarily the township clerk at that time and claims his share of the credit with his colleagues, Short and Boyle, and with other leading men of the town.
We challenge Mr. Conklin or anyone else to show that any member of the Town Association had any connection whatever with the building of either of these three structures except as above specified.
Now as relates to these three structures, built at that early day when there were no civil engineers or architects within reach and to procure such would cost such large sums, when everything was high and hard to get and when our citizens were beset by every kind of hardship and discouragement, we think these structures, though not beautiful nor even sufficiently substantial, were very creditable monuments to their enterprise and energy, the terrible denunciations of our neighbors notwithstanding.
Now, Mr. Semi-Weekly man, we expect you, we challenge you to state precisely what were the “gigantic frauds,” the jobberies and rascalities, which you charge in such sweeping and general terms, as to stigmatize the whole community at that time. Be specific and give the names of those who perpetrated them. If either of the gentlemen we have named, or any other citizen is guilty, give us the name and make specific charges against him that he may have a chance to defend himself. Then no longer make assassin and cowardly attacks in the dark, calculated to bring odium upon almost every man of note in the city without giving anyone an excuse for defending himself.
It is a very poor way to secure the desired additions to the courthouse to endeavor by misrepresentations and charges of fraud against the entire business population of Winfield and thereby making Winfield odious to the people of the county.
If you really desire the improvement you advocate, we would suggest that you examine the records of the past and give the facts.
Winfield Courier, May 8, 1879.
Bills of Conklin Bros. of $53.76, and Allison & Crapster of $54.75, for city printing, presented and referred to committee on Finance.
Winfield Courier, June 5, 1879.
The meeting to devise ways and means for celebrating the “Glorious Fourth,” met at the office of Chas. Payson and organized by electing J. Conklin, chairman, and E. P. Greer, secretary. The following committees were appointed.
Arrangements: Messrs. Rogers, Manning, and Wm. Robinson.
Programme: Messrs. Kinne, Troup, and Jennings.
Invitations: Messrs. Allison, Conklin, and Millington.
Music: Messrs. Buckman, Crippen, and Wilkinson.
Let the different committees go to work and let us have a grand, old-fashioned time.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 2, 1879.
The Semi-Weekly boils at the thought of ten thousand dollars for a public school building for the city of Winfield, and says that if you want to stop emigration, commence to vote bonds! You see, Brother Conklin, we are none of us selfish. It would hurt the city of Winfield to vote her into debt, but to create a debt to build another courthouse for the people of Cowley to pay is really a pretty thing. No, don’t give ten thousand dollars for that schoolhouse to enlighten and ennoble the minds of countless numbers who are soon to make our laws and fill public places, but put the money into the courthouse and make cells and chains to protect society.
Winfield Courier, July 10, 1879.
ED. COMMONWEALTH:—The first settlers came into Cowley County in 1869. I cannot ascertain the exact time. Its growth and development has been marvelous. I shall only give your readers a few statistics of 1879 to sustain my assertions.
The newspapers are four in number, the Courier, Telegram (weekly and daily), and the Semi-Weekly. The Courier is the old reliable stand-by of the people, and is edited by Mr. Millington, P. M.—“which means Postmaster;” The Daily Telegram is of recent birth, but is well supported by the city. The Conklin Bros. run the other sheet, and have not been in the business long.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 16, 1879.
The firm of Turner Bros., who lately came from Lincoln, Illinois, and started in business at Winfield, have failed, and Sheriff Harter now has charge of their stock. It begins to look as if somebody besides the mechanics couldn’t make a living in the “boss town in the southwest.” How is it, Conklin?
Note: There were three Conklin brothers originally. Next item indicates that the third brother (P. J. Conklin) went to Kingman County to start a newspaper...
Arkansas City Traveler, August 6, 1879.
We are informed that Mr. Joe Conklin has purchased his brother’s interest in the Winfield Semi-Weekly, and that P. J. Conklin has gone to Kingman County, there to engage in the newspaper business.
Winfield Courier, August 28, 1879.
Conklin credits Wirt Walton with the brains of the Superintendent’s office. As Conklin boasts of his own brains, this is rather a back handed compliment on Wirt. We hope Wirt furnishes something better.
Winfield Courier, August 28, 1879.
A commandery of Knight Templars was instituted in this city, last evening, starting out with the following charter members, comprising some of the best citizens of this city, Oxford, and Arkansas City: John D. Pryor, W. G. Graham, Robt. Allison, Joseph Conklin, Chas. C. Black, S. P. Channell, K. F. Smith, Jas. L. Huey, Jas. Ridenour, A. J. Chapel, Benj. F. Smith, Ansel Gridley, Jas. M. Stafford, R. D. Jillson, A. A. Newman, J. Cairns.
The Commandery will work under dispensation, with the following officers.
E. Commander, W. G. Graham; Generalissimo, Jas. Huey; Captain General, R. D. Jillson; Prelate, Rev. J. Cairns.
Winfield Courier, September 25, 1879.
G. M. Miller beats old Sellers himself in selling sells. He sells bare meat as well as beef and pork, and sells Conklin and our Local. The latter won’t eat hog, but is fond of bear.
Winfield Courier, November 6, 1879.
It is not quite clear yet whether that “foul whiskey breath” belongs to Conklin or Finch.
Winfield Courier, January 22, 1880.
A meeting was held at Manning’s Hall last Wednesday evening to consider a memorial to Congress asking that a right of way for a railroad be granted through the Indian Territory from Arkansas City to Fort Smith.
Mayor Lynn was called to chair and J. E. Conklin chosen secretary.
A committee, consisting of C. C. Black, C. Coldwell, W. R. Davis, J. L. Horning, and M. L. Robinson, was appointed to prepare a memorial.
Senator Hewson, of Memphis, addressed the meeting, stating the advantages and importance to this section of the country of such a road.
The committee reported a memorial as follows, which was adopted, and the committee instructed to procure signatures and forward.
“The undersigned citizens of Cowley County, in the state of Kansas, would respectfully represent, that this county and the adjacent counties of Kansas are producers of corn, wheat, oats, hay, hogs, and cattle; and that they have large quantities of the commodities named, over and above their own requirements for market; but on account of the present condition of things they are cut off and deprived of their proper and legitimate markets, which should be Memphis, Tennessee; New Orleans, Louisiana; and Little Rock, Arkansas; and the cities and country adjacent to said city. We would further show that our country is almost wholly destitute of timber, while in the state of Arkansas, only a short distance away, there is a superabundance wasting for want of transportation.
We would further show that by building a line of railroad from the line of Kansas at or near Arkansas City, to Fort Smith in the state of Arkansas, relief from all difficulties stated would be obviated.
We would further show that on the 17th day of Dec., 1879, the Hon. H. C. Young of Tennessee, introduced House bill 3032, in which the right of way and charter for said railroad is asked and provided for, and we respectfully request the said bill be enacted into a law and the company or body corporate thereby created be authorized to build a line of railroad and telegraph upon such terms and limitations as Congress may in its wisdom provide.
And we especially solicit and request the support and influence of the Representatives and Senators from the state of Kansas and our sister states, in perfecting and passing this bill.
All of which is most respectfully submitted.”
Unknown when change took place in name of Newspaper. By February 1880 the paper produced by the two Conklin brothers was known as the Cowley County Monitor.
Winfield Courier, February 19, 1880.
Old Mrs. Clarke, who lives on Posey Creek, in Pleasant Valley township, was arrested last Saturday on complaint of Charles H. Payson, charged with having committed adultery with a man named McCrate. The case was tried before ’Squire Boyer, and was the most disgusting affair that ever encumbered the docket of a criminal court. If one-half the facts that come to our ears are true (and the neighbors seem to think they are), this Clarke outfit ought to be drummed out of the community. COURIER.
The above is a sample of the fairness of the COURIER. Here is a woman who trusted all the money she had to Payson, and he converted it to his own use, and because she prosecuted and had him disbarred for it, he got up this charge against her. She was tried before a jury of twelve men, good men, everyone of them, and they found her not guilty, and that the complaint was malicious. Why is it that the COURIER is ever defending such men as Payson, and assaulting poor, ignorant, and defenseless people like this unfortunate woman? It can only be accounted for upon the theory, that “birds of a feather flock together.” If this poor woman is to be drummed out of the community for merely being charged with the crime of adultery, what shall be done with the man who robs her? The COURIER is quick to assault Mrs. Clarke, but its columns are closed to anything reflecting upon Payson, who took advantage of her. Monitor.
The idea that the above item was calculated to “defend Payson,” is simply absurd, and will not receive a second thought at the hands of sensible men. If he has defrauded this woman out of her money, he is no less guilty than if he had stolen from respectable people. Of the Clarke outfit, we have but few words to say. From the admission of parties, this man McCrate was once the husband of Mrs. Clarke, and is the father of several of her children. He still lives with them, apparently master of the premises, although he is passed off as a brother-in-law. Mr. Clarke is a decrepit old man, nearly deaf, and easily imposed upon. These simple facts, even if they were not backed up by evidence of a nature too revolting to appear in print, would be enough to brand them as the lowest of the low. Numbers of the best citizens of Pleasant Valley township have, during the past three weeks, complained to us of the Clarke’s; but we have refrained from speaking of the matter until convinced that the community would be better off without them. Brother Conklin is in poor business when he puts this outfit up as a picture of “injured innocence,” and installs himself as their champion. If he needs must have some subject at which to direct the effervescence of a too fertile brain, we would humbly suggest that he give us a few “grammatical criticisms.” They would at most be harmless and equally as foolish.
Reference made to change of name to Monitor in next article...
Winfield Courier, February 26, 1880.
Correspondents from this part of the county have from time to time sent items to the Semi-Weekly for publication that have deserved severe criticism, but the citizens who feel an interest in the new town, Torrance, thought it best to let it go—envy would punish itself. But that of the 7th contained three significant articles, one a correspondence, and two editorials which are a libel on both country and people. I do not own a foot of land in Cowley County, and don’t know that I ever shall; but being an old settler and throughly acquainted with both people and country, no wonder my sympathies are identified with their interests, and it is with no little interest that I have watched the progress of Torrance, and our neighboring towns, Burden and Cambridge.
I have often heard it repeated, “but now is the times that try men’s souls”; but now is the time that tries men’s principles; but fortunately, too, many in this county know how the sanction of the railroad company was obtained in favor of Burden and Cambridge. It was through deception, fraud, and misrepresentation, and when the editor of the Monitor, as it is now called, devotes his columns to the prosperity of such ill-born schemes, he gives a flat contradiction to the editorial entitled “Redivivns,” and is also injuring the circulation of his paper, which is to be regretted on account of its sound republican principles. He has too fine a talent to be used in an undertaking that can certainly do him no good. Notwithstanding all this Torrance is going ahead, and will make a good town without a switch; though the people are not without hope and prospect of getting a switch and depot. E. M.
Winfield Courier, February 26, 1880.
“We would like to speak of each and every one of the characters in the ‘Spy’ could we spare the space, as all deserve mention. Leland J. Webb as ‘Albert Morton,’ D. L. Kretsinger as ‘Charles Morton,’ Burt Covert as ‘Uncle Tom,’ George Buckman as ‘Farmer Morton,’ Master George Black as ‘Little Willie,’ and J. E. Conklin as ‘Col. Orr,’ deserve special mention. Miss Florence Beeney as ‘Mrs. Morton’ did splendidly; Miss Emma Himbaugh as ‘Nelly,’ was a general favorite; and Miss Jennie Hane, as ‘Mrs. Anna Morton’ looked the perfect picture of a brave and loyal farmer’s wife.”
Arkansas City Traveler, March 10, 1880.
Mr. R. R. Conklin now occupies the position of associate editor on the Monitor staff.
Winfield Courier, March 25, 1880.
Mr. Roland Conklin started for Elk and Chautauqua counties Tuesday, in the interest of Gilbert & Jarvis. He will be absent several days.
Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.
QUERY: How would the gentlemen who put in their little mite to procure a keg of lager beer to stimulate the muscles to increased action when putting down the Odd Fellows’ carpet, like to step in on house-cleaning day and find their wives, with a few special friends, seated around the beer keg, laughing and joking while partaking of this “strength giving beverage?”
Most certainly what is right for the gentlemen is right for the ladies; therefore, when these zephyrs die away, we propose to have a grand reception at our house. The principal amusement will be the manipulation of the broom, mopstick, and carpet stretcher.
The principal refreshment will be foaming, sparkling, lager beer. All the ladies may consider themselves invited.
Winfield Odd Fellows must be physically a weak set of men, and we would commend them to the charity of the physicians of the city.
We are sorry to see that Bro. Conklin has so far forgotten his duty to his brothers as to tell tales out of school, and we fear he must have sampled the “tipple” himself.
We can’t see how it is rough on D. C. B., as it is reported he was out of town that evening. AUNT CATHARINE.
Comments made by one of the press at the Arkansas Valley Press Association meeting held in Winfield...
Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.
“At Winfield the military company and Winfield cornet band waited at the depot from 9 to 11, and failing to get word of our whereabouts, disbanded. Reaching there about noon, ’busses and carriages were soon filled, and we were whirled to our various destinations in different parts of their beautiful city. Ourself and wife were assigned to the home of the Conklin Bros., of the Monitor, whose mother entertained us right royally and in true English style. After a refreshing face bath followed by an excellent dinner, we were driven to the Opera House, where the association assembled for business, the details of which we will leave for the secretary’s report.
“During the afternoon all who wished were given a steamboat excursion on the river, which proved very enjoyable. At the close of the afternoon session, carriages were provided and a pleasant ride around the city given to all who desired. The evening session was held at the sanctum of Bro. Millington, of the Courier, after which all repaired to the dress ball, complementaries to which had been given by Bro. Conklin during the afternoon. The ‘beauty and the chivalry’ of Winfield were out in force, about one hundred participants taking part. It was one of the most enjoyable events of the kind it was ever our good fortune to attend. Previous to the ball Bro. Allison, of the Telegram, distributed with a lavish hand complementaries to the banquet, and at low twelve all repaired to the Central, where long lines of tables, loaded with every delicacy, awaited the throng. Prof. Lemmon was master of ceremonies, and in a very happy manner did he conduct them. Maj. Anderson ‘carved dat possum’ as he only can.
Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.
The entertainment of the association by the citizens of Winfield was elaborate. No expense, time, or trouble was spared to make the occasion the happiest and most enjoyable since the inauguration of their quarterly meetings. The work of entertaining was not left alone to the committees, but each citizen appeared to make the day a pleasant one for visitors. Winfield is a city of 3,000 or 3,500 inhabitants, beautifully located in the Walnut valley, surrounded on the north, west, and south by timber and on the east by a range of hills and mounds. The town is built on a slight elevation, just enough to make the drainage good. It has two railroads, the A., T. & S. F., and the K. C., L. & S.; three newspapers, the Daily Telegram, W. M. Allison, editor; the Monitor, J. E. Conklin, editor, and the COURIER, D. A. Millington, editor.
Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.
Allison is awful smart. His head will surely “bust” if he does not quit doing so much thinking and investigating about how political slates are made up. He has discovered a dreadful mare’s nest in this city, and has got almost everybody into it. He sat up seven nights to study up a history of how the Monitor came to name three or four persons for certain offices and how the COURIER came to name three other persons for three other offices. The result of his moonlight researches appeared in an editorial yesterday morning. He has since suffered an excruciating headache and has not been expected to live.
Stanley Conklin, another brother of J. E. and R. R., visits them from Atchison...
Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.
Mr. Stanley Conklin came down from Atchison last week, and spent Sunday with his mother and brothers of this city. Stanley is a pleasant, intelligent gentleman, and brim full of those pleasant, social traits which distinguish the family.
R. R. Conklin becomes member of firm: Gilbert, Jarvis & Co...
Winfield Courier, May 6, 1880.
Mr. R. R. Conklin has been admitted as a member of the firm of Gilbert, Jarvis & Co. Roland is one of the few young men of our acquaintance who are perfect in all that goes toward making up a gentleman. Kind and courteous in his manner, but firm and active in business matters, he will be an honor as well as a help to the firm of which he is now a member.
Winfield Courier, May 6, 1880.
J. E. Conklin vs. M. E. Conklin; judgment for plaintiff.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 12, 1880.
Daniel Sheel has made for Mr. J. F. Knisely, of Arkansas City, the finest and most elaborate ice chest ever made in the county. It is made of native walnut, four by eight feet, and cost sixty-five dollars. Monitor.
Just so. Mr. Knisely gave Mr. Sheel an order for such an article, but when he went up after it, Mr. Knisely discovered that Daniel’s native walnut was stained pine. He then came home and gave the job to our Mr. S. W. Scott, one of the most skillful workmen in the State, who has just completed “the finest and most elaborate ice chest ever made in the county.” It is so arranged that no ice is wasted, and the necessity of a separate water cooler is obviated. It must be seen to be appreciated, and lovers of fine work are invited to step around and see a bona fide black walnut chest, of the handsomest pattern, that will cost but sixty dollars.
Winfield Courier, May 20, 1880.
Brother Conklin says his turn will come next to answer for contempt of court. We think he is safe as long as he continues to administer as much taffy as he did to Judge Campbell last week.
Winfield Courier, May 20, 1880.
The Monitor man is among the list of Campbell’s champions. Take care, Conklin. Insignificant as you are, you may yet feel the misfortune of Campbell’s protection.
Winfield Courier, May 27, 1880.
W. M. Smith, the sprightly local of the Telegram, has severed his connection with that paper and is now engaged on the Monitor.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 2, 1880.
C. C. Harris and J. E. Conklin of Winfield exchanged “How d’yes” with us last Saturday.
Winfield Courier, June 3, 1880.
R. R. Conklin attends the Chicago convention, and the commencement of the Champaign University.
Winfield Courier, June 10, 1880.
The assessor has made his return of agricultural and other statistics for the city of Winfield, from which we get the following.
Number of horses, 305.
Number of mules, 18.
Number of cows, 69.
Number of other cattle, 58.
Number of swine, 38.
Number of bushels of corn on hands the 1st of March, 17,500.
Number of families, 567.
Number of inhabitants, 2,766.
The above figures are those within corporate limits of the city on March 1st. Since the limits have been extended, the residents of Andrews’, Thompson’s, and Citizens’ Additions, all adjoining the city on the north and east, are on the Walnut township books, and a few adjoining the city on the west in Vernon township. They number 375 on both books. These added to the 2,766 in the city proper, would make 3,141 as the number of inhabitants in Winfield on March 1st, 1880. Monitor.
Winfield Courier, June 10, 1880.
The silence of the Monitor on the late contempt proceedings is a topic of general conversation in Dexter. The press of this district, and indeed throughout the state, with unusual unanimity, has condemned the conduct of Judge Campbell with just and merited severity. The numerous readers of the Monitor would like to be informed of the reasons for its silence. Surely the Monitor cannot pretend that an occurrence which has aroused and excited the indignation of the people of this judicial district as never before, is of too light and trivial a character to attract its attention. There must be reasons for this silence. Is there any obligation to forbear comment? Does Mr. Conklin approve or condemn? Will he rise and explain? DEXTER.
Winfield Courier, June 10, 1880.
The Republican papers in the 13th Judicial District refuse to publish any more of “Bill” Campbell’s letters, and his only comfort now is in writing long-winded articles to the Commonwealth of Topeka. His last effusion is a defense of himself in the “contempt” suit against Millington and Allison. In the whole 13th District, but two papers support Campbell. The Wichita Eagle, because Campbell is a Wichita man, and the Cowley County Monitor, because its editor is a new-comer and doesn’t know any better. “Bill,” like the man about to be drowned, catches at every straw, but he is now so far gone that a stern wheel steamer couldn’t save him. Oxford Reflex.
[But the Eagle claims to be for Adams and the Monitor to be for Torrance. How is this?]
Winfield Courier, June 17, 1880.
A large number of the young Republicans of Winfield met in the COURIER office Monday, and completed the organization of a Young Men’s Republican club. Roland Conklin was elected president, D. L. Kretsinger and W. J. Wilson vice-presidents, W. A. Smith, secretary, and Taylor Fitzgerald, treasurer. Fred C. Hunt, Lovell H. Webb, and Ed. P. Greer were appointed as a committee to act with the officers of the club in the organization of township clubs. It is earnestly desired that the young Republicans throughout the county co-operate in the organization of these clubs, so that the county organization may be made perfect. The meeting adjourned until Thursday evening, when the committees on rules and resolutions will report.
Winfield Courier, June 17, 1880.
Mr. J. E. Conklin is getting up an elegant map of Cowley County for free distribution throughout the county and the eastern states. The map will be 22 x 26, showing all the railroads, water courses, towns, etc. It will be the most complete map of Cowley County ever issued, and will contain much interesting matter to the county. A space around the map will be reserved for cuts of the principal buildings in Winfield, and for advertisements of businessmen, from whose patronage the proceeds for the payment of the map will come. The edition will be 50,000 and will be printed by Ramsey, Millett & Hudson, of Kansas City. Mr. Conklin deserves much credit for his enterprise in this matter. It is just such work that has made Cowley what she is today, and which will some day make her the leading county in the State.
Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.
TISDALE, July 25, 1880.
EDS. COURIER: An article appeared in the Monitor, of July 20th, under the head of “Query” and signed “Justice,” purporting to be from Tisdale, in which the Rev. S. S. Holloway was grossly misrepresented, and by the editor maliciously assaulted. I, with your kind permission, beg leave to reply through the COURIER to the unprovoked attack.
I, with many others, some of whose names will be found below to corroborate my statement, were present at a temperance meeting called at Tisdale, July 17th, at which time and place Mr. Holloway made the remarks referred to by “Justice,” who states that Mr. Holloway said that he is opposed to Mr. Asp for two reasons: First, because Mr. Asp is opposed to the amendment; Second, because Mr. Asp was in favor of the nomination of Mr. Hackney. Now in justice to Mr. Holloway, whom I highly esteem for his many excellent traits of character, I will just say that he made no such statements. The only allusion he made to Mr. Asp whatever was in expressing his regret that Mr. Asp was not present at the meeting as was anticipated, saying that he understood Mr. Asp was for the amendment and he wanted to hear him define his exact position on the temperance question. The gentleman that wrote the article either was not present at the meeting or his listening apparatus was out of repair. Every reading man knows that Mr. Asp is in favor of the amendment; therefore, it is unreasonable to say that Mr. Holloway was ignorant of the fact. Yet it seems the writer was not positive on the subject.
In conclusion, I would advise Mr. Justice to never resort to injustice in order to carry out some petty motive. As to the remarks of Mr. Conklin, nothing better could be expected as it is habitual with him to abuse and vilify every individual that does not cringe to his ideas, whether fanatical or otherwise. FAIRPLAY.
We, the undersigned, being present at the time above mentioned and distinctly hearing the address delivered by the Rev. Mr. Holloway, do emphatically endorse the above statement as being true in every particular.
Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.
Ask Joe Conklin what he knows about leeches.
Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.
A large party of young folks consisting of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Robinson, Misses May Roland, Nettie McCoy, Sarah Hodges, Kate Millington, and Miss Westgate, and Messrs. Will Robinson, Will Wilson, Roland Conklin, Fred Hunt, and W. A. Smith made Salt City lively by their presence the other day. Some of the party took dinner with Mrs. Holloway, and the rest repaired to the beautiful grove east of the town, and partook of a picnic dinner, thus spending a very pleasant day. Salt City is fast becoming a very popular resort; there were between twenty and twenty-five teams there Sunday, from Winfield, Wellington, and Oxford.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1880.
The new map of Cowley County, published by J. E. Conklin of Winfield, will be ready for distribution about the 20th inst., and all should avail themselves of this opportunity to obtain a correct map of the county.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1880.
HACKNEY AND PYBURN. In the Monitor of July 31, giving an account of the Democratic convention, we find the following glowing tribute to Hon. A. J. Pyburn, the Democratic nominee for State Senator, uttered by one of the pure and undefiled. Says Brother Conklin:
A special Monitor reporter slipped around among the delegates for items. It was admitted on all hands that there was no possible hope of success unless through defection of Republicans, and it became a question of grave importance to them, as to the best means to employ in order to accomplish this end, and the probability of there being any serious defection. Some contending that there was not now, neither was there likely to be any serious defection this year; others insisted as the Republican party was largely in the majority in this county, it would this year, as it has always done in the past, develop animosities that could find vent only by bolting.
Others replied to this that last year for the first time in the history of Cowley County, the Republicans made a clean sweep. When this statement was made, a rural rooster jumped up and startled a group with “Yes, and it was the d d Monitor and Bill Hackney who did the work that brought this about.”
Whereupon a prominent Democrat of Winfield informed him that “it were well if he kept his mouth shut about what Hackney had done for the Republican party, that his enemies in his own party had for years been misrepresenting him relative to his politics; that he was one of the most effective workers in that party, and that it was all important that his services to the party should be kept in the background, in order that any injury done him by his enemies might be used against him in this campaign.”
This did not seem to mollify the rooster any and he demanded in impatient tones: “Well, Smarty, if you will be kind enough, please tell me who there is in the Democratic party that we can beat him with?” “Pyburn, of course,” replied Smarty. “To h l with Pyburn!” roared the rooster. What did he do as a Senator for us that we should vote for him? Why, he has been four years in the State Senate, and in all of that time he did not accomplish as much for the public as that infernal bulldozer, Bill Hackney, did in sixty days; don’t talk Pyburn to me! He voted for that infamous Republican, John James Ingalls, for the United States Senate—that man, who more than any other since the days of Jim Lane, vilifies us Democrats.”
To this Smarty replied, “that the party could not afford to find fault with Pyburn for that, because he pledged every Republican who voted for him four years ago, that if he was elected he would ignore politics and vote for the Hon. P. B. Plumb, of Emporia, for the United States Senate, and that his vote for Ingalls was only following out his pledges then made to the men in the Republican party who elected him, and in order to secure his election he would have to make the pledges again; that it was true that he had not accomplished anything as a Senator, except the introduction and securing the passage of a resolution memorializing Congress to pass the electoral bill.”
Here Rooster could wait no longer, and he broke out again at a white heat: “Yes, he pledged the Republicans to vote for Plumb, did he? I know he did, but did he do it? I know Plumb; he is an honest man, and Pyburn never voted for him or any other Republican that winter, but steadily voted for John Martin, who was the Democratic caucus nominee for United States Senator, and thus violated his pledges to the man who elected him. Oh yes! he wanted to keep faith with the Republicans who elected him, did he, when he voted for Ingalls? but he did not want to keep faith with them when he voted against Plumb. The Republicans claim that Ingalls bought his way into the Senate, and everybody admits that Plumb was honestly elected, and all admit that money was used in Ingalls’s election, and that none was used in Plumb’s. Your ideas as to the motive that made Pyburn go back on the Republicans who voted for him in one case, and caused him to keep faith in the other, is evidently very widely different from my idea!”
Closing his remark with a sneer, the Rooster said: “And Pyburn got up that resolution endorsing that caused the electoral bill, did he? That infamous bill that defrauded us out of our President, and you offer that as the only thing he did while a Senator? I know that is the only time I ever heard of him as a Senator, but d m me if I ever thought any Democrat would point to that as commendable in his career—even the worst enemy he has. No. You can nominate him if you like, but if you do I will not vote for him.” Whereupon Smarty and the rest of them proceeded to kick him out of the Democratic party.
After much wrangling similar to the above, the time came to meet, and they all adjourned to the courthouse, and the reporter quietly stole from behind the barrel of whiskey in Fahey’s saloon, where he had been hiding, and was soon swallowed up in the crowd as they wended their way to the convention.
When that body was duly organized, A. J. Pyburn was nominated by acclamation. Our reporter looked over the room for the “Rooster,” but he was not there. The next seen of him he was blind drunk with his arms around Amos Walton’s neck, ejaculating that he would not vote for Pyburn—no, not he, while Amos wildly beseeched him to vote the straight ticket.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1880.
Rock Township, Aug. 9th, 1880.
Ed. Monitor: Some days ago I noticed an editorial in the Telegram, in opposition to the passage of the proposed constitutional amendment, which destroys that provision of our present constitution exempting from taxation $200 worth of the property of every head of the family. And in this, the writer endorses the Telegram. Here is a poor man, a laborer, with a large family; he has not team or wagon, his family are dependant upon him for their daily bread. He has a couple of cows and other personal property and household goods, worth, all told, only one hundred dollars. It is as much as he can do to feed his family, much less pay taxes on this pittance of property (under our present constitution this property is exempt from taxation).
And the last legislature passed a joint resolution, submitting to the voters of this state, the proposition to take this exemption away, and thus force my neighbor, poor as he is, to pay taxes upon this property. This is not right. Let the rich man pay the taxes; take away the burden from the poor as much as we can, is the correct rule. And yet A. J. Pyburn, the Democratic nominee for State Senator, favored the taking of this poor man’s property, and voted to submit the amendment to the people in order to accomplish that end.
Not so with W. P. Hackney, when he was in the legislature; he voted and worked for the people—the poor men. Stand his successful effort to repeal the infamous attorney fee bill up along side of this act of A. J. Pyburn, and the poor man can readily see who is his friend. Bill Hackney will run like a scared wolf in this township, and don’t you forget it. We are all for him, regardless of the pleading of E. C. Manning and other disappointed tricksters in Winfield who hate him because they cannot control him. Yours respectfully, ECHO.
Winfield Courier, August 19, 1880.
Winfield is partly depopulated by the great exodus to the Knight Templars triennial reunion in Chicago. Last Saturday and Sunday the trains were loaded with excursionists, many of whom were taking this opportunity to visit friends in the east with the excursion rates for fares. A great many went from here whose names have not been given us, but the following are some that we know of: Dr. W. G. Graham and wife, Capt. S. C. Smith, E. P. Kinne, J. E. Conklin, Capt. James McDermott, Rev. J. Cairns and wife, Rev. J. A. Hyden and wife, J. D. Pryor, R. D. Jillson and daughter, Mrs. D. A. and Miss Jessie Millington. C. C. Black and wife, J. W. Johnson and daughter, J. P. M. Butler and wife, Miss Jennie Melville, G. H. Buckman, J. C. and Miss Ioa Roberts, Will Baird and wife, Mrs. N. L. Rigby, Jacob Nixon and wife, J. S. Hunt, and T. R. Bryan.
Winfield Courier, September 9, 1880.
John E. Allen presented us with a large “watermillion” last Monday, and here is the puff to which it entitles him. Of course, he slipped in afterwards, stole the melon, and presented it to Allison, securing another puff; then stole it again and presented it to Conklin, got another puff; then stole it again and ate it himself. We expect he stole it at first from some farmer’s wagon.
Winfield Courier, January 6, 1881.
Some of the fellows who have been urging the county commissioners to vote the county printing to the Monitor will come around after awhile, asking the COURIER to turn the grindstone while they grind their little axes.
Winfield Courier, January 6, 1881.
The Monitor speaks of one of its typos setting a column in two hours and fifteen minutes. Our foreman sets the whole local page in one forenoon, and keeps yelling for afternoon copy while he’s doing it. He has been known to set a column an hour in his younger days.
On January 6, 1881, the Winfield Courier began printing the Monitor’s locals in its newspaper.
Winfield Courier, January 20, 1881.
The editorial convention, which met in this city today, was held in the Beacon office, and presided over by Mr. Ashbaugh, president, of the Newton Kansan.
The main reason the convention was not more largely attended: the trains did not make connection at Newton by over three hours, and several went on to Topeka.
On motion it was agreed to hold the meetings semi-annually instead of quarterly, as now, and to meet on the second Friday in May and November of each year. The old officers were held over and re-elected for one year, with the exception of Loyd Shinn, of Dodge City, who was chosen secretary; H. C. Ashbaugh, president, T. L. Powers, of the Ellinwood Express, vice president; J. E. Conklin, Winfield Monitor, treasurer. But little business was transacted. The party were highly entertained and served a good dinner at the Occidental, and if they didn’t get enough to eat, the fault doesn’t lie with the hotel. Those who were present and embodied as members of the society, we believe were: H. C. Ashbaugh, Newton Kansan; Judge Muse, Newton Republican; J. E. and R. Conklin, Winfield Monitor; Mr. Richards, Wellington Press; R. P. Murdock, Wichita Eagle; F. B. Smith and Captain White, Wichita Beacon; Chas. Black, Winfield Telegram; Ed. Greer, Winfield Courier; C. S. Finch, Harper Times; F. Meredith, Hutchinson News.
The next meeting of the society will be held in Dodge City in May.
Wichita Daily Republican, Jan. 8.
Winfield Courier, January 27, 1881.
Joe Conklin went to Topeka Friday. He is interested in Hackney’s idiot bill. His presence will be a powerful argument in favor of its passage.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 9, 1881.
The bill incorporating the road from Arkansas City to Fort Smith has been recommended for passage, * * * * There is a good prospect that the bill will pass at this session of Congress. If it does, then Cowley County will boom. Monitor.
This is probably one of the many agencies to be used by the gods in “destroying” Arkansas City, whose doom, according to Conklin, was “foretold centuries ago.” We’ll take all this kind of doom they can furnish us, Joe.
Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.
On Monday the commissioners awarded the county printing to the COURIER for the coming year. The matter will also be printed in the Cowley County Monitor and Arkansas City Traveler.
Winfield Courier, February 17, 1881.
Roland Conklin, the “wee brother,” is running the Monitor during the hymenial frolics of its editor.
Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.
We are very much surprised at an editorial in this week’s COURIER in relation to the subject, “Our Stock and Bonds.”
The following is the official action of the commissioners, and we want to say for Messrs. Gale and Bullington that neither of them were to blame for the necessity that caused the board to take the action detailed below.
On Feb. 21, 1881, the Board of county commissioners met in official session. Present: G. L. Gale, chairman, L. B. Bullington, member, and J. S. Hunt, county clerk.
The board directed the county clerk to correct the journal entry of February 4th and February 7th, 1881. Said entries were accordingly corrected. These errors were informalities in regard to the transfer of the stock of the Southern, Kansas and Western railroad.
On motion of the chairman it was resolved that James Harden, county treasurer of Cowley County, and M. L. Robinson be appointed and empowered as a special committee to take the corrected papers relating to the special election, held February 1st, 1881, and AT THE EXPENSE OF COWLEY COUNTY, proceed to Kansas City, Missouri, and have the same approved by Wallace Pratt, attorney, to whom the original papers had been referred by Charles Merriam, trustee; then proceed to New York and Boston and purchase for and in behalf of Cowley County, Kansas, forty-six thousand two hundred and forty dollars worth of the outstanding bonds of the said Cowley County, Kansas, provided the seven percent bonds of the said Cowley County can be purchased at a commission or premium of not more than two and one-half percent; the six percent bonds of said Cowley County at not more than par and accrued interest, and the ten percent bonds of the said Cowley County at a rate correspondingly beneficial to the interests of said county, or any of said specified bonds to the amount of forty-six thousand two hundred and forty dollars worth at as much better rates for the interest of said county as possible. And if the present purchase can be made at such rates or at most one percent of such rates, this committee shall ascertain as much as possible in relation to whom the holders are of such bonds at what rate and the lowest rate any of said bonds can be purchased, etc., and make a full report of all of said items on their return.
Board adjourned. J. S. HUNT, County Clerk.
We clip the above from the last Monitor and will remark that when we wrote the editorial in the COURIER alluded to and when we went to press we had not been furnished a copy of the commissioners’ proceedings, and as they are usually furnished the county paper by the clerk, we had not been to the records to examine them. We had heard rumors on the street concerning the proceedings, which struck us as improbable for the reasons then given. Now that we have a copy of the official proceedings, we make the correction by publishing them as above.
We do not wish to do injustice to any parties connected with this matter and are disposed to give to all the credit of desiring in their action to accomplish the best interests of the county. We know that the commissioners would act in no other way but for the interests of the county according to their best judgment; but we must be permitted to dissent from the course taken and to hold that there was no use in sending delegates east to buy bonds, and that there is no law to authorize the payment of the expenses of such delegates out of the county treasury. We think a mistake has been made in trying to rush this matter and still believe that a considerable sum of money might be saved for the county by waiting awhile for the holders of our bonds to discover that we are not going to take the first offers at any price, and that they must come down in their prices to value or they cannot sell to us. We believe that we can do better than to pay par and expenses for our 7 percent bonds.
Winfield Courier, March 10, 1881.
The Wellington Press, in speaking of the article in last week’s Monitor on the Cherokee and Arkansas River railroad, objects to the assumption of that paper that it inaugurated the movement. It says:
“We are also compelled to inform the “Monitor” that it is off wrong in the assertion that it was ‘one of the first papers to advocate this important road.’ The facts are, this matter was agitated, discussed, and warmly advocated by the press and people of the Arkansas Valley years before the inscrutable providence of Him whose ways are past finding out permitted the establishment of that redoubtable journal.”
Did the “Press” man live in Cowley, he would not attempt to wrest from the “redoubtable journal” its sweetest morsel of contentment. The people around these parts allow by common consent that the “Monitor” man has an unusual amount of discernment, and that his “indications” are even more sure than those of Mother Shipton or the venerable Tice. Nothing ever happens but what he “indicates”: and generally the strongest indications come after it has happened. If the Angel Gabriel were to blow his horn tomorrow, that “redoubtable journal” would be the first on deck with the information that it was “one of the first papers to advocate this important movement.”
Winfield Courier, May 26, 1881.
At the close of the Convention of the Arkansas Valley Editorial Association at Dodge City on Saturday, May 14th, resolutions were adopted unanimously.
THEY HAD AN EDITORIAL RECEPTION AT DODGE CITY AND FORT DODGE, AND THEN MADE AN EXCURSION TO NEW MEXICO. At Dodge City on May 14th they took possession of the splendid Pullman palace car, Wayne, and took off...D. A. Millington, wife, and Miss Jessie Millington of the COURIER; and R. R. Conklin, of the Monitor, in the party of editors. THEY WENT TO TRINIDAD, COLORADO...”ascending the 16 miles of the heaviest grade up a winding canyon with the best view of our trip around and behind us the Spanish Peaks and the peaks of the Sangre Da Christo looming up snow covered in the distance, we passed through the tunnel at the summit of the Raton mountains and passing downward into New Mexico, reached Las Vegas at 1 o’clock p.m. and at six o’clock reached Santa Fe.”
AT SANTA FE, THEY STAYED AT THE EXCHANGE HOTEL, TOOK IN SITES, AND WERE ATTENDED BY A LARGE GROUP OF PEOPLE, INCLUDING GENERAL LEW WALLACE, LATE GOVERNOR OF NEW MEXICO, U. S. CAVALRY BAND, ETC. ENTERTAINED THAT EVENING AT A HALL, THE “ENGLISH KITCHEN,” AND THEN WENT TO SOCORRO, “one hundred and sixty miles to the southwest, down the valley of the Rio Grande. Before starting from Santa Fe, we telegraphed the people of Socorro that we were coming with the next express train. . . we visited the famous Torrance mine, up the side of the Socorro mountain about five miles from the city. . . .
Millington made comments: “Supt. J. A. Waller and Foreman James Richards, who armed us with a star candle each, led us into the mountain through long tunnels and passages and down and up deep pits and shafts until we were satisfied with subterranean exploration.”
At Socorro the party met Mrs. Conkling, the widow of the editor who was assassinated by some Mexicans the previous winter. Millington states: “Our party only visited one mine, the Torrance. This was named by some young men from Torrance, in Cowley County, Kansas, and is a namesake of our District Judge Torrance, a grandchild as it were. At this mine a great deal of work has been done and has paid well, though the ore has to be carted five miles to the railroad and shipped 125 miles to Cerrillos for reduction. There are many mines in this vicinity that seem to be paying well. They have bought all the material for a large stamp mill which will be soon put up and in operation. Socorro is the supply point of a very large number of leading mining camps: Madalina, Del Osa, and Black Range mountains are the sites of the best mining camps tributary to this city. A railroad is projected from Socorro to the Black Range, 80 to 100 miles, which is pretty sure to be built, and railroads in other directions are projected and promising.”
THEY NEXT WENT TO LAS VEGAS...STAYED AT THE ST. NICHOLAS HOTEL, TOOK IN BIG BANQUET AND BALL...NEXT DAY TOOK IN THE HOT SPRINGS. “Las Vegas is destined to become a second Denver. The new Hot Springs hotel is one of the finest in the whole country and contains some five hundred rooms.”
“We left at 2 o’clock p.m. on Friday, and the writer reached Winfield, six hundred and fifty miles, in thirty-five hours.”
NOTE: In June 1881 what started out as the Cowley County Monitor and later was named the Winfield Monitor was purchased by D. A. Millington of the Courier Company.
Winfield Courier, June 2, 1881.
The COURIER CO. has purchased the Monitor office of this city. Mr. Conklin will issue the last number this week with his valedictory. After this week the COURIER will supply the subscribers to the Monitor with a better paper than either has ever been. We shall say more about this matter next week.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 8, 1881.
The Winfield Monitor is a thing of the past, it having been purchased in toto by the Courier company. This is a transaction which bears the stamp of D. A. Millington’s business acumen, and while we regret to lose Mr. Conklin from the field of journalism in this county, we congratulate the Courier on its enterprise, as by this purchase it becomes the mammoth publishing house of western Kansas. May it “live long and prosper.”
Arkansas City Traveler, June 8, 1881.
It is reported that the saloons of Wichita are running in full blast.
Mrs. Manser and children have gone to Lawrence, where they will spend the summer.
There was a piece of wheat out on Silver creek, Wednesday of this week. This is the real opening of harvest.
J. W. Beam, who lives near Maple City, was arrested on Tuesday by the sheriff of Greenwood County on a charge of stealing cattle some years ago in that county. A man’s sins are sure to find him out.
The editor of the Monitor is no more, but J. E. Conklin, the citizen, still lives and hopes to spend many happy years in Winfield. We make our best bow to an appreciative public, doff the editorial “we” and assume the first person singular.
The promoters of Riverside park are in earnest. Citizens have subscribed $350, and the contract is now let to build a walk eight feet wide instead of four feet, as first contemplated. Wm. Moore has donated a stone 10 x 15, which will be used for the speaker’s stand.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 8, 1881.
The Monitor, during its life of three years, was under the immediate management of Mr. J. E. Conklin, who proved himself an able writer, a thorough master of newspaper work in every respect, and one of the most genial of men. In whatever business calling Mr. Conklin may engage, he has our best wishes for his success.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 8, 1881.
$500,000 to Loan at the Lowest rates of Interest and Commission...Farmers in Cowley and adjoining counties will find it to their interest to apply to the undersigned either for new loans or to pay off old ones.
Money always on hand and paid as soon as papers are signed. Call on or address
Winfield Courier, June 9, 1881.
Rol. Conklin is spending sometime now in Sumner and Kingman counties, and he reports crops in a magnificent shape and the people generally in a more hopeful condition than for years past.
Winfield Courier, June 16, 1881.
Hon. Allen B. Lemmon has bought a two thirds interest in the Newton Republican and has assumed the editorial control and business management of that paper, which is a good property, being the leading paper in a live, growing city which is so favorably located that its future greatness is assured while its importance as a political and commercial center steadily increases. We think it is a good location for our boy and that he has the vim and industry to make the Republican boom. Messrs. Muse & Spivey retain a third interest and their powerful influence and aid will still be exerted for the paper. Harry Slough, late foreman of the Monitor, takes change of the mechanical work of the office.
A destructive cyclone passed through Osage County Sunday afternoon. A report of the cyclone, which we give our readers today, was made by J. E. Conklin, late of the Monitor, who visited the scenes, obtained all the facts, and has written them up as only an able and experienced newspaper man can do it.
Winfield Courier, June 16, 1881.
J. E. Conklin and Dr. Mendenhall started Tuesday evening for El Paso, Mexico. They expect to be gone about three weeks and if they meet anything of interest, Joe will report it for the COURIER.
Winfield Courier, June 16, 1881.
A considerable number of the citizens of Winfield met on Monday evening on the steps of the Winfield Bank to provide for raising funds for the immediate relief of the sufferers caused by the cyclone Sunday evening. Mr. Crippen called the people together by music from the band.
J. E. Conklin gave $5.00.
Mother of Conklin brothers breaks her leg...
Winfield Courier, July 7, 1881.
On the evening of July 4th a very severe accident happened to Mrs. Julie Conklin. She fell from her porch; and in falling, she struck on a loose stone, breaking her leg and dislocating her ankle. Owing to her age, the process of healing will necessarily be slow.
Winfield Courier, July 14, 1881 - Front Page.
Though but a few months have passed since the Santa Fe railroad has opened up a vast region that was practically three years ago a terra incognita in settlement and the civilization of the nineteenth century, yet, already hundreds of letters have been sent back by the new settler and traveler, and New Mexico letters have become almost as common as country correspondents.
While New Mexico is not by any means “written up,” yet correspondents have gone so often over the same ground that the victimized reader looks with a great deal of suspicion upon one of these letters.
My late trip was made mostly for pleasure. I went to see, and as I traveled only during daylight, I had unusual opportunities of gratifying that sense. I visited some localities out of the beaten track, and I may be able to make a letter of the same kind.
At LA JUNTA (pronounced La Hoonta) I corrected my first wrong impression. I thought the road branched at Pueblo 63 miles farther west. La Junta is where the main line diverges and goes southwest over the Raton mountains. From Trinidad, Colorado, we crawled up the mountains at an inclined plain of 180 feet to the mile, and near the top plunged through a tunnel 2,000 feet in length, and came to light of day in New Mexico. Through this rocky gate we enter into the old civilization that Cortez—nay, older; that of those mysterious people whom the Aztecs found in possession and conquered.
At a little past noon, we glided into the city of LAS VEGAS. Here are two towns, the new representing American thrift and enterprise and the old representing the life and habits of people who lived as they did hundreds of years ago. I am interested in the old and as I step across the stream that separates the two towns, I find to me, a new, strange, and interesting civilization. The first place I visit is the church of Madre de Dolores. There is one nice custom about all these old Catholic churches, and that is, the door stands open and the worshiper and sight-seer are always welcome. An old sexton, bowed down with the weight of many years, greets me and gives such information as he can.
I am much interested in a cross that I see back of the town and after much questioning, I gained its history. It was erected by a queer sect, an offshoot from the Roman Catholic church called the PENITENTS. They inhabit a cluster of adobe shanties on the road to Las Vegas called The Placita, meaning little village, and belonged to an order of Flagellants. Ordinarily they conduct themselves like other people of their race; but whenever one of them has committed a sin, he scourges himself and others scourge him in proportion to this transgression.
During Passion week the whole community crawl on their bare knees over sharp stones some six miles from their village to this cross, and there lash themselves with the terrible thorny cactus until the blood runs in streams down their lacerated backs.
This cross is not very old and dates its origin from the time when a member of this order of Flagellants, who was an actor, came to Las Vegas to die. He refused to accept the sacrament from the present presiding priest and when his friends came to bury him, the priest refused his services and would not let him be placed in consecrated ground, whereupon he was buried outside the pale of the church; and the Penitents thereupon erected this cross with this legend thereon: “Jesus by the shedding of his blood on Calvary, was consecrated for the whole world.” This cross and inscription justifies this very peculiar sect in their estimation for their scourging, and is also a protest against the exclusiveness of the Roman church.
On my return from the church, I saw a number of Mexicans manufacturing adobe. They are made of common earth, straw, and water; and are cast in moulds 18 inches long, 9 inches broad, and 4 inches thick, and then dried in the sun. It is a perfect non-conductor and the best form of building material conceivable for the Territory. With cement, plaster, and paint, it can be rendered as handsome as brick or stone.
After leaving Las Vegas, I was much interested in watching STARVATION ROCK, and hearing an account of the tragedy that gave it such an ominous title. The “rock” itself is 1,125 feet above the railroad track; its sides are practically covered with pine, and a vast escarpment—240 feet of perpendicular stone—renders it inaccessible excepting at a narrow pass on the east side. From the railroad cars it is in sight for more than an hour, and at the closest point good eyes can discern a number of corners. The top is an elevated plain or mesa that embraces thirty acres. In 1848 a company of Mexicans was attacked by a largely superior force of Indians and fled to the summit of this rock, where they kept the Indians from coming up; but the latter knew a better game, and they kept the Mexicans from coming down, and the entire company of Mexicans perished from thirst and starvation. The rock, decorated with its little crosses, is both grave and monument.
My next resting place was ALBUQUERQUE, which is the initial point of the Atlantic and Pacific railroad; and the railroad is already 200 miles on its way to San Francisco. This road forms part of the Santa Fe system. Shops, warehouses, and offices are now being built at this thriving place.
Like Las Vegas, Albuquerque is composed of an old and new town, which are united by a line of street railway; but unlike its rival, the new town here is immensely in advance of the old. Building, business, and speculation of every kind is at fever heat. Lots purchased today are sold at a big advance in less than a month. A would be purchaser is staggered when told that the price of such a business lot is $2,000; but at the end of a month, he is mad because he did not buy, for it has been sold for $2,500.
In less than an hour, I fully realized that Albuquerque was a “red-hot-town.” The town was all stirred up over the arrest of the celebrated Allison gang, a band of thieves and murderers. I felt more than unusually interested, for Lewis Perkins, one of the gang, was a Cowley County boy. For Allison the reward was $2,500, and all gang members had just been captured and were under guard at a livery stable.
While standing here making inquiries, I heard the report of a revolver, quickly followed by a dozen other shots, and then the rapid running of a man telling the guards to get ready as a party of desperadoes were about to attempt a rescue of the prisoners. As I was not traveling on my fighting qualities, I made myself safe in another direction. The cause of the difficulty was a stray pistol shot. The marshal heard it and ordered the man whom he thought fired “to hold up his hands,” and before the man could turn, the marshal commenced firing and killed him in his tracks. The man was a Kansas carpenter by the name of Campbell, and was unarmed.
On Monday morning upwards of 200 mechanics attended the funeral, and I was in hopes of seeing that marshal hanged, but the job was delayed. This was the second man he had killed in three months, but the people excused him for the first murder because the victim was “a bad man.”
Here as everywhere else in New Mexico, I found lots of Winfield men. Some are traveling, others are in business, and many others working at their trades; but wherever I saw them, they were all doing well. The universal report was that when they made their “stake,” they were coming back to Winfield to live.
Our town is widely known through the enterprise of its merchants. As a supply point for butter, eggs, poultry, and vegetables, Winfield today is sending more of these products into New Mexico than any other city. In groceries and commission houses, it appeared to me that at least two-thirds of all the boxes and pails carrying such goods bore the familiar imprint of J. P. Baden or Spotswood & Snyder. I will have more to say about this trade in my closing letter.
I commenced with the intention of making but one letter; but my visit to the Black Range and Old Mexico will require another. Up to this point my companion had been Dr. Mendenhall, but to my sorrow he was obliged to return home from Albuquerque and I completed the trip alone. J. E. CONKLIN.
Mrs. Julia Conklin visited by children...
Winfield Courier, July 14, 1881.
Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Conklin, of Kingman, and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Conklin, of Atchison, came in last Friday to visit their mother, who was so badly hurt last week. We are glad to note that Mrs. Conklin is getting along nicely, although it will be weeks before she will be about again.
Winfield Courier, August 11, 1881.
J. E. Conklin is again in working harness. He is now associated with the popular loan firm of Jarvis, Conklin & Co., and will manage their large business in this city. With Mr. Conklin’s extensive acquaintance and many friends in all parts of the county, he can ably represent this firm.
Winfield Courier, August 18, 1881.
Mr. J. E. Conklin was taken quite sick on the camp ground Sunday night. He has removed his effects home again and is now getting better.
Winfield Courier, September 1, 1881.
J. E. Conklin was the hero of a runaway last Thursday. His team was hitched in front of J. D. Moffet’s dwelling in this place, and after taking off the halter, and while getting into the buggy, the team started. Mr. Conklin ran and caught the near horse by the bridle and after being dragged for quite a distance, the team got away. The damage to the buggy was only a few dollars and neither Mr. Conklin nor horses were injured. Commercial.
Winfield Courier, September 8, 1881.
Wilber Dever returned to Kansas City Wednesday. He informs us that Jarvis, Conklin & Co., will soon move into roomy quarters on eighth street.
Winfield Courier, October 20, 1881.
MARRIED. At the residence of Mrs. Joseph Conklin, in Winfield, Oct. 16th, 1881, by Rev. J. Cairns, Mr. James H. Guinn and Miss Mary Wilson, both of Cowley County.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 16, 1881.
J. E. Conklin makes the prediction that in five years the new town of Geuda will be the largest city within one hundred miles of Winfield.
Winfield Courier, November 17, 1881.
Ret Berkey has gone to Kansas City to take a position in Jarvis, Conklin & Co.’s office
there. Winfield boys are in demand all over the state.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 30, 1881.
Mr. J. E. Conklin, of Winfield, is erecting a neat summer residence.
Cowley County Courant, December 1, 1881.
A good deal of low test coal oil is still being sold in our city, and while such practice is in violation of the law, certain dealers will continue to sell an inferior quality of oil as long as it can be purchased for a few cents less on the gallon. About the only way for purchasers to do is when they find that the retail dealer has sold them a poor quality of oil, is to seek some other merchant. A number of accidents from this course have already occurred here, and we are liable at any time to have an extensive conflagration from this cause. Last evening there was an explosion of a small hand lamp at the residence of Mrs. Conklin, and it was only the presence of mind and nerve of her mother that saved the destruction of her house. While the oil was blazing, she threw the broken lamp out of the window and put out the fire.
Cowley County Courant, December 15, 1881.
O. F. Boyle came in from Durango, Colorado, Thursday, and will remain with us for a few days. He is looking hearty, and reports the Winfield folks all well and doing well, except Judge Boyer, who is not acting well, and is thinking of coming east to spend the winter. H. C. Owens, who used to be with Jarvis, Conklin, & Co., has arrived there and is keeping books for a grocery house. There is plenty of snow in the mountains, but none in Durango.
Winfield Courier, January 5, 1882.
Money on easy terms from the time the loan is made till it is paid off if you borrow of Jarvis, Conklin & Co.
Winfield Courier, January 5, 1882.
P. H. ALBRIGHT & CO., have opened a loan & Real Estate office in this city. They will do a general loaning business throughout the Southern portion of this State. They get their money from first hands and can close loans at once, giving the lowest rates of interest. All interest on loans negotiated through Gilbert & Jarvis or Jarvis, Conklin & Co., for Geo W. Moore & Co., or the Traveler’s Insurance Company, is now made payable at this office. They have $50,000 that must be invested by Feb. 1st, 1882, and desire that amount of good applications.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 11, 1882.
Geuda Gossip.
Joe Conklin has finished the foundation for his residence.
Cowley County Courant, January 12, 1882.
Joseph E. Conklin, formerly of the Winfield Monitor, was in town on Saturday last. Mr. Conklin is now special agent for the Home Insurance Company, of New York, and came here to establish an agency. Anthony Republican.
Cowley County Courant, January 12, 1882.
The establishment of the firm of P. H. Albright & Company in this city promises our farmers a better and quicker method of obtaining money when they want it, than they have heretofore had. This firm keeps money sufficient on hand to supply all who may borrow of them, as soon as the papers are signed. They inform us that they now have $50,000, which must be loaned at once, and consequently they will offer it at the lowest rates. They also have a reasonable amount of capital which they wish to invest in securities and town property.
All the business connected with the loans heretofore made for Geo. W. Moore & Co., and the Traveler’s Insurance, of Hartford, Connecticut, by Gilbert, Jarvis & Company, and Jarvis, Conklin & Company, will hereafter be under the exclusive control of P. H. Albright & Company, which latter named firm will receipt for interest on all said loans.
Mr. Jas. B. Moore, of Hartford, will remain here during the winter, in the office with P. H. Albright & Company, and will be a valuable assistant in getting the business of the new firm under full headway.
Mr. Albright, the senior member of the firm, is well known in Southern Kansas, and has perhaps the best financial backing in the east of any young man in our state. We predict for the new firm a nice run of business.
Winfield Courier, January 26, 1882.
Money to loan on good City or Farm property at the lowest rates, and paid when papers are signed. Jarvis, Conklin & Co.
Winfield Courier, February 2, 1882.
Mr. R. R. Conklin, of Kansas City, was in the city for a few days this week.
Winfield Courier, February 9, 1882.
Mr. J. E. Conklin came in Saturday. His wife is quite ill.
Winfield Courier, February 16, 1882.
Mr. J. E. Conklin is still with us waiting on his wife, who is rapidly recovering. J. E. still clings to his newspaper inclinations and puts in odd hours around the printing offices. In making a legitimate and thorough newspaper, he has but few equals.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 15, 1882.
Joe E. Conklin, Esq., of the “hub,” was in town last Saturday upon business. He informed us he had made arrangements, and given the necessary instructions for the erection of a summer residence at Geuda Springs, the same to be commenced right away.
Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.
Mr. R. B. Condit of Champaign, Illinois, called on Monday in company with his friend, J. E. Conklin. Mr. Condit is so pleased with this county that he proposes to make it his future home. He will probably engage in the sheep business.
Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.
Joe Conklin tells of a young man who was engaged in marriage, who told his fiancé everything was so high and he was so poor that he could not marry at present. She answered that they could live very cheaply for she could get along on bread and water. “Well,” said he, “if you will furnish the bread, I think I can rustle around and find the water.”
Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.
Mrs. Julia L. Conklin, and her granddaughter, Miss Minnie McLean, left for the east last Monday. They will spend a couple of months in Kansas City, and then visit relatives in New York; and will probably return to Winfield in the fall.
Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.
Joe Conklin is busy tearing away the Bliss storeroom, one of the oldest landmarks of the city. It will give place to a handsome new building.
Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.
Winfield is to have another new business building this spring. J. E. Conklin will erect a brick storeroom eighty feet deep on the site of the old Bliss storeroom, next to Baird’s. The building, when finished, will be occupied by Hendricks & Wilson’s hardware store.
Cowley County Courant, April 13, 1882.
Messrs. Hyde & Long have the contract for the carpenter work of the new Conklin building.
Cowley County Courant, April 13, 1882.
The contracts for the erection of the Conklin building were all let yesterday except the carpenter work and excavation. J. W. Connor does the masonry, J. W. Crane the plastering, J. M. Reid, the painting, and Horning Robinson & Co., the roofing, and J. B. Magill, the Iron work.
Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.
The contract for the roofing of the Conklin building was awarded to Horning, Robinson & Co. This is going to be one of the best stores in the city, and will be occupied by Messrs. Hendricks & Wilson as a retail hardware store.
Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.
The contracts for the Conklin building were let Thursday evening. Horning, Robinson & Co., were awarded the contract for roofing, Mr. Connor the stone work, and John Crane the plastering and front.
Cowley County Courant, April 20, 1882.
R. R. Conklin vs. Geo W. Wilson et al.
Jarvis, Conklin & Co. vs. Geo. R. Waters et al.
Winfield Courier, April 20, 1882.
Recap Publication Notice, District Court of Cowley County. S. E. Schemerhorn, Plaintiff, versus Samuel T. Endicott, Nellie D. Endicott, F. S. Jennings, Travelers Insurance Company of Hartford, Connecticut, A. D. Wear, S. M. Jarvis & R. R. Conklin doing business under the name and stole of Jarvis, Conklin & Co. [Paper had “Endecott” at first. This was later corrected to show “Endicott.” MAW]
To the defendants, A. D. Wear, S. M. Jarvis, and R. R. Conklin in the above entitled action. Sued by Plaintiff (Endicotts) for $231.93 and interest thereon at the rate of 12% per annum from November 29, 1880, and for costs of suit and foreclosure of mortgage, etc.
Property: West half of Southeast Quarter, and Southwest Quarter and Northeast Quarter, all in Section 35, Township 34, south of Range 4E.
Plaintiffs’ attorney, J. F. McMullen.
Attested to by Cowley Co. District Court Clerk, E. S. Bedilion.
Winfield Courier, April 27, 1882.
Mrs. J. E. Conklin is visiting in Labette County this week and Joe is consequently a “widdy.”
Winfield Courier, April 27, 1882.
Rol. Conklin came down from Kansas City Saturday and is putting in a few days very profitably among friends here.
Winfield Courier, May 4, 1882.
Mr. J. E. Conklin is getting to be something of a gardener. Monday he dined on lettuce, radishes, onions, mustard and asparagus gathered from his own vines and fig trees.
Winfield Courier, May 18, 1882.
MR. CHAIRMAN: We, your committee on credentials, report the following delegates and alternates from the various townships as entitled to seats in this convention.
Winfield City, 1st Ward, Delegates: J. E. Conklin, G. H. Buckman, D. A. Millington, Geo. F. Corwin, H. D. Gans. Alternates: A. H. Johnson, A. T. Shenneman, E. P. Greer, Henry Paris, James Kelly.
Delegates to State Convention at Topeka June 28th: C. R. Mitchell, M. G. Troup, C. M. Scott, M. L. Robinson, John Wallace, R. L. Walker, J. E. Conklin, H. D. Gans. Alternates: Henry E. Asp, J. B. Tucker, John M. Harcourt, J. B. Evans, R. F. Burden, N. W. Dressie, W. P. Heath, T. H. Soward, H. C. McDorman.
Cowley County Courant, June 8, 1882.
Miss Nona Young, of Oswego, and a relative of Mrs. Joe Conklin, is making her first visit to Winfield.
Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.
We received a lot of fine peaches, presented to us by Mrs. J. E. Conklin, Friday. They were from a very choice tree, of which variety there are but three or four in the county. Cowley will yet throw her neighbors in the shade in the way of fine fruit unless they brush up more enthusiasm in horticulture.
Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.
The stone and brick store building of J. E. Conklin, next to the New York store, is almost completed. This is a very commodious building, being 80 feet deep, and having the frame building formerly occupying the front of the lot joined to the main building for a warehouse, making over a hundred feet of storeroom. It will be occupied by Hendricks and Wilson.
Mr. (J. E. ?) Conklin...
Cowley County Courant, June 29, 1882.
Doctor Mendenhall now has a fine ranche on Beaver creek, near the state line. He has a herd of cattle embracing upwards of three hundred head, and all in fine condition. He, in company with Mr. Conklin, returned on Thursday from a four day’s trip to the Osage Agency, where the Doctor was obliged to go to renew his permit. The council commenced on Tuesday and there were about two thousand Indians present.
Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.
Mr. and Mrs. Conklin are enjoying a visit from J. C. Ellsberry, wife, and child, of Mason City, Illinois. Mr. Ellsberry clerked for Brown & Son for some time previous to his removal to Illinois, over a year ago.
Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.
Bills of Winfield COURIER for printing, $28.50, and J. E. Conklin for dirt on Main Street, $25.00, were referred to Finance Committee.
Winfield Courier, July 20, 1882.
Hendricks & Wilson have for the past week been gradually transferring their stock from the old store to the new brick Conklin building, next to Baird’s. They are now thoroughly established in the new quarters, and have one of the finest, most commodious stores in the city.
Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.
The Committee on Finance reported on clerk’s quarterly statements, and on reports of City Treasurer for months ending May 12th and June 15th, that they had examined the same and found them correct; also on bill of J. E. Conklin, for dirt $25.00, and of Winfield COURIER for printing, $28.50, that they found them correct and recommended payment.
On bill of Winfield Courant for printing $11.00, they recommended that it be allowed at $10.50. Reports adopted and warrants ordered drawn for the respective amounts.
Winfield Courier, August 10, 1882.
66th REPRESENTATIVE CONVENTION: M. N. Chafey, chairman; W. B. Weimer, secretary.
Delegates—Winfield, 1st ward: J. E. Conklin, James Bethel, D. A. Millington, J. W. Craine, T. R. Bryan.
Winfield Courier, August 17, 1882.
Three improved farms for sale cheap by Jarvis, Conklin & Co.
Winfield Courier, October 12, 1882.
On Thursday and Friday last Mr. “Alderman Jenkins,” of the Borough of Salford, Manchester, England, and Mr. Benjamin Miller, Solicitor, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, visited Winfield accompanied by Mr. S. M. Jarvis, of the well known firm of Jarvis, Conklin & Co., loan brokers of our city and of Kansas City, Missouri. They were driven around about these parts and observing the farms and agricultural products expressed their great pleasure at all they saw, and the wonderful strides and progress we have made in so few years. The “Alderman,” who is one of the municipal representatives of a very large and heavily populated Borough, has visited many of the principal cities of America and also especially through a great portion of Kansas, has expressed his wonder and delight at all he has seen, and in no state has he been more pleased with the fertility of the soil, the healthy appearance of the farms, the bracing air, and the flourishing appearance of everything than in our own. In conversation with some of our leading citizens, he has expressed these views, and has wished us all in parting every prosperity. He has hopes of again visiting us at some distant day and renewing here and further on his researches. Mr. Miller has also expressed his concurrence in these views. Both gentlemen expressed their high estimation of Mr. Jarvis, and owe the pleasure they have had entirely to his energy, kindness, and consideration.
Winfield Courier, October 26, 1882.
Roland Conklin has bought a nine thousand dollar residence in Kansas City.
Winfield Courier, November 9, 1882.
Mr. J. E. Conklin returned Monday in time to vote a straight Republican ticket. He has been away from home nine weeks, which is a long time for one so young and inexperienced. He will return to his labors again in about two weeks.
Winfield Courier, November 23, 1882.
Mr. J. E. Conklin returned home last week and will spend a short time with his family.
Winfield Courier, November 23, 1882.
Miss Dinnie Swing of Chicago, a niece of Mrs. Warnock of this city, and a relative of Prof. Swing of Chicago, is visiting Mrs. Joe Conklin. Miss Swing has just returned from an extended European trip, and we hope her visit to our little city will be a pleasant one.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
On last Saturday evening Mrs. J. E. Conklin entertained a company of her young friends at her pleasant home. The evening was most pleasantly spent and all were sorry when the warning hand of time pointed to Sunday morning, thus compelling the party to disperse. Mr. and Mrs. Conklin assisted by their charming guest, Miss Dinnie Swing, have the thanks of the persons below named for so pleasant a time, viz: Misses Hane, Scothorn, Beeney, McDonald, Berkey, and Millington, and Messrs. Fuller, Cairns, Robinson, Wilson, Davis, Miner, and Webb.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 3, 1883.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 3, 1883.
SHERIFF’S SALE: S. E. Schermerhorn, Plaintiff, Against Samuel T. Endicott, Nellie D. Endicott, F. S. Jennings, The Traveler’s Insurance Company, of Hartford, Connecticut, A. D. Wear and Jarvis, Conklin & Co., Defendants.
Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.
Roland Conklin came down from Kansas City Thursday and spent two days in the city among his many friends.
Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.
What Our People Did During the Holidays.
R. R. Conklin took in the masquerade, returning to Kansas City on Saturday.
Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.
Messrs. Robinson, Horning, Kretsinger, Conklin, Wood, Myton, Lynn, Moore, and others went up to Topeka Tuesday afternoon.
Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.
Jarvis, Conklin & Co., will loan you money in amounts from $200 up to any amount for which you can give security.
Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.
Miss Dinnie A. Swing, who has spent the past two months here, a guest of her cousin, Mrs. J. E. Conklin, left on the Monday morning train for Kansas City, where she will make a short visit. Miss Swing is a delightful young lady and made many friends during her stay here who will rejoice to hear that she may return and finish the winter with us.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 24, 1883.
R. C. Story, ex-County Superintendent, has connected himself with the firm of Jarvis, Conklin & Co., of Winfield, and we wish him success in his new walk in life.
Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.
Job Reduced But Still Big.
Last week we went over east with Joe. E. Conklin on business in the interest of Winfield and her citizens, and in our absence the water works question came up before the city council on Monday evening, and as we expected, was not concluded by the passage of an ordinance. We further expected that the matter would go over to the next regular meeting, by which time it could probably be determined whether a better proposition could be obtained than either of the two propositions before the council. Contrary to our expectations the council adjourned to Tuesday and then to Wednesday evening and rushed the matter along, finally passing an ordinance substantially that offered by Ed. Greer with his amendments, but giving the contract to the originators of the Barclay ordinance, contrary to all rules of justice and fair dealing. Instead of giving the contract to the lowest responsible bidder, it was given to the highest bidder on the condition that he should accept the terms proposed by the lowest bidder.
This was an outrage which admits of no excuse, and we believe that no one pretends there was any excuse for it. Ed. had the backing of at least as much Winfield capital and character as had the parties to whom the job was awarded, and in addition he had the indorsement of one of the strongest water works builders in the country who promised to build the works if Greer’s proposition passed; while the parties to whom the award was made, had no outside backing at all, and now boast that their pretended backing, John Worthington, has been dead two years.
Such an outrage could not have been perpetrated by councilmen Read and Mayor Troup alone. One other councilman was necessary to complete the job. Councilmen Wilson and McMullen could never have been inveigled into such a measure. Councilman Gary was their only chance. He had been the most stubborn opponent to the Barclay job and held that the city could not afford to go into any plan of water works which had been presented or was likely to be presented. Wilson and McMullen were in favor of water works on the best terms the city could get. Read and Troup were as certainly in favor of giving as big a job as possible to Barclay’s assigns, viz., Read’s Bank. How they managed to win Gary to their side is a matter on which our citizens will all have an opinion, but we need not state ours. Some circumstances, however, will not be overlooked. In the first place, it seems that only Read’s Bank was in the scheme. It becoming necessary to have a good talker and a lawyer, Hackney was enlisted, either on a fee or with a share in the job. We have too much regard for his shrewdness to suppose he went in without either. The job did not rush through as suddenly as was expected and Hackney had to go to Topeka. Several outsiders tumbled to their racket, probably without pay or shares, but simply because their souls belonged to Read’s Bank. But they did not count for much. Greer had put in an ordinance that would favor the city at least $55,000 over the other ordinance and something had to be done or the original job would be beaten. They must have a lawyer and a shrewd talker. They selected J. Wade McDonald, probably on similar terms to those on which Hackney was engaged, and because it was claimed that Wade had Gary in his vest pocket. But somehow Gary did not tumble at once. He promised Ed. that he would vote for his ordinance unless the other fellows should present something a great deal better, that he would never vote to allow any other to take the job on Ed’s bid. There was still a hitch in the matter and other arguments had to be used on Gary. Other parties were taken into the ring to help out. We did not hear the new argument which was presented to Gary, but whatever it was it brought him down. On the first test vote, Gary went over to the enemy. He even refused to support Wilson’s motion to reduce the rents on additional hydrants from $75 to $65, according to Greer’s offer. This showed that Ed’s ordinance would certainly be passed and given to the other fellows, and Ed. wilted and gave up the fight. Believing that it was necessary to have water works and that the matter was reduced to the best terms the city could get, Ed. urged Wilson to vote for the measure with Read and Gary and thus settle the question. Had we been present we would have continued the fight for two weeks longer if possible, with the expectation of getting, within that time, a much better proposition for the city than that which is now saddled upon us.
We consider that Ed. has succeeded in his main point, that of saving the city a large sum of money by compelling Robinson & Co., to accept a franchise not worth one-half as much as that which they would have got but for his efforts.
Under the original ordinance, which would certainly have passed but for him, the City would have had to pay rents on at least eighty hydrants after two years at most at $75 per hydrant per year to the end of the 99 years, amounting to $6,000 a year, and if the City should require 20 more, or 100 hydrants in all, it would cost the city $7,500 a year.
Under the ordinance as passed, it will cost the city $3,000 a year for the first 40 hydrants, $65 each per year for perhaps 20 more, and the other 40 hydrants to make up 100 may be free of rent to the city, thus possibly costing the city only $4,300 a year rent for 100 hydrants, a possible saving to the city of $3,200 a year. As this sum is simply interest on the franchise, it reduces the value of the franchise by a sum which would produce $3,200 a year at 6 percent interest.
But we hold that this ordinance ought not to have passed, simply because the city cannot afford it, and because the city could have established and maintained the same kind of works with less than half of the expense, and possibly with no expense at all after two or three years; by issuing $50,000 six percent bonds and letting the individual water-rents pay the running expenses, repairs, and interest on the bonds and creating sinking fund to extinguish the bonds. Because too, as we are now informed, a proposition would soon have been made, on the same basis as the one passed, in all respects except that no hydrant should cost the city more than $60 per year, which would be a further saving to the city of about $700 a year.
But we have not got altogether a sure thing on the savings of $3,200 a year on the ordinance as passed, over the first ordinance as presented. It depends upon the structure of our future city governments. If the persons who own this franchise should be allowed to control the city legislation as in the past, they will make their stock pay, “you bet.”
The only way to preserve what we have gained is to always elect mayors and councilmen who are not interested in this stock. Even with the closest care we are liable to elect persons who are secretly stockholders or who may be bought.
The grand objection which was urged against the City building its own water works, was, that it would make a big hubbub and quarrel at every city election in the struggle between parties and individuals to get control of the water works offices. We have got the same troubles or worse ones fastened on us with this ordinance. At every city election there will be a struggle and bad blood to determine whether water works men or other citizens shall fill the city offices.
Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.
Our Winfield office is in charge of H. T. Shivers and R. C. Story, who will represent us in all business pertaining to that office. Jarvis, Conklin & Co., Real Estate and Loan Brokers.
Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.
SORGHUM SUGAR. Mr. R. R. Conklin, late of this place, but now a leading loan agent of Kansas City, writes us a letter in relation to Prof. Henry A. Weber of Champaign County, Illinois, who has invented a process by which sugar, of a quality superior to the New Orleans, can be most profitably made from the sorghum cane. He has demonstrated this fact by establishing a sugar works at Champaign, Illinois, and running it successfully one year, during which it has produced 86,000 pounds of sugar which grades “yellow C” and sells at 8½ cents at the factory, and has made 25,650 gallons of very superior molasses.
Mr. Conklin is well acquainted with Prof. Weber and says he proposes to establish some sugar factories in Kansas this year because of the advantage of climate and suitable land for cane. Mr. Conklin has induced Prof. Weber to visit Winfield with a view of establishing a factory here, and thinks he will arrive soon. The advantages of such a factory at this place are too apparent to require an argument and we hope our citizens will receive the professor with cordiality and give him all the assistance and encouragement in their power.
Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.
Mr. R. R. Conklin of Kansas City was in town Tuesday, accompanied by Mr. M. A. Scoville of Champaign, Illinois, who is looking up the sugar refinery business. Recent developments indicate that sugar refining, or the manufacture of sorghum sugar, is destined to become a profitable industry in the West, and capital is turning its attention to it. No better field for investment in this line can be found than here in Cowley County.
Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.
Sugar Meeting. A few leading citizens met Mr. Scoville and Mr. Conklin at the Brettun House Tuesday evening at which samples of the new process sorghum sugar were exhibited, the process explained, the advisability of the establishment of a sugar factory discussed. The samples were very fine and satisfactory and the gentlemen present expressed the fullest confidence in the matter and a belief that a sugar factory here will not only pay largely but be of the greatest value to the farmers of the county and business of the city. The business will be further considered. Samples of the sugar are left at the COURIER office, and a barrel of it will be sent to Wallis & Wallis, grocers of this city.
Winfield Courier, April 26, 1883.
S. M. Jarvis, of Jarvis, Conklin & Co., was down from Kansas City several days of last week looking after the business interests of the firm. During his stay he visited several of the agencies in the Territory. He returned Friday with his scalp sound, and a higher appreciation than ever of the beauties of Cowley County.
Who was Mrs. L. A. Conklin??? Mother of Conklin brothers was Mrs. Julia L. Conklin. She lived on the west side of Millington between 6th and 7th Avenues. There was no listing in 1880 for Mrs. L. A. Conklin. Could this have been the wife of J. E. Conklin???...
Winfield Courier, May 3, 1883.
Senator Hackney has purchased of Mrs. L. A. Conklin the lot on the southeast corner of Ninth Avenue and Millington Street, and a residence lot on Sixth Avenue for one thousand dollars in cash and five thousand dollars of water-works stock.
From the next item it becomes apparent that Mrs. J. E. Conklin was the daughter of Mrs. Rachael Warnock...
Winfield Courier, May 10, 1883.
On last Friday Mrs. Rachael Warnock gave an old fashioned quilting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Conklin. In the times of long ago it was the fashion for the ladies in parties of this kind to meet early in the day, and in the evening they would be joined by husbands and lovers and then would come the fun and frolic. But in this party ye gallants were left out. There were a dozen guests, as follows: Mesdames Cairns, Holloway, Fahnestock, Reed, McRaw, Lowe, Stopher, Berkey, McDonald, Rowland, Moss, and Cook.
At noon they sat down to a good, old-fashioned spread, and when work was renewed, amid laughter and jest, busy fingers soon completed a beautiful quilt. If the mothers and grandmothers who have long passed away could have looked in on the scene, they would have thought the aims of life had but little changed since their day.
Winfield Courier, May 17, 1883.
Mr. Branham, agent for the K. C. L. & S., in this city, has moved into the J. E. Conklin house.
Winfield Courier, May 17, 1883.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Conklin and Mrs. Warnock left Tuesday morning for Kansas City, where they will reside. J. E. will be connected with the firm of Jarvis, Conklin & Co., and will bring ripe business and social qualities to the business of that city. Mrs. Conklin is an accomplished, agreeable, and highly esteemed lady and we bespeak for both a kind reception in the social circles of the great city at the mouth of the Kaw.
Winfield Courier, May 17, 1883.
Where the Money Came From. The following are the cash contributions to the general editorial entertainment fund. More was raised than was used and those who subscribed first took more than their share, so that others had to be somewhat limited in their contributions to give others a chance.
J. E. Conklin gave $2.00.
Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.
The Western Farm and Investment Company, of which J. E. Conklin is secretary and R. R. Conklin is treasurer, occupies three columns in last Tuesday’s Kansas City Journal. Winfield men are forging to the front rapidly in Kansas City business circles.
Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.
Important Announcement.
We take pleasure in announcing from reliable sources that Messrs. Jarvis, Conklin & Co., of Kansas City, will re-open their office in Winfield in a very short time, bringing them the first 6 percent money to be loaned in Kansas. They have obtained the additional advantage also of allowing the borrower to pay installments or the whole loan off at any time after one year. Messrs. Jarvis, Conklin & Co. have always taken the greatest interest in Winfield, and this great reduction in the rates of interest and facilities given borrowers, is not the least factor they have brought to play in the prosperity of Cowley County.
Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.
S. M. Jarvis and J. E. Conklin are down from Kansas City spending a few days among friends.
Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.
S. M. Jarvis, Conklin & Co., is in the city arranging for the re-opening of their office here. This will be done about the 1st of the month, when they propose to put money on the market at six percent interest. Six percent in Cowley will make quite a stir, and is getting interests very low. In addition to this, they propose to allow the option of paying off the loans anytime the borrower desires.
Winfield Courier, September 27, 1883.
The editor and his family have returned from a trip east, having taken in as many of the sights as was possible in the short period of fifteen days. As we did our traveling mostly in the night, in sleeping cars, we got in at least eleven full days for sight seeing, spending a day and a half in St. Louis, one day in Cincinnati, three and a half days in and about Washington, one day in Baltimore, one day in Philadelphia, and three days in and about New York. In the other two days we saw either going or coming, the to us most interesting part of the route, that from Philadelphia to Chillicothe, Ohio, all the way, including the picturesque mountain scenery of West Virginia, Maryland, and Virginia; the Cumberlands, Alleghenies, and Blue Ridge; and scenes of historic interest including Harpers Ferry.
S. M. Jarvis appeared to us in New York and again in Kansas City, having arrived just before we left the latter city.
We met R. R. Conklin at Kansas City. He had lately returned from an extended trip to California and other states and territories of the West.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 3, 1883.
CIVIL DOCKET. THIRD DAY. Mrs. J. J. Nodine vs. J. E. Conklin.
Timothy B. Sweet vs. J. E. Conklin.
R. R. Conklin vs. M. H. Winthrow et al.
R. R. Conklin vs. N. C. Driggs et al.
R. R. Conklin vs. Wm. B. Winthrow et al.
R. R. Conklin vs. E. W. Haning et al.
R. R. Conklin vs. James M. Baker et al.
R. R. Conklin vs. George W. Denton et al.
S. M. Jarvis vs. C. C. Rockwell.
Winfield Courier, October 11, 1883.
S. M. Jarvis, of Jarvis, Conklin & Co., was in the city Sunday. Their large business keeps Sam on the road most of the time.
Winfield Courier, October 11, 1883.
Ezra Nixon goes to Kansas City Nov. 1st to become bookkeeper for Jarvis, Conklin & Co. This firm keeps drawing on the live young men of our town to an alarming extent.
Winfield Courier, October 11, 1883.
Foreclosure: By R. R. Conklin against Nelson C. Briggs.
Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.
Messrs. Shivvers & Linn have opened a real estate and insurance office in the rooms formerly occupied by Jarvis, Conklin & Co., over McDonald & Miner’s store. They are energetic, responsible businessmen, and persons looking for a location or desiring to place land for sale should call on them.
Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.
NEW FIRM. SHIVVERS & LINN, Real Estate, Loan & Insurance Agents.
Write Insurance in the Best Companies. Farm and City Property for Sale.
Office at the old stand of Jarvis, Conklin & Co., Winfield, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1884.
J. E. Conklin came down from Kansas City last week and is spending a few days here looking after his business interests.
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1884.
We were favored Tuesday by a call from Mr. W. H. Daniels of Shoals, Indiana, introduced by J. E. Conklin. He is visiting this county for the purpose of investment, and is much surprised at the contrast between the prosperous appearance of everything here and the hard times in his and other states further east. There will be a great emigration from those states to Kansas this spring.
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1884.
Mr. J. E. Conklin and lady will be residents of Winfield again in a few weeks.
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1884.
A Company Formed to Develop the Future Leading Industry of this Section.
A New Quarry Opened and Switches Being Put In.
The Facilities of the Company Unlimited to Supply Foreign or Local Orders.
It has always been the thought of good businessmen in Winfield, from the time the town started, that one of the most certain and enduring elements in the future wealth of the city, was the seams and layers of pure magnesian limestone that crops out at the surface at such convenient distances from the future great city of the Walnut Valley. Up to the time of the completion of the first railroad, the quarries were worked for local purposes. The stone worked easily and could be put into foundations and good buildings cheaper than any other material. About this time our magnificent system of sidewalks was commenced, which has made the city celebrated. Flagging twenty feet square, and the surface as smooth as if it were dressed, was taken out, and published the fame of the Winfield quarries.
When the railroads were completed, it was naturally anticipated that switches would be put in by the railroads and that capital and energy would at once combine to develop this important industry; but months lengthened into years, and while Wichita, Wellington, and other cities wanted the stone, the demand could not be supplied, and they were obliged to go to Strong City and other places for both cut and dimension stone. Without railroad facilities, it was simply impossible, with the best endeavors on the part of the quarrymen doing business here, to supply the ever-increasing demand.
About two months ago an advertisement was inserted in the Kansas City Journal, offering to sell the brick and tile works located here, and in answer to that Mr. J. E. Parkins, of Kansas City, came here with a view of buying the yard. From the very first, his attention was attracted to the character of our stone. He talked with businessmen and showed that he had upwards of thirty years’ experience in quarrying, and in the erection of government buildings and railroad work, and that our stone was as good as any in the world; and he stated that with the completion of his contract of the Kansas City post office, he would open up these quarries. A company was at once organized and the Land quarry was purchased. The tract embraces ten acres, and is east of the Southern Kansas railroad, and about a half mile north of the cemetery.
A large force of hands are now at work grading for a switch, and room will be provided for twenty cars. The foreign output for this reason will be about ten car loads a day, and the necessary force to supply that demand will be at work during the coming month.
The brick and the works near the Santa Fe depot now form a part of the Winfield Stone, Brick & Tile Company’s property, and the large engine now there will do the work of sawing, cutting, and turning the stone, in addition to its former duties. The stone that is to be dressed will be loaded in cars at the quarry and carried to the town yard, where skilled workmen put it into all the various shapes in which cut stone is used. It will be worked into many forms never before attempted here.
Additional machinery for making brick will be put in and a quality of brick, both pressed and common, will be furnished that is second to none in the market.
A storehouse for the sale of lime, cement, and kindred products, will be at once erected. The quarry and the yard will be connected by telephone.
The officers of the company are as follows: M. L. Read, President; J. E. Conklin, Secretary; M. L. Robinson, Treasurer; and J. E. Parkins, General Superintendent. About fifty men will be employed, and everything will be done that knowledge united with skill, energy with well-directed impulse, and capital without limit can do to make the stone interest the leading manufacturing industry of Cowley County. In this work we are all interested, and the COURIER wishes the Winfield Stone, Brick & Tile Company an unlimited amount of success.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 13, 1884.
Sam Jarvis and the Conklin brothers, former residents of Cowley, have made a new departure, having opened a banking institution at Kingman, Kansas, known as the Farmers’ and Drovers’ bank. They are gentlemen of stability and integrity, whose success is certain.
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1884.
Messrs. Jarvis, Conklin & Co. have organized and started a bank at Kingman, Kansas. It is an incorporated State bank with a cash capital of $50,000. S. M. Jarvis is president; R. R. Conklin, vice president; and H. P. Morgan, cashier. Mr. Morgan, who had a banking experience of fourteen years in Rhode Island, has for several years been representing this firm at their office in Providence, Rhode Island. Kingman County, since the advent of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railroad, has been growing rapidly in population. While land is cheap there now, it ranks in soil and climate with McPherson, just north of it, which for three years has been the banner wheat county of the State. With the wide acquaintance and business experience of these gentlemen, the success of the venture as a financial measure cannot be questioned. Both Messrs. Jarvis and Conklin will remain in charge of their home office at Kansas City.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1884.
Mr. R. R. Conklin came down from Kansas City Friday evening and spent a day in the city looking after the business interests of the firm.
Winfield Courier, March 13, 1884.
J. E. Conklin and his estimable lady with her mother are again residents of Winfield, to the great delight of their many friends.
Winfield Courier, April 3, 1884.
Judge Torrance has sold two acres and a half out of his ten acre tract on East 12th Avenue, to J. E. Conklin, for $1,250. Mr. Conklin will build a fine residence there during the summer.
Winfield Courier, April 10, 1884.
The busiest place we have yet seen is the brick and tile yards of the Winfield Stone, Brick & Tile Company, on South Menor street. About twenty men are there employed making improvements and brick. The yards have been fenced and carpenters are busily engaged making “dryers.” They are getting in shape to turn out a quarter of a million brick per week. The switches to the Company’s stone quarry are now being put in. An office for the Secretary, J. E. Conklin, is being fitted up on the brick and tile yards.
Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.
Mr. S. M. Jarvis visited the city Sunday and Monday in company with Messrs. Macknet, Howell, and Divine, of the Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company of New Jersey, who came out to look over their investments made in this county by Jarvis, Conklin & Co., and McDonald, Jarvis & Co. They control about forty million dollars capital and are one of the largest insurance companies in the country. They are better pleased with their investments in this county than with those of any county they have visited.
Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.
M. L. Read and M. L. Robinson have purchased from J. E. Conklin the lot and building now being occupied by Hendricks & Wilson’s hardware store. The consideration was eight thousand dollars.
Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.
A Business Chance. On Monday Mr. J. E. Conklin purchased Read & Robinson’s interest in the Winfield Brick, Stone, and Tile Works, and is now the controlling owner of that enterprise. The investments now reach upwards of twelve thousand dollars. Under the efficient management of Mr. Conklin, this institution will prove a most valuable one, not only for the proprietors but the community at large.
Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.
NOTICE. Joseph E. Conklin has this day purchased all of the stock of The Winfield Stone, Brick and Tile Company owned by M. L. Read and M. L. Robinson, and all their interests in and to all the property both real and personal together with all the credits of the aforesaid company. The said Joseph E. Conklin and his co-owners of the stock of said company assume and agree to pay any and all liabilities of the said The Winfield Stone, Brick and Tile Company. J. E. CONKLIN, M. L. ROBINSON, M. L. READ.
Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.
BRICK. The Winfield Stone, Brick and Tile Company is now making twenty thousand brick per day. These brick are all hand moulded and are pronounced by masons the best ever made in this county. They can be seen on Main Street in Jennings’s office building. Prices low.
STONE. We have re-opened the quarries on the land northeast of Winfield and will furnish at the quarries the best Rubble stone from $2.00 to $2.50 per cord of one hundred and twenty-eight cubic feet, and will deliver anywhere in the corporate limits of Winfield for $4.50 per cord.
These quarries are closer and more conveniently situated than any of the Winfield quarries.
We will furnish cut stone of any kind, either blue or white, at low prices.
We invite a visit to our saw-mill and brickyard in the southwest part of Winfield.
Winfield Courier, July 10, 1884.
Laborers are scarce and command big wages now-a-day. Joe Conklin offers $2.00 a day, in another column, for hands to work in his stone quarry.
Winfield Courier, July 10, 1884.
WANTED. 10 QUARRYMEN! WILL PAY Two Dollars Per Day For Good Workmen. Inquire at the Company’s office at the Brick Yard, or at the Quarry north of Union Cemetery.
J. E. CONKLIN, President W. S. B. & T. Co.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, July 30, 1884.
One of the stockholders: J. E. Conklin.
Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.
Recap. Sheriff’s Sale Sept. 8, 1884, of real estate to be sold by Sheriff McIntire. Plaintiff, S. M. Jarvis; Defendants, John N. Sicks and Nancy J. Sicks.
Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.
Recap. Sheriff’s Sale September 8, 1884, of real estate to be sold by Sheriff McIntire.
Plaintiff, R. R. Conklin. Defendants, Wm. W. Whiteside, Amanda M. Whiteside, and Fred R. Foster.
Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.
Recap. Sheriff’s Sale September 8, 1884, of real estate to be sold by Sheriff McIntire.
Plaintiff, R. R. Conklin. Defendants, Rebecca A. Withrow, Emily E. Withrow, Amanda F. Withrow, and Eby D. Withrow.
Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.
Recap. Sheriff’s Sale September 8, 1884, of real estate to be sold by Sheriff McIntire.
Plaintiff, R. R. Conklin. Defendants, Eliphus W. Hanning, Carolina Hanning, and Wesley McEwen.
Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.
Mrs. Julia L. Conklin, the mother of the Conklin Brothers, after an absence of two years in Kansas City, is visiting her children.
Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.
Miss Minnie McLean, of Kansas City, is spending a few days with Mrs. Joe Conklin.
Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.
A Mother Dies Under Peculiarly Distressing Circumstances,
Far from Husband and Other Relatives, Amid the Agonizing Cries of Three Little Ones.
DIED. One of those sad deaths which stir the innermost recesses of the heart came to Mrs. Ellen Sheehy, in this city, Saturday night last. She was an intelligent, comely lady, aged twenty-three years, and had three children, two girls and one boy, the youngest being but seven months old. A few months ago Mrs. Sheehy, with her husband and children, came from the northern part of the state to Winfield, where they rented a house for one year, paying for it in advance, and he went to work for Mr. J. E. Conklin in the Stone, Brick and Tile Works. Two weeks ago last Wednesday, he, in company with Mr. Gray and two others, started for the west in search of farms for future homes, he intending to send for his family as soon as he located. About one week after he left, she was taken down with typhoid malaria fever, which baffled the best skill, and terminated fatally in ten days. The husband being out in the sparsely settled west, knows nothing of his great loss. Her father and mother live at Chandler, Rooks County, about thirty miles from the railroad and could not be reached by telegraph under seventeen dollars. This Mrs. Sheehy ascertained, and being of a sensitive nature meekly waited, in the hopes of recovery, without apprizing the neighbors and friends of this desire, until too late. So no relatives were present at the funeral, which took place from the Baptist Church Sunday afternoon, Rev. J. Cairns, assisted by Rev. B. Kelly, conducting the ceremonies. Mrs. Sheehy was buoyant with hopes for recovery until almost the end, and when she found she must succumb to the inevitable, her agony at the thought of leaving her children among strangers was heart-rending. She begged the physician and friends to save her until just one look upon the absent husband could be had. As soon as her condition was known, everything that medical skill and kind neighbors could do, by night and day, was done, and she realized that she had fallen into the hands of Good Samaritans. Especially attentive were Rev. J. Cairns and his estimable lady. Mrs. Sheehy was converted at eighteen and joined the Baptist Church. A large cortege followed her to the cemetery, evincing the deepest sympathy and regret, where she was laid away in a beautiful lot. The children are being tenderly cared for by Mrs. Gordon, one of the neighbors.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 27, 1884.
Our old friend, J. E. Conklin, of Winfield, was in the city yesterday.
Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.
56. S. M. Jarvis vs. John F. Miller.
58. R. R. Conklin vs. James Galliner et al.
60. R. R. Conklin vs. Ira D. Black, et al.
97. John Cronin, vs. Winfield Brick & Tile Co.
Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.
The firm of McDonald, Jarvis & Co. was dissolved Monday, Judge McDonald retiring. His increasing law practice together with his stock interests made this necessary. The firm will hereafter be Jarvis, Conklin & Co.
Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.
Dissolution Notice.
WINFIELD, KANSAS, September 30th, 1884. The firm of McDonald, Jarvis & Co., is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Jarvis, Conklin & Co., of Kansas City, Missouri, will assume all business obligations of the old firm, and continue the business at Winfield.
Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.
S. M. Jarvis vs. J. F. Miller: costs paid and case dismissed.
R. R. Conklin vs. James Gallagher: judgment by default for $912.70 with 12 percent interest.
R. R. Conklin vs. Ira D. Black et al: judgment by default for $1,860.10, with legal interest.
Winfield Courier, November 20, 1884.
We guarantee to borrowers the cheapest rates in Southern Kansas. We ask no business if we do not make good our guarantee. Jarvis, Conklin & Co.
Winfield Courier, November 20, 1884.
6 percent money to loan by Jarvis, Conklin & Co. Remember the place—at the old stand south of A. T. Spotswood’s.
Winfield Courier, December 4, 1884.
We can make you any kind of a loan you desire. We can make you a loan for straight five years, or we can give you a privilege of paying the loan after a year from the first interest payment, or we can give you the privilege of paying in installments of $500. We can give you annual or semi-annual interest. Jarvis, Conklin & Co.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.
Parties who are contemplating borrowing money upon farm security will do well to consult Jarvis, Conklin & Co. for rates and conditions. They give the best conditions and the best rates, and transact business promptly.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.
We have the only 6 percent money to loan in Kansas. Why pay seven, eight, nine and ten percent interest on good farm security when you can make a loan drawing 6 percent?
Jarvis, Conklin & Co.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.
Jarvis, Conklin & Co. Loan Brokers.
One of the oldest and most successful firms of the city is that of Messrs. Jarvis, Conklin & Co. The firm is composed of Mr. S. M. Jarvis and R. R. Conklin, extensive loan brokers of Kansas City, and at one time in charge of their business here, and Mr. Ed. Jarvis, who assisted by Mr. F. C. Hunt, manages the affairs of the Winfield office. They loan money in any way desired—straight five years, or with the privilege of paying in installments, annual or semi-annual interest. The extent of their business and the wealth and reliability of the firm enables them to loan money at astonishingly low rates. This fact and the personal responsibility of the firm have given them a very extensive business.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.
R. R. Conklin vs. James Galliher. On motion of plaintiff, case was dismissed without prejudice at plaintiff’s cost.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.
J. E. Conklin introduced, with commendatory remarks, his old friend, J. M. Stayman, of Champaign City, Illinois, who is an experienced machinist and a man of ability and capital. Mr. Stayman stated that he was here on a prospecting tour and after being shown around the city and county by Mr. Conklin, had determined to locate with a foundry and machine shops in the stone building on north Main. James Ostrander, a machinist of equal experience will accompany him from the East soon and together they will establish this enterprise. Mr. Conklin gives these men the highest recommendation and Winfield will no doubt have reason to congratulate herself on their advent.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.
A Third Enthusiastic Meeting and a Board of Directors Elected.
The Winfield Enterprise Association is now thoroughly organized and is bringing its power to bear on various schemes whose success will set Winfield several rounds up the ladder of prosperity. Its third meeting was held on Thursday evening last, when the membership was found to have reached over two hundred of our prominent businessmen, most of whom were present and have since put two dollars each into a sinking fund. J. C. Long was chosen chairman and D. L. Kretsinger secretary. A committee consisting of G. H. Allen, T. H. Soward, Walter Denning, C. M. Leavitt, and Frank H. Greer was appointed to report a list of names for directors of the Association. The following were reported and unanimously elected: Wm. Whiting, J. B. Lynn, M. L. Robinson, J. C. Long. H. B. Schuler, J. L. Horning, D. A. Millington, T. H. Soward, A. H. Doane, W. P. Hackney, J. E. Conklin, J. P. Baden, and W. G. Graham. No better men could have been chosen as directors. They are all men of enterprise and energy: men who have the interests of our city and county at heart and the necessary nerve and ability to secure every enterprise possible for our advancement. The committee previously appointed to devise a plan for the establishment of a college in Winfield, composed of W. R. Kirkwood, J. H. Reider, A. H. Gridley, and A. H. Jennings, reported as follows.
Your committee, appointed to consider and report upon the subject of an educational institution of a higher grade, beg leave to present the following, viz:
1st. We believe it to be eminently desirable that such an institution should be located in Winfield, and at the same time entirely feasible.
2nd. We are informed that the South Western Kansas Conference, of the M. E. Church is about to locate a College in the southern central portion of the State.
3rd. We therefore recommend that a committee of businessmen be appointed who shall make a canvass of the city and county, soliciting subscriptions to a fund to be used for the purpose of securing the location of said College in Winfield; and we recommend that the work be done at once, inasmuch as the conference above named, meets on the 16th inst.
4th. Inasmuch as it is proposed at an early day to vote bonds to the amount of $15,000 for the purpose of erecting another school building, we beg to suggest whether it be possible legally to vote for the erection of such building—to build it on plans suitable for College purposes, and, if the College can be secured, to be turned over to the board of trustees of the College for their use, while the high school should be merged in the preparatory department of the College, it being understood that, in case the College is located here, it shall be properly endowed and equipped by the Conference.
The Directors held their first meeting on Friday evening last and permanently officered the Association as follows: President, H. B. Schuler; Vice-President, D. A. Millington; Secretary and Treasurer, T. H. Soward. Committees were appointed to sift and develop certain enterprises that have been sprung. This organization means much for Winfield and Cowley County. It is composed of the most harmonious and enterprising lot of businessmen that any city was ever blessed with—men who are determined to make Winfield the metropolis of Southern Kansas and Cowley the most populous, prosperous, and popular county in the State. With natural advantages unexcelled, citizens a unit for advancement, substantial immigration pouring in, and public and private improvements all around, the future of Cowley looks bright indeed.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 23, 1885.
H. L. Archer, traveling agent for Jarvis, Conklin & Co., who has been here for two weeks, left Saturday for his home, Columbus, Kansas. He was accompanied by his brother, Lou, from Marshall, Ill., who is visiting him.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 30, 1885.
The District Court is not wrestling with many heavy cases. Most of them are small and readily disposed of. R. R. Conklin vs. G. F. Gray, et al. Demurred with prejudice.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 14, 1885.
An Illinois Fire Bug Taken In. Sheriff Tuttle came in Monday from Danville, Illinois, with a requisition for Ed. Peebles, who was arrested last week by Deputy Sheriff Tom H. Herrod. Peebles was charged with incendiarism four years ago, in Danville. He was the engineer of the Fire Company. Four of the company were guilty of firing valuable buildings to get a “run.” Three of them were sent to the “pen,” but Peebles skipped his bail and has since been at large in the wild west. Through ways best known to himself, Deputy Sheriff Herrod caught on to his whereabouts and took him in for safe keeping, and telegraphed Tuttle. Peebles has been engineer at Conklin’s stone quarry for some months, and has every appearance of an honorable, intelligent man, neat and good looking. He had joined the Methodist church, and seemed to have been leading a straight, reliable life. But the scent of by-gone days was too strong, and reparation breaks the tranquility of his days.
[Note: Article above showed “Publes in paper. Later they changed name to “Peebles.]
Arkansas City Traveler, May 20, 1885.
Money to Loan by Jarvis, Conklin & Co., Winfield, Kansas. Interest coupons are delivered when the interest is paid. Privilege is given in paying the mortgage in installments, or the whole loan, any time after the first year. No trouble in finding mortgages when they are paid. Annual or semi-annual interest. We guarantee the cheapest rates. Do not fail to call and see us if you are thinking of making a loan.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 21, 1885.
Not So Bad. Dr. F. M. Pickens informs us that the charges against Ed Peebles, who was arrested here the other day and taken back to Danville, Ill., on a requisition, were not as represented. He thinks our informant, the Sheriff from Danville, was too anxious to make something out of nothing. Dr. Pickens is an old resident of Danville and has known Peebles for years. He says Peebles did not skip his bond when in the toils for arson. He stood his trial with the other members of the fire company. He came clear amid the loudest applause of his friends. The three who were sent to the “pen” have just got out, after four years, and are trying to visit an old spite in this new indictment. The Doctor is confident that nothing whatever will come of it, except chagrin and loss of time to the victim. Peebles has an accomplished wife and bright little child, and as foreman of Mr. Conklin’s stone quarry, was living a peaceful and happy life.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 21, 1885.
Pursuant to call the citizens met in mass meeting at the Court House Tuesday evening, with J. C. Long presiding and Ed. P. Greer as secretary, for the purpose of considering the question of securing the Methodist College. Senator Hackney, of the visiting committee, explained the situation. M. L. Robinson then proposed a plan whereby the twenty acres and fifteen thousand dollars necessary might be raised. He proposed to be one of eight to organize the College Hill Addition Company, secure land in some available location, set aside twenty acres thereof for the college site and guarantee ten thousand dollars to the fund. This suggestion was immediately adopted, and the following gentlemen subscribed to the shares at once: M. L. Robinson, W. P. Hackney, Chas. F. Bahntge, John W. Curns, W. R. McDonald, T. H. Soward, A. J. Thompson, and S. H. Myton. After some further discussion on the matter by Judge Gans, Mayor Graham, J. E. Conklin, and others, the meeting adjourned to meet again this evening. Messrs. Baden, Millington, Spotswood, Wallis, Conklin, F. S. Jennings, Bedilion, and Whiting were appointed as a committee to confer with the members of the College Hill and Highland Park Association and report proceedings. Mayor Graham, H. B. Schuler, and Senator Hackney were appointed to attend to the reception and entertainment of the College Commission. The railroad question was also discussed at some length, and a committee of seven consisting of Messrs. Farnsworth, Bowen, M. M. Scott, Siverd, Chas. Schmidt, and J. E. Conklin were appointed to see that the registration was fully made. An assessment of $1.00 was levied upon the members of the Enterprise Association to defray the expenses of the railroad canvass. The solution of the college problem seems to be at hand. If this association furnishes the twenty acres and ten thousand dollars, certainly our citizens will furnish the other five thousand. Now is the time to act in this matter, and when the committee calls, be ready to put down liberally.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 28, 1885.
L. G. Archer, from Marshal, Ill., is now custom collector at the Central. He is a brother of W. L. Jarvis, Conklin & Co.’s traveling agent, whose headquarters have been here for some time.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 28, 1885.
The grounds of Mr. W. J. Kennedy’s residence have received a highly appreciated adornment in a vase of novel and beautiful design, a token from Mr. J. E. Conklin. It is turned from the magnificent stone from Mr. Conklin’s quarry near the city. Cowley County stone is becoming famous for such adornment. It can be turned from a lathe as easily and handsomely as marble.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 28, 1885.
A Lawyer Arrested. Charles Bogardus, a young attorney who located here a few weeks ago, was last night arrested on complaint of Jarvis, Conklin & Co. He is charged with embezzling two hundred dollars through a branch, conducted by him, of the Kingman office of Jarvis, Conklin & Co., at Saratoga. He claims to have sent six hundred dollars, by registered letter, to the U. S. land office at Larned, entry fee on three pieces of land. The land office received but four hundred dollars of the amount. Jarvis, Conklin & Co., on getting complaint of the non-entry, sent their K. C. attorney to investigate. In the meantime Bogardus came here. The evidence pointed conclusively to embezzlement. Our officials were telegraphed to arrest, and today Mr. S. M. Jarvis, the head of the firm, arrived to look into the matter. Bogardus claims that the two hundred dollars was extracted from the letter after leaving his hands, and that he has spent three hundred dollars in trying to ferret the loss. Yet no evidence could be found by the firm’s attorney showing that he had filed any complaint in the post office department or otherwise, or that he had told anyone of the loss. The complaint had been filed in the District Court at Kingman, and Bogardus will be held here for the Kingman authorities. He is twenty-four years old, with a wife and one child at Saratoga. His mother owns considerable property around that place. Bogardus is said to have been in the toils before for embezzlement.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 4, 1885.
Constable Herrod took Bogardus, in the toils for embezzling two hundred dollars for Jarvis, Conklin & Co., at Saratoga, to Kingman yesterday, where he will await trial before the District Court.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 18, 1885.
Citizens of Winfield Gather En Masse to Welcome the College Committee.
Thursday was the occasion of much joy to the people of Winfield and vicinity. The Opera House was filled with rejoicing people. Early in the evening the House commenced to fill, and impatiently waited for the gentlemen to put in an appearance for whom they had gathered to welcome. The Courier Cornet Band discoursed sweet music, sufficient to charm a God of olden times. Everybody felt happy. On motion of W. C. Robinson, John C. Long was unanimously elected chairman of the meeting. Mr. Long was heartily cheered upon taking the platform. The following is in substance Mr. Long’s address.
Fellow Citizens: We do not meet here tonight to raise funds, but to jollify over what has been accomplished. (Cheers.) For the past three months we have been successful in every enterprise undertaken. (Cheers.) Through the noble leadership of a gentleman, who is in our presence, and his assistants, we have been successful. (Cheers.) We have a gentleman in our midst earnest in the cause in which he is enlisted, of serving the Lord. A gentleman who has just put forth his best endeavors and zeal in working up this enterprise. A gentleman without whose aid, I believe, we would have failed. The Conference at first had engrafted in the articles determining to erect this college, that it be centrally located. This gentleman advocated the partiality of this clause, and the men composing the conference, in their fair-mindedness and good judgment, made the location at any place of easy access. The seven members of this committee were from other towns, yet they at once saw the superior offers and natural advantages of Winfield and through the efforts of this gentleman, of whom I have been speaking, and his co-worker, we have gained the victory. Fellow citizens, I refer to Rev. B. Kelly and Judge T. H. Soward.”
Cheer upon cheer and cries of “Bro. Kelly!” nearly lifted the roof off the house, which were only quieted by he gentleman coming forward and, though tired, made a happy speech to his admiring listeners, substantially as follows.
Dear Friends: I hesitated about coming here at all tonight. I was about ready to go to bed when I was urged to come up here awhile. I do not take any credit in performing my duty in regard to this college. I believe we have an excellent people. They know what we wanted and had the grit to go and capture it. (Cheers.) I think we have the most beautiful city in Kansas and among the most intelligent people in Kansas. We are on the eve of great prosperity. I don’t know whether we have railroads enough or not; if we haven’t, let us get some more. (Cheers.) I believe we can make ourselves second to no place in Kansas if we can get two more railroads and a few other things, we can soon be first in Kansas. We can get there, my friends. (Cheers.) We had a good committee at Wichita. Some of our sister cities underrated us. I don’t think Wellington did. Every fellow from Hutchinson that was at Wichita was a real estate man, with the exception of two or three Methodists. All of our sister cities had many representatives. My friends, your representative went in alone, and, in a five minutes speech, which was one of the most concise and business like speeches ever put before a committee, captured this college. (Cheers.) The committee saw at once that your representative, Judge T. H. Soward, (Cheers.) knew what he was talking about and had that something ready and willing to offer. We offered the committee everything they wanted. We forgot one thing—our sand. (Laughter.) We have many good things in Winfield. We have the grandest band I ever heard. My friends, I’m too tired to say much tonight. I wish to say right here, we are entitled to all we have and we expect to get more. (Cheers.) I have been a Methodist minister for eighteen years. I never have gone into any speculations, but I know of no people I would help quicker than the people of Winfield. God bless you.
At the close of Bro. Kelly’s speech, he was cheered time after time, when cries of “Soward” filled the room. Finally Judge Soward made his appearance and after some little time contrived to gain a hearing, and in his usual happy vein spoke substantially as follows.
Fellow Citizens: In 1879 Kansas was pretty dry in more ways than one. About this time I landed in your city and took a drive out east; coming back I strayed into the Presbyterian Sunday School. I made up my mind if the Lord did not make this city and country for the blessed and happy, I couldn’t tell where I could find that country. I have been working pretty hard for the past few days and feel too tired tonight to say much. When I came back from Wichita the other day, and before I left, Bro. Kelly was of the opinion we had the college; I felt assured it would be so. I came home and would have slept in peace, but my baby had the colic. (Laughter.) This county is the most beautiful county that God’s sun shines upon. I took some of my Kentucky friends out yesterday down about Arkansas City and Geuda Springs, and every place they come by they would say, “I’m going to have that place!” They are coming here to locate; they have capital, and many more will follow. (Cheers.) I have been proud of Cowley ever since I came here. We have the most enterprising people on the face of the globe. My expectations have been fully realized within the last three or four weeks. My friends, taking into consideration the hard times of the past winter, it is wonderful, the success that has been accomplished in raising funds for this College and other enterprises. It shows the enterprise of the people of Winfield. But, my friends, we want more projects. These railroads and College won’t make our city alone; we must encourage manufactories and men of capital to come here. We can get them. We want the Orphan’s Home for the soldiers. I believe Cowley County can capture it. (Cheers.) By all means we want to locate individuals, and are going to do it. (Cheers.) We must not stop; there is no stopping place in this country. We want a little more smoke from manufactories, no matter if it does cause us to paint our houses a little oftener. But a short time ago, a friend of mine, traveling through California, the so-called garden spot of the world, said he believed Southern Kansas was destined to be the center of the horticultural district. We want men here with enterprise enough to scrape the hair off and cut the throats of our hogs instead of shipping them to Kansas City. (Cheers.) I would like to see a big pork-packing establishment—not too close to town, but just a little ways off, you know. (Laughter.) I wouldn’t give this M. E. college for sixteen imbecile colleges. I would like for this to be a city of colleges. (Cheers.) I would like to see that old Baptist college at Ottawa move down here and fired up with our enterprise. (Cheers.) I would like to see other denominations establish colleges here. Now my friends, we are not through with our work, or you won’t do what I said you would. There are some men here that have not given as much as they ought to do. They will have to give more. Next Tuesday the committee will be here. We want all the pretty girls and pretty wives to turn out and welcome this committee and completely capture them. The gentleman sitting over there with white hair (Mr. Kelly) engineered this through. I would have been like a drop of water in the ocean without him with me at Wichita. We owe it all to him—to his zeal and work in the cause. God bless him and the men and women of this town who have worked for this college, that my little boy and yours may grow up under the shadow of its influence and grow up a good man. I would almost as soon trust a boy to an army as to trust a boy away from home’s protecting influence. Already applications are coming in for homes here. Men are crying I am coming to a town where I can educate my boy and my girl and watch over them. I am going to pitch my tent under the shadow of this college. My friends, do your own work. Do it well, but give a little thought to the future of this country.
At the conclusion of the Judge’s speech, he was applauded again and again.
A vote of thanks was given to Bro. Kelly and Judge Soward for the noble work they have done. Long may the people of Winfield remember them. After the Courier Band had rendered several pieces, the meeting adjourned to dream of Winfield’s future prosperity.
Among the more potent factors in obtaining this great enterprise for Winfield were the soliciting committees who circulated the sub-papers with wonderful energy and success. They raised nearly twenty thousand dollars in this way—almost every man, young and old, in the city made good subscriptions, with many donations from the ladies. Nothing could more plainly demonstrate the great liberality and public spirit of our citizens. There is no doubt that without such assiduous labor on the part of these soliciting committees, Winfield would never have got the college. The committee for Winfield city were: Capt. J. B. Nipp, Judge T. H. Soward, Judge H. D. Gans, Capt. T. B. Myers, Prof. A. Gridley, J. E. Conklin, Frank Bowen, and J. E. Farnsworth. Those soliciting in adjacent territory, as near as we can ascertain, were: Rev. B. Kelly, Col. Wm. Whiting, Rev. S. S. Holloway, Rev. J. H. Snyder, A. H. Limerick, J. A. Rinker, T. J. Johnson, Dr. S. R. Marsh, J. W. Browning, J. A. McGuire, George Gale, D. W. P. Rothrock, D. A. Sherrard, D. Gramme, W. E. Martin, A. Staggers, W. D. Roberts, E. M. Reynolds, J. C. Roberts, and C. Hewitt.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 25, 1885.
District Clerk Pate’s Grist.
R. R. Conklin has brought suit to foreclose $400 mortgage against W. H. Funk.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 25, 1885.
Recap: Sheriff’s Sale. R. R. Conklin, Plaintiff, vs. Ira D. Black, Lydia C. Black, and L. D. Putnam, Defendants. G. H. McIntire gave notice he would sell real estate of defendants on August 3, 1885.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 2, 1885.
James Hall, for some time past connected with the Spotswood grocery, left Sunday evening to take charge of Jarvis, Conklin & Co.’s loan office at Howard. All will regret to see him leave, but wish him success. He will not move his family for some time.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 2, 1885.
Reduction in Postage. Next Wednesday morning, July 1st, commences the operation of the new law concerning postage under which letter postage will be two cents per ounce or fraction thereof instead of two cents per half ounce or fraction thereof as at present. This change will not have the effect to reduce the postage on the largest class of letters, those weighing a half ounce or less, and will therefore be no perceptible relief to the most of the letter writers, but there is a large class of mail matter on which it will reduce the postage about one-half, and it will be a great relief to real estate men, insurance agents, registers of deeds, clerks of the courts, superintendents of public instruction, sheriffs, bankers, and others who send many heavy letters. Persons receiving such letters will be relieved of a large amount of the “postage due” which they now have to pay on letters coming to them on which the prepaid postage is insufficient. The operation of the “postage due” system discloses a large class of penurious or careless correspondents who victimize the persons to whom they address heavy letters. This new law will relieve these victims to a considerable extent. For instance, the register of deeds, First National Bank, P. H. Albright & Co., and Jarvis, Conklin & Co., pay each from ten to twenty dollars a year for postage due stamps, and considering that they fully prepay the postage on the letters they mail, it is likely that the new law will reduce their postage to the extent of forty to one hundred dollars per year. It may be surprising to some to learn that some firms in this city pay from two hundred to five hundred dollars a year in postage and that with some of these a great bulk of their postage is on letters, weighing more than half an ounce. We estimate that the new law will make the receipts of the Winfield office for postage on first-class matter one thousand dollars per year less than it would be under the old law.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 16, 1885.
Formerly of Winfield. The Doctor Layfield, of whose murder last week at Ashland we gave an account, was several years ago a resident of Winfield. He was a relative by marriage of J. E. Conklin, and erected for the Conklin Brothers the Monitor building. His death was a cold blooded murder committed to secure $800, the proceeds of the sale of property in Champaign, Illinois. His wife was to join him today at Ashland, and was ready to start for Kansas when she received the awful intelligence of his murder. He was buried by the Odd Fellows of Champaign, of which lodge he was a member, and from the house whose grounds he had beautified with trees and flowers. The life of a good man has been sacrificed for money, and suffering and despair brought to those who were dependent upon him. Is it not a duty that Kansas owes to society to promptly inflict the death penalty for murder so foul?
Next item shows an account of the murder of Dr. Layfield at Ashton...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 9, 1885.
Dr. Layfield Killed in Cold Blood and Robbed of $800. A Terrible Storm.
Clark County comes in for criminal notoriety with a vim. It has recently had two despicable and revolting murders. Like every new county, it has its “bad men,” though Ashland is a remarkably temperate, civil place for a border town. Last week Julius Murat was shot through the heart. He went with his wife and child from Pleasant Valley, this county, and took a claim near Ashland. Afterward Mrs. Lindsey, mother of Mrs. Murat, and two sons came to Clark County. She took a claim near Murat that had not been occupied by the young man Clouch, who had taken it for three months. Old man Clouch had said his son was holding the claim till his daughter would be of age to take it. Murat and the Lindsey boys were going out to dig a foundation for a shanty for their mother. Murat got there first and was spading, when old man Clouch and a young Kentuckian, Bill Churchill, came up. Murat had never seen either of them before. Without a word Churchill shot Murat through the heart. One of the Lindsey’s arrived just in time to catch Murat as he fell, when Churchill fired another shot. It went through Murat’s shoulder and into Lindsey’s arm. The murderer was arrested and placed in the bastille at Dodge City. Murat’s body was brought to this county for interment. Mr. D. Rodocker shows us a letter from Miss Rose Frederick, well known here, chronicling another terrible murder. Dr. Layfield, Ashland’s dentist, received $800 from the east a few days ago. That night, with it on his person, he was shot dead, and the money taken. The murder was for no other cause than robbery. Tobe Taylor, a drunken cowboy, was arrested for the crime, though there is no positive evidence against him. The same letter tells of a terrible storm that swept over that section the other day. Two storms met, one from the northwest and one from the northeast. Everything in their track was inundated and much property swept away. Dugouts by the dozen were filled with water and caved in, leaving the occupants homeless. And most of the wells, not yet being walled, caved in. It was very destructive and a hard blow on those trying to establish homes in the “wild west.”
[Note: Above article showed Dr. Lafield. Subsequent article shows that his name was Dr. Layfield. I have corrected the name of the dentist to “Dr. Layfield.” MAW]
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 16, 1885.
Mr. J. W. Hall, late of Winfield, who has charge of the loan business of Jarvis, Conklin & Co. for this point, is a jolly good fellow, a good businessman, and our people will like him. We are glad to make his acquaintance. Howard Courant.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 23, 1885.
Mr. J. E. Conklin has just adorned the grounds of Mr. N. B. Powers’ handsome residence, corner of 8th avenue and Millington street, with several hundred feet of as fine flagging walk as we have ever seen. It was done by Mr. Conklin’s contractor, Nick Sandner, and the stone came from Mr. Conklin’s quarry, just east of the Platter farm. It is symmetrical and smooth as a floor, and will last forever. Nothing could give residence grounds better adornment, and the magnificence and convenience of our stone puts it in the reach of all. Mr. Powers is making a complete residence. The finishing touch should be given by cutting out half the trees that obstruct the public view.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 23, 1885.
OUR ROADS. All interior towns like Winfield depend on their trade and consequent prosperity upon the products of the soil, and the more accessible we as a city make ourselves, the more prosperous we will be as a community. It should be our aim to aid the farmer in hauling to our city the largest amount of his various products, with the least amount of labor and time. And in this question of good roads and bridges, every businessman in the community is equally interested with the farmer. In the various pressing needs of a new and growing community, roads and bridges for reason of lack of money are neglected; but with us that time is now past, and if we expect to keep our trade and secure new, we have got to cooperate with adjacent townships and make better roads. I do not expect that Winfield should do it all; but I do expect that we as interested parties shall do our part. Our city has made many complaints about Vernon’s neglect to keep the west bridge in repair. It would have been good business on our part if, instead of foisting upon her a burden she did not want, we would have shown a willingness to share the expense of such burden. The people of that township would have felt more kindly to us, and there would have been no broken limbs and losses of property. A community is made up of individuals, and bulldozing tactics do not succeed with the farmer any better than the latter—particularly where you are obliged to live as neighbors, and future favors are expected. An excellent move has been made on securing the J. F. Martin road through Vernon, and the $600 may be thought by many to be excessive; but when it is recollected that the consideration is a new double track bridge across the Walnut, it will be readily recognized that the amount is not excessive. This bridge and road should have been built years ago, and at 7th avenue instead of 9th, as now proposed. The further north we make this bridge, the more territory from that direction we secure for our trade. If, when the old Bliss bridge went out, a new and better one had been built, there today would be no Kellogg, with its fine roller flour mill and its opposition stores. This is an illustration of where our “save at the spigot” policy has lost us a fine trade for all time.
In conclusion, I want to particularly call the attention of our businessmen to the condition of the Dexter road. This is a township road with Winfield and Walnut on the north and Pleasant Valley on the south; and it is one of the most important roads that leads into the city. Over it comes all the trade from Dexter, Otto, and Maple City, and I do not exaggerate when I say that for months past the condition of this road would have been a disgrace to Arkansas. There is about one hundred yards between Mr. Eddie’s and Mrs. Platter’s farms that for weeks have been simply impassable. Farmers have been obliged to go north to the Tisdale road, or make a long detour south; and now after eight days of dry weather, a load can be hauled through it by doubling teams. I have tried various ways to get this road worked, and for the reason that I had from six to twenty men at work in my quarries on the land east of Mr. Eddie’s; and in my failure to do so, I have been subjected to additional expense and loss, and was obliged to discharge several men who would have had a steady job with good roads. I first saw the Justice, J. C. Roberts, and he said no tax was levied by Walnut and he had no money to do it with. If road tax had been levied, the Southern Kansas alone would have been obliged to pay $200 of it. My next move was by subscription, and parties answered they would not give from their private means for a public purpose where all were equally interested. I next hired two men and teams and tried to ditch it, but only succeeded in partially carrying off the water. To repair this road, I will furnish at the quarry all the broken stone necessary, and less than a hundred dollars would ditch it and give a macadamized road over the worst places. As I said at first, we are all interested in good roads leading to our city; and if I have in this article succeeded in making our businessmen feel their responsibility, it will not be long until such a road as I have described will be an impossibility in this section. J. E. CONKLIN.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 6, 1885.
Joe Conklin returned from Harper Sunday and reports everything booming out there.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 6, 1885.
A Number of Gentlemen Uniquely Surprise Him on Behalf of Numerous Citizens.
A Splendid Token of Esteem.
The faithful and productive labors of Rev. B. Kelly, as a minister and a citizen, met with a response Monday that left not a little additional sunshine in the Reverend’s pleasant home. Numerous citizens, from a spontaneous appreciation, had made up a purse of three hundred and thirty-one dollars to be presented to Rev. Kelly, as a token of their respect for him. Christian and sinner, prohibitionist and anti-prohibitionist, rich and poor, were among the donors showing the universal admiration of Mr. Kelly’s fearless and zealous advocacy of every good cause. To have so many interested, the matter had been kept remarkably still, and Rev. Kelly was completely in the dark. The committee of presentation, on the part of the donors, were Capt. J. B. Nipp, Judge T. H. Soward, Messrs. J. E. Conklin, John Arrowsmith, and R. S. Wilson, who, accompanied by our reporter, made the raid at 8:30 last evening. Mr. Kelly was found at home, and, with an astonished, though very genial manner, welcomed the party. Without any embarrassing preliminaries, Judge Soward said:
“Bro. Kelly: It gives me great pleasure, in company with these friends, to meet you in your home this evening. We do not come for the single pleasure of an hour’s social intercourse. We come as the representatives of a large number of your warm hearted fellow citizens of this city, composed of all denominations and a very large number who represent no religious sect, to assure you of the high esteem which we have for you as a christian gentleman, and to express to you our admiration of the indomitable and untiring energy you have shown in behalf of the moral culture, happiness, and prosperity of our people. Words alone cannot express our feelings, and I bring you from these hands, acting under the impulse of warm and generous hearts, this gift, which we ask you to accept as a slight token of our esteem of a brave and manly man. The intrinsic value of this gift, in itself, is slight; but when I assure you that it bears with it the warm hearted wishes of your friends and admirers, who wish many more years of usefulness and happiness to your household, it becomes more valuable, as we know you esteem the confidence and friendship of your fellow citizens priceless.”
Rev. Kelly, usually equal to any occasion, was to use a homely expression, “all broke up,” and were we to publish his response in full, would no doubt demand a committee of identification. He was glad to welcome the gentlemen to his home on a mission laden with such esteem and encouragement. The surprise, he said, was so complete and of such a character as to incapacitate him for expressing as he would like his deep felt gratitude. He accepted the gift in the spirit it was given—a spontaneous token from warm and appreciative hearts. During his fifteen years residence in Kansas, he had tried to build up, in christianity, morality, and general prosperity. This he had done in Winfield and would continue to do. His fidelity was not prompted by monetary gain, but for the upbuilding of humanity and the calling he espoused. This gift would make one of the greenest spots in his memory. His heart was filled with inexpressible appreciation. With hearty hand-shaking, the formality was changed into pleasant converse, followed by seasonable refreshments, served very agreeably by Misses Maude and Hortense. Mrs. Kelly was ill and unable to appear. The gift was accompanied by a list of the contributors.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 13, 1885.
THE ASYLUM CONTRACT LET. Cowley Has the Lowest Bid and Gets It.
The $25,000 All To Be Dropped Here.
The State Board of Charitable Institutions met in Topeka Wednesday to receive bids and let the contract for the erection of the asylum for idiotic and imbecile youth at Winfield. The first bids were all of larger amounts than the appropriation, $25,000; so these bids were all thrown out and the bidders, all of whom were present, were given notice to put in bids Thursday for constructing the main building and one wing of the asylum. John Q. Ashton, a contractor of Arkansas City, who built our Central school building, and J. E. Conklin, of Winfield, had the best bids and were awarded the contract. The Board appointed architect S. A. Cook, of our city, as superintendent of the work. Bids from contractors all over the State were among those considered, but the increased facilities in reach of our contractors enabled them to walk off with the cake. The amount of the contract just about equals the appropriation. The building will be finished and ready for occupancy about January first. This means twenty-five thousand dollars to be immediately disbursed among the laborers of Cowley, which, in addition to the numerous other extensive improvements to at once begin, will place our laborers and people generally at high tide. The reliability of Messrs. Ashton and Conklin is widely established, and the rapid and first-class construction of the asylum is assured. The letting of the contract to these gentlemen is a meritorious feather in Cowley’s cap, in addition to the asylum itself. Foreign contractors would have spent much of the appropriation out of this county, and likely run in much foreign labor. From the Topeka Capital we get the bids as follows.
P. Martmean & Co.: $20,700; E. W. D. Drought, $24,500; John Q. Ashton, $19,600; E. P. Dexter, $23,075; Henry Bennett, $20,984; James Cuthbert, $21,654.
J. E. Conklin furnishes all the stone and brick while Ashton has the general contract, including all but furnishing and steam and gas piping, which will consume the remainder of the $25,000.
Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.
The contract for the construction of the asylum for imbecile and idiotic youths near this city was let last Thursday to John Q. Ashton of Arkansas City and J. E. Conklin of Winfield, the latter furnishing all the stone and brick. The entire amount of the appropriation, $25,000, will be exhausted in the work, and of course, our people will be active participants in the exhausting process. Winfield Telegram.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 27, 1885.
M. L. Robinson, J. E. Conklin, J. L. M. Hill, and Ed P. Greer left on Tuesday to visit the new Stanton County town, Veteran, of whose town company they are members, and to look after other schemes they have in the west.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 27, 1885.
2100. S M Jarvis vs Elijah E Craine et al. A. J. Pyburn for plaintiff; McDermott & Johnson for defendant.
2101. R R Conklin vs John M Jarvis et al. A. J. Pyburn for plaintiff.
2104. R R Conklin vs John H Hicks et al. A. J. Pyburn for plaintiff.
2138. R R Conklin vs William H Frank et al. A. J. Pyburn for plaintiff.
2143. R R Conklin vs John E Mayse. A. J. Pyburn for plaintiff; S. D. Pryor for defendant.
2144. S M Jarvis vs Alonzo Johnson et al. A. J. Pyburn for plaintiff; D. C. Beach and John A. Eaton for defendant.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 3, 1885.
Mrs. J. L. Conklin, of Kansas City, and Mrs. Stanley Conklin and son, of Atchison, arrived here for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Conklin. Mrs. J. L. is Mr. Conklin’s mother and Mrs. Stanley his sister-in-law.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 24, 1885.
S. M. Jarvis vs. Elijah E. Craine, dismissed.
R. R. Conklin vs. John H. Hicks, et al, dismissed at cost of plaintiff.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 1, 1885.
Among the representations of Cowley’s industries, her magnificent stone has not been forgotten. J. E. Conklin has an elegant display from his quarry east of town, the most notable of which is a beautiful turned vase, as smooth and perfect as though turned from marble. Mr. Conklin also exhibits an obelisk made from Cowley County stone, showing the ease and perfection with which this stone can be worked. G. W. Yount also shows a large obelisk made of stone from his quarry near town. It is eight feet high, two feet square at the base, and a perfect specimen of the tractability of Cowley’s magnificent stone. It attracts much attention and comment as one of the industries that is rapidly making our county famous.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 1, 1885.
Senator Hackney, Senator Long, Judge Soward, Rev. B. Kelly, Supt. A. H. Limerick, Capt. J. B. Nipp, A. B. Arment, John McGuire, J. E. Conklin, and many others are off to take in the Topeka Soldier’s reunion. About 130 from Winfield and surroundings took the train this afternoon for Topeka. Half of the Winfield Post went. The round trip fare is but $4.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 1, 1885.
FOR SALE. At quarry north of the cemetery and adjoining Jimmy Land’s homestead, rubble stone at 50 cents a two horse load. J. E. Conklin, manager, Winfield Stone and Brick Company.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 8, 1885.
J. E. Conklin, J. J. Carson, T. A. Blanchard, Dr. Pickens, and others got home from the Topeka Soldiers’ Reunion Thursday.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 8, 1885.
Fred C. Hunt, of Winfield, with Jarvis, Conklin & Co., spent Monday night in the city. Fred and the writer hereof at one time played sweet on the same girl, bought gum-drops at the same confectionery stand, “writ” valentines to the same girls, and otherwise conducted themselves as brother dudes in society. Caldwell Journal.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 8, 1885.
Joe Conklin has a curiosity in the shape of an apple tree that has borne one crop of apples and has bloomed twice since.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 22, 1885.
Joe Conklin is just filling a bill of 10,000 feet of flagging besides material for a Gas house and gas holder for sister Wellington.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 5, 1885.
Henry Peebles, who was in the employ of J. E. Conklin last summer, and was arrested last April and taken to Urbana, Illinois, on a four years incendiary charge, returned to Winfield Friday. He had to await the convening of the court, in October, when the case was dismissed for want of evidence. The charge was the firing of buildings to get a “run” while Peebles was a member of the Danville fire company. Not a witness appeared against him. The case was proven without foundation from the start.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 5, 1885.
Again have we met the enemy and he is “our’n.” The thin air of the great and only original Democracy vanished in the presence of the sovereign people, with a rebuke as ringing as those hurled in Democratic faces in Cowley ever since her inception. The Democrats have to make the usual scramble, of course; but this year it had less on which to base its scramble than ever—the thinnest ticket they ever put in the field. Their feeble efforts have fallen flatter than ever. Cowley County’s Republican ranks are as solid as adamantine: nothing can break them. This staunch Republicanism is due to a patriotism, progress, and intelligence absolutely unexcelled. An enterprising, rustling county like Cowley could be nothing else but Republican. And with such a grand discipleship to select from, the Republicans never have any difficulty in selecting candidates an honor to our people, to themselves, and to the official positions they seek. So it was this year. No better ticket could have been presented for the suffrages of the people. And the voters endorsed it accordingly. This is an “off” year and of course didn’t draw out the full Republican vote. Then there was no particular strife to awaken keen interest. The Arkansas City war and the Commissioners contest were about the only spice to the campaign. However, the Republicans are never asleep and didn’t sit down to have victory roll into their laps. Nearly every schoolhouse in the county resounded to the echoes of political orators. The field was thoroughly prepared and cultivated for the harvest. Republicans never go to sleep, however thin the opposition. The straight Republican ticket is again elected by the old-time majorities.
At eleven o’clock the crowd, music and all, were banqueted at the Brettun by Capt. Nipp and Judge Soward. The spread was immense, embracing oysters and a full supper. Several hundred enjoyed the feast. The large Brettun dining room was chock full, and after the banquet, Senator Hackney called order and toasts began.
“The health of Capt. Nipp,” was responded to by Capt. Tansey; of Smock, by Prof. Limerick; of Soward, by Capt. Siverd; of Wells, by J. E. Conklin; of Haight, by G. H. Buckman—all good subjects and eulogized fittingly.
Jno. A. Eaton, an old-time Democrat, responded to the toast, “The Republican party.” Mr. Eaton’s peculiar position was handled with becoming grace. He gave the party its mead of credit in a very neat speech.
Judge Soward is always equal to any occasion and made a splendid response to the toast, “The Democratic party.” He picked around among the rubbish and brought out several things to eulogize.
“The colored Republicans,” were assigned to John Nichols, the only colored man present. John made a speech very creditable—one exhibiting a keen interest and insight into matters pertaining to his race.
“The city of Winfield, the Queen of the Valley and the pride of the west,” was responded to by Joseph O’Hare. Joe said that we are all proud of our city, and when it comes to her advancements, all politics is drowned and as one man we stand shoulder to shoulder.
“President Grover Cleveland,” was assigned to Ed P. Greer—the first time in his life he ever undertook to eulogize a Democrat.
Buel T. Davis answered the call, “The newspapers.”
“Smash the Ring,” was given to Senator Hackney, and he laid it wide open—the Democratic ring. He said the Republican party knew no ring, no bosses. Every man of them was his own sovereign, and so acted. The cry of “ring!” was purely a Democratic howl and as foundation less as that party itself.
This banquet was one of the happiest occasions in the history of Cowley politics, and was a thorough exhibition of the big-hearted Kentucky generosity of Capt. Nipp and Judge Soward. Jim Hill also did himself proud in its preparation. Every participator was as sober as a judge and as happy as a clam. The order was perfect—as genteel and intelligent a gathering as you could possibly ask for. Many of the participators were from the country. A number of staunch Democrats, in response to an invitation, also took part. This occasion is worthy of emulation and we hope to see it become a regular thing in celebrating our annual victories.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 12, 1885.
A SUICIDE! J. E. Parkins, Formerly of Winfield.
Throws Himself Under the Santa Fe Passenger.
When the 11:58 passenger train on the Santa Fe Thursday was within two miles of Arkansas City, the news boy rushed to the conductor with the exclamation, “A man has fallen between the cars!” The conductor pulled the bell rope and the rain was backed up. Lying in the center of the track was found the man. He was merely breathing, almost gone. The side of his head was mashed and an arm and leg broken, besides numerous bruises on his body. The news boy saw him jump. Near Seeley he had placed himself in position to jump under the wheels, but a passenger prevented him, and he returned to the car and sat down, as before. No questions, in particular, were asked him as to his intentions. The second time he succeeded. He made the jump between the baggage car and smoker, in the bend of the road two miles this side of Arkansas City. Placing a foot on the lower step of each car and gripping the iron braces, he threw himself under the train. The news boy saw him, but not soon enough to realize his intention. The wheels didn’t pass over his body, but mangled it terribly as stated above. He died an hour after being taken to his home, in Arkansas City. The victim was a partner of J. E. Conklin, in the Winfield Stone, Brick and Tile Works for some time. A few months ago he moved to Arkansas City with his wife and two children, and was following his trade of stone and brick mason, taking some large contracts. He had the construction contract of the Biddle block and other buildings at Arkansas City, unfinished. He was returning from a trip up the road to bid on some contract. Nothing definite is known as to why he committed suicide. His mind appeared sound, and he had never threatened his own life. He was a first-class mechanic, but of recent years had lost money and got pretty well down financially. These financial troubles are undoubtedly the cause of his suicide.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 19, 1885.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds since our last issue.
Joseph E Conklin et ux to M L Read and M L Robinson, e hf sw qr w hf se qr 5-34-5e: $3,250.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 10, 1885.
CIVIL DOCKET. FIFTH DAY. R R Conklin vs John M Jarvis et al, A J Pyburn pros.
R R Conklin vs William H Funk et al, A J Pyburn pros; Hackney & Asp defense.
S M Jarvis vs Alonzo Johnson, A J Pyburn pros; David C Beach, Jno A Eaton defense.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 17, 1885.
The committees, appointed at the citizens’ meeting, to work up the submitting of propositions for the extension of the Florence El Dorado & Walnut railroad from Douglass to Winfield, met yesterday afternoon in McDougall’s hall to determine on the apportionment of the amount of aid asked. Judge T. H. Soward called the meeting to order. S. P. Strong was chosen chairman and W. J. Wilson, Secretary. M. L. Robinson then explained the object of the meeting, to get everything in readiness for aggressive work in submitting the propositions and securing this road. The townships through which the road will run were represented as follows.
Rock: S. P. Strong, H. F. Hornady, E. J. Wilber, and W. H. Grow.
Fairview: J. C. Page and T. C. Covert.
Walnut: J. C. Roberts, J. B. Corson, John Mentch, T. A. Blanchard, J. Anderson, W. D. Roberts, and E. M. Reynolds.
Winfield: H. H. Siverd, J. A. Eaton, D. L. Kretsinger, Col. Whiting, T. H. Soward, B. T. Davis, M. L. Robinson, S. J. Smock, G. H. Crippen, J. E. Conklin, W. P. Hackney, G. L. Gale, Chas. Schmidt, W. J. Wilson, Ed P. Greer, H. E. Asp, A. H. Limerick, F. C. Hunt, and J. W. Curns.
Judge T. H. Soward then came forward with figures, taken directly from the official records of the county, that will knock the winds out of the “burdensome taxation” growler, should he attempt to display himself. They are conclusive evidence that the voting of bonds to secure this railroad is not a burden.
When it comes to the advancement of Winfield and Cowley County, our people are a unit. Enterprise, energy, and grit have put our county and city far in advance of any others in all fair Kansas and will continue to do so. Winfield is destined to be the great metropolis of Southern Kansas, one of the big commercial and educational cities of the big west. With citizens of rare intelligence, progress, and vim, with natural surroundings and possibilities unexcelled, she can be nothing else. The enthusiasm of our businessmen in securing enterprises for the advancement of our city was forcibly exhibited last night in the rousing meeting for the consideration of the extension of the Florence, Eldorado & Walnut railroad, owned by the Santa Fe Co. The meeting was called to order by M. L. Robinson. W. G. Graham was chosen chairman and W. J. Wilson, Secretary. Mr. Robinson then explained the object of the meeting, and read letters from A. A. Robinson, General manager of the Santa Fe, agreeing to extend this road from Douglass to Winfield for $3,000 a mile, reserving only the necessity of erecting an independent depot here, the road to either connect with the Wichita & Southwestern at the junction just over the Walnut bridge and run into the Santa Fe depot, or cross the S. K. just east of, and using, that depot. The intention is a union depot here for the Southern Kansas, Wichita & Southwestern and Florence, Eldorado & Walnut railroads. The Santa Fe is determined to push through the Territory, which right of way it has already secured, at once. The extension will be made from Winfield, with the machine shops, roundhouse, etc., for this southern division and the roads of southern Kansas, at this place. An editorial elsewhere explains the requirements and advantages fully. Enthusiastic speeches were made last night in favor of this and other enterprises by Rev. B. Kelly, Henry E. Asp, T. H. Soward, Senator Jennings, John A. Eaton, and John McGuire. Committees were appointed as follows to see that this matter is properly worked up.
Winfield: Capt. Nipp, J. E. Conklin, D. L. Kretsinger, C. Schmidt, Col. Whiting, J. A. Eaton, and A. H. Doane.
Walnut: J. B. Corson, J. P. Short, J. C. Roberts, T. A. Blanchard, and W. D. Roberts.
Fairview: M. C. Headrick, J. C. Page, A. H. Limerick, J. W. Douglas, and T. S. Covert.
Rock: G. L. Gale, G. H. Williams, H. F. Hornady, E. J. Wilber, J. M. Harcourt, S. P. Strong, J. B. Holmes, and John Stalter.
Every movement must have money back of it to insure its success. This and other enterprises needing agitation take money. Contributions were called for to be placed in the hands of the Winfield Enterprise Association for use in submitting these railroad propositions and any other progressive enterprise for which the Association sees necessity. Over $500 was subscribed as follows.
J. E. Conklin gave $5.00.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 14, 1886.
A NEW DEAL. Jarvis, Conklin & Co. are now prepared to make choice loans of $200 and upwards upon real estate security without any delay further than is necessary to perfect title. Money will be paid when the papers are expected and no waiting for approval by eastern investors will be required. They are the only loan agents in Kansas who give the privilege of paying a mortgage in installments at any interest payment, and write the privilege in the mortgage. A verbal promise of this privilege does not bind the investor. They are also the only loan agents handling eastern money who deliver the coupons when the interest is paid. Annual or semi-annual interest given, and the lowest rates guaranteed.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 14, 1886.
There will be a mass meeting of voters of Winfield at the Court House on Saturday evening at half past 7 o’clock, to consider the coming elections. The interests of this city are at stake and every voter should make it his special business to be present. The preliminary work has been done and the time of the final struggle is at hand. Come without fail.
J. E. CONKLIN, Chairman Executive Committee.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 28, 1886.
Senator Hackney, Judge Soward, and J. E. Conklin talked railroad at Bethel schoolhouse in Fairview township, Friday. The meeting was large and the discussion, pro and con, warm.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
When the written proposition was received by M. L. Robinson from the general manager of the Santa Fe railroad, offering to build from Douglass to Winfield, if sixty thousand dollars in bonds were voted as aid, a meeting was called at McDougall Hall, of a number of the prominent citizens of the townships of Rock, Fairview, Walnut, and the city of Winfield. The sentiment at that time was well nigh unanimous that the townships would not vote such an amount of aid, but a promise was obtained from those present that the effort should be made, by hard work, to enlist a sufficient number of electors. The opposition then commenced their work and two weeks ago the prospect for carrying the bonds was dark indeed. Then those who saw the grand possibilities and appreciated how tremendous was the stake for which we were striving, got down to their work. Local committees were organized, every voter was seen, meetings were held in every district, which were addressed by speakers who thoroughly believed what they advocated, and the result was that the bonds began to gain friends hourly; the opposition weakened, and in the last two days preceding the election, the revolution in the sentiment of the electors was something marvelous. Good men who believed that the practice of voting bonds was both wrong and dangerous, went to the polls undecided; but, when they saw how life-long friends and neighbors were talking and how they felt, the pressure was greater than they could stand, and they joined the procession and voted the aid asked. All glory to the noble citizens of these townships; they will never regret their action, and the opposition as well as those who were friends and advocates of the proposition will have cause to rejoice that Wednesday’s vote was the best day’s work ever done in this county. The official vote stands as follows.
ROCK TOWNSHIP: For, 140. Against: 40. Majority for: 100.
FAIRVIEW TOWNSHIP: For, 163. Against: 73. Majority for: 90.
WALNUT TOWNSHIP: For, 175. Against: 46. Majority for: 129.
First Ward: For, 194. Against, 3.
Second Ward: For, 121. Against, 2.
Third Ward: For, 133. Against, 0.
Fourth Ward: For, 98. Against, 0.
Total: For, 546. Against, 5.
Wednesday night, with the bonds for the Santa Fe extension carried beyond a doubt, by splendid majorities, was the time for jollification. Representative men from Rock, Fairview, and Walnut congregated at THE COURIER office, where they were received by prominent Winfield men and taken to Axtell’s for banquet and toasts—a general lively time in celebration of one of the weightiest victories Cowley has ever scored. All filled with oysters, etc., the toasts began. J. E. Conklin proposed a toast on “Rock,” to be answered by Judge Soward. The Judge was in his element and paid an eloquent and glowing tribute to Rock township and her enterprising citizens. He explained his spider map with Winfield as the spider’s body and her system of railroads as the legs, sprawling in every direction. “Fairview” was responded to by Capt. McDermott, who finely complimented the handsome majority this township rolled up in favor of the bonds. The Captain made a number of telling points. Judge McDonald was assigned “Walnut.” The Judge, in his keen, smooth way, did the fine victory scored in this township full justice—the big licks put in by the old war horses, and the gratifying results, with the benefits thus secured for Walnut. M. L. Robinson proposed “Winfield and Cowley County,” to be responded to by J. E. Conklin. Mr. Conklin pictured our city with its splendid net-work of railroads, ends of divisions, round houses, and machine shops, with thirty thousand inhabitants in five years; with our rich coal beds opened, a woolen factory, a canning factory, and many other manufactories that cheap fuel and transportation will draw—the manufacturing, railroad, commercial, and educational metropolis of the great southwest. Mr. Conklin called on Rev. Kelly, who has done as much for Winfield, since his residence here, as any man within her borders, to respond to “Cowley County.” And the Reverend did it nobly, with his most enthusiastic vim. He cited our beautiful and fertile valleys, with their vast developed and undeveloped resources; the energetic, intelligent, moral, and enterprising people of both city and country; the wonderful and magic achievements of the past and the bright and now assured promises for the future. This gathering was composed of most of the leading workers in this important movement: men who fully felt the great benefits secured by this victory; the roseate future it clinched for Winfield; and the great advantage it gives our city and county over any others of all fair Kansas.
This election teaches us an important lesson, that we believe we will forever hereafter heed and be wise. Seven years ago Cowley County was the leading county of the southwest; but there were divided counsels and discord in our ranks; and the result was that Sedgwick County and Wichita forged ahead, then followed Sumner and Wellington, and this gain on the part of these rivals was the result of our own wretched mistakes. We, by proper efforts, could and should have maintained the lead. Two years ago it appeared as if our glory was departed. The very emergency of the situation awoke us from our lethargy. We inaugurated a system of public improvements, which resulted in the burying of discord and a complete restoration of harmony with a determination and vim on the part of our people to make a large city in the Walnut valley whose first name is Winfield, and whose glory is Cowley County. In this election we see what town and country when united can do—the two together are a great power, which if used intelligently, will in ten years give Cowley County a population of one hundred thousand people.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 25, 1886.
Jacob Swarts has formed a partnership with J. E. Conklin in the brick business. The Conklin yard is the best in the State, and the large sheds enable the owners to make and save brick in the rainy season. Mr. Swarts is a man of ample capital and experience in the business, and will run the yard to its full capacity. Active operations commenced Monday.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.
Gene Millard got in Friday from a week’s circuit of Sumner County, making loans and examining titles for Jarvis, Conklin & Co. Gene is a rustler from “way back.”
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.
John Rowland, with Jarvis, Conklin & Co., went to Wellington Wednesday to take charge of a branch department in that city. Wellington will find Mr. Rowland to be a straight forward businessman and a gentleman, one that can be relied on. We are sorry to lose John, and hope he will succeed in his new field of labor.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 18, 1886.
A BIG SLIDE. Our Land Slides Monday represent the biggest sale of land yet made in Cowley, six thousand acres for fifty-eight thousand dollars! Five years or more ago Dr. Mendenhall and J. E. Conklin bought at special U. S. sale this tract of land in Cedar township, for one dollar an acre. It is rough and fit for nothing but grazing excepting a patch here and there. They held it two or three years and sold it to the New Jersey Cattle Company, a corporation chartered under the laws of New Jersey. They got seven dollars an acre—a nice little profit of thirty-six thousand dollars, barring a thousand dollars or so for taxes. Now the New Jersey Cattle Company have sold the tract to Manning S. Coules, a heavy capitalist of Rich Hill, Missouri, getting $9.66½ an acre—a nice little profit of sixteen thousand dollars, with a small subtraction for taxes. C. M. Scott, at the same special U. S. sale, bought 4,000 acres in Silverdale township of the same kind of land at one dollar an acre. He has been offered eight dollars an acre and wouldn’t take it.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 18, 1886.
A good team of horses, with harness and buggy, good team for livery or general purpose, for sale by Jarvis, Conklin & Co.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 18, 1886.
Joe Conklin arrived on the S. K. Tuesday morning.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 25, 1886.
Jarvis, Conklin & Co. are anticipating the handsomest real estate and loan office in the city when they get into their new room in the Farmers’ Bank building. It will be spacious and elegantly furnished.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 1, 1886.
The $10,000 in city building bonds will be issued this week and turned over to Jarvis, Conklin & Co., the purchasers, on receipt of $10,200.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 15, 1886.
On the 1st day of May the voters of Winfield and the townships of Walnut, Liberty, Spring Creek, Cedar, and Otter will vote upon the question of whether they will give or refuse aid to the Independence and Southwestern Railroad. This question is of supreme importance for all the townships named except Winfield and Walnut. While it is important to them as completing the part of an immense system, yet it is not of that overshadowing importance that it is to the remaining townships, for reason that they already have railroads; but with Liberty, Spring Creek, Cedar, and Otter the result of the vote will be the most important of any that has ever taken place or that can occur for many years to come. Farmers in parts of Cedar and Otter are obliged to travel forty miles to reach Winfield, their railroad point and market; and today they are more isolated than almost any other portion of Kansas. Being off the line of travel, the farms and raw lands are low in price and slow of sale, and thousands of acres go begging at five dollars an acre. A railroad will make a mighty change. Previous to the building of the Southern Kansas, the situation of Windsor township was much the same that Dexter now has. To show what a railroad does toward giving value to land I copy from the county records as follows:
Valuation of all property in Windsor for 1885 except R. R.: $182,210.00.
Valuation of Railroad property for 1885: $83,988.00.
Total: $266,198.00.
Average tax levy in township, 21 mills.
Valuation of all property in Dexter township (No Railroad) $189,689.00.
Average tax levy in township, 33 mills.
Average tax levy of 12 mills in favor of township with railroad for the year 1885.
There are two propositions submitted to the voters of Spring Creek and Cedar. The first is that of the Independence & Southwestern, whose election is called for on May 1st, and the second is that of the Kansas State Line Railroad, whose election is called for on May 3rd. I want to consider these propositions under two heads, and I ask the careful consideration of those interested in the facts which have been gathered at considerable time and expense.
First, the Independence & Southwestern is an honest scheme; it was carefully considered months previous to submission, and if the aid is voted, the road will be built within the time named in the petitions.
Second, the Kansas State Line Railroad is simply a paper road; it was chartered to head off the Independence & Southwestern, to occupy and tie up the Territory; and if the aid asked should be voted, it is impossible to build the road.
While the Atchison and Southern Kansas railroads are separate corporations, yet practically they are owned by the same men; and a controlling amount of stock in each is held by Boston people. These men are watchful of their interests; they are in a position to note the rapid strides that Kansas is making in wealth and population, and they decided to improve and enlarge their system by extensions in Kansas and the Indian Territory, and a number of cut-offs to shorten the distance between important points. To carry on this important work, the capitalists of Boston subscribed six million dollars. The Independence & Southwestern is one of the contemplated extensions, and is being built for two reasons. The first is to occupy the Territory, and the second reason (and by far the most important) is to build a road from Winfield to Fort Smith. But the first reason would not be sufficient inducement to build the proposed line of road. The route is beset with difficulties—it is over one of the roughest portions of Kansas and the cost of building will be enormous. Now as regards the second reason. It is well known to our people that for several years the Atchison and Southern Kansas roads have tried to secure from Congress the right of way through the Territory from Arkansas City to Ft. Smith. In the bill now before Congress a change is made in the important particular, that the right of way is granted from any point on the north line of the Territory “between the Arkansas and Cana rivers.” This will become a law at the present session of Congress. It has already passed the Senate and is before the House with a favorable report from the committee. If the bonds are voted on the line indicated, the road will leave the state south of Maple City and an important town will be built at or near that point. If Maple City should be the fortunate point, it will be in less than three years as important a town as Burden and in five years it will be a dangerous rival of Arkansas City.
I now ask the people along this proposed route of the Independence and Southwestern to note the wonderful advantages to you as a people of this road. It gives you a direct line to Kansas City or St. Louis, by the way of Independence of from eight to forty miles closer than you now have by the way of Winfield or Cambridge. It makes you that much closer to market, and you can go to Kansas City and transact your business in less time than you can now come to Winfield. Further, every farmer necessarily has more or less business at his county seat, and he needs must take sudden trips. This road will make it possible for any resident of these township to come to Winfield, transact business, and return the same day. Still further, with the building of the road to Fort Smith it opens up to the farmers of these townships the entire southern market. They take our corn, hogs, wheat, and flour; and in return, furnish us cheap coal, lumber, and fruits.
The objection is made that the aid asked is too large. When the immensely increased cost of building this line is taken into consideration, the amount asked is not excessive. Our committee who secured the proposition reduced the sum to the lowest figure possible; and the cold facts are that you must vote one hundred thousand dollars in aid if you secure the road. If any one of the interested townships defeat their proposition, while the road will be built, it will not be by the way of Maple City. When the proposition for the extension of the road from Douglass to Winfield was submitted, at the same time propositions were submitted for the cut-off from Emporia to El Dorado. Emporia defeated the proposition and the road is now building from Elinor, a village fifteen miles west of Emporia. This example offers a lesson for us to study and heed.
What assurance have these townships if the aid asked is voted the road will be built? We have an agreement from A. A. Robinson, the general manager of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe and the Southern Kansas railroads, that the road will be built according to propositions submitted. And in no single instance can it be shown that these roads ever violated an agreement. A further proof of their good faith is that the Independence and Southwestern road is now being built. The grading is completed in Montgomery County from Independence to Havana, the west line of the county, and the ties and rails are now in Independence to build forty miles of the road. This I state of my own knowledge as I saw the material and went over t he line. Aid is voted to the Independence and Southwestern through the southern tier of townships in Chautauqua County as follows.
Little Cana, $15,000; Belleville, $22,000; Hendricks, $21,000; Harrison, $23,000.
The permanent survey has been made to Elgin on the Cana river, fourteen miles east of the Cowley County line; and the road will be completed to that point this season. How much farther west of that point will be largely determined by your vote on May 1st. All the above statements made can be easily proven; and if you vote the aid, the Independence and Southwestern is certain to be built according to agreement.
I now take up the second proposition, viz: The State Line railroad is purely a paper road, chartered to head off the Independence and Southwestern, and if the aid is voted the road cannot be built, and the southern tier of townships will have tied themselves up and destroyed all chances of securing a road for a long time to come.
The charter members of the State Line Railroad propose to build a line as its name indicates. Railroads are not built in Kansas without local aid. If it is a supposable case, grant that the one hundred thousand asked for will be voted in Creswell, Silverdale, Spring Creek, and Cedar, aid cannot be secured in Chautauqua and Montgomery counties for the reason that both counties and townships have exhausted their limit. Let us first see whether it would be possible to secure county bonds in either Chautauqua or Montgomery counties? The ability of a county to issue bonds is one hundred thousand dollars and five per cent of the assessed valuation. I now copy from the records in each of the counties named.
The assessed valuation in Chautauqua County is $1,672,522.
At present the county has voted to the D. M. & A., county bonds, $140,000.
Refunding bonds of Howard County, $14,000.
Total bonds, $154,000.
Limited under the law, $183,626.
Leaving bonds that could be voted, $29,626.
What aid can the State Line townships vote? The ability of a township to aid a railroad is fifteen thousand dollars, and five per cent of the valuation. The assessed valuation of Harrison township is $171,435.
Limited under the law: $23,571.
Aid voted to I. & S. W.: $20,000.
Subject to vote: $3,571.
The assessed valuation of Hendricks is $134,600.
Limit: $24,730.
Aid voted I. & S. W.: $21,000.
Subject to vote: $730.
The assessed valuation of Little Cana is $107,080.
Limit: $20,354.
Aid voted I. & S. W.: $15,000.
Subject to vote: $5,354.
The above shows that Chautauqua could vote $29,626, but she would never vote them to a State Line road. There is available from the townships a total of $8,000. This would not be much aid towards building through a country where the hills are so many and steep that the simplest mode of progress would be by a balloon.
The assessed valuation of Montgomery is $3,495,400.
Railroad bonds: $160,000.
Court House Bonds: $50,000.
Funding: $22,000.
The above totals $232,000.
Limit: $273,750.
Available: $42,750.
The following are the figures for the State Line townships in Montgomery County.
The assessed valuation of Cherokee township is $159,199.
Limit: $22,959.
Aid voted D. M. & A.: $26,000.
This is in excess of limit.
The assessed valuation of Caney township is $190,712.
Limit: $24,535.
Aid voted D. M. & A.: $22,000.
Available: $2,535.
Montgomery County can only vote county bonds $42,750, and in the border townships only $4,662.
These figures are conclusive and prove beyond a doubt that no aid can be voted in either Chautauqua or Montgomery counties to the State Line railroad.
It is a further fact that the Arkansas City people did not know until their petitions were signed how completely the townships above enumerated were tied up; and it was only after a visit to Oswego and Topeka, where their committee went in the hopes of selling their paper road, that the matter was made plain to them and it was shown that they could not deliver their baggage—and for the simple reason that they had none. The only reason that Arkansas City has for keeping up the fight is through jealousy of Winfield, for, since the return of the committee they have not had one particle of hope that the State Line railroad could procure subsidies or secure aid from any road to build.
In conclusion: Voters, study carefully these facts and if you are in earnest about wanting a railroad, deliberately and intelligently decide which gives the best promise of building according to contract: The Independence & Southwestern or the State Line.
J. E. CONKLIN, Chairman, Cowley County Railroad Committee.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 5, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
The Winfield board of trade was incorporated yesterday. The directors are John A. Eaton, M. L. Robinson, J. C. McMullen, J. E. Conklin, J. P. Baden, T. H. Soward, W. P. Hackney, Ed. P. Greer, J. B. Lynn, and A. H. Doane.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 3, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
The city of Tarsus, in Asia, where St. Paul was born, is going to have a railroad. Our Arkansas City friends were not on hand in time to secure the bonds of the Asia Minor townships and the other fellows got them. Winfield Courier.
But we were on hand in time to secure the State Line Bonds; and the other fellows were not on time to secure the I. & S. W. Bonds, which J. E. Conklin says would have been worth a million of dollars to the other fellow’s town.
Arkansas City Republican, July 31, 1886.
Winfield, Beaver Township, and Geuda Springs have combined to build an independent railroad from the first named place, through the second, to the third. The charter will be filed in a few days. The directors for the first year are L. F. Johnson, J. H. Watts, J. W. Browning, of Beaver Township; Chas. G. Furry and C. R. Mitchell, Geuda Springs; and P. H. Albright, S. H. Myton, J. E. Conklin, J. R. Clark, and J. L. M. Hill of Winfield. A glance at the directorship shows the standing of the company.
Arkansas City Republican, August 14, 1886.
There was a fair city, vain, haughty, and proud,
She sat in the valley and boasted quite loud
Of her grandeur and beauty, her power to command
And control of human beings all over the land.
Her Hackney and Eaton and Mart of the bank,
Her Soward and Siverd and Eddy, the crank,
Her Conklin and Gary and Henry the Asp,
Imagined they held all the world in their grasp.
The Sand-hill they tried very hard to surpass
And to hold up the folks of A. C. by the seats of their pantaloons.
Yes, railroads! We’ll build ‘em, and here they shall run
From all points of the compass, for we each weigh a ton!
To Spring Creek and Cedar we’ll go in great haste
With letters and telegrams made to our taste;
Sand-hillers we’ll squelch and from us shall flee
All opposition and then you will see
Snake feeders and natives dance to our lay,
The junction we’ll give them the 1st day of May!
But O ye gods! How the mighty have fallen!
“As the matter now stands, the Missouri Pacific will run to Arkansas City”—via Burden. The Dexter Eye will suspend publication of notice of bond election in Otter, Dexter, and Liberty townships, as the Santa Fe company will not build the road if the bonds are voted.
N. B. Dr. Cooper will please forward, by pony express, one barrel of Eye water, and charge to MAPLE.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 20, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
J. E. Conklin, the Secretary of Winfield’s Board of Trade, says what Bill Allison has been saying in his Visitor is true. That he knows from experience. It is no use for the Courier and Telegram to deny the Visitor’s allegation when such a man as Joe Conklin says it is the truth and nothing but the truth.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 5, 1887. From Monday’s Daily.
The following local was sent down from Winfield this morning.
“LOST: A boom; liberal reward will be paid for its return. When last seen was making its way to Arkansas City. Address Joe Conklin, chairman, Winfield Board of Trade.”
Winfield Monthly Herald, June, 1891.
Winfield Chautauqua Assembly,
Fifth Annual Session.
June 23 to July 3, inclusive.
J. C. FULLER, President.
P. H. ALBRIGHT, Treasurer.
A. H. LIMERICK, Secretary.
Executive Committee:
J. E. Conklin
Rev. J. C. Miller
A. B. Arment
M. E. Phillips
Rev. B. T. Vincent, D. D., Superintendent of Instruction.
Rev. B. T. Vincent, D. D., Supt.
Mrs. B. T. Vincent and Mrs. A. Gridley.
Prof. A. Gridley, Jr., Instructor.
Prof. Geo. F. Brierly, University of Denver.
Prof. T. C. Trueblood, A. M., University of Michigan.
Supt. J. H. Hays, A. M., Winfield, Kansas.
Rev. J. C. Miller, Director; Winfield.
Mrs. B. T. Vincent.
Mrs. A. S. Benjamin, Michigan.
Daily Calamity Howler, Tuesday, October 6, 1891.
J. E. Conklin and wife left Monday evening for Kansas City where they will visit for several days and take in the Priests of Pallas parade.
Daily Calamity Howler, Thursday, October 15, 1891.
J. E. Conklin went to Newton last night.