Constant - Various


Nancy Constant, W. R. Constant, H. H. Constant...
Winfield Courier, March 23, 1876.
CIVIL DOCKET. FOURTH DAY. Nancy Constant vs. K. J. Wright et al.
CIVIL DOCKET. FOURTH DAY. W. R. Constant vs. H. H. Constant et al.
W. R. Constant...
Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1876.
Mr. W. R. Constant met with a severe loss last Thursday morning—the destruction of his house and nearly the entire contents by fire. A defective stove pipe was the cause of the fire, which was not perceived until too late to stay the flames.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1876.
BURNED OUT. Last Thursday Mr. W. R. Constant, living about six miles north of town, lost his house and property by fire. The fire originated from the stove pipe.
Winfield Courier, April 27, 1876.
W. R. CONSTANT, of Pleasant Valley Township, met with a severe loss last week in the destruction of his dwelling and everything it contained by fire. Mrs. Constant, with an infant four days old, was barely able to drag herself and the children out of danger and be a helpless witness to the distressing scene. The fire came from a defective flue and caught in the roof. No men folks were about the place at the time. The neighbors raised a contribution for his benefit, and his new neighbor, Mr. Joseph Mason, collected quite a sum in town towards erecting a dwelling house for the victim of the fire fiend.
(?) Constant...
Winfield Courier, June 13, 1878.
Action was taken on the following bills.
Collum & Constant, work on pest house: $5.00.
Nancy Constant, W. H. Constant...
Winfield Courier, August 1, 1878.
Real Estate Transfers. Nancy Constant to W. H. Constant, n. ½ se., 20-33-4.
Mrs. (?) Constant...
Winfield Courier, May 19, 1881.
One Mrs. Jenkins attempted to commit suicide Saturday, it is supposed, by taking laudanum. She was boarding at Mrs. Parr’s, and it seems had had some difficulty with her husband. They had separated, and she was stopping at the American House. We clip the following from the Telegram.

“Mrs. Jenkins has been low-spirited and frequently com­plained of her lot, and at times threatened to kill herself, but never assigned just what her reasons were. On Friday evening she went to bed as usual, occupying a room and bed with one of the girls of the house. On Saturday morning the girl got up at her usual time, leaving Mrs. Jenkins in bed, nothing unusual being noticed at the time. Between 8 and 9 o’clock it was discovered that Mrs. Jenkins had not come down to breakfast. Supposing she had fallen asleep, the girl went to the room to awake her, and the door being locked the alarm was at once given. Mr. Taylor happened to be at the breakfast table, and by request of Mrs. Parr broke open the door. Mrs. Jenkins was found laying on the bed in a seeming unconscious state, and on the floor lay the following note.
“MRS. CONSTANT: I heard that you had a note wrote to give to me or Jim, telling me to leave. That we owed you five dol­lars, and that you was going to keep everything we had. You are welcome to all I have got, for it will pay you a hundred times over what I owe you. Give Jim his clothes, but mine you can keep. You need not change mine, for what I have on is good enough for me, and it will leave the more for you. And when you see them, you can think of me and think what a good haul you made that time. You have children of your own, and this will come home to you a hundred fold. So good-bye, is the wish of a dying woman.
“Believing the woman had taken poison, or some stupefying drugs, Mr. Mendenhall was called. The woman lay as one asleep, as limp as a cloth, and seeming unconscious to the touch, nor would she speak a word. Her pulsation and respirations were natural and regular, and no manifestation of drugs were notice­able. Nothing was found about the room that would indicate suicide intentions on the part of the woman.”
Mrs. Jenkins has since recovered, and stated that she took ten cents’ worth of chloroform. This is the second time she has attempted to kill herself, the first attempt being some weeks ago, when she jumped into an old well but was pulled out unhurt.
W. R. Constant...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 6, 1881 - FRONT PAGE.
Below will be found the proceedings of township meetings, organizations, and muster rolls as far as heard from. The last week before the reunion we will publish the muster rolls
Mr. and Mrs. (?) Constant, Winfield...
Cowley County Courant, June 29, 1882.
DIED. Died at the residence of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Constant, in this city, of spinal affections, at 12:29 o’clock A.M., on the 24th inst., Frankie Mays, aged three years, two months, and twenty-three days.
Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.
DIED. Frankie Mays, aged three years, died in this city at the residence of his grand-parents, Mr. and Mrs. Constant, on the afternoon of the 24th inst., of spinal affection. He had been ill ten weeks.
Monta, Mollie, and Thos. Constant...
Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.
The following is a report of Constant school, Dist. No. 10, for the quarter ending Jan. 12, 1883. No. Enrolled, 47; No. Admitted this month, 3.

The following is the standing of the pupils in the studies named, in writing examination, Jan. 11-12. 100 perfect: Lucy Hon, grammar 96; Willie Hon, grammar 80, reading 81; Jas. Bott, grammar 94; Monta Constant, arithmetic 87, Geog. 90, grammar 88; Mollie Constant, Geog. 80, reading 92; Chas. Chapin, Geog. 95, grammar 100; Nettie Anderson, Geog. 89, grammar 98, arithmetic 83; Frank Eastman, arithmetic 80; West Holland, constitution 97; history 100; reading 100, phys. Geog. 89; Mary McArther, arith. 89, Geog. 80; Nettie Smith, arith. 83; Z. Midkiff, arith. 80; Fannie White, arith. 80, Geog. 80, grammar 89. Art. Hancher, Geog. 80.
The deportment of Sallie Robinson, Mollie Constant, Amie McArther, Fannie White, Mettie Anderson, Thos. Constant, Frank Eastman, and Tillie Toombs, was not below 85-100 being perfect. Nettie Anderson was neither absent nor tardy during the quarter. No. of visitors, 7. L. C. BROWN, Teacher.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 3, 1883.
CIVIL DOCKET—THIRD DAY. A. C. Cronk et al vs. W. R. Constant.
Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.
DIED. Mr. W. R. Constant was up from Pleasant Valley Monday. He has recently had the misfortune to lose the little infant boy of his family.
Constant’s Boarding House, Winfield...
Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.
I repair all kinds of sewing machines, making this a specialty. and am prepared to give satisfaction or no charge. Have worked in Kansas for 6 years. Shop at Stimpson’s Music House or leave word at Constant’s Boarding House. S. Welty.
Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.
Wanted. A situation as housekeeper in a private family. Inquire at Constant’s Boarding House.
Miss (?) Constant...
Winfield Courier, December 25, 1884.
Mr. Fisher is conducting a very interesting and instructive Sunday School at Irwin Chapel. He displays considerable ability and experience in Sunday School work and is “the right man in the right place.” The juvenile class, under his supervision and personal instruction, is, if possible, the most interesting class in school. Miss Lettie Brown gracefully manipulates the organ keys, assisted by Misses Anderson and Constant as queens of song.
Mr. (?) Constant...
Arkansas City Republican, January 3, 1885.
Messrs. Constant, Walton, and Markcum will be the first in this locality to thresh in the new year. They will accomplish the feat of threshing two crops in one season.
Jimmy Constant...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.
The program for the Band of Hope at the next meeting, January 10th, is as follows. Dialogue: Winnie Limerick, Agnes Myers, Nora Greer, and Laura Herpich.
Songs: Bernice and Florence Bullene, Lulu Bethel and Bell Stubbs.

Recitations: Bertie Bosley, Harry Tooman, Hope Manser, Allie Dillon, and Johnny and Jimmy Constant. M. K. Herpich, Secretary.
G. E. Constant [Constant’s Boarding House]...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 13, 1885.
DIED. G. E. Constant, formerly of this city, who went to Manitou, Colorado, some few weeks ago, and then to Colorado Springs, where he has been for the past two weeks, died there last Saturday night at midnight. Mr. Constant had been in delicate health for years, and he and his family thought the bracing air of the mountain would build him up. His many friends will regret to hear of his death. THE COURIER extends sympathy to the bereaved family. He was buried today by the G. A. R., at Colorado Springs.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 20, 1885.
We find the following regarding Mr. G. E. Constant, for years a resident of Winfield and well known in connection with Constant’s boarding house, east 10th avenue, in the Colorado Springs Republic. It is signed by “A Comrade.” Mr. Constant took a trip to Colorado for his health; but instead, met death. “Died at Colorado Springs, August 8th, 1885, of consumption, Comrade Garrett E. Constant, who was born in Logan County, Illinois, June, 1834, where he resided until 1873, when he removed to Colorado Springs, where he resided five or six years, afterwards removing to Winfield, Kansas, where he married his second wife, who now survives him, as also a married daughter, Mrs. Lizzie Lanterman, now residing in Local County, Illinois. The summer of 1884 he spent in Colorado Springs for his health, returning again about six weeks since, but it was evident that he must soon answer to the roll call before the Commander-in-Chief of all the armies, and in spite of the best of skill and the kind, constant attention of a loving and faithful wife, death claimed him for his own. In the early days of the late war, he answered to his country’s call and went forth to fight the battles of his country as a Corporal of Co. I, 106th regiment Illinois volunteers. He proved a gallant soldier, having served faithfully for three years, and as a member of Winfield post, No. 85, G. A. R., Department of Kansas, he took a lively interest, and it was indeed fitting that he should finally be laid to rest by his surviving comrades. A noble man, a kind and indulgent father, and loving husband—peace to his ashes—we, his comrades, salute the dead.”
Mollie Constant...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 22, 1885.
The temperance association of this community organized two weeks ago, held its second meeting last Sunday evening at the chapel. The officers are: W. R. Anderson, president; J. C. Snyder, secretary; Mrs. Ella Beach, treasurer. The writer was unfortunately unable to be present at this meeting. However, Madame Rumor says that Rev. P. B. Lee, D. D., of Vernon, and pastor of the chapel, Prof. B. T. Davis, and Dr. Elder, of Winfield, delivered very interesting addresses on appropriate subjects, interspersed with music, and an essay by Mrs. Amy Chapin and select reading by Miss Edith Holland. The following is the program for the evening of Oct. 25th: Addresses by Mr. J. C. Snyder and Dr. A. W. Holland, essays by Mrs. Frank Brown and Miss Nettie Anderson, select reading by Miss Mollie Constant and Mrs. Ella Beach with the usual supply of music.
W. J. Constant, Beaver Township...

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Still is Beaver township getting the results from its rabid dogs. W. J. Constant lost a valuable four year old mare Friday morning. She was bitten on the nose six weeks ago by J. W. Browning’s mad dog, the first one that went mad in that neighborhood. No results were apparent until Thursday, when Mr. Constant was surprised by the mare’s strange actions. Friday morning she went into fits and died in a few hours. The widow Jenkins is determined to find a mad stone for her son, Wilbur, who was bitten on the hand Tuesday. No effective stone can be found in this section and she will likely have to take him to Paola or Kansas City. The bite, however, is so small, little more than a scratch, that physicians think there is no danger.