J. R. Cottingham
[Note: Am listing all “Littleton and J. R. Cottingham” family members in this file. I have another file for Probate Judge J. W. Cottingham.]
J. R. COTTINGHAM, familiarly known as "Jack," was one of the pioneer settlers and representative farmers of Cowley County.
He came from Nicholas County, Kansas, where he was born in 1851, and was the son of Littleton and Elizabeth (Williams) Cottingham. Littleton Cottingham was born in Maryland, and his wife was born in Virginia. The former died in Kansas, in March 1879, and the latter, in Missouri, in 1861. They had four children: William, a farmer in Kentucky; Isaac, deceased; Bettie (Barnett), of Kentucky; and J. R.
J. R. Cottingham journeyed to Kansas with his father; they were one of the first settlers along Timber Creek. They left Kentucky in 1869, making the voyage on a steamboat via the Ohio, Mississippi, and Missouri Rivers, and landed at Kansas City, although they made some stops in Missouri to visit relatives. They were destined for Emporia, Kansas, where they intended to locate on what was known as the 20-mile strip. As they found it already settled, they joined some people journeying toward the Osage country, and stopped at Winfield, which was the principal trading post of the section. They made a trip along Grouse and Walnut Creeks and, afterward, along Timber Creek, and on account of the good supply of water, and the natural forests—consisting of walnut, oak, and hackberry—decided to take up claims there. Mr. Cottingham accordingly took up the northwest quarter of section 14, and his father, Littleton, took up the northeast quarter of section 14, township 31, range 5 east. Each built a house on his claim. In the winter of 1869-1870 the preliminary line from Butler County was surveyed, but on the second survey the line was found to be 60 rods too far east. Absundah, a sub-chief of the Osages, made frequent demands upon the settlers for the payment of $5 that would exempt them from Indian depredations. One day, when Mr. Cottingham was asked to pay this sum, he succeeded in getting off by paying half the amount; on the receipt for this money, the chief made his mark.
West of the Arkansas River there was plenty of game—deer, antelope, wild turkey, and buffalo—and many a time Mr. Cottingham enjoyed a good day's sport.
In the spring of 1870 he broke some land, which he planted in corn and potatoes, and obtained a fine crop. He and his father "batched" for nine years.
Several years after his marriage. he built a frame house, which in 1891 consisted of seven rooms, the front part of the house having been completed in 1878. He had a fine orchard, including 100 bearing apple trees. For winter purposes he had Missouri Pippins and Winesaps; and for summer use, Early Harvest, Maiden Blush, and Rambo apples. He eventually owned 320 acres, 40 of which formed a part of his father's homestead. He carried on general farming successfully and dealt extensively in livestock, favoring Poland-China hogs, Shorthorn cattle, and standard bred horses.
J. R. Cottingham was married in Cowley County to Mollie Hart, a daughter of Michael Hart, of Kentucky. She was born in Bath County, Kentucky, in 1854. She had a brother, who became a horse dealer at Cedar Vale, Cowley County.
Mr. Cottingham was a staunch Republican and served as township treasurer many years, and was for eleven years a member of the school board of district No. 19, which was organized in 1873. He was a member of the Christian church.
Kansas 1875 Census Richland Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Name age sex color Place/birth Where from
L. Cottingham 60 m w Maryland Kentucky
W. L. Cottingham 41 m w Kentucky Kentucky
Nancy Cottingham 21 f w Kentucky Kentucky
Louisa Cottingham 14 f w Kansas
Anna Cottingham 12 f w Kansas
J. W. Cottingham 32 m w Kentucky Kentucky
Elizabeth Cottingham 31 f w Texas? Kentucky
J. R. Cottingham 9 m w Kentucky Kentucky
Icy? M. Cottingham 7 f w Kentucky Kentucky
J. I. Cottingham 23 m w Kentucky Kentucky
Addale? Cottingham 16 f w Indiana Indiana
James M. Cottingham 6m m w Kentucky Kentucky
Richland Township 1872:
Cottingham, J. R., 21.
Cottingham, J. W., 30; spouse, E. C., 27.
Cottingham, S., 56.
Cottingham, W. L., 38.
Richland Township 1874:
Cottingham, J. R., 23.
Cottingham, J. W., 32; spouse, Elizabeth, 30.
Cottingham, L., 60.
Cottingham, W. L., 40.
Richland Township 1878:
Cottingham, J. W.; spouse . Post Office Address Winfield.
Richland Township 1881:
Cottingham, W. L., 47.
[Note: Judge J. W. Cottingham put in separate file.]
Next items concerns L. Cottingham (head of the Cottingham clan.)
Winfield Messenger, October 4, 1872.
Class F—Lot 16—Swine—15 Entries—Poland-China,
Chester White, and Other Large Breeds.
Premiums to W. K. Davis, B. C. Swarts, A. S. Monger, W. J. Lewis, W. H. H. Maris.
In the department of swine we have never seen a finer exhibition. No one supposed that there were so many and so fine hogs in this part of the State. We have never seen such a display at a county fair before, and, in quality, we have never seen it surpassed at a State fair. The growing and feeding of swine will be one of the most profitable branches of industry of the county, and we are glad to know that so good a start has been made in their breeding. Great credit is due to Messrs. Voris, Swarts, Maris, Lewis, Allen, Stewart, Johnson, Cottingham, Boutwell, Snodgrass, and others for the interest they have taken in this department. Hereafter, in this department, we shall look for the finest display of any fairs of the State.
W. K. DAVIS, Supt.
Lot 17—Berkshire, Essex, and Other Small Breeds—15 Entries.
Premiums to W. S. Voris, W. J. Snodgrass, D. W. Boutwell, D. W. Allen, L. Cottingham.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 25, 1873.
We give this week a cursory report of the 3rd annual fair of the Cowley County Agricultural Society, held last week. Notwithstanding the dust which at times was almost stifling, the fair was quite successful and the managers are entitled to much credit for the energy and good judgment they used. We are informed by the secretary that there were over 400 entries, and more than 1,000 different articles on exhibition. We report some of the premiums as furnished us. The race horse and fast trotter had to take a back place this year, while the horse for service came to the front. The “pure agricultural horse trot” gave way to the tests of strength, and excellence was not measured by the short time required to run 300 yards. We were glad to notice some very good young stock in this department. The premiums were awarded as follows.
The exhibition here was worthy the attention of every farmer. We never saw a larger or better collection at any fair, and we are glad to attest the fact that the county is so largely stocked with fine blooded stock.
Sows 1 year and over: 1st pr. L. Cottingham; 2d the same.
Pigs best lot thrown with dam: 1st pr. L. Cottingham, 2d the same.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 23, 1873.
A few days ago Mr. Higginbottom brought to our office a sackful of some of the handsomest turnips we have seen anywhere. They were sent us by our old genuine Republican friend Lit Cottingham. Uncle Lit, besides raising some of the finest blooded hogs in the county, also raises some of the largest vegetables.
Next item refers to J. L. Cottingham. Am thoroughly confused as to the proper identity of this member of the Cottingham family...[Could be “Irwin Cottingham.”]
Winfield Courier, January 2, 1874.
Number of Marriage Licenses issued for the year ending December 31, 1873: 88.
The following were issued for the month of December just ended.
J. L. Cottingham, to Adorista F. McKee.
-Next item refers to W. L. Cottingham.-
Winfield Courier, September 18, 1874.
The following is a list of cases that will stand for trial at the September term of the District Court, Cowley County, Kansas, to be held on and from the 28th, inst., and have been placed upon the Trial Docket in the following order.
Samuel R. Hunt vs. W. L. Cottingham.
John Cottingham [Could this be J. R. Cottingham?]
Winfield Courier, August 5, 1875.
John Cottingham lost fifteen acres of wheat by the Timber Creek flood last week.
W. S. Cottingham???...
Winfield Courier, March 23, 1876.
District Court Docket.
The following is a list of cases that will stand for trial at the April term A. D. 1876, of the District Court of Cowley, and have been placed on the Trial Docket in the following order.
W. S. Cottingham vs. School District 19.
Lit Cottingham...
Winfield Courier, May 11, 1876.
Lit Cottingham, on Timber Creek, lost twenty-five hogs by the flood.
Jack [JR?] and Lit. Cottingham...
Winfield Courier, June 22, 1876.
The friends of Jack Cottingham, of Timber Creek, will be glad to learn that he has arrived safely at Dead Wood Gulch, in north Black Hills. He reports provisions very high and gold tolerable plenty. From Mr. Lit. Cottingham we learn that all the Timber Creek boys have got through safe; also that Mr. Menor and wife, of this place, are safe at Dead Wood.
Jack Cottingham...
Winfield Courier, April 4, 1878.
Can anyone tell why Jack Cottingham looks over towards Tisdale and draws such heart breaking sighs? More anon. M. O. S.
April 1st, 1878.
Winfield Courier, June 24, 1880.
Delegates selected to the county convention were H. J. Sanfort, J. W. Miller, J. R. Cottingham, and N. J. Larkin. The alternates were S. M. Phoenix, D. Maher, I. N. Lemmon, and D. C. Stevens.
Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.
Richland: J. R. Cottingham.
Winfield Courier, September 23, 1880.
Mr. Stone and J. R. Cottingham sold a nice lot of hogs, for which they got a nice sum of money.
Irwin [also known as “Irving”] Cottingham...
Winfield Courier, October 21, 1880.
A little three-year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Cottingham died of lung fever on the 4th and was buried the 5th instant.
Winfield Courier, October 21, 1880.
Mr. Irwin Cottingham is quite sick.
Winfield Courier, November 4, 1880.
Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Cottingham are still very sick.
Winfield Courier, November 18, 1880 - Front Page.
It becomes my painful duty to chronicle the death of Mr. Irving Cottingham, who died on Thursday, the 4th inst. He leaves a wife and two little boys who are still quite sick of the same disease that caused the death of Mr. Cottingham. The people throughout the whole country mourn the loss of one of our best and most respected citizens, but none more deeply than his Sunday school class of little girls.
Winfield Courier, December 16, 1880.
Jimmy Cottingham, the last of the children of J. I. Cottingham, of Richland township, died last Friday of typhoid malarial fever, aged 6 years. A short time since, Annie, a sister, 4 years old, died of the same fever. It will be recollected that about two months ago the father was laid in his grave, a victim of the same disease. His widow, the only remaining member of a once happy family, is now severely ill of the same fever. J. I. Cottingham was one of the best young men in the county, and these sad dispensations have cast a gloom over that neighborhood.
James Cottingham...
Winfield Courier, January 13, 1881.
The following is a report of the Floral schools for the months ending December 24th, 1880.
Number enrolled, 35; number of days of attendance, 607; average daily attendance, 30.85. Those having an average of 90 percent, and upwards, in scholarship and deportment were:
James Cottingham, 97
Those perfect in deportment were Brilla Read, Mary Dalgram, Etna Dalgram, Helen Wright, James Cottingham, Mary Mount, Harry Blair, Maggie Wright, Willie Holloway, Frank Miller, and Lewis Dalgram.
Winfield Courier, February 3, 1881.
1st district: Phillip Stuber.
2nd district: G. G. Barnum.
3rd district: Daniel Maher.
4th district: J. R. Cottingham.
Miss Anne Cottingham married to Mr. Uriah Williams...
Winfield Courier, February 17, 1881.
Mr. Uriah Williams and Miss Anne Cottingham were united in matrimony on Tuesday of last week.
John Cottingham...
Winfield Courier, August 18, 1881.
A few days previous to last—Thursday, August 11, 1881,—a gloomy, disconsolate feeling was creeping over ye reporter from the weary tread-mill duties which are incumbent on a Normalite, when an invitation to attend a wedding at Floral was received. Our spirits were soon on the ascendancy, regardless of the admonitions of the thermometer. Procuring one of Speed’s best livery outfits, and remembering the divine injunction, “it is not well for man to be alone,” secured the companionship of one of Eve’s representatives, and soon whirled Floralward amid a cloud of dust. Arriving at our destination without any serious casualty, we found the residents, who recently witnessed a panoramic scene of desolation, on tip toe with excitement. The center of attraction we soon discovered to be the residence of Mr. Wright, which was surrounded by cheerful friends of the high contracting parties.
The appointed hour, 6 o’clock p.m., having arrived, matters were abruptly brought to a focus by the appearance of the officiating minister, Rev. J. J. Goodwill, accompanied by the bride and bridegroom, Miss Helen Wright and Jas. P. Frakes. During the ceremony a solemn stillness reigned. The couple looked as pretty as a pair of turtle doves fondly cooing for each other, and when they were authorized to join hands, we imagined that we could hear their happy hearts fluttering in quadruple time: four beats to the measure, and measuring as often as was consistent with the condition of the temperature, which, at that particular crisis, had apparently lost its equilibrium.
After the ceremony, there was much joyous handshaking and such tender embraces by certain members of the party, that made ye reporter uncomfortably nervous and long for the old-time custom, when it was fashionable and admissible for all parties to kiss the bride.
The evening’s entertainment closed with a most excellent supper which I shall not attempt to describe; but of such was the extensive variety and deliciousness of the tempting viands under which the table groaned, that the irrepressible John Cottingham, wished that weddings occurred three times a week in that vicinity and he was favored with an invitation to each one.
The parents of the bridegroom, who reside in Missouri, were telegraphed for, and they arrived on the evening train just in time to witness the ceremony.
After feasting until each was too full for utterance, all repaired to their respective homes feeling as “happy as a clam.” HORATIUS.
Aug. 12, 1881.
Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.
J. R. Cottingham, of Richland, brought in six February pigs Friday and pocketed $74.56 for them. Porkers this year are at a premium.
Cowley County Courant, April 20, 1882.
The following is a list of cases that will stand for trial at the April term of the District Court, commencing on the 25th day of April, A. D. 1882.
J. R. Cottingham vs. James Burns.
Winfield Courier, April 20, 1882.
Mr. Cottingham of Timber Creek has been putting in his time walling and cementing Mr. McMillen’s cistern.
W. L. Cottingham???...
Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.
Richland Township.
A meeting was called at the Queen Village schoolhouse for the purpose of making arrangements for holding an Anti-monopoly rally. Was called to order by W. L. Cottingham.
On motion the following were appointed an executive committee: H. J. Sandfort and W. L. Cottingham, of Richland, and Fletch Teeter, C. W. Hogue, and Wm. Daggett, of Silver Creek.
Cowley County Courant, June 15, 1882.
Richland Township.
QUEEN VILLAGE, May 26, 1882.
A meeting was called to order at the Queen Village schoolhouse for the purpose of making arrangements for holding an Anti-monopoly rally by W. L. Cottingham.
Mr. Wm. Daggett was chosen chairman and W. L. Heineken secretary.
Owing to indications of rain the meeting adjourned to meet on Wednesday, May 31, 1882, at 2 o’clock p.m.
Pursuant to adjournment about forty persons assembled at 2 o’clock p.m., and C. W. Hogue, of Burden, was chosen chairman and H. J. Sandfort, of Floral, secretary.
On motion it was agreed that an Anti-monopoly rally be held on Thursday, July 20th, in R. W. Stevens’ grove on Timber Creek.
On motion the following were appointed an executive committee.
H. J. Sandfort and W. L. Cottingham of Richland, and Fletch Teeter, C. W. Hogue and Wm. Daggett, of Silver Creek.
Cottingham, Timber Creek???...
Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.
Anti-Monopoly Picnic.
We attended the Anti-monopoly rally at Baltimore last week. The day was pleasant, the people we met were most hospitable, and altogether we could hardly believe it was not a grand republican rally. The republicans certainly had a majority of the procession. The meet-ing was held in Cottingham’s grove, a very nice place, with Timber Creek running through it. We listened for an hour to a speech by Mr. Cole, an alleged candidate for Congress. He is a very pleasant gentleman but makes a very poor speech. The speech was a good appetizer, and we did full justice to an excellent dinner furnished by Mr. and Mrs. Cottingham. After dinner Judge Tipton made the only speech that was made during the day. The Judge would be a successful stump speaker if he belonged to a party whose positions were even tenable. After Judge Tipton, the Hon. Sam Wood, better known over the state as “Slippery Sam,” delivered his speech. Sam is still as voluminous as ever, and his howls for “the poor, down-trodden farmer” are loud and deep. Sam ought to be rewarded for his disinterested (?) Labors with something better than twenty-five cent subscriptions to his paper. On the way home we had the pleasure of taking tea at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Johnson. They have one of the finest places in the county, and neither monopolies or lack of greenbacks worry them. Such farmers as J. J. Johnson are living arguments against Sam Wood’s doctrine.
Winfield Courier, August 10, 1882.
Delegates entitled to seats.
Richland: J. R. Cottingham, Willis Wilson, J. R. Thompson, T. W. Dicken.
Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.
One of Mr. Jack Cottingham’s shepherd dogs is now a Salemite.
Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.
Township Elections.
The following township officers were declared elected by the Board of Commissioners at their canvass of the vote on Tuesday.
RICHLAND: H. J. Sandfort, trustee; C. H. Bing, clerk; J. R. Cottingham, treasurer; D. C. Stephens and A. D. Kennedy, J. P.’s; S. J. Holloway and A. O. Welfelt, constables.
Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.
Committee on credentials reported the following named delegates and alternates for their respective townships.
RICHLAND: Lewis Stephens, H. H. Hooker, Danl. Maher, J. R. Thompson.
Alternates: J. R. Cottingham, S. W. Phoenix, A. Stephens, P. Robins.
Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.
List of Jurors in attendance at the October Term of the District Court.
Regular Jury.
D. N. Dressler, $50.70, H. H. Causey, $31.80, David Davy, $6.00, Thomas Tice, $58.20, J. R. Cottingham, $41.00, W. S. Williamson, $55.00, Rudolph Wellman, $17.60, W. H. Butler, $50.00.