Cottrell or Catrell


Silverdale Township.
[Newspapers spelled the name of this family in various ways, varying from Cottrell, Catrel, Cattrell, etc. Have no idea what last name should have been given. MAW]
Silverdale Township, 1874: J. U., age 52
Silverdale Township, 1874: Sheridan, age 26
Silverdale Township, 1878: S., age 30. Spouse: Mrs. Catrell.
Silverdale Township, 1879: S., age 34. Spouse: Mrs. Catrell.
Winfield, 1878: Wm. Catrell, age 30. Spouse: Catrell, L. M., age 27
I found “Catrell” and “Cattrell” in the Arkansas City papers.
The newspapers were notorious in the early days in spelling names incorrectly.
Winfield Courier, December 16, 1875.
If Cottrell of our township, who persists in his unmanly course towards a young lady living here, notwithstanding he has a wife of his own and has outraged public sentiment, will put a bridle on his tongue and yoke on his oxen and leave the country, he will probably save trouble. NENESCAH.
[Note: The spelling of township in time became “Nennescah.” Ninnescah’s biggest town was Udall in the western part of that county. Silver Dale was later called Silverdale. This township was immediately to the east of Cresswell [later Creswell] and the largest town was Silverdale. I really thought I would find more information in the Arkansas City papers relative to this township, but for some reason or another most items about Silver Dale (or Silverdale) township in the very early days were given to the Winfield Courier.]
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1878.
Real Estate Transfers.
J. S. Hinkley to Sheridan Cottrell, n. e. of s. e. 30, 34, 5; 160 acres, $115.
Winfield Courier, June 23, 1881.
A son of Wm. Cottrell, of this city, aged about ten years, was kicked in the face by a horse Tuesday morning, cutting up his face badly and splitting his upper lip. Dr. Wells took charge of him and sewed up the wounds as well as possible. It is be­lieved that the boy will recover.
Winfield Courier, December 8, 1881.
MARRIED. At the residence of Mr. D. Mater, in Winfield, Dec. 4, 1881, by Rev. J. H. Snyder, Mr. George B. Hixon and Mrs. Rose E. Cottrell.
Winfield Courier, February 9, 1882.
Wm. Cottrell, and one Chas. Ausbrook and his father-in-law were arrested by the U. S. on a charge of perjury last week. It grows out of a fraudulent entry of a claim in Silverdale Township. Cottrell is in jail.
Excerpt from an item in January 1886 Courier...who knows, the Cottrell named at Fort Scott could be a relative!

The Senate Confirms an Extensive List of Presidential Nominations.
Consuls, Ministers, Department Officials, etc.
New Postmasters Confirmed.
No Great Objection Developed.
The Executive Found Willing to Impart Information.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 21, 1886.
WASHINGTON, January 14. The Senate in executive session yesterday confirmed the following nominations.
The Kansas, Missouri and Nebraska postmasters whose appointments were confirmed were as follows.
In Kansas: Ethan Wall at Kingman, B. J. Sheridan at Paola, George C. Rembaugh at Winfield, Cyrus A. Rieder at Anthony, T. A. McCleary, at Medicine Lodge, J. A. Manley at Mound City, R. T. Lawsonon at Junction City, J. P. Degarnette at Chetopa, H. V. Gavigan at Columbus, F. W. Frye at Parsons, B. F. Devore at Independence, John F. Cottrell at Fort Scott, Colin Campbell at Florence, Samuel T. Carico at Harper, William C. Butts at Valley Falls, Hattie P. Blair at Great Bend, and Max Alwens at Bellville.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 28, 1886.
Recap: S. J. Smock, County Clerk and Clerk of Board of Commissioners of Cowley Kansas, gave notices that on January 5, 1886, the following petitions would be attended to at a session of the Board. Petitions were presented and granted on January 5, 1886.
5) Petition signed by J. N. Fleharty and others of Silverdale township, asking for a view and a survey for the purpose of locating a certain County Road: Commencing at a ledge of rock about 8 rods more or less east of the southwest corner of northeast quarter of 2:34-5, thence northwesterly by most practicable route around ledge of rock to ½ section line running north and south, thence north about 30 rods, north and northwesterly around ledge of rock by most practicable route to point on half section line about 10 rods north of southwest corner of southeast quarter of 15:34-5, thence north on said half section line to a small stream, thence west 3 rods and 3 links by most practicable route to a point 5 rods and 20 links west of northeast corner of northwest quarter 15:34-5, thence west to northwest corner of said section 15:34-5, thence north on section line between sections 9 and 10 same township and range to connect with what is known as the S. Cottrell road. I. D. Harkleroad, C. S. Gibson, and W. W. Irons, Viewers. N. A. Haight, County Surveyor. February 19, 1886, date set.
Sorry that I could find nothing more on Cottrell.
Have decided to check Silverdale to see if Cottrell might have shown up with the wrong spelling...
Winfield Messenger, Friday, March 15, 1872.
Silverdale is a post town at the confluence of Silver Creek with the Grouse, 14 miles southeast of Winfield. It has a good store and other buildings.

Ninescah is a post town, near the Arkansas River, 12 miles northwest of Winfield. It has several substantial buildings.
Winfield Messenger, July 19, 1872.
On motion, Messrs. Irwin and Kinne were elected as commit­tee to ascertain the number of persons on the tax roll in each township.
The committee to ascertain the number upon the tax rolls of the several townships reported as follows:
Silver Dale, 66.
Ninnescah, 87.
Wonder if the Catrell mentioned should be “Cottrell.” Next item...
Winfield Courier, November 2, 1876.
The township ticket nominated in Silverdale without regard to party, is as follows: for trustee, B. A. Davis; clerk, S. Catrell; treasurer, W. Estes; justices, W. S. Coburn and D. Francisco; constables, W. S. Gilman and H. L. C. Gilstrap.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 1, 1876.
At a meeting of the citizens of Silverdale Township, without regard to party, the following action was taken. The meeting was organized by L. Lippmann being called to the chair, and Mr. Anderson, Secretary. Upon motion, it was voted that the selec­tion of trustees be made by ballot. B. A. Davis and Daniel Grant were then placed in nomination, the result being Mr. Davis received thirteen votes and Mr. Grant three. Mr. B. A. Davis was declared the nominee.
The following officers were chosen by acclamation: S. Catrell, Clerk; Wm. Estus, Treasurer; Justices, W. S. Coburn and D. Francisco; Constables, W. I. Gilman and H. L. C. Gilstrap. Road Overseers chosen as follows: 1st Dist., Mathias Hoyt; 2nd Dist., H. W. Chancey; 3rd Dist., J. B. Splawn; 4th Dist., Alonzo Butterfield; 5th Dist., J. P. Mussulman. L.
Note that the following item calls him “S. Cattrell.”
Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1876.
The following officers were nominated in the different townships, and most of them are probably elected.
Silverdale Township. For Justices of the Peace. W. S. Coburn, D. Francisco; for Constables, W. I. Gilman, H. L. C. Gilstrap; for Township Trustee, B. A. Davis; for Township Treasurer, Wm. Estus; for Township Clerk, S. Cattrell; for Road Overseers: Dist. No. 1, Mathias Hoyt; Dist. No. 2, H. W. Chancey; Dist. No. 3, J. B. Splawn; Dist. No. 4, Alonzo Butterfield; Dist. No. 5, J. P. Musselman.
The following might give you an idea of how the township was divided...
Arkansas City Traveler, November 22, 1876.

A vote was taken on the proposition to vote $1,000 to build a schoolhouse in District No. 35, in Silverdale Township, last Monday, and was carried. During the voting, a discussion arose between Will Estus and Charles Hawkins, resulting in the drawing of knives. Otherwise, every­thing was quiet.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 22, 1877. Front Page.
The election in district sixty-two passed off quietly. We did not hear of any betting on the result.
4 p.m.: The returning board have counted in the new officials at this time. A gentleman came up to the schoolhouse and said he was going to “bust” the election. I was at the polls until about sundown, but did not see any “bustin’.”
6 p.m.: Everything quiet; the police cleared the streets of all disorderly characters. All is well. Another election has passed, and the nation is safe.
In the political horizon objects can be seen flitting about—dimly at first—but seen distinctly after looking the matter up a little. We have heard of 900—I meant nine—candidates for sheriff. Caesar! If they all receive a tie vote, what a time the commissioners will have.
Politicians are (some of them) brilliant, profound, far-seeing—everything but honest. It is strange that a man cannot obtain an office without being “pumped,” and without having a few “feelers” thrown out to see if he is the “right stripe” to be allowed on the inside track.
But I did not intend for this to be a political letter, so I will lay the dirty thing down for awhile, to pick up at another time; for I think that “He who fights and runs away, will live to fight another day.” For that reason I will resume in the near future, and because I think too that politics can be made as clean a thing as anything else, by discarding all those slimy, tricky, shystering “bats,” who make politics a setting cesspit of corruption.
I am going on the warpath this fall. They had better “look a leetle oud.” I have my tomahawk, spear, hatchet, and bow; I will purge the threshing floor of its chaff. Let them beware. I will close by saying I am after them. NITRO GLYCERINE.
The following item has “S. Cattrell”...
Arkansas City Traveler, November 7, 1877.
  SILVERDALE, Oct. 23, 1877.
A slight flutter was caused in our quiet neighborhood by the meeting at Mr. Butterfield’s, on the caucus for the nomination of township officers. The results will be found below.
Trustee: J. B. Musselman.
Justices: D. Francisco, W. Butterfield.
Clerk: S. Cattrell.
Treasurer: W. T. Estus.
Constables: I. Tipton, T. Butterfield.
The store at this place, and with it the post office, has been bandied about somewhat unmercifully of late.
W. T. Estus, successor to Mr. Tipton, sold the twin concern to S. Cattrell, who has been serving Uncle Sam for about a week, but at this writing, Dan Grant is spoken of as the coming mer­chant and postmaster.

Our mill men in Illinois have been heard from again and they say that as soon as certain properties in their posses­sion are disposed of that the mill on Grouse will assume visible proportions.
It is with regret that I state that no school is being held in this township. ‘Cause why—a site has not yet been agreed upon.
Sunday school meets every Sunday, however, at Coburn’s schoolhouse in lower Grouse.
Seeding is now over, and in nearly all cases, the wheat is up and looking first class—could not look better.
Mr. J. B. Musselman has a field that he sowed very early that we believe cannot be beat anywhere.
I have secured a large beet, weight 7 lbs., of Mr. Cattrell, and several monster sweet potatoes of Mr. Splawn, which I will send you the first opportunity.
Mr. Warren has sold his cattle to the Freeman boys, who with Messrs. Austin & Haynes intend herding in the Territory during the winter. C.
I am presenting the following to give you a clue how the newspapers constantly spelled names differently at different times...still do not know correct spelling for the name listed below...could be Musselman or Mussleman, etc.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 14, 1877.
SILVERDALE, Nov. 9, 1877.
Mr. Mussulman, the regular nominee for Trustee in Silverdale Township, because he is so occupied with other business that he did not wish to be elected to that office, on the morning of the election, withdrew his name as a candidate in favor of D. Grant. And the said Grant on the strength of Mr. Mussulman’s popularity was elected Trustee. D. GRANT.
It appears that even the children in this township were divided...
Arkansas City Traveler, November 21, 1877.
SILVERDALE, Nov. 16, 1877.
The children came home from school this evening with a report that they had a fine time at school, at the Coburn schoolhouse, today. As soon as the school was out for noon, there were two girls, about 16 or 17 years old, weighing respectively 135 and 145 pounds, who commenced to fight, pulling hair, and biting, until the teacher returned. He had to walk half a mile and eat his dinner and returned in about three quarters of an hour. The children say that they pulled hair and scratched and chawed arms and ears like men. That goes to show that Grouse Creek girls are game. C. O. D.
Again, the following items point out divisions in this township...
Arkansas City Traveler, December 5, 1877.
SILVERDALE, Nov. 30, 1877.
I was at a social gathering of young folks on Friday night of this week. After the social and singing were over, one young man was struck in the face by a Bone. It set him back so far in his coat that his head was hardly visible above his collar.

The Bone afterwards passed on through the house and out of the door into the road, just grazing the noses of a couple of other young men who were sitting near the door. All is quiet now.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 19, 1877.
SILVERDALE, Dec. 15, 1877.
The excitement caused by the passing of that Bone through the air, and in such close proximity to the nasal organs of those young men, mentioned in my last letter, has subsided. Truly this is an age of wonders: That Bone that Mr. Hatfield found on Grouse some time ago has turned out to be an animate object—an organic being, composed of real elements, such as potash, soda, lime, magnesia, silex, iron, oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulphur, chlorine, and a few proximate elements, such as albumen fibrin, gelatin, mucus, fat, casein, lactic acid, osmazome, and chondrin—in fact, a human being with perfect running gear, without any modern improvements, and it is compelled to eat organic food. The whole thing was got up by a sharper, to swindle some poor idiot of a specimen hunter. Only a short time ago, I was informed that a Colorado man had offered $15,000 (or less) for the fossil, if it was as represented. But if you want to get scalped, just mention fossil, relic, or specimen to Mr. Hatfield.
Another social was held near the schoolhouse Friday night. A large, good natured lot of young people were in attendance. All were as happy as big sun flowers, until the night was nearly cracked into in the middle, then we adjourned to meet at the house of Mr. E. the coming Friday night, where a Philomathic Society will be organized. The school in 26 is progressing finely with 55 scholars in attendance. NITRO-GLYCERINE.
And now we have “J. Sheridan Cattrell.” What can I say?
Arkansas City Traveler, November 13, 1878.
Trustee: J. D. Harkleroad.
Clerk: J. Sheridan Cattrell.
Treasurer: J. P. Mussulman.
Justices: A. D. Edwards and Wm. Butterfield.
Constables: J. N. Fleharty and W. A. Butterfield.
Again, another clue to divisions in township...
Arkansas City Traveler, March 5, 1879.
One Dr. Cover, of Silverdale, while in a dispute with Ike Darnall over unadjusted book accounts, was struck with a fork in the hands of the latter. Cover got even by sending a blue pill through Isaac’s hat, that physicked him out of the county, and strange to say he is yet running!
Politics were taken very seriously during this time span. Democrats were in the minority. The following comments from correspondent give you a clue...
Arkansas City Traveler, October 6, 1880.
SILVERDALE, October 2, 1880.

The Democrats of Lower Grouse had quite an interesting time at Coburn’s schoolhouse on Thursday last, at 7:30 p.m. After some little trouble in securing a chairman (none of the party desiring office), Mr. Hill was induced to act. I never saw either of the speakers before, but was told their names were General Amos Walton and Hon. Dr. Leonard. The General made a great impression on his Democratic audience of nine by a fine oratorical display, who cheered him as if they were afraid of hurting the floor. The impression he made on us Republicans was that he hadn’t his lesson well learned. It may not be improper to notice some of the General’s “p’ints,” as he termed them.
He said he could explain what had become of the Republican votes of the South, which he did to the satisfaction of his nine. He said the negroes were persecuted by their old masters to vote the Democratic ticket. The General ought to know that every school boy in Silverdale township knows how the negroes were persuaded. The “old masters” persuaded Judge Chisholm and his innocent children to cease voting the Republican ticket.
Dixon was persuaded not to oppose the nominee of the party the General represents with the good loyal Southerners whom the General said had now come back under the flag; but he did not tell us these same loyal persuaders gave Dixon’s murderer the best office in the county, and sent him to Cincinnati to nominate the candidate whom General Walton will support.
The spirits of those murdered children will appear as witnesses against any party who will wilfully make such false representations.
In 1876, in the State of Alabama, there were 68,230 Republican votes counted; in 1878 there were 213. Alabama is only a fair sample of the Solid South, and in a free North the editor of a newspaper gets up and attempts to make an audience believe that 68,017 men in one State were persuaded in two years to leave the party that was instrumental in securing their freedom. “The right preservative of all rights must and shall be maintained in every part of the United States,” says the sixth plank in the Democratic national platform, 1880. What does it mean?
He charged General Garfield with desertion at Chickamauga, which he did not do.
He charged him with being implicated in the Credit Mobilier, which he was not.
He eulogized Hancock as a soldier and military man, but forgot how his party condemned General Grant for being one four years ago.
He told how the Republicans under Gen. Grant had defrauded the Government, but did not say anything about the Democrats of the South, who make war on the United States Marshals that a Democratic Congress refused to pay.
He closed by appealing to Republicans not to support a Winfield ring, speaking of Mr. Hackney in a light manner; but don’t you forget it, General, the soldier boys will send W. P. Hackney to the State Senate. He is the volunteer’s brother and friend. That scar on his face will admit him to the Senate chamber. He marched, fought, and starved with us, and we will honor him again. He wore the bloody shirt you harp so much about. The thirteen thousand dead who sleep in the pine woods of Georgia near Andersonville, whom your party starved to death, cry out from their neglected graves for us to stand by our comrade and vote for the principles for which they died—only to have their widows and orphans refused an increase of pension by a Democratic Congress, 68 out of 109 voting against it.
It is recorded against your party. VOLUNTEER.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 13, 1880.
Ed. Gray, in making up correspondence from Silverdale last week, has a great deal to say about soldiers and fighting, etc. We wonder where Ed. was when the fighting was done? We find the most terrible warriors of today, are those who were in swaddling clothes when the real fighting was done. Democrat.
Like Christ and Bob Ingersoll, we are persecuted for righteousness’ sake.
Next entry shows “S. Cattrell”...
Arkansas City Traveler, May 11, 1881.
A valuable horse, belonging to S. Cattrell, of Silverdale, was badly hurt last week by the team running away, while hitched to a harrow. One of the horses fell, running three of his teeth into his hip, which, although not fatal, will cripple him for some time.
If S. Cattrell, listed below, is really S. COTTRELL, the following item indicates that he moved to Chautauqua County, where his wife, Emma J. Cottrell, died.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 14, 1883.
DIED. March 2nd, 1883, of measles, Emma J. Cattrell, wife of S. Cattrell, now of Chautauqua Co., but a former resident of Silverdale Township, this county.
Question: Is the following (W. S. Cottrell) a member of Cottrell family...???
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.
M. J. French, A. J. Lender, W. S. Cottrell, and W. M. Gregory, all selling Chicago wares, were among the Brettun’s guests Saturday.