Alexander Craig


File set up by RKW.
August 19, 1995
Alexander Craig
Search requested by Dorothy Davis Groene, for a Craig relative.
There are no members of the “Craig” family listed in the February, 1870 census of Cowley County.
The Richland Township census of 1872 lists: Alex Craig, 64, his wife Lucy, 58, Eli Craig, 21, James A. Craig, 26, a female Elizabeth Craig, 34, and Robert S. Craig, 32.
There is a I. L. (or J. L.) Craig and his wife E. L. (or J. W.) Craig listed in the Otter Township census of 1873 and 1874.
WINFIELD COURIER, DECEMBER 16, 1875.  MARRIED. CRAIG - CONNER. At the residence of W. L. Mullen, Esq., in Winfield, on the 29th of November, 1875, by Rev. J. E. Platter, William Craig to Henrietta Conner, all of Cowley county.
WINFIELD COURIER, NOVEMBER 1, 1877. MR. DAVID CRAIG, while engaged on a contract for excavating earth at the Tunnel Mills, was on Monday seriously if not fatally injured by the falling of a high bank of earth and rock upon him, literally crushing him. Mr. Craig is a young man of industrious habits.
DIED. David Craig, the young  who was crushed by the falling of the bank at the Tunnel Mills, died last Sunday. [This indicates he died November 4, 1877.]
Courier MARCH 20, 1879. Miss Addie Turner, of Baltimore, and Miss Ray Nauman, of Winfield, are visiting at Mr. Craig's.
Courier APRIL 17, 1879. Dr. Irwin likes the smell of the peach blossoms around Mr. Craig's.
Two "big braves" and their squaws were out riding last Sunday, causing a sensation.
Mr. Craig keeps that shotgun loaded for the benefit of Wesley.
Courier JANUARY 13, 1881. The following is a report of the Floral schools for the months ending December 24th, 1880.
Number enrolled, 35; number of days of attendance, 607; average daily attendance, 30.85. Those having an average of 90 percent, and upwards, in scholarship and deportment were:
Brilla Read, 91
Mary Dalgam, 97
Oliver Craig, 90
Courier MARCH 24, 1881. Mr. Craig is burning a lime-kiln on Captain Stephens's place. He will complete it in a few days.
Courier JULY 7, 1881. We learn, in a roundabout way, of the marriage of our old-time friend and schoolmaster, Scaughen Craig, at Leavenworth, some days ago. The fortunate lady in the case was Miss Emma Swift.