Crapster Family
Thursday, April 18, 2002
Dear Bill,
The weather keeps making computer life hectic. This morning I lost some of my work when the electricity went off and the tornado siren kept sounding off from time to time. It turned out that a line went down on the metal fence of some house about fourteen blocks away and really messed up everything in this part of town for some time. Then I thought I got the clocks all reset and next thing I know I got a phone call from Winfield where I was supposed to see cancer doctor. Turned out I was late. I had to rush off and they waited for me. Then back to the computer and the door rang. Meter gal informed me I was using an exorbitant amount of water. Believe the back toilet is the problem. Billings cannot come out until tomorrow. Lord! What next?! Both Kaul and Cannon [regular and cancer doctors] gave me a clean bill of health. Hopefully I will not have to see either one for a year, the good Lord willing!
Now, I am going to send this file first. Still think I did this previously and sent it to you. But Lord love a duck! When I checked my people file, I found that I no longer had one in existence. Will call Bruce one of these days and ask him to retrieve it for me via old records on CD. I have had so many weird things happen lately on the computer that I never know for certain where I am on anything.
Anyway, I worked on “Crapster” from start to finish again and added a few items that I had not reached before. I have left Burt running the hotel most of the time when he is not off somewhere having fun. It appears that not much came out of his journey to the Black Hills.
Files I am sending [all under fam]...
[1] fam\CrapsterFamily.wpd
[2] fam\Moore.wpd [This file contains oodles of miscellaneous Moore people.]
[3] fam\MooreCharlesE&Brother.wpd
[6]fam\MooreIra.wpd [The file I discussed at Winfield.]
[Brettun Crapster. Known as “Burt” or “Bert” Crapster.]
Kansas 1875 Census, Winfield Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Name age sex color Place/birth Where from
C. C. Black 22 m w Illinois Illinois
Marian E. Black 22 f w New York New York
Charlotte E. Black 2m f w Kansas
Brettun Crapster 19 m w Illinois Illinois
B. Crapster, 21. No spouse listed.
Brettun Crapster, 24. No spouse listed.
[Note: The following item is the only one found pertaining to “C. Louis Crapster.” It is not known if there was any relationship to the family of Brettun Crapster by this individual. MAW]
C. Louis Crapster...
Winfield Courier, Saturday, February 1, 1873.
Teacher’s Report.
To the Clerk of Public School Board of Winfield, Kansas, for the month ending Jan. 25th, 1873.
Whole number enrolled, 104.
Average daily attendance, 31.
Present every day: Mary Cochran, Alice Johnson, Ettie Johnson, Cora Kenworthy, M. Virginia Weathers, Oscar Cochran, Edmond Cochran, L. Frank Freeland, Richie Mansfield, Willie J. McClellan, Willie S. Tarrant.
The first month was largely employed in correcting—in mind and habit—the heterogeneous mass gathered from all quarters, north, east, and south, and adjusting the same to the teacher’s standard of propriety.
At first, many of the pupils were disposed to indolence, and some to positive rebellion. The latter trouble has mainly disappeared, and many of those afflicted with the former disease exhibit symptoms of convalescence. Not being able to make an inspiring report for the first month, we concluded to pass it in silence.
The last month has been encouraging; our hopes are now buoyant; and while ideal excellence has been reached by few, if indeed any, yet we think it proper, as to loyalty, and commendable efforts toward perfect lessons, to report the following Roll of Honor:
Average daily attendance, 31.
Present every day. Ella Freeland, Lydia A. Kenworthy, Mary L. Koehler, Jessie Millington, Annie Newman, R. W. Dever, I. E. Johnson, H. E. Likowski, Walter A. Lewis, Harold H. Mansfield, O. Orlando Menor, W. D. Menor, Richard S. Whitaker, Charles E. Weathers.
Roll of Honor. Cora E. Andrews, Luella Blandin, M. Callie Blandin, Adida V. Boucher, P. Nellie Covert, C. Louis Crapster, F. Ella Freeland, Lydia A. Kenworthy, Mary L. Koehler, Jessie Millington, Anna Newman, Nettie C. Quarles, Ida B. Weir, R. Nellie Wiggan, Fred C. Hunt, Frank E. Howard, Frank A. Howland, I. Ernest Johnson, H. Eddie Likowski, Wm. Dean Menor, Holiday H. Menor, O. Orlando Menor, Harold H. Mansfield, Addison F. Powers, Charles E. Weathers.
Future reports will be shaped by the following schedule:
No half days absent. No times tardy. Attendance. Deportment. Scholarship. Geography, Grammar, Arithmetic, Spelling, Reading, and Punctuation, History, and Penmanship.
Average scholarship. Standing Perfect, 100.
J. B. PARMELEE, Miss E. A. TUCKER, Teachers.
Burt Crapster came to Winfield with grandfather, Mr. Brettun, in 1874...
Winfield Courier, October 22, 1874.
Mr. Brettun, grandfather, and Burt Crapster, a cousin of Chas. Black, arrived in town yesterday evening. They expect to spend the winter here.
Winfield Courier, November 26, 1874.
A small conflagration, which might have been more serious but for the energetic efforts of those present, occurred last Saturday evening at the store of C. C. Black. Shortly after the lamps were lighted in the evening, Charley Harter bethought him that the chandelier needed filling, and being at the time in the oil business, having just drawn some for a customer, he took a quart measure and proceeded to replenish the illuminator. While thus engaged the oil in the measure unexpectedly ignited from one of the burners, and Charley, with the blazing can grasped firmly in his fist, glided swiftly toward the door. The air from without upon coming in contact with the flames carried them back into the face of the torch-bearer, and compelled him to deposit his burden upon the floor. His somewhat excited tones brought J. J. Ellis to the rescue with a couple of blankets, which he spread over the blaze, overturning the can, and giving the flames a new impetus.
The excitement now became intense, as the window curtain went up like a flash and the fire started along the counter. Jack Cruden pushed the calico from the counter, and grasped a blanket with which to whip the fire into submission.
Tom Braidwood pulled down and dragged out the line upon which was suspended shawls, scarfs, etc., while Ellis leaped the counter and rescued the mosquito bar which hung in front of the shelves.
Just at this juncture a new actor appeared upon the scene in the shape of Burt Crapster staggering under the weight of a pail of water in each hand, a skillful application of which put a dampener upon the ardor of the flames, and quiet was soon restored.
The total loss amounted to about twenty-five dollars.
This experience goes to show that while blankets may be just the thing for extinguishing blazing coal oil, water is what is needed for gasoline. It is a well known fact, also, that as a fire extinguisher, water has but few superiors, and one pail-full at the commencement of a fire is worth a cistern-full when the flames are well underway, and as no precaution has as yet been taken by our citizens, we would suggest that each businessman follow the example of Charley Black by keeping a full barrel of water standing at their doors ready for use in case of an emergency.
We hope our citizens will attend to this matter without further delay. Remember the adage, “An ounce of preventative is worth a pound of cure.”
Winfield Courier, July 1, 1875.
Mr. S. L. Brettun and family, who have been visiting Charlie Black, of this place, left for their home in Illinois last Monday morning. Burt Crapster went with them, and will attend college there this summer.
Winfield Courier, March 23, 1876.
District Court Docket.
The following is a list of cases that will stand for trial at the April term A. D. 1876, of the District Court of Cowley, and have been placed on the Trial Docket in the following order.
Brettun Crapster vs. S. D. Williams.
Winfield Courier, October 5, 1876.
Burt Crapster returned from Chicago last Friday night. While there he took a run down to Philadelphia, viewed the Centennial for a few hours, became discouraged, and started back the next day. The exposition had no charms for him.
Winfield Courier, October 19, 1876.
E. S. C.,
Which means “Evening Star Club.”
The above named social organization is just making its debut in Winfield’s fashionable “upper-ten” society. The need of a similar association has long been felt in this community. “Hoodlum dances” have become the rule instead of the exception and are growing very monotonous. Social lines are now to be drawn, and a new order of things will soon take the place of the old breeches-in-boots regime. “Hoe-downs” and their concomitant evils will pass into oblivion, and the big nosed “caller” who used to sing out, as he buckled on to the red-haired girl himself, “Grab pardners for a quadrille!” will be a thing of the past. Kid gloves and waxed moustaches are not to take the place of all these old frontier familiarities, but a jolly, fun loving, respectable class of our citizens who have been reared in the higher walks of life, resume their position in the social scale, and propose to conduct these entertainments in a manner that will reflect credit upon the management and the city at large. The world moves and we must keep pace with the hour, socially, morally, and otherwise.
The charter members, so to speak, of the Club are Messrs. Frank Gallotti, Esq. Boyer, E. W. Holloway, T. K. Johnston, R. L. Walker, J. B. Lynn, W. P. Hackney, C. C. Black, J. O. Houx, and A. E. Baird, as they were its organizers. At their meeting on the 17th instant, the following constitution was read and adopted.
Constitution of the Evening Star Club
of the City of Winfield.
Art. 1. An association is constituted in the City of Winfield, Kansas, under the name of “The Evening Star Club.”
Art. 2. The object of the Club is to give a series of Social Dances, and other entertainments as may be decided by the same.
Art. 3. The Club will have a regular meeting every fortnight, and a special meeting whenever deemed necessary by a majority of the board of trustees.
Art. 4. All business of the Club must be transacted at the regular meetings.
Art. 5. The administration of this Club will be conducted by a board of trustees, composed of a president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, and three directors, to be elected by its members at a regular meeting.
Art. 6. A person wishing to become a member of this club must have his or her name proposed by one of the members at a regular meeting.
Art. 7. Every petitioner for membership shall be balloted for at a regular meeting.
Art. 8. To become a member of this Club, the petitioner must receive the unanimous vote of the members present at the balloting, must sign the constitution, and pay an admission fee of Two dollars, and a monthly fee in advance of one dollar.
Art. 9. A member in arrear of one month fee will have no voice in the regular or special meetings, and if in arrear of two month’s fees, will lose his membership.
Art. 10. The duties of the officers of this Club, and the order of business to be transacted by the same, shall be regulated by bylaws drawn as soon as the club is constituted.
Art. 11. None but the members of the club will be admitted at the regular Dances given by the same unless non-resident.
Art. 12. A non-resident shall be admitted at the dances of this club only when supplied with an invitation.
Art. 13. All invitations must be signed by the board of Trustees.
Art. 14. This Club will be considered constituted when the constitution is signed by ten persons who will be charter members.
The election of officers following, W. P. Hackney was chosen president; J. B. Lynn vice president; A. E. Baird, treasurer; J. O. Houx, secretary, and T. K. Johnston, C. C. Black, and
F. Gallotti as directors.
Frank Gallotti was appointed a committee of one on bylaws. Balloting was then had on the following candidates, resulting in their election to full membership: J. Wade McDonald, James Hill, Bert Crapster, Wilbur Dever, O. M. Seward, Fred Hunt, and Chas. Harter. The Club met last evening but we have not learned what additional business it transacted. We wish the association unlimited success, in its hitherto unoccupied field.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1876.
A hunting party consisting of Jim Brown, Charles Harter, Burt Crapster, Geo. Miller, and Virgil Harter returned from the Indian Territory last Friday loaded with turkey, duck, deer, buffalo, kangaroo, elephants, and such other wild animals as that country afforded. That’s the way the story is told now, but the other Charlie Harter tells it that they took away a load of beans, flour, pickles, and provisions and brought back one large bird without any feathers, so that it was impossible to tell whether it was a turkey with a sir name or not. The boys had a good time visiting the Agency by moonlight.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 9, 1877. Front Page.
The following is a list of cases that will stand for trial at the May term of the District Court, of Cowley County, to be begun and held on the first Monday, 7th day of May, A. D. 1877, and have been placed on the Trial docket in the following order.
Brettun Crapster vs. Stephen D. Williams.
Winfield Courier, April 5, 1877.
A few days since Uncle Billy Rogers and Bert Crapster started for the Black Hills. They stopped in Leavenworth for a few days for the purpose of purchasing a saw mill, which they intend running at Deadwood City. We wish them much success in their enterprise.
Winfield Courier, May 10, 1877.
We are under obligation to Bert Crapster for several copies of the daily and weekly Black Hills Times, and also copies of the weekly Black Hills Pioneer. They are both neat and well printed twenty column papers.
Winfield Courier, May 10, 1877.
We understand from a private source that Bert Crapster has purchased a third interest in an extensive Black Hills gold mine. A small amount of gold dust has been received from this mine, by letter, by a party in this city.
Winfield Courier, June 14, 1877.
We learn through private source that Bert Crapster will soon leave Deadwood, in the Black Hills, for the Big Horn country. He says that he knows of over one hundred persons from Cowley County in the Hills and that “but one of them is a dollar ahead.” “Black Hills heap d n fraud.”
Winfield Courier, September 6, 1877.
We understand that Bert Crapster is engaged in the wholesale dry goods business in Rock Island, Illinois. The name of the firm of which he is a member is H. C. Wivill & Co. We wish him success in his new undertaking.
Winfield Courier, November 15, 1877.
Bert Crapster is in town again, staying with Charley Black.
Winfield Courier, December 13, 1877.
On last Tuesday morning, Messrs. L. J. Webb, Jay Page, Bert Crapster, and others whose names we have not learned, started for a grand hunt in the Indian Territory. They will return next Saturday.
Winfield Courier, December 13, 1877.
Winfield Socially.
The coming winter bids fair to be the most pleasant, socially, that Winfieldians have ever experienced. Many changes have taken place in the circle of young folks since the good old frontier days. New and attractive young ladies and gentlemen have settled amongst us, giving to Winfield an air of city life and gaiety when they meet “in convention assembled.” The recent Thanksgiving ball was followed so closely by Miss Kate Millington’s “dancing party,” and both so largely attended, that the indications are that those “who look for pleasure can hope to find it here” this winter. The last mentioned party, to use a stereotyped expression, was a “brilliant success.” Probably of all the gay and charming gatherings that have “tripped the fantastic,” etc., in our city, this was the most pleasant. The music was excellent, the refreshments good, and the polite and attentive demeanor of the fair hostess most agreeable.
The following persons were fortunate enough to be present at this party: Judge W. P. Campbell, of Wichita; W. W. Walton, of Topeka; Herman Kiper, of Atchison; Fred C. Hunt, W. C. Walker, Bert Crapster, Ed. P. Greer, Charley Harter, J. C. Fuller, Mr. and Mrs. J. Holloway, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Green, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Harter, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Baird, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Earnest, Mr. and Mrs. James Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Thompson, Miss Ina Daniels, S. Suss, Josephine E. Mansfield, G. E. Walker, Mary McGaughy, M. B. Wallis, Fannie Wallis, Wilbur Dever, Maggie J. Dever, W. C. Root, Jennie Hahn, W. Gillelen, Mattie Coldwell, J. N. Harter, Carrie Olds, T. C. Copeland, Katie McGaughy, O. M. Seward, Nora Coldwell, Dr. Strong, Amie Bartlett.
Of course, they one and all enjoyed themselves; wished the occasion might be often repeated, and voted (in their minds at least) Miss Kate to be the most “social campaign organizer” in the city.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
Bert Crapster locals for the Telegram now and he can be found any day leaning against a corner desperately chewing the end of a No. 2 Faber.
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878. Editorial Page.
Mr. E. S. Bedilion, District Clerk, furnishes us with the following list of cases which will probably be for trial at the next term of the District Court commencing on Monday, May 6th, 1878.
B. Crapster v. C. E. Houx et al.
Winfield Courier, May 9, 1878.
District Court Proceedings.
Monday, May 6th, 10 o’clock a.m. His Honor, W. P. Campbell, on the bench. Present: C. L. Harter, sheriff; E. S. Bedilion, clerk; Jas. McDermott, prosecuting attorney; attorneys C. Coldwell, W. F. Hackney, Henry E. Asp, J. E. Allen, D. C. Beach, E. S. Torrance, J. M. Alexander, A. J. Pyburn, N. C. Coldwell, Jas. Christian, G. H. Buckman, S. D. Pryor, J. Wade McDonald, C. R. Mitchell, J. D. Pryor, C. C. Black, R. C. Story, L. J. Webb, W. M. Boyer, F. S. Jennings, and D. A. Millington.
The docket was called. The following cases were dismissed.
B. Crapster vs. Clara E. Houx et al.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 15, 1878.
Court Proceedings.
[From the Cowley County Telegram.]
The following is a report of the disposal of the cases which have come up so far during this term.
Brettun Crapster vs. Clara E. Houx, et al, settled.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 12, 1878.
Forty Young Visitors.
The liveliest and jolliest crowd of young folks that we have seen for some time drove into this place last Friday evening and took supper at the Central Avenue Hotel. There were twenty couples of fair women and brave men, all in the best of spirits, and as chuck full of fun as they could be. The party had held a picnic several miles out from Winfield, and concluded the day by making a drive to this place. We were called on by several—something like forty—and extended what hospitalities we had on hand, afterwards escorting the parties through the streets to prevent them from being lost on the many avenues. If time had permitted, Captain Walton would have tendered them an excursion down to the island, but the hour was too late.
It was a sight worth seeing to see the fair young ladies, as charming as angels, their faces ruddy with the glow of blooming youth. We have seen the Southern blondes, the Baltimore princesses, the Green Mountain girls, and the pride of the West; but these Cowley County damsels excel in beauty, affability, exquisiteness, and all those things that make woman the noblest work of God. Among the party were:
Misses Kate Millington, Jessie Millington, Minnie H. Finney, Nora Coldwell, Mattie Coldwell, Frances E. Wallace, Emma Saint, Carrie Olds, Jennie Hans, Tennie H. Finney, Sarah E. Aldrich, Kate E. Holloway, Lizzie Kinne, May A. Hudson, E. Green, D. Emerson.
Messrs. Suss, J. N. Harter, George W. Robinson, W. C. Root, M. B. Wallis, William Hudson, W. J. Wilson, Burt Crapster, C. C. Harris, W. C. Robinson, M. Gillelen, J. N. Holloway, E. H. Bliss, C. Emerson, O. M. Seward, A. D. Speed, and of course, Frank Baldwin and Ed. Clisbee. There were others whom we have at this writing forgotten. We hope to see them all again on a similar errand, only let us know in time so that we can receive you into our arms and good graces—the gentlemen, we mean, for the ladies may object.
Winfield Courier, June 20, 1878.
Bert Crapster has gone to Illinois to spend the 4th.
Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.
B. B. Crapster has purchased the materials and will start a new paper at Winfield. Four newspapers in Cowley County will be an “elegant sufficiency” for all practical purposes.
W. V. Times.
Always go away from home to find out what you are doing at home. Bert owns some jobbing materials and press, but we don’t think he intends to start a new paper. This is a free country and friend Crapster has as good a right to start a paper as anyone.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 14, 1878.
Burt Crapster was here Monday night and shook hands all around. Ed. Clisbee, Seward, Suss, Harter, Dr. Emerson, Speed, Harris, Prof. Robinson, and Root were here also, each one
attended with a lady.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 16, 1878.
S. S. Majors, R. L. Walker, Bert Crapster, O. M. Seward, Suss and Speed, and Frank Baldwin and lady were all here last Wednesday.
Winfield Courier, October 24, 1878.
Office of the Secretary of the Walnut Valley Fair Association.
WINFIELD, KANS., Oct. 18, 1878.
To the officers, stockholders, and patrons of the above named association: I have the honor to submit herewith a detailed statement of the receipts and disbursements of the association from its organization to the present time, as per order of the Executive Board dated Oct. 17th, 1878.
Received from sale of stock: $57.40
Received from sales of tickets: $567.25
Received from entry fees: $42.00
Eugene E. Bacon, Secretary.
A. Brown, work on grounds; F. M. Freeland, work on grounds; J. Mentch, work on grounds; H. Whistler, work on grounds; W. C. Hayden, work on grounds; P. Gardner, work on grounds; M. W. Brown, work; Mrs. Andrews, rent of ground; Sam’l. Trowbridge, race track; Jas. Benson, race track; Jas. M. Riser, police; Isaac Davis, police; J. W. Beal, police; C. C. Cruck, police; W. R. Sears, police work; J. E. Bates, police; A. W. Jones, police; Geo. Klaus; J. C. McCollum, police; Cyrus Walker, police; E. S. Eades, police; Perry Martin, police; J. W. Beal, work on track; J. F. Force, gate keeper; John Snyder, police; H. Grommes, police; Bert Crapster, chief police; D. A. Millington, printing; J. H. Raney, clerk; W. O. Lipscomb, clerk; Baird Bros., merchandise; S. M. Jarvis, asst. marshal; H. Jochems, nails, etc.; J. VanDoren, police; Brown & Glass, stationery; S. H. Myton, hardware; F. M. Freeland, hay; D. F. Jones, premium; Jas. Benson, premium; A. Brown, premium; S. G. Miles [? Mills ?], premium; Wm. Allison, premium; W. Ensign, entrance money forfeited; W. C. Hayden, police; McCommon & Harter, books; W. C. Hayden, work on grounds; Ed. Nicholson, police; Wallis & Wallis, goods; L. C. Hyde, carpenter work; John Reynolds, hauling; W. C. Hayden, work on grounds; Lynn & Gillelen, goods; John Moffitt, lumber; Geo. H. Crippen use of band; John Moffitt, fencing; Will Allison, diploma.
Winfield Courier, November 7, 1878.
Last Friday the Gun Club had their first glass ball shooting match with the following score. This is the first shoot and the score is not very good, but we hope that the next score will give a better showing. Dick Gates carried off the leather medal.
Cannot put scores down: too complicated. Club participants were E. Hersinger (not in town), James Vance, Bert Crapster, F. C. Nommsen, Frank Manny, B. M. Terrell, Chas. Steuven, Dick Gates.
Winfield Courier, November 7, 1878.
Fair Warning.
After this date any person or persons guilty of trapping or netting prairie chicken or quail or killing game out of season in this county, will be fined to the full extent of the law. Five dollars reward will be paid to anyone giving reliable information of the same.
By order of the Winfield gun club. FRED HERSINGER, President.
Winfield Courier, November 21, 1878.
Scores given for gun club meeting called the “glass ball shooting” last Friday. Participants listed: Bert Crapster, F. C. Nommsen, Frank Manny, B. M. Terrell. “And now the shining leather medal hangs upon the heaving bosom of Bert Crapster.”
Winfield Courier, December 5, 1878.
The score of the shooting match last Thursday is as follows: Dick Gates, 10; Frank Manny, 9; James Vance, 9; Charles Steuven, 9; B. M. Terrill, 5; Bert. Crapster, 2; S. Suss, 3; Ed. Clisbee, 2; F. Nommsen, 1.
Winfield Courier, December 12, 1878.
The score of the shooting match last Friday is as follows: Fred Heisinger, 8; James Vance, 9; Bert. Crapster, 3; Chas. Steuven, 6; S. Suss, 4; C. C. Wallis, 7. For want of glass balls, they had to content themselves with shooting at apples.
Winfield Courier, February 13, 1879.
Winfield Amateur Dramatic Association.
The Winfield Amateur Dramatic Association gave one of their best entertainments on Monday evening, which was well attended. The play was the “Streets of New York.”
The cast was as follows.
Badger: W. M. Allison.
Gideon Bloodgood: Geo. Walker.
Adam Fairweather: Geo. W. Robinson.
Paul: Fred Hunt.
Mark Livingston: W. R. Stivers.
Puffy: T. A. Wilkinson.
Dan: W. J. Wilson.
Edward: Bret Crapster.
Mrs. Fairweather: Miss Jessie Millington.
Mrs. Puffy: Miss Clara Brass.
Lucy: Miss Minnie Bacon.
Alida: Miss Kate Millington.
The play was one of peculiar interest and the characters were well sustained, the sufferings of the poor in our large cities being well depicted.
Winfield Courier, March 20, 1879.
Bret. Crapster, ye local of the Telegram, has returned from his visit East. We suppose that he has accumulated a “fu of humor and a store of wit” with which he will embellish the columns of the Telegram for the next two or three weeks.
Winfield Courier, March 27, 1879.
On the first day of April—all fool’s day—Winfield and Cowley County will boast of something it never had before, and that is a full fledged Democratic paper.
The Telegram will be changed from a seven column mongrel sheet to a nine column folio, printed on a power press. The new machinery arrived on Thursday last, purchased by Mr. Crapster on his late visit east.—[Semi-Weekly.]
Winfield Courier, May 8, 1879.
Mr. Kretsinger has retired from the editorial staff of the Telegram, Mr. Crapster now being the sole driver of the local quill. Mr. Kretsinger is a spicy writer and did good service during his short career as local editor.
Winfield Courier, May 8, 1879.
Bills of Conklin Bros. of $53.76, and Allison & Crapster of $54.75, for city printing, presented and referred to committee on Finance.
Winfield Courier, May 22, 1879.
The Cowley County Telegram came out last week in a new dress throughout and enlarged to a thirty-six column paper. It is now the size of the largest Wichita papers, beautiful in appearance and almost faultless in mechanical execution. It is printed on a new cylinder press, which seems to work admirably. The number last week was largely filled with a description and history of Cowley County and notices of the businessmen of Winfield, and was issued in an extra large edition. We congratulate our neighbors Allison & Crapster on their evident prosperity.
With such a competitor the COURIER will have to “look to its laurels.”
Arkansas City Traveler, July 9, 1879.
The following young folks came down from Winfield on the Fourth: Dave Harter and Miss Minnie Bacon, Bret. Crapster and Miss Bonnie Anderson, R. W. Dever and Miss Jennie Hane, Will Houser and Miss Maggie Dever, Fred Hunt and Miss Sarah Hodges, A. D. Speed and Miss Thompson, W. C. Robinson and Miss Minnie Capron, Jas. Miller and Miss Minnie Hyden, A. V. Wilkinson and Miss Cora Hyden.
Winfield Courier, January 15, 1880.
The army is well represented at Topeka this week. Gen. Green, Captains Bacon and Steuven, Lieutenants Finch, Friend, Hoenscheidt, Greer, and Crapster represent the troops stationed at Winfield. In case war is declared before they return, they will go right in and not wait for the consent of their wives and sweethearts.
Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.
We arrived at Winfield about noon and were met by a committee of citizens, with half a dozen busses and full a score of carriages in waiting, and were escorted to hotels and private residences, according as the guests had been assigned by the deputation that met us on the train. It was my good fortune to become the guest of Brettun Crapster at the Central Hotel. Messrs. Millington, Conklin, and Allison, the three publishers of the town, as committee, were assiduous in their devotion to the guests. In the afternoon the busses and carriages took us about the city to see the sights.
Winfield is very pleasantly located in the valley of the Walnut, surrounded by hills and old trees, both of respectable height. The town has a substantial thrifty look. It is laid out regularly. The business houses are on several different streets, and are built mainly of stone from the neighboring hills. The sidewalks, of which there is said to be over ten miles in the city, are all made of flagstone. There are many fine residences of stone and brick, though the former predominates The stone is a white limestone, containing very little or no iron, as very little or no discoloration was noticed, even on the oldest buildings. Beautiful and tastefully laid out gardens, abounding in flowers and shrubbery, were to be seen on every hand. Numerous were the gardens containing cherry, plum, apricot, and peach trees, already arrayed in full green, and fairly loaded down with their wealth of white and pink blossoms. Vegetation is fully two weeks in advance of what it is at the Bend.
In the evening I found Leftwich, of the Larned Optic, was very sick; but thanks to Millington of the COURIER, and other citizens, he was well cared for from his arrival. The physician in attendance said he would fix up Mr. Leftwich so that he would be able to ride home with his friends.
At night the guests and citizens assembled early at the opera house to attend a grand dress ball in honor of the guests. This is a hall capable of seating 700 persons. Now it presented a clear floor space of perhaps 50 by 80 ft., on which twelve sets in quadrille danced at one time and had ample room. There were perhaps 125 couples present, and in all, nearly 300 people were at the ball. The music was exceptionally excellent. It was said to be Fero’s band from Wichita. It consisted of five pieces: a square piano, bass viol, violin, cornet, and clarionet. This last would be an accession to any band. Its clear, sweet tones were heard so distinctly in every part of that vast hall that there was no danger of missing the time.
At 11:30 the dance ended, and dancers sped home to avoid being caught in a frightful storm that was coming up from the south. It, however, after sprinkling a little and blowing much, passed off to the east.
After midnight a banquet was served at the Central House, and participated in by about 150 persons. Supt. Lemmon was master of ceremonies and commenced by inviting Major Anderson to “Kyarve dat Possum,” which was soon done, the company joining largely in the chorus. Speeches were made by other gentlemen, and altogether the occasion was a very enjoyable one.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 9, 1880.
C. C. Black has purchased Bret Crapster’s interest in the Telegram.
Winfield Courier, June 10, 1880.
Bert Crapster has sold his interest in the Telegram to Chas. C. Black; and that paper will hereafter be conducted by Messrs. Allison & Black. Mr. Black is one of our best citizens, and will materially strengthen the Telegram both editorially and financially.
Winfield Courier, August 5, 1880.
Mrs. Ada Saint, writing from Las Vegas, New Mexico, gives an interesting account of the time she had in getting there, from which we extract the following.
“Talk about this being a dry country. When I left Newton it was raining, and has rained most of the time since. I arrived at Trinidad at 4 o’clock the next morning, and there Ex came on board and found me asleep. We took breakfast at Raton and the train went on as far as Tipton, where the telegraph reported washouts ahead. Tipton is a board with the name on it and a telegraph box. Here we remained until late dinner time, when the train went back to Raton for dinner. We put up at the hotel. The landlord treated us splendidly, gave us his best room, the best seats at the table, and personally attended to our wants.
“Next morning (Thursday) another train arrived from the east, bringing Mrs. T. A. Wilkinson and her children. In the evening T. A. came down from Springer and met his family here. Next morning we went forward again in the train. At Springer, T. A. and family stopped off. Mrs. Wilkinson had a coal oil stove with her and did her own cooking. We got to Tipton again about noon, where orders to stop were received, and we waited on the train until night without dinner and had a lunch for the children. The train then backed to Wagon Mound, the next station, for supper. We were not expected and no supper was prepared. While waiting the train had orders to go on again, and we were so anxious to get ahead that we were willing to give up the supper and start at once. We had not moved forward more than a mile when we came to a bridge over a creek bed, which was perfectly dry when we crossed it less than an hour before, but we found it now a big river swelled so as to submerge the bridge and track out of sight, and we could not tell whether it was a wash-out or not. I never saw or heard of such a thing before. The water rushed and roared so we could hardly hear each other’s voices.
“We waited over an hour, when the water had subsided so that we could see the track, and the train then moved over safely, though we thought it very risky. We reached Tipton again and there the train got orders to stop overnight and then go back to Wagon Mound for breakfast; for, as the dispatch said, all the work just done to repair the wash-out in Moro Canon had been washed out again. It rained heavily all night.
“In the morning, when the train was about to move back to Wagon Mound, we heard that the track had washed out a mile or two back. The engineer went back with his engine to examine, and when he got there, found it true; and in attempting to return, found another wash-out between his engine and his train so that he could not get out either way, and we were without an engine and remained there on the train all day, living in the Tanner style.
“Finally the track was repaired between us and Wagon Mound and we got back there, where we stayed two days and devoured every edible about the place, climbed mountains, visited adobe houses, and had a gay time generally.
“The train then was finally ordered back to Springer, where we arrived Sunday night. Here we met Bert Crapster; I suppose he has told you about it. Sunday night was an awful time. The passenger cars in the train were two common cars and two sleepers. Nearly all the men on the two common cars and some on the sleepers were out in town and got on a big drunk and came noisily back to the train toward morning. Monday night the town was out of beer, but there was a freight car on the track loaded with kegs of beer. The crowd selected a number of men who pretended to be tramps and broke into the beer car; and then there was another big drunk. There were two or three who belonged to our sleeper. The conductor refused to let them come into the car in that condition; but they drew their pistols and secured their entrance. They made an awful racket and I was nearly scared to death.
“On Tuesday evening the train was ordered forward to Moro Canon, where the passengers would be transferred. We arrived at the canon about dark and had to walk a quarter of a mile and cross the river on a foot bridge. The walking was good. Ex carried Rene over and the porter carried Jesse. Here we met the Rev. J. E. Platter. (He promised to tell you about it.) It took a long time to get the baggage all transferred, as it had to be carried by men across the foot bridge; but at last it was over, and we arrived here at Las Vegas at two o’clock in the night. Here the train not being expected, all was quiet and we started to walk to the nearest hotel; but meeting a carriage, we took possession, went to the old town, and put up at the Summer House. On the whole I have enjoyed all this very much. The railroad employees have been very kind and helpful.”
Winfield Courier, August 26, 1880.
It is reported that Bert Crapster has got a situation as hotel clerk at Caldwell. We saw him in Winfield last Monday.
Winfield Courier, October 7, 1880.
Bert Crapster has returned from Caldwell. And will remain permanently with us.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 3, 1880.
The ball given by the A. C. S. Club at the Central Avenue Hotel last Friday was largely attended, and being the initial hop, augurs that the club will meet with a glorious season. The elite of Winfield, represented by Misses Kate and Jessie Millington, Miss Laura Watson, Miss Grace Scovill, Miss Minnie Bacon, Miss Cole and Messrs. C. C. Harris, W. J. Wilson, L. Pence, D. Harter, B. Crapster, J. Hyden, Burke, and E. G. Cole, contributed largely to the enjoyment of the evening. Supper was served at midnight, after which dancing was resumed until three a.m., when the votaries of Terpsichore sought the arms of Morpheus and dreams in which the jollities of the evening were rehearsed.
Winfield Courier, April 28, 1881.
The Moline (Illinois) Review-Dispatch of April 22nd contains the following notice of the death of Soranus L. Brettun, which is doubtless correct, though no information of the kind has been received from C. C. Black, who was there at the time named. It is with deep regret that we have to make this announcement.
Mr. Brettun has been a friend to Winfield, where he has invested large sums of money and made some of our grandest improvements and we had learned to regard him as a citizen of this place, and a man of enterprise, a warm hearted and courteous friend and a true gentleman of the old school. The citizens of Winfield will deeply sympathize with the bereaved.
“Mr. S. L. Brettun, of this place, died last night at nine o’clock. Funeral tomorrow, Sunday afternoon at one o’clock, from his late residence. His disease was lung fever. Mr. Brettun was born in Livermore, Maine, May 11, 1806, and was in his seventy-fifth year. He came to this place in 1837, and has been actively engaged in business ever since. His wife is still living, and they have three grandchildren living: Mr. C. C. Black, of Winfield, Kansas; Mr. Brettun Crapster, of Kansas City, Mo.; and Miss Louise Crapster, who is living with her grandmother. Mr. Brettun has held many offices of trust in this county, and his death will be universally regretted. During the past few years Mr. Brettun has invested largely in Kansas real estate. His own children are the late Mrs. Francis Black, of Hamilton; Mrs. Dr. Crapster, of St. Louis; and Clarence, who was drowned in early boyhood.”
Winfield Courier, June 9, 1881.
Mr. Read has purchased from Mr. Crapster the property across the street from his store; he has also purchased the forty acres on the hill north of Floral, formerly owned by Mr. Cole.
Winfield Courier, July 28, 1881.
Mrs. Brettun and granddaughter, Miss Louise Crapster, have returned to Winfield to remain a year. They are stopping at the Olds House until the Brettun is in running order.
Winfield Courier, July 28, 1881.
A merry party consisting of the gayest of her gay young people assembled at Miss Roland’s on last Saturday evening and proceeded to the residence of Mrs. A. T. Spotswood for the purpose of a complete surprise party to Miss Nettie McCoy, who leaves this week for a visit to her home in New Jersey. The following were present: Mr. and Mrs. Albro, Mr. and Mrs. Bahntge, Mr. and Mrs. George Robinson, Dr. and Mrs. Emerson, Mr. and Mrs. George Whitney, and Mr. and Mrs. Garvey; Misses Amelia and Clara Garvey of Topeka, Jennie Hane, May Roland, Allie Klingman, Sarah Hodges, Louise Crapster, Ida McDonald, Amanda Scothorn, Margie Wallis, and Jessie Millington; and Messrs. Davis, Dever, Hunt, Baldridge, Harris, W. A. Smith, W. C. Robinson, Dr. Gunn, and Bahntge.
Winfield Courier, November 10, 1881.
Bert Crapster makes a most bewitching hotel clerk. We give him this puff because he trusted us for 10 cents the other day.
Cowley County Courant, March 30, 1882.
Bert Crapster now regales himself by driving Black’s fast horse about every afternoon.
Cowley County Courant, April 6, 1882.
Mr. Chas. C. Black and family, Mrs. Brettun, and Miss Crapster left on the Santa Fe Tuesday for Hampton, Illinois, where they will spend the summer.
Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.
Hon. Charles C. Black and wife, Mrs. Brettun, his grandmother, and Miss Lou Crapster, his cousin started Tuesday for Hampton, Illinois, where most of the party will spend the summer. The last named started suddenly and left her bangs.
Winfield Courier, May 11, 1882.
Bert Crapster supped at the City Hotel Sunday. It is the first visit Bert has made us for some time.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 4, 1882.
TO BE MARRIED. Arthur Bangs left on the morning train Monday, for Hampton, Illinois, where we understand, he will be united in wedlock to Miss Lou Crapster. We welcome Arthur to the matrimonial realms; Arthur is a Bang-up young man of the strictest integrity and honesty, and one who commands the respect of every one. We wish Mr. and Mrs. Bangs all the joy that can possibly be attained in this world. Telegram.
Winfield Courier, October 5, 1882.
MARRIED. Arthur Bangs and his bride, nee Miss Crapster, arrived home from the East Monday evening and were met by a number of their friends. Arthur carries his honors gracefully but bashfully. He will get used to it after awhile.
Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.
A Monumental Fraud,
With an Attempt to Make Anti-Prohibition Capital,
And Establish Glickeries in Winfield.
The following petition was circulated last week by Frank Manny, taken to Topeka, and presented by him to Senator Hackney.
WINFIELD, KANSAS, January 23, 1883.
HON. W. P. HACKNEY, State Senator, Topeka, Kansas.
Inasmuch as the Prohibition Amendment, as enforced, has always resulted in injury to the material development of our town—it having signally failed to accomplish the object sought, the suppression of the sale and use of intoxicating drinks—we would respectfully urge upon you the necessity of so providing for the enforcement of the law that its application shall be uniform throughout the State. If this is impossible, don’t sacrifice our town on the altar of inordinate devotion to an impracticable principle.
D. L. Kretsinger, John Bobbitt, S. G. Gary, H. S. Silver, J. P. Short, John M. Keck, J. B. Schofield, J. H. Vance, D. R. Gates, N. [?] Myers, W. H. Smith, M. L. Robinson, Vic S. Mays, Geo. Emerson, M. L. Read, L. F. Hess, J. Birdzell, A. A. Jackson, J. B. Richards, G. W. Miller, W. K. Davis, V. B. Bartlett, Chas. Schmidt, Allen Johnson, W. S. Mendenhall, J. N. Harter, Quincy A. Glass, F. J. Sydal, R. E. Wallis, Jr., Geo. C. Rembaugh, J. B. Lynn, M. B. Shields, J. P. Baden, J. F. Burroughs, G. L. Rinker, W. J. Cochran, C. L. Harter, D. V. Cole, J. E. Snider, J. S. Mann, Henry Goldsmith, R. M. Boles, John H. Hyde, W. B. Simpson, Hudson Bros., Edwin Bailey, Horning & Whitney, James M. Stafford, Alonzo Wharton, W. H. Shearer, R. Allison, J. Headrick, John Fogarty, H. F. Miller & Co., R. Carter, August Kadau, Beuler Buck, L. L. Beck, A. F. Kroan, D. H. Long, D. M. Harter, Joseph O’Hare, L. D. Zenor, J. W. C. Springston, J. N. Hall, R. J. Brown, M. C. Adair, E. C. Sengby, H. S. Bixby, O. [?C.?] A. Garlick, Geo. Daily [?], F. C. Nomnsen, G. D. Headrick, D. C. [?] Carr, M. W. Tanner, F. L. Weaverling, J. B. Goodrich, J. G. Kraft, O. H. Herrington, C. H. Mayler [?], C. C. Harris, H. L. Shivers, E. F. Blair, John J. Zant, M. H. Mount, B. F. Harrod, A. G. Wilson, E. C. Goodrich, Dick Silver, S. C. Smith, L. C. Harter, S. S. Major, W. Kenell, S. Burkhalter, A. Herpich, J. Flickinger, H. J. Weaver, W. H. Hudson, G. H. Wheeler, Charles Wm. Keef [?], Geo. H. Ratzer, C. W. Nichols, N. S. Ollie, Wm. W. Fleming.
NEXT COLUMN: J. L. Horning, W. C. Robinson, Chas. F. Bahntge, Wm. J. Hodges, A. T. Spotswood, Sam’l Bard, A. H. Doane, Wm. Whiting, A. E. Baird, L. C. Scott, A. D. Hendricks, R. C. Wilson, N. C. Clark, T. K. Johnston, G. W. Yount, Geo. M. Miller, John Dix, J. W. McRorey, G. H. Allen, G. E. Brach, C. Callins, F. M. Burge, Geo. Leiman, M. Hahn, A. J. Burgauer, Joseph Finkelling, J. A. Waggoner, C. M. Wood, John Fraser, W. D. Shotwell, J. Fleming, Wallis & Wallis, E. C. Seward, A. C. Taylor, J. L. Hodges, O. M. Seward, W. H. Dawson, L. B. Lattiff, S. H. Crawford, E. A. Cook, George Olive, C. W. Lathrop, Elijah Perigo, A. Bixbee, Devore Parmer, J. Batchelder, John A. Edwards, Isaac Behner, J. E. Miller, C. B. Dalgarn, Wm. Whitford, Ed Lamont, Wm. H. Fox, H. L. Wells, F. R. Hinner, Robert M. Woodson, W. F. Dorley, Brettun Crapster, A. C. Bangs, Berry Scroggins, G. J. Lockwood, E. H. Nixon, W. J. Wilson, G. J. Swind, Geo. F. Cotterall, H. C. Chappell, Edwin G. Fitch, Jas. McClain, J. W. Beard, S. L. Gilbert, W. A. Tilston, R. A. Lett, Jerry Cland, J. G. Myer, S. B. Stills, W. L. Hands, B. F. Cox, John D. Pryor, J. L. Littington, Harry Foults, Philip Sipe, T. E. Cochran, J. Heller, J. S. Mater, C. Seifert, John Fashing, J. S. McIntire, A. N. Emery, W. H. Allen, J. A. Patterson, Morris, T. W. Hambric, B. J. Mays, John Likowski, Ed F. Nelson, F. B. Clark, W. L. Webb, John E. Silany, W. H. Strahn, C. H. Limbocker, Samuel Layman, F. E. Sears, Wm. Kelly, M. G. Troup.
Arkansas City Republican, February 21, 1885.
The Bonham Triple Homicide.
Arthur Bangs, A. E. Baird, Bert Crapster, James McLain, F. M. Freeland, and others whose names we did not get, were subpoenaed from here to testify in the murder case of Frank Bonham at Independence. Bonham is charged with the most revolting murder that ever stained the annals of Kansas. As we noted last week, the mother, sister, and brother of Bonham were found in bed at their home near Radical City, Montgomery County, one morning recently covered with blood, having been brained and stabbed to death with a hatchet and butcher knife, probably while asleep. Frank Bonham claimed to have been in Winfield the night of the murder, but the sheriff of Montgomery County, on investigation, found that he was not here for two days afterward, when he sat up one night in the office of the Brettun and registered the next day at the Commercial. He also bought some articles of clothing at the New York Store, and talked with Mr. Baird. These circumstances were what led to the subpoenaing of the parties from here. The trial was continued to the 26th, when our folks will have to make another trip. James McLain says that nothing but Bonham’s previous good character keeps him from “pulling hemp.” Bonham is a youth of twenty-two. Developments seem likely to fasten this crime upon him. Winfield Courier.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.
The witnesses in the Bonham murder case, Messrs. A. E. Baird, Arthur Bangs, Bert Crapster, F. M. Freeland, and Jas. McLain, left this morning for Independence to appear at the youthful murderer’s preliminary hearing.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 11, 1885.
Bret Crapster is spending a few days in the wild and wooly west, among his Medicine Lodge friends.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 18, 1885.
Frank Lockwood came over from Medicine Lodge with Bret Crapster, returning Friday.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 8, 1885.
Arthur Bangs and Bert Crapster left Saturday for a week in St. Louis. They will take in the St. Louis Fair, which begins Monday. The veiled prophets will appear Tuesday night.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 15, 1885.
Arthur C. Bangs and Bret Crapster got in Monday from a week at St. Louis. They had an immense time, taking in the fair, which they pronounce gigantic in varied interest, with numerous sights calculated to drive off dull care and make one hilarious generally. Arthur looks none the worse for wear, but Bret—well, its awful to contemplate. He looks like he needed a whole apothecary shop and seventeen galvanic batteries. The week about did him up.
A Professional Sharper and D. B. Tries to Get Through on His Shape and Array.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 12, 1885.
Last Monday a slick looking fellow stepped into the Brettun House and with a pomp unusual registered in a good business hand, “A. L. Durand, Chicago.” He carried a grip and a strap package and was assigned a room. He immediately began to take in the town for subscriptions to the Chicago Horseman, which paper he held documents (bogus), showing him to represent. He took in a number of our horsemen for two dollars a piece, giving them a correctly printed blank form, receipt therefor. Thursday morning his actions began to look a little suspicious. He came back from the depot and said “D mn if that freight didn’t leave me! I’m booked here for another day.” Bret Crapster suggested that he could catch other trains all right. At noon “Durand” got Arthur Bangs to one side, set up a fifteen cent cigar, and asked Arthur to take his valise, which he would find in number five, to the S. K. train in the evening, saying that he would be driven to Burden, do some business, and take the train at that place. Nothing more was seen of him that day, after dinner. Henry Brown, a former porter at the Brettun, had just returned from Wichita, where he had been a waiter at the Manhattan. He spied this fellow. “Is that fellow stopping here?” said Henry to the clerk. “Look out for him; he’s a slicker. I waited on him at the Manhattan for a week. He jumped his board bill there and a lot of Wichita fellows want to see him bad.” The Brettun folks peeled their eyes, but couldn’t find him. However, Arthur took the valise, as requested, and Messrs. Harter and Hill went down to see it off. They had an idea that he’d be around the depot somewhere, and inquired for him. Nobody knew anything, until the engineer heard the inquiries. “You’ll find your man on the train,” he said. “He got on at the water tank with a brown package in his hand.” And he was on. He was collared while nosing around to find his valise. In a slick way he tried to assert no intention of leaving. But it wouldn’t work. Brown was there, and hurled in Durand’s teeth his Wichita deviltry. Jim Hill drove him to the wall, and got $5 and the valise, apparently all Durand could raise. The fellow came uptown to raise the other $5 and has been heard of no more. A dozen or more gulled fellows have diligently watched for him, in vain. He is a professional fraud and d. b., and has worked numerous towns, similar to his mode here. At Wichita he was looking to the purchase of a big stock ranch, canvassing and corresponding for the Horseman as a little side issue. Letters in his valise from his mother, at Tremont, Illinois, show his real name to be Leon Morgan. He is rather tall, fine form and features, full sand brown whiskers, dark brown hat, light overcoat and dark suit. He is a slick talker and works his Horseman game well. As a hotel beat, he made a big failure here. Other towns will do well to watch for him.
The Pleasant Hour Club Scores Another Big Success in Its Annual
Bal Masque at the Opera House Last Night.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 28, 1886.
Never did Winfield have a more successful and thoroughly pleasurable social event than last Thursday night at the Opera House, the fifth annual Bal Masque of the Pleasant Hour Club. It was the talk of the town from the issuing of the invitations and fully met the fondest expectations. The enthusiasm of the city’s young society people has been warm all winter—keener than for years, which insures supreme enjoyment of their every social gathering. But of course this was the eclat affair, as to arrangements and anticipation. By 9 o’clock the maskers, under the expeditious carriage accommodation of Arthur Bangs, were about all present, and the hall represented a novel and romantically interesting scene. The devil and the heavenly angel, wings and all, pooled issues and consorted as though the millennium was indeed at hand. The peasant and the lord clasped arms and drowned all distinction, while Uncle Sam watched the antics of the clown, the Castle Garden twins, and pussy kids with a satisfaction banishing all weights of state. At a little past nine, the grand promenade was formed and then the fun for the large audience of spectators, as well as for the weird and ghostly maskers, began in earnest.
On with the dance, let joy be unconfined!
No sleep till morn when youth and pleasure meet,
To chase the going hours with flying feet.
With the superb music of the Roberts’ orchestra, the splendid prompting of Chas. Gay and J. L. M. Hill as chief floor manager, the dances went on with a smoothness admirable. In manipulating the floor Mr. Hill, agreeably assisted by A. H. Doane, was perfectly at home, with a genial promptness at once recognized. About 65 couples were in mask, just enough to nicely fill the floor, without the crowd and jam too apt to mar the pleasure of such an occasion. The number of really fine costumes, especially among the ladies, was unusual and the disguises were remarkably good. At 11 o’clock the jolly maskers were lined around the hall and the masks lifted, when the usual “Well, who on earth would have ever thought it!” “Why, I knew you as soon as you took off your mask!” “How completely you fooled us, and what a dumpling of a suit.” A thousand ludicrous surprises were vented, as the “great unknown” confronted each other.
Mrs. Senator Hackney, as “Airy Fairy Lillian,” was richly costumed and completely disguised.
Misses Nona Calhoun and Bert Morford, in their pink dominos and cute bonnets, were perfection twins, as to appearance, and fooled everybody.
Mrs. Frank W. Doane, in attractive colors and good disguise, was a splendid Spanish girl.
Miss Jennie Bangs was “Dolly Varden” to a T, with all her vivacious oddities of dress and action.
Mrs. C. L. Harter, Mrs. Ray Oliver, and Misses Lizzie and Margie Wallis concealed their identity as a lively quartette of black dominos, with church spire crowns. Nobody “caught on”—impossible with such a complete covering. Miss Lizzie also appeared as The Daughter of the Regiment, with a neat suit of stars and stripes.
Mrs. A. B. Taylor wore a very pretty costume, with bell trimming, and kept up a continual jingle.
Appropriate to the almanac, Mrs. Evelyn Judd cast the rays of the “full moon,” with identity unfathomable.
Mrs. A. C. Bangs dressed as a pretty waitress, and with ringing bell called the folks to “5 o’clock tea.”
Mrs. C. C. Black represented splendidly a peasant girl, and kept her identity from all.
Mrs. P. F. Wright appeared in a neat fancy costume.
Miss Emma Strong, in keeping with the elements, was dressed in snow and made a very frigid appearance—the opposite to the young lady herself.
Miss Nina Anderson was arrayed in The National Colors: a beautiful suit of red, white, and blue satin.
Mrs. J. C. Fuller was a French peasant girl, with the odd hat and costume complete, a good disguise.
Mrs. George C. Rembaugh was a Spanish girl, lively and graceful.
Miss Mattie T. Harrison, one of the most graceful dancers on the floor, was attired in a handsome fancy costume, black satin, lace-trimmed.
Miss Carrie B. Anderson was an Italian girl, with raven hair and varied colors, taking the character very nicely.
Miss Eva M. Dodds was happy, buoyant spring, with all its violets and daisies: a smile naturally taken.
Mrs. Perkins was attired in a fancy dress, rich and appropriate.
Mrs. D. Rodocker was a “fly brush,” with a rustle of paper strips of numerous colors.
Miss Sadie French, as the Gypsy, “Madame Zygii Zuigari,” was a thorough success, with a very pretty costume and raven hair.
Mrs. Will Whiting, a flower girl, was blithe and nicely costumed.
Mrs. C. S. Hewitt completely concealed her identity in a red domino.
Miss Ida Ritchie, the Quakeress, had all the peculiarities of dress and manner of that queerest of beings. She took the character splendidly.
Mrs. W. H. Albro wore a rich Oriental costume of red satin, lace trimmed, and beautifully made.
Miss Clara Brooks, as Topsy, was one of the liveliest characters on the floor, and puzzled all the boys.
Miss Nellie Cole, very appropriately represented as an angel, with an airy costume of beautifully figured Swiss, with the wings, crown and all: as pretty as a nymph.
Mrs. Dr. Emerson was attired in the peculiar Egyptian array, with silver bangles on pretty colored satin. She was taken for everybody else but herself.
Miss Kate B. Rodgers was a charming Scotch Lassie, with plaid colors and highland romance, and was well disguised.
Miss Mamie Baird was a representative of Ceres, the goddess of grain, and carried the character nicely.
Mrs. Ed. G. Cole was a rollicking peanut girl and bated all the boys with peanuts. Her suit was very pretty.
Mrs. B. H. Riddell was the center of attraction: Little Bo-Peep, with her short dress and shepherdess crook, and captivated all the gentlemen. Her costume was one of the very prettiest and her identity mum.
Miss May Hodges was an unique representation of a school girl, with her jump rope and roguish hat.
Mrs. I. W. Randall appeared in a handsome fancy costume and was well disguised.
Miss Bertha Barnes was a romantic representation of “Pocahontas,” in a lovely gold-colored satin dress with bead and arrow-head trimming and tall, feathered hat. It was a rich and pretty costume.
Mrs. H. H. Hosmer, as mamma’s little baby, was a very cute character, with her small stature and little lace bonnet and flowing gown.
Miss Grace Kincaid wore a handsomely made fancy costume, and being a visitor in the city, had no fear of detection.
Mrs. James Vance was a very fine simile of the daughter of the regiment, with a tasty costume of national colors.
Miss Fanny Saunders, as “Aurora,” was a pretty star, in Swiss array, and with her blond hair, confused everybody.
Miss Maggie Harper, in a beautiful black satin, lace trimmed costume, represented a Spanish girl very nicely.
Mrs. F. C. Hunt, the waiting maid, fooled everybody and was neatly costumed.
Miss Libbie Whitney, in a neat fancy costume, was among those whose disguises were most complete.
Mrs. W. R. Gray made an imposing Spanish girl, in a very pretty raven costume.
As an English Lord, Amos Snowhill was immense, with his rich “togging” and blonde wig.
Will A. Schuler, of Medicine Lodge, was a handsomely caparisoned cadet, just from West Point, all covered with the satin signs of relentless war.
Bret Crapster made a good sailor boy, but the tide was too high and swept away his mask early in the evening. As soon as it dropped, everybody knew him. He danced the evening through, all the same.
Captain Kidd, with his brace of wicked revolvers and bowies was there in all his glory, only to turn into mamma’s awkward, pug-nosed “kid,” “ma look at him style,” before the evening was half over. Sam Kleeman was the impersonator and did it well.
Will R. Gray was a tall success as a Highlander, but somehow a few “caught on.”
C. S. Hewitt was arrayed in a yellow domino, covering his identity entirely.
A. B. Taylor made a good looking Spaniard and had on a fine suit.
Frank Weaverling, little Frank, was an imposing Spanish Prince, and flew around among the Spanish girls at a lively rate.
A Snow Storm, the blizzard of the 7, was depicted by Frank N. Strong, who was the counterpart to his sister, Miss Emma. Mr. and Mrs. Snow Storm were an attractive couple.
Now we deliver the bakery. Old Father Time gets it. It was a tall clock, of antiquated design, and H. H. Hosmer was the “ticker” and winked at the girls through the key holes.
Willis A. Ritchie, Livey J. Buck, and Frank H. Greer were papa’s baby boys, with ludicrous make up and corporosity just alike, with whistle and rattle box accompaniment. Ritchie also appeared as the French Marquis; Buck as “Ingomar, the Barbarian,” and Greer as the “Bosting Dude.”
The Turkish Zouave was well taken by Moore Tanner, in regulation behavior.
Will McClellan was a sailor boy and got around over the terpsichorean ship in elegant shape.
Geo. W. Wright was a well-made up clown and got in the antics in proper shape.
The cutest characters among the gentlemen were the twin Dutchmen, fresh from Castle Garden, with their Dutchy mugs, and little pussy figures. The girls were completely gone on them from the start. They were a ludicrous looking pair, sure enough, Tom J. Eaton and Ed. J. McMullen. The disguise was perfect.
S. D. Harper, a Page, had one of the richest costumes, with curly blonde wig. Few caught on.
The K. P., with regulation uniform, was Eli Youngheim, whose mask “kerflumixed” and spoiled much of his fun.
Prince Ettriopia was finely represented by Phil Kleeman, in dazzling costume and wiry movement.
The occasion was jockeyed by W. D. Carey, whose cute cap and old-gold caparison caught all the girls. He was a very tony looking jockey.
E. R. Greer represented the Turk, on the spotted war path.
Uncle Sam is always around, taking in the actions of his numerous family and of course he was present on this occasion: tall hat and slim form, gray locks, and E Pluribus Unum pants and swallow-tailed coat. I. W. Randall took this character finely.
I. Martin was the king of the bat: the base-ball man, and got around lively.
The granger boy, with his gawky style, pig feet, and generally funny make-up, was well impersonated by F. W. Doane.
C. Whitington wore a fancy costume, with numerous highfalutin adornment, and had no trouble about concealing his identity.
Everett Schuler looked well as a Spanish gent and was taken for everybody. His suit was convenient and handsome.
J. F. Balliet was unique as Mikado, and like that opera, was all the rage. His suit was novel and pretty.
Hizoner, the Devil, a regular horny, red devil, was taken in all his hideousness by Frank F. Leland, and the folks associated as though his majesty was quite acceptable.
George H. Schuler was another devil, a black devil, with the usual pitchfork prongs, and with the red devil, came near ruling the roost. The influence of the angel on the black devil, however, was wonderfully taming.
Capt. Whiting was a tony jockey, wearing a rich satin cap and suit.
Harry Bahntge, as the Dutch clown, was awarded a share of the bakery. His rotund and symmetrical shape, pretty phiz, and general gait were very captivating.
At twelve o’clock an excellent supper was served by T. F. Axtell, for which the dancers were amply ready, and which was served in good style. Not till after two o’clock did the merry participants take the carriages for home, in the full realization of having spent one of the most enjoyable evenings of the city’s history. It was certainly a very satisfactory ball throughout, fully bearing out the splendid reputation of the Pleasant Hour Club.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Bert Crapster, the smiling collector of tariff at the Brettun portals, is off for a visit at his old home, Hampton, Illinois. He started just in time to strike the snow blockades of this big storm. He is entitled to a good visit and of course he’ll have it.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 11, 1886.
Bret Crapster, the Brettun revenue collector, returned Monday from a week or two at his old home, Hampton, Illinois, and other places. He had a very agreeable vacation, if it was a little short.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 18, 1886.
Chevalier Lodge No. 70, Knights of Pythias, installed its officers Tuesday for the ensuing six months, as follows: C. C., P. H. Albright; P. C., J. E. Snow; V. C., Bert Crapster; P. M., G. Troup; K. R. S., Frank H. Greer; M. A., C. C. Green; I. G., Geo. H. Dresser; O. G., S. Kleeman. After the installation, according to the semi-annual custom, the new Chancellor Commander “set ’em up,” in good shape, all raiding Axtell’s for oysters. This Lodge has a very clean membership of about fifty and is one of the most flourishing orders in the city.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 18, 1886.
Bert Crapster, the urbane collector of revenue at the Brettun portals, has a patent for feeding muzzled dogs without removing the muzzle. Come down with a small subsidy and you’ll get his bound-to-be world-renowned mode.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 1, 1886.
The ducks must go. A party with blood in their eyes, a taste of delicious duck in their mouths, and a general liking for sport in their frames, lit out last evening for the South Bend duck paradise. The party embraced James McLain, Bret Crapster, James Vance, and Eugene Bogardus, the great rifle shot. They spent the night with Kyle McClung and besieged the duck haunts at break of day this morning. They bagged a fine lot.