George H. Crippen


  Winfield, Kansas.
Councilmen 3rd ward: W. J. Hodges; G. H. Crippen.
Courier Cornet Band, G. H. Crippen, Leader.
Crippen Geo, grain dealer, res 1001 Lowry
Winfield Courier, August 2, 1877.
G. H. Crippen, who is handling so many agricultural implements for Harter Bros., was in Kansas City during the strike and threatened riot. He says nothing but the greatest prudence and nerve on the part of law abiding citizens prevented a violent outbreak and that during the last few days the ring leaders of the mob are being quietly picked up by the police and lodged in jail.
Winfield Courier, September 13, 1877.
Go to McGuire & Crippen’s for dry goods.
Winfield Courier, October 11, 1877.
10,000 lamps (more or less), at McGuire & Crippen’s.
Winfield Courier, October 18, 1877.
Geo. Crippen is building a brick residence on Manning’s Addition to Winfield.
Winfield Courier, October 18, 1877.
Mr. Crippen, of McGuire & Crippen, is building a brick residence in the west part of town.
Winfield Courier, November 15, 1877.
Notice the new advertisement of McGuire & Crippen and learn where to get bargains for the next thirty days, especially in the various kinds of seasonable dry goods there mentioned.
AD: BARGAINS FOR THE NEXT 30 DAYS IN Shirting, Sheeting, and Flannels, Dress and Pants Goods, Water-Proof, and all other kinds of DRY GOODS. At First Cost. Come and see for yourselves. McGUIRE & CRIPPEN.
Winfield Courier, December 6, 1877.
Mr. G. H. Crippen removed his family and household goods to his new brick residence last week.
Winfield Courier, December 6, 1877.
Two new buildings, just east of McGuire & Crippen’s store, are rapidly nearing completion. One is being erected for Messrs. Brotherton & Silver, grain and feed merchants, and the other for C. Coldwell & Son, lawyers.
Winfield Courier, December 13, 1877.
G. H. Crippen will soon have his new block dwelling completed. Billy Parker is doing the inside painting. Mr. Crippen knows good work.
Winfield Courier, December 27, 1877.

J. F. Berner has his bakery on Ninth avenue by the old Methodist church in operation. He has a new and substantial building, is making complete arrangements for his business, and is turning out just the best and cleanest kind of bread, cakes, pies, and confectionery. We have tried his bread and know whereof we speak. See his card in this paper.
J. F. Berner, Proprietor,
   Ninth Avenue, one block east of McGuire & Crippen’s store.
All kinds of confectionery, bread, cakes, pies, etc., constantly on hand. We have the best ovens, the best baker, and keep the best bread in the city. Try us.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1878. Supplement.
   Great Bankrupt Sale of the Goods of
These goods MUST BE SOLD to satisfy creditors. Avail yourselves of this opportunity. Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Dry Goods, Queensware and Glassware, all at cost, or less than cost. McGUIRE & CRIPPEN.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
George Miller is in the meat market business again and the people of Winfield will be happy. This time he is in a new, clean building, just east of McGuire and Crippen’s store; his counter and block are new, his scales, saw, meat-ax, and knives are new, and he looks as if he might be new too. Everything about his shop is clean and sweet, and George knows what good beef is before it is slaughtered and is sure to have the tenderest and best; then he knows just how to cut it up and serve it, and knows how to treat his customers so that they will come again. George is a success.
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878.
Four tons of New Groceries just received at McGuire & Crippen’s.
Best Coffee. Four pounds for $1.00.
Winfield Courier, March 7, 1878.
McGuire & Crippen are turning out large quantities of goods. Their low prices have proved a great attraction.
Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.
McGUIRE & CRIPPEN are selling out their boots and shoes at cost.
Winfield Courier, August 1, 1878.
Real Estate Transfers.
J. O. Stewart to McGuire & Crippen, se. 22-32-6; 160 acres, $2,500.00.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
One quarter block in this city, under fine cultivation, surrounded with fine shade and ornamental trees, plenty of all manner of fruit trees and shrubbery; also good well and building rock. Inquire at McGUIRE & CRIPPEN’S.
Winfield Courier, August 15, 1878.
McGuire & Crippen will exchange goods for wheat.
Winfield Courier, September 26, 1878.

McGuire & Crippen have a new reversible double-back-action wash-board, which beats anything in the board line out.
Next item shows Crippen came from Burlington, Kansas, circa 1876...
Winfield Courier, September 26, 1878.
One of the most enterprising firms in Winfield is the dry goods and grocery house of McGuire & Crippen. Mr. Crippen came to this place some two years ago from Burlington, Kansas, and entered into partnership with Mr. McGuire, since which time the firm has become one of the most influential in the Southwest. The proprietors are gentlemen in every sense of the word, and persons who trade there once always return.
Winfield Courier, October 10, 1878.
BIRTH. George Crippen and lady are blessed with a new baby.
Winfield Courier, October 24, 1878.
   Office of the Secretary of the Walnut Valley Fair Association.
  WINFIELD, KANS., Oct. 18, 1878.
To the officers, stockholders, and patrons of the above named association: I have the honor to submit herewith a detailed statement of the receipts and disbursements of the association from its organization to the present time, as per order of the Executive Board dated Oct. 17th, 1878.
Under Disbursements: Geo. H. Crippen, use of band.
Winfield Courier, November 14, 1878.
Have always on hand the choicest steaks, roasts, and other fresh meats. Particular attention paid to neatness.
Shop on Ninth avenue, one door east of McGuire & Crippen’s store.
Winfield Courier, November 21, 1878.
(As corrected by McGuire & Crippen.)
8½ lbs. C sugar: $1.00
10 lbs. B. sugar: $1.00
7½ lbs. Granulated sugar: $1.00
7 lbs. Pulverized sugar: $1.00
4 lbs. best Rio coffee: $1.00
5 lbs. good coffee: $1.00
1 lb. best Gunpowder tea: $1.00
1 lb. best Imperial tea: $1.00
1 lb. best Japan tea: $.75
1 lb. best Young Hya’n tea: $.70
1 lb. best good Green tea: $.40
8 [?] lbs. Soda: $.25
14 lbs. Michigan dried apples: $1.00
16 lbs. dried peaches: $1.00
8 lbs. best rice: $1.00

3 bars White Russian soap: $.25
Flour: $1.50 to $2.50
Winfield Courier, December 5, 1878.
McGuire & Crippen are having the front of their store painted.
Winfield Courier, December 12, 1878.
   Opening Benefit.
The citizens of Winfield and vicinity purpose giving an entertainment benefit on
at Manning’s Opera House, to show their appreciation of the enterprise of a citizen who has erected a magnificent hall in our city.
Winfield Courier, December 26, 1878. Supplement.
   Great Bankrupt Sale of the Goods of
These goods MUST BE SOLD to satisfy creditors. Avail yourselves of this opportunity. Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Dry Goods, Queensware and Glassware, all at cost, or less than  cost. McGUIRE & CRIPPEN.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 2, 1879.
The following is a list of new buildings erected in the city of Winfield since January 1, 1878, with the name of owner and cost of building.
G. H. Crippen, residence, brick: $600.00.
T. M. McGuire was Crippen’s partner...
Winfield Courier, January 2, 1879.
Listed as a Courier Advertiser:
McGUIRE & CRIPPEN have one of the large general stocks of goods, and they are disposing of them in large quantities. T. M. McGuire is a pleasant and careful merchant. Mr. Geo. Crippen is an active salesman and popular with his customers. He is the leader of the band which furnishes music for the city.
Winfield Courier, January 16, 1879.
McGuire & Crippen are selling out their stock at cost and are to give up their store soon to a new firm, who are to start a boot and shoe store.
Winfield Courier, February 27, 1879.
McGuire & Crippen are moving their stock of goods into Mr. B. P. Jillson’s building, south of Horning’s. Their customers will follow them.
Winfield Courier, February 27, 1879.
A new roof is being put on the building formerly occupied by McGuire & Crippen.
Winfield Courier, March 6, 1879.
McGuire & Crippen have settled down to business in their new location just as if nothing had happened.
Winfield Courier, March 13, 1879.

McGuire & Crippen had a fine awning put up last week.
Winfield Courier, March 20, 1879.
The firm of McGuire & Crippen has been dissolved. McGuire continues the business.
Winfield Courier, June 5, 1879.
The meeting to devise ways and means for celebrating the “Glorious Fourth,” met at the office of Chas. Payson and orga­nized by electing J. Conklin, chairman, and E. P. Greer, secre­tary. The following committees were appointed.
Arrangements: Messrs. Rogers, Manning, and Wm. Robinson.
Programme: Messrs. Kinne, Troup, and Jennings.
Invitations: Messrs. Allison, Conklin, and Millington.
Music: Messrs. Buckman, Crippen, and Wilkinson.
Let the different committees go to work and let us have a grand, old-fashioned time.
Winfield Courier, June 12, 1879.
Mr. Geo. Crippen took a large lot of wheat to Wichita last week, which he sold for 90 cents per bushel. About an hour after the wheat was disposed of and Mr. Crippen had pocketed the cash, the wires brought news of a fall of seven cents per bushel, with a prospect of still lower market.
Winfield Courier, June 19, 1879.
Mr. E. A. Smith has purchased Geo. Crippen’s house in the east part of town, and has located permanently with us. Mr. Smith is a first-class dentist and comes highly recommended. His office is with Dr. Graham.
Winfield Courier, June 19, 1879.
Our cornet band favored the citizens with some good music on their return from the picnic last week. The boys play well, the new instruments sound well, and taken altogether we have a band that we may be proud of. Mr. Geo. Crippen, the leader, has instructed some of the best bands in the state, and if anybody can run a good band, George can.
Winfield Courier, June 19, 1879.
G. H. Crippen & wife to S. E. & A. W. Smith, lots 2 and 3, blk 230. $525.00.
Winfield Cornet Band disbands...
Winfield Courier, September 18, 1879.
The Winfield Cornet Band is about to become a thing of the past. The boys are “blue,” so to speak. They have worked hard and faithfully to make a band that would be a credit to the town as well as to the individual members thereof. The leader, Mr. Crippen, has spent time and money in instructing the players and furnishing new music, and the members have often quit their business to play for Sunday School picnics, fourth of July celebrations, etc., without receiving any recompense whatever. This was all very nice, but it takes money to keep up a band, and when the boys came to raise a little cash to meet their current expenses, it came so slow and was given so stingily, they concluded that the citizens didn’t care about having a band, and unanimously resolved to quit, until they received some more substantial evidence that their efforts were appreciated.
Winfield Cornet Band reorganizes and starts again...
Winfield Courier, October 16, 1879.

The members of the Winfield cornet band had a meeting last week and reorganized. The following officers were elected: Geo. Crippen, leader. H. Brotherton, president; John Reed, secretary, and A. W. Berkey, treasurer. The boys have begun practicing and have sent for a large lot of new music.
Winfield Courier, June 10, 1880.
Geo. Crippen has been employed by Tom McGuire to wait on his numerous customers.
Winfield Courier, September 30, 1880.
Our band has been reorganized under the leadership of Geo. Crippen. Now that we have a good band once more, let us put forth every effort to encourage it. If the boys are ready to leave their business and turn out to play for us at any time, we should be willing to pay them well for such services.
Winfield Courier, June 16, 1881.
A considerable number of the citizens of Winfield met on Monday evening on the steps of the Winfield Bank to provide for raising funds for the immediate relief of the sufferers caused by the cyclone Sunday evening. Mr. Crippen called the people together by music from the band.
Mr. Crippen; Emma Crippen...
Winfield Courier, November 24, 1881.
A number of young ladies gathered at the M. E. Church Monday evening and organized themselves into a society. They propose to call themselves the M. B. Society. The following officers were elected: Miss Jessie Millington, President; Miss Allie Klingman, Vice President; Miss Jennie Haine, Secretary; Miss Ida McDonald, Treasurer.
The society will give a New England supper Friday evening, November 25, at the M. E. Church. The M. B. ladies will be dressed in New England costume of the time of Washington.
The following committees were appointed.
Mrs. Austin, Mrs. Rinker, and Mrs. Copeland: to solicit and arrange for supper.
Mrs. McDonald, Mrs. Dever, Mrs. Bedilion: to secure and prepare dishes.
Will Robinson, Will A. Smith, Miss May Roland, Miss Jennie Haine: to handle reception.
Mr. Crippen: to handle music.
Misses Allie Klingman, Jessie Millington, L. Graham, Annie Weaver, Emma Gridley, Amy Southern, M. Melville, Ida McDonald, Ida Trezise, Ella Bosley, M. Hamill, Emma Crippen, Miss Stebbins, and Miss Bard: to handle tables.
Those wishing a good supper in the good old New England style can be satisfied on Friday evening.
[Miss] E. L. Crippen [Turns out that Emma Crippen not related to G. H. Crippen]...
Winfield Courier, January 12, 1882.
Teachers Directory: 1881-82. WINFIELD. MONTHLY SALARY.
E. L. Crippen, city schools: $40.00.
Cowley County Courant, April 6, 1882.

Corn for sale by the wagon load. Enquire at McGuire Bros. GEO. H. CRIPPEN.
Cowley County Courant, May 18, 1882.
The following are the teachers employed for the next year in the city schools: Miss Klingman, Miss Bryant, Miss Hamill, Miss Crippen, Miss Gibson, Miss Ella Kelly, Mrs. Trimble, Miss Rosa Rounds, and Mrs. Will B. Caton. E. T. TRIMBLE, Principal.
Winfield Courier, April 20, 1882.
Miss Emma Crippen, who has been teaching in our schools during the past winter, left Monday for her home in Illinois.
Winfield Courier, August 10, 1882.
 The COURIER Band serenaded Mr. Geo. Crippen last Friday evening. The boys were royally treated and enjoyed the evening immensely. George complimented them very highly on the progress they were making, which was highly appreciated by the band, as George is one of the foremost band men of the state.
Winfield Courier, August 24, 1882.
BIRTH. George Crippen is the proud father of a bran new boy, born Tuesday.
Winfield Courier, August 24, 1882.
Saturday evening George Crippen heard a slight commotion among some young chickens under a setting hen. He reached under the hen and got hold of a large snake and pulled it out. The snake had wrapped itself around three of the chicks and seemed bent on taking in the whole brood. The old hen seemed to be entirely ignorant of what was going on under her.
Winfield Courier, August 24, 1882.
George H. Crippen has composed and presented to the COURIER BAND a piece of music which he christens the “COURIER Quickstep.” We were present by special invitation at the band practice Saturday evening and heard it played for the first time. It is an elegant production and does full credit to Mr. Crippen’s reputation as a thorough musician. The COURIER bows its acknowledgments to George for the compliment conveyed in the name.
Winfield Courier, September 7, 1882.
Geo. H. Crippen, 21st N. Y. Ind F Battery.
Winfield Courier, September 21, 1882.
The COURIER Cornet Band met Monday evening for the first time under the new management. The remaining members of the old Winfield Band and all but two of the new band have consolidated, making a very strong band of thirteen pieces. Mr. Geo. H. Crippen was elected Musical Director; Geo. H. Buckman, President; Addison Brown, Secretary; and Chas. Dever, Treasurer.
Inez Crippen and Johnnie Crippen: Children of George H. Crippen...
Winfield Courier, September 28, 1882.

A happy crowd of very little folks met as per invitation at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Buckman Wednesday afternoon, to celebrate the third birthday of little Miss Stella Buckman. It was one of the few real jolly parties that have been held this season. The ceremony of introduction was dispensed with and each one present seemed imbued with unusual conversational power. In the matter of real, solid enjoyment, it was the model party of the age. Little Miss Stella was the recipient of many beautiful presents from her youthful friends. Those present were Misses Flora Moorehouse, Maud Miller, Mamie Pryor, Margie Pryor, Gracie Gary, Edna Glass, Inez Crippen, Blanche Troup, Nellie Harden, June and Bessie Schofield, and Mattie Marshall. Our future statesmen were represented by Masters Willie Nixon, Edgar Powers, Johnnie Crippen, Willie Troup, Ralph Brown, Eddie Greer, Harvey Harden, Baron Bahntge, Roy Robinson, Robbie Platter, and Royal Carver. As this was the first event in the social life of the little ones, it will be remembered with much pleasure.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
The magnificent overture played by the COURIER BAND at the Republican rally on the 31st, and which we have heard highly complimented by numbers of our citizens, was composed and written by George H. Crippen, the leader of the band. It is a production that Mr. Crippen and our citizens may well be proud of.
It appears that Crippen usually played the clarionet...
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
Mr. George Crippen, leader of the COURIER BAND, received a magnificent new clarionet Tuesday. It is a splendid instrument and in George’s skillful hands, will soon be made to produce wonders in the way of music.
Winfield Courier, November 23, 1882.
We were pleased to receive a call from Professor M. J. Stimson, late of San Francisco, California, last Friday. The Professor is an old friend of Geo. H. Crippen, and George and others are trying to prevail upon him to locate here. He is one of the most thorough musicians and music teachers in the country, and an intelligent and cultivated gentleman. We hope he will conclude to stop with us.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
The entertainment by the Temperance Dramatic Club Friday evening was a splendid amateur entertainment, and was tolerably well attended. The minstrel show and Presbyterian social the evening before somewhat affected the attendance. The concert by the Presbyterian Choir preceding the drama was very entertaining, and combined with Prof. Crippen’s Orchestra, made the musical part of the program most excellent. “Fruits of the Wine Cup” is a good temperance drama, and every character was represented in a way that was very commendable and earned the hearty applause of the audience. . . . We understand that they will present another play about the first of February. . . . The club is composed of young ladies and gentlemen of the Good Templar Lodge of this city.
Winfield Courier, December 21, 1882.
The Opera House programs for some time past have been advertising Mr. Crippen as leader of the Winfield Orchestra. This is a mistake. Mr. Crippen is the leader of the Courier Cornet Band and a member of the Orchestra. Albert Roberts is the leader of the Orchestra, and his skill and fine musical ability has made the institution one of the most popular in the county. As skilled musicians the Roberts Brothers are not excelled in this section of the country.

Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.
At a business meeting of the Courier Cornet Band last Friday evening, Mr. George Crippen was re-elected leader and Addison Brown secretary and treasurer for 1883.
Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.
Around Town.
Geo. H. Crippen has composed another beautiful piece of music for the Courier Band.
Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883.
Mr. George Crippen’s new musical composition was taken up by the Courier Band at practice Monday evening and the boys are jubilant over it. They say it is the crowning musical achievement of George’s life, and one that places him among the leading band composers of the west. Every member of the band is proud of its leader and justly so. George has the happy faculty of infusing into each member much of his own enthusiasm and love for harmony, and as a consequence Winfield will be the home of one of the finest bands in Kansas before the summer is over. This will be a matter of pride of every citizen and of material benefit to the community.
Winfield Courier, March 29, 1883.
The benefit ball Friday evening was a very pleasant affair, although the attendance was not as large as might have been expected. The hall was nicely arranged and the music, by Messrs. Roberts, Crippen, Smith, and Stimson was simply magnificent. The ladies’ costumes were elegant in the extreme, and indicate that Winfield is rapidly becoming a fashionable city. Several parties were present from a distance. The entertainment netted the band about twenty-five dollars.
Winfield Courier, March 29, 1883.
The beautiful button-hole bouquets worn by the Courier Cornet Band at the Dress Ball last Friday evening were arranged by Mrs. Geo. H. Crippen.
Winfield Courier, May 17, 1883.
Of Hail, Rain, and Little Cyclones.
Last Saturday evening at about 6 o’clock we observed in the southeast large banks of nimbus and cumulus clouds, the latter circling up in layers increasing in size toward the upper courses. There were many singular and curious motions and appearances, which put our people on the alert for something to happen. The main storm seemed to move in a northeast direction, and we judged would pass beyond Maple City, Dexter, and Cambridge, or perhaps further east. Little gusts of wind from different directions fanned us, but we concluded that this vicinity was at worst only on the left edge of the storm. About 7 o’clock ice fell nearly perpendicularly in large chunks, but with little commotion.

We have often heard of hail stones larger than hen’s eggs, but we never saw them before and had almost concluded that their size were much enlarged and amplified by reportorial imagination, but we give in now. The hail stones which fell around our house were all large, a considerable proportion of them about as large as hen’s eggs, and some very much larger. We measured one 9¼ inches in circumference. These were made up of a conglomerate mass of hail stones frozen together in irregular and curious shapes, but so firmly cemented that they rarely broke up when falling on the sidewalks or roofs. Some little glass was broken, twigs were broken from trees, and some enterprising persons got some hard knocks while picking up specimens.
The hail fall lasted but a few minutes, then came wind gusts, and little whirls shot out from the main storm in the southeast. One of these passed over this city and touched ground at Geo. Crippen’s residence, taking away the wood addition to his house as quick as a flash. Its track was not more than ten feet wide, but it made a clean sweep wherever it touched, taking out one joint of a fence it crossed and leaving the balance standing unharmed. Except the case of Crippen’s house, it did very little damage. A gust hoisted the awnings of the Union block up over the building.
Winfield Courier, May 17, 1883.
Electricity Did It.
That peculiar little twister that touched Crippen’s was a very singular affair. The little funnel shaped thing that shot out from the great mass of agitated, dark, fire-darting clouds in the southeast, was only a little, white, whirling, swaying cloud not ten feet in diameter. Only once did it swoop down near enough the earth to do any damage. The wing of Crippen’s house was taken up bodily almost perpendicular, inverted, and then dropped near the place with the stoves on top. A pump with an iron pipe was pulled partly out of the well and considerably twisted and a fence post was twisted off. We are satisfied that the little cloud was merely a vehicle for the electricity which furnished the power to do the work. So little a whirl, in our judgment, could not have done it without the electric force.
Next item refers to the “Editorial Convention” held at Winfield...
Winfield Courier, May 17, 1883.
Notes of the Convention.
To Mr. and Mrs. George Crippen were assigned J. E. Watrous of the Burlington Independent and Mrs. Watrous.
Winfield Courier, May 24, 1883.
Mr. Geo. Crippen is rebuilding the portion of his house which was carried off by the cyclone, this time of stone.
Winfield Courier, May 31, 1883.
An Enthusiastic Meeting and Gratifying Results.
By virtue of a previous call, the citizens met to devise ways and means for a 4th of July celebration at Winfield. Capt. J. S. Hunt was elected President, and O. M. Seward, Secretary.
Hon. C. C. Black stated the object of the meeting, and Col. Whiting moved to celebrate. Carried.
On motion Mayor Emerson was elected President of the day, and Col. Whiting, Marshal, with power to select his own aids, and have general charge of programme for the day.
On motion the following committees were appointed.
Finance: J. P. Baden, J. B. Lynn, M. L. Robinson.
Grounds: S. C. Smith, D. L. Kretsinger, E. P. Greer.
Programme: J. C. McMullen, J. L. Horning, H. D. Gans.
Committee on Indians: W. J. Hodges, N. C. Myers, Col. Whiting.

Special Trains: Kennedy, Branham, H. E. Asp.
Amusements: C. C. Black, T. M. McGuire, John Keck, Jas. Vance, A. T. Spotswood, and J. Wade McDonald.
Fire Works: Henry Goldsmith, J. P. Baden, M. O’Hara.
Music: Crippen, Buckman, Snow.
Military Display: Capt. Haight, Dr. Wells, Col. Whiting.
Speakers: Rembaugh, Millington, Hackney.
On motion the meeting adjourned to meet at call of president, or chairman of committees.
J. S. HUNT, President.
O. M. SEWARD, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, June 28, 1883.
The Courier Cornet Band will give one of their open air concerts on Friday evening of this week on the public square, commencing at 7 o’clock. The following is the program.
Overture (Campaign) Keller; waltz (spring time) Crippen; quick-step (Katie Darling); overture (Patnotie) Crippen; quick-step (Lyon) ___; overture (Simplicity) Crippen.
Winfield Courier, July 5, 1883.
The Courier Band gave an open air concert Friday evening from the steps of the Winfield Bank building. It was made in accordance with the program published last week. All the pieces were delightfully rendered and the music was highly appreciated by all who heard it. During the concert the street was filled with buggies and carriages whose occupants stopped to take in the treat. Several of the overtures rendered were composed by Mr. Geo. Crippen, their leader, and are very fine. The progress of the Band is a matter of congratulation to every citizen. We understand that the open air concerts will be regularly continued during the summer.
Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.
Many of the fine overtures rendered by the Courier Band at the celebration last Wednesday are the compositions of Mr. Geo. Crippen, the leader.
[Unknown: If the A. H. Jennings mentioned was brother of Frank S. Jennings.]
A. H. Jennings and G. H. Crippen were partners...
Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.
Messrs. Jennings and Crippen are having their ten thousand bushels of wheat ground up into flour, which they are shipping. One car-load goes to Texas today. The Tunnel Mill is doing the grinding.
Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.
DIED. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Crippen have been called upon to part with their youngest child, a bright little boy of eight months. A few days ago the little fellow ate some shoe blacking and was soon seized with spasms. Death ended its sufferings Tuesday evening. The bereaved parents have the sympathy of many friends.
A. H. Jennings and George H. Crippen: running Tunnel Mills...
Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.
The Tunnel Mills will hereafter be run by Messrs. Jennings & Crippen. They will put in at once a full set of rolls and discard the burrs.
Winfield Courier, December 6, 1883.

$1.00 Per Bushel for Wheat.
We will for the next 30 days pay you in first class Flour, $1.00 per bushel for good wheat. Jennings & Crippen.
Winfield Courier, January 10, 1884.
Flour at wholesale prices, best $2.25; good, $2.10 per hundred. East of the Brettun.
   Jennings & Crippen.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1884.
Messrs. Jennings & Crippen sold seventeen thousand bushels of their wheat to Landes & Beall, millers of Arkansas City, last week. They got very close to a dollar per bushel for it.
Winfield Courier, March 13, 1884.
An item appeared in the Telegram last week stating that the Courier Band was trying to induce two members of the Juvenile Band to join them, and thus break up the Juveniles. Prof. Farringer also said as much at his concert a few weeks ago. Mr. Geo. Crippen, leader of the Courier Band, informs us that the statement is entirely without foundation, and that the band has had no recent vacancies and has been soliciting no material. The members of the Courier Band are all gentlemen and musicians of the highest standing and far from trying to injure the Juvenile Band have done much to encourage it. The accusation in itself is absurd, for, while some of the Juveniles are becoming proficient in common music, it will be years before any of them can play the difficult music of the Courier Band. Our citizens have shown a just appreciation of the Juvenile Band, the COURIER has often found occasion to compliment it and its leader, and nothing discouraging whatever has been done or said by anyone. We are surprised that Professor Farringer or the Telegram would make such a statement without absolute knowledge of its truthfulness.
Winfield Courier, April 17, 1884.
A Third Competing Line to be Built At Once.
On Monday evening a large meeting was held in the Courthouse for the purpose of receiving and discussing the new railroad proposition. The meeting organized by placing Mayor Emerson in the chair with Geo. H. Buckman as secretary. Henry E. Asp then read the proposition as decided upon in a conference between the representatives of the railroad company and the railroad committee. After the reading of the proposition, Mr. James N. Young, of Chicago, representing the company, was introduced and stated that the company were now ready to build the road, and desired to do so with as little delay as possible. That their intention was to build from a connection with the St. Louis & San Francisco, north or northeast from Winfield, to the south line of Sumner County, during the coming summer, and that the company desired an expression from the citizens as to whether they wanted the road or not, and would aid it, at once, so that the final location of the line might be decided upon.

Senator Hackney was then called out and made a ringing speech in favor of the proposition and urged all to take hold with a will and secure it while they had the opportunity. Ex-Mayor Troup also spoke strongly in favor of securing the road at all hazards, as did Mr. Black, of the Telegram, and Judge T. H. Soward. A vote was then taken on the proposition, and almost every person in the house voted the affirmative. A committee of five, consisting of Geo. H. Rembaugh, Henry E. Asp, George. H. Buckman, Geo. H. Crippen, and Ed. P. Greer, was appointed to secure the necessary amount of names to the petitions. The meeting was one of the largest ever held in the city and enthusiastic and united on the railroad question.
Winfield Courier, April 24, 1884. [Part of City Council Meeting.]
Petition of Mrs. Shields and Messrs. Crippen, Smith, Wells, Zook, and Fahnestock for waterworks extension was granted, it appearing that owing to underlying rock, there was a scarcity of wells in that neighborhood and that one well was supplying six or eight families, making the extension a necessity.
Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.
Jennings & Crippen have decided to build a brick and stone building a hundred feet deep with two stories and a basement on the lot south of Schofield & Keck’s livery barn. A survey brought out the fact that the barn was two feet over on the lot. It will be moved off and the work of erecting the building proceed at once.
Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.
The City Government.
The City Fathers ground out the usual grist of business Monday evening. Curns & Manser and Jennings’s and Crippen were granted building permits.
An ordinance was passed allowing Jennings & Crippen to move the building next to Wallis & Wallis grocery to the lot next to Schofield & Keck’s livery barn. These gentlemen, instead of building on the latter lot, as previously announced, will erect a large two story brick and stone store building on the lot next to Wallis & Wallis.
Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.
The ground is being cleared for Curns & Manser’s new brick block, and work will commence at once. Jennings & Crippen will also erect a brick building next to Wallis’ store. The barber shop will be moved to the lot next to Schofield & Kecks livery barn. As Seaver, of the Dexter Eye, would say, “still we boom!”
Winfield Courier, July 10, 1884.
The City Council.
Building permits were granted to A. H. Jennings and Jennings & Crippen.
Next item indicates that George H. Crippen was a councilman in 1884...
Winfield Courier, July 24, 1884.
Councilmen McGuire and Crippen and City Attorney O’Hare were appointed to determine the metes and bounds of certain adjacent territory with the necessary resolutions  taking it into the corporate limits of the city of Winfield.
Winfield Courier, July 24, 1884.

Mr. George Crippen, the leader, informs us that open air concerts by the Courier Cornet Band will be a regular Saturday evening source of entertainment to our people during the remaining summer. They will play from the post office square. Their new uniforms will arrive in a few days, when the band will make a fine appearance.
Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.
Mrs. Geo. H. Crippen has been quite ill for the past few days, but is now much better.
Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.
We were favored Monday with a call from Judge Harvey, late of Clay City, Indiana, who will hereafter make his home among us. He is an accomplished musician and will take an instrument in the COURIER Cornet Band. Judge Harvey comes here largely through the influence of Mr. Geo. Crippen, who has been in correspondence with him for some time.
Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.
Mr. Geo. Crippen, leader of the Courier Cornet Band, ordered for the Juvenile Band last week a new set of silver plated instruments. The boys will be nicely equipped with their showy uniforms set off with silver horns.
Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.
The new Jennings & Crippen brick business building has been rented to a dry goods firm from the east.
Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.
Woman’s Relief Corps.
The Woman’s Relief corps, No. 39, was organized in Winfield on Monday, the 8th of September, by electing the following officers.
President, Mrs. E. P. Hickok.
Senior Vice President, Mrs. J. S. Hunt.
Junior Vice President, Mrs. George Crippen.
Secretary, Mrs. Rev. Kelly.
Treasurer, Mrs. E. B. Dalton.
Chaplain, Mrs. J. H. Finch.
National Inspector, Mrs. Bates.
Conductor, Mrs. W. H. Shearer.
Guard, Mrs. T. B. Myers.
They were installed by order of the Deputy President, by Commander C. E. Steuven, of Post No. 85, G. A. R.
Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.
AD. TO THE PUBLIC. I will open in a few days in the new Jennings-Crippen building, front rooms upstairs, a Merchant Tailoring Establishment. My stock of Cloths will be first-class in quality and finish, and will be made up complete to order. I have had over twenty years’ experience as a Tailor both in Europe and America, and have worked in all the large cities of the country. This experience enables me to assure the public that work entrusted to my hands will be perfect in every way. No work will be allowed to leave my establishment until satisfactory.
I have the honor to refer by permission to Bullene, Moores & Emery, Kansas City, with whom I have been for several years, also to any merchant of standing in that city.
Hoping that the citizens of Winfield and vicinity will oblige me with their orders, I am
   Respectfully, JULIUS GOCZLIWSKI (Late of Kansas City.)
Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.

Mr. Geo. Crippen has supplied himself with a “C flat” cornet especially for church choir purposes. It is silver-plated and the tune is superb. Such an instrument in the hands of a finished musician like Mr. Crippen, charms the ear, and its presence was plainly noted in the Methodist choir Sunday.
Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.
Dalton & Madden have taken rooms in the new Jennings-Crippen building.
Winfield Courier, December 18, 1884.
The Woman’s Relief Corps of this city elected the following officers at its regular meeting yesterday afternoon: Mrs. E. P. Hickok, President; Mrs. J. S. Hunt, S. V. P.; Mrs. Geo. Crippen, J. V. P.; Mrs. Sam’l Dalton, Secretary; Mrs. Shearer, Conductor; Mrs. Dr. Pickens, Treasurer; Mrs. J. H. Finch, Chaplain; Mrs. Dr. Wells, Guard.
Winfield Courier, December 18, 1884.
  City Council Doings.
The city fathers met in regular session Monday evening. An ordinance providing for the construction of stone gutters on Main street fronting and abutting on the east side of lots 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 was adopted. An ordinance requiring the raising of all Main street awnings fourteen feet above the sidewalk was adopted. An ordinance also passed requiring the construction of a certain sidewalk petitioned by G. H. Crippen, et al.
McGuire Bros. Winfield and Tisdale.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.
Prominent among the pioneer merchants of Winfield are McGuire Bros., and their store at “McGuire’s corner” is one of our oldest landmarks. Commencing way back in the days that “tried men’s souls,” we remember Messrs. McGuire & Crippen. A year or so after, Mr. John A. McGuire, who settled among the first at Tisdale, with a store, and was the first postmaster of that then expectant burg, formed a partnership with his brother, T. M., and made the Tisdale store a branch of their Winfield establishment; as such it still exists and is doing a thriving business in general merchandise. Their manner of dealing has always been the most honorable and their stock of goods complete, and as a result, they have a business as stationary as the sun. Their stock embraces groceries, queensware, clothing, gents furnishings, etc. In matters of public import, they have always taken an active part, and are ever ready to give a new enterprise a lift.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.
All calls promptly attended to.
Office in the Jennings-Crippen building, Main street, between 8th and 9th Avenues.
Residence on south Fuller street, between 12th and Riverside avenues.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.
Messrs. Jennings, Crippen & Co. have forty thousand bushels of wheat in bin in this city. As the average price paid is about fifty cents per bushel, the present market tendency indicates a handsome speculation. An investment in wheat at fifty cents per bushel is as solid as the rock of ages.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Capt. J. J. Carson and family have arrived from Kentucky and will occupy the pleasant residence of Mr. Geo. Ordway. Mr. Carson will shortly open an entirely new stock of clothing in the Jennings & Crippen building. He is a man of large experience in this business, of keen intelligence and enterprise, and just such a man as we are ready to heartily welcome as a citizen. Mr. Carson was a member of the first company that left “Old Kaintuck” to battle for the Union.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.
J. J. Carson left Saturday morning to visit the eastern cities to purchase his goods. He will open an entire new stock in the new building of Jennings & Crippen about March 1st.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 9, 1885.
Winfield never experienced an election day like Tuesday. But one candidate had opposition—Capt. H. H. Siverd. Every man on the ticket was such as would honor the position for which he was nominated—representative men selected from the tried and trusted of the city by a non-partisan caucus—a caucus the like of which Winfield never had before and will probably never have again. There was nothing to draw out a full vote. Everything was as tranquil as a May morning. The only riffle was caused by the feeble attempt of a certain element to down the irrepressible Capt. H. H. Siverd. But the Captain didn’t down worth a cent. The colored voters of the city made a mistake in allowing the whiskey mugwumps to cajole them into running their candidate after this honest defeat in the people’s convention. Following is the vote of the several wards.
W. G. Graham, Mayor, 142; W. H. Turner, Police Judge, 151; John D. Pryor, City Treasurer, 153; G. W. Robinson, Treasurer, Board of Education, 152; H. H. Siverd, Constable, 112; T. H. Harrod, Constable, 129; Archie Brown, Constable, 55; G. H. Crippen, Councilman, 153; J. H. Bullen, Member, Board of Education, 153. TOTAL: 157.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 9, 1885.
Mr. George H. Crippen was stricken with a temporary paralytic stroke last evening, and for a few hours his life was despaired of. He had been around on the street all day, though suffering with headache, and no premonition whatever was experienced. The physicians brought him through all right, and though yet unable to be up, he expects to be out soon.
Arkansas City Republican, April 11, 1885.
The election in Winfield was very quiet and resulted as follows: W. G. Graham, Mayor; W. H. Turner, Police Judge; Jno. D. Pryor, City Treasurer; Geo. W. Robinson, Treasurer, School Board; H. H. Siverd and T. H. Harrod, Constables; Councilmen, First Ward, Jas. W. Connor and W. R. McDonald; Second Ward, A. H. Jennings and T. B. Myers; Third Ward, W. J. Hodges and G. H. Crippen; Fourth Ward, J. P. Baden and J. N. Harter. Members Board of Education: A. G. Wilson, W. O. Johnson, J. S. Mann, Geo. Ordway, W. C. Robinson,
Jas. H. Bullene, B. F. Wood, and W. H. Smith.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 23, 1885.
The old City Council met last night in regular session for the last time.
The new mayor and councilmen were then sworn in, composing the Council as follows:

Mayor, W. G. Graham; Councilmen first ward, W. R. McDonald and James Connor; second ward, A. H. Jennings, T. B. Myers; third ward, W. J. Hodges, G. H. Crippen; fourth ward, J. P. Baden, J. N. Harter. Councilman Crippen was unanimously elected president.
Mayor Graham announced the following standing committees for the year.
Finance—McDonald, Jennings, and Baden.
Street and Alleys—Hodges, Connor, and Myers.
Public Health—Crippen, Harter, and Myers.
Fire Department—Myers, Harter, and Crippen.
The appointments of W. P. Hackney, City Attorney; G. H. Buckman, City Clerk, and B. McFadden, Marshal, were unanimously confirmed.
A committee of four, composed of the Mayor and Councilmen Hodges, Jennings, and Crippen, were appointed to receive the State Board of Charities on their arrival to locate the Imbecile Asylum.
The Program Entire as Adopted by Winfield Post No. 85, G. A. R.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 14, 1885.
Committee on music: Geo. H. Crippen, chairman, F. E. Blair, J. E. Snow.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 28, 1885.
Winfield celebrated Memorial Day in a truly memorable manner. It was a perfect May day, cool, calm and bright, and all nature was at her loveliest. And the exercises, inaugurated and conducted by the Grand Army and Woman’s Relief Corps, in honor of the country’s dead heroes, were as perfect and enchanting as the day itself.
Long before the hour of morning services, standing room was unattainable in the Baptist church. The G. A. R. and Woman’s Relief Corps met at their hall and marched to the church,  over a hundred strong, where seats had been reserved for them. The floral decorations were lovely. Over the pulpit, embowered in evergreens, were the portraits of Lincoln, Garfield, and Lyon, embellished with stars and the words, “Im Memory of our Dead Heroes.” On either side hung the stars and stripes, while at the left of the pulpit stood a marble monument, festooned with crape and wreathed with flowers. The front of the pulpit was a perfect sea of beautiful flowers and plants; all the decorations exhibiting the taste and energy of the ladies of the Woman’s Relief Corps. The music, vocal and instrumental, was sublime. The national airs by the cornet orchestra, Messrs. Crippen, Roberts, Bates and Shaw, with Miss Lola Silliman, organ accompanist, thrilled the audience and elicited the highest praises. “There is one vacant chair” and “Lincoln’s Funeral March” were especially fine. The music to the latter was rearranged for the orchestra by Mr. Crippen and as rendered by them stands absolutely unexcelled. The strains were as low, sweet, and perfect as though wafted from fairy land. The selections of the choir, Mrs. J. S. Mann, Miss Lena Walrath, and Messrs. Buckman and Silliman, with Miss Silliman at the organ, also exhibited unique musical taste and ability. “Rest, Soldier, Rest,” by Sargeant, and “Cover them over with Beautiful Flowers,” one of Will Carleton’s most beautiful poetic productions, were rendered entrancingly. Rev. B. Kelly and Rev. J. H. Reider assisted in the pulpit exercises.

As in the morning, all other services in the city gave way to participate in the Memorial exercises at the Methodist church. The church was filled from floor to gallery—so full that a long line extended to the sidewalk. The Grand Army and Woman’s Relief Corps again marched from their hall and occupied reserved seats. The floral decorations exhibited much labor and taste. At the rear of the pulpit was an arch bearing the inscription, “Fraternity, Loyalty, and Truth,” skirted by the stars and stripes. At either side and in the center were the portraits of Lincoln, Garfield, and Grant. The front of the pulpit was artistically festooned with garlands. Winfield’s pride in her musical culture is ticked on all occasions. The music on this occasion was of the highest order, from a quartette composed of Messrs. O. Branham, Chas. Slack, Lewis Brown, and W. W. Jones. They had practiced together but very little, but their voices blended beautifully and their selections were very appropriate. Miss Mabel Kelly presided ably at the organ. The Crippen orchestra was again present to the delight of the audience, and by special request repeated “Lincoln’s Funeral March,” which repetition was even more highly appreciated than its first rendition. Rev. B. Kelly, Dr. Kirkwood, and Elder Myers assisted in the pulpit devotionals. Rev. J. H. Reider delivered the sermon, one bristling with scholarly, pithy points, and in the Reverend’s most eloquent and forcible manner. It is worthy a place in the mind and scrap book of every loyal citizen.
Winfield Celebrates it in a Grandly Appropriate Manner—A Perfect Day!
The Patriotic People of Cowley Turn Out En Masse—Music, Speeches, Etc.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 4, 1885.
Saturday was a grand day for Winfield. A brighter, calmer, or more lovely day was never seen; it was perfect. At an early hour the streets began to show unusual animation and by noon all was crowd and jam. People from everywhere were present to exhibit patriotism in honoring the fallen heroes. By one o’clock the Opera House was jammed full for the address of Rev. B. Kelly. The Grand Army and Woman’s Relief Corps marched in platoons and occupied reserved seats. The Cornet Orchestra and Messrs. Crippen, Roberts, Bates, and Shaw were again present to the delight of the audience. Among several beautiful selections, they again rendered “Lincoln’s Funeral March.” If there is a more sublime piece of music than this, as rendered by these gentlemen, it has never been heard. It arouses enthusiastic praises every time rendered. The vocal music by the quartette composed of Mrs. Fred Blackman, Miss Lizzie McDonald, and Messrs. Charles Slack and Lewis Brown, accompanied by Miss Maude Kelly on the organ, was grand and appropriate. Their appearance on the rostrum is always an assurance of music unexcelled. The audience arose in prayer by Post Chaplain, A. B. Arment, when Rev. Kelly delivered his address. It was a magnificent production, and delivered with Mr. Kelly’s great enthusiasm, stirred the soul of every hearer, and brought forth loud and frequent applause.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 18, 1885.
The “Dads” of the city met in regular session Monday, President Crippen in the chair, and Councilmen McDonald, Connor, Myers, and Harter present.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 2, 1885.
It used to be said that about the driest and most unsocial gatherings one could attend was a church social. It isn’t so, by any means, of church socials now-a-days, at least not those given in Winfield. There is a generous rivalry between our church organizations as to which can give the pleasantest entertainments—preserving that high plane of moral excellence that all exhibitions in the name of a church should have. Of course the double purpose of these meetings is to secure funds for contingent church expenses and to give those in attendance a pleasurable evening. In addition to this they afford an opportunity for the ministers and flocks to meet and converse with members of their churches on other than strictly church topics, and also to extend their acquaintance among those who, while not always “believers,” are often “supporters” of churches. It is at these gatherings that the real genuine minister of the gospel sows the seeds of charity, courtesy, and kindred virtues from which a hopeful harvest may afterward be reached. The world dislikes the pinch-faced, over-particular and ever sanctimonious person about as much as the truly good hate the sniveling hypocrite. And it goes without saying that the most popular minister and the most influential one for good is he who can occasionally lay aside the “robes of priestly office” and mingle among his neighbors much like other men. Not that he should forget his calling, and engage in amusements the nature of which brings him into dispute among his followers, but he may, with perfect propriety, take a hand in any one of the half a hundred pastimes which please the young folks and entertain “children of larger growth.” THE COURIER notes with pleasure that Winfield pastors belong to that school which refuses to crucify the body because it enjoys a hearty laugh, or condemns the soul to everlasting perdition because it finds convivial spirits while on earth. But we have wandered somewhat from our text—the Methodist social. It was one of the most enjoyable. Men and matrons, belles and beaux, girls and boys, were all there in full force, with their winsome smiles and pretty array. Of course, the main attraction, aside from the congeniality of those present, were the ice cream, raspberries, etc. There were six tables presided over by Mrs. C. D. Austin and Mrs. Dr. Pickens; Mrs. W. R. McDonald and Misses Maggie Bedilion and Nina Conrad; Mrs. W. H. Thompson and Mrs. J. W. Prather; Mrs. A. H. Green and Misses Anna Green and Hattie Andrews; Mrs. G. L. Rinker and Mrs. James Cooper; Mrs. S. G. Gary, Mrs. N. R. Wilson, and Miss Hattie Glotfelter, and a very busy and attentive bevy they were. The cream ran out long before the crowd was supplied—though they started in with twenty gallons or more. The Methodist orchestra, Messrs. Crippen, Shaw, Bates, Roberts, and Newton, with Miss Kelly at the organ, furnished beautiful music during the evening. It was a most enjoyable entertainment throughout. The seats having been removed, awaiting the placing of the new ones, the church made an excellent place for such an entertainment.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 2, 1885.
Hon. Geo. W. Bain, Kentucky’s silver-tongued orator, gave our people a feast Sunday at the Baptist church that will not soon be forgotten. Long before the hour of beginning services the church began to fill and an incessant throng poured in until every available space was occupied. The music was lovely, by the regular Baptist choir and Crippen’s cornet orchestra. Dr. Kirkwood assisted Rev. Reider in the preliminary services.
Hon. Geo. W. Bain Entrances One of the Largest Audiences

Ever Gathered in Our Opera House.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 2, 1885.
The popularity of Hon. Geo. W. Bain, Kentucky’s great orator, in Winfield was magnificently attested in the immense audience that assembled in the Opera House Tuesday to listen to his lecture. “Boys and Girls, Nice and Naughty, or Pendulum of Life.” Every chair was occupied—as large and enthusiastic audience as ever greeted any entertainment in this city. The Courier Cornet Band was out, and captivated all with the beautiful music, on the street and in the hall. This band never fails to elicit enthusiastic commendation from all at its every appearance. Mesdames Hunt, Soward, Crippen, and Dalton, of the Woman’s Relief Corps, under whose auspices the lecture was given, and Judge Soward and Capt. Hunt occupied the rostrum, and Mrs. E. P. Hickok, president of the Corps, introduced the lecturer. For an hour and a half those present were held captive by Mr. Bain’s wonderful magnetism and eloquence.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 9, 1885.
The rulers of the city held their regular commune Monday night, with Mayor Graham and Councilmen Connor, McDonald, Myers, Crippen, Harter, and Baden present.
Letter from the Attorney General regarding the Imbecile Asylum site was read.
A resolution was adopted widening Fifth St., to include lots 4, 5, 6, and 7; and J. B. Lynn, S. H. Myton, and A. T. Spotswood were appointed to appraise the damages.
An ordinance to attach certain territory to the limits of the city was rejected.
An ordinance providing for the payment for site of the Imbecile Asylum was favored. An ordinance was ordered taking into the city all platted territory lying adjacent.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 9, 1885.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds since our last issue.
T M McGuire et ux to Geo H Crippen, lot 15, blk 127, Winfield: $1,000.00.
Elizabeth Bruce and husband to T M McGuire, lot 15, blk 127, Winfield: $1,000.00.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 16, 1885.
Things are shaping about for a boom in the way of new business buildings. Mr. Schuler is clearing the ground for the immediate construction of four twenty-five foot store buildings, at the rear of the Winfield National, to the alley, with offices in the second story. John A. Eaton will soon be at work on his fine bank building. Irve Randall and Ed. Weitzel have about determined to erect two store buildings, two stories and one hundred feet deep, on the lots just south of the Commercial Hotel. George Crippen will also soon erect a good building on the corner of Main street and 8th avenue, while a number of others are being projected. And many valuable new residences are being planned for erection soon. Verily, the great impetus made by our grasp of various big enterprises begins to materialize. Dozens of men of money and influence are daily visiting the Queen City with a view of location and investment. They all want to live in a city with the “git up and git” that ours exhibits.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 30, 1885.

Lieut. J. E. Snow, drum major of the Courier Cornet Band, informs us that in accordance with an order recently issued by Gov. Martin to the different regimental commanders throughout the state, Col. L. N. Woodcock, of Wichita, has designated this band as the regimental band of the Second Regiment Kansas National Guards, embracing six or eight adjoining counties. Captain C. E. Steuven, of Co. C., Second Regiment, has received a special order to muster the band into the service if they accept the position, which we are very confident they will do. This is a well deserved compliment to the Courier Band, and one which was unsought. It is not only a compliment to the band, but a compliment to our city and county. Col. Woodcock had within his district several good bands from which to make his selection. Our people are becoming educated to the style and quality of music now rendered by this organization, and begin to appreciate it as they should. Strangers have also come to know its merits, as this appointment evidences. Mr. George Crippen, its leader and musical director, has been untiring in giving the band its present prestige, which enterprise on his part is worthy the warm appreciation of our people. The band is now composed as followed, every member being a thorough musician: Geo. H. Crippen, director; Charles Roberts, J. S. R. Bates, A. R. Harvey, Fred Bates, G. H. Buckman, C. A. Shaw, Clarence Roberts, J. W. Holliday, Frank Spiney, F. J. Newton, A. T. Roberts, W. I. Warner, Albert Roberts, D. T. Armstrong, Fidler, J. E. Snow, drum major.
To be Held in Memory of General Grant in the Baptist Church,
Saturday, August 8, 1885,
At the Hour of the General Funeral Services in New York City.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 30, 1885.
All members of the G. A. R. and of the W. R. Corps will meet at the G. A. R. Hall one hour before the time arranged for the general funeral exercises, and under the general supervision of the Post Commander, march to the church. The Courier Band will march at the head of the procession. The instrumental music to be under the supervision of Geo. H. Crippen, leader of the band. The vocal music at the church to be under the management of H. E. Silliman, leader of the Baptist choir. Rev. B. Kelly, minister in charge. Rev. J. H. Snyder and Dr. W. R. Kirkwood to deliver memorial addresses. The ladies of the Relief Corps, assisted by H. H. Siverd and D. J. States, will have charge of the church decoration. All the bells of the city to be tolled fifteen minutes preceding the services, under the direction of the officer of the day. H. H. Siverd, chairman of ushers at the church. Messrs. Millington, Rembaugh, and Davis committee on memorial resolutions. All old soldiers are requested to meet with the Post at their hall. The general public is earnestly invited to attend the services. The G. A. R. Post room will be appropriately draped for thirty days.
By order of Committee,
B. Kelly, Chairman; D. J. States, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 6, 1885.

At the close of the services at the M. E. Church Sunday, Mrs. N. R. Wilson presented the horn quartette, Messrs. Crippen, Bates, Shaw, and Roberts, with lovely bouquets as an appreciation of the beautiful music they rendered. This choir, vocal and instrumental, is one of the very best. The vocalists are Mrs. Fred Blackman, Miss Lizzie McDonald, and Messrs. Chas. Black and Louie [Lewis] Brown, with Miss Maude Kelly, organist.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 6, 1885.
The rulers of the city met Monday in regular semi-monthly commune. Present: Mayor Graham and Councilmen McDonald, Connor, Myers, Crippen, and Harter. Absent: Councilmen Jennings, Baden, and Hodges.
Councilmen McDonald and Crippen were appointed to receive bids for boarding city prisoners.
   Our Citizens, With the G. A. R., W. R. C., and K. N. G.,
Give Honor to the Nation’s Greatest Character.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 13, 1885.
The Grant Memorial Services Saturday were grand. The G. A. R. and the militia were out in full force. The Courier, the Juvenile, and the Union Cornet Bands discoursed sweet music; the city was draped in mourning and business suspended from 2 to 4 o’clock in honor of the dead hero. The south and the north joined hands and hearts in mourning for the silent man of Vicksburg. The procession started from the G. A. R. hall at 2 p.m., followed by the Militia, marching to the Baptist church where the services were held. The church was beautifully draped. Over the pulpit was a banner with the inscription, “Our Old Commander,” over a picture of Gen. Grant. The pulpit was draped in black, decorated with beautiful flowers arranged in crosses. The outside of the church was also appropriately in mourning. The G. A. R. occupied the front seats, with the militia and Woman’s Relief Corps. We cannot speak too highly of the music. The Courier Band rendered sweet music at the church. Also the choir of the church, composed of Miss Lola Silliman, organist; H. E. Silliman, Miss Walrath, Mrs. C. A. Bliss, and Prof. Merriman. As the Corps marched in, Crippen’s instrumental Quintette played Lincoln’s Funeral March—as charming as ever greeted the ear. Captain Siverd and Sam Gilbert showed their usual gallantry in conducting all to seats. After music and prayer by Rev. Myers, the Committee on resolutions, D. A. Millington, Geo. Rembaugh, and Buel Davis, read fitting resolutions lamenting the death of the old hero and eulogizing the acts of his life. After this Rev. J. H. Snyder, of the United Brethren church, and Dr. W. R. Kirkwood, of the Presbyterian church, delivered very fine discourses. Rev. B. Kelly, who conducted the services, made a few remarks about the General’s religious character. Mrs. Grant is a Methodist and the General always leaned that way. A few months before Grant’s death, the old friendly pastor called and the General made a confession of faith.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 20, 1885.

The rulers of the city met last night in regular semi-monthly session, Mayor Graham presiding and Councilmen Connor, Jennings, Myers, Crippen, and Baden present; absent, Councilmen McDonald, Hodges, and Harter. An ordinance assessing cost of sidewalks put down by the city; an ordinance providing for the construction of certain walks; an ordinance providing for the annexation of certain territory in the city were passed. Petition of W. A. Lee to build stone building with shingle roof on lots 16, 17, and 18, block 109, was rejected. The resignation of W. J. Cochran as street commissioner to take effect on the 20th inst., was accepted. Councilman Jennings was appointed to contract for boarding city prisoners, and they decided on paying only thirty-five cents per day each for said prisoners, a day to include three meals and a night’s lodging. An ordinance, after some discussion, in which the property owners most interest took part, was ordered widening east Fifth avenue. W. J. Wilson, clerk of the school board, presented the tax levy made by the board for school purposes, as follows: For general school purposes, 10 mills; for bond fund, and to pay interest on one bond, 4½ mills, which levy was approved by the council. The street and alley committee was instructed to purchase dirt for street grading from the Eaton-Short cellar excavators, ten cents per load, delivered. The following bills were ordered paid: Wm. Moore & Sons, stone for crossings, $106.68; H. L. Thomas, crossings, $59.01; N. Hurley, blacksmithing, $4.35; John Roberts, work for city, $4.87; A. G. Glandon, salary assistant marshal to Aug. 4, $5.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 27, 1885.
Our Democratic friends are in a squabble over the postoffice location. Henry Goldsmith refused to extend the lease for the present location, considering the postoffice a nuisance to his business, which it is, and P. M. Rembaugh leased the rooms now occupied by the express offices, with the stipulation that all partitions be taken out and a twelve foot extension, with large arches, be put on the north. Then began the trouble. Some of the Dems. wanted it in the north end of town, offering a stock company to build on the Jennings-Crippen lot, corner of 8th Avenue and Main. Others wanted it put on Ninth Avenue, and a stock company offer to buy the Fahey building, where the Ninth Avenue Hotel now is. The house is divided against itself and numerous caucuses fail to bring peace. George is immovable, and will put the postoffice where he pleases, in conformity to public convenience and general satisfaction, regardless of the postoffice location cranks.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 10, 1885.
Tom McGuire adorned THE COURIER tables Tuesday morning with a bevy of peaches that challenge the world for an equal. They were raised by Geo. H. Crippen, in the grounds of his home, on west 10th Avenue, and the finest budded fruit, any peach of which would size up with a large sized tea-cup—rosy, luscious, and fat. Mr. Crippen has a good selection of fruit, and takes much pride in its culture.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 10, 1885.
The City Fathers met in regular session Monday night, Mayor Graham and Councilmen Connor, Jennings, Crippen, Harter, and Baden, and city clerk Buckman, present; absent, Councilmen McDonald, Myers, and Hodges.
An ordinance attaching territory to the city and one in relation to the public health were passed.
Next item reveals that Mrs. F. S. Jennings and Mrs. G. H. Crippen were related.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 17, 1885.
Mrs. F. S. Jennings and Mrs. G. H. Crippen went west last Thursday morning to visit relatives in southern Sumner County.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 17, 1885.

A meeting of Vernon and Winfield citizens was held in this city Monday to arrange for a new bridge on the old piers on the Walnut at Bliss & Wood’s mill. Chas. C. Black was president of the meeting and G. H. Crippen secretary. It was determined to erect a six thousand dollar bridge. Senator Jennings, J. B. Lynn, S. H. Myton, J. W. Millspaugh, Billy Moore, S. W. Schwantes, B. F. Wood, and J. F. Martin were appointed as committeemen to boost the matter through. It is proposed to erect a $6,000 bridge on private subscription. Twenty-two hundred dollars were subscribed in this meeting, the largest amount, $800, by Bliss & Wood. The road, as condemned and paid for years ago, leading from Vernon to this bridge, runs along the north bank of the river until it strikes the bluff, where it comes out on the section line. Another meeting will be held on the 28th to perfect matters.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 24, 1885.
Mr. Crippen, one of Winfield’s prominent businessmen, was down to the Terminus last Saturday. Mr. Crippen is completely captivated with our town, and talks of investing in real estate here. He tried to negotiate for the Stedman property while here last Saturday.
A. C. Democrat.
The Democratic Convention Very Tame Indeed.—No Competition Whatever.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 8, 1885.
The Democrats of Cowley County met at the Courthouse Saturday to go through the same old farce of nominating a county ticket to be easily defeated by the Republicans: a sequel inevitable in grand old Republican Cowley. About fifty delegates were present, with a small audience of visitors. J. L. Andrews, of Maple City, was chosen chairman and Ed Gage secretary. Everything was as tranquil as a May morning. The office went round hunting its man, as usual in Democratic conventions in Cowley. Nobody could smell meat, and didn’t care to sacrifice themselves on the party altar. The convention was exceedingly tame—no opposition whatever. The following nominations were unanimously made.
For sheriff, Capt. C. G. Thompson, of Arkansas City.
Treasurer, Rudolph Hite, of Dexter.
Register of Deeds, John Ledlie, of Burden.
County Clerk, Fred C. Hunt, of Winfield.
Coroner, Dr. T. B. Tandy, of Winfield.
Surveyor, J. W. Weeks, of Udall.
The Democratic County Central Committee for the coming year stands as follows.
Arkansas City: Geo. R. Westfall, T. E. Braggins, Peter Wycoff, and C. M. McIntire.
Winfield: Capt. Gary, H. S. Silvers, Geo. Crippen, and J. B. Lynn.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 8, 1885.
The Kansas City Journal’s Topeka Reunion correspondent gave our Courier Cornet Band this notice: “The Second regiment band, of Winfield, known as the Courier band, saluted the Journal today, and gave the great daily a fine serenade. The members of the band are: G. H. Crippen, leader; J. E. Snow, C. Roberts, A. R. Harvey, Jesse and Fred Bates, C. H. Page, Judge Buckman, Clarence Roberts, Sidney Carnine, J. E. Holliday, Frank Spring, F. J. Newton, A. T. Roberts, W. I. Warner, J. D. Armstrong, and A. Fiddler. This band is a credit to Winfield, the members being the best young men of that beautiful city. The Journal extends greetings.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 5, 1885.

The rulers of the city met in regular commune Monday night: Mayor Graham in the chair and councilmen McDonald, Jennings, Hodges, Baden, and Harter present; absent councilmen Myers and Crippen.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 12, 1885.
Mr. George H. Crippen, at the band’s regular meeting Monday, resigned the leadership of The Courier Cornet Band. His resignation was made unavoidable by the condition of his health. Consumption and heart troubles have incapacitated him for musical service. He is on the retired list, and should his health ever permit, will again take an instrument in the band. His resignation is regretted by every band member, and by the public generally. For nine years Mr. Crippen has been at the head of Winfield’s leading band. His interest in the city’s advancement in band and orchestra music has been unremitting. Of superior musical attainments, with an unquenchable love for instrumental music, he has figured prominently in nearly every band and orchestra organized in our city, since its primitive days. As leader of The Courier Cornet Band, he has placed it among the best bands of the west, and is very popular with its members. Much of the band’s choicest selections are the composition of Mr. Crippen. Mr. J. S. R. Bates was elected leader of the band. He is an accomplished musician, and the band will flourish under his leadership.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 26, 1885.
A. H. Doane has bought John Keck’s two lots where the old Main street livery barn rears its majestic presence. He paid $9,000. In the spring he will put up two fine business blocks. Jennings and Crippen and others in that block, who have been afraid of the sweet-scented livery odor, will also build in the spring.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 17, 1885.

One of the pleasantest parties of the season assembled at the hospitable home of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Hunt last Saturday evening to celebrate the thirtieth anniversary of their wedding. The spacious rooms were well filled and the host and hostess were everywhere present with their careful attentions which, seconded by Miss Anna, made the enjoyment complete. During the evening the Rev. Mr. Reider was brought forward and in a neat and appropriate speech presented to the host and hostess a beautiful set of silverware as a testimonial of the high appreciation of the contributors for the recipients, accompanied by a card with the compliments of the following: Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Wallis, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Keck, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Hickok, Mrs. Whitney, Mrs. McClellan, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Bliss, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Bliss, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bliss, Dr. and Mrs. T. H. Elder, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Shearer, Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Young, Rev. and Mrs. Reider, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Millington, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fuller, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Schuler, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Silliman, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Soward, Mr. and Mrs. Col. Whiting, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brown, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Baird, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Albro, Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Troup, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. D. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Rinker, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Dalton, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Pryor, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Emerson, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Mann, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Crane, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Silver, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Hendricks, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McDermott, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Arment, Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Manser, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Handy, Mr. and Mrs. C. Collins, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Pickens, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McGraw, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Friend, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Crippen, Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Carson, Dr. and Mrs. W. T. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Austin. This silver tea set embraced cake basket, berry dish, six teaspoons, and sugar spoon. Dr. and Mrs. Geo Emerson, pearl card case. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Hunt, silver fruit dish.
Capt. Hunt responded as happily as the emotions of this surprise would permit.
A magnificent collation was placed before the guests, which was highly enjoyed, and after music and other entertainments, the party dispersed with many thanks to their entertainers for the pleasures of the evening. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Wallis, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Silver, Mr. and Mrs. John Keck, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Hickok, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Silliman, Mr. and Mrs. Col. Whiting, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Handy, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Carson, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Austin, Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Arment, Dr. and Mrs. W. T. Wright, Mrs. McClellan, Mrs. Whitney, Sr., and Mrs. A. E. Baird, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Schuler, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Shearer, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Soward, Rev. and Mrs. J. H. Reider, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bliss, Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Manser, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brown, Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Troup, Mr. and Mrs. James McDermott, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Crane, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Hendricks, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Millington, Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Pryor, Dr. and Mrs. T. H. Elder, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McRaw, Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Bliss, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fuller, Dr. and Mrs. Emerson, Mr. and Mrs. C. Collins, Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Bliss, Mrs. J. A. Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Hunt.
The Township Committees Meet and Arrange Propositions.
Some Convincing Figures.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 17, 1885.
The committees, appointed at the citizens’ meeting, to work up the submitting of propositions for the extension of the Florence El Dorado & Walnut railroad from Douglass to Winfield, met yesterday afternoon in McDougall’s hall to determine on the apportionment of the amount of aid asked. Judge T. H. Soward called the meeting to order. S. P. Strong was chosen chairman and W. J. Wilson, Secretary. M. L. Robinson then explained the object of the meeting, to get everything in readiness for aggressive work in submitting the propositions and securing this road. The townships through which the road will run were represented as follows.
Rock: S. P. Strong, H. F. Hornaday, E. J. Wilbur, and W. H. Grow.
Fairview: J. C. Paige and T. C. Covert.
Walnut: J. C. Roberts, J. B. Corson, John Mentch, T. A. Blanchard, J. Anderson, W. D. Roberts, and E. M. Reynolds.
Winfield: H. H. Siverd, J. A. Eaton, D. L. Kretsinger, Col. Whiting, T. H. Soward, B. T. Davis, M. L. Robinson, S. J. Smock, G. H. Crippen, J. E. Conklin, W. P. Hackney, G. L. Gale, Chas. Schmidt, W. J. Wilson, Ed P. Greer, H. E. Asp, A. H. Limerick, F. C. Hunt, and J. W. Curns.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 17, 1885.

The Rulers of the city met in regular semi-monthly conclave Monday night. Present: Mayor Graham and Councilmen Connor, Jennings, Myers, Crippen, Hodges, Baden, and Harter; absent, Councilman McDonald.
Councilmen Crippen, Connor, and Myers were appointed to examine the plans of the city building.
The Township Committees Meet and Arrange Propositions.
Some Convincing Figures.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 17, 1885.
The committees, appointed at the citizens’ meeting, to work up the submitting of propositions for the extension of the Florence El Dorado & Walnut railroad from Douglass to Winfield, met yesterday afternoon in McDougall’s hall to determine on the apportionment of the amount of aid asked. Judge T. H. Soward called the meeting to order. S. P. Strong was chosen chairman and W. J. Wilson, Secretary. M. L. Robinson then explained the object of the meeting, to get everything in readiness for aggressive work in submitting the propositions and securing this road. The townships through which the road will run were represented as follows.
Rock: S. P. Strong, H. F. Hornaday, E. J. Wilber, and W. H. Grow.
Fairview: J. C. Paige and T. C. Covert.
Walnut: J. C. Roberts, J. B. Corson, John Mentch, T. A. Blanchard, J. Anderson, W. D. Roberts, and E. M. Reynolds.
Winfield: H. H. Siverd, J. A. Eaton, D. L. Kretsinger, Col. Whiting, T. H. Soward, B. T. Davis, M. L. Robinson, S. J. Smock, G. H. Crippen, J. E. Conklin, W. P. Hackney, G. L. Gale, Chas. Schmidt, W. J. Wilson, Ed P. Greer, H. E. Asp, A. H. Limerick, F. C. Hunt, and J. W. Curns.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 24, 1885.
The city rulers met in regular session Tuesday night. Present: Mayor Graham and Councilmen Connor, Jennings, Crippen, Harter, and Baden. Absent: Councilmen McDonald, Myers, and Hodges.
A number of bids for the construction of the city building were presented, and Councilmen Crippen, Conner, and Harter appointed to examine them, with Architect Ritchie, and report at a special meeting tonight at 7 o’clock, to when the council adjourned.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 7, 1886.
The City Fathers held their regular conclave Monday night. Present: Mayor Graham and Councilmen Connor, Myers, Crippen, Baden, and Harter; absent, Councilmen Jennings, McDonald, and Hodges. A petition to close general merchandise stores on Sunday was tabled. Petition to fix the road to west bridge, ditto. The following bills were ordered paid.

Q. A. Glass, coal, $3.25; J. C. Fuller, rent council room, January, February, and March, $30; J. C. McMullen, rent fire department building, Dec., $25; City Officers salaries Dec., $129.98. Bill of Water Company for $1,572.50, hydrant rental from July 5, 1885, to Jan. 15, 1886, was found correct and the clerk ordered to issue an order for the amount, bearing 7 per cent interest. Bills of Hose Co. No. 1, $40; Hose Co. No. 2, $33; W. H. Clark, chief fire marshal, $4.00; Black & Rembaugh, $23.50. Treasurer’s report for quarter ending Dec. 15th, 1885, was found correct. City Clerk was instructed to ascertain cost of lumber to re-floor west bridge. The finance committee was instructed to deduct, as usual, the moonlight nights from the Gas Company’s bill, and the city attorney was instructed to carry the case of Winfield vs. the Gas Company to the Supreme Court. The marshal was ordered to have the K. C. & S. W. railroad fix its crossing on North Main. The curb-stones around the gas posts, where they interfere with water hydrants, were ordered fixed. The City agreed to furnish rock for crossing to Bliss & Wood’s mill, that firm agreeing to lay the same. The Marshal was ordered to have Mr. Croco lay his walk according to ordinance.
They Throw Out the City Building Bid of Uhl and Giel and All Others.
A Wrathy Meeting.—Connor Resigns.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 28, 1886.
The council chamber was a hot scene Tuesday night. A special meeting of the city rulers was held to approve the bond of Uhl and Giel, the Cleveland, Ohio, contractors whose bid to construct the city building was the lowest one filed and the one accepted. There were present: Mayor Graham and Councilmen Harter, McDonald, Crippen, Jennings, and Connor.
There has existed considerable dissatisfaction among home contractors ever since the awarding of this contract to foreign parties. The bid of Uhl, $8,500, was $400 lower than the next lowest, and these men were highly recommended, and signified their determination to locate in Winfield, and made this low bid to introduce themselves. The council could do nothing but accept.
Things ran smoothly until last week, when the delay of Uhl and Giel to file their bond caused a little uneasiness, and a petition was circulated, asking the council to revoke their award and give the contract to the next lowest bidder, which was Chas. Schmidt.
In the meantime, Uhl and Giel came on, had their bond of $16,000, to strictly fulfill their contract, well secured and ready to file.
Last night the fact was brought out that Uhl’s initials were wrong in his contract, which made “K. T. Uhl” the bidder instead of Fred Uhl, whom he represented himself to be. Mr. Uhl, being present, then explained that he drew the original bid himself, but had a Cleveland stenographer copy it, and that it was in this way that the mistake must have occurred. Chas. Schmidt said it illegalized the bid, and if the council accepted Uhl’s bid, he would have him enjoined.
Mr. Connor said that he didn’t propose that any foreigner should walk off with that job if he (Connor) had to do it for nothing.
And here the war began, fraud being charged to the contractors all around. Connor moved that Uhl’s bid and others filed be rejected. Harter seconded the motion. Connor and Harter voted in favor, and the rest of the councilmen refused to vote, and the motion was declared carried.
Mr. Connor tendered his resignation as councilman from the First Ward, to go into effect next Monday evening. His resignation is no doubt to enable him to bid on the city building.
The council decided to again advertise for bids, to be opened on the 8th of February. The home contractors are determined, and Uhl is determined, and some very low bids will no doubt result. It was claimed by our home men that Uhl would lose a thousand dollars on his bid of $8,500, and they predicted that he would never file his bond. He stood the racket and thus this hotness.

The council never had a livelier or louder discussion than that last night. Some of them got badly stirred up.
The resignation of Councilman Connor is much to be regretted. He has made a very efficient member of the council, his services in public improvements being specially valuable. His practical knowledge as a contractor and builder peculiarly fit him as councilman. A member of the council, however, cannot take a contract from that body, under the law.
The City Building Contract Let for $300 More Than the Bid Formerly Accepted.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 11, 1886.
The rulers of the city met in adjourned session Monday night to look into the bridge building question and to let the contract for the city building—Mayor Graham and Councilmen Jennings, Harter, Myers, Baden, Connor, and Crippen, present; with city clerk, Buckman; city attorney, Jos. O’Hare, and city engineer, Willis A. Ritchie. The bridge committee and city engineer had conferred with various bridge builders and determined on prices and plans, but it was determined best to consult with the Vernon officials before taking final action, as that township was equally interested in the Ninth Avenue bridge. The meeting with Vernon was set for Wednesday next, the city clerk to notify the Vernon Board. There were four bids for the complete construction of the City Building.
Chas. Schmidt: $10,765
Joe Reeves: $9,700
John Q. Ashton: $9,330
Uhl & Giel, Cleveland: $8,880
The bid of Fr. Uhl and John F. Giel being the lowest bid, with ample bondsmen and recommendations, the contract was awarded to them. This is the Cleveland, Ohio, firm whose bid, $380 lower than this one, was accepted by the council before. Owing to a slight technicality, which could easily have been lawfully remedied, and the assurance that home contractors would make lower bids if given another opportunity, the bids were all thrown out and bids re-advertised for. This little miscue cost the city $300. But the council is not altogether to blame. They did as their best judgment dictated, backed by a petition of 300 citizens who were dissatisfied with foreigners getting the contract, and with the declarations of home contractors. Messrs. Uhl & Giel will locate here permanently, at once, and begin the erection of the city building as soon as the weather will permit. They are contractors of experience and first-class standing in Cleveland. They enter into a bond of $8,880 to complete the work, strictly according to plans and specifications, by the first of August. The council ordered the Fire company to rent the old foundry building for its departments, until the city building is completed. The fire marshal was instructed to examine the various fire plugs and see that they are in working order. The street and alley committee is to have Dr. Mendenhall’s sidewalk, fronting his residence on Millington Street, raised above the high water mark.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 25, 1886.

Early Monday morning it was discovered that the north wall of the Jennings-Crippen building, occupied by J. J. Carson & Co., was sinking, caused by the excavation for the McMullen building. It had sprung about one inch and a quarter when Fred Kropp was put to work, and by means of heavy timbers, forced the wall into place. It seems that the foundation of the building is only about three feet below the sidewalk when it should be at least seven, and has no cellar, so when the dirt was dug away, the sloping wall of earth that was left, being very soft and spongy from the winter’s drip of the old roof of the buildings that formerly stood there, afforded no support for the lone building. No fault can be found with Harrod & Paris in excavating as it was done according to orders, but the fault was in the foundation of the Jennings-Crippen building. Col. McMullen will go to work at once and put a solid and proper foundation under the sinking wall. This is quite a difficult job, and has to be accomplished by jack screws, and will probably cost $300. This will delay the work on the McMullen building some, but everything will go ahead all right in a few days.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 25, 1886.
The city council at its next meeting should make an ordinance prohibiting the erection of buildings within the fire limits excepting on cellar or basement walls. When the Jennings-Crippen building was erected, they were told they would have trouble with their foundation, and the narrow escape that it had from destruction on Sunday admonishes our city law makers that we need not take any more such chances.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 25, 1886.
Our City Fathers met in regular session Monday night. Mayor Graham and Councilmen Connor, Jennings, Crippen, and Harter, and Clerk Buckman were present.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.
The rulers of the city met in regular bi-weekly session Monday eve, with Mayor Graham presiding, and Councilmen Connor, Jennings, Myers, Crippen, Baden, and Harter present; McDonald and Hodges absent.
Councilmen Crippen, Connor, and Harter were appointed to ascertain the boundaries of territory necessary to take into the city limits.
It was determined to put on the market simultaneously the city building and bridge bonds, $23,000, soon.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 11, 1886.
The city council held an adjourned session Thursday, with Mayor Graham in the chair and councilmen Crippen, Myers, Connor, Jennings, Baden, and Harter, present; absent, McDonald and Hodges.
An ordinance prohibiting all unmuzzled dogs the freedom of the city; a public health ordinance, prohibiting a public health ordinance, prohibiting wells for drainage, over eight feet deep; wells for drainage, over eight feet deep; ordinance for sidewalk on Fourth and Millington streets; ordinance vacating the alley east and west in the Brettun block, were passed.
Bills ordered paid: Willis A. Ritchie, past services as city building architect, to be paid from amount received for bonds; Jos. O’Hare, telegraph message, $1, and F. L. Holbrook, work on fire department building, $6.
Bills of Willis A. Ritchie, city engineer, $21.50, and District Clerk Pate, $11.75, were referred.

Permit was given to S. E. Hunt to raise the front and back of the old Stump building, in the McDougall block.
For the purpose of consulting as to the Walnut river bridge contracts; the township board of Vernon, H. H. Martin, trustee; J. M. Householder, clerk, and Wm. Carter, treasurer, were present. The dozen bridge representatives were excluded from the chamber and the bids opened, and, after some consideration, the final consideration was set for April 12th.
The city weigh master’s bond was placed at $1,000; the city clerk was instructed to execute the proper contract, and the city attorney to draw an ordinance regulating the duties and privileges of the weigh master.
It was decided to sell the city building bonds at the next regular meeting of the council, the 15th inst.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 18, 1886.
Jennings and Crippen commenced the erection of a building Monday on the lot recently purchased on north Main. It will be a frame 20 x 76, and will be occupied by Stayman for a machine shop.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 18, 1886.
Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Bliss were given a very happy little surprise Saturday night, in celebration of Mr. Bliss’ birthday. The surprisers were Rev. and Mrs. J. H. Reider, Dr. and Mrs. F. H. Bull, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Crippen, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bliss, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Bliss, mother and sister. They left a very handsome token, a large and valuable arm chair. They took charge of the house and a very lively and enjoyable evening was spent, one that will long remain a pleasant memory to Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Bliss.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 25, 1886.
Johnnie Hunt, an almost helpless cripple whose parents live down the Walnut a few miles, appeared before City Clerk Buckman, the other day, and stated that he wanted to canvass the town with books and engravings, and asked that his license of five dollars a month be remitted as his crippled condition disabled him to make a living and pay it. He was referred to the Mayor, who told him to appear before the council, Monday evening, which he did. The ordinance is absolute and Councilman Crippen stated that if passed over for one, others would expect it, and however worthy this case, to grant the request would be damaging. “I will head the list with half a dollar to pay his license,” said Mr. Crippen, and in three minutes the five dollars were “chipped” in by the Fathers and one or two of the audience, and Johnnie went on his way rejoicing. It was a little benevolence that will not soon be forgotten by its recipient, who is a young man of many bright qualities of head and heart, and whose best endeavors are for an independent livelihood, however great his misfortunes.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 15, 1886.

The city council met in adjourned session Monday, with Mayor Graham and Councilmen Crippen, Connor, Baden, Myers, Harter, Clerk Buckman and Attorney O’Hare present. Petitions for sidewalks fronting lots 10 and 11, block 130, Main street, and blocks 134, 154, 174, and 194 on Riverside Avenue were granted, and ordinances ordered. Bill of James Jordan, $25, rent fire dept. building, was allowed, and bill of W. A. Ritchie, city engineer, etc., $41.10, was referred. Willis A. Ritchie resigned the city engineership. This was made necessary by his commission as government architect and superintendent for the Wichita Government building. He couldn’t hold both positions. Col. H. Allen, of the K. C. Bridge Co.; George H. Bullene, of the Bullene Bridge Co., Leavenworth; H. C. Campbell, of the Toledo Bridge Co., and a representative of the Missouri Bridge & Iron Works were present with bids for the Ninth Avenue and Bliss & Wood Bridges as follows.
K. C. Bridge Co., $8,450; Leavenworth Bridge Co., $8,525; Missouri Bridge & Iron Works, $9,400; Smith Bridge Co., Toledo, Ohio, $9,500.
K. C. Bridge Co., $5,500; Leavenworth Bridge Co., $5,250; Toledo Bridge Co., $5,690.
The council went into secret session to consider the bids and after a late hour adjourned to finish up this morning.
The forenoon was put in with the bridge men, resulting in awarding the contract for both bridges to the Smith Bridge Company, of Toledo, Ohio, which company presented the only bids for steel bridges, with piers on bed rock. The others bid to erect wrought iron bridges, on piles. The Ninth Avenue bridge has a center span of 140 feet and two approaching spans of 60 feet each. It has an 18 feet wagon path and 2 foot path, one complete and the other ready for the planks whenever it is needed. The superstructure of this bridge costs $5,690, and the masonry $3,810, a total of $9,500 for the bridge complete. The Bliss & Wood bridge has two 100 feet spans, with bed-rock abutments. The superstructure costs $4,442 and the masonry $568. Charley Schmidt contracted with H. C. Campbell, agent of the Smith Bridge Co., this morning, for the entire mason work for both bridges. Messrs. H. H. Martin, J. M. Householder, and William Carter, Township Board of Vernon, met with the council in the awarding of the Ninth Avenue contract. The $11,000 in bonds voted by Winfield, and $4,000 by Vernon covers the contract with $500 left. The bridges are to be completed, ready for travel in August.