Martin Dale


He is written about in the 1901 Biographical record of Cowley County. He came in 1871, while his father and two brothers came a little earlier.
[1870]  [PAGE 415]
MARTIN DALE, a prosperous and progressive farmer of Cedar Township, Cowley County, Kansas, has been a resident of the state since 1858, and has experienced all the hardships of early pioneer life. Mr. Dale was born in Fayette County, Indiana, in 1842, and is a son of G. W. and Martha W. (Ginn) Dale.
His father, G. W. Dale, was born in Franklin County, Indiana, in 1819, and died at Cedar Vale, Chautauqua County, Kansas, in 1891. He was a strong Democrat, and served one term as probate judge, and also, one term as postmaster at Cedar Vale, Kansas. He was county commissioner of Miami County one term, under the territorial government. His wife was born in Fayette County, Indiana, February 4, 1824, and was still living in Cedar Vale in 1901.
Two of G. W. Dale's great-grandfathers, one on each side of the house, served in the Revolutionary War, one being a colonel of Maryland troops, and the other serving with the Virginia forces.
G. W. Dale and his wife were parents of eight children, one of whom died. Those living in 1901:
1. Martin Dale, subject of biography.
2. J. G. Dale, a farmer near Cedar Vale.
3. C. A. Dale, a farmer in Rock Creek Township, Chautauqua County.
4. G. R. Dale, president of the Cedar Vale Mercantile Co.
5. India Dale, who married George Webb, of Cowley Co.
6. Josie Dale, who married ___ Lemert, who lived on a farm in Chautauqua County.
7. W. W. Dale, who was postmaster during the last term of President Cleveland, and died November 13, 1896.
8. Mrs. H. M. Donaldson, assistant cashier of the Cedar Vale National Bank. [First name not given of this daughter.]
Martin Dale was reared and educated in Indiana, and attended the common schools in that state. His first work was at farming—grubbing and cutting bushes in Indiana. During his life he helped to clear and improve four different farms. In 1856 he moved to the southwest part of Iowa, where he remained for two years, after which (in 1858) he located in Miami County, Kansas. During the Civil War, Martin Dale was a member of the Kansas militia, holding the rank of 1st Lieutenant in Company E, 5th Kansas Regiment. He fought bushwhackers throughout the war, and for half a day was in Missouri on a scouting expedition, in front of Gen. Price's army. His father-in-law, George W. Wise, served in the same regiment, and the latter's two sons, John Henry and William Wise, were in Company E and Company H, respectively, of the 9th Reg., Kans. Vol. Inf.

In 1869, Martin Dale moved to Neosho County, Kansas, and two years later to Chautauqua County. His father and two of his brothers preceded him a short time, and took up claims east of Cedar Vale, Mr. Dale taking one adjoining the town. His father, with others, located the town site. Frederick Kantz was president of the town company, which was organized in 1870. From 1871 to 1880, Mr. Dale lived at Cedar Vale, and from 1881 to 1883 at Grenola, where he was associated with Hewins and Titus, then the cattle kings of the section. In 1882, he bought, in Cedar Township, of H. C. Fisher, who held a deed of the land, the southeast quarter of section 32, township 34, range 8 east, his present fine home farm, upon which he moved in 1883. In addition to the excellent orchard he set out, and other substantial improvements, he erected in 1888 a two-story house of seven rooms, 24 by 26 feet in dimensions. He settled upon this section a poor man, butt incessant industry brought success, both in stock raising and farming. He owned 560 acres of land, and cultivated about 200 acres of it. He raised stock extensively, and preferred Shorthorn cattle. He had an excellent water supply from two springs, a creek and a well.
Mr. Dale married in Miami County, Kansas, Flora Wise, who was born in Vermillion County, Indiana, December 7, 1844, a daughter of George W. and Mary A. (Dowdell) Wise. Her father moved to Miami County in the fall of 1859, and died February 2, 1901, aged 78. Her mother died February 23, 1899, aged 73.
Mrs. Dale was one of 13 children born to Mr. and Mrs. George W. Wise:  Flora; William H., who resided near Paola, Kansas; Franklin, who lived in Kansas; Ellen (Sheridan) of Paola, Kansas; Josephine (Russell) who died in January, 1901; Isaac, of Miami County, Kansas; Rosella, deceased; Lilla (June), who lived near Louisburg, Kansas; Minnie, who died at age 16; Mary E. (Wilson), who lived near Louisburg, Kansas; and Lulu, who was single, living in Miami County, Kansas, in 1901.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Dale had five children.
1. George W. Dale, who married Bertha Oliver; he resided in Cedar Vale.
2. Montrose Dale, unmarried, in the harness business in Cedar Vale.
3. Albert Dale, who was living at home in 1901.
4. Luther Dale, living in the Indian Territory for one year.
5. Arthur Dale, a twin of Luther, who was living at home.
Martin Dale was a Democrat. He was township treasurer and also served as clerk of the school district for many years. Mr. Dale well recalls the time when, in 1866, he saw grasshoppers piled upon the ground a foot deep. [1866...???]  Fraternally, he was a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows since 1866, having joined at Paola, and belonging now to the Cedar Vale lodge. Both he and his wife were members of the Church of Christ, and attended worship at Cedar Vale.
[1870]  PAGE 121
JAMES T. DALE, of the firm of Dale & Beebe, proprietors of the Udall Mills & Elevator, was a young man in moderate circumstances, when he located in Cowley County on October 17, 1870, and has risen to be one of the most prominent and influential businessmen within its limits, having laid a good foundation for a fortune.
James T. Dale was born April 25, 1849, in McDonough County, Illinois, a son of John H. Dale.

His father, John H. Dale, was born in England, and during his early manhood learned the trade of a blacksmith, which he continued to follow after coming to this country. He married Emma Payne, of Indiana, who died in Cowley County in 1884. He went to California in 1853, and died there in 1899. They were parents of the following living children:  Esther A., Adeline, William, Francis B., and James T.
James T. Dale remained under the parental roof until after he attained his majority; he then located in Cowley County, Kansas. He took up the northwest quarter of section 7, township 31, range 3 east, Ninnescah Township, upon which he made extensive improvements. During the winter of 1870 and 1871 he underwent many hardships. Just before Christmas, he started out along the river bottom, with an old shotgun, to procure meat for a Christmas dinner. He fired at and wounded a deer which jumped out, and after several attempts succeeded in getting the game, but not until the buck attempted to drive him back. It is safe to say that the desired dinner was obtained, and after a royal feast, the remainder of the venison was divided among his neighbors. During the winter of 1871, he went on a buffalo hunt, with the Osage Indians, along the Chikaskia River. During the trip, the party encountered a severe blizzard in which they nearly perished, and for eight days the lived on nothing but buffalo meat, without a particle of salt. Mr. Dale endured many privations in those primitive days, and now may truly say he has been amply rewarded. He located in Cowley County with his brother-in-law, Geo. M. Pittman, and built on his claim a cabin out of logs obtained from the Arkansas River. At this time the county had not been surveyed. The cabin was 12 by 14 feet in size, and after its completion, Mr. Dale went with his brother-in-law, Geo. M. Pittman, to Burlington, Kansas, 110 miles distant, to get his family and needed provisions. They lived mostly on buffalo, deer, and bacon. During the winter following and early the next spring, a second trip to Burlington was made. While there Mr. Dale bought a yoke of oxen, for $160, which were driven back, with the horses as a lead team. On returning, he proceeded to break 40 acres, of which he put 25 acres into corn, which yielded him 400 bushels per acre.
He then rented the farm until 1875, and engaged as a salesman with P. G. Halburg, of Emporia, Kansas, in the nursery business. He lived upon his farm about fifteen years, after which he bought the southwest quarter of section 4, Ninnescah township. In the spring of 1898, he sold his old farm to William Atkins.

Locating in Udall, in 1891, he occupied the fine new residence which he had just completed. His first experience in the general merchandise business was with Mr. Napier, in 1883, the firm name being Napier & Dale. He then sold his interest, returned to farming, and also began to speculate in grain. For the next two years he was a member of the firm of Dale & Werden, and during that time built half of his present store, and embarked in the hardware and implement business. The same year in which he erected his store buildings, they had 43,000 bushels of corn in their cribs, which they had purchased for an Iowa firm. He therefore disposed of his share in the store to Mr. Werden, and carried on the grain business alone. During this time he made good improvements in Udall, where he lived for four years; he then moved back to the farm. He was one of the organizers of the town company, of which he became president. Buying 40 acres, the company platted the town of Udall. There was a railroad running through the townsite, without a depot or stock yards, and the railroad company was given the right-of-way for a siding and the grading of its tracks, which cost $1,400. Mr. Dale then organized the Udall Milling Company, of which he became president, with P. W. Smith as secretary and treasurer. The mill was built in 1885, and had a daily capacity of 75 barrels. This company existed two years, when Dale, Williams, and Nessly became proprietors. One year later, Mr. Williams sold his interest to J. W. Beebe. Mr. Beebe continued in the firm for two years, when he sold out to Gray Brothers, and the new firm lasted three years. Gray Brothers having disposed of their interests, the mill was operated by Dale & Nessly as proprietors. From 1891 to 1897, Mr. Dale was president of the Dale & Nessly Milling Company, which was incorporated, and operated a store and mill at Udall, and the mill and elevator at Mulvane. In 1898 Mr. Dale and Mr. Beebe bought the Udall Mills and store, and the mill was operated under the firm name of Dale & Beebe. The store was formerly operated under the name of J. W. Beebe & Company, but the store interests were divided and the concern is now operated separately under the names of J. T. Dale and J. W. Beebe. The mill was rebuilt in 1899, enlarged to its present capacity of 125 barrels per day, and is doing an extensive business. [1901]  Mr. Dale also deals extensively in cattle and hogs.
James T. Dale was married at Auburn, Kansas, December 31, 1874, to Allie K. Spangler, a native of Indiana, who accompanied her parents to Kansas, in 1856. Their children are as follows.
1. Lillie E., wife of O. J. Mark, a merchant of Belle Plaine, Kansas.
2. George W. Dale, manager of his father's store.
3. Glenn Eugene Dale.
4. James Earl Dale.
5. Pearl E. Dale.
6. Frank L. Dale.
7. Neil Edwin Dale.
Mr. Dale was a prominent member of Lodge No. 58,
A. F. & A. M., of Winfield, Kansas; a past master and a charter member of Lodge No. 144, A. O. U. W., of Udall. He was a deacon and Sunday school superintendent of the Congregational church at Udall. He was active in town affairs, and served as mayor several times, and as police judge and justice of the peace. He served on the school board for many years.
Mr. Dale traveled quite extensively, having visited most of the large cities in the United States, from California to New York, and from the gulf to the Great Lakes. He also viewed the green hills of the Emerald Isle and the scenery of France and England. His voyage across the Atlantic was made in 1899. He was a Republican, having always voted that ticket, and was in favor of Prohibition to the fullest extent.