M. David


Saloonist, Geuda Springs.
David later resided in Sumner County and Arkansas City.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 21, 1883.
We are informed that the Geuda Springs Law Enforcing Society had quite an interesting meeting last Thursday evening. M. David, the saloonist, was present and offered to close up his establishment provided the society would buy him out. A heated debate over this proposition resulted in a proposition to accept. Press.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 4, 1883.
Communicated. Editor Traveler: DEAR SIR: You will confer a favor by giving publicity to the accompanying preamble and resolutions adopted by the “Law Enforcement Club” of this place, consisting of some fifty or sixty members, including a majority of the leading citizens in the community.
These resolutions were presented to the editor of the Geuda Springs Herald, with a request for publication, by the Club, and were not published, for reasons which he has not explained, and which he is not asked to explain.
The resolutions will fully explain themselves.
Up to last week the saloons were running in Geuda, in open violation of law, but they are both closed now, and will remain closed. This result has been brought about by the influence of the “Law Enforcement Club,” and that without a single prosecution.
The saloon keepers comprehended the fact that the “Club” meant business, and hence, very wisely, made up their minds that the risks to be taken in running their business were too great for the profits which they would probably receive.
They have both closed with a promise never to engage in the business again, and Mr. M. David has opened a meat market, and will, no doubt, receive a liberal patronage.
I firmly believe that if a similar course would be pursued, that there is not a place in the State of Kansas where the liquor law cannot be enforced.
Moral and legal suasion must go hand in hand in order to make prohibition a success. Very Respectfully, J. H. BERKEY.
1st. The fundamental principle of American Institutions is, “equal and exact justice to all.”
2nd. Every true American citizen will abide by the laws of his country.
3rd. Any person who refuses to obey the laws of this country becomes an outlaw and forfeits his rights as an American citizen.
4th. There is at the present time in the State of Kansas and in this vicinity a class of individuals which is receiving the benefits and protection of her laws and at the same time defying and trampling under its feet certain of her laws, thus endangering the rights, peace, and prosperity of the law abiding citizens of this State and vicinity.

Therefore, be it resolved that, in view of the above facts, we the undersigned do hereby form ourselves into an association to be called the “Law Enforcement Club,” of Geuda Springs, Salt City, and vicinity, and do solemnly pledge our sacred honor as men and American citizens to use every lawful and honorable means to apprehend and bring to justice every violator of local, State, or National law. This organization earnestly solicits the cooperation of all law abiding citizens, and will deem it a favor at any time to receive reliable information in regard to any person who may be violating the laws of this country.
The adoption of the above resolutions have been prompted by no other motive than a desire to promote the best interests of society and establish such a reputation as a community as will have a tendency to draw into our midst an honorable and respectable class of people.
However, if the present system of outlawry and debauchery is permitted to exist in our vicinity, the reputation of this community will be such as will repel all respectable people, and attach to it the most degraded, worthless, brutal, and dangerous elements of society.
Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.
A Saloonless City. Messrs. M. David and Wm. Park are residents of Geuda Springs, which city by the way is located half in Cowley and half in Sumner Counties. Lately they conceived the idea of running open saloons on the Cowley side of the street, which was done several days ago. On Monday County Attorney Jennings was informed of the fact and soon had papers out for M. David’s arrest. He was found in Winfield, arrested, and gave bond. The officer went over Tuesday to arrest Park, but he had flown. During the day, Tuesday, there was much feeling exhibited by citizens of the Springs over the matter, some wanting the saloons to run, others wanting them closed. The keepers might as well move across the street or shut up shop.
Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.
A lot of Geuda folks were over Tuesday on the David’s liquor case.
Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.
The jury in the case of M. David tried last week for selling liquor at Geuda Springs, brought in a verdict of guilty after being out but a half an hour. A fine of one hundred and  fifty dollars and costs, amounting in all to over three hundred dollars, was assessed. On Monday Mr. David and his son were arrested on several additional counts. It looks as though there wouldn’t be a great deal left of Mr. David after Attorney Jennings gets through with him.
Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.
Mr. David failed to give proper bond for appeal in his case, and on Monday was remanded to jail at this place in default of payment of fine, where he now lies.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 8, 1883.
Notice of Application for Pardon. To whom it may concern: Notice is hereby given that on the 16th day of August, A. D. 1883, I, Robert Mills, will apply to the Governor of the State of Kansas at his office in the city of Topeka, Kansas, for the pardon of M. David, who was, on the 26th day of July, A. D. 1883, convicted of selling intoxicating liquors in Cowley County, Kansas, without having a druggist’s or manufacturer’s permit therefore. Robert Mills. Geuda Springs, Kansas, July 31st, A. D. 1883.

Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.
The Board at the meeting last week released M. David, Rosa Turner, and Jacob Case from custody in the jail.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 18, 1885.
Mr. Murray, Sumner County’s young county attorney, is making it exceedingly warm for violators of the prohibition law. Last week, among others, he arrested M. David, of Geuda Springs, who languished in Cowley’s jail for several months last year, and also was the guest of Sumner County for awhile, on like charges. This fellow has been constantly violating the law ever since it has been a law; even his children peddling the stuff while he was in jail. No punishment can be too severe for him, and a light sentence would be an injustice.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 12, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
This morning Ed. Davids [David] and Jim Cherry were arrested for running a “blind tiger” in the basement beneath the Oklahoma Meat Market. For some time past suspicion rested upon these parties and at last culminated in their arrest. In the cellar four barrels of beer were found. The prisoners were taken before Judge Kreamer, who bound them over to appear for trial next Thursday week in the sum of $1,000. They gave the necessary bond for their appearance.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 12, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Some of the four barrels of beer captured Tuesday in David’s “blind tiger” was stored in the basement beneath the post office. It is wonderful to note how Democratic the occupants of the building have become all at a moment. Postmaster Sinnott, Kingsbury, Ridenour, and others each carry a bran new corkscrew. The REPUBLICAN advises the sanitary committee of Arkansas City to investigate the matter or else in another 24 hours there will be nothing left but empty bottles and busted corks.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 19, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
M. Davids [David] and Jim Cherry were arrested this morning for violation of the prohibitory law. They were released on a bond of $700 each to appear for trial before Judge Kreamer next Wednesday.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 26, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
David’s and Cherry’s trial for selling intoxicants will come up Wednesday.
Arkansas City Republican, June 26, 1886.
The trial of M. Davids [David], Jim Cherry, and Ed. Davids [David], arrested for running a “blind tiger,” came off Thursday. The jury returned a verdict dismissing Cherry and Ed. Davids [David], and M. Davids [David] was held for a new trial to come off next Tuesday. The jury stood four for conviction and seven for acquittal of M. Davids [David]. The jury was composed of Gardner Mott, L. N. Coburn, C. H. Frick, S. B. Rickle, H. O. Meigs, F. Bryant, J. A. Arnold, W. F. Hubbard, Hugh Ford, Will McKee, D. J. Buckley, and E. W. Compton.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 3, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.

The whiskey case of M. David came up before Judge Kreamer again this afternoon. Upon the motion of the county attorney, it was dismissed. Just what will become of the beer that was found in the basement of his meat market, we are not informed.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 3, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
But a few moments after M. David had his attachment papers served upon the “remains” of the “blind tiger,” County Attorney Swarts had him placed under arrest again for assisting and abetting in the carrying on of the “blind tiger” in the basement under his meat market. He was taken before Judge Kreamer and bound over in the sum of $500 to appear for trial next Wednesday. He gave the required bond.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 3, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
Yesterday afternoon, M. David, the man arrested some time ago for running a “blind tiger,” entered suit against one Wm. Jackson for the recovery of $25 for rent. He claims that Jackson rented the basement under his meat market and owed him the above sum for rent. All the empty beer bottles and three full barrels were attached to secure himself. The case will come up before Judge Kreamer Saturday. Wm. Jackson, at present, is supposed to be a non-resident.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 10, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
The trial of M. David occurs tomorrow afternoon before Judge Kreamer.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 10, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
The whiskey case of David is occupying the attention of Judge Kreamer’s court this afternoon.
Arkansas City Republican, July 17, 1886.
The jury in the whiskey case of David agreed to disagree and Judge Kreamer discharged the prisoner.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 15, 1887. From Friday’s Daily.
This afternoon at about 4 o’clock two men, E. S. Lumpkins, of Sedgwick County, and a railroader became involved in a dispute in front of M. David’s place of business. Lumpkins threw his opponent down and was holding him when Miller McAfee ran up to the combatants, pulled Lumpkins over on the curb-stone, and kicked him in the eye with the heel of his boot. Just then Mead, Johnson, and Johnnie Breene came up and made the arrest of McAfee, who tried to get away. Lumpkins was taken to Dr. Wright’s office where he received treatment. It was feared the eye-ball was injured but on examination the wound proved no more serious than a severe cut in the face beneath the eye. His face was terribly swollen. The railroader and McAfee were taken before Judge Bryant and are having their trial as we go to press. McAfee’s act was very cowardly and uncalled for.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 5, 1887. From Tuesday’s Daily.
In the David’s case, which began trial today, the attorneys for the defendant subpoenaed 230 witnesses of the best citizens of the city. The majority of them are men who never drink anything and know not even where David’s stand is.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 5, 1887. From Friday’s Daily.
It is called “vinegar” up at David’s ranche.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 5, 1887. From Friday’s Daily.

Jerome Steele was brought down from Winfield yesterday for trial. He was taken before Judge Lindsay and bound over in the sum of $500. County Attorney Swarts was employed prosecuting the David’s case; consequently, he was unable to attend to it.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 12, 1887. From Monday’s Daily.
The jury in the case of State vs. David returned a verdict of guilty on five counts after 30 minutes Saturday evening. Judge Kreamer sentenced him to five months’ imprisonment and $500. This afternoon David filed his appeal bond and will take it to the district court.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 26, 1887. From Thursday’s Daily.
Bauly Sowers, who was arrested yesterday for running a joint, has gone to Oklahoma. George Ford was deputized to look after him. Sowers wanted to go to Mr. David’s home for something and Mr. Ford took him. While sitting in the room he was engaged in conversation and Bauly stepped into another room and from there into the Territory. George waited for his return, but he came not. After searching for his prisoner, Ford came uptown and reported he had gone.
[Note: Coverage of M. David ceased with the last issue of Republican noted above. It is hard to ascertain what happened in district court, as above items do not cover events any further. MAW]