A. W. Davis


Tisdale Township and Winfield.
Tisdale Township 1878 or 1879:
A. W. Davis, 30; spouse, . W., 32. P. O. Tisdale.
Winfield Directory 1880.
McDonald, Jno., hostler, Vance & Davis, r. 9th avenue bet Loomis and Fuller.
Pratt, J. W., hostler, Vance & Davis, boards Thompson’s Restaurant.
VANCE & DAVIS. Livery and Feed Stable.
This firm is composed of J. H. Vance and A. W. Davis. They bought out Thompson and Wilson, the former proprietors, last December.
Mr. Vance was formerly one of the proprietors of the Central Hotel, and Mr. Davis has been for the past two years a resident of Kansas.
Their stable is one of the largest in Southern Kansas, and they keep a number of fine horses, which with their handsome turnouts, are greatly sought for. By their gentlemanly conduct and strict attention to the wants of their patrons, they are building up a popularity and reputation that is enviable. The stable is located on 9th avenue, between Main and Manning streets.
We cheerfully recommend these gentlemen to all wishing anything in this line.
Meets at Odd Fellows Hall, southwest corner 8th avenue and Main, every Thursday at 7:30 p.m., from February 1st to April 1st; at 8:00 p.m. from April 1st to September 1st; at 7:30 p.m. from September 1st to November 1st; at 7:00 p.m. from November 1st to February 1st.
OFFICERS: N. G., A. W. Davis; V. G., James Vance; R. C., Jno. E. Allen; Treasurer, Max Shoeb; C., D. W. Southard; O. G., M. B. Shields; Warden, John Smiley.
Davis, A. W. (Vance & Davis), r. Millington s. e. cor 12th av.
Vance, J. H. (Vance & Davis), boards 12th avenue, n. s. between Millington and Loomis.
VANCE & DAVIS, livery and feed stable, 9th avenue, n. s. between Main and Manning.
Davis living in New Salem, Tisdale Township, in 1878...
Winfield Courier, November 21, 1878.
NEW SALEM, Nov. 18, 1878. EDITOR COURIER: A rousing Lodge of Good Templars was organized here last Friday night by D. C. Beach, Esq., of Winfield. The Lodge numbers about 25 members on starting and its chief officers are as follows:
W. C. T.: A. W. Davis; W. V. T.: Mrs. Amelia Rupp; W. S.: Miss Mollie Buck; W. T.: William Cayton; Chaplain: Rev. Mr. Graham; Lodge Deputy: John Shields.
The Lodge starts out under the most favorable auspices, with intelligent, capable membership and efficient officers, and will do a good work.
Winfield Courier, December 26, 1878.
The members of Winfield Lodge, No. 110, I. O. O. F., have chosen the following named brethren as officers of this lodge for the term commencing January 1, 1879.

M. B. Shields, N. G.; David C. Beach, V. G.; John Hoenscheidt, R. S.; E. S. Bedilion, P. S.; Max Shoeb, Treasurer; John E. Allen, W.; D. W. Southard, C.; J. G. Kraft, R. S. to N. G.; R. L. Walker, L. S. to N. G.; B. M. Terrill, R. S. S.; Wm. Hudson, L. S. S.; J. W. Smiley, I. G.; C. C. Stevens, O. G.; A. W. Davis, R. S. to V. C.; T. C. Robinson, L. S. to V. G.; J. W. Curns, Chaplain; J. S. Blue, Host.
A cordial invitation is extended to all members of the order in good standing to be present at the installation ceremonies on the first Thursday night in January. The lodge is in a prosperous condition, and is increasing its membership from among our best citizens very rapidly.
[WINFIELD LODGE, NO. 101, I. O. O. F.]
Winfield Courier, January 16, 1879.
The following officers of the Winfield Lodge, No. 101, I. O. O. F., were installed last Thursday evening.
M. B. Shields, N. G.; D. C. Beach, V. G.; John Hoenscheidt, R. S.; E. S. Bedilion, P. S.; Max Shoeb, Treas.; J. G. Kraft, R. S. to N. G.; J. H. Vance, L. S. to N. G.; J. E. Allen, W.; D. W. Southard, C.; J. W. Curns, Chaplain; B. M. Terrill, R. S. S.; Will Hudson, L. S. S.; John Smiley, I. G.; C. C. Stevens, O. G.; A. W. Davis, R. S. to V. G.; T. C. Robinson, L. S. to V. G.; J. S. Blue, Host.
Total number of members: 52.
Winfield Courier, June 19, 1879.
NEW SALEM, KANS., JUNE 16, 1879.
A. W. Davis and J. S. Baker have been twice to interview the surveyors on the east and west road. Hope they will succeed in the project they have in view, as it will be quite an addition to New Salem.
Winfield Courier, December 11, 1879.
The following is a list of the elective and appointed officers of Winfield lodge No. 101, I. O. O. F., to serve for the ensuing year.
N. G.: A. W. Davis; V. G.: James H. Vance; Rec. Sec.: David C. Beach; Treas.: Max Shoeb; W.: John W. Smiley; C.: D. W. Southard; I. G.: M. B. Shields; O. G.: F. Ebenback; R. S. to N. G.: Jacob Lipps; L. S. to N. G.: Charles Youngheim; R. S. to V. G.: John Fleming; L. S. to V. G.: Daniel Steel; R. S. S.: B. M. Terrill; L. S. S.: Jno. Hoenscheidt; Chaplain: W. H. H. Maris; D. D. G. M.: M. G. Troup.
James Vance and A. W. Davis purchase A. Wilson livery stable and stock...
Winfield Courier, December 25, 1879.
Mr. James Vance and A. W. Davis, of New Salem, have pur­chased the livery stable and stock of A. G. Wilson. Jim Vance is one of the most popular young men in town, an old liveryman, and will undoubtedly catch “the boys.” We wish the new firm success.
Winfield Courier, February 26, 1880.
In a late number of the Monitor it is asserted that the good people of this place want a flag station on the farm of A. W. Davis. By no means, Mr. C. The people have higher aspirations. They are bound to build a town, and want a station complete with proper facilities for travelers and shipping generally, and nothing short will fill the bill.
A. W. Davis sells his interest in Vance/Davis Livery Stable to Sid S. Majors...
Winfield Courier, July 15, 1880.

A. W. Davis sold his interest in the livery stable of Vance & Davis to Sid. Majors on Monday. He leaves this Thursday morning for a visit to Denver, Colorado, accompanied by his wife.
A. W. Davis moving to Wichita...
Winfield Courier, October 14, 1880.
A. W. Davis has rented the Occidental hotel in Wichita, and will open up there shortly.
Winfield Courier, December 23, 1880.
A. W. Davis, ye new landlord of the Occidental Hotel at Wichita, spent Thursday in Winfield. He pays weekly visits to the “metropolis of the Arkansas valley.”
Winfield Courier, June 16, 1881.
A considerable number of the citizens of Winfield met on Monday evening on the steps of the Winfield Bank to provide for raising funds for the immediate relief of the sufferers caused by the cyclone Sunday evening. Mr. Crippen called the people together by music from the band.
A. W. Davis gave $2.00.
Winfield Courier, June 23, 1881.
Messrs. A. W. Davis and Kretsinger, from Winfield, made a flying visit through our country last week.
Winfield Courier, November 24, 1881.
Mrs. A. W. Davis has gone to Geuda Springs in Cowley County for her health, which has been quite poorly for some time. Cherryvale Globe.
Which leads us to remark that the Geuda Springs are rapidly becoming famous as a health resort. A large number of buildings are being erected and the persons who have tried the Springs talk long and loud of their healing properties. We predict that by the end of another year, these springs will be more famous than the Eureka Springs, of Arkansas.
Cowley County Courant, December 22, 1881.
A. W. Davis is acting as telegraph operator at Cherryvale, Kansas. We suppose A. W. couldn’t resist the temptation.
Winfield Courier, January 12, 1882.
Mr. A. W. Davis, of Cherryvale, and his brother from Wyoming, passed through Salem last week, but only called on Mr. Joe Hoyland, we believe.
Cowley County Courant, March 23, 1882.
W. R. Talbot, of Cherryvale, came over on Monday evening’s train. Mr. Talbot is a partner of A. W. Davis in the hotel business and a first-class young man.
Cowley County Courant, May 11, 1882.
A. W. Davis, one day last week, purchased W. M. Talbot’s interest in the Leland Hotel in this city, and will continue the business as heretofore. He is the best hotel man in the entire country, as the extensive business of the house will show. He is clever and accommodating and does all in his power to please his customers and cause them to feel that in his house they are at home. Cherryvale Torch.

As Mr. and Mrs. Davis are products of Winfield, their many friends will be glad to hear of their prosperity.
Winfield Courier, August 10, 1882.
Mr. Davis of Cherryvale called on Mr. Joe Hoyland last week.
Winfield Courier, September 7, 1882.
Mr. Nelson, of Indiana, has been in Salem, sold one of his farms and bought some more land from Mr. A. W. Davis. Mr. Davis has made a short business visit in this vicinity recently.
Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.
Mr. A. W. Davis of Cherryvale has sold his Salem farm to a gentleman by the name of Mr. Powers.
Winfield Courier, March 29, 1883.
Mr. Powers is highly delighted with his farm and says Mr. Davis did not make it out as good as it really is. He has rented to Mr. J. E. Hoyland for three years and the privilege of five, if he chooses to stay.
Winfield Courier, April 26, 1883.
I had the pleasure of a visit from Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Davis, of Cherryvale. It does one good to meet friends of happy days gone by. They are not in the best of health and have gone to the health-giving waters of Geuda Springs.
Winfield Courier, May 17, 1883.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Davis came over from Cherryvale to attend the editorial ball last week.
Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.
A. W. Davis, for some time a resident of this city, is now one of the proprietors of the Occidental Hotel, at Wichita. He has associated with him a Mr. Popenoe of Topeka.