F. L. [“Boots”] Davis
Bolton Township, Geuda Springs.
BOLTON TOWNSHIP 1878: Frank Davis, 27; spouse, Lydia M., 23.
BOLTON TOWNSHIP 1880: Francis L. Davis, 30; spouse, Lydia M., 25.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 22, 1876.
MARRIED. On Wednesday, March 1st, 1876, by Esquire Letts, of Salt City, Mr. F. L. Davis and Miss Lydia Jones. In order to distinguish the gentleman from other members of the same family, we will state it was “Boots” Davis. Another man made happy. So mote it be.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 3, 1879.
Letters remaining uncalled for in the Post Office at Arkansas City, Cowley County, Kas., December 1st, 1879. On this list was the name of F. L. Davis.
Unknown whether the Davis referred to in next item was F. L. Davis...
Winfield Courier, January 8, 1880.
A meeting of the citizens of Valverdi, Walton, and Bolton townships was held at Salt City, on the 27th of December, 1879, to take into consideration the subject of a railroad from some point to that place. The meeting was called to order by A. W. Berkey, and organized by the choice of T. C. Fernald for president and James M. Woodbury for secretary.
After a careful discussion of the subject, a committee of three, consisting of Messrs. Woodbury, Snyder, and Davis, representing the towns above named, were chosen to correspond and personally confer, if necessary, with railroad officials asking for a survey of the route from Winfield or Oxford to a point at or near the salt and mineral springs near Salt City. Thence south or southwesterly, if it should be deemed practicable, to the north boundary of the Indian Territory. The committee has power to invite propositions from any railroad company, and confer with town authorities relating to the issue of bonds. Also, the authority to call future meetings in towns above named. T. C. FERNALD, Pres.
J. M. WOODBURY, Sec’y.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 30, 1880.
A meeting to make arrangements for the due celebration of the nation’s birthday was held at Salt City, June 19, at which W. M. Berkey was elected president, F. L. Davis, secretary, and R. Hoffmaster, treasurer. On motion it was decided to hold a celebration in McLay’s grove near the ferry, on the 3rd inst. Messrs. Berkey and Hoffmaster were appointed a committee to procure a flag; Davis, Berkey, and Hoffmaster, to secure speakers for the occasion. W. M. Berkey was appointed marshal of the day, and J. F. Holloway president. Messrs. Holloway, Berkey, and Bixler were appointed to assist the secretary in drawing up a programme. Everybody in the neighborhood is requested to assist in furnishing lumber for conveniences on the ground. It was agreed that all stands for refreshments should be admitted free and no intoxicating liquors are to be allowed on the ground. The meeting then adjourned. The following is the programme for the day: Procession from bath house to grove, at 10 a.m. Prayer. Reading of Declaration. Music and Singing. Oration. Dinner.
In the afternoon: Music, Vocal and Instrumental; Toasts; Speeches by Everybody; Singing of “Star Spangled Banner” by the Assembly. This will be followed by a tub race, wheelbarrow race, sack race, and climbing of the greased pole. Last of all, a terrible leap from the precipice that overhangs the treacherous Arkansas by Prof. John Smythe. There will be a free ’bus to and from the Springs.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 30, 1880.
Salt City will celebrate on Saturday, at J. McLay’s grove near the ferry on the west side of the Arkansas River.
F. L. Davis purchases interests of Drs. Allen and Arnold in drug store...
Arkansas City Traveler, June 30, 1880.
Drs. Allen and Arnold, late of Salt City, have left for other climes. These gentlemen sold out their interest in the drug store to F. L. Davis, who is now running the same. Mr. Davis is well known, and may rest assured that his many friends will not fail to call upon him when sick, or visiting the far-famed Geuda Springs.
F. L. Davis rents Salt City “Travelers’ Home” from J. C. Mills...
Arkansas City Traveler, July 14, 1880.
Salt City, July 10, 1880.
ED. TRAVELER: There is quite a stir in our little city. Notestine has rented the Salt City Hotel to Royal of this place, he having got the Hunnewell fever. J. C. Mills has rented the Travelers’ Home to F. L. Davis, who will minister to the wants of the traveling public, and will furnish private rooms to those visiting the Geuda Springs for health.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 4, 1880. Editorial Page.
SALT CITY, August 2, 1880.
There are two hotels now in Salt City—the Royal House and the Travelers’ Home, the latter conducted by that smiling host, Frank Davis. They will both try and make it comfortable for their guests. Call and see them. We are glad to see the traveler come in. We mean the Arkansas City Traveler. BO.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1880.
Elsewhere in this issue appears the card of Frank Davis, proprietor of the Travelers’ Home at Salt City. This house has been renovated throughout, and under Frank’s genial management will doubtless receive a generous patronage.
This house has been entirely refitted and refurnished throughout, and now offers to the traveling public first-class accommodation. Choice cigars and good stabling.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 22, 1880.
Mrs. Mills has again assumed control of the “Traveler’s Home” at Salt City in the stead of Frank Davis, who now confines himself to the management of his drug business.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 16, 1881.
SALT CITY, March 14, 1881.
BIRTH. Boots Davis now rejoices in the possession of a large sized baby of the feminine persuasion. As usual, it has red hair.
F. L. Davis moves to Cleardale and takes over drug store of E. R. Thompson...
Arkansas City Traveler, May 4, 1881.
E. R. Thompson has sold his Drug Store, at Cleardale, to F. L. Davis, late of Salt City. Mr. Davis took immediate possession, and we hope will make it a success.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 7, 1881.
List of letters remaining uncalled for in the post office at Arkansas City, Kansas, September 1st, 1881.
F. L. Davis was on the above list.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 2, 1881.
List of letters remaining uncalled for in the post office at Arkansas City, Kansas, November 1st, 1881.
F. L. Davis was on the above list.
F. L. Davis rents a store being built by S. H. Foss, putting in a grocery store...
Cowley County Courant, April 6, 1882.
A Geuda correspondent of the Arkansas City Democrat ventilates himself to no small extent, and winds up his letter with the information
That Mr. Mitchell has sold his property in Arkansas City, and is going to move to Geuda Springs.
That [S. H.] Foss is building a large store to be rented to F. L. Davis, who intends to fill it with groceries.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 19, 1882.
Mr. J. B. Curry, who has been teaching a term of school in Bolton Township, will now be found behind the counters of F. L. Davis’ grocery at Geuda Springs.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1882.
F. L. Davis has had his residence completed sometime.
Cowley County Courant, June 29, 1882.
The following charter was filed in the office of secretary of state yesterday: Geuda Spring Hotel Company, Capital stock $50,000. The following named persons are the directors for the first year: J. R. Musgrove, W. N. Hubbell, O. M. Bieles, C. R. Mitchell, S. L. Allen, F. L. Davis, and Geo. A. Cutler, all of Geuda Springs, Kansas.
[Above was the last item found on F. L. Davis.]