DeMott Family


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The De Mott’s came from Edinburgh, Scotland by way of Canada.
The Kansas State census of 1875 for Cowley County shows,  
William H. DeMott 38  m   w Canada Canada
F. A. DeMott 42  f w Canada Canada
Adelia P. DeMott 16  f w Canada Canada
Fred C. DeMott 11  m   w Canada Canada
The following are the names of teachers attending the Normal School at this place. Miss Adelia DeMott of Arkansas City.
TRAVELER, DECEMBER 20, 1876. The M. E. Church was planning a New Years Festival. Mrs. DeMott was on the Soliciting committe.
MARRIED. MR. THOMAS BAIRD, of Arkansas City, married Adelia, only daughter of MR. W. H. DEMOTT, of Bolton township, February 6, 1877, at 11 o'clock. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Fleming.
TRAVELER, MARCH 28, 1877. Mr. and Mrs. DeMott have just returned from visiting a brother of Mr. DeMott in the northern part of the State. They were goine about three weeks, had a pleasant visit, and Mr. DeMott's health is improved some.
TRAVELER, OCTOBER 31, 1877. The following committees have been chosen by the Ladies' Sewing Society for their Thanksgiving Festival.
The committe on the supper table included Mrs. De Mott.
TRAVELER, SEPTEMBER 25, 1878. DIED. W.(William) H. DE MOTT, one of the oldest and most respected citizens of Bolton township, died in the presence of many friends last Thursday, after prolonged suffering from the dreaded dis­ease, consumption.
TRAVELER, SEPTEMBER 25, 1878. Sid S. Majors and wife, of Winfield, were down to assist in the funeral ceremonies of W. H. DeMott, last week.
Traveler, Wednesday, December 26, 1883. From Bolton.
Editor Traveler: The people of southwest Bolton are anxious to make a grand forward movement in a religious point of view; and will commence the erection of a church building soon. For this purpose they will have a social and supper at the house of Mr. S. H. Deweese, five and one-half miles southwest of Arkansas City, on the 1st day of January next, commencing at 6:30 p.m. The committee would like to have the cooperation of all who feel interested in this important movement. Bring your baskets well filled with the good things of this bountiful land, and commence the new year by doing something for God, the giver of all good.

Mr. Baird married, February 7, 1877, Miss Adelia DeMott. She is likewise a native of Canada, daughter of William and Tabitha Ann (Sleigh) DeMott. The DeMotts were among the pioneers of Cowley County. Mrs. Baird was eleven years of age when, in December, 1869, her parents came to Kansas, remaining at Ottawa for a few months and in April, 1870, moving to Chanute, and in February, 1872, to Cowley County, where they settled on a farm four miles southwest of Arkansas City. Her father died there September 20, 1878. Her mother died April 20, 1884. Mrs. Baird had two brothers, Fred C. DeMott and William John DeMott. The latter died at Ottawa, Kansas, when eighteen months old.
Fred C. DeMott, brother of Mrs. Baird, is one of the leading businessmen of Arkansas City, being president of the Union State Bank. He was born in Collingwood, Ontario, Canada, August 18, 1863, and was about nine years old when the family settled in Cowley County. He finished his education there in the local schools and remained at the old homestead until 1899, when he moved to his present farm a mile and a half south of Arkansas City.
On January 2, 1908, he was one of the men who instituted the Union State Bank, and on January 3, 1909, he was made its president, an office he has held ever since. He is a thirty-second degree Scottish Rite Mason, member of the Midian Temple of the Mystic Shrine, was one of the organizers of the local Grange and for some years one of the directors of the Farmers Union. He is a member of the Masonic Grotto and the Rotary Club, and his wife belongs to the Methodist Episcopal Church.
Fred C. DeMott married April 15, 1888, Miss Bell Booton, of Cowley County. They have three children and several grand-children:  Charles F. DeMott, born February 16, 1894, graduated from the Arkansas City High School, spent two years in Kansas Agricultural College at Manhattan, operates the home farm, and by his marriage, on December 25, 1917, to Miss Nina Nelson has a daughter, Lillian Rose, born September 16, 1921; Lura Maud DeMott, born in February, 1898, was graduated from high school and the State Teachers College at Emporia, taught for four years, and is now the wife of Harry McLaughton, of Sumner County, Kansas, and has a son, Frederick Wilson, born September 26, 1921; and Lydia Gertrude DeMott, born March 2, 1902, a graduate of the high school of Arkansas City, also had experience as a teacher, and is now the wife of Vernon Chaplin and has a daughter, Virginia, born July 27, 1925.

According to the Cowley County Heritage book, page 175, there is another De Mott family that has connection with Cowley County. The Cherokee strip run was made in 1896. Robert F. DeMott came with his father to make that run. They established their claim and sent for Robert DeMott’s mother and the remaining 7 children to come from Canada. She spoke only French, but she was met at Arkansas City by Fred DeMott and his son, Charles DeMott. They were related.