George Denton


Grouse Creek.

Denton, George, 29; spouse, Dorcas(?), age not given.
Denton, George, 29; spouse, D., 26, Post Office Address, Glen Grouse.
Denton, John T., 29; spouse, E. L., 23. Post Office Address, Lazette.
Denton, J. T., 29; spouse, E., 24. Post Office Address, Cambridge.
Winfield Courier, January 4, 1877. Editorial Page.
Notes from Upper Grouse.
Grouse Valley contains a good number of stock men who are feeding herds as follows:
Geo. Denton has a herd of fifty odd.
L. L. Newton has some eighty odd head.
Albert Lynn is feeding fifty head at Robert Armstrong’s.
Parks and Campbell have nearly a thousand head of sheep at Armstrong’s.
James Lee has eighty five head of cattle.
B. H. Clover has fifty head of cattle.
R. F. Burden handles over one head of cattle.
There are several hundred head of hogs along this portion of the valley feeding with the cattle or fattening for market.
Winfield Courier, July 12, 1877.
Board of County Commissioners met in regular session. Present: R. F. Burden, Chairman, W. M. Sleeth and William White, members of the board, with James McDermott, County Attorney, R. L. Walker, Sheriff, and M. G. Troup, County Clerk. Among other proceedings claims against the county were presented to the board and passed upon as follows, viz.
Witness Fees: George Denton, $6.50.
Winfield Courier, December 27, 1877.
Our valley is well filled with fat hogs and cattle, and several flocks of sheep have lately come in.
Parks has twelve hundred sheep at Robert Armstrong’s, and Peebler and Parks have eight hundred at Peebler’s.
George Denton has a herd of seventy cattle on Skull Creek.
James Lee is handling about fifty head of young cattle.
Lew Newton has some sixty yearling calves feeding on the Hodson farm.
Ben Clover has over seventy head of cattle, and a large lot of hogs on his 600 acre farm.

S. M. Fall is feeding fifty head of Texas steers.
R. F. Burden has about one hundred head of cattle, of which he is fattening about forty for the spring market.
Dempsey Elliott left some days ago with a large drove of fat hogs for Independence.
Barney Shriver has a lot of Texas steers feeding for spring sale.
Winfield Courier, March 28, 1878.
We have had a sensation here. Geo. Walker came out hunting the negro who broke jail. He passed on as far east as Greenfield, and before he got back, the thief was captured by Geo. Denton and Martin Barber, ten miles above town on Grouse.
Winfield Courier, March 18, 1880.
I will not be able to chronicle any very sensational matter, as the people in this part are too well behaved to get up any shooting or fighting, or love and murder sensations.
Mr. George Denton has purchased the farm occupied by Lew Newton, from a gentleman in Iowa.
Winfield Courier, December 23, 1880.
George Denton, of Harvey, George Gardenhire of Windsor, and James England and J. D. Maurer, of Dexter, were in the city Tuesday on business connected with the material interests of Grouse valley.
Winfield Courier, October 27, 1881.
Mr. Geo. Denton, of Harvey township, called in Tuesday. Geo. says Harvey is booming for the straight ticket.
Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.
John T. Denton of Harvey Township was in the city Friday and favored the COURIER with a call. John is one of Cowley’s boys who are laying the foundation for snug fortunes in the stock business. He came over on business connected with his stock interests.
Winfield Courier, May 18, 1882.
Harvey Township, Delegates: John Denton, James Hickman. No alternates.
Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.
J. T. Denton, for the last eight years one of Cowley’s prominent cattle raisers, has disposed of his eight hundred acre cattle ranch in Harvey Township to Neer Bros., and will soon open, in connection with Messrs. Bowers & Brown, a bank in Grenola, Elk County. Grenola is a sprightly little city, without a bank, and Mr. Denton’s experience in money matters and ability as a man will do much in the success of the enterprise.