John Devore


Pleasant Valley Township.
There were other Devore families mentioned that I skipped as I was concentrating strictly on “John.” I finished what little I could find and had more questions about him than I did answers. MAW
Kansas 1875 Census Pleasant Valley Township, Cowley County, 3/1/1875.
Name age sex color Place/birth Where from
M. L. Devore 28 m w Kentucky Kentucky
Harriett Devore 29 f w Missouri? Missouri?
Ida Devore 4 f w Kansas
Jesse Devore 4 m w Kansas
Kate? Devore 2 f w Kansas
Samuel D. 24 m w Virginia Virginia
John Devore 34 m w Kentucky Kentucky
Robert Devore 44 m w Kentucky Kentucky
Julia Devore 13 f w Kentucky Kentucky
Robbie Devore 6 m w Kansas
Pleasant Valley Township 1875.
John Devore, 34; spouse, Harriett, 28.
M. L. Devore, 28. No spouse listed.
Robert Devore, 44. No spouse listed.
Pleasant Valley Township 1878.
James Devore, 21.
John Devore, 39; spouse, Penelope, age not given.
M. L. Devore, 32. No spouse listed.
R. C. Devore, 47. No spouse listed.
Pleasant Valley Township 1879.
James Devore, 22.
John Devore, 39; spouse, Penelope, 27.
R. C. Devore, 48. No spouse listed.
Pleasant Valley Township 1881.
B. C. Devore, 30.
J. F. Devore, 24.
John Devore, 41; spouse, Penelope, 39.
M. S. Devore, 36.
Pleasant Valley Township 1882.
James F. Devore, 25. No spouse listed.
John Devore, 42; spouse, Penelope, 30.
Layfelta Devore, 37.
Robert Devore, 51.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 7, 1873.

F. L. Johnson vs. J. Devore et al: dismissed.
Winfield Courier, February 6, 1874. Editorial Page.
THE COUNTY RECORDS. The readers of the COURIER will remember that we published sometime ago an intimation that the county records, as left by Mr. Jackson, were in a bad condition, and should be thoroughly investigated.
The County Board, no doubt acting on the COURIER’s sugges­tion, met at the County Clerk’s office, and after careful delib­eration, concluded to appoint a committee of three to straighten out the records and give the new County Clerk a fair start with the world. They accordingly selected S. M. Fall, of Lazette; Lucius Walton, of Pleasant Valley; and Wm. H. Grow, of Rock; three as good men as the county affords, men of integrity and ability.
The committee met last Monday and began their labors. They had not proceeded far, however, until they came to the conclusion that they had an elephant on their hands—seeing that to go over the records from the time the county was first organized would be a summer’s job. They very wisely asked the Board to meet and advise them as to their duties in the matter before proceeding any further. The Board of County Commissioners have not met at this writing, so we are unable to tell what they will do. We hope, however, that now that the matter has been commenced, it will be probed to the bottom. The people of this county have a right and they demand to know how their affairs stand. We believe that the COURIER has never yet accused anyone of “defal­cation,” “corruption,” or anything of the kind, and we hope that the gentlemen who have made the records will be able to clear themselves of any corrupt intention. But should such turn out to be the case, the guilty one, be he friend or foe, need expect no mercy from the COURIER.
LATER. Since the above was put in type, the Board of County Commissioners met, and yesterday were in secret session with the committee. The cauldron is boiling. It has been ascertained that Devore, our former county treasurer, is a defaulter to a considerable amount—how much, cannot at this writing be ascer­tained. J. P. Short, Mr. Devore’s deputy, has turned over to Mr. Kager, as near as we can come at it, some $680.00, which he should have turned over with the office in July, 1872. There is also found to be a large amount of scrip afloat which Mr. Jackson’s books show to have been canceled, rumor variously estimating the amount of such extra scrip, all the way from $5,000 to $10,000.
Let us look into this matter. Here is say, to strike an average, $5,000 in scrip taken in as county tax by Mr. Short, while deputy for Devore; he presents it to Mr. Jackson for cancellation. Jackson takes the No. and amount and marks can­celed on his book, hands them back to the treasurer, who may sell it, thus putting it afloat once more to be taken up at some future time.
Now follows a few pertinent queries: What right had Mr. Short to present these orders to Mr. Jackson to be canceled, until he had marked them “paid” across the face, in red ink, as the law requires?
Then, why did Mr. Jackson cancel these orders if they were not marked “paid?” Then naturally follows another most painful query: was this whole transaction a big steal? Or was it simply negligence and want of knowledge of the law?
We most sincerely hope the latter is the correct conjec­ture. [We could not get at the exact figures as the committee of investigation together with the County Board sat with closed doors so that we could not get in.]

We hope these gentlemen will think better of this matter, and allow at least the accredited representatives of the press to know what is transpiring. The people who read the papers are the taxpayers of the county and they have a right to know all about it, and will know, let it cost what it may, so long as we run a paper.
Winfield Courier, March 6, 1874
Sir: Feeling that an explanation is due to the public and to myself, concerning the management of the affairs of the office of County Treasurer of Cowley County during the years 1870, 1871, and 1872, I desire to make the following statement.
In the spring of 1870, I was elected to the office of Treasurer of Cowley County, and held said office until the next January, by virtue of said election. In the fall of 1870, Mr. G. B. Green, of Grouse Creek, was elected; but owing to some cause, he failed to qualify and take the office, consequently, I held the office until August, 1872.
At the time of my election, the office was of little conse­quence, and I could not afford to leave my farm to live at the county seat to attend to its duties. Having been for some time acquainted with Mr. J. P. Short, and having confidence in his ability and integrity, I appointed him my deputy as soon as there were any duties to perform in the office, and he held said appointment and attended to all the duties of said office until it was turned over to my successor, Mr. Kager.
I paid no attention to the office, never handled any of its money in any way or shape, never received a cent of profit, not even a fee (as I gave all the fees to Mr. Short to attend to the office) from first to last. But the office actually cost me my bond and stamp then required by law. Nor until last week, did I know that there was any irregularity in the accounts or books of said office. JOHN DEVORE. Winfield, Kansas, March 5, 1874.
Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.
Investigation. The committee appointed to investigate the County Records have finished their work as far as the term of Devore is con­cerned, and are preparing a report which will be published as soon as the committee get one or two items which they are after red hot. Hon. S. M. Fall concluded that he could not stay to investigate and retired from the committee. The other two members, Messrs. Grow and Walton, are determined to unearth everything unholy if it takes all summer. We have been collect­ing facts and figures which we will publish in connection with the committee’s report. We have no desire to prejudge the case and will withhold it until then.
Winfield Courier, June 5, 1874. Editorial Page.

THE REPORT. We publish in another place the report of the committee of investigation. It will be seen that the report brings Mr. Short and Mr. Kager several thousand dollars behind. Mr. Short claims that he holds receipts to, nearly or quite, cover the amount charged against him, and we have Mr. Kager’s word for it, that he has in his hands, even more money than the committee found against him. However this may be, we have no comments or criti­cisms to make until these gentlemen have had an opportunity to settle with the county board. We cannot however close this article without saying a word for the committee. They, we believe, have discharged their duty faithfully and conscientious­ly, and their report shows with what ability that work was done. We will have more to say of this when we have looked the field all over. Let this suffice for the present.
WE, your Committee appointed to examine the books and accounts of the County Clerk and County Treasurer, beg leave to submit the following report as the result of our investigation. In instituting the examination, we first took the books and accounts from the organization of the County up to the 16th day of July, 1872, at which time J. P. Short, Deputy County Treasur­er, turned the office over to E. B. Kager, the present incumbent of the office. On examination of the books and accounts of A. A. Jackson as County Clerk, and John Devore as Treasurer, under the management and control of J. P. Short, Deputy, we found the books and accounts in a very confused and tangled condition, the Treasurer not having made a settlement of his accounts during his term of office, and turned the office over to his successor without paying over moneys in his possession.
After due deliberation as to the best method of instituting the examination, we concluded to take the Tax-roll as it was furnished the Treasurer, by the County Clerk for collection, as a basis for our settlement and hold the Treasurer for all moneys coming into his possession by virtue of his office.
In making up the roll we found many mistakes for and against, but these, we consider merely the result of incompetency and inexperience on the part of the County Clerk.
In our report, $3,075.47 stands charged to Mr. Short, on account of the County which in reality is covered by county warrants which have been canceled on account of Short, but have not been destroyed or ordered applied on his account by the County Commissioners.
The tax-roll of 1872 is the greatest complication of figures and erasures that we ever saw, and we regard it as a matter of impossibility to arrive at just conclusions in every particular in making up the accounts, but we have made our figures from the most reasonable conclusions in the premises always giving Mr. Kager the benefit of the doubts. Mr. Kager has not made a settlement of his accounts since he came in possession of the office of County Treasurer, and reference to our report reveals the fact that he had a large sum of money in his possession on the first day of July, 1873, at which time the law requires him to make his annual settlement, and at which time most of the funds in his possession should have been paid out.
The accounts in both the County Clerk’s and County Treasurer’s ledgers, in most instances show clearly to our minds that the original charges have been erased and figures changed. In making up the account of School Land Sales, we took the County Clerk’s and Treasurer’s accounts in connection, from which to base a settlement; even then there may be, and doubtless is, discrepancies. We are informed that persons have made payments on school lands and have taken the Treasurer’s receipt therefor but failed to have it countersigned by the County Clerk and charged to the Treasurer as the law requires, and in other instances parties have made payments on School Lands for which neither Treasurer nor Clerk have given the proper credit.
We would recommend that notice be given through the papers of the County to parties who have purchased School Lands to examine the records and see if any such irregularities exist.

On comparing our School Land sales account with an abstract of school land sales received from the Auditor of State, we found Mr. A. A. Jackson had made an error in addition of the school land sales reported on account of Mr. Short in favor of the County Treasurer to the amount of $400.00, and $1,252.26 remained unreported. The same error occurs in his report to the Auditor of State of school land sales on account of E. B. Kager to amount of $2,260.20, and $97.80 remained unreported.
Mr. Kager says he has money in his possession that he does not know where to apply, but when he finds the proper place for it he is ready to pay the same over. This admission of the County Treasurer seriously involves his competency, in our opinion, for the faithful and efficient discharge of the duties of the office.
In justice to ourselves we must say that we have prosecuted the investigation under very unfavorable circumstances. There has been a continual disposition on the part of those directly interested in the settlement, and our County Clerk, M. G. Troup, to cover up and withhold information that would lead to a solu­tion of the complications connected with the work, hence it has been very tedious and discouraging to the Committee.
We found many irregularities in the accounts, particularly in the manner of making them up, and entering the same on their books. We have brought the best order out of the confused mess that we could and feel safe in saying that we have arrived at a good state of perfection in making up our accounts, and now submit the following figures as the result of our investigation, showing the amount collected on each fund, the amount paid out on the same, and the amount remaining in the hands of the Treasurer, up to the date of each settlement as the exhibit will show. LUCIUS WALTON, W. H. GROW, S. M. FALL. COMMITTEE.
Winfield, Kansas, May 30th, 1874.
Report of the Committee of the financial condition of the County; Showing the gross amount collected on each fund and the amount paid out on the same; also the amount due the different funds at the expiration of the official term of J. P. Short as deputy County Treasurer, up to the time (July 16, 1872) E. B. Kager took possession of the office.
Amount collected: $14,658.81
Amount Paid out: $  8,903.80
Remains Unpaid: $  5,759.08
Overpaid: $ 4.07
Report of the Committee on the financial condition of the County from the 15th day of July, 1872, at which time J. P. Short, Deputy County Treasurer, turned the office over to E. B. Kager, County Treasurer, to July 1st, 1873; showing the net gross amount due each fund, the amount paid out on the same, and the amount remaining in the treasury on the first day of July 1873.
Due Fund:   $44,572.70
Paid out: $34,066.12
Remaining in Treasury:  $10,604.11
Overpaid: $ 97.53

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 6, 1876.
The following is the first action taken at that meeting, and is the first official record in Cowley County.
“County Commissioners, pursuant to a previous call, met at Winfield on the 23rd day of March, A. D. 1870, at Mr. Andrews’.
Present—Andrews and Norton. County Clerk proceeded to divide the county into three townships, numbered 1, 2, and 3.
No. 1 to include all that part of Cowley County laying north of a line running through the county east and west, touching the mouth of Little Dutch Creek, all north of Little Dutch to be included in said township.
No. 2 to include all south of the mouth of Little Dutch, extending south to include E. P. Hickok’s claim, and to within ten miles of the mouth of Grouse Creek.
No. 3 to include all south of E. P. Hickok’s claim on Walnut and the lower ten miles of the Grouse and the Arkansas to the State line.
Election in township No. 1 to be held at the house of Edward Phillips, at the mouth of Rock creek. No. 2 at Winfield. No. 3 at Creswell.”
This Board of Commissioners ordered an election to be held May 2nd, 1870; at which time the permanent location of the county seat was voted upon, and a full set of county officers were also elected. At that election there were two places voted upon for county seat, to-wit: Winfield and Arkansas City. The former received 108 votes and the latter 55 votes, and the following officers were elected.
Commissioners: T. A. Blanchard, Winfield; Morgan Willett, Rock Creek; G. H. Norton, Creswell; H. C. Loomis, Winfield, County Clerk; John Devore, Creswell, Treasurer; E. P. Hickok, Winfield, District Clerk; T. B. Ross, Winfield, Probate Judge; W. E. Cook, Creswell, Recorder; W. G. Graham, Winfield, Coroner; F. A. Hunt, Rock Creek, Sheriff; F. S. Graham, Grouse Creek, Surveyor.
There was but one ticket in the field, and 163 was the total number of votes polled. These officers qualified and took possession of the respective offices May 21st, 1870.
T. H. Johnson was appointed County Attorney Sept. 5th, 1870, by W. R. Brown, at that time Judge of this, the 9th Judicial District, of which Cowley was a part.
July 6th, 1870, W. Q. Mansfield was appointed Deputy County Clerk; John Devore appointed J. P. Short Deputy Treasurer, and at the fall election Geo. B. Green was elected County Treasurer, but failed to give bond and qualify; consequently, John Devore held the office until July 2nd, 1872.
Having fully stated the primary organization of the county, the succeeding officers will be given in the order of their terms of office.
Winfield Courier, August 10, 1876.
THE WHEAT YIELD. More favorable reports are coming in as the stacked wheat is being threshed. The Devore brothers, in Pleasant Valley Town­ship, threshed six acres of wheat and obtained 296½ bushels of wheat. This did not include the screenings and considerable wheat that fell out at the rear of the machine. This is 49½ bushels to the acre. Mr. Blackmore, of Liberty Township, last week threshed 25 bushels to the acre. Richard Courtwright, of Otter Township, threshed 28 bushels of wheat to the acre.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 16, 1877.
The following are the marriage licenses issued by the Probate Judge during the months of April and May.
John Devore and Penelope Seacat.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 23, 1877.
Houses Blown Down—Man Killed.
A terrible wind storm swept over a portion of the county last Saturday night, destroying fences, tearing trees out by the roots, and blowing houses to pieces. It came from the southwest and went northeast. On Badger Creek, five miles northeast of Winfield, the stone house of George W. Vanmeter was blown down, and Mr. Vanmeter killed by the falling rock while he was lying asleep in bed.
Mr. and Mrs. Shaver, living close by, were severely hurt by the falling of some timbers of their frame house, while Mr. Hill, living one and one-half miles from Vanmeter’s, had his stone house scattered in every direction without being hurt. Some of the furniture from his dwelling was carried miles away.
The house of Robert Devore was also blown down, as well as Mr. Townsley’s. Mr. White’s house, in this township, was also completely wrecked.
Great excitement prevailed during the storm, and the people were almost wild with frenzy. At this place there was no unusual occurrence. A strong wind was blowing, but we were fortunate enough to be out of the line of the storm.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 23, 1877.
JUDGE DEVORE, the first Treasurer Cowley County ever had, lately married Pennyroyal Seacat. It is not the first instance, however, of a man marrying a cat, but they are generally of the wild species.
Winfield Courier, May 24, 1877.
One Man Killed, and Others Injured.
The Track of the Storm.
Last Saturday night, about the hour of ten o’clock, the storm that had been raging for some time in this section of the country increased to a perfect tornado. The rain fell in torrents and the lightning flashed in blinding sheets. It was a wild scene, and one that will long be remembered by the people of this Valley. The storm king swept up from the south, lashing the very earth with his fury. The wind seemed to swoop down in great whirlpools and gathering whatever it could in its grasp, rushed on in increased anger. Its main force was spent in this county along a line drawn from the mouth of the Walnut in a north by easterly direction to Floral, in Richland Township.
The frame building of a Mr. White, living six miles east of Arkansas City, was taken from the foundation and moved a rod as though it had been only a feather’s weight. Mrs. White was bruised and frightened, but not badly injured.

The tornado then gave a grand bound and struck in the valley above South Bend, completely demoralizing the log house of Wm. Tousley. It scarcely left one log upon another. Mr. and Mrs. Tousley are now lying in a critical condition from the effects of the injuries received.
The house of Robert Devore, one half mile north of Tousley’s, was left without a roof and its inmates in total darkness, exposed to the heavy falling rain.
Two miles north of this a stone house of a Mr. Hill was caved in as though it had been built of corn cobs. Mr. Hill, it was reported Sunday morning, had his back broken by a falling stone, but the report is contradicted today.
From this point to the Tisdale road the scene beggars all description. Trees were torn up by the roots and fence material was strewn for miles.
George W. Vanmeter Killed by Tornado.
The home of Mr. Shafer, four miles east of town, was picked up and hurled to the ground with awful force. George W. Vanmeter, one of Winfield Township’s best farmers, a man some fifty years of age, sleeping in the upper story, was instantly killed by the falling timbers. It is thought that he never awakened from his sleep as the roof came down upon him as he laid in bed. Mr. and Mrs. Shafer were seriously, though it is thought, not dangerously injured. The building is a total wreck, pieces of which were picked up off Mr. Lemmon’s farm, a half mile to the northward. Its furniture was scattered to the four winds. Hundreds from town and surrounding neighborhoods visited the scene of death and desolation Sunday morning and looked for the last time upon the face of him who had so recently walked among them.
From this point northward no damage to life is reported, although several houses were shifted from their foundations and left without roofs or gables.
The homes of Messrs. Dunbar, Montgomery, Wilcox, and Anderson up about Floral were served in this manner. None of the inmates were hurt, but all were more or less badly frightened. The wind finally wore itself out, but the heavy rain continued falling until about one o’clock in the morning, making an awful night of it for those who were left shelterless by this merciless storm.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 22, 1877.
Mr. T. K. Johnson, Chairman of the Republican Central Committee of this county, with his amiable wife, and Mr. S. C. Smith, paid this place a visit last Sunday. Mr. James Simpson, Charles McIntire, Mr. Devore, and Mr. Stewart were also here. Mr. Johnson is fast becoming one of the most popular men of the county.

Winfield Courier, November 21, 1878.
LIST of Jurors drawn Nov. 4, 1878, to serve at the December term of court, 1878, in the District Court of Cowley County.
John Devore, Pleasant Valley.
Winfield Courier, August 12, 1880.

At the Republican convention held in Dexter on last Saturday to nominate a candidate for the office of Representative of the Eighty-ninth district, there were present many Republicans from all parts of the county, with a full attendance of delegates from that district. The meeting was a large and enthusiastic one.
Hon. W. P. Hackney, being present, was called on to make a speech, and responded with a ringing speech in behalf of the principles of the Republican party, claiming that its organiza­tion was inspired by the great truths of the declaration of Independence, and that it was the first and only party that ever dared accept those truths as a party platform. That the Demo­cratic party was the champion of slavery before the war and its apologist since; that the Republican party was the champion of free speech and an untrammeled press, the defender of the liberties of the people and the purity of the ballot box; that the Democracy was cemented together by the coalition of the Northern and Southern wings of that party, the former willing to submit to the dictation of the latter for the sake of the spoils, while the latter, actuated by the sole desire of regaining in peace what they lost in war, permitted their mouths to be hermet­ically sealed during the last session of Congress for fear some of their hopes and aspirations would be unwittingly promulgated and the Northern mind startled.
He referred to the fact that the Democratic party was the same today that it always had been, the foe of the black man; the apologist of oppression, and unrelenting opponent to all election laws to protect our ballot boxes.
He referred to the fact that he has always been a Republi­can, and that he helped organize the Republican party in Cowley County, was secretary of the first Republican convention ever held in Cowley County, which met in Dexter in August 1870; that he was secretary of the Republican convention that nominated a Republican ticket in September of that year; that the opposition nominated a ticket with E. C. Manning, Judge Ross, A. A. Jackson, and John Devore, all Demo­crats except the former; that his ticket was elected, but the returns were thrown out and Manning declared elected, although defeated.
Here someone called out: “Where were you four years ago?” Hackney retorted: “Fighting for the Republican county ticket, except as to the man he fought ten years ago;” and that he four years ago bolted the nomination of that man, Col. Manning, and that by that act (although he had spent his time and traveled over the county every fall since making speeches for the Republi­can ticket) he had placed a club in the hands of enemies that they had freely used ever since, and referred in bitter tones to the fact that the beneficiaries of that act had omitted no opportunity to assault him at every turn made by him since in favor of the straight ticket.
He warned the Republicans, that while the Democratic party will fawn upon them now, if they will help them, yet the first time that they are pleased with the ticket and want it elected, and attempt to secure that object, they will be set upon by the jackals and scorpions that infest that party, and nothing will be too low and mean for them to do or say.
And when he closed he was greeted with thunders of applause. It was a timely speech, and well received by all, and everybody went home happy and pledging themselves anew to the election of our gallant candidate for the State Senate.
J. W. Devore of Indiana: does not appear to be John Devore or even related...
Winfield Courier, November 3, 1881.

A railroad company has been organized to build a road from Arkansas City to Geuda Springs and westward. The directors are H. B. Pruden of Ohio, J. W. Devore, of Indiana, W. P. Hackney, James Huey, Maj. J. D. C. O’Grady, C. R. Mitchell, and W. M. Berkey, of Cowley County. The capital stock is $250,000 in shares of $100 each.
The next item is most puzzling!!! Did John Devore die??? Nothing found in papers to show that he did...
Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.
Mr. John Devore was kicked by a mule Monday evening and had his skull mashed. He can hardly recover.
Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.
Devore’s, having purchased their new steam engine, have commenced threshing. We hear that they have all the work they can do.
I finally figured out that “Red Valley” was the name of a school, located in Pleasant Valley Township. It appears that the Winfield Courier did not spell the name correctly. It should have shown “Ida Devore” and “Robert Devore.” I have corrected the newspaper item. MAW 5/9/2005
Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.
Miss H. Trezise closed her six months term of school at Red Valley Thursday, April 24th.The school has been well attended this winter with an enrollment of fifty pupils. Among the number are the following, who never whispered during the term: Etta Race, Alice Barricklow, Agnes Thomson, Ida DeVore, Ada and Joe Sallee, Alex Thomson, Zobeide Easterday, Wm. Tousley, Florence Seacat, Wilber Duncan, Ola Whistler, Robert DeVore.
Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.
Points Concerning the Agricultural Industry and the Monstrosities
Produced by the Richest County in Kansas.
The COURIER office is beginning to make its usual summer agricultural display: samples left by the prosperous farmers of the county.
J. H. Curfman, of Fairview Township, left us last Saturday a beautiful twig laden down with cherries which would indeed be hard to beat.
Thos. Isenagle has left us a bunch of magnificent “Fultz” wheat, six feet high. Our farmers are finding the Fultz wheat to be the most successful.
J. B. Evans has left our office samples from his “Fultz” wheat, which have been astonishing all callers. The straws are over five feet high, with immense heads.
Mr. Devore, of South Bend, adds to our agricultural collection a fine bunch of wheat, nicely filled and promising a yield that would startle any but Cowley County people.
Next item mentions John Devore. Could this be John Devore, Jr.???...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 21, 1885.
John Devore returned from Colorado one day last week. He will depart with many tears and much stock soon again.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 4, 1885.
The City Hotel has changed names. Hereafter it will be known as the Devore House.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 31, 1885.
Your correspondent has had the pleasure of participating in the first “bachelor’s” dinner ever given in Udall, which was held in the Devore house on Christmas day. The dinner was originally intended for 16 members, who had united together for that purpose, but owing to a misunderstanding, all withdrew after the dinner was arranged except the General manager, J. R. Staton; Treasurer, O. L. Jewett; and Secretary, C. H. Martin, together with one lay member, J. C. Staton. These, with your humble correspondent, sat down to as fine a spread table as was laid anywhere in Cowley that day, although no woman’s gentle hand assisted in any of the cooking or arranging of the table. One monstrous turkey weighing twenty-eight pounds was beautifully decorated, occupying the center of the table, surrounded by a beautiful wreath and the word “Bachelors” surmounted in roses of different colors making a magnificent sight to behold, with the beautiful glass and silverware in contrast. Over 55 courses were served—in fact, not one thing was omitted from the bill of fare. Champagne and other wines flowed freely, amid imported cigars of finest quality. This was an event your correspondent will ever record as one of the bright spots of life, and the mutual kindness of the “bachelors” will ever be remembered by him. We are very sorry that any hard feelings or rather misunderstandings occurred to mar the harmony of our feast, but those who remained and paid all the expenses of the affair cannot but feel proud of the success that crowned their efforts and the only thing your correspondent regrets is that “Bachelors” dinners only occur once a year.