

Richland Township.

Richland Township 1872: Dicken, G. A., 24. No spouse listed.
Richland Township 1872: Dicken, T. W., 29. No spouse listed.
Richland Township 1874: Dicken, T. W., 33; spouse, Malita, 22.
Kansas 1875 Census Richland Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Name age sex color Place/birth Where from
T. W. Dicken 32  m w Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania
Melitta Dicken 23 f w Indiana Indiana
Rollie Dicken 7m  m w Kansas
Richland Township 1881: Dicken, T. L., 27; spouse, Laura P., 19.
Richland Township 1881: Dicken, T. W., 39; spouse, Malita, 29.
Winfield Courier, January 4, 1877.
ED. COURIER: Floral Grange elected their officers at the last regular meeting in December, the 22nd inst. Jolly Sam Phoenix, Master; J. R. Thompson, Overseer; R. Thirsk, Lecturer; T. Dicken, Stewart; J. H. Howard, Chaplain; C. R. Turner, Trea­surer; J. O. Vanorsdal, Secretary; J. Casper, Gate Keeper; Mrs. N. Dickens, Ceres; Mrs. E. Thompson, Pomona; Mrs. M. C. Vanorsdal, Flora; Mrs. Jennie Phelps, L. A. Stewart.
Winfield Courier, December 27, 1877. Front Page.
PRAIRIE GROVE, Dec. 22, 1877. MR. COURIER: Floral Grange still lives and has elected officers for 1878, as follows: James O. Vanorsdol, M.; S. B. Stone, O. T., Dicken, Stewart; H. Robin, A. S.; J. Howard, Ch.; F. Thirsk, Sec.; S. W. Phoenix, T. R.; J. J. Jarvis, Gate Keeper; P. T. Stevenson, L.; Miss Fanny Pontious, Ceres; Miss Laura Jones, Pomonia; Miss Martha Wilson, Flora; Miss Martha Pontious, S. A. S.
Winfield Courier, April 4, 1878.
T. Dicken, our supervisor, is making good roads.
Winfield Courier, January 13, 1881.
Primary Grade. Those perfect in deportment: Cathie Anderson, Willie Holloway, Rollie Dicken, David Stone, Robert Holloway, and Edith Stone.
Winfield Courier, January 27, 1881.
It is reported that Mr. Lee Dicken makes daily visits to Mr. Capt. Stephens’.
Winfield Courier, February 17, 1881.
Married last Sunday,  at the schoolhouse, immediately after service, by Elder Thomas, Mr. T. L. Dicken and Miss Laura Barris­ter.
Mr. (?) Dicken...

Winfield Courier, June 9, 1881.
Messrs. Yarbrough and Dicken have been putting their sheep through the dipping process again.
Winfield Courier, June 16, 1881.
Here the storm appeared to hang for it was fully five minutes in crossing a field forty rods wide and gave Lee Dicken and family the destruction of his house. His buildings were all destroyed. Loss: $200.
The Telegram estimates losses as follows. Lee Dicken $150.
Dicken’s cross roads...
Cowley County Courant, January 19, 1882.
PRAIRIE GROVE, KANSAS, JANUARY 12, 1882. Owing to bad weather the grand wolf hunt was postponed until Thursday, January 26, 1882, commanded as follows:
1st division, Captain Frank Limbocker, meets on the hill at Curfman’s.
2nd division, Captain R. B. Pratt, meets at his house.
3rd division, Captain Jimmie Hanlin, Valley Center schoolhouse.
4th division, Captain E. Rogers, meets at Darien.
5th division, Captain John Stalter, Green Valley schoolhouse.
6th division, Captain L. Hardy, at his house.
7th division, Captain T. Carson, Richland schoolhouse.
8th division, Captain R. Stevens, at Dicken’s cross roads.
9th division, Captain Conrad, meets at S. Stevens.
10th division, Captain Henry Curns, at his house.
11th division, Captain P. McIntire, at his house.
All commands will meet as above designated at 9 o’clock, and march at 10 o’clock, sharp. The ring will be formed at Prairie Grove, and a color line, designated by eleven stand of colors, will also be formed. All captains will halt when they arrive at the colors, and advance at a signal given by the Major command­ing, said signal being two shots, one following the other. At the signal, all will advance in good order to the center, which will be designated by a large flag. No shooting will be allowed in the ring, and everybody is expected to be at the center by noon. All officers should see that the above orders are carried out. By order of JAMES O. VANORSDAL, Commanding.
Winfield Courier, August 10, 1882.
Permanent Organization Committee: C. L. Swarts, Nathan Brooks, H. C. Catlin, D. M. Hopkins, D. S. Haynes, T. W. Dicken, L. K. Bonnewell.
Delegates entitled to seats. Richland: J. R. Cottingham, Willis Wilson, J. R. Thompson, T. W. Dicken.
Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.

T. W. Dicken don’t expect to go thirsty after this, as he has a new drilled well—a large one two feet in diameter. Jack Yarbrough has one of the same kind. It is said Thos. Walker will be the next lucky man.
Winfield Courier, April 5, 1883.
We can see a great many teams at work turning over the black dirt. Mr. T. L. Dicken has the Stone place about half plowed. Geo. Anderson and T. W. Dicken are also rushing the plows. T. L. Dicken has sold his quarter to Anderson and Dicken. It is said M. Irwin will buy the house and move it to Floral.
Winfield Courier, April 5, 1883.
The following is a list of the jurors drawn to serve at the May term of court.
T. L. Dicken, Richland.
Winfield Courier, April 26, 1883.
From present appearances we will have a good crop of peaches and cherries, and by the way I think that Mr. Heart and Mr. Dicken had the boss peaches of this neighborhood this year. Last week T. W. Dicken came near losing his house by fire. The roof caught fire from the stove pipe and soon made quite a blaze. There was soon plenty of help on the ground and by hard work, the flames were soon extinguished. Loss about $25.
Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.
DIED. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Dicken, of Richland, lost by death last Monday their infant daughter.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.
PUBLIC SALE. I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, at my place on Dutch Creek, 1½ miles north of Floral and 11 miles from Winfield, on Thursday, Jan. 29th, 1885, commencing at 10 o’clock a.m., the following described property: One span brood mares, six brood sows with pig, 1 male Poland-China hog, 1 cow and calf, 1 cultivator, 1 corn planter, 1 stirring plow and 1 stalk cutter. Will also rent at this time fifty acres of my cultivated land, with dwelling house. Terms: All sums under $5, cash; $5 and upwards, 9 months time on bankable security; 10 percent off for cash. T. W. DICKEN.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 30, 1885.
Following we give the names to whom the County Commissioners allowed damages in the K. C. & S. W. right of way condemnation, and the amounts allowed. These extend from the north line of the county to the north line of Walnut township, as far as the condemnation is finished.

Thos. S. Kutz, $2; Kentucky and Kansas Land and Cattle Company, $98; Almeda R. Mendenhall, $42; Daniel A. Porter, $68; Joseph S. Putman, $70; Daniel A. Porter, $53; S. B. Warren, $130; John C. Hattery, $2; G. W. Perviens, $100; Henry C. Cew, $1; H. G. Fuller, $1; Wm. H. Day, $115; W. H. Day, $2; Wm. F. Sterling, $108; Unknown, $11; A. B. Glass, $45; Rudolf Swint, $131; Max Soltu, $24; Robert Dorset, $25; J. H. Hadley, $80; Frank McMasters, $60; C. A. Walker, $88; O. B. Gunn, $83; Orville George, $116; Jacob T. Copeland, $181; H. A. Evarts, $155; Winston W. Gilbert, $62; Nathaniel Poe, $66; Ira Poe, $135; R. W. Woods, $22; John B. Smith, $23; John Anderson, $88; Tim Henry, $66; Thomas W. Dicken, $103; George Anderson, $100; J. C. Nunemaker, $141; L. B. Stone, $32; Joel Cole, $146; John Carper, $241; J. N. Ferguson, $12; Lewis Stevens, $238; Daniel Maher, $448; M. C. Hedrick, $180; J. W. Cottingham, $468; J. N. Hollingsworth, $185; Arthur Orr, $124; W. J. Baird, $472.
The total amount of damages allowed in Cowley, as above given, is $6,313.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 15, 1885.
The fifteenth annual gathering of the Walnut Valley Baptist Association assembled with the Baptist church of this city yesterday at 10:30 a.m. In the absence of the Moderator, Rev. W. F. Harper, of Wichita, was called to the chair; Rev. W. J. Sandefur, of Sunny Dale, clerk.
Following is a complete list of the delegates present.
Floral: T. W. Dicken, Lewis Stevens, F. M. Mundy, Rev. J. F. McEwan, and Rev. R. C. Audas.